CONSIDER A BOARDING-SCHOOL E D U C AT I O N F O R Y O U R C H I L D Building 100% bursaries for children living in exceptional circumstances
Changing the lives of disadvantaged children since 1553 Our School was founded through an act of charity. In 1553, Bishop Nicholas Ridley persuaded the young King Edward VI to donate his palace at Bridewell in central London for the training and education of poor children. That act of generosity and inclusiveness resonates down the years. Although the School – now known as King Edward’s Witley – has long since moved to leafy
Surrey, we’ve never lost sight of our London connections or our charitable mission. King Edward VI’s desire to do the right thing lives on through the Bridewell Royal Hospital Foundation, a charity that continues to raise funds to support educational bursaries for young people from disadvantaged backgrounds.
with other charities) fully funds a boarding education at King Edward’s Witley for up to 10 children – girls and boys from all backgrounds – who live within the UK. So long as a pupil’s circumstances don’t change, the bursaries cover their entire secondary education from Year 7 to Sixth Form.
Each year, the Bridewell Royal Hospital Foundation (in conjunction
This brochure explains who qualifies and how to apply.
How far could your child go if they were educated away from home at a boarding school?
Every child deserves a first-class education. But life doesn’t deal us all an even hand. Your child may well have the ability and the enthusiasm to succeed, but they’ll struggle at School if their home life is holding them back. Funding – known as a bursary – from the Bridewell Royal Hospital Foundation could change things for ever. The Bridewell Foundation is the charity behind King Edward’s Witley, an independent School in Surrey.
As well as caring for the School, the Foundation provides bursaries for deserving children. A Foundation bursary could cover the entire cost of your child’s education as a boarder at King Edward’s Witley from Year 7 to the Sixth Form. Your child would enjoy the fantastic education they deserve, and you would no longer worry that they are missing out because family ill-health or other unhelpful domestic circumstances are holding them back. It’s a big step for a ten-year-old. Moving from life at home in your local community to a boarding school in the Surrey Hills is not for the faint-hearted. It’s a different world, but a wonderfully caring and inclusive one.
For a child who’s ready to grab their future with both hands, it’s a life-changing opportunity. They wouldn’t be alone. Each year about 10 pupils, known as Foundationers, join King Edward’s on fully funded bursaries from the Bridewell Royal Hospital Foundation and other charities. This brochure tells you a bit more about life at King Edward’s. It explains what kind of circumstances would enable your child to qualify for a bursary, and how we can help you apply for one. If you have always thought that a private, boarding-school education is for a privileged few, please think again. This time it’s for a child exactly like yours.
Mrs Joanna Wright Head
Who qualifies for bursaries for King Edward’s Witley? To qualify for a bursary, a child must be vulnerable or disadvantaged in a way that creates a strong ‘boarding need’. This means that to thrive academically and pastorally, they need to be away from home – to escape the exceptional circumstances that are holding them back. Since our roots are in the City of London, we give priority to children from London postcodes. The checklist below contains examples of the types of exceptional circumstances that would class a child as disadvantaged or would prompt a boarding need within the context of a Bridewell Foundation bursary. When evaluating a child’s needs, we take all circumstances into account – vulnerability, trauma in the home, lack of social mobility. We look at the total picture. We also have a few basic eligibility requirements that apply to all children.
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Basic eligibility requirements • Parent or guardian has insufficient income or assets to pay school fees. Only in exceptional circumstances would we consider an application if the family’s total income is more than £50,000 before tax. • Child has the ability to be comfortable boarding. They’re motivated, resilient, openminded, eager and capable of becoming a positive role-model
for their peers. Our entrance test, interview and boarding weekend assessment helps us understand whether a child would thrive within our pastoral and academic environment. • Child is a British citizen or has indefinite leave to remain in the UK. • Child passes our school entrance test and formal interview. • Child passes our boarding weekend assessment.
