Lyonsdown - Strategic Plan Single Pages

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Our proud history Our proud history


1.1. Deliveringan anexcellent excellent Delivering educationthat thatsupports supports education personalsuccess success personal


encouraged enabled to be at the forefront encouraged andand enabled to be at the forefront of of

2. 2. Encouraging girls Encouraging girls toto enjoy childhood enjoy childhood Our girls love being at school. We build self-belief Our girls love being at school. We build their their self-belief and of love of learning without pressure, in a friendly and love learning without earlyearly pressure, in a friendly and safe environment. We encourage be mindful and safe environment. We encourage girls girls to betomindful of their mental and physical wellbeing, to establish of their own own mental and physical wellbeing, to establish habits – toable be able to enjoy – from thesethese goodgood habits – to be to enjoy life – life from an an earlyearly age. age.

3. 3. Developing a Lyonsdown Developing a Lyonsdown Learner Learner We embed invaluable thatvital are vital forgirls our girls We embed invaluable skillsskills that are for our in anin an changing world. We encourage allgirls our girls to be: ever ever changing world. We encourage all our to be: - Intellectually curious and think creatively - Intellectually curious and think creatively


success - developing resilience success - developing resilience - Articulate and to work collaboratively others Articulate and to work collaboratively with with others - Independent, organised, resourceful Independent, organised, resourceful and and technologically adept technologically adept

school in out andof out the classroom school life; inlife; and theofclassroom

4.4. Sparkingand andcultivating cultivating Sparking interests interests


provide extensive opportunities for our We We provide extensive opportunities for our girlsgirls to to discover personal interests talents. discover theirtheir ownown personal interests and and talents. We We balance academic subjects alongside a broad balance corecore academic subjects alongside a broad interdisciplinary focus on STEAM, combined interdisciplinary focus on STEAM, combined withwith extensive co-curricular provision in Art, Drama, Music extensive co-curricular provision in Art, Drama, Music Sport. andand Sport.

5.5. Developingstrong strong Developing community-minded community-mindedgirls girls We place inclusivity at of we place inclusivity at heart the heart all that wein We We place inclusivity at the the heart of all allofthat that we do do indo in school; in our our activities andand the behaviour behaviour we model model and and school; in our activities the behaviour we model school; in activities and the we and expect in girls. Our community has Christian heritage expect in our community Christian heritage expect in our our girls.girls. Our Our community has has Christian heritage while embracing those with all and none. We while embracing those all faiths none. while embracing those withwith all faiths faiths and and none. We We celebrate diversity and encourage kindness and care for celebrate diversity encourage kindness celebrate diversity andand encourage kindness and and carecare for for all in our community and the wider world. in our community the wider world. all inallour community andand the wider world.


school and in and wider community school in local the local wider community school and and in the the local and and wider community

6. 6. Achieving personal Achieving personal success collaborating success byby collaborating a school family asas a school family


curriculum curriculum

We know thatbest the best wayour forgirls our girls to achieve We know that the way for to achieve success to have a pro-active and open dialogue success is forisusfortous have a pro-active and open dialogue parents. We encourage and enable our school with with parents. We encourage and enable our school familyfamily to broaden our girls’ knowledge and horizons, to broaden our girls’ skills,skills, knowledge and horizons, alongside building partnerships our wider network alongside building partnerships with with our wider network of schools and other organisations. of schools and other organisations.

7. 7. in in the professional the professional running of of the School running the School

withwider our wider communities – from nurseries with our communities – from feederfeeder nurseries with local collaborations with local schools collaborations schools

PRIORITIES: PRIORITIES: PRIORITIES: community community community

standard standard standard

and infrastructure to ensure alignment with best and infrastructure to ensure alignment with best and infrastructure to ensure alignment with best



at Lyonsdown, follow @LyonsdownSchool

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