Introduction You have a choice of three optional subjects
This document is designed to help you make a choice of subjects to be studied over the next two years for your GCSEs. These will include those you already enjoy and do well in, those needed for a chosen career, plus compulsory subjects that we deem necessary as the backbone of any broad and balanced education. In Year 9, there is a special options programme. During this programme you will be made aware of the implications of subject choice for further studies and careers. The aim is to extend your awareness of the possibilities available, to keep long-term options as open as possible and also to reassure you. The subjects that must or may be taken during GCSE years (Years 10 & 11) are listed in the following pages, together with a brief overview of the subject, details of the examination board, style of assessment and an indication of the amount of work required outside school. This information will assist you making the necessary decisions following the GCSE Options Evening at which all queries about the options process and questions about subjects will be fully answered. The work for GCSE in Years 10 & 11 is demanding, but most students also find it interesting. To do well you need to be consistent in maintaining quality and meeting deadlines – and most students do. There are compensations – one of them being greater freedom. Year 10 students are allowed offsite in the lunch hour and Year 11 students in both breaks (provided they are punctual in returning). All in all, the GCSE years are something to look forward to.
Your personal curriculum KAS students generally study nine subjects at GCSE. In each subject you will be assessed by a formal written paper or papers, and in some subjects by your coursework during the year (also known as controlled assessment or non-exam assessment). All GCSE courses require two years preparation and the quantity of content and coursework in particular make it difficult to take any less time. The curriculum for KAS students entering Year 10 will comprise four areas of study/activity: • Examined subjects to be studied for GCSE • Choice activities, non-examinable afternoon options (much as in Years 7, 8 and 9) • Games • You will also have one tutorial period (Form Hour) per week, covering a number of activities, including planning careers, study skills, Personal, Social and Health Education, and Skills for Society in general. You will take all the compulsory subjects and you have a choice of three optional subjects. Early in the Spring term, you will be asked which three optional subjects you would like to do. Due to timetabling constraints, it is not always possible for you to be able to get your three main preferences. You are advised to have in mind alternative subjects that you would be happy to follow if one of your optional subjects is not possible.