EnClair Spring

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EN CLAIR Sha!ng "i!tual guidance and insights to in"ire and upli#



EN CLAIR UNVEILED! Angelette Dawson (pictured left) Introduces the First Edition of EN CLAIR Enews the informative and down to earth approach to spiritual growth and development. Page 2

Acknowledge the Change... Embrace the Change

!invite you! to see!the worldLetaround me

you a little differently. Take a moment to observe the gradual changes that are constantly unfolding within our natural world. Have you noticed the animals behaving in a more energetic way? ! ! ! Having spent the quiet and nurturing winter months resting and restoring they are now busying themselves with the important tasks that they need to complete to bring new life into the world. The birds building their nests outside my kitchen window while the bees have been spreading the pollen between the blooms on the heavily flowering lantern bush. The animals feel it, instinctively they know what they need to do and they just go about doing exactly that. So do you tune into this energy in your 1


HAVE YOU? The energy changes of the season. How does this relate to you and your life situation?

Upcoming Events & Tour Dates Angelette’s Australian tour dates for the remainder of 2014. Page 5

Below, continues pg 4

own life? ! ! ! Imagine what we could learn from actively viewing our external world. Actually observing instead of blindly seeing? We see it, but are we really seeing it? Do we use what we see in our external world to better understand ourselves and our lives? ! Mother Nature infuses each season with a different vibe. Springtime is pumping, full volume and presents us with a time of rebirth, rejuvenation, renewal, resurrection and regrowth. The plants, animals and even the air itself takes on a new vitality. The warmer days and increased daylight hours support us to utilize this intense energy. Allow it to flow within you, embrace this energy by embracing your own creativity. ! So have you felt it? For a moment take yourself outside barefoot to feel the ground beneath your feet, close your eyes and take in a deep breath. Let your chest expand and rise up as the breath expands deep into your belly. Breathe in spring, breathe out winter. Accept the new by releasing the old. It may be necessary to let go of old patterns and beliefs that you may have been experiencing as blockages within your life before being able to make those first tentative steps forward into the unknown. ! ! Allow yourself to open

Notes on Gratitude Page 5

Nature Speaks... Explore the subtle energy that is all around us and a part of us. All we need to do is stop, look and listen! Page 3 & continues Page 4

up each and every one of your senses and absorb the fresh vitality that is all around you. Tap into this spring energy as it’s up for grabs so to speak! We start to harness this energy by directing our focus and getting the wheels in motion. There is no better time than Now! Now is the perfect time to get things started. Jump into the spring energy by taking a step into action. Begin that project that has been on the back burner just waiting to be hatched into existence. Sign up for that class that you have been telling yourself that you will do one day and make that day today. ! Embark on the journey of doing the very thing that terrifies you but excites you at the same time. Get those gears in motion, drawing on the energy that is all around you. Embrace the fear through facing it. And if from time to time, your doubts become loud and start to drown out your motivation. Take a breath. Take courage from the knowledge that is deep inside yourself, you deserve the best. You deserve to give yourself the gift of following your dreams whatever they may be. It is far more beneficial to do something that you have always wanted to, than to regret that you never got to try it. .....Continues on page 4. 1


EN CLAIR Welcome!







! I extend a huge and heartfelt welcome to all of you. I must have been given the privilege and the honor of reading for you for you to be receiving En Clair. For the gift of sharing in the story that makes up your life journey, I am very grateful. I would like to use this opportunity to say Thank You. En Clair is a symbol of my gratitude that I would like to share with you. ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! Every creation comes from a spark, an idea that is given energy. En Clair has been idea for quite some time. A delicate egg waiting to hatch into physical existence. The journey I have had as a result of this creation has been interesting and far more rewarding than I could have ever anticipated.

