MARCH 2022
Headmaster's Spring Newsletter
Headmaster's Spring Newsletter: School Life
Notes from the Headmaster: Andrew Carnegie was a Scottish-American industrialist and philanthropist. One of the wealthiest Americans in history, he led the expansion of the US steel industry in the late 19th century, a generation of rapid economic growth in which steel for all kind of uses such as building construction, bridges, railway trains and lines and oil derricks was in high demand.His great wealth provided him the opportunity to become a generous philanthropist in USA, UK and the British Empire, especially towards charities, foundations and universities. He died 103 years ago in Lenox, Massachusetts, USA. He was an astute businessman and was the first to adopt production and commercial practices that quickly became well-established modes of operation, including vertical integration processes requiring high levels of teamwork for the employees in the steel mills. He once famously said that teamwork is ‘the ability to work together towards a common vision. It is the fuel that allows ordinary people to attain extra-ordinary results’. At Highclare, we do encourage the children to learn through the teamwork that is required in many settings: classroom, sports fields, house activity to identify just a few. If it is considered that the main focus of a school should be to prepare young people to play a constructive and productive part in the global 21st century, high on the list of priorities would be teaching the importance of collaboration and communication, the ‘people’ skills that are so crucial to properly engaging with others to achieve some particular task or outcome. Having well-honed inter-personal skills and an ability to communicate to a range of audiences is surely a pre-requisite for anyone soon to enter the world of work. Never is Carnegie’s quote more apt than when describing what happens when people come together to stage a play or successful performance. There is a very acute sense of playing your part in order to avoid letting someone else down because, as anyone who has ever done it will tell you, there is hardly any room for error. Just recently I have had the pleasure of watching school performances at Highclare Preparatory School: Woodfield (Robin and the Sherwood Hoodies) and Highclare Preparatory School: St Paul’s (Olivia). Both were an absolute delight to watch and appreciate something greater than the sum of the individual parts. Both were wonderfully entertaining productions presented by teams absolutely committed to success. Whether it be on the stage, behind the scenes or front of house, all involved have had their part to play in the team. I thoroughly enjoyed watching them. The experience gained in staging the productions via things like taking responsibility, attending to detail and through the use of initiative was very exciting for educationalists, such as myself, to see. I am sure that parents felt the same. The children gained a real sense of achievement and success from their participation and I am delighted to see how all were able to TAKE CHARGE of their own learning. The Take Charge tenet ‘Achieve More Together’ is rooted in the belief that Andrew Carnegie’s recognition of the value of teamwork is correct. Therefore, a big thank you to all those involved: boys, girls, members of staff and members of the local community. Your teamwork added magnificently to the enrichment activity on offer at Highclare School. Best wishes for the second half of the academic year.
Dr R Luker, Headmaster
Headmaster's Spring Newsletter: Sixth Form
A Level Geography Residential, Cranedale
Independent study skills are invaluable for students as they progress through school on to university or other routes of further education. The independent study element of geography A level is one of the many reasons why geography remains so highly valued as a subject at A level and beyond. Throughout the A level geography course vital skills can be taught to aid independent study and this was the prime focus of a recent A level residential visit to the North Yorkshire coast. Students practised a wide range of skills including sampling techniques, emotional mapping of place using geo-located data, coding of word pictures and analysis of sediment size on the beach. Students were then encouraged to consider how these skills can be transferred to their own individual research projects which compromises 20% of the final A level marks. The results of the fieldwork trip then speak for themselves – confident, skilled geographers with a passion to research their own area of interest and achieve the best results they can.
Sixth form students introduced their Peer Mentoring scheme to senior school pupils during the autumn term. We are so very proud of these pupils who, under the guidance of Mrs Sharman-Everton, provide a positive and supportive system for younger pupils who might need help and a friendly ear.
Sixth Form Enrichment Fortnight
Highclare Sixth form students have welcomed many inspirational speakers from all walks of life to deliver talks during enrichment fortnight. These have included financial support talks from Aston University, how to cope at university and work ethics delivered by one of our school governors Mr Eperjesi, medical careers and how to get involved by a local Doctor, general maintenance by Mr Delaney and even how to make a spaghetti bolognaise delivered by our wonderful Mrs Smith. All pupils have enjoyed the fortnight and have developed some valuable skills to prepare them for life after Highclare. Thank you to all involved in making this week so invaluable.
