The Headmaster's Lockdown Highlights - Highclare

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Headmaster's Lockdown Highlights


What a term! As we reach the end of the academic year, I wanted to write to congratulate you all and to thank you for the support you have shown the School through the Summer Term. Staff, pupils and parents have all worked incredibly hard and we are very proud of what we have achieved. I would like to acknowledge the dedication of all staff in their commitment to giving of their very best. In a separate communication to colleagues, I have congratulated them on their professionalism over a sustained period of time and the inspiration they have provided to us all. I very much look forward to welcoming all colleagues back in September, including those for whom it was necessary to be furloughed. We are very impressed with the independent learning skills demonstrated by the pupils in all year groups. Some have found it more of a challenge than others have but, overall, they have risen to the task of getting on with their learning superbly well. I hope you all enjoy looking through this detailed account of the term. Mrs Pulisciano, our marketing coordinator, has brilliantly put it together. Do also have a look at our social media postings to get an indication of the depth and breadth of activity that has taken place. Rest assured I will be communicating with you in August about our plans for getting fully underway in September. In the meantime, I sincerely hope you are able to enjoy a peaceful and restful break. I look forward to seeing you in September. Best wishes Dr R Luker, Headmaster

Lockdown Letters from Head of Senior and Preparatory Schools Since 23 March 2020, Mrs Bennett and Mrs Moore have corresponded with Highclare families via the popular Mrs Bennett's Bulletin and Mrs Moore's Memo, all of which can be found on our school website here. Mrs Bennett and Mrs Moore have reassured, motivated and celebrated Highclare children and their families throughout the Summer Term as we have travelled on this remote learning journey together. Over the last 15 weeks we have been inspired by poetry, learnt life skills, applauded all achievements and shared Mrs Bennett's and Mrs Moore's hopes, worries, thoughts and feelings as they have guided Highclare Preparatory and Senior School through the most unusual of academic terms. It has been a pleasure to share this journey with them and we have learnt an awful lot, sometimes things we did not realise we needed to know!

"Thank you for your lovely daily bulletins they are a real inspiration to motivate the children during these very strange times." Mrs Bradley, Preparatory School Parent

Virtual Open Days As part of our usual summer term programme of open events Highclare Preparatory and Senior School normally enjoy opening their doors to prospective families as we hold our popular open mornings. Although we could not invite families into school this term to meet our inspiring teachers and amazing pupils we were delighted to be able to share our first ever virtual open mornings via Zoom. The recording of the events are available to view on our website here for Highclare Preparatory School and here for Highclare Senior School . We were so proud to be able to quickly adapt to the current situation, talk about our wonderful school, share many photos, host an interactive question and answer session and celebrate our pupils' successes with others.

Highclare Senior School Senior School Remote Learning Throughout the Summer Term the virtual doors of Highclare Senior School have been open for all students. The Highclare Remote Learning Guide for Parents, released in May, reinforced information already communicated to parents. The policy provided an overview of the style, format and scope of our remote learning methods and facilitated an opportunity to share the School’s expectations and commitment to providing the best education possible for all pupils in the care of Highclare School. Daily academic timetables, methods of communication and a commitment to continue our excellent pastoral care were all outlined from the start of the remote learning journey to ensure students felt secure during such uncertain times and motivated to learn. It was evident at the start of the Summer Term that the uploading of videos to the Highclare Vimeo account via our Highclare Virtual platform and the utilisation of Zoom would be imperative to providing high quality remote learning. During the Summer Term we estimate that Senior School teachers have delivered over 1,000 lessons via Zoom and over 300 pre-recorded lessons via Vimeo in addition to work set via email and the Highclare Virtual platform - incredible statistics. We have witnessed teachers and pupils working together in highly ambitious ways: virtual field trips in Geography, opportunities to take part in a global citizen science experiment, creative work complementing Modern Foreign Language learning, set and costume design inspired by musicals during drama lessons, and numerous examples of excellent work in all subjects have been celebrated on our social media channels of Facebook, Instagram and Twitter. When needed, students have had the opportunity to present their work via Zoom, with presentations being confidently delivered and well researched. Towards the end of the Summer Term we have warmly welcomed students back into school. L5 pupils returned to attend GCSE Science revision classes, in addition to receiving individual support with History and Music options and the opportunity to sit practice examinations in Maths, English and Science. All U3, L4 and U4 students returned to School in the last week of term for individual report tutorials, during which we provided our usual support and encouragement, both pastorally and academically for all students.

