2 minute read
Details of exam
Reading and Writing: 1 hour. For the writing you will have some short exercises and one longer task where you will have to write about holidays or your daily life. In either topic you will need to include opinions and different time frames (tenses)
Make sure you answer the questions for the Reading exam in the language stated in the instructions.
Topics to revise
Past Holidays
• Where you went - countries and transport • What you did • Your opinion of the holiday
Using the preterite past tense of regular AR, ER, IR verbs in I forms and we forms The preterite past tense of IR - to go: fui, fuiste, fue etc. Past tense time phrases and sequence words Using fue + adjective to give opinions
Free Time
• Film and TV programmes • Free time activities • What you did yesterday • Sports
Present tense of regular AR, ER and IR verbs in I form Use of time frequency phrases (normalmente, todos los días, a veces, raramente, nunca)
• Description of school facilities • Opinions about school subjects • Typical school day • Description of school uniform
Food & Healthy Living
• Types of food • What you do to stay healthy (sports)
Using immediate future tense to say what you are going to do (voy a ir / voy a jugar) Using adjectives and making them agree with nouns Prefiero …. porque es más + adjective / tiene más + noun Es lo/la más + adjective – It’s the most … Using preterite past, present, and immediate future tenses to talk about holidays in three tenses.
Using a range of opinions to state preferences and following opinions with justifications (porque es relajante)
Using the preterite past tense of regular AR, ER, IR verbs in I forms and we forms (escuché, escuchamos, vi, vimos, jugué, jugamos etc.)
Revision tasks to be completed—see REVISION TOPIC IN SPARKJAR
• Practise describing photos and answering questions (maybe record yourself on your iPad)
• Revise the vocabulary covered on Quizlet 2020-2021: Dunottar Year 8 Spanish and in Knowledge Organisers in Topics
• Practise key verbs in the relevant tenses (on Quizlet or using www.conjuguemos.com)
• Make revision cards / mind-maps / notes of each topic
Other tips
• It’s important to practise little and often – aim to learn 10-20 words a week!
• Try listening to and reading as much Spanish as you can to hone your skills.
• Look at Topics on Sparkjar.