Devonshire House Middle and Upper Schools Booklet

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Devonshire House

From Nursery age through to Common Entrance for senior schools, children receive an excellent education in a safe, warm and happy place. In the Middle School, pupils learn in a senior school campus where they enjoy the science experiments in the lab, the robots in the technology room or the music rehearsals for the school band. All, from the age of 7.

The Upper School will cater to your child’s most ambitious pathways. We are a big school, yes. But our teachers know each of our pupils and go the extra mile to get them through the doors of their preferred senior school.


I would like to extend a warm welcome to Devonshire House Middle & Upper Schools and am very much looking forward to welcoming your family to our bustling and vibrant buildings. We believe that parents shouldn’t have to choose between academically rigorous and pastorally nurturing schools; their children can have both here. Strong core subject teaching is combined with a great breadth of study in specialist rooms and taught by expert teachers in their respective fields.

We encourage children to think critically by assimilating different perspectives with an open mindset, able to find nuanced positions as they wrestle with problems.

I hope you will find that this information booklet will answer many of your questions and give an insight into the daily life of the Middle and Upper Schools.


1 3 A Welcome

Devonshire House Middle School is composed of Year 3 Year 4 and Year 5

In Year 3, Form Teachers teach the following subjects:

Learning in Year 4, Year 5 & Year 6

From Year 4, all subjects are taught by teachers expert in their field Students move from one specialist room to another to truly embrace the senior school style .

Each student has a Form Group. Their Form teacher spends time with them everyday for personal development.

Specialist Subjects taught by teachers expert in their field include:

Year 3 pupils move to specialist rooms for the lessons above,

Year 3 Subjects7+ 1 5
Science PSHEE and Religious Studies Mathematics History & Geography English
Technology Physical Education French Art & Design Music Drama

Year 6 , Year 7 and Year 8 are part of the Upper School.

All subjects are taught by specialist teachers , experts in their field.

From Year 7, pupils have Independent Projects sessions. They lead their own projects, plan and carry out research on a topic they have chosen, and deliver a presentation at the end of the year.

Progress Tracking

Staff carefully support and observe each child, keeping track of their interests and progress

The School provides regular feedback at Parent Evenings and Open Doors events each term and with reports We are also available to schedule meetings with parents to discuss progress or raise a concern at any time.

Photographs of children’s activities are regularly uploaded on Firefly These help the easy, trusting dialogue between home and School.

Year 7 & 8 Subjets11+
71 Science Languages Mathematics Humanities English Technology Physical Education & Games The Arts • History • Geography • Religious Education French Latin (from Year 6) Art & Design Music Drama


With a clear focus on wellbeing, your child will grow in confidence self-belief and resilience during their years at Devonshire House.

The School collaborates with Place2Be a children’s mental health charity. Working with pupils, families and staff, they provide mental health support through one-to-one and group counselling as well as offering training and professional qualifications for our educators.


We encourage pupils to see the beauty and value of Maths in their everyday lives Every pupil is capable of mastering Maths through a growth mindset approach in both learning and teaching. Maths has many different facets; adaptive reasoning, creativity, procedural fluency, extrapolating ideas and taking intellectual risks.


The English curriculum includes writing reading grammar , spelling and speaking Your child will learn about all the different components of the English language through poetry, narration, modern fairy tales, descriptions... They will also learn to apply this knowledge to write, allowing them to express their ideas in a variety of ways, both in focus tasks and in play.


Our History curriculum covers a wide range of historical topics from the Roman Age all the way to learning about life in modern Britain. We ensure that all our students get a broad historical foundation. Through Geography , children build an understanding of the complexity of our world and appreciate the diversity within nature and global communities. Religious Studies form the basis of the school’s ethos of care, respect, knowledge and valuing of others, which are vital for good spiritual, moral and social development.

9 Pastoral Care
Pupils leave the School as confident, resilient young people who have a strong self-esteem and a well developed understanding of how to improve their own learning.
Inspection Report


French specialist teachers deliver fun and creative lessons. Gaining confidence and developing analytical thinking, attention to detail and problem-solving are our objectives. Learning Latin from Year 6 gives our pupils a window into History. Being the roots of many modern languages, it also deepens our children’s understanding of grammar and vocabulary



Children develop their skills in performing , listening , composing , improvisation and responding to musical stimuli through singing, moving, dancing, playing various percussion instruments and acting.

They learn to understand and use basic music theory , note reading and music vocabulary. Several lessons are dedicated to exploring the history of music through time. From Year 7, pupils deepen their music production knowledge and skills using technology with Garage Band on the iPad.

Art & Design

Physical Education & Games

Children have weekly Art and Design lessons. Each year, they learn skills in handling a wide range of 2D and 3D mediums , exploring topics linked to classroom learning in other subjects as well as building an understanding and appreciation for Art History Children are encouraged to enjoy expressing themselves creatively.