Centre Stage in London
L6 and U6 Seeing Justice in Action
Before the Christmas break sixth form students took centre stage during the annual trip to London. The London Eye, Covent Garden and Mamma Mia at the Novello Theatre were all on the agenda of what was a festive and enjoyable day for all!
L6 and U6 pupils travelled into Birmingham as they visited the Birmingham magistrates’ court and crown court to witness justice in action. Pupils were welcomed to the magistrates by David Warner, Bench Chairman for Birmingham and Solihull who gave pupils a behind the scenes tour and let students stand in the dock and peer down the stairs to the cells. They observed one trial in the magistrates where the defendant was found guilty of driving offences and received a fine before heading across the road to the crown court.
Recently our Upper Fourth have been investigating the law of conservation of mass in the context of burning to disprove 18th century phlogiston theory. #ChallengeYourselfEveryday
Headmaster's Spring Newsletter: Senior School
Duke of Edinburgh Expedition Triumph
17 students from L5 took part in their practice expedition and 18 students from U5 in their qualifying Duke of Edinburgh Award expedition over the course of a weekend in September. Both groups had a fabulous time walking from Barnt Green Train station to the Lickey Hills, cooking on trangias and camping. It was great to see groups working as teams and supporting each other. It was noted how well prepared our students were with their well packed rucksacks and prompt arrival on Saturday morning. Mrs Bate would like to thank all the staff involved in the weekend – Miss Johnson, Mr Sneary, Mrs Green, Mr Coles and Mr Linfield. BigBrum Romeo and Juliet Theatre Performance
BigBrum theatre company visited senior school to further enhance the learning of our GCSE students studying Sheakepeares’ text. BigBrum performed a new adaptation of ‘Romeo & Juliet’ as part of the ‘Monuments Trilogy’ programme of work. Their version is faithful to the text of Shakespeare’s tragedy, but played to themes relevant to young people today, such as isolation, repression and civil dissonance. The enactment was extremely engaging for all of our students, bringing the text to life and created many talking points.
A selection of our best mathematicians were invited to take part in The Intermediate Mathematics Challenge on Thursday 3 February. As well as competing in the national competition, the challenge was also a house competition within school. We look forward to announcing the results in due course, well done to all who took part.
An Audience With Queen Elizabeth I at Tutbury Castle
ISA Festival of Sport Logo Winner
L4 students recently travelled to Tutbury Castle in Staffordshire for an audience with Queen Elizabeth I.
ISA recently ran a competition for pupils to design a logo for the 2022 ISA Festival of Sport.
Queen Elizabeth shared stories about her life and times, allowed pupils to hold real Tudor swords and invited them to ask any questions. The Queen was incredibly impressed with Highclare pupils and their historical knowledge, so much so that L4 pupil Danny Khan was knighted and declared to be Sir Danny of Lichfield!
The winning image was created by our very own David Sanyanga and his design has been used to finalise an exciting new logo for the upcoming prestigious event.
The remainder of the afternoon was spent exploring the scenic castle ruins and taking full advantage of the castle grounds. The visit was both informative and enjoyable and the students returned to school with great memories and historical knowledge.
David’s design, which was chosen unanimously by the judges, will be used at the biggest sporting event in the ISA’s sporting calendar and will feature on t-shirts given to all those taking part. Everyone at Highclare and ISA would like to say congratulations to David!
U3 Pupil s Symphony Hall Experience
Miss Cassells, head of the Senior School music department, took U3 pupils to see a live symphony orchestra (the amazing CBSO) on the Symphony Hall stage. Students have been learning all about the different instrumental families and their sounds, qualities, and this was a wonderful way of bringing together all of their knowledge.
Key stage 3 pupils worked on solving a live court case during their PSHE and Drama lessons. As part of the process they had to question witnesses to work out who stole £100 000 from a hotel. Well done to L4S, U4S and U4R who deduced correctly that the deputy manager of the hotel was guilty.
Headmaster's Spring Newsletter: Senior School
U4 Careers Information Morning
It was another busy morning during our annual careers event. Outside speakers covered talks on what it is like to work in law, medicine, engineering, business and the Royal Navy, pupils also got involved in an interactive careers activity. Thanks in particular to parent, Mr Stuart Griffiths for supporting this event once more and to all our other guest speakers, who volunteered their time to talk to our young people. Mr Dan Goddard from the Royal Navy also stayed to lead a Q&A session during lunch, of which there was lots of interest from our U5 pupils, especially those already in the sea cadets.
