“We are truly thrilled with our daughter’s all-round achievement, growth in confidence and self belief - but most of all, she has smiled every day going to school and coming home. Thank you.”
Woodbridge School Pre-Prep for ages 4-7
Welcome, I am delighted to offer you an insight to our wonderful school. The saying ‘happy children learn best’ is absolutely at the heart of what we do. Woodbridge School Prep is an integral part of Woodbridge School, incorporating the Woodbridge School Pre-Prep and providing exceptional educational environment within which each individual child can flourish. We understand the extraordinary trust parents place in our safe, nurturing environment and we work hard every day to ensure that those under our care are consistently encouraged to seek out adventure, rise to challenges, accept the value of mistakes and enjoy achievement. Above all, we see ourselves as a family, with all the vibrancy, support and close community that suggests. During their time with us, your sons and daughters will develop confidence in the value of their innate curiosity and find a passion for learning; so vital to success and happiness in our modern world. Our School is a special place and I would be delighted to show you round to enable you to see and feel for yourselves the atmosphere the children and staff create. I look forward to meeting you and discussing how we may work together in the best possible interests of your child. Best wishes, Nicola Mitchell
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Early years | Creative learning
“I love school because I get to see my friends every day and it makes me really happy.”
The role the School plays in your child’s development and learning is fundamental. Woodbridge School Pre-Prep is where your child will take their first important steps into the world of school and it is of paramount importance to us that this is a positive and rewarding experience for each child and their parents alike. We aim to give our children the opportunities for learning, both academically and socially, which will form firm foundations for their development throughout both the Prep School and the Senior School. We aim to bring out the very best in each child. A creative approach to the curriculum enables children of all abilities to experience the excitement of discovering knowledge and skills, and to embark on a lifelong love of learning.
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Early years | Creative learning
“Thank you for a wonderful first year for our son. He has made so much progress and loved every minute of it.�
The children who enter Reception at Woodbridge School Prep often come from a variety of different nursery settings. The teachers will visit each child at their nursery before they join Reception in September. This is an ideal time to talk to nursery staff and the children to ensure a smooth transition. In addition to this, the children are invited into our social occasions such as theatre performances, Mini Sports Day and summer concerts. We have an event in the Trinity Term dedicated to new children and their families, giving the parents the opportunity to meet and get to know each other ahead of their child starting school. The children are able to spend the afternoon with their teacher and classmates in the classroom.
The children are taught by experienced Early Years staff who value each and every one. Classes are kept small to ensure children are nurtured, with individual needs being met. Focused teaching and observations ensure that good progress is made by all children across the Early Years curriculum. Children are taught by specialist teachers in Spanish, PE, Drama and Music.
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Early years | Creative learning
"At breaktime I like playing outside with my friends and building dens."
When the children start school, there is an information evening for parents; this provides details of day-to-day learning approaches, which parents are able to use to support their child at home. There is then a formal parents’ evening each term where parents will receive a summative short report. This is an opportunity for teachers, children and parents to reflect on the term’s learning so far. On a day-to-day basis, teachers can be contacted by parents before or after school and parents are welcome to visit the classroom with their child after school. Throughout the year, Reception has many guest visitors and trips out of school. The visits are designed to give the children their first insights into professions such as the police, fire service, dentists, RNLI, chefs and many others that they will meet in every day life. These valuable experiences are an important part of the children’s learning, and provide them with an understanding of the world around them.
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Early years | Creative learning
“Maths is harder than at my last school, but it’s good because I can do it and I like it.”
The core subjects, Maths and English, are taught in small groups to allow children to learn at a pace that best suits them.
In Year 1, topic-based learning continues to expand the children’s ability across the core subjects. Exciting topics that have huge appeal to children encourage an interest in learning and offer the opportunity to explore subjects in greater depth, albeit in a fun and memorable way. Throughout Year 1 the children have daily phonic sessions where they are taught spelling rules and learn how to word-build, read and decode a wide range of vocabulary. This progresses to the application of these skills in written work. Differentiation occurs within the classroom to ensure that each child is able to maximise their learning experience. The aim is to make each session fun, full of practical activities, and to use the outside environment whenever possible. Maths is taught daily and within lessons the children will use practical equipment together with laptops, or the interactive board, to reinforce and extend their learning.
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Early years | Creative learning
“I loved learning about volcanoes. We made our own exploding volcanoes using food colouring and washing-up liquid.�
In Year 2, the children continue to build on the solid skills they have learned in Year 1.
There are many more opportunities for children to continue to grow in confidence in Year 2, as parts in the school plays become bigger and public speaking in class is more frequent. Year 2 children are encouraged to become more responsible and all are given Prefect roles. During Year 2 children also start to experience a slice of life at at Prep School and the Senior School to give them a glimpse of their future school careers. Children will become more familiar with the teachers and facilities that will be available to them in their Prep and Senior School lives.