We’re here to help with applications The application process can look a little daunting. Please don’t let that put you off. Our Bursaries & Charities Officer will be able to guide you through the paperwork. We’re here to help. Although we like to keep to the timetable below, there is some flexibility. Real life doesn’t run to a timetable.
BURSARY APPLICATIONS: Ideally should be started by 31st October but later applications may be considered depending on the strength of those applications and funds available.
ENTRY AT YEAR 7 (11+) • Register your child by 1st December. • Scholarships application deadline is 1st December.
ENTRY AT YEAR 9 (13+) • Register your child by 1st December. • Scholarships application deadline is 1st December.
EXTERNAL FUNDING APPLICATIONS February / March (Working with our Bursaries & Charities Officer you will seek further funding together using our links with the City and other funding institutions.)
FUNDERS GRANTS June (estimated timeframe for confirmation.)
A School united by its diversity since 1553 We’re great levellers at King Edward’s. We’re defined by our generosity of spirit, not by our background. That’s why Foundationers fit in so easily. We never think about how you joined us. What counts is how much you contribute to your own growth and to the growth of others. If you’re ready to throw yourself into the adventure of learning, you’ll love it here. You’ll feel at home because you’ll be with friends who share your joy of discovery. We make it easy for you to settle in. The School’s House system gives
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you an instant family, and puts you at the centre of a network of care and support. Everyone will be looking out for you, and ready to listen if something’s troubling you. In a House-based environment as warm and supportive as ours, your self-confidence grows. You will soon discover that you can do far more than you ever imagined: new sports, music, drama, public speaking,
science, technology. In all areas of school life we encourage you to achieve your own personal best – to take risks, to lose your fear of failure, to become the best version of yourself.
‘ Looking back at my time at King Edward’s I see how I have been changed. The School took the framework that I was and fixed it a little. It has strengthened everything in my personality and ambition. I am now able to look forward to my next challenge with confidence and enthusiasm.’ Ed K, Foundationer 2011–16
A small School with an inclusive global outlook
For such a small School – just 425 pupils – our outlook is broad and inclusive. We have a tradition of celebrating diversity, which is why we welcome pupils from all
backgrounds within the UK, and from more than 30 nations around the world. When you spend time living, learning and laughing in this open-hearted multicultural
environment, you will understand what it means to be united by diversity. You will make friendships that last a lifetime.
A beautiful, safe setting… a springboard for adventure Our 100-acre site in the Surrey Hills is a springboard for adventure. It inspires curiosity, invites exploration, prompts discovery and boosts wellbeing. As a boarder you’ll have so many more opportunities to pursue your own personal interests and to develop a habit of excellence. Sometimes the timetable is full-on; sometimes there’s space for calm and mindfulness.
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Our immersive 24/7 routine fosters all aspects of personal development: academic, social, physical and spiritual. You have the time to be yourself, to discover what makes you tick and to develop empathy for your fellow pupils.
A bursary for a full secondary education A Foundation bursary covers a child’s entire secondary education from Year 7 to Sixth Form. We do, however, carry out annual renewals to check that family circumstances haven’t changed. Someone might have won the lottery!
The balance has to be made up through funding from other charities.
Although we talk in this document about a single ‘bursary’ for each child, the actual situation is a little more complicated.
Bursaries are limited. We fund about 10 Foundation pupils. Foundationers account for roughly 10% of pupils (2021 school roll).
The Bridewell Royal Hospital Foundation provides funds up to a maximum of 50% of a child’s annual fees. For the type of disadvantaged child described in this document, the Foundation is highly likely to contribute the maximum of 50%.
That’s not as daunting as it sounds. We maintain strong relationships with a range of charities (including City of London Guilds) that fund the education of disadvantaged children. They are all familiar with the process and understand that they too will be making a commitment for a child’s entire secondary education. To make things easy, we help coordinate the process of multiple applications.