Sport Highclare Senior School Physical Education department utilised Highclare Virtual and their twitter account throughout the Summer Term to keep students physically active and on track with their training. Daily challenges posted by Mr Linfield, including the popular 'Beat the Teacher' challenge and virtual yoga classes encouraged students to keep moving during this time of remote learning. The whole school Highclare House Challenge Board and Senior School Virtual House Sports week both ensured that momentum in the PE department was on full speed throughout the Summer Term.

Music As for many people, music played a huge part in Highclare Senior School lockdown life. Highlights included lyric writing and end of term school chant competitions, powerful performances of Lockdown Gaga by members of the school cast and show band, numerous recordings of Peri Zoom lessons and fantastic live performances as Senior and Prep musicians joined forces during string ensembles play together, an opportunity for Highclare Violinists of all ages to ‘play together’ via Zoom. Senior School students across all years have worked hard on various projects, including World Music, Programme Music, Musical Theatre, Music in Film, and song writing; along with the continuation of general performance practice, we particularly loved an impressive piano (or harpsichord) performance of a 300 year old piece by George Frederic Handel which can be viewed here.

“We have all missed hearing the beautiful melodies of Senior School musicians across the Abbey rose garden but the many wonderful recorded performances I have received have entertained the Highclare community throughout the Summer Term. We are looking forward to sharing more of these performances over the summer break.” Mrs A Cassells, Head of Senior School Music.

Highclare Home Science During the summer term the Highclare Senior School Science department encouraged students from Prep and Senior School to take part in weekly fun kitchen science practicals from the comfort of their own home. Density rainbows, garden rockets, lava lamps and magic boats were just a few of the experiments Mrs Dudley and her children demonstrated via videos uploaded to the website and IGTV. From the pictures we have received, students of all ages very much enjoyed these imaginative challenges.

U3 Induction As guidelines continued to mean we could not welcome students into school, Dr Luker, Mrs Moore, Mrs Dawson and Mrs Good conducted a virtual Induction Day for our September 2020 U3 students. It was such a shame not to have been able to welcome them properly, but it was wonderful to 'see' so many enthusiastic young people ready to continue their educational journey at Highclare Senior School. “It was a delight to be able to reassure these lovely new children during our virtual U3 Induction event and we look forward to welcoming them in September. Special thanks go to Lorna and Matthew who spoke to pupils during the session about what to expect at Highclare Senior School. Their speeches were thoughtfully written and professionally delivered.” Mrs Moore, Head of Senior School.

U5 Virtual Assembly During the Summer Term U5 students have displayed great resilience in the face of the cancellation of their GCSEs and associated celebrations. Students have impressed with how well they have responded to the study skills sessions and A level transition units provided and we do hope to be able to celebrate with a Prom during the Autumn Term. As the Summer Term came to a close U5 students collected commemorative ‘2020’ hoodies and gathered virtually to celebrate the end of an unusual academic year. During an emotional Zoom assembly all reminisced and enjoyed seeing many photos from the last five years. We look forward to welcoming students on results day and to providing support for them as they move into sixth form and further study.

House Challenges Students have been able to earn house points throughout the term by taking part in a variety of House Challenges. From an advanced Scratch programming competition, the Highclare House Challenge Board created by the PE department, the Highclare Science House Competition and a hugely popular House Art Competition showcasing excellent artistic capabilities, it has been wonderful to see students continue their competitive team spirit remotely as house points have been accumulated. The announcing of House Points is always a highlight of assemblies and there were plenty more to collect during House Activities Week by taking part in activities including vinegar rockets, problem solving on Python, bake-offs and house shield designs we look forward to learning the results of this event soon!

Highclare Sixth Form Sixth Form Remote Learning Not only have Highclare Sixth Form students continued a full timetable of A level lessons plus individual EPQ support, all students have received individual support meetings weekly with our Head of Sixth Form and weekly contact from their form teacher to encourage their progress. Â Since remote learning commenced, all L6 students have received individual academic tutorials either face-toface or via Zoom prior to sitting their recent practice examinations. In addition to a full programme of class Zoom lessons, learning has very much continued, with L6 Geography students taking part in virtual field trips to Iceland and Dedham and students studying Applied Science attended a workshop in School to support the writing up of their results for both experiments and coursework. Â For U6 students who have not taken their A levels this term, we have completed courses, provided revision opportunities and tailored individual support, teaching and resources for each pupil according to their plans for university. Mrs Cassell is particularly pleased as U6 student Elis completed his A level Computer Science coursework, developing a working Windows application to create a 'staff supervision allocation' programme that is currently a manual process.

Senior School Prefects Following a remote application process and in preparation for September, Highclare Sixth Form have held interviews via Zoom for Head Prefect positions. As we say a sad goodbye to our current Head Boy and Head Girl, Elis and Katie, we look forward to announcing our new Head Prefects shortly.

