4 minute read
Details of exam
You will be sitting an examination of one hour. The question paper will have short answers, matching exercises, definitions, filling in the gaps and other similar question types.
You will also be tested on your Application of skills and knowledge and you may be asked questions on:
1.Interpreting maps • Using symbols • Using scale • Using grid references (4 and 6 figure) • Drawing a cross section
2.Interpreting graphs or forms of data presentation • Describing trends on graphs • Identifying clustering or patterns of distribution
3.Interpreting geographical information from photographs or sketches • You should be able to describe physical or human geographical features • You should be able to explain why a location might have certain features and how this might affect people living there
You will also be tested on your Skills of Analysis • You should be able to compare different locations/ views/ responses/ effects • You should be able to rank and justify the importance of factors in different geographical case studies
You will also be tested on your Evaluation skills • You will be able to weigh up the arguments to an issue and give reasons for your decision
Topics to revise
You will need to revise the following topics: • Ecosystems • Tropical Rainforest Biome • Case Study of the Amazon • Population and Migration • Case Study of Rural to Urban Migration in Brazil • Mexican Migration to the USA
Revision tasks to be completed
The following list gives you a focus for revision
Ensure you have revised the meaning and understand the following aspects: Ecosystems, Biome, Biodiversity, Consumer, Carnivore, Decomposer, Herbivore, Omnivore, Biotic, Abiotic, Food chain, Food web, Nutrient cycle, Photosynthesis, Producer, Deciduous Woodlands, Light levels, Moisture levels, Canopy
Case Study: The Amazon
Ensure you have revised the meaning and understand the following aspects: Location, Adaptations, Emergents, Canopy, Undercanopy, Shrub layer, Forest floor, Drip tips, Epiphytes, Climate, Lianas, Branchless trunks, Animal life, Insect life, Soil
In addition you need to know about: • Adaptations of plants, animals and people • How the tropical Rainforest tribes use the rainforest • What are the causes and effects of deforestation
Revision tasks to be completed
Ensure you have revised the meaning and understand the following aspects: • Location of densely and sparsely populated areas of the world • Factors affecting population density • Factors affecting Birth, Death and Natural Increase rates • The Demographic Transition Model • Population Pyramids and how to interpret them • Push/ Pull factors of migration
Case Studies:
• Rural to Urban Migration in Brazil • Mexican Migration to the USA
You will be completing a Decision-Making Exercise on FRACKING IN THE UK
You will need to revise energy types, the positive and negative impacts of fracking BE PREPARED TO EVALUATE, JUDGE AND JUSTIFY A DECISION
Remember to use a variety of revision methods
So what could you do to revise? Here are some suggestions:
• Write up key words • Spidergram • Poster • Diagram • Cartoon pictures • Notes on key ideas • Watch BBC Learning zone clips • Use appropriate websites e.g. Quizizz • Paired Revision • Testing • Reduce notes to key words
Map Skills
1. To practice some map skills you could try:
• http://www.ordnancesurvey.co.uk/mapzone/map-skills • http://www.bbc.co.uk/bitesize/ks3/geography/geographical_enquiry/geographical_skills/revision/5/
2. Practice describing maps and graphs:
This website might help you with some describing words: http://www.eslflow.com/Describing-graphs-vocabulary-worksheet.html
Use your exercise book to revise the topics but you might also find these useful: http://www.bbc.co.uk/education/topics/ztgw2hv http://www.geography.learnontheinternet.co.uk/topics/ecosystem.html
Revision tasks to be completed
Look at the notes in your exercise books but you can also look at these
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hllU9NEcJyg http://www.slideshare.net/crissy123/amazon-deforestation-presentation-7919319
Look at the notes in your exercise books but you can also look at these:
The Demographic Transition Model
http://www.bbc.co.uk/schools/gcsebitesize/geography/population/population_change_structure_rev4.shtml http://geographyfieldwork.com/DemographicTransition.htm http://study.com/academy/lesson/what-is-demographic-transition-definition-stages.html
Other tips
• Use flashcards to learn key geography terms. Geography has quite a lot of special terminology that it is important to get clear in your head. A good way to learn and remember terms and words is by using flashcards. Write one term onto a small piece of card or paper, with the definition and brief explanation written on the other side. Once you have the cards then pick one at random and try to remember what it means, checking the back if you can’t. Once you have done this a few times you will find you can remember a lot more than before.
• Try an online practice test. You can test some of your knowledge about geography and maps on certain websites (some have been listed above).
• Apply effective studying methods. If some of the techniques are working for you better than others, then you might want to focus more time on those ones. By finding the ones that work best for you, you can make studying an easier time.
• Take breaks. Be sure to take a five minute break every twenty minutes so that you don't exhaust yourself. In these short breaks stand up and move around a bit to release some tension and get your blood moving around more. Don’t take really long breaks, you could lose your flow and find it harder to get back to work.
• Test each other’s knowledge. One of the big advantages of studying in a group is that you can test each other and see where you have gaps. You can do this by using the flashcards you prepared.
• Ask someone to test you. By reviewing what you have studied with another person, you will be able to see how much you know.
• Review your notes and flashcards. Go over the information that you have studied, highlighting facts that you know as you go.