EcoSchools at Highclare Senior School
Perspective Portraits
We are pleased to have launched the EcoSchools initiative here at Highclare Senior School.
L5 started their GCSE Art & Photography projects by creating a range of fantastically creative ‘altered portraits’, we look forward to seeing their projects develop.
EcoSchools is a charity involved in engaging young people in Environmental Education and action. To earn EcoSchools Green Flag Accreditation we have committed to complete the seven step framework which includes setting up an EcoComittee, undertaking an Environmental Review of the school and designing and carrying out an Action Plan. Here at Highclare we want to do our bit in ensuring our school is as sustainable as it can be.
Hair Raising Physics
L4 pupils investigated the Van de Graaff generator to kick off their new physics unit on Electricity and Magnetism, with hair raising results!
Our EcoCouncil launched the initiative with a whole school assembly just before half term. They informed the school community about the EcoReview they were undertaking, presented their initial findings and launched a competition design an EcoCode for our senior school community.
It was fantastic to see our L5 and L6 pupils so engaged with the recent Elevate study skills workshop. Students found this extremely valuable as they embarked upon their new courses. Thank you to Elevate for running this excellent session.
Headmaster's Spring Newsletter: Senior School
Senior School Prize Giving 2020/2021
In the presence of invited guests, Highclare Senior School celebrated the achievements of pupils in U3 to U6 during the 2020/2021 academic year. Prizes for Outstanding Academic Achievement in a number of subjects were awarded to pupils who had performed particularly well in their GCSE and A Level exams. Prizes were awarded for creative writing, Take Charge, speech and drama, music, sports, attainment, effort and progress. House trophies were awarded, with York collecting The House Point Trophy, congratulations York! Mrs Flowith, Chair of Governors warmly welcomed guests to the ceremony and Dr Luker’s Headmaster’s Report reminded all present of the wonderful accomplishments and experiences senior school pupils can be proud of. It was a pleasure to welcome Nasstassia Hylton and Mrs Angela Moore back to Highclare School as our Guest Speakers. Miss Hylton is an ex-pupil of Highclare School – a member of Lancaster House – who left in 2001 as Head Girl and is now a practising barrister specialising in family law. Miss Hylton spoke with great pride and fondness of her time at Highclare and how the morals instilled during her schooling still impact her life today. An extract of her wonderful address follows. Mrs Moore joined Highclare School in September 2006 and completed 15 years of dedicated service to the Senior School, firstly as an English teacher and then taking on a school-wide pastoral role before becoming, for the last nine years, Head of Senior School. It is with great joy that Mrs Moore returned to Senior School to present the inaugural Angie Moore Trophy, a trophy awarded for kindness and empathy. Throughout the proceedings musical interludes were beautifully performed by Cadence Ball, Julian Hau, Rhapsody Choir, Sophia Jamil and Isabel Masaun. Congratulations to all of the award winners and grateful thanks to all who contributed towards the staging of this event.
Headmaster's Spring Newsletter: Senior School
Good evening and thank you very much for inviting me to come back to Highclare. I must say it’s been quite a refreshing walk down memory lane for me and I’ll tell you when it started which is last year, or late 2019. I received an email from the school inviting me back to unveil the time capsule that was buried while I was here and realised that I had left almost 20yrs ago - at that stage I thought it must have been sent to the wrong person as that clearly couldn’t be me that had left almost 20yrs ago - so I took a deep breath and realised yes it was me and I did actually leave almost more than 20yrs ago so I thought perhaps a helpful canter through why or how I got to the stage that I am may be something that would both inspire the children here and perhaps reassure the parents that you really are instilling in your children, by supporting them in this wonderful school, the very best skills that they will need for whatever greets them 20 yrs down the line when they are in the position that I am. The first thing to say is that when I came to this school, with my grandmother who sits on the front row there, to meet the then head Mrs Hanson - I knew then, as I was that kind of child, that I wanted to be a barrister. I didn’t know that I was stepping through the doors of the place that would give me all of the skills that I would need to fulfil that dream – my grandmother did. And that’s what happened and so I am here. So I came to this school which really instilled in me, almost without me knowing, the skills that would stand me in good stead throughout my life and that meant that I took every single opportunity that was available to me and threw myself into it. Whether that was sport, where I loved netball and became the netball team captain or whether that was speech and drama or elocution as we refer to it