Our Lady of Sion | Whole School Prospectus | 2023

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Founded in 1862 by the Sisters of the Congregation of Our Lady of Sion, we are proud of the School’s history and the way this has shaped Our Lady of Sion as it is today. With inspirational foresight, the School (along with a number of others worldwide) was set up with an aim of fostering tolerance and understanding amongst diverse religions and cultures through dialogue. We welcome children of all religions and of none and the school ethos underpins everything we do.

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School Overview

Our Lady of Sion is an inclusive, co-educational school offering an inspiring, affordable independent education to boys and girls from Early Years to Sixth Form. We have a strong academic record - our students’ results are consistently above the national averages and our Sixth Form students regularly gain places to their first choice universities. Based in the heart of Worthing, the School benefits from its location both in terms of proximity to transport links as well as local sports, leisure and cultural facilities. We are also delighted to offer minibus services from outlying areas.

Our Pastoral Care

With small class sizes, our school community is family orientated and is one where everyone is known by teaching staff and other students alike. Our aim is to nurture all students to achieve their own personal potential whether it is during Early Years or to next steps after Sixth Form. Our Wellbeing Programme is something we see as an important part of our role in preparing students for the rigours of today’s education and beyond.

Our Facilities

The School is located over two sites and pupils from the Junior School frequently use the facilities of the Senior School. At the Senior School site, the School has well-equipped science laboratories, a large hall, a Performing Arts Centre including practice rooms, music classrooms and a purpose-built drama studio, a library/resource centre, IT suites, an all-weather outdoor pitch, netball/tennis courts, a sports hall as well as the original Chapel which has now been converted to a lecture/performance space. Our VISion Sixth Form Centre is situated at the top of our Chapel building. Our Junior School site has its own music room, IT suite, a beach-school inspired library, an astro-turfed playground/sports pitch and a purpose-built Early Years building.

Details of our admissions procedure, school policies, minibus routes, lists of governors and staff can be found on our website.



Step into the Early Years building at Our Lady of Sion and you will find a hive of purposeful activity, ambitious learning, and a warm and nurturing atmosphere.

Children can start in Early Years at the age of three and, with our teaching ‘by stage, not age’ approach, will remain in this inspiring and engaging environment as they move into Reception.

Our Learning Approach

Within our Nursery setting every child is treated as an individual and, with our Nursery sharing the same building as our Reception class, this allows every child to learn at a pace that is right for them. Stretch and challenge is also key for every learner and should be there from the beginning stage of the education journey.

Our dedicated and passionate educators foster a love of learning and a thirst for knowledge. Through our imaginative creative curriculum, we enrich our pedagogical approach beyond the classroom with our Wild Curriculum and Beach School lessons. Early Years also benefit from specialist teachers for music, languages and PE.

Learning within our Nursery is centred around creative projects which can be tailored to the individual interests, different learning approaches and developmental stages.

The School Day

We have either Morning, Afternoon or Full Day sessions available with the day starting at 8am and finishing at 5pm.

The traditional transition between Nursery and Reception is easily managed as the children are familiar with the environment and teaching staff.

We welcome West Sussex Early Years Free Entitlement.

Please contact our Admissions Registrar for details of sessions.


ISI Report

“Pupils’ self knowledge, self-confidence and emotional resilience are highly developed throughout the school.”

Junior School

Our Location and Facilities

Situated in a spacious Victorian house, just a short walk from the Senior School, our Junior School exudes a warm and welcoming atmosphere.

Whilst able to take full advantage of the Senior School facilities including the science labs and the sports hall, the Junior School itself has large, bright classrooms, a newly refurbished music room, a computing room, a large hall, an astro-turfed playground which lends itself to both playtime activities and PE lessons and a beautiful library.

Our Wild Curriculum

Just five minutes walk from Worthing beach, our children have the wonderful opportunity to enjoy our Beach Curriculum, part of our Wild Curriculum. Throughout the year, we regularly take our classrooms to the beach and other outdoor spaces where the children from Reception to Year 6 learn not only about the obvious elements such as the tides, sea creatures or wildlife, but with meaningful links made to the main curriculum, they are inspired with their creative writing and are supported in their learning with Geography and Science. Our children reap the benefits of this outdoor learning - and have a lot of fun and some fresh air at the same time! Engaging with nature is an essential part of maintaining physical and mental good health.

We passionately believe a happy environment is one in which children thrive and the wellbeing of every child is always our first priority. Every child at Sion is seen as an individual and we work hard to ensure that the children are fully supported and engaged in our ambitious, creative curriculum. We instil in them a lifelong love of learning and we delight in the fact that we are making childhood memories along the way!