! I trust that all of you who come in contact with this newsletter will be able to take a gift from it. It is my hope that in sharing my view, you may connect it within the context of your life, using it to support and enhance your journey. I hope you find it enjoyable, informative and inspiring. An answer to some of your questions and a doorway into asking some new ones. I am not here as a preacher, nor am I declaring that I have it all wrapped up. I will never profess to know it all, I am merely here to share my experiences and my perspective. We are all teachers and we are all students, we learn constantly from each other just as we constantly teach each other. Never be afraid to question, to delve, to explore as that is how we grow.! ! ! I would like to use this opportunity to extend an invitation to those of you who may have something to contribute to the newsletter, if there are any suggestions for improvements or topics of interest I am open to your opinions and feedback. All suggestions received via email will be considered. Also, I am currently exploring options for recruiting contributors for this publication, I will keep you all updated along the way with how this develops. ! Please feel free to share this Enewsletter with those who you think might benefit from its content. If anyone would like to placed onto or removed from the mailing list, please contact the office. Contact details can be found on page 5, along with the dates of upcoming live events and public appearances.! ! ! ! ! ! Life itself is a learning process of which I have been thoroughly reminded in recent times! It is just as important to focus on the processes while still keeping the end goal in sight. Use the goals as your motivators and fuel, staying open to the possibilities and opportunities that present themselves along the way. Sometimes the detours and deviations that we take in our lives are not exactly where we want to go but instead where we need to go. An integral stepping stone on the journey of our life. ! At times we think that we want to be somewhere, we want to achieve something, we have that goal, the focus and the motivation. Then when we finally achieve it, we have that experience, we sometimes realize that it was not what we had hoped for and instead of being the finish line, it becomes a launching pad from which we can go onto exploring something else. Which in itself is another way to say that it is more about the journey than the destination. Such simple words with so much wisdom. ! On my En Clair journey, I have been faced with numerous false starts, a multitude of tiny, medium and mountain sized hurdles and I have come through it stronger. Delving deeper within myself and facing the self imposed hurdles head on has definitely presented many learning opportunities into some of my own inner conflicts requiring healing. Each healing has brought to light a deeper understanding and knowledge of the limitless potentials and possibilities which are available to all of us. Throughout our lives we are given many opportunities for immense growth. Those crossroads in life where we clearly need to make a decision in which way we need to turn. We may sit at the crossroads for a while, stuck and unable to commit to any direction and it is in these times where we must remind ourselves that there are no mistakes in life other than not experiencing life by not exploring it. It is in these times of exploration where we are faced with taking some risks. We might have to release something before we are given a new experience, but understand that no risk is without reward. At times we may only see the blessings in hindsight but they were there all along, it is merely our perception of the situation which changes. ! The creation of En Clair has been epic! A journey of discovery which has completely altered my self perception. Strengthening my capacity for self acceptance, love and compassion. Effectively, I have learnt to become my own best friend by allowing myself the freedom to explore what I love doing and pushing the boundaries of what I ever believed I was capable of. ! Throughout my life, it has been in the times when I have thought that I have finally made it, through finally achieving my goal that I have then realized that it was only a notch on my belt, an experience to be added to all of the other experiences and that, as a stepping stone it would lead me on to a new experience and a new way of being. Those moments in life where your ceiling becomes your floor and a myriad of potentials open up before your eyes. Possibilities that seemingly didn’t exist before to aid in gently pushing you onwards, exploring more of life and yourself. ! It has only been through experiencing that which I do not love that I have been guided to find that which I do. To experience life in its totality you must give yourself permission to see what you are truly capable of. Give yourself permission to find your passion and when you find it give yourself permission to explore it. Then expand further still and give yourself permission to live your passion. It’s now part of my conscious mission in life to infuse it with love. It has been through finding more love, acceptance and gratitude for myself that I am able to honor myself. ! It is a gradual and continual process of letting go of everything that doesn’t fit in with the new way I perceive myself. From the small and seemingly insignificant things to the huge things in my life, I choose love. I know what I love and what I don’t and I also know when I follow my heart, I am happiest. In doing what I love, I can then share this love with all who I come in contact with. I love my life because I love who I am and through honoring who I am, I choose to create a life filled with love. You have the same opportunity available to you. It is your birthright to have a life filled with love. Will you give yourself permission to receive this gift? May you have a productive season, one filled to overflowing with love and light. d











Nature Speaks She speaks constantly. In the stillness, you must listen as she whispers. Subtleness is the language of the wise ones. They listen more than they speak and they hear more than words alone. — Angelette Dawson.