then which I loved and perhaps it’s come to no surprise I’m in the career that I am in. It was everything that was on offer at this wonderful school that I really threw myself into and I think it’s right to say there could scarcely be a more nurturing and supportive place from which to propel children and young people to whatever they choose to follow as adults. It’s right that when I came here, age 11 in a Blazer that would still probably fit me now, I of course needed just in the same way as all children, moulding, I needed supporting I needed challenging I needed all the things you no doubt do at home anyway for your children because that’s all carried on wonderfully in this institution that is called Highclare School and it’s also right to say that when I now look at my two young girls and the types of school that I would like them to go to every school that I walk through the doors of I think to myself it is like Highclare? And if it isn’t it doesn’t make the list frankly. And I suppose there could no better really endorsement of the experience that I had here for the fact that for my own 2 young girls I look for the mould or the blueprint as it were that is Highclare School I know perhaps that I haven’t got too long, the most important aspect of the night of course is the children who are getting the prizes and awards that they have worked so very hard for. But perhaps I could leave you with this, the video we have seen said something about fulfilling potential and I think that’s right in the sense that there could be perhaps no better example of fulfilling potential than 11 year old Sasia Hylton who turned up at the door with her grandmother almost 20 yrs ago who is now standing before you in circumstances that I have sat in your very same position watching guest speakers come year after year and here I am trying to inspire you in the very same way that the guest speakers, teacher and the general ethos and environment of Highclare School did for me all those years ago and so my very warm thanks to the school of course for a very the benefits it gave to me. My huge congratulations to the young people who are about to receive their prizes and awards and to you as parent for choosing such a wonderful place to trust , and it really is trust of course when you choose a place to educate your children, but a wonderful decision that you have made to choose Highclare School for your children because there is no better place to fulfil a child’s potential it seems to be than the very place that we sit now. Nasstassia Hylton
Headmaster's Spring Newsletter: Sporting Diary in Pictures
Headmaster's Spring Newsletter: Preparatory School
One Book, One School
Highclare Prep took part in an incredible initiative, ‘One Book, One School’. Throughout the week all learning for all children was based around the book ‘The Perfect Fit’ and its themes. Children created amazing work and some excellent discussions were had!
At Highclare we have high academic expectations. Children begin to learn Spanish in pre-prep and are often the most enthusiastic language learners in the school!
Staffordshire Regiment Museum
Yr6 classification in the Woodlands
Yr2 visited the Staffordshire Regiment museum to complement their topic on war and remembrance. Everyone was very impressed with the wonderful behaviour displayed and thoughtful questions posed.
Yr6 have been on a walk around the school to identify all livings things. They had to classify them into mammals/ birds/ molluscs and also classified the plants into flowering and non-flowering. This will culminate in creating a field guide for the school grounds.
European Day of Language
Last week Key stage 2 children across Highclare Prep marked the 20th anniversary of European Day of Languages. Pupils worked so hard to learn a song called the Rainbow of Love. Yr5 and Yr6 sang the verses in French and Spanish whilst using Makaton signs, whilst Yr3 and Yr4 sang the colours of the rainbow in both languages. The assembly was the first opportunity to perform the song together and was a beautiful experience.
Prep pupils celebrated Diwali through an incredible Diwali Dance lesson - thank you to all involved, the children learnt so much and it was great to be able to celebrate in such a joyful way!
Recently in maths, reception children learnt about patterns. To finish a fantastic week they made healthy fruit skewers, making sure they were in a pattern.
Headmaster's Spring Newsletter: Preparatory School
Autumn Maths in Pre-Prep
Cannock Chase Museum Visit
During an autumnal maths lesson pre-prep children read numbers that had been written on leaves, decided which leaves they would like and then used a hole punch to create the corresponding number of holes on each leaf! They demonstrated great perseverance and some great counting.
Yr1 had a fantastic time at Cannock Chase Museum learning about toys from the past. The highlight was definitely the Punch and Judy show; tears of laughter all round!
A Forest of Promises
Highclare Prep children keep up to date with current events throughout their School life. Recently they have focused on the UN Climate Change Conference COP 26, a topic important to all children. Each child has pledged a promise for the planet and hoped for a promise from the government.