Nurturing Potential

Our curriculum is designed to challenge and inspire every child and our small classes enable the teachers to nurture the children in their care and to help them achieve their own potential. Our pupils are encouraged to adopt a ‘High Challenge, Low Threat’ approach to learning where they are willing to have a go at everything and grow from their mistakes. We want our children to have a sense of resilience as they move through to the Senior School and beyond.

Lessons are predominantly delivered by form teachers with the addition of specialists for subjects such as Music, PE and French. Children are monitored and appraised throughout the year - regular reports are sent to parents who also have the opportunity to discuss progress with teaching staff.

We value the home-school relationship and see our ‘open door’ policy as one which enhances our community feel which, in turn, ensures both parents and pupils feel supported and happy.


Early Years

Walk into our purpose- built Early Years setting and you will find a light, engaging environment which is the perfect place for the youngest children in the school to embark on their learning journey.

Using the Early Years Framework, we encourage our children to become inquisitive, confident and autonomous learners.

The Reception class is a calm yet stimulating environment where the children can build upon the fundamentals of English and Maths which will become the foundations as they move through the School.

More detailed information about aspects of teaching and learning in the Junior School can be found on our website.

Lower and Upper School

Lower School (Reception - Year 2) and Upper School (Years 3 - 6) continue to reap the benefit of small classes and the nurturing approach of a form teacher. In addition, visiting specialist teachers share their expertise and Year 6 have their Science lessons in the Senior School Labs..

Our nurturing approach to pastoral care ensures every child is known as an individual and we can ensure their learning is tailored for development.


Curriculum Enrichment

Curriculum enrichment is vital to encourage delight in learning. We believe such opportunities should be available for every student, not just the most able. With our town centre location, we are able to offer same-day trips to museums, galleries, parks and the beach.

Regular cross-curricular, themed days, either for individual year groups or for the whole of the Junior School, enhance the children’s learning opportunities further and ensure our curriculum is vibrant and imaginative.

ISI Report

“Pupils are self-confident, show good levels of resilience and can adapt very easily to new situations.”

Expressive Arts and After-school Clubs

All the children in the Junior School are taught PE, Music and Art. There are opportunities to take part in various drama and musical performances. The children in Years 3 - 6 will also play in competitive matches against other local schools where we instil in them an attitude of sportsmanship and teamwork.

A range of after-school and lunchtime clubs are always on offer, changing during the year. There is something for everyone from the sporty to the artistic!

The School Day

Junior School children are asked to arrive by 8.45am although early arrivals are supervised from 8am. Supervision is also available after school until 5.00pm either in the form of an activity or after-school care.


“Teaching encourages pupils to do things for themselves, providing them with the confidence to do so. Teachers have excellent knowledge of both their pupils and their subjects and plan their lessons well.”

ISI Report


The Senior School

Our Senior School is located in Gratwicke Road, in the heart of Worthing and is for students from Year 7 to Sixth Form.

We are proud of the way our students embrace the ethos of Our Lady of Sion and, with the nurturing approach of our teaching staff and the small classes, find they are able to reach above and beyond the levels they might have expected. Students enjoy learning at the School and we ensure they are actively taught the tools that will stand them in good stead as they move through life.

Life in the Senior School

Our school day starts with registration at 8.40am (although the School is open from 7.45am) which is followed by either a full assembly, group assembly or tutor period. With a full day of lessons, students will finish their timetabled day at 3.40pm at which point they can either choose to go home, go to the resource centre or participate in any of the numerous clubs or after school activities on offer.

Facilities in the Senior School include a sports hall, library resource centre, modern science labs, a drama studio, IT suites, large hall, performing arts centre, astro-turf sports pitch and tennis/netball courts. We are also able to take advantage of all the local sports facilities Worthing has to offer such as Worthing Leisure Centre and Splashpoint.

The School has an ‘open door’ policy for parents as the home / school partnership is key to a student’s academic success and wellbeing.

Pastoral Care

Pastoral care is a key part of life at Sion as we know a student must feel happy and supported to be able to learn. With a House system in place, the students have a designated Form Tutor who will be the first point of contact for both students and parents for pastoral, as well as academic, matters. Our Lady of Sion is a small community which enables teaching staff to to know and nurture each individual student.

Our dedication to this area has been recognised by an ISA award.

A Wellbeing Programme is in place to guide students in important areas which affect their wellbeing. A programme of Personal, Social, Health and Economic Education (PSHEE) is delivered across all year groups, covering a range of topics including self-esteem, rights and responsibilities, personal relationships and money matters.


