D AY & B O A R D I N G F O R B O Y S & G I R L S 11 - 1 8 Y E A R S
D AY & B O A R D I N G F O R B O Y S & G I R L S 11 - 1 8 Y E A R S
WELCOME TO TRENT COLLEGE As Head of Trent College, it is a great privilege to be able to provide our pupils with the best possible all-round education as preparation for successful lives beyond school. Academic rigour and the highest possible academic outcomes for every individual are priorities for us. We are proud of what our pupils achieve in their learning. The educational journey does not stop there, though, with physical, creative, spiritual, and emotional development also being central to what we hold to be of fundamental importance. At Trent College, success in all of these areas takes many forms and is different for everyone.
“A t Tren t w e of fer an educ ation wh ich cel ebrates al l : the aca demic , c reative , ph ysical , spiritual a nd emotiona l.�
Simply learning to pass tests and examinations is no longer enough; our pupils need to develop the skills, confidence and self-awareness that will allow them to flourish in a society whose frontiers, both physical and mental, will have shifted. The breadth of opportunity and depth of care at Trent College, both within and beyond the classroom, provide a wonderful grounding from which these skills can grow and flourish. Do please visit the School to speak to me, the staff and, most importantly, the pupils. They are great company and it is they who best exemplify our values and character; I am sure they would love to tell you about all that is possible here.
BILL PENTY, Head of Trent College
THE SPIRIT OF OUR COMMUNITY The quality of pastoral care is a significant feature of our school and the attention given to each individual is at the heart of this warm community. This essence of team, of community … its heart, its soul, is the sharing of values and the things we do because we care for each other, and for the good of this place. We place great emphasis on the strong relationship between home and school; we know that young people only make true progress when parents and teachers are united in the guidance that they give. One large, safe and attractive campus envelops all aspects of our school and plays an essential role in our school’s warmth and vibrancy. Everything we could need is on hand; from our theatre, science laboratories, state of the art graphics design studio, magnificent library and provision for all range of sporting and musical pursuits, with all of our wonderful people learning and working side by side. Established in 1866 as an Anglican Foundation, in the broad Christian tradition, Trent College welcomes students from all faiths. Great emphasis is placed on the spirit of our community and the significance of spiritual life. We guard this close and inclusive community of pupils, parents, staff and alumni, fostering a positive, dynamic and caring environment where pupils feel supported, secure and able to thrive.
“ My son is extremel y h a pp y a nd so a re w e , a s pa rents , with th e lovel y, fr iendl y, fa mil y atmosph ere.”
“ I t ’s n ot j u st t h e t e a ch e rs at Tre n t wh o h e l p y ou , Sixth Form Prefects a n d Ye a r 1 1 M e n t ors wh o w e re on c e i n y ou r sh o e s a re ‘ i n t h e kn ow’ !”
Letting go of the sides At Trent College, students learn to become self-propelling rather than needing to be driven by others; they further develop their own uniqueness and discover their own passions and ambitions, becoming more than just ‘one of the crowd’. This process begins when each student is welcomed into the strong and caring Trent community. We seek opportunities to encourage our pupils to grow in independence, maturity and confidence, fostering support and togetherness amongst peers through our House system, with older students tasked to lead by example and younger years flourishing as they play a valuable part in the team. As students mature, they are encouraged to demonstrate personal strengths and increasing independence, developing new life skills and a greater self-awareness. The close nurturing influence of dedicated tutors ensures each student can meet their personal targets and fully immerse themselves in our busy and exciting school. Through their years at Trent, our students’ identity, self-esteem and self-belief become better focused and stronger as they learn to stand on their own, let go of the sides, stretch up to their full height and really begin to achieve.
C o n f i d e n c e g row s o u t o f Ac h i e v e m e n t A delight in excellence, the thirst to find out more and the realisation that confidence grows out of achievement and not unearned praise or self-promotion, are all great attributes for adult life. At Trent, we know that learning matters. In a world that is full of the celebrity and the trivial, at Trent we still hold on to real values and qualities. Our students are expected to work hard and our teachers are expected to teach in a way that inspires and motivates. There are no excellent schools without excellent teachers – we have over 100 talented teachers, chosen for their broad range of experience, professionalism, academic specialisms, passion and dedication to our pupils.