Anti-bullying Week 2021
From Cygnets through to Yr6 all pupils took part in activities as part of #antibullyingweek2021. Cygnets talked about what we can do to make our friends happy such as being kind, friendly, sharing and taking turns. Then they enjoyed making a colourful friendship tree using their handprints. Reception thought about Kindness and the words they use to show that they are kind. Children chose their favourite words and wrote them on hearts and stars. They thought about how to fill someone’s bucket with kindness. Saying kind words makes us and someone else feel happy. 'We will use our hearts and stars to make our own Reception Kindness Bucket'! (From the book, ‘Have you filled a Bucket today’)
ISA Swim Finals
A huge well done to prep school pupils Seb and Ambur who competed at the ISA National Swim finals in London. Ambur finished fourth and Seb’s team came in second place. We are so proud of both of you.
Make sure you follow Highclare Prep on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter to keep up to date with all the incredible activities taking place, including a full calendar of sports fixtures!
Headmaster's Spring Newsletter: Preparatory School
An Out of this World Visit
Yr5 had a fantastic trip to The National Space Centre in Leicester. Children were impressed by the 40 foot rocket, but their favourite part was the planetarium show!
Sustainability and Recycling
As part of their PSCHE Sustainability and Recycling topic Yr4P created incredible sustainability recycling projects which demonstrated fantastic ideas and creativity. In class they talked about reduce, reuse, recycle and the consequences of plastics ending up in the oceans. For homework, they were charged with making something useful out of rubbish that would otherwise be thrown away.
@highclare_prep Yr2 children have been particularly enjoying their scheme of work on tag rugby. This week they progressed to mini matches after working on scoring last week. Keep up the hard work Yr2! #highclare #sport #sportingfriday Chinese New Year
This week children in our pre-prep class have celebrated Chinese New Year through an incredible array of activities and crafts. They have made lanterns, created a collage Tiger, choreographed a Dragon dance and took part in an animal race. Thank you to George who brought in some special gifts he received as a baby as he was born in Vietnam. It was lovely to share these items with his friends.
Congratulations to all of the children who got to enjoy delicious gold snacks and a Christmas movie as part of this terms Going for Gold celebrations.
Extra Special Post
Yr3 children have received some extra special post! After writing to their favourite famous people pupils have received post a host of celebrities people including JK Rowling and signed letters from Julia Donaldson. What special keepsakes!
Language Ambassadors in Action
KS1 children at Highclare Preparatory School: St Paul's had some exciting visitors. The Language Ambassadors dressed up as Los Reyes Magos and visited the younger children to celebrate Día de Reyes. In Spain, the Kings bring gifts to children on the 6 January and every town holds a parade, where the Kings throw sweets to the crowd. Our Kings did a super job explaining the traditions to the children and gave them each a chocolate to take home.
Headmaster's Spring Newsletter: Preparatory School
Well-Being Week
The well-being of our school community will always be of the highest priority and enabling our children to recognise their feelings and take charge of their own well-being is an essential skill and one that we will always promote. Well-being week is an exciting and highly beneficial event on the school calendar. During the week pupils took part in a variety of activities and assemblies focused on well-being and mental health. As a reflection activity, Yr4W thought about a personal goal they would like to set for themselves - and we can confirm an array of wonderful goals were set! We can’t wait to see and help children achieve them. Despite the cold weather most pupils took their learning outside, Yr1 were ‘sound collectors’ collecting sounds around the school for their poems and ‘Polar Explorers’, working as a team to go fishing, take part in relay races to Antarctica, and solve puzzles to get their team safely across the ocean on a small piece of ice.
Prioritizing well-being is integral to the ethos of Highclare Prep and the now annual 'well-being week' is a perfect opportunity to celebrate and support this. Whitmoor Lakes
Residential settings and team-building activities break down barriers, allow the development and practice of important social skills, and encourage pupils to work more collaboratively, thus building skills such as teamwork and communication. All this and more is evident during the Yr5 residential trip to Whitemoor Lakes. The children learnt skills in abseiling, archery, canoeing and team building as well as bed making skills, a first for many! The staff at the centre were very complimentary about the children’s attitude to embracing these new experiences and pushing themselves out of their comfort zone. Well done Yr5!
