inspires & uplifts awakening one community at a time . . .
Your Holistic Your Holistic Community Community Guide Guide in in QLD QLD
Volume 28 - Issue 2 Proudly serving the community since 1988
Andrew Harvey
Australia 2015
Are You Burning Yourself Out? by Nicole Cody
Events, Courses & Workshops for the Body & Soul
Access Consciousness
The Light and Healthy Alternative awakening one community at a time . . .
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awakening one community at a time . . .
The Gift is Waiting Inside “It’s the gift waiting inside our troubles that knows the way.” – Mark Nepo
14 WHY CAN’T I CHANGE? by Rachelle Terry
6 WE ARE ONE VOICE by Heather Frahn
21 DRUMMING by Barbara Heckendorf
4 WHAT IS THE MEANING OF LIFE? by Andrew Harvey 4 THE BUDDHA WITHIN by Dzogchen Ponlop Rinpoche
8 THE ANGER POINTS by Sahaja 8 THE MENTAL PLANE by Damian Amamoo
22 THE WISDOM OF GABRIEL by Carolynn Milne
18 THE HEART OF NUMEROLOGY by Vanessa Campbell
17 BUILDING BRIDGES by Anthony Craig
21 THE RING OF SOLOMON by Sulabh Jain
We are each challenged to go beyond who we believe we are, into the vast unknown, and bring through more of what we fully are. “It’s the gift waiting inside our troubles,”… This gift is at the heart of every challenge, every frustration, every encounter with another of life’s roadblocks … “The gift waiting inside our troubles knows the way.” Our learning comes from remembering to listen more acutely, to “lean in” to actually hear what is being offered right now. And, it’s often in our darkest moments when our deepest transformation takes place. So how can we know what we don’t know? How can we listen with our hearts into regions we have not yet ventured? How can we open up to this vast, infinite unformed and let it present its gift of learning and insight? The only thing that stands in its way is the belief, the thought that we already know this … whatever it is before us. But how can we possibly already know this fresh, new moment? We cannot yet know it, it’s never presented itself before. Our challenge lies in the releasing of our judgment, our preconception, our belief that right now is the same as it was “then”. Never … when we finally come to see this, we are called to relax back into this moment, and let it realise itself now, for all that it is offering.
Listen with all your being to what this moment is saying … and seek out a way to “see” what is not yet seen, even if all appears as it always was. So, how do we clearly see and hear what is offered right now?
“Shift your attention from words to silence and you will hear.” – Nisargadatta Maharaj With love, Enza Vita & Leo Drioli
awakening one community at a time... inspires & uplifts awakening one community at a time . . .
Your Holistic Community Guide in WA
Volume 28 - Issue 2 Proudly serving the community since 1988
Andrew Harvey Australia 2015
Are You Burning Yourself Out? by Nicole Cody
Events, Courses & Workshops for the Body & Soul
SPECIAL FEATURE Access Consciousness
VOLUME 28 - Issue 2
Proudly serving the community since 1988
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awakening one community at a time . . .
“What is the Meaning of Life?”
The Sunlight of Awareness
“Shine the warm light of awareness on your thoughts and feelings,” says Thich Nhat Hanh. Observe the changes that take place in your mind under the light of awareness. Even your breathing has changed and become “not-two” (I don’t want to say “one”) with your observing self. This is true of all your thoughts, feelings and habits, which, together with their effects, are suddenly transformed. From time to time you may become restless, and the restlessness will not go away. At such times, just sit quietly, follow your breathing, smile a half-smile, and shine your awareness on the restlessness. Don’t judge it or try to destroy it, because this restlessness is you yourself. It is born, has some period of existence, and fades away, quite naturally. Don’t be in too big a hurry to find its source. Don’t try too hard to make it disappear. Just illuminate it. You will see that little by little it will change, merge, become connected with you, the observer. Any psychological state that you subject to this illumination will eventually soften and acquire the same nature as the observing mind. Throughout your meditation, keep the sun of your awareness shining. Like the physical sun, which lights every leaf and every blade of grass, our awareness lights our every thought and feeling, allowing us to recognize them, be aware of their birth, duration, and dissolution, without judging or evaluating,
welcoming or banishing them. It is impor tant that you do not consider awareness to be your “ally,” called on to suppress the “enemies” that are your unruly thoughts. Do not turn your mind into a battlefield. Opposition between good and bad is often compared to light and dark, but if we look at it in a different way, we will see that when light shines, darkness does not disappear. It doesn’t leave; it merges with the light. It becomes the light. To meditate does not mean to fight with a problem. To meditate means to obser ve. Your smile proves it. It proves that you are being gentle with yourself, that the sun of awareness is shining in you, that you have control of your situation. You are yourself, and you have acquired some peace. It is this peace that makes a child love to be near you. Thich Nhat Hanh is a renowned Zen master and poet, and founder of t h e E n g a ge d Buddhist movement. The author of more than forty books, he resides at practice centers in France and the U.S. Thich Nhat Hanh’s newest book is The World We Have: A Buddhist Approach to Peace and Ecology. Adapted from “The Sun, My Heart: Reflections on Mindfulness, Concentration and Insight,” published by Parallax Press.