Children receive a broad education with weekly practical lessons with real-world application We focus on Digital Graphics, Computer Aided Design & Manufacture, Coding, Robotics and Electronics as well as traditional computer skills, making entensive use of professional tools such as Adobe Photoshop, Google SketchUp or our 3D printers. Students will focus on a variety of activities such as Basketball, Uni Hockey, Volleyball, Football, Netball, Rugby, Cricket, Tennis and Athletics. We use our two playgrounds as well as external facilities such as the Stone X Stadium . Competitive fixtures are arranged regularly with many of our local Prep Schools. All children have the opportunity to take part. With a strong emphasis on practical learning, pupils are taught the combined science in our modern and fully equipped science laboratories Interwoven with dynamic teaching of the syllabus, pupils will be encouraged to follow their curiosities, to share their passions, and to find out answers to the questions they have about the world around them.

Pupils study once a week the wonderful world of fairies and make believe. They learn how to express their feelings through improvisation and discussion on modern day issues.

In Year 8, pupils are in charge of producing a play from start to finish which is part of the Houses competition. ICT is greatly used in Drama lessons when creating movie trailers , researching authors, or filming interpretations of given scenes with iPads.

1 11

prepare our

Our preparation starts from Year 4 when students have Study Skills lessons (reasoning sessions).

Throughout Year 5 and Year 6, students undertake practice interviews with their teachers to develop confidence in their strategies and skills.

Revision lessons and mock sessions are dedicated throughout the years - enabling students to gain practical, guided experience in how to revise. We offer every conceivable marginal gain for your child in this process. Our Senior Leadership Team is directly involved , liaising with senior school registrars and guiding parents as often as they would like.

Preparation for 13+ recognises the broader range of subjects that can be tested and the general move to written exams

Our students make excellent progress at this stage, well above national average

An Independent Research Project is carried out in Year 7 and in Year 8. This is similar to the conception of the Extended Project Qualification (EPQ) that can be taken for ‘A’ levels and develops excellent research and presentation skills on a subject of their choice. Each pupil has a dedicated mentor throughout this journey.

Our most popular destinations include:

- Francis Holland School, Channing, South Hampstead High School, Queenswood School.

- UCS, Merchant Taylor’s, Wetherby.

- Mill Hill, Queen’s College, Highgate.

1 13 Preparation to 11+
Preparation to 13+ 14
pupils for all aspects of 11+ and 13+ exams. This being done well, the exam process does not have to be stressful.

The Middle School is located in Arkwright Road, in a Victorian House packed with charm and history.

Just a few steps away, our Upper School pupils find their classrooms at Lyndhurst Gardens, in a beautiful and spacious building.

Devonshire House Preparatory School is a member of the Dukes Education family.

Combined, Devonshire House Middle & Upper schools counts two of each specialist rooms and playgrounds.

Dukes is a family of schools, teachers, learners, and parents connected by our pursuit of an extraordinary life for every member of our community.

It may be that another Dukes school is suitable for your child. If so, we are happy to advise and recommend them. One of the benefits of being part of the Dukes Education family is that we can offer priority entrance to your child who will not be required to sit the 11+ entrance assessment.

1 15 Facilities
Dukes Education

Residential Trips

A glimpse into the School’s life…

Throughout the year, children will take part in a variety of activities and events such as;

-Internet Safety Workshop

-The Carol Service

-The Summer Concert

-Sports Day

-Virtual Reality Workshop

-School of Sound Workshop

-Drama Workshops

-STEM Day Examples of trips:

-Tower of London


-Sandown Races

-Keats House

-Hampstead Heath

-V&A Museum

-Design Museum

-Bletchley Park

-Cartoon Museum

-Science Live Festival

-Chelsea Physics Gardens

-Westminster Abbey

-Tottenham Hotspur Stadium

-Houses of Parliament

-Globe Theatre

-Lord Cricket Grounds

From Year 3, pupils go on residential trips with their teachers. In the past, trips offered included PGL in the UK, cultural trip in Normandie, France, surfing in Cornwall, geography trip in Wales or thrilling hiking and rafting in the French mountains.

1 17 Events 18

Entry to Middle & Upper Schools

Most children joining the School do so into the Nursery School or Reception. However, at times, there are vacancies to join later. Children quickly settle into the classes they join, which are full of joy and learning. The Devonshire House approach helps children set out happily on their journey of knowledge, achievement and fulfilment.

For entry to Year 3 and 4, pupils are invited for a Taster Morning which includes completing a verbal and non-verbal reasoning test and experience our Middle School’s specialist rooms and activities.

From Year 5 and above, pupils are asked to complete verbal and non-verbal reasoning tests.

Children joining the school in Year 4 are eligibe to sit for the Music Scholarship exam. Contact our Head of Admissions: Helen Ridard on 020 7435 1916 or

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2 Arkwright Rd, Hampstead, London, NW3 6AE 020 7435 1916

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