“We recogn ise the n eed for suppor tin g in d e pen d en t l ear n in g in ord er to create ha pp y an d l ife- l on g l ear n ers.� www.trentcollege.net
We want our students to begin to open their minds and have an awareness of the best achievements and most exciting discoveries so that they may find inspiration in the very best that has been known and said in the world. A strong emphasis is placed on debate, discussion and research to encourage independent thinking and learning skills, supported by an extensive range of resources and facilities.
A ca d e m i c S u cc e s s a t A ll L e v e l s We value a high-quality, rich and challenging academic education through which our pupils are stretched and encouraged to fulfil their potential. Our ethos of hard work, commitment and taking pride in one’s work results in pupils who consistently achieve high personal ambitions. Emphasis is placed upon robust core subjects including three separate sciences and modern foreign languages. One of the virtues of being a large school is that the range of academic subjects from which a student can choose is extensive with a large number of possible combinations available. The curriculum is continually reviewed to ensure it meets the demands of our students and an ever-changing world. We offer GCSEs, iGCSEs, A levels and the optional Extended Project Qualification (EPQ). The vast majority of our students go on to university, with an impressive quality and range of courses undertaken. Many of our students opt for the traditional professional routes into medicine, law, business and public service, but significant numbers increasingly choose more creative and entrepreneurial paths.
“I am d eli gh t ed t h at t he hard work m y t e ach e rs an d I h av e put i n h as pai d of f. I ’ m sa d t o l e ave Trent a f t er sev en fa n t ast i c y e ars , bu t ve r y ex ci t e d to be goi n g t o un ive rsi t y t o st u d y E n gl i sh .”
A n E x c e p t i o n al T o t al C u r r i c u l u m At Trent College, we speak of the total curriculum, considering what happens in the classroom and outside the classroom, as one whole package. From their first years, students are encouraged to broaden their interests, engaging in new experiences to find out where their talents and passions lie. The quality, range and depth of activity at Trent is remarkable and the size and scope of the school allows all pupils to find their niche and kindred spirits amongst their peers. We place great importance on our students developing a broad range of skills and becoming the very best version of themselves; getting our students to find out what lies within them is at the very heart of Trent. As they grow through the school, they gradually work out what they are good at and what they love, preparing them for future chances and challenges well beyond their school years and university. When what you are good at and what you love come together, you are in your element. There is no better place to be. Students may gain a better understanding of the bigger picture, of life’s lessons, painted by one of the many speakers who form our highly prestigious arts and speakers’ programme: a distinctive feature of our school life which gives students the opportunity to participate in debates and deepen their understanding of varied topics. They may develop the ability to stand up on stage and hold the audience in the palm of their hand or they may discover a deep and life-long love of the great outdoors and or unexpected talent for leadership. As we would hope from any school that sees its virtue in breadth and diversity, our students are as varied and unique as the interests they pursue.
“ Trent is a new ch a pter of a book a nd your pa g es will be filled with exc iting experienc es during your Trent jour ne y.” 11
C r e at i v i t y a n d P e r f o r m a n c e
“M u si c a n d d ra ma a re a h u g e par t of Tre n t – y ou can d o l i g ht i n g an d soun d , y ou can a ct , pl a y an i n st r u me n t , tak e pa r t i n e n se mbl e s or si n g i n t h e choir.�
Music, art and drama play a crucial role in the life of our students, providing an opportunity for enjoyment, relaxation, self-expression and creativity. From the formal disciplines of choral and classical ensembles to the informal jazz, rock and swing bands, there is such breadth and variety of music at Trent College. Remarkably, over 500 music lessons are taught at Trent each week and there are regular ensembles for all students to partake in. The quality and quantity of our drama productions is impressive and students are encouraged to peform in with a wide range of plays and reviews, from small studio work to ambitious whole school musicals and productions. There are many students at Trent who distinguish themselves with their creativity, by using their imagination, their eyes and their hands to produce something unique and remarkable. Our Art Department and Design & Technology Department hold several inspiring exhibitions throughout the year.
