Our vision for the future We are delighted to have been able to invest in and develop Stonyhurst over the past decade and principally since the College became a self-governing trust in 2009. In that time it has been hugely beneficial to have the support of alumni and friends. Our unique and splendid history goes back over 400 years and a strong feature of that history is the long tradition of philanthropy towards the College starting with our first and still most significant benefactor, Thomas Weld, who gifted the Stonyhurst estate to the College in 1809. We urge you to consider becoming a part of that fine tradition of philanthropy by making a legacy pledge to Stonyhurst. We will look forward to hearing from you. With best wishes,
Andrew Johnson Headmaster
John Cowdall Chairman of Governors
Making a difference A legacy bequest to Stonyhurst is one of the most worthwhile and significant gifts you can make. All bequests, of whatever type and size, will benefit Stonyhurst as well as current and future generations of pupils. The advantages of leaving a legacy Unfortunately our resources do not permit us to make all the required and necessary enhancements and improvements to our historic buildings or to provide extra support for our Bursary endowment. Legacies enable us to expand and they also help to support young people who would not otherwise be able to benefit from a Stonyhurst education through our Bursary Scheme. We hope that your experience at Stonyhurst had a positive influence on your life or the life of someone dear to you and that you will consider leaving a legacy to support Stonyhurst in your Will. By remembering Stonyhurst in your Will you can ensure that the school continues to move forward into the future with confidence.
Following a significant legacy in 2002 from the estate of Peter Glenville OS 22-32, Stonyhurst continued to receive further gifts from the Glenville Estate which have contributed towards the renovation of the Sodality Chapel and the complete refurbishment of the Academy Room where a portrait of Peter hangs.
A way of saying thank you Thomas Weld’s legacy, perhaps the school’s most important ever, has continued to shape Stonyhurst today... Founded in 1593 at St Omer on the continent, Stonyhurst’s history was, at times, turbulent. Stonyhurst moved to Bruges in 1762 and then to Liege in 1773. In the aftermath of the French Revolution the Jesuits made what was to prove their final move in 1794 when they settled on the Stonyhurst estate given to them by a former St Omer’s pupil – Thomas Weld. His legacy – perhaps the school’s most important ever – has continued to shape Stonyhurst today, so it is fitting that the Thomas Weld Society celebrates those who have also made a legacy pledge during their lifetime. By way of recognition and as a small way of saying thank you, we invite all of our members to a special lunch held annually at Stonyhurst. This will provide an opportunity to meet and keep in touch with like-minded friends and remain closely involved with the development of Stonyhurst.
Thomas Weld’s generosity has made a huge difference to generations of school boys and now girls. As individuals, none of us can afford to be as generous as Thomas Weld, but collectively, as members of the TWS, we can do something that will make a difference to future generations here at Stonyhurst. Henry Weld Stewart (OS 57-62) President of the Thomas Weld Society
Next steps If you have decided to leave a legacy to Stonyhurst, here is a quick summary of what you might consider doing next: • If you have already made a Will naming Stonyhurst as a beneficiary but have not told us about it, please let us know by completing the legacy pledge form which is enclosed. • If you have already made your Will and just want to make an alteration to it, please contact your solicitor to arrange to fill out a codicil form. It is a good idea to have the codicil witnessed in the presence of your solicitor. • If you have not yet made a Will please consider contacting your solicitor for advice.
• Once you have made or amended your Will please fill in the legacy pledge form which is enclosed. A legacy pledge has no legal status. It is however a most encouraging indication to the College of your support. It would also be helpful to us if you were prepared to give some indication of the value of your gift. • A bequest made for the general purposes of the College provides maximum flexibility; but, if you prefer, you can ask for your bequest to be used for a specific purpose - e.g. bursaries or an area of personal interest, please indicate this on the enclosed legacy pledge form. Your wishes and intentions will be followed explicitly at all times.
If you would like to discuss legacies in more detail, please contact Rachel Hindle, Development Director on 00 44 1254 827147 or email
To those of you who are considering or planning to leave a legacy to Stonyhurst we would like to take this opportunity to thank you for your support and generosity.
STONYHURST COLLEGE Stonyhurst College, Stonyhurst, Clitheroe, BB7 9PZ Tel: 00 44 1254 827147 Email: Web: Stonyhurst: a company limited by guarantee. Registered in England. Company No 6632303. Registered office: Stonyhurst, Clitheroe, Lancashire, BB7 9PZ. Registered Charity No: 1127929