COMPUTER SCIENCE Details of exam Written exam for 1.5 hours.
Topics to revise 1.2 Memory ROM and RAM Virtual Memory
2.1 Algorithms Pseudocode and flowcharts Sorting and searching algorithms
1.3 Storage The need for secondary storage Data capacity calculations Types of storage (optical, magnetic, solid state) Characteristics of storage devices
2.2 Programming Sequence, selection, iteration String manipulation
1.4 Wired and Wireless How the internet works Hardware for a LAN 1.6 Systems Security Threats posed by networks Preventing vulnerabilities
2.4 Computational Logic Logic gates and Truth tables 2.5 Translators High level and low level languages Assemblers, compilers, interpreters 2.6 Data Representation Units, Binary and Hex, Images, Text, Sound, Compression
1.7 Systems Software Operating Systems and Utility software
Revision tasks to be completed • • •
Create/use flashcards covering the key points from your workbooks, with a question on one side and answer on the other. Use these flashcards to test yourself. Create “#One Page Wonder” summary sheets, and use this to test yourself by re-creating from memory. Complete past papers (given to you in class)