Headmaster's Spring Newsletter: Preparatory School
Key stage 2 Take Centre Stage
Self-expression and creativity are encouraged at every stage of a Highclare Prep pupils' development, skills not least displayed in the productions put on by key stage 2 children during the spring term. What a performance by the Highclare Prep band of merry men and women during the outstanding Highclare Preparatory School: Woodfield key stage 2 production. Parents were taken on a journey through the medieval mayhem of Merry England and into the depths of Sherwood Forest to discover the hilarious truth behind the legend of Robin Hood in this great musical comedy! The comedic timing and expression of the children during the performance was incredible! Highclare Preparatory School: St Paul’s key stage 2 department brought down the house with their incredible performance of Olivia! Performing over two nights parents were thrilled to be able to come into school, enjoy this wonderful show and see confident and talented pupils on stage! Tuneful, amusing and brilliantly performed.
Headmaster's Spring Newsletter: Christmas
Christmas Calendars
Two of our favourite initiatives that took place in the lead up to Christmas are the 'Highclare Prep Activity' and 'Highclare Prep Reverse Advent' calendars. In the place of homework prep pupils are encouraged to take part in a range of activities and donate to our local foodbank. Mrs Bennett loved receiving updates and pictures of your endeavours
Sutton Park Grange Care Home
Performing to residents at Sutton Park Grange Care Home proved a wonderful opportunity for the Highclare Prep music department to support our local community. It was a pleasure to provide musical entertainment to residents as they held their first Christmas market.
We were very excited to share our virtual Christmas concert via Vimeo link. Parents kept a keen eye out for an email to watch the wonderful performances! Congratulations to everyone involved for making this wonderful event possible Carols in Gracechurch and Lichfield
Cygnets' Winter Wonderland
It was a delight to welcome so many parents and grandparents at our Cygnets' Winter Wonderland. We were very proud of the cygnet children for their wonderful singing and playing of instruments.
Highclare Preparatory School Choir braved the cold weather as they sang carols within the community in aid of our school charities. Their glorious singing raised a super amount of £362.91! Thank you once again to all that supported the children and our wonderful Highclare Prep music department.
Sixth Form Panto
A highlight of the sixth form and senior school diary is the annual 'Sixth Form Panto' and this year the performance did not disappoint. Audience participation, traditional and modern musical dances and a few famous faces kept the audience entertained and on their feet with applause!
Senior school pupils were invited to wear Christmas accessories over the top of their white PE kits while they took part in themed house activities all in exchange for a £2 donation (in aid of our school charities). #highclare
Headmaster's Spring Newsletter: Charity
Who are we raising money for?
Throughout the year Highclare pupils take part in a number of activities to raise money for our School charities. We are in the second year of supporting these worthwhile causes and thank the Highclare community for your continued generosity
This year Mrs Faulkner, a Highclare prep school parent, not only ran the London Marathon, an incredible achievement in itself, but did so while attempting to break the Guinness World Record of “fastest marathon dressed as a 3-D plant (female)” . Mrs Faulkner took on this challenge to raise awareness and money for the Cystic Fibrosis Trust, a charity that is incredibly important to their family. It has been confirmed that the application for Fastest marathon dressed a three dimensional plant (female) was successful and over £11,000 was raised for charity.
Headmaster's Spring Newsletter: School Life
Meet the Teacher. Mrs Cassell Deputy Head of Senior School: Pastoral
What do you love most about teaching? I love working with young people and seeing them achieve their potential. I enjoy learning new things and new skills myself too and have really developed both my subject knowledge and my ICT skills over the course of my career. I’m fortunate to teach Geography; it’s such a diverse and changing subject and I’ve been able to lead some fabulous field trips both in the UK and abroad. Probably the best thing, however, is how no two days are ever the same; there’s absolutely no chance of getting bored! What is the proudest moment of your career? This was the end of my qualifying year after teacher training. I was rejected when I first applied to train as a teacher with the feedback given that, despite my Geography degree from Oxford University and extensive work experience with schools, that I was ‘too quiet and lacking in confidence’. Whilst this was probably quite a fair but harsh assessment I didn’t let it put me off and I reapplied. My first year of teaching was indeed very tough but I persevered, spoke a little louder and didn’t let my lack of confidence show. I was so glad I’d not given up and that I’d not believed the feedback that I wasn’t good enough. What are you most looking forward to in your new role? I’m really delighted to take on the role Deputy Head: Pastoral at Highclare Senior School. I started teaching at Highclare School back in 2010 as Head of Geography and have since been fortunate to combine this role firstly with Key Stage 4 Coordinator and then later as Assistant Head. I’m looking forward to working more closely with staff, pupils and parents to continue to make Highclare School a superb place for all. What advice would you offer your school age self? My advice to myself would be to be yourself and don’t feel you have to follow the fashion trends of the time. My enormous 80's perm and white stiletto shoes really did not suit me! What would your ideal day be? Walking on the beautiful beaches of Norfolk with my family and my dogs. We holiday there every year and much as I love travelling to other countries this remains my favourite place in the world to visit.
