GEOGRAPHY Details of exam You will be sitting an examination of one hour. The question paper will have short answers, matching exercises, definitions, filling in the gaps and other similar question types. You will also be tested on your Application of skills and knowledge and you may be asked questions on: Interpreting maps • Using symbols, scale, grid references, etc… Interpreting graphs or forms of data presentation • Describing trends on graphs • Identifying clustering or patterns of distribution Interpreting geographical information from photographs or sketches • You should be able to describe physical or human geographical features You will also tested on your Skills of Analysis • You should be able to compare different locations/ views/ responses/ effects • You should be able to rank and justify the importance of factors in different geographical case studies You will also be tested on your Evaluation skills • You will be able to weigh up the arguments to an issue and give reasons for your decision
Topics to revise You will need to revise the following topics: Development • Development indicators (e.g. Birth Rate, GDP per capita, Infant Mortality Rate, HDI), the Brandt Line, Terms for countries at different stages of development (LICs, MICs, HICs, NEE, NICs, RICs) China • The physical geography of China (you will need to know where the Taklimakan desert, Gobi desert, plateau of Tibet, Himalayas, River Yangtze, Yellow River, Dongbei Plain are located) • The major cities of China (you will need to know where Beijing, Shanghai, Hong Kong and Chongqing are located) • The distribution and density of population in China • Population Growth and the One Child Policy • Rural to urban migration in China • Cities in China • Environmental Issues in China Globalisation • Definitions of globalisation and TNC, a case study of a TNC (Nike), sweatshops