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Details of exam
Your summer exam will last for 1 hour. The exam will consist of a variety of questions and test you on different skills. There will be a knowledge section testing your factual knowledge of the topics below (e.g. key dates, names, etc.). There will be questions which will require extended answers and developed explanations. There will also be source-based questions, testing your ability to understand and compare historical sources/interpretations, as well as the ability to consider how useful a source is.
We will revise how to answer the different types of questions in class, but for now you should concentrate on learning the content (the facts and details).
Topics to revise
The Industrial Revolution:
• The Domestic System • Child Labour
Political Change in the 19th and 20th Centuries
• Problems with the political system in 1800 • Peterloo • Chartism / 1832 Great Reform Act • Women and the Vote
Black Tudors
• John Blanke • Diego • Mary Fillis • Cattelena of Almondsbury • Jacques Francis
Revision tasks to be completed
There are lots of different ways to revise History:
• Colourful mind-maps • Flash cards • Colourful revision notes • Look, cover, write, check (test yourself) • Teach someone else • Practise writing answers to questions • Check the feedback on your marked work from throughout the year • Different revision techniques suit different people, so you need to figure out what works best for you.
Other tips
In the exam remember that the marks for the individual questions should act as a guide for how much you should be writing e.g. a 12-mark question requires a lot more detail and explanation than a 4-mark question.