I recommend you read…. every day and as many different books as you can! I’m an avid reader and read at least one book every week. I have to confess to getting up early every morning so that I can read before setting off to work. If ever I’m late to school it’ll be because I’m just finishing the next chapter…..
Junior English Creative Writing Competition Gets Royal Seal Of Approval
Mrs Dawson, Head of English, was so impressed with the entries she received during the Junior Creative Writing Competition that she decided to share them with the Queen herself. Recently she received a personal reply from Windsor Castle! “I was thrilled to receive a letter from the Queen this week and was delighted to know that she had enjoyed the poems written by the winners in our Junior School writing competition to celebrate her 70 years on the throne.” Mrs Dawson, Head of English
@highclare_prep was delighted to welcome @FaytheandtheFearstone into school to lead assemblies and workshops. The goal driving @FaytheandFearstone is to help children recognise the importance of good mental health at an early age & install positive thoughts & techniques to conquer their fears, build confidence and reach their full potential. All pupils fully engaged in the workshops and it sparked wonderful conversations #highclare #thankyout
Headmaster's Spring Newsletter: School Life
Black History Month
Black History Month enables both adults and children to gain a broader understanding of Black histories, going beyond racism and slavery to also spotlight Black achievement. It helps us all to see that Black history is also British history. Children learnt through a variety of different activities and assemblies from pre-prep through to sixth form. Cygnets celebrated the work of Garrett Morgan, who blazed a trail for African American inventors with his patents including traffic lights. This worked well with the colours pre-prep children had been learning so that links with colours and their environment could be made. Swans read the story ‘Handa’s Surprise’ and incorporated a whole host of activities into their day including tasting fruits, basket weaving and making wonderful African inspired bracelets. To celebrate Black History Month, Yr2 dedicated a lesson to Rosa Parks. With their very own bus tickets, the children took part in a role-play bus scenario, problem-solving what to do when they discovered that there were not enough seats for everyone on the bus. In the process the children learnt about fairness, equality and the success of Rosa Park’s protest.
Yr6 to the Senior School Highclare Senior School had the pleasure of welcoming Yr6 prep pupils to The Abbey as part of our cross over schedule of events. Split into 2 groups prep pupils visited the senior school DT and maths department where they put their creativity and mental maths to the test! Pupils used ‘Tinkercad’ a 3D CAD program, to create unique and creative 3D models, mostly of unusual buildings but also cars and animal characters. The most successful were printed in the senior school DT department and have since been sent to the prep school for the students to see. The maths department introduced pupils to modular arithmetic, a system of arithmetic for integers, where numbers “wrap around” when reaching a certain value, called the modulus. The modern approach to modular arithmetic was developed by Carl Friedrich Gauss in his book Disquisitiones Arithmeticae, published in 1801. Pupils behaved impeccably and their enthusiasm to try new things was inspirational, Senior School staff can’t wait to welcome them back again!
Headmaster's Spring Newsletter: School Life
Highclare Prep Welcomes Patsy Into Their Classrooms
At Highclare Prep, we have been so happy to meet our new school dog, Patsy. The students love her and Patsy has already been a great source of support for some of our pupils. Book club and Patsy strokes have been a particular highlight! Patsy was gradually integrated into school and is now a regular member of our community. Other than emotional work, pets including dogs, are a great physical distraction from negative thoughts and feelings. The unpredictability of animals’ movements and behaviour provide never-ending stimulation for curious minds. Dogs are often referred to as man’s best friend but for those who have a genuine fear of encountering them, life can be very difficult. Research has shown that stroking animals has a positive effect on mood, and can help relax and soothe people. Patsy is a very calm, good-natured dog who is happy to take the role of pupil support therapist. A few benefits of Patsy visiting prep school are: Cognitive development – companionship with a dog stimulates memory, problem-solving and game-playing Social development– a dog provides a positive mutual topic for discussion, encourages responsibility, wellbeing and focused interaction with others Emotional development – a school dog improves self-esteem, acceptance from others and lifts mood, often provoking laughter and fun. Dogs can also teach compassion and respect for other living things as well as relieving anxiety. Physical development– interaction with a furry friend reduces blood pressure, provides tactile stimulation, assists with pain management, gives motivation to move, walk and stimulates the senses Environmental development – a dog in a school increases the sense of a family environment, with all of the above benefits continuing long after the school day is over. Empirical evidence shows that educational assistance dogs can enhance children’s psychological development, improve social skills, and increase self-esteem. Dogs in the classroom can be used to calm fears, relieve anxiety, and teach skills. In particular school dogs are used to listen to children read. Reading to dogs has been proven to help children develop literacy skills and build confidence, through both the calming effect the dog’s presence has on children as well as the fact that a dog will listen to children read without being judgemental or critical. This comforting environment helps to nurture children’s enthusiasm for reading and provides them with the confidence to read aloud.