All academic subjects are taught through our broad, dynamic and innovative curriculum. Subjects are divided into six faculties English (English Language, English Literature and Drama), Expressive Arts (Art, PE and Music), Humanities (Geography, History, Law, Psychology and RS), Modern Foreign Languages (French and Spanish), Mathematics (Maths, Business Studies and Computer Science) and Science (Biology, Chemistry, Physics, Design and Technology, and Food and Nutrition).

All of these subjects are taught by enthusiastic, highly qualified specialists in well-equipped classrooms. More details can be found about individual subjects on our website.


Key Stage 3 (Years 7, 8 and 9)

The curriculum during these important years ensures that all our students are given a firm foundation in a wide range of subjects. We aim to instil a love of learning with a Growth Mindset approach to maximise personal development. Students are actively taught meta-cognition and self regulation skills to encourage independence and resilience.

During these years, students will study the core options of English, Mathematics and the three Sciences. From Year 7, students are taught two languages (French and Spanish). All students also study Geography, History, Religious Studies, Information Technology, Food and Nutrition, Art, Physical Education, Drama, Music, and PSHEE and RSE. In Year 9, students will make their GCSE options with guidance from teaching staff.

Key Stage 4 (Years 10 and 11)

Most students will study nine subjects for GCSE which include core subjects of English Literature, English Language, Mathematics and the three Sciences. Students will then choose four further options from a wide range of humanities, languages, creative, practical and expressive subjects. Option blocks are constructed based upon students’ choices and change each year.


At Our Lady of Sion, we treat our students as individuals, recognising that everyone learns differently and thus progresses at their own rate. The Learning Support Department works closely with all the academic departments to aid students to achieve their full potential, both SEND and the More Able. We offer numerous opportunities to extend and develop a student’s interests beyond the curriculum.

The importance of a ‘Growth Mindset’ approach is at the heart of the educational ethos.


“Throughout the school, pupils have excellent attitudes to their own learning and show maturity and independence as they progress and develop.”

Reporting and Tracking

The School reports and tracks all students’ academic achievements and attitudes to learning. Grade sheets and reports are issued regularly. Each individual student’s needs and development are considered regularly, with frequent discussion, evaluation and intervention.

The Sion reward system recognises success and effort in equal measure, alongside leadership and the consideration of others.

Academic Excellence

Our academic results are strong with exam results consistently higher than the national averages. We celebrate the fact that a large number of our students obtain top results but are equally proud of those who successfully reach and exceed their own personal academic potential in their subjects.

Further details of our exam results can be found on our website.


Within our curriculum, we also have the opportunity to open our students’ eyes to the wider community in which they live. Visiting speakers lecture and discuss with our students covering a range of topics to inspire interest and passion in a variety careers and social action.

At Sion, our ultimate aim is to ensure that every student achieves their potential and makes decisions that are right for them. Choosing the right path is a challenging task and students are supported with a range of ageappropriate activities in Careers. There are dedicated resources providing information on university courses, apprenticeships, gap years as well as specific professions.

Where possible we also make links with professional mentors and advocates in the UK and internationally.

Careers sessions play an important role in helping determine GCSE, A Level and University choices. We also help students develop skills vital for future success including presentations, writing curriculum vitae and applying for courses or work.


Our Performing Arts Centre houses our Music Suite, Drama Studio and rehearsal studios for instrumental lessons and ensemble perfomances.


Not every child will be musical, but within our music curriculum, we believe strongly that students should learn about music and how to make music. For those students who wish to progress their music further there are plenty of opportunities where they can perform, either as soloists or in a group setting. Individual music lessons with specialist music teachers are available for a wide range of instruments and we have a number of groups who meet, from vocal to instrumental including Choir, Orchestra, Jazz Groups and a Rock Band to perform together. There are also other opportunities for students including the Christmas Carol Service, Spring Concert and the Leavers’ Ceremony. For those who would prefer a more informal setting, termly ‘Sound and Vision’ concerts are held.


We have a large airy studio which gives plenty of scope for students to pursue their art. Art is taught as a curriculum subject from Year 7 and is offered at both GCSE and A Level. Curriculum trips to museums and galleries further students’ interest.


There is at least one major Drama production held every two years which is open to all year groups in the Senior School encouraging students to be involved both performing and back stage. There are also other informal performances and showcases which students can be involved in.

Drama students are able to rehearse in their purpose-built drama studio and Drama is offered at GCSE level. Specialist LAMDA tuition is offered to prepare students for success in performing arts and also to support public speaking and develop confidence.

Expressive Arts are celebrated here. Providing a platform for our students to express themselves is a vital part of a young person’s development.

Enrichment opportunities are offered for all students to enhance their learning and knowledge of the world we live in. With the School’s motto of ‘Consideration Always’, there is a strong passion for making students aware of worldwide issues and cultures.