From the Buddhist point of view, there is nothing within our ordinary life that we need to reject or leave behind, and the state of enlightenment is not a place we go to from here. It is not a place that is found outside of where we are right now. If you wanted to find a perfect getaway from all your stress and unhappiness, where and how far would you go? To the other side of the world, to the International Space Station, or just the nearest bar? Your body would be somewhere else, but still, you would be taking your stressed, unhappy mind with you. What we are actually trying to leave behind is the mind’s confusion, which keeps us from being happy. It is how our minds function when we are in those mountains, at the beach, at work or at home, that determines whether we are happy or unhappy, awake in our life or sleeping through it. According to the Buddha, the actual point of all our effor ts on the spiritual path is simply to return to the state of complete wakefulness, which is the true nature of our minds. Our minds are brilliantly clear and aware naturally, but that brilliant wakefulness is hidden from our view by clouds of confusion. These clouds are caused primarily by the turbulence of our thoughts and emotions. There is so much commotion going on in our minds that our view of who we are and what the world is like is distorted. If that’s the case, then how can we recognize the wakeful nature of our minds? The Buddha taught
Meditation “Enlightenment is not a state of mind...” Non-sectarian meditation sessions and retreats in Melbourne with Linda Clair or phone Christian on 0451595092
many methods of meditation, which bring stability, peace, and clarity to our agitated minds. Through the practice of meditation, we begin to relax; we feel like we’re waking up and coming to our senses. It’s a very ordinary, but profound, experience that deepens over time and transforms our view of life. When we start to work with our mind in meditation, there’s a sense of effort, but as we go along, it becomes more effortless. A good example of this is a bird taking off from the ground. When the bird wants to fly, it first has to run a little bit and then push down against the ground, so it can leap up into the space of the sky. So long as we are looking outside of ourselves, there is no place to go, no end of the road, where we will one day find perfect happiness. Ultimately, the awake and peaceful mind that we are looking for is with us right now, in this very moment. We don’t have to follow someone else’s trail to discover the true nature of our mind — the buddha within us. That buddha is always within our reach. The Dzogchen Ponlop Rinpoche is founder and president of Na l a n d a b o d h i and Nitar tha Inter national, executive director of N i t a r t h a Institute, and publisher of “Bodhi magazine.” He is the author of “Wild Awakening: The Heart of Mahamudra and Dzogchen.”
