Kindergarten Prospectus

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You will find further information on the following pages but nothing will give you a better insight than by visiting yourself. So please contact our Registrar on 01206 594256 or visit to reserve a place at an Open Day or arrange an individual tour at a time that is convenient.

Welcome to St Mary’s Kindergarten

We are very proud of the well-rounded education we provide in our Kindergarten, where children can start in the term they turn three. We give them a solid preparation for starting school, both academically and socially, so they can make the most of all the opportunities school life brings. Our Kindergarten also provides a seemless transition to the Lower School, providing benefits from both an educational and wellbeing perspective.

EMMA STANHOPE MRS NICOLA GRIFFITHS Head of St Mary’s Lower School St Mary’s Principal


We have a high ratio of staff to children and specialist teachers run sessions such as French, music and ballet. Children take part in a range of events and activities, provided at no extra charge. In addition, we hold a number of events across the year for the whole family to enjoy. Our Kindergarten and enclosed outdoor multi-sensory play area were designed to be the perfect place for young children to flourish. The children also have access to all the Lower School facilities including the Forest School area, library, dance studio, school hall, playing fields and sports courts, set in nine acres of land.


what we know about each child’s development and learning, and then make informed decisions about the child’s individual progress. This enables us to plan the next steps to meet their specific development and learning needs. All practitioners who interact with the children contribute to the observation and assessment process.

Learning through play is an integral part of life at St Mary’s Kindergarten and there are regular opportunities for the children to run, climb and play in our multi-sensory play area throughout the Kindergarten day. The area provides the children freedom to be adventurous and inquisitive, helping them develop social skills and build self-esteem.

An enhanced curriculum

At St Mary’s Kindergarten, we adhere to the principles of assessment for learning. We analyse and review

WeDesign.understand that the Characteristics of Learning and the Prime and Specific Areas of Learning are interconnected. The Prime Areas are fundamental to provide an essential foundation to enable development of the ‘whole child’ and the Specific Areas help to reinforce, enhance and progress these. We aim to deliver all the areas with a balance between adult led and child-initiated activities, depending on the needs and interests of the children.


A complete education

Individual learning


We provide a complete education…

Our specialist Early Years practitioners are experienced in helping young children take their first steps in education, encouraging them to be curious, interested and fascinated by the world around them.

At St Mary’s Kindergarten, we follow the Early Learning Goals as set out in the ‘Statutory Framework for the Early Years Foundation Stage’ document, published by the Department for Education, including the Seven Areas of Learning and Development. The three Prime Areas are Personal, Social and Emotional Development, Physical Development, and Communication and Language. The four Specific Areas are Literacy, Mathematics, Understanding of the World and Expressive Arts and

In addition, children take part in activities such as ballet, cooking, music, French, PE and Forest School, often led by a specialist teacher. These activities are designed to stimulate their bodies as well as their minds, help develop their personalities and build their characters. Kindergarten children gain valuable experiences through trips, such as to the local church and Jimmy’s Farm, and by taking part in events, including Sports Day and the Nativity performance.

carefully selected learning activities, which are chosen to support their development. The afternoon provides lively sessions such as Forest School, ballet or music, before ending the day with a final group activity.

We provide families with flexible childcare options. The core day is 8.30am-3.30pm and begins with a group activity such as story time or ‘show and tell’, which the children love. The children then move on to a variety of

In addition to the core day, children can join us from 7.30am, where a buffet breakfast is offered. Extended stays until either 4.30pm or 6pm are also available with tea served to those staying until 6pm. We are open 51 weeks of the year, with the only week we are closed being the week between Christmas and New Year. For younger siblings of those attending St Mary’s Lower School, we offer a term-time only option of 38 weeks. Additional weeks can then be booked is required, subject to availability.

Working with families

Children are given a healthy snack of milk or water and fruit or vegetables in the morning and afternoon, and at lunchtime they enjoy a hot meal served at tables, where the children sit with the Kindergarten Practitioners. It’s a perfect way to encourage good table manners and social skills.

We nurture the whole person…

Before children even begin at our Kindergarten, we spend time getting to know them. This helps them become familiar with us and enables them to settle in smoothly. The member of staff your child feels most comfortable with will be named as their Key Person and will be responsible for their individual learning journey, monitoring their progress and wellbeing.

Our specially designed Kindergarten and outdoor play area, along with access to all the Lower School facilities, provide the perfect place for young children to thrive.

Getting to know each child

A healthy environment


We believe that a successful education rests upon strong partnerships between home and school. Parents are encouraged to talk to us about their children’s progress at any time and there are lots of opportunities for families to share their children’s learning developments. Families are also invited to attend events such as Sports Day, the Nativity performance, our Mothering Sunday Service and Prize Giving.

“My daughter grows in confidence every day she attends Kindergarten. She already loves school.”

- Mother of St Mary’s Kindergarten pupil

“St Mary’s Kindergarten gives children a head start… they are settled, more independent and ready to learn when they make the move to school.”

- Mrs Emma Stanhope, Head of St Mary’s Lower School

We give the children in our Kindergarten a solid preparation for starting school, both academically and socially, so they can make the most of all the opportunities school life brings.


are held in the summer term for the girls joining the Lower School the following September. We also support parents through informative events, where we share information on how to prepare for the move from Kindergarten to St Mary’s Lower School, in order to help provide a smooth transition.

The Kindergarten children love choosing books from the school library and learning dance in our studio. They also enjoy participating in outdoor activities on the playing fields and finding out about the natural environment in the outdoor classroom and Forest School area. Research has shown that preschool children who have had access to Forest School arrive at school with stronger social skills, a greater ability to work in groups, higher self-esteem and confidence in their own capabilities; solid foundations on which to build academic achievement.



Our aim is for our pupils to leave the Kindergarten ready to take the next step in their education with confidence, by providing a complete education and nurturing environment. For children to gain the most from our Kindergarten, we recommend they attend on two days a week as a minimum. This provides continuity and helps children develop relationships with staff and peers, giving them the opportunity to fully embrace the learning environment. the children are ready to take their next step.

Fully embracing the learning environment

An insight into school life

Kindergarten children share the multisensory play area with the Preparatory (Reception) Class girls and the children also enjoy lunch alongside the infant girls, sitting with the Kindergarten practitioners to encourage good manners and develop social skills.

St Mary’s Kindergarten children wear the practical school uniform, which is good preparation for school. They also take part in school events and activities, often alongside Lower School girls. These include the Kindergarten and Infant Sports Day, Nativity performance, Prize Giving, Remembrance Day service and Mothering Sunday service. This all contributes to giving the children at St Mary’s Kindergarten a valuable insight into school

ST MARY’S KINDERGARTEN 247 London Road, Colchester, CO3 8LT

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