S p o r t f o r all Trent has a very strong sporting tradition and an enviable record of sporting achievement, with a national reputation in hockey, cricket, tennis and rugby. Many of our students are regularly selected for county, regional and national honours. The main emphasis in the sporting life of Trent is of excellence, but not only for the very talented, as we strongly encourage inclusion and enjoyment for all students, whatever their ability. The school organises competitive fixtures for all age groups and very high levels of participation see the vast majority of our students competing regularly. Each student is coached by a highly trained team led by a large specialist physical education department. Opportunities in sport for pupils at Trent are abundant, providing chances to practise and develop, to play and represent their school and to foster an appreciation of fitness and an active lifestyle. Our first-class facilities are extensive and include superbly maintained grounds, two floodlit all-weather pitches, an indoor swimming pool and a sports complex with squash and tennis courts.
“How ev er good you are , there’s a team here for ev er yon e!�
“A Tre n t e d u cat i on i s n ot an e n d i n i t se l f , bu t rat h e r t h e fou n d at i on for a f u l f i l l e d l i f e.�
Leaders are not born; they are made just like anything else, through hard work. Most people have vast potential and can do extraordinary things if they have the confidence to take measured risks; the seeds of leadership are sown at an early age here at Trent College. Life is about finding, knowing and then understanding your own limits, not simply living comfortably within those set for you. At Trent College, our students learn to do this by taking on real responsibilities such as becoming a Prefect or Mentor. They do this by going on trips and expeditions; by becoming involved in the Combined Cadet Force, Leadership or Duke of Edinburgh programmes; by learning to lead or be part of a team; by being of service and of use to others in our school and community. There are abundant opportunities at Trent College to enable each student to discover and develop personal qualities such as perseverance, determination, communication, resourcefulness, compassion and self-belief.
A Home from Home The boarding community at Trent College is vivacious and friendly, with excellent pastoral care and ongoing academic support. We provide a homely atmosphere in each boarding house, allowing pupils to make friends and also to establish their own identity. International and British boarders are fully integrated; living side by side with children from a range of nationalities and immersing themselves in traditional boarding school life gives our students a special appreciation of different cultures and instils compassion, patience and confidence.
“At Trent fr iends bec ome m ore lik e fa mil y and ever yone fee ls so included. Th e fa c ilities a nd h elp ava ilable wh en it c omes to work and pre p time are g reat a nd y ou’re a lwa ys la ugh ing a nd having fun.”
For those who stay at weekends, a wide range of activities is provided – from bowling and ice skating to trips to local historical sites, museums, theme parks and the theatre – just as children would enjoy as part of a family weekend. Boarding allows pupils at Trent to squeeze even more out of their school life experience, developing essential life skills such as independence and self-reliance, preparing for life after school, and utilising the school’s top quality facilities for their leisure and private study time.
Explore the Opportunities A child will flourish to become the very best that they can in a school which is the right fit for them and where they are happy. We understand that choosing a school is a major decision so we encourage you to find out as much as you can about us, to get the best possible sense of the opportunities a Trent College education has to offer. Explore ▪ Our interactive prospectus contains much more information about life at Trent College, with photos, videos, details of academic results, courses on offer, life in our Sixth Form, life as a boarder, scholarships and the application process. Please go online and visit www.trentcollegeprospectus.net Browse ▪ Our school website includes the latest school news, our termly calendar of events, school newsletters, staff details and school bus routes. The Admissions area also holds the latest dates and information on Open Days. See what our students are currently up to at www.trentcollege.net Discuss ▪ Our Admissions team supports prospective parents and pupils throughout the process of choosing the right school; from initial fact finding, welcoming you for a tour, through to registration, preparing for entrance exams, school induction and a pupil’s first day with us. Call us at any time to discuss your requirements, any questions you have about our school and to ensure your child is registered in time for application. Telephone 0115 849 4950 or email admissions@trentcollege.net Trent College is an academically selective school and admissions are considered on the basis of an interview, school report and entrance exam or GCSE results. We accept students into all year groups, but our main entry points are Years 7, 9 and 12.
“Our team is o n han d to hel p guid e an d a dvise you. We l ook forward to in trod ucin g you to our sch ool.” 20
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www.trentcollege.net Registered Charity in England and Wales, No 527180 Trent College and The Elms, Long Eaton, Nottingham NG10 4AD