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Early years | Creative learning
“I really like playing tennis, and football club at the end of the day.” At Woodbridge School Prep we are keen to encourage children to develop new interests from a very young age as we believe extra-curricular activity plays an important role in building confidence and happiness in children. These interests will continue to grow and will be nurtured throughout the School.
“The Prep School has helped me find who I am. All the teachers are so supportive and help you make the right decisions. It has been packed full of fun.” Prep School for ages 7-11
Sport, music, drama, art and life outdoors are all parts of daily life, but children have the opportunity to pursue these interests and many more through a wide range of after school clubs. There are some fantastic opportunities to get involved with such as: golf, ballet, gardening and jewellery-making.
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Moving up | Space to grow
“A setting of woods, streams, ponds and acres of grassland, where children can run free.”
At Woodbridge School Prep we recognise that children thrive academically when work in the classroom is balanced by a wide range of challenges outside it. Art, Music, Sport, Drama and our wide range of clubs and activities play an important part in the children’s all-round education. Success both inside and outside of the classroom is vital in making children feel secure and happy.
Great care is taken to nurture the mutual trust and respect that forms between the pupil and the teachers. Parental involvement is also key to building positive attitudes to learning and we invite parents into School to attend parents’ meetings, L@W sessions, concerts, exhibitions, grandparents’ day, Sports Day, Business Challenge Market Day and Drama showcases to name but a few. Form teachers and staff are always available at the end of the School day for an informal talk or parents are welcome to contact the appropriate member of staff at any time to arrange a formal meeting.
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Moving up | Space to grow
“We don’t just sit and read books, we always learn through something fun. We’ve made board games in maths and we’ve done coal-mining re-enactments in history!”
At Woodbridge School Prep we believe that small class sizes play an important role in a child’s education. It allows for greater interaction with the teacher and pupils can be given individual attention more easily. Our pupils are challenged within the classroom and teachers have a high expectation of academic standards and encourage the children to be the best they can be.
The key aim of the ‘Learning at Woodbridge’ (L@W) initiative is to enhance and expand the children’s capacity to learn. It helps children to develop transferable learning skills and prepares them for a lifetime of learning. Our new and unique CLICK initiative ensures that the children have a clear understanding about what skills they are developing. Communication, Leadership, Initiative, Collaboration and Kindness.
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Moving up | Space to grow
“I’ve only just joined but I’ve had the best year of my life at Woodbridge… I have loved every second of it.”
Engineering Woodbridge School Prep is proud to be an innovative school, offering engineering as a curriculum subject to its Year 5 and 6 pupils. We have a bespoke syllabus designed to enhance our pupils’ other academic studies with particular focus on science, mathematics and computing. Being a pioneering school in this field allows us to adapt the learning experience to the needs and desires of the pupils and school year-on-year. The principles of engineering are delivered through hands on, project based units that mainly cover: mechanical, civil, chemical and electrical engineering. In addition, environmental engineering permeates every element of our studies. Naturally, practical skills feature heavily, but our pupils are also taught to apply engineering concepts and terminology. Pupils are encouraged to become responsible 21st century citizens who understand that problems have many solutions. It is our aim to help equip our pupils for the challenges of the future in an ever changing and increasingly technological world.
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Moving up | Space to grow
“I started playing saxophone this year. I am not very good yet, but my teacher says I have really improved. It’s really good fun.�
Music Music is central to the cultural and spiritual life of Woodbridge School Prep. It is part of regular concerts, performances and assemblies. At Woodbridge School Prep, we recognise the value of a comprehensive musical training in developing pupils' cultural awareness and we aspire to inculcate a love of music in all pupils, alongside an appreciation of music from different cultures and of different styles. Learning an instrument develops concentration and logic, sequencing and processing skills, and teaches the ability to persevere. Practising individually develops self-discipline and independent thinking. Engagement in structured musical activities and ensembles raises self-esteem and develops inter-personal skills in an environment where progress is tangible to the pupils as they advance through the range of groups. Pupils learn a string instrument and recorder as part of the curriculum. This serves as an introduction to the instruments of the string family. There are over 20 visiting music staff teaching; strings, piano, flute, oboe, clarinet, saxophone, bassoon, French horn, trumpet, guitar, harp and percussion amongst others. Singing is part of daily life at Woodbridge School Prep and there is a range of choirs for different age groups and abilities, encompassing a wide range of styles.
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Moving up | Space to grow
“I wasn’t good at cricket before, but I’ve started to play really well now, and I’ve been moved up to the B team.” Sport Through our Physical Education (PE) and sports curricula we aim to provide opportunities for all of our pupils to become physically confident in a way which supports their health, fitness and enables them to excel in competitive sport. Competing in sport also helps to build character and embed values such as fairness and respect.
Throughout the year, all pupils have a PE lesson and two extended Games lessons. The PE curriculum has a modern concept and includes such sports as; gymnastics, orienteering, tri golf and table tennis, depending on the year group. Our Games program has a slightly more traditional slant and includes hockey, netball, cricket and athletics for the girls, whilst the boys play rugby, hockey, football, cricket and athletics. Fitness is important as the children learn about having a healthy mind and body. Our pupils excel in Cross-Country and participate in a number of events. The school offers an extensive range of sports through our extra-curricular activities which take place before school, at lunchtime and after school.
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Moving up | Space to grow
“We all had a chance to audition for parts and we all wanted to do our best. It was amazing to do the play at the Seckford Theatre.� Drama Drama is an important aspect at Woodbridge School Prep, one which seeks not only to build skills in stagecraft and theatre-making, but also to develop the spiritual, moral, social and cultural identities of our children. The curriculum is balanced between skills-based and issue-based learning to ensure children the opportunity to explore the world and the people in it through drama. There is a variety of opportunities for pupils to showcase their progress in public speaking events and school productions. All Year 5 and 6 pupils have the opportunity to perform at the Seckford Theatre in the Trinity Term which is always a much-anticipated community event.
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Moving up | Space to grow
“I’ve had an amazing time at Woodbridge Prep. I have made so many friendships and my teachers have supported me in all lessons. I will never forget my time at here.” Art At Woodbridge School Prep we provide the children with a fun yet challenging Art curriculum. The lessons are taught in very small groups which enables us to be ambitious with the tools and equipment we allow the children to use. From enormous sculptures in the style of Oldenburg to intricately carved printing blocks the children enjoy a variety of media and learn a diverse range of techniques. Always starting with an artist as inspiration, the children are encouraged to be intuitive when discussing art work and begin to gain an understanding of Art history. We ensure that our children have the opportunity to display their art work in various public exhibitions throughout the year; including Bury St Edmunds Cathedral, The Peter Pears Gallery in Aldeburgh and our very own art exhibition at Woodbridge School Prep Hall! We celebrate Art as a valuable part of our rich curriculum and are lucky enough to have the facilities to enable this, including a kiln for firing our ceramics and a well-resourced art room.
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Moving up | Space to grow
“It has been so enjoyable at Woodbridge Prep – the lessons are amazing and always fun.” L@W Business Challenge In the Trinity Term, pupils in Year 6 take their first steps in the business world as part of a program called ‘L@W Business Challenge’. This nationally-recognised enterprise course gives a real life context to learning across the curriculum subjects. It supports the children’s development within the Learning@Woodbridge framework by encouraging collaboration, communication, resilience and reflection. The children form a company and learn about spreadsheets, costings and profit and loss. They pitch their ideas in front of a board of professionals and the project culminates in a marketplace. Food Technology Food Technology is taught in Lower Key Stage 2. Its focus is largely practical; allowing pupils to develop an understanding of healthy living and to have opportunity to explore their creativity. Children learn the fundamentals of using a kitchen safely and they develop competency in a range of cooking processes and skills. During the year we look at how food is sourced and we use seasonal foods in practical sessions. Children also develop an awareness and understanding of food from other cultures.
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Moving up | Space to grow
“We all have loads of best friends here. It is a really friendly school.�
Clubs The School offers an extensive range of extra-curricular activities which take place before school, at lunchtime and after school. Activities can include: Art Bridge Sewing Tap classes Chess Coding Club LAMDA
Music groups Orchestra Choirs Engineering Warhammer Forest School Activities Spanish
Sports Clubs Tennis Running Club Car mechanics Mathematics Games Club Librarian Club Creative English
The great benefit of such activities is that they provide opportunities for pupils to extend their existing skills and knowledge and to try something new, thus developing selfconfidence through success, as well as offering a vital breathing space from academic work. It also gives pupils a chance to develop new interests and make new friends.
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Moving up | Space to grow
“I was privileged to be a pupil at Woodbridge School Prep for the full four years. I have made some great friends and I have had wonderful support from all my teachers in sport, drama... everything! I will never forget my time here� By the time pupils enter the Senior School at the start of Year 7, they will have had many opportunities to become familiar with the next step of their school career. They will have been taught by several of the Senior School teachers, been to the School site numerous times to use facilities such as the Seckford Theatre and joined in drama, music and sporting activities with their older peers. Amongst these familiar people and places, Prep pupils settle quickly and confidently into this next stage of their school career.
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Woodbridge School Prep | The Abbey Church St Woodbridge Suffolk IP12 1DS Tel: +44 (0)1394 382673 | Fax: +44 (0)1394 380944 admissions@woodbridgeschool.org.uk | www.woodbridgeschool.org.uk A part of the Seckford Foundation. Registered charity No. 1110964 A limited company in England No. 5522615 Registered office: Marryott House, Burkitt Road, Woodbridge, Suffolk IP12 4JJ