Highclare Preparatory School Pre-Prep Remote Learning During the Summer Term pre-prep children have continued to be taught via daily emails containing suggested activities that would normally have been delivered in school. Complementing this daily communication, the EYFS staff of Highclare Pre-Preparatory School have hosted over 150 Zoom sessions (ten sessions a week) in addition to a weekly Zoom Merit assembly, a number of virtual induction sessions for new pupils enrolled for September and a parent Q&A opportunity. Zoom sessions have covered phonics, number bonds and doubling, stories and rhymes and dough gym and have proved an important opportunity to interact with our youngest children and their families. The Highclare pre-prep team would like to thank our parents for all of the partnership and positive feedback which they have received during this time.

Highclare Pre-Preparatory Graduation Mrs Harris and Mrs Mitchell were determined to celebrate their Swans' graduation to Reception. As pre-prep children and their families have become increasingly familiar with Zoom an emotional pre-prep graduation ceremony took place virtually, including cap and gown celebrations, pre-recorded graduation songs and special messages from Dr Luker and Mrs Bennett. We look forward to seeing all that our Swans achieve as they continue their school life into Reception.

Preparatory School Remote Learning During the Summer Term Highclare Preparatory School has provided an excellent academic, pastoral and creative curriculum, a mixture of computer based and complementary live interactions via Zoom for children of all ages both at school and home. Throughout lockdown Highclare Preparatory School has been open to key worker children and, as more classes have been allowed to return to school, we have welcomed almost 100 pupils back into the classroom daily. Since May half-term preparatory school teachers have delivered at least five Zoom classes a week for those children not in school, including modern foreign languages, music and sport, and this is in addition to providing an excellent education to those children attending School. During this period of remote learning we have received many emails from parents, quotes from children and feedback from teachers regarding their experience which we have shared here. It has been wonderful to see so many happy, resilient children (and teachers) adapt to this new way of learning. Many of our teachers have not only adapted but enhanced our prep school curriculum, for example, Mrs Kenny, our modern foreign language specialist, collaborated with a parent to teach a 4 week unit via Zoom introducing Yr6 pupils, both in school and at home, to Chinese.

PE and Games From a Virtual Athletic Pentathlon and Decathlon to a Virtual Sports Day, Miss Upham and Mr Sneekes have created some incredible events and lessons during this period of remote learning. Cricket skills, swimming dryland training circuits, socially distant golf and even a special guest appearance by Luigi have all been received by children with passion and enthusiasm. “During the summer term we have missed the many number of fixtures and competitions that our pupils would have taken part in, but feel extremely lucky that we have been able to have a virtual 'Sports Day', a huge event in our sporting calendar. I am so proud of how well all of the students took to the change in this event. Thank you to all the staff who featured in our videos and parents who helped out on the day. We look forward to sharing photos and results from a successful Virtual Sports Day shortly.” Miss C Upham, Head of Preparatory School PE and Games.

Music Throughout the Summer Term Highclare Preparatory School Music department has been busier than ever. Virtual instrumental and singing lessons have continued where possible. Informal music concerts performed by children in Yr1 to Yr6 entertained both family and class members and we have been able to share incredible performances such as this performance of Over the Rainbow and this of A Wonderful World during our virtual Prize Giving 2020 celebration. Prep school pupils have all extended their musical skills as they became both composer and performer by following their weekly music lessons via Highclare Virtual. Yr3 and Yr4 completed some amazing work on Carmen which was demonstrated during Prize Giving and can be viewed here.

“The musical talent and clear enthusiasm for music displayed by prep school pupils in addition to their ability to flourish in new situations with such grace and confidence has been a pleasure to watch. I am so proud of each and every one of them. Thank you to all involved.” Miss S Broder, Head of Preparatory School Music.

House Competitions Throughout the term Highclare Preparatory School pupils have relished the opportunity to enter a variety of house competitions including a popular photography competition inspired by the Duchess of Cambridge, Kate Middleton and a sunflower competition that is still running throughout the summer. We have been so impressed with all entries received and have shared many entries through our social media channels: Instagram, Facebook and Twitter.

Preparatory School Celebrations During the Summer Term Highclare Preparatory School endeavoured to ensure that milestones for children and parents still took place, including virtual prize giving, year group transition sessions, pre-prep graduations, sports day and ‘Class of 2020’ assemblies as well as a 'Well-Being and Fond Farewell' session and picnic held at Highclare Sports Field for those children who had not yet returned to school.