Regular school trips include science field trips, overseas exchanges, museums and theatre visits. The School has a wellestablished Outreach Programme in place which allows our students to recognise that they have a role in serving local communities and organisations with their time, skills and talents.

Students also have the opportunity to take part in the Duke of Edinburgh Scheme.

We also encourage students to undertake ethical expeditions further afield which create life-changing experiences whilst making a positive impact on the planet.


Physical Education

Physical Education at Our Lady of Sion encourages a sense of fair play, sportsmanship and consideration, along with a positive attitude towards health and fitness. All students have PE lessons as part of their regular timetable. Sports offered to pupils are: athletics, badminton, basketball, cricket, fitness, football, gymnastics, hockey, netball, rounders, softball, swimming, tennis and volleyball. Students may also choose to take PE as a GCSE or A Level.

Our Sports teams take part in District Leagues and County Tournaments as well as friendly matches against local schools and are consistently successful at these levels particularly in Netball, Basketball, Athletics and Swimming. Situated close to the amenities of Worthing, we are able to take advantage of local sports facilities such as Splashpoint and Worthing Leisure.

Clubs and Activities

We encourage our students to take part in a wide range of clubs and activities both at lunchtime and after school. With input from students, these change from term to term but can include: drama, fencing, photography, netball, music and chess along with booster clubs for academic subjects.


VISion offers all students a nurturing and aspirational environment to fulfill their potential.

Passionate, inspirational teaching and personalised mentoring ensure every individual thrives.

VISion has an outstanding A Level results track record and excellent first choice University success rate.

Students leave VISion well rounded, confident and fully prepared for the future.


Founded in 1862 by the Sisters of the Congregation of Our Lady of Sion, we are proud of the School’s history and the way this has shaped Our Lady of Sion as it is today. With inspirational foresight, the School (along with a number of others worldwide) was set up with an aim of fostering tolerance and understanding amongst diverse religions and cultures through dialogue. We warmly welcome all students and the schools ethos of “consideration always” underpins everything we do.


Academic Life

Staff are highly qualified, passionate about their subject areas and committed to help students succeed. Monitoring of progress by regular assessments combined with formative feedback facilitates optimal progress. All our students are able to see their teachers for subject support, questions and further discussion at any time. The Head of Sixth form liaises regularly with students, teachers and parents providing progress updates, guidance and support as required.

Most students take three A Levels and an EPQ ( Extended Project Qualification). Students participate in a wealth of extracurricular activities and volunteering opportunities that enhance their University application and Curriculum vitae.

Life in the Sixth Form

Our Sixth Formers are an influential, important and integral part of the Sion community. Many of the students will assume positions of responsibility which include Heads of School, Sports Captain, Charity Captain and Heads of Houses. Our expectation is that students will be positively committed to achieving success in their studies, and that they will be good role models for the younger students. This means understanding, respecting and supporting the School’s motto of ‘Consideration Always’.


Outside of the Classroom

We recognise that learning continues outside of the classroom - our programme of extra-curricular and enrichment activities offers students the additional opportunity to learn together, developing new and established skills in a sociable and fun setting, preparing them for life at university and beyond.

Our students have opportunities to be involved in activities such as: volunteering in the local hospital and hospice, participating in the Debating Society, running fundraising charity events, field trips abroad and team building events. A broad array of inspirational external speakers and events enhances our academic provision.

We also provide structured university and careers advice for students as they prepare for life after Sion and the majority of UCAS applications result in places at first choice universities.

Reporting and Tracking

The School reports and tracks all students’ academic achievements and attitudes to learning. Grade sheets and reports are issued regularly. Each individual student’s needs and progress are considered regularly, with frequent discussion and agreed solutions.

The Head of Sixth Form is always on hand to guide and support, and is a key point of contact for both students and their parents. The School has an ‘open door’ policy for parents as the home / school partnership is key to a student’s academic success and wellbeing.

More details about the Sixth Form, subject choices, our results and university destinations, along with our admissions procedure, school policies, minibus routes, lists of governors and staff can be found on our website.



Westbrooke, Worthing, West Sussex, BN11 1RE. Tel: 01903 204062


Gratwicke Road, Worthing, West Sussex, BN11 4BL. Tel: 01903 204063


01903 228638 email: admissions@sionschool.org.uk

Registered Charity Number. 1121398

Headteacher: Mr Steven Jeffery BA (Hons) PGCE

Chair of Governors: Mrs Katy Henwood

The Headteacher and Chair of Governors can be contacted via the School address and telephone number.

Details of our School Policies, Aims and Ethos, Admissions Procedure, Exam Results and the latest ISI Report along with a full list of Governors and Teaching Staff are available on our website or on request from the School Office.


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