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‘ Words cannot express my gratitude for everything you have done and continue to do for my son. From the first time we spoke until today, your kindness and efforts have been relentless.’ Mrs W, parent of a Foundationer, 2019
Every child who applies for a bursary must also make a separate application to join the School. The two applications – for a School place and for a bursary – should run in parallel. Applying for a bursary is free. There is, however, a non-refundable registration fee of £150 for school applications. The completion and assessment of applications involves considerable time and effort for the family and for the School, so we want to be sure that all applications are genuine. Since the criteria for acceptance by the School and for a bursary are different, there is a chance that a child could be accepted for one, but not the other. To take a Foundationer place at King Edward’s, your child must be accepted for both – School and bursary.
Complete the form for a preliminary indication of suitability for a bursary The application process requires plenty of detail, together with full supporting documentation. Luckily you don’t have to go through the full process to get an indication of whether your child would qualify for a bursary. Completing a Bursary Enquiry Form is a faster way to find out. The earlier you submit this form, the better. But please make sure you complete it in its entirety. If information is missing, we may not be able to give you a preliminary indication. You will find application forms on our website.
Bursary Enquiry Form on our Foundation pages:
School Application Form on our Admissions pages:
explaining as fully as you can why your child has a boarding need. Please do not let the formfilling and letter-writing put you off. We’re ready to help with every aspect of school and bursary application. If you need advice or you’re not sure what to do next, please get in touch. Support for bursary applications Contact our Bursaries & Charities Officer on 01428 686700
Your Bursary Enquiry Form should be accompanied by a letter addressed to the Head, Mrs Joanna Wright,
‘ It’s my daughter’s last day today. What a rewarding journey! Words will never be enough to appreciate how you have completely changed the course of her life, from hopeless to endless opportunities. Thank you very much.’ Mrs S, parent of a Foundationer, 2018
Funding for school extras A Foundation bursary that covers a child for 100% of their school fees will account for just about everything a child needs: education, board and lodging, uniform. A parent or guardian has to fund is travel to and from School at the beginning and end of each term, as well as for half-term breaks
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and two other weekend breaks each term. A parent or guardian will also need to pay for essential equipment such as laptops and, if needed, learning support. Some external charities fund extras but this is not guaranteed. Funding for other non-essential
activities, for example, music lessons or trips out from School, is also a parent’s responsibility. Although we have a small amount of funding to support some of these costs, there is, once again, no guarantee.
School entrance test Every child who wants a place at King Edward’s must pass an Entrance test. There are three parts to the test: English (reading and writing), mathematics and verbal reasoning. All three take place on a single day in December the year before a child wishes to join the School. We feed
back the results within two weeks. Later applicants take the test individually on a convenient date. While we welcome a wide range of abilities at King Edward’s, we do set a minimum standard, all pupils must pass our entrance testing.
‘ When I came to King Edward’s I wasn’t homesick. There was always a relaxing and calm environment here. It was not that I didn’t want to be with my parents, and look after my Dad, but I knew when I was here they could focus on each other, knowing I was having fun and concentrating on school work.’ Rudo D, Foundationer 2009–16
Home visits Sometimes the School or one of the funding charities asks for a home visit to help make a decision on a bursary. To avoid multiple home visits we will ask your permission to share the report about your home visit with all the charities involved in your bursary application.
Protecting your privacy
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Where could your child be in a few years’ time? Joining King Edward’s as a Foundationer is a big step – and one that no Foundationer or their parents or guardians has ever regretted. If your child has the potential to flourish at King Edward’s in a way that would be impossible at home, they too could discover a different future. Two elements are vital: they must fit the criteria on page 2 and be inspired by the picture of School life portrayed on pages 4 and 5. If so, we’d love to hear from you.
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‘ I had a brilliant seven years at King Edward’s which I feel so honoured to have had. Looking back, 11 is very young to be living away from home and it was a very difficult decision for my mother to make, but she knew it was the best possible decision that could be made in the circumstances.’ Fay D, Foundationer 2002–09
King Edward’s Witley, Godalming, Surrey GU8 5SG, United Kingdom +44 (0)1428 686700 • •