Focus On: Wilson Vale
Our wonderful catering suppliers continue to provide pupils from pre-prep through to sixth form with inventive and nourishing meals. Particular highlights to the menu include a series of feature lunches: Italian, American, Chinese and incredible Christmas themed lunches including 'The Lion the Witch and the Wardrobe', 'the Grinch' and 'Home Alone'.
Headmaster's Spring Newsletter: School Life
Creative Writing Compeition
With over 300 entries from local schools Dr Luker and the Highclare Senior School English department were thrilled with the response to this years Highclare School Junior Creative Writing Competition. The theme of ‘A poem to celebrate the 70th anniversary of the Queen’s reign’ certainly sparked the imagination of pupils and the quality of poems received was, once again, of an extremely high standard. Thank you to all who took part and congratulations to our winning poets, a full list of which can be found on our website! First Place Fern Sherry, Yr6 St Peter & St Paul's Catholic Primary School. Lichfield Second Place Sian Sabharwal, Yr5W Highclare Preparatory School: Woodfield Joint Third Place Cara Rogers, Yr6 Abbey Catholic Primary School Deesha Agarwal, Yr5 Mayfield Preparatory School
Cygnet children have been learning about Remembrance through art, they have created wonderful poppies and observed the silence #remembrance
World Kindness Day Highclare 90th anniversary
With preparations well underway for the 90th anniversary celebrations it was lovely to have this email appear in our alumni inbox. We can't wait to welcome alumni back into school and hear about your adventures and successes - please register your details with Mrs Soen to stay in touch.
Make sure you follow Highclare School on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter to keep up to date with all the incredible activities taking place, including separate twitter accounts for senior school sport, ICT and science!
Nothing makes Mrs Bennett more proud than when she receives emails like this out of the blue! Thank you Connie, Head of Health and Wellbeing at WHG Housing Association, for taking the time to write We are so very proud of Seb who has displayed incredible kindness.
Headmaster's Spring Newsletter: School Life
ISA Art Competition
In the ISA Regional Art final Highclare School celebrated success across the Prep and Senior School. Well done to all!
Congratulations to Prep School pupils: Eesa Ahmed ‘Bumble Bee’ (3D art) Esmie Robinson ‘Thank You NHS’ (Textiles) Jasmine Broomfield ‘Burning Reflection’ (Photography) Trinity–Joy Wallace ‘We All Fit Together’ (Drawing KS1) Alayna Rashid ‘Busy Day at School’ (Drawing KS2) Idris Baker ‘It’s Good to be Me’ (Drawing KS1) and Senior School pupils: Lizzie Warne ‘Winter Berries’ KS3/4 Photography Natalia Mozaffary KS3 3D Art Sashanna Grant KS4 Drawing
“The eyes are the mirror of the soul” fantastic pencil and pen drawings by L5 Art students exploring the work of hyperrealistic artist Hector Gonzalez. #highclare #isaart
Open Events Highclare Preparatory School: St Paul's, School-In-Action Week Monday 9 May until Friday 14 May Highclare Senior School, Open Evening 4.30pm – 7.00pm, Tuesday 10 May Highclare Senior School, School-In-Action Week Monday 16 May until Friday 20 May Highclare Preparatory School: Woodfield, School-In-Action Week Monday 6 June until Friday 10 June Please contact our admissions department for further information on
Keep an eye on our social media channels to hear about other admission events including our popular pre-prep taster sessions and senior school scholarship and taster days.
Fulfilling potential in everyone