As Andrew Harvey and I sat on my balcony overlooking the sea in May last year, talking about all things Divine late into the night, he shared with me the wonderful story of his meeting with the Dalai Lama. It was 1989, just at the time that His Holiness was to receive the Nobel Peace Prize. At the end of two glorious hours with His Holiness, just as he was about to say goodbye, Andrew plucked up the courage to ask him his most burning question. “What is the meaning of life?” What happened next was ground shakingly profound, and to honour the accuracy of Andrew’s story, here it is in his words, taken from his book ‘Heart Yoga’. “I shall never forget his roar of laughter at my question, and how he suddenly fell silent. He stared deep into my eyes, and said, in a loud voice that seemed to come from his belly, “The meaning of life is to embody the Transcendent.” My whole being shook as he spoke. It was as if an electrical current passed up and down my whole body. I felt my body bursting with a strange new power that shocked me by its intensity. In the weeks and months that followed, I found myself returning again and again to that moment of parting and to the Dalai Lama’s answer. Nothing could have surprised me more, I realized. If His Holiness had said “The meaning of life is to enter the Transcendent”, or even “become One with it”, I would not have been so strangely and marvellously disturbed. What he had said, however, was that it was necessary to embody the transcendent. Andrew experienced a direct transmission of Truth that day, through His Holiness the Dalai Lama. Each of us, as we journey on this path are blessed with whispers of intuition, profound insights, even
ecstatic revelations, about who we really are, and why we’re here. These insights come, sometimes in the sacred container of our spiritual practice, other times in the crucible of devastating loss, and sometimes they come in those ‘ordinary moments’ with a loved one, watching the sunset, playing with a pet, listening to music, creating art, serving those in need, or simply going about our day. Sometimes these insights awaken us with a whisper that gently infuses our body, heart and mind, and other times as a blinding epiphany that shatters our illusions and drowns us in a magnificent revelation of knowing that changes us forever. In whatever way they come to us, there’s just one problem. Unless we know how to EMBODY these insights and revelations of Spirit, we keep on floundering in the human pain of wanting, the frustration of wishing, and the agony of not experiencing ourselves, our relationships, and our life in the way we most deeply desire. That’s why Andrew speaks so passionately about how essential the sacred inner marriage of spirit and body is to living our full potential, and this is what Andrew will be exploring when he comes to Australia in 2015. Lisa Page is a Sacred Intimacy & Relationship Coach who has been passionately exploring the deeper truths of life, love and intimacy for 20 years.
5 space. We can become confused again by getting caught up in our thoughts and emotions once more and so we need to keep going with our practice until our experience transforms into a deep realization that can never be lost. What is the difference between experience and realization? The experience is when you experience being awareness. Realization is when you experience nothing else.
awakening one community at a time . . .
A GUIDE TO SPIRITUAL ENLIGHTENMENT “This brilliant contribution to our modern understanding of authentic identity and Presence brings us to a new awareness of ourselves and our innate wholeness and completeness.” — LAMA SURYA DAS, author of Awakening the Buddha Within
always already
If everything is an illusion, why bother trying, improving or aspiring?
BY ENZA VITA, publisher of InnerSelf newspaper and author of “Always Already Free” I keep reading conflicting advice from spiritual teachers. Some tell us that practice is necessary while others says that it is not. It is all so confusing...
Some paths and teachers say there is nothing that we, the apparent person we believe to be, can do towards the realization of our true nature but as long as there is identification with this apparent person, saying that there is nothing to do is simply deluding ourselves, adding a veneer of lofty thoughts over some uncomfortable truths that we still haven’t had the courage to face head on. We are now in an even worse situation than we were before we started seeking. With the denial and suppression of our suffering, we now don’t even have the possibility to investigate it and understand its nature. We are now truly stuck in a world where apathy and fear are mistaken for peace and freedom. Sooner or later however, our suffering will resurface in full measure and force us to confront what we think we have left behind. Emptiness is not an escape from form. Rather form is the “apparent” veiling of emptiness. This realization leads to the understanding that “there is nothing to do and no-one to do it” but when this is directly realized, not just intellectually understood, it becomes our own unshakable knowledge, where every experience is only the knowing of Consciousness knowing itself. Then we no longer see a division between duality and transcendence. The natural consequence of awakened beingness is a clear and simple expression of awareness that never fixates in any realm of experience. If we find ourselves in a state where something is excluded, that state, however amazing it is, is still a dualistic state. I have just finished reading a book by a famous teacher and he says that there is nothing we can do to awaken.