! When was the last time that you allowed yourself to dream impossible dreams? When was the last time that you listened to yourself and what you needed? How have you given to yourself lately? ! Children innately do these things without a thought but as an adult it is easy to forget that we have a choice. ! We create for ourselves a world resembling a fast paced merry-go-round. We are kept busy trying to keep ourselves busy! Filling our lives with stress. Racing and jostling attempting to keep the frantic pace that we have set for ourselves. Who are we racing anyway? Why are we in such a desperate rush? ! We anticipate our holidays when we may finally give ourselves permission to rest. Too often we deny ourselves the luxury of slowing life down to take life in and we miss out on what is really going on around us as a result. ! When we give ourselves the permission, the space and time to be by ourselves through being still, we give ourselves the gift of really connecting and listening to ourselves. Thereby strengthening our connection with the universe and our ability to listen to the universe. We hold that sacred space open to receive and what a gift, not only to yourself but to others. We must first give to ourselves before we can give of ourselves. ! I recently had four days of seclusion spent within the confines of my modest suburban home. Free from responsibilities and with a free schedule I was reminded of the importance of prioritizing our individual need for sacred space. ! I was given so many gifts from the universe during this time, which came in the form of animal messengers who visited to share their wisdom and energy. ! Mother Moth was my first messenger. She was a spectacular creature of grace and beauty in immense proportions. 3

Her magnificent wings sounded like helicopter blades as she frantically searched for the perfect place to land so she could offload her precious cargo of eggs. Sharing her creative efforts with the world through leaving her footprint for her offspring and the future generations. ! The adult moth is an amazing creature of transformation. They begin their life as an egg, hatching into existence as a caterpillar. The caterpillar feeds itself up before they build themselves a cocoon, the safe haven in which they transform. Emerging as an adult who lays her eggs to start the process all over again. ! A perfect representation of spiritual life as it encapsulates the continuous cycles of birth, life, death/void and rebirth. ! Everything that we see around us started at some point as a thought. See the thought as the egg stage of the cycle. The thought, like the egg has energy. How we choose to feed this thought will depend on it’s evolution and therefore its impact upon us and our lives. ! For example, we may have an idea for a business but we may choose to squash the egg/idea before we allow it to develop any further. We may feed our fears by telling ourselves how we could fail and prevent the creative process from continuing any further. Alternatively, we may choose to feed our delicate dream with love and hope through nurturing it and developing it. Taking the fragile egg into the next stage of the cycle and the next stage of the transformation process. ! The caterpillar stage representing a perpetuation of the initial idea and possibly the most fragile of all of the stages. With the idea growing in strength and form we need to nurture it along with positive energy for it to continue developing. ! Positive thoughts combined with positive actions will give the idea the strength required for the thought to

transform into physical form, representing the chrysalis stage. ! Then as the adult moth emerges from the chrysalis, so to does our completed creative masterpiece. What was once just an idea has transformed into a solid physical manifestation, a life form in its own right. Which will share its life force with others to leave its mark in history. Mother Moth was very symbolic to the personal journey that I undertook on my week of solitude. She stayed with me for the entire time as I connected to my creativity and went through my very own period of personal transformation. ! The following day I was sent another messenger from the animal kingdom. In the middle of the day, boldly sitting on the railing in the open. Her brilliant orange eyes staring directly at me, a silent and very still Tawny Frogmouth had perched herself a couple of meters from the window parallel to where I stood. She arched her neck back and closed her eyes in an attempt to disappear into her surroundings. ! She is a predatory bird of the night, adept in the art of positive camouflage. Her magic is truth, wisdom, diplomacy, discernment, clear vision and clear hearing. She brings inner strength to clear away self deception, encouraging silent observation and intuitive insights. ! Interestingly, she appeared to me as I was feverishly breathing life into a creative writing project. The energies of the two animal messengers combined brought me much peace of mind and even more motivation to pour my energy into my new project. I took it as a confirmation that what I was in the process of creating was not only positive for my own growth but essential and completely supported by spirit. Continues on next page.



Nature speaks sshhhh...... Continued from previous page Day three brought my third messenger during a break from my writing. Only a couple of meters from where I sat, a 2 meter long python slid by. Snakes are a powerful symbol of healing, rejuvenation and transformation. Their ability to shed their old skin as they grow enhances the powers of releasing the old and the bringing in of the new. Snake also brings gifts of creation and passion, which enhances the ability to follow your dreams through manifesting your talents, feeding your desire body. Snake magic brings healing to all four states of being, physically, emotionally, mentally and spiritually creating balance within and without. This is when the whole experience started to spin me out! I was completely beyond amazed, I don’t believe in coincidences but this was phenomenal. By adding the elements of Snakes magic to the mix, I was starting to see a wider perspective. How much more confirmation did I require! I was actually gobsmacked and awestruck at the same time. I wondered if there would be another message for me for my final day and I felt excited like a child waiting for Christmas morning. Sure enough, on my fourth and final day of seclusion, my fourth messenger came. A rustling in the leaf litter exposed an extremely contented and very fat Blue Tongue Lizard, slowly making his way from the dappled shade into the neighbors’ yard and full sun. Lizard is the dreamer of dreams. Connecting us with our own dream time and linking this into our consciousness through presenting us with our greatest desires and fears. Lizard encourages us to detach and separate from the old, to leave the past in the past. He represents a new chapter and signals immediate change in one or more areas of our life. Changes that honour every part of our lives and ourselves by choosing one path over another. Lizard, Snake, Tawny Frogmouth and Mother Moth all such different animals all brought such complimentary energies. Support with change, transformation, rebirth and renewal. Encouraging and urging me








LEFT: The coastal carpet python making her way into the sun. BELOW: The bluetongue lizard making a getaway into the neighbours’ yard.

forward and further into the flow of the creative process I was undertaking through releasing my doubts and fears. Guiding me to take a leap into the unknown. I could clearly see how my immediate journey of embracing my creative spirit through nurturing it into a physical manifestation was intrinsically linked with the energies nature presented to me. Stepping back though, there was something bigger to see. These events were only a small part of a whole and together they combined to create one piece of the puzzle. It started to dawn on me that there was even more to see. An event that had occurred only a week prior which I had initially perceived as being a separate and completely unrelated experience was in fact another puzzle piece. Connecting both of these events together led me to a whole new perspective and understanding of what I was being shown. Every situation, event or experience we have are all delicately threaded together combining to form a masterpiece. A living art form that we ourselves create. In the stillness of my solitude, I heard the gentle whisperings of the nature spirits. I was able to see a deeper level of the magic that is life, a magic that exists all around us and within us perpetually. What do you see when you look upon the masterpiece that is your life? Is there something that you are not giving to yourself? Have you given yourself time to dream up your impossible dreams? Let yourself imagine and wonder and create in your mind, feeding your precious dreams with positive belief and watch as your masterpiece unfolds. t

Continued from page 1... Acknowledge the change, Embrace the change.

Many of us can feel quite overwhelmed when confronted with change, many times we fight against ourselves and either subconsciously or consciously avoid the very thing that we say that we want.! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! We make excuses for ourselves, we justify our own excuses and we then share the reasoning behind all of our self sabotage with our friends, relatives and acquaintances who then on most occasions will agree with our own self sabotage which further concretes these beliefs which are based within our fears and completely false from their very conception which was all concocted within our own minds to begin with. We ferociously avoid all situations that would put us in jeopardy of facing these fears and therefore our limitless potential. What sense does this make?? Why would we set ourselves up to fail? Maybe its because we believe that we don’t deserve to succeed? Or are we afraid of what success may bring us? Be it joy, love, ! ! ! ! ! ! So, if you still find yourself faced with obstacles and we all do at different times, firstly breathe! Then ask yourself this question....Is it really an obstacle or is it actually an opportunity? ! ! ! ! ! Embracing the “obstacle” as a gift, a stepping stone along the path and know deep within your heart that this too will pass will shift your energy into a receptive mode. Change isn’t necessarily scary, it is as natural as the changing of the seasons. The shift from day to night. We only perceive change as being scary when we are trying to hold on to the past. When we are unsure of what lies ahead and we fight against the universal flow of life itself the natural process of change is blocked in turn blocking us from moving forward. ! ! ! ! ! Open yourself up to accepting the new into your life by letting go of the old a little each and every day. Feel the fear when taking the step or jump forward but do it anyway. Take that step forward, even if it is only a little step into the unknown. Just one step forward then put one foot in-front of the other and you will be well on your way. You never know, you might even surprise yourself with where you end up.a


! !












In Appreciation I am very grateful for all who have crossed my path as I am grateful to all those who have chosen to walk with me. Thank you to all who have believed in me and also to those who have not as you have given me the gift of self belief. Thank you.

Gratitude... The MACQUARIE dictionary defines gratitude as being the quality or feeling of being grateful or thankful. Grateful is defined as being warmly or deeply appreciative of kindness or benefits received. So what does that really mean? What is it to be grateful? It is easy to look upon our lives and our situations and to be filled with a sense that we have not achieved what we wanted for ourselves. All too often, we want more than what we have. We fall into a trap where we feel dissatisfied with what is and we fool ourselves into believing that we will be happy when..... (...insert future event or

situation). We just need to have this (such and such) and then we will allow ourselves to be happy. This is the Lack Trap, in times when we feel and we carry with us a sense of lack, the now is not where we want to be. In an attempt to avoid the perceived terribleness of the now, we run away from our present situations by projecting ourselves into our future when all our dreams will come true and we can be happily ever after. Alternatively, we look to the past through rose tinted glasses when life was so perfect when in reality it was no better than the present. We can easily find room in our hearts and the ability to be grateful for all of the perceived “good” but we

still hold on to the resentment of all the supposed “bad”. We bless the good while we curse the bad. But, what is good and what is bad anyway? Does good and bad really exist other than as a concept, a belief that we have created in our own minds? A label that we give to certain situations that may or may not live up to our expectations and therefore cause us a level of perceived pleasure or perceived pain? What if we were to dissolve the labels of good and bad. Seeing all that is as just being, without any label affixed to it, no box to place it in and just allowed it to exist, and as a result, accepted it completely. Be grateful, that is, embrace it ALL. Show your

gratitude through having acceptance for what is and for what was and know that everything has always been and will always be in perfect and complete order. When we reflect on the past, we can begin to see how perfectly things have fallen into place for us, even when it may have been off the plan, out of our control and completely changing our circumstances, our life situation and at the time may have even felt as if the very ground that we walked on was pulled from beneath us. Sending us off into a different direction, a new way of life and an exciting new chapter to be added to the pages of the story that makes up your life. See the benefit that every situation has brought to your life, as even

the darkest of storm clouds have a silver lining. It may take time but eventually it will be revealed and you will see the gift that each situation offers you. Move forward in the knowledge that you will always be supported on your journey just as you always have been. Blessings sometimes come disguised and those are often the greatest blessings of them all. When we express gratitude, we see more that we have to be grateful for. A dear friend of mine once said that Gratitude is the doorway to Joy. Start knocking... I will revisit the gifts of gratitude in the next edition of En Clair where we will delve deeper into this attitude and how it will benefit our personal and professional lives . A

EVENTS 2014 23, 24, 25 & 26th OCTOBER 2014 SYDNEY - Mind Body Spirit 7 th NOVEMBER 2014 TOOWOOMBA - LIVE EVENT

Farewell for now..... Try to set yourself a little time every day to be quiet, still and peaceful. Give to yourself and you will be in a strong position to be able to share yourself with others. Thank you and until next time....

14, 15 & 16 NOVEMBER 2014 MELBOURNE - Mind Body Spirit Limited places available for live events. Private readings are by appointment only. Phone and Skype readings available by request.

Dream, love and live big!!!

An!le"e xox

CONTACT www.angelette.com.au

angelette@innereden.com.au 0412 226 316 07 3160 6985 41 Penarth Street, Brisbane. QLD 4113



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