Yr 2
Yr 1 & Yr 2
Yr 2
Yr 1
Yr 1
Mary & Joseph
Yr 2
Yr 2
Party guests
Yr 1
Yr 1 & Reception
Yr 1 & Reception
Vincent Van Gogh
For my part I know nothing with any certainty, but the sight of the stars makes me dream.
For many years three stargazers, Balthazar, Melchior and Caspar have been watching the night sky, studying the stars, waiting for a sign. Far away in a land to the west, a young woman named Mary is visited by an angel, Gabriel, who tells her she will soon have a son, God’s Son. Not long after, the three stargazers see the sign they are waiting for; the arrival of a new star! They consult with the scriptures and decide to follow it to where the new baby King will be born. As the star leads them westwards, the three stargazers fall upon the grandiose palace of King Herod, who is, in usual form, throwing a lavish party. They inform him of their plans to follow the star to the new baby King. Horrified that a new King will supersede him, Herod cunningly asks the three stargazers to tell him of the new King’s whereabouts after their visit. The three stargazers are visited that night by angels and warned of Herod’s cunning plan and told not to return to the palace. Mary and Joseph have arrived in Bethlehem but are unable to find anywhere to stay except a humble stable. As the new star rests overhead, the baby Jesus is born and soon welcomes many visitors to greet the new baby King. The three stargazers’ journey, following the star, ends at the stable and they visit the new baby King and present him with their gifts. Heeding the words of the angels, the stargazers head straight home, avoiding Herod’s palace. Once returned, they are relieved to be back where they can relax in the comforts of home and resume their favourite hobby,
May we take this opportunity to wish you and your family a Merry Christmas and a very happy and prosperous New Year. For news and updates across the school follow us on Twitter, Facebook and Instagram