If we truly knew that there is nothing we can do to become enlightened, what would we do? Some teachers tell us to “be in the NOW’ or to “surrender” but what does this truly mean? “Just leap into the unknown”
some others say. More good advice because that IS the process, but where exactly do we leap from? In our day-to-day life, we are almost always habitually involved with thoughts and projections, constantly trying to manipulate whatever comes up in our life experiences by either moving toward the ones we like or moving away from the ones we don’t. The thoughts themselves are not the problem. The problem is that we are constantly reacting to them and so every thought that arises in the mind continually distracts us, “seemingly” obscuring our true nature - natural awareness. By natural awareness here I refer to our true naked nature, stripped bare of these movements of the mind. Since the mind depends on this constant movement for its continued existence, one of the practices I teach, Instant Presence , is to be internally still and undistracted. This actually means to leave everything that arises in our experience (thoughts, sights, sounds and sensations) as it is, without manipulations or strategies. We simply relax in the present moment without trying to improve it, correct it or replace it. This is not a passive surrender but a letting go to being totally present and totally relaxed at the same time, without any artificiality or manipulation. Instead of our usual habit of grasping and making the moment solid, we open, dissolve and “let everything be”. The words “relaxing into it while maintaining aler tness” seem to point to a mind-made effor t, but what I’m talking about is to leave the mind as it is, without giving it anything to do. We don’t strive to reach some “amazing goal” or some “advanced state.” Nor do we use the practice to “go deep into ourselves” or to withdraw from the world. Instead, we just trust, connect, and realize what is already here. By familiarizing ourselves with this understanding again and again, it eventually transforms into direct experience but we don’t stop here because even experience is not very stable in the worlds of time and
Some teachings encourage us to identify as awareness and detach ourselves from the messiness of ordinary life. I prefer to see our everyday life as the all-inclusive Awareness and I encourage the deep descent into the ordinariness of our life so that we can realize that enlightenment doesn’t exist just up there in the Sacred World but right here in every experience of our sometimes messy life. Enlightenment is the realization that the True Self, the Ultimate Source is always present in and as EVERY experience and it is the actual dissolving of the imaginary separation between transcendental and ordinary, between us and IT. As the metaphor of the Ocean and the wave, feelings, thoughts, objects, subjects, including this body-mind we believe to be, is nothing other than the movement, the wave of the one, whole, undivided Ocean. With the Ocean, we can easily see that every wave IS the Ocean, and that no wave could possibly be better or closer to the Ocean than any other wave. We can also see that the Ocean is always changing: calm placid waves can quickly change into violent stormy ones but everything is the Ocean. There are different waves that we call Enza or John or computer or desk but there’s no permanent, solid independent separate wave: it’s all one Ocean, one seamless whole. For the wave, the Ocean is inescapable. There’s no need to find it, remember it, become it. Every wave is the Ocean. Everything right here now is the Ocean. These words are the Ocean. You are the Ocean. There is only the Ocean. Enza Vita is the editor of InnerSelf Newspaper and founder and director of the MahaShanti Foundation , a nonprofit organization dedicated to the awakening of all beings. Enza is the author of the book Always Already Free. Based on Enza’s own experience, Always Already Free, guides the reader from the seeking process through the integration of enlightenment into everyday life and reveals that spiritual enlightenment is not a faraway dream, but the ever-present reality always available here and now. Free download of 3 chapters from the book Always Already Free, are available from
To ask Enza a question, send an email to
recognizing the natural wakefulness
we were born with
enza vita
“This brilliant contribution to our modern understanding of authentic identity and Presence brings us to a new awareness of ourselves and our innate wholeness and completeness. Enza’s personal awakening story, in the first few pages, is worth the price of admission. Enlightened wisdom is like an endangered natural resource today, which we overlook at our peril; let’s join in exploring and developing our own innate transformational resources for a change.” — LAMA SURYA DAS, author of Awakening the Buddha Within “This is a great contribution to our appreciation of the genuine voice of Pure Presence. It brings us to a deeper awareness of what it means to study the self and our intrinsic true nature as that which is already perfect, whole and complete. It is certainly worthy of your time and attention. — ZEN MASTER D. GENPO MERZEL, author of Big Mind, Big Heart
Based on Enza’s own experience, Always Already Free is a guide to discovering the deepest truth about who we are. In this book, the author: • Presents her own personal direct encounter with the awakened state. • Thoroughly addresses the ongoing debate between the necessity of spiritual practice and the ever-present possibility of sudden awakening, while at the same time offering detailed instructions for the practice “Instant Presence - Allowing Natural Meditation To Happen.” • Lays out what it means to consciously live and embody the truth of one’s being, the phenomenon of “finding and losing” oneself, and the power and seduction of our thoughts and emotions that keep us held in narrow self-definitions and create endless suffering. • Guides the reader from the seeking process through the integration of spiritual enlightenment into everyday life and reveals that enlightenment is not a faraway dream, intellectual knowledge or even an experience but the direct realization of our true nature always available here and now. “While it’s true that we are always the Self”– says Enza Vita “if this hasn’t been truly and directly realized, this knowledge won’t do us any good. Just knowing that there is no gate to pass through doesn’t mean that we are at the end of the search, not if we are still standing outside that gateless gate. Realization is not about you, the wave, realizing it is ocean. The ocean realizes itself in you and reveals itself to have never been just a wave.” Enza Vita has spent over 40 years searching and studying under many of the great spiritual teachers of our age and she was exposed to the wonderful writings of many others around the world. “The truth I talk about is not limited to any tradition” – says Enza Vita, “but is found in, and open to, all true traditions”.