Virtual Prize Giving 2020 Prize Giving 2020 will certainly not be forgotten any time soon! Although we were not able to celebrate the end of the academic year at Sutton Town Hall, as we usually do, we recently shared a fantastic evening celebrating the achievements of Highclare Preparatory School pupils. During the event we welcomed our new Head Boys and Girls, celebrated award giving, enjoyed exquisite musical performances and reflected on an unprecedented end to the 2019/2020 academic year. As a special surprise Mrs Bennett, Mrs Griffiths, Mrs Quigley and Mr Greenfield spent the following Saturday delivering prizes to those children who had won something during prize giving. We understand the faces of the children when their teachers turned up were unbelievable and some of the reactions priceless! Since the release of the Prize Giving 2020 video on Vimeo it has been viewed an amazing 750 times and we have received so many amazing messages from parents. We all seem to have laughed and cried in equal measures and we thank all of those involved in its production.

‘Class of 2020’ Assemblies To celebrate our Yr6 class of 2020, Highclare Preparatory School held emotional 'Virtual Class of 2020' assemblies. We have cherished being able to have our eldest pupils back in school during the Summer Term and although it is not the end we ever anticipated we hope that the messages, memories and musical performances put together during these virtual events helped our Yr6 pupils realise how special they are and how very proud we are of each and every one of them.

“Well done to Year 6. Your ‘Class of 2020’ assemblies/Hollywood productions made me laugh and cry. I am so proud of you all and I am blessed to have been part of your educational journeys for the past 5 years. You are all so ready for the next stage of your schooling, but always remember Highclare Prep and come back to see us. Our door is always open – you will always be part of our Highclare Prep School family.” Mrs Bennett, Head of Preparatory School..

Well-Being and Fond Farewell In spite of the wet and dull weather, Highclare Sports Field was filled with laughter and children's voices as Highclare Prep held a 'Well-being and Fond Farewell' picnic for those children unable to return to school. Thank you to all the children for being so sensible. Mrs Bennett was delighted that we were all able to be together before the end of term and we are all very much looking forward to September. We will be sharing photos from the morning over the coming days.

Charity & Community NHS During the Easter break, our senior school science department collected PPE from the science labs. Mrs Jarvis kindly delivered goggles, masks and gloves to Heartlands Hospital maternity unit – we are told they were very appreciative. Throughout the term Highclare pupils of all ages have written letters of thanks, painted rainbows, played music, clapped and lit candles as we have supported our incredible NHS.

Food Bank and Shoe Donations As always we would like to say thank you to the Highclare community who have been so generous donating food and shoes during this difficult time. They will be going to families in our local and wider community who need them the most.

Highclare Hike - Together We Made a Difference As we welcome the return of blue skies and sunshine, once again brightening up our days, we are reminded of the wonderful weather we enjoyed last bank holiday weekend, during which our incredible community took part in the Highclare Hike VE Day challenge. Throughout the Highclare Hike bank holiday weekend we shared photos of pupils, teachers, support staff, governors, family and friends all taking part in walks, runs, scoots and cycles to add miles to our total as we attempted to walk from Birmingham through Europe, checking in to some of Europe’s capital cities as they were in 1945. Our starting goal was to travel a total distance of 1058 miles, passing through Birmingham to London to Paris to Brussels to Amsterdam to Berlin. Although our priority was to launch a challenge to keep us active, healthy and safe while uniting us, we hoped to raise funds through sponsorship of two key charities: YoungMinds, the UK’s leading charity fighting for children and young people’s mental health and SSAFA, the Armed Forces' charity. It was an enormous privilege to see our community come together. As a team, we travelled an incredible 4713 miles! Not only did we make it around 1945 Europe returning to Birmingham, we raised nearly £1000 for two fantastic charities. We have been blown away by your generosity, of both time and donations! It was wonderful to hear of so many children enjoying family time, researching VE day, keeping active and exploring the local area safely while ‘travelling’ through 1945 Europe. Raising £965 for charity in a weekend at any time, but particularly during this time of uncertainty, is remarkable and testament to the generosity and community spirit of Highclare families. Following the success of the Highclare Hike we wonder whether we should make this an annual event, walking together as a team, remembering a time when it was more important than ever to come together and show how much we care. Thank you so much for your support. Together we made a difference.

Fulfilling potential in everyone Autumn Term 2020 Open Events Highclare Senior School, Open Evening, Thursday 17 September, 4.30pm to 7.00pm Highclare Preparatory School: Woodfield, Open Morning, Saturday 26 September, 10.00am to 12.30pm Highclare Sixth Form, Open Evening, Thursday 8 October, 7.00pm to 9.00pm Highclare Preparatory School: St Paul’s, Open Morning, Saturday 10 October, 10.00am to 12.30pm Highclare Senior School, Open Morning, Saturday 7 November, 10.00am to 12.30pm

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