The school shop will be operating a click and collect service and appointments for new starters only in DCPS and DCS from 10th August.
HOW TO PLACE A CLICK & COLLECT ORDER Orders should be placed by emailing Please indicate uniform item, size or age and provide a contact telephone number. Shop staff will be back from 3rd August to
HOW TO ORDER ONLINE General uniform for Senior School pupils can be purchased from Please note, Senior School Sports Uniform will need to be purchased via the School Shop.
process the orders and take payment over the telephone. Parents will then be given a collection date, time and collection point number based
outside the shop from 10th August. Orders can be dispatched by post.
01242 258016
Dean Close School, Shelburne Road, Cheltenham, Glos, GL51 6HE
PURCHASING SCHOOL UNIFORM September 2020 school-shop
BOOK AN APPOINTMENT To book appointments in advance please email or call 01242 258016. The school shop will be open daily for orders, collections and appointments, Monday-Friday from 10th August 9.30am-5.00pm (except Bank Holiday Monday) through until 8th September when normal term time opening hours resume.
RETURNS Returns will be accepted. If you require an exchange or return, please send an email and it will be processed in the same way as the purchase. Returned items will be put in quarantine for the advised 72 hours.
SECOND HAND UNIFORM SALE 20th & 21st July 10am-4pm
SAFETY FIRST Social distancing measures will be in place inside and outside the shop
School Sports Hall
Only one adult and their child / children will be allowed in the shop for their appointment slot.
All proceeds to Family Space (already supported by DCPS)
Changing rooms will be thoroughly cleaned after every appointment. and The Uganda Link project
Please pay by card where possible.