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awakening one community at a time . . .
Multi-award winning and acclaimed singer-songwriter, sound designer, and qualified sound therapy practitioner.
We Are One Voice
“Hallelujah!” hails the gospel spiritual choir… “Ohm Shanti!” chant the yogis… “You may say I’m a dreamer but I’m not the only one!” sing the peace loving John Lennon fans. It’s true, no matter what culture you’re from, throughout history, the role of the human voice to connect, inspire and lift up the human spirit, has been second to none. Singing and chanting has spanned across cultures, centuries, and languages. When individuals come together with their unique voices to “sing as one voice”, a special magic happens. This magic can be felt at rock concerts, churches, ashrams, temples, community halls, around campfires, and harmonically acoustic spaces in nature, such as caves. We’ve all felt that union in voice and harmony as we’ve joined in with a sing-along, or chanted an ancient Sanskrit mantra. Singing from a young age, I’ve always known intuitively that singing felt good, but it wasn’t until I met one of my sound healing mentors in 2009, Shirley Roden, that I started to piece together why. Shirley showed me that the most powerful instrument we have available to us is, our voice. Why? Because it’s a par t of us, literally! It’s not an external musical instrument. It’s in our bodies, and when it’s sounded it creates a vibration that can be felt directly in the body, and also sent outward into our subtle energy. When adding to this vocalisation our positive intention, we can create a healing formula. Harmonic singer Jonathan Goldman said it… “sound + intention = healing”. A study penned by musician Fabien Maman demonstrated that after only seven minutes of someone singing/toning their “fundamental note” in close proximity to their own cancer cells under a microscope, that they could destroy these cancer cells. (Note: Your fundamental note is unique to you, it’s your natural tone, and feels expansive and reso-
nant in your body-being when it’s sounded). When this same person vocalised their fundamental note to their healthy cells, it showed an increase in the vibrancy of the cell’s aura and strengthening of the cell wall. It has also been shown that injured cats purr deeply for hours in a quiet place undisturbed, and it’s these deep healing frequencies from their own purr that heal them. Another study by the late Dr. Masaru Emoto, revealed that beautiful symmetrical “water crystals” form in water that’s been exposed to chanting, prayers, and singing. Humans are 70-80% water, so this is an interesting explanation as to why singing harmonises and feels so good. There is no doubt that coming together to sing as one voice is healing physically, emotionally and spiritually. It’s been shown through many studies with community choirs that singing benefits us by increasing brain function and neural pathway connections, blood circulation, and better ability to fight disease by giving our immune system a boost. Singing can improve posture, breath control and lung capacity, and our brains release pain relieving endorphins. The social and emotional benefits enhance self esteem and confidence, a positive mood, creativity and bonding, all within the forum for sharing, fun, suppor t, understanding, and laughter. So whether you’re a closet bedroom singer, or a professional vocalist, I encourage singing from your hear t, allowing your fundamental note flow, and uniting your voice with positive uplifting lyrics that have meaning in your life. Heather Frahn, Creative Director at Conscious Creations, Australia Phone: 0417 897 850 Skype: heather.frahn Email Website: consciouscreations
From New Age to One Tribe
The term “new age” has a lot to answer for. The least of which is cultivating a concept within our minds of elevator music in shopping centres or nature sounds mixed with wind chimes. Is it any wonder the countless number of musicians under the title of new age have always struggled to have a voice in mainstream media. Nearly two years ago when we star ted Soul Traveller Radio, we began digging into a genre that was at that point unnamed. The best label we could come up with was positive music, but was it all positive, especially when the songs had a hard hitting message about war or the environment? A discussion with one of our first contacts within the unnamed genre, Murray Kyle, uncovered a term that was to form the backbone of the station and open us up to a whole world of varied forms of music, not just the new age style. The term was “conscious music” and it is time for conscious music to step out from the “new age closet” to stand on its own. It is time for the rise of conscious music. Just over twelve months ago, we published an article on “The Rise (and Rise) of Conscious Music. It explained that in order to be defined as conscious music it had to adhere to the core fundamentals or what we called the “Pillars” - songs about love; songs about the Divine; songs about social impact; and songs that come from a place of pure energy. These four pillars form the cornerstones of a foundation that is becoming stronger and much larger as the level of consciousness in the world is being raised. Whether it is personal change or changes in our spiritual/physical environment, the fact remains that with change comes a new awareness, an understanding that we can no longer live by hard and fast dogmatic rules. This is the essence of change itself...pushing boundaries and challenging our rules. Likewise conscious music is going through a growth, evolving into something much more transparent and in touch with the four pillars. And it isn’t going to stop. I had a rather heated discussion with one of the “new age music”
MUSICIAN, COMPOSER, SOUND HEALER, TEACHER On her latest CD, A World of Peace, Christine uses her exquisite voice and a range of instruments to communicate the higher vibrational virtues of our New Earth. More CDs available on the website, including a CD with your Soul’s unique music recorded especially for you.
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promoters who was adamant that conscious music was just a fad and new age music would always survive. At about that point I began to ask her what she would consider new age. Granted there were artists who could definitely be considered new age like Lia Scallon, Terry Oldfield, Paul Avgerinos or the Grammy award winning album Samsara by Ricky Kej and Wouter Kellerman however I then quickly rattled of a whole range of music (that I knew wouldn’t be defined as new age) like: • Kirtan/mantra artists (Simrit, Deva Premal & Miten, Jai-Jagdeesh, Sacred Earth, Edo & Jo, Krishna Das, Jai Uttal & Dave Stringer); • Folk Rock (Trevor Hall, Nahko, Dustin Thomas, Michael Franti or our very own Leo Drioli); • Reggae (Bob Marley, Ziggy Marley, Soja, Blue King Brown) • Folktronica/Electronic Digital Music (David Starfire, The Polish Ambassador, Ayla Nereo, Deya Dova, Solon) • World Music (Peia, Coloured Stone, Rocky Dawuni, Sika, Playing for Change) The change has occurred. New age music is merely one facet of the diamond that is now known as Conscious Music. What was restricted in the minds of the public to Enya, celtic music and whale songs, has grown into something much bigger and a whole lot more exciting. One music encompassing so much more. One tribe all dancing to the beat of a new drum. Equally exciting are the festivals that are developing around a culture that is suddenly demanding change. From Bhaktifest to Bali Spirit Festival, Lightening in a Bottle to Uplift Festival, the spotlight is focusing on Conscious Music as the new standard - even if we don’t know what it is called yet. A perfect example was this year’s Bluesfest that featured no less that 12 conscious music artists and Woodford Folk Festival who dedicated a whole tent to conscious music. But does it or should it stop there. It is the deepest desire of Soul Traveller Radio to not be one of the only stations that plays conscious music. Just this week we had a discussion with several conscious music ar tists who expressed the desire to go mainstream – not just be heard in new age stores, yoga studios and mind body spirit festivals, but rather be readily available everywhere, heard on every radio station. Already we are seeing the rise with community stations airing shows like Accentuate the Positive, college radio stations playing kirtan music, it is just a matter of time before we see conscious artists with songs on the charts, selling out concert halls around the world. From the gentle tones and healing music of ar tists like Wah! to the rock of Travis Caudle...This is the music we want, we just haven’t known what it was....until now.
Started by Shayne Locke and Tanya Allison, Soul Traveller Radