Scholarships offered Scholars act as role models and leaders to other students and as ambassadors for St Mary’s. They are encouraged, and expected, to make the most of the wealth of educational opportunities available to them to extend, broaden and strengthen their aptitudes and talents, and to gain valuable experience that will stand them in good stead for the future. The following Scholarships are available at St Mary’s: Art Sport Drama Academic* Music Miss Comrie* *Cannot be applied for In addition, a Sports Excellence Award is available Scholarships are available to girls wishing to join the Senior School in Year 7. We welcome applications from prospective students who can demonstrate significant potential in Art, Drama, Music or Sport. Performance in the Entrance Assessment determines which students are offered St Mary’s Academic Scholarships.
Miss Comrie Scholars are held in high regard and scholarships are awarded following their meeting with the Principal and an independent panel, to those who have the potential to make a substantial contribution to the life of the school. There is no financial assessment for St Mary’s Scholarship applicants. All Scholarships are awarded solely on merit and in open competition, and there is no set limit to the number of Scholarships that may be offered in one year of entry. It is possible for a student to hold more than one St Mary’s Scholarship. Please bear in mind though that the Scholar must be prepared to meet the expectations of every Scholarship held. Scholarships attract a fee remission, at the discretion of the Principal. You can find out more about St Mary’s Scholarships at our Open Mornings or by contacting our Registrar: 01206 594180
Encouraging, developing and celebrating excellence
Art Scholarship The Art department at St Mary’s is a professional-style creative environment where our most talented artists flourish, inspired by visits to galleries and the high quality teaching. Benefits of Art Scholarship
Scholarship requirements
Our Art Scholars are developed as independent learners and imaginative thinkers, who formulate their own personal responses to set topics and themes. Scholars take a lead role in whole-school Art activities and represent the department on the St Mary’s Arts Council, which influences the impact of the Arts throughout the school. Scholars act as ambassadors for the school at art events and exhibitions locally and regionally and their artwork is exhibited beyond the school as an example of the high quality of Art at St Mary’s. Art Scholars wear the beautiful Scholars’ Badge and are recognised throughout their time at the school. Scholars receive a fee remission, at the discretion of the Principal.
Art Scholarships may be awarded to prospective Year 7 students who are invited to bring a portfolio to the interview. They discuss their work with the Head of Art and take part in the Art Assessment. There is no limit to the number of Art Scholarships that may be offered in one year of entry - in common with all St Mary’s Scholarships, they are awarded solely on merit. All Scholarships are awarded along with the offer of a place at St Mary’s.
Expectations of Scholars
Art Scholars contribute to the wholeschool Art ethos. They have a positive approach in, and show commitment to, Art lessons and activities, supporting others. Scholars take a lead role in school exhibitions, assist at Open Mornings and at all times act as ambassadors for the school and as role models for their peers.
Drama Scholarship Lively and creative, our busy Drama department presents Scholars with many opportunities to take the spotlight, developing their dramatic techniques, confidence and performance skills in a supportive and encouraging environment. Benefits of Drama Scholarship Drama Scholars take the lead in school productions and Drama workshops. They are inspired by workshops run by visiting professionals in school as well as visits to stage performances locally and in London. Drama Scholars wear the beautiful Scholars’ Badge and are recognised throughout their time at the school. Scholars receive a fee remission, at the discretion of the Principal.
Expectations of Scholars
Scholars contribute to the whole-school Drama ethos, have a positive approach in Drama lessons and support others in lessons and rehearsals. They take on major roles in school productions. There is an expectation that Scholars will opt to take GCSE Drama.
Scholarship requirements Drama Scholarship candidates attend for a 10-15 minute Drama Scholarship Assessment, to give a short performance and demonstrate evidence of involvement in Drama outside of school (a portfolio of programmes, certificates, photographs, for example). There is no limit to the number of Drama Scholarships that may be offered in one year of entry - in common with all St Mary’s Scholarships, they are awarded solely on merit. All Scholarships are awarded along with the offer of a place at St Mary’s.
Music Scholarship Our able musicians provide the soundtrack to school life. Whether playing or singing solo or as part of an ensemble, the choir or the impressive school orchestra, they develop their performance techniques and their musicianship as well as their love of music. Benefits of Music Scholarship
Scholarship requirements
Those who are awarded Music Scholarships play a lead role in school music by participating in orchestra, choir and chamber choir, as appropriate, and music concerts. They also perform solos and/or as part of an ensemble when required at concerts and school events. They may take advantage of trips to inspiring professional recitals and productions. Scholars have access to the well-equipped school Music department and highly qualified teaching staff and peripatetic instrumental teachers. Music Scholars wear the beautiful Scholars’ Badge and are recognised throughout their time at the school. Scholars receive a fee remission and one free music lesson per week, at the discretion of the Principal.
Music Scholarship candidates are expected to have attained at least Grade 3 or equivalent standard, ideally in two instruments or one instrument and voice. The Music Scholarship Assessment lasts approximately 15 minutes and calls for the performance of one or two pieces of music (either sung or with a chosen instrument) and an informal interview with the Head of Music. Candidates should supply any accompaniment score in advance of the Assessment or are welcome to bring a backing track or perform unaccompanied. There is no limit to the number of Music Scholarships that may be offered in one year of entry - in common with all St Mary’s Scholarships, they are awarded solely on merit. All Scholarships are awarded along with the offer of a place at St Mary’s.
Expectations of Scholars
Music Scholars are expected to take a lead role in the school orchestra, choir and assemblies. They must contribute to the whole-school Music ethos and have a positive approach to Music and instrumental lessons, supporting others.
Sport Scholarship Our Sport Scholars represent the school locally and regionally and inspire our teams and individuals. Benefits of Sport Scholarship Sports Scholars represent the school in local and regional fixtures, develop their coaching and leadership skills and are inspired by watching professional sports competitions. Scholars wear the beautiful Scholars’ Badge and are recognised throughout their time at the school. Scholars receive a fee remission, at the discretion of the Principal.
Expectations of Scholars
Sports Scholars must show commitment to playing for school teams in at least two major competitive sports, willingness to attend team and squad practices and matches. They should show good conduct, aptitude, participation and progress at all times.
Scholarship requirements Sport Scholarships may be awarded to candidates who can demonstrate achievement and/or genuine potential in two or more sports and good leadership skills. Applications will be shortlisted and those invited to attend the Sport Scholarship Assessment take part in a range of team activities along with other candidates where they will be assessed on the following: • •
Basic fitness. Games-based activities, for example ball handling and awareness drills in: -basketball -football -netball -rugby • Game play. • Ability to respond to guidance and working as part of a team.
Sports Excellence Award The Sports Excellence Award may be given to candidates who can evidence outstanding achievement in a particular sport. Benefits of Sports Excellence Award Students who receive the Sports Excellence Award are given the opportunity to develop their coaching and leadership skills and are inspired by watching professional sports competitions. They wear the beautiful Sports Excellence Badge and are recognised throughout their time at the school. Awardees receive a fee remission, at the discretion of the Principal.
Requirements Suitable candidates could be part of a team with representation at county, regional or national level or compete on an individual basis e.g. an individual achievement in a prestigious competition.
Expectations of Sports Excellence
Those who are awarded the Sports Excellence Award must show commitment to participating in competitive sports in and/or outside of school. They should demonstrate good conduct, aptitude, participation and strive to develop their skills at all times.
Academic Scholarship St Mary’s has one of the best records of academic achievement in the county. Our most able students are identified, tracked and individually monitored to ensure they are given all the support and extension they need to fly high and realise their academic potential.
Our Academic Scholars are encouraged and expected to take advantage of opportunities to extend their learning through St Mary’s Outstanding Potential Accelerated Learners (OPAL) programme, which provides seminars, workshops and educational visits designed to stretch our most able students. Scholars take a lead role in the school’s academic activities, which include debating competitions, student led seminars and educational challenges. They represent the school in local, regional and national competitions and events. Academic Scholars wear the beautiful Scholars’ Badge and are recognised throughout their time at the school. Scholars receive a fee remission, at the discretion of the Principal.
Expectations of Scholars Academic Scholars are chosen to lead academic activities in school and to represent the school in the wider world, and it is expected that they show effort, commitment and enthusiasm in doing so. They should at all times set an example to other students, upholding the school’s academic standards and ethos.
Scholarship requirements Academic Scholarships may be awarded to prospective Year 7 students who show a high level of academic potential and ability. It is not possible to apply for an Academic Scholarship - these are offered on the basis of achievement in the St Mary’s Senior School Entrance Assessment, which is designed to ascertain aptitude rather than experience. There is no limit to the number of Academic Scholarships that may be offered in one year of entry - in common with all St Mary’s Scholarships, they are awarded solely on merit. All Scholarships are awarded along with the offer of a place at St Mary’s.
Benefits of Academic Scholarship
Miss Comrie Scholarship Our Miss Comrie Scholars – named in honour of one of St Mary’s influential first headmistresses, Miss Phyllis Comrie 19351957, following in the footsteps of the school’s founders, the Billson sisters. Miss Comrie Scholars are highly regarded as ambassadors for the school and make s 0ubstantial contribution to school life, upholding Miss Comrie’s vision for the school as being energetic, happy and eventful. Benefits of Miss Comrie Scholarship Miss Comrie Scholars hold a position of responsibility, acting as role models for other St Mary’s students. Many go on to become Head Girl or gain positions of responsibility within the Senior School. Miss Comrie Scholars wear the beautiful Scholars’ badge and receive a fee remission, at the discretion of the Principal.
Expectations of Scholars
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Miss Comrie Scholars contribute fully to school life by supporting and taking part in activities within school and out. They show leadership qualities in encouraging others to join in activities and events, supporting staff at Open Mornings and Prize Giving Evenings. On occasion, Miss Comrie Scholars are selected to represent the school at external events.
Scholarship requirements Suitable candidates are chosen on the basis of their meeting with the Principal, Mrs Vipond. They are then shortlisted for an interview by an independent panel, made up of two former governors and/ or former staff members. At this interview the girls are asked to bring along an item of interest to share with the panel, usually this is the same item they will have discussed with Mrs Vipond.
How to apply To apply for a Year 7 St Mary’s Scholarship: 1. Complete the Registration Form found in the prospectus pack or online at and pay the Registration Fee 2. Complete and submit the Scholarship Application form included in the prospectus pack or at scholarships-bursaries by the deadline 3. Attend the Scholarship Assessment/s, if invited, bringing any requested information or evidence 4. Parents are notified of Scholarship decisions along with the offer of places in December of Year 6
Scholarship application deadlines 2021 admissions - 9 October 2020 2022 admissions - 8 October 2021
School contacts Registrar, Mrs Justine Tierney: 01206 594180
St Mary’s Colchester
2 47 Lon don Road, C opf ord, C ol ch est er, Essex C O3 8LT. Tel 0 120 6 21124 2
91 Lexd e n Ro ad , Co lche ster, E s sex, CO3 3RB. Te l 01206 572544
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