Performing Arts Drama continues to be an exciting and vibrant subject for all children. Pre-Prep performed their wonderful ‘Christmas Counts’ in December and Year 8 delighted a packed hall with their musical ‘Honk!’. Year 4 entertained with their fantastic production of ‘The Wind in the Willows’ and Middle Prep worked very hard on a spectacular production of ‘Oliver’. Drama Club continued in the autumn and spring terms and our drama scholars attended a production of ‘Macbeth’ at the Chichester Festival Theatre. Drama has also been a big part of the BH@Home programme. Children took part in a digital talent show with a huge range of acts, complete with costumes and makeup. Others looked at performance poetry or rehearsed short sketches via Google Meet. The Year 8 drama captains created short videos to support Middle Prep in their drama programme. Mrs Mason
in Performance LAMDA Level 1 Award 2 de Gra ing Act 2) (Grade Performance in ard LAMDA Level 1 Aw Raymond 2 de Gra ing Act 2) (Grade (Year 6) ard in Communication LAMDA Entry Level Aw Eliza el se and Prose Entry Lev (Entry 3) Speaking Ver (Year 3) tion ard in Communica LAMDA Entry Level Aw Emilia and Prose Entry Level se Ver g akin Spe 3) (Entry (Year 3) in Performance LAMDA Level 1 Award Erin 1 de Gra ing Act 1) (Grade (Year 6) Performance in ard LAMDA Level 1 Aw Emma 1 de Gra ing Act 1) (Grade (Year 6) in Performance LAMDA Level 1 Award Matilda 2 de Gra ing Act 2) (Grade (Year 6) Performance in ard Aw LAMDA Level 1 Anastasia 2 de Gra ing Act 2) (Grade (Year 6) in Performance LAMDA Level 1 Award Rosie 2 de Gra ing Act 2) (Grade (Year 6) Performance in ard Aw LAMDA Level 1 Beatrix de 2 Gra ing Act 2) ade (Gr (Year 6) in Performance LAMDA Level 1 Award H s Thoma de 2 Gra ing Act 2) ade (Gr (Year 6) in Performance LAMDA Level 1 Award Jonah de 2 Gra ing Act 2) ade (Gr (Year 6) in Performance LAMDA Level 1 Award Verity de 1 Gra ing Act 1) ade (Gr (Year 6) in Performance LAMDA Level 2 Award Oscar de 4 Gra ing Act 4) ade (Gr (Year 8) in Performance LAMDA Level 2 Award Ben de 4 (Grade 4) Acting Gra (Year 8) in Performance ard Aw 2 LAMDA Level Charlotte de 4 (Grade 4) Acting Gra (Year 8)
Conrad (Year 6)
GRADE Duo Merit Duo Merit Distinction Distinction Duo Merit Duo Merit Duo Distinction Duo Merit Duo Merit Duo Distinction Duo Pass Duo Merit Solo Distinction Duo Merit Duo Pass Solo Merit
LAMDA With the children’s last lesson in March and only a brief catch up with Miss Whatley before their exam, we were delighted to report great LAMDA results. Many congratulations to all the children and Miss Whatley for the five distinctions, nine merits and two passes. Congratulations must also go to Charlotte (8G), who was awarded a drama scholarship to Seaford and to Matilda (6G) and Anastasia (6R) for their winning duologue at Godalming Performing Arts Festival. The girls performed a piece learnt in their LAMDA lessons with Miss Whatley about a customer and a waiter entitled “There’s nothing to it”. The judges described their entry as a “slick and well polished performance... well presented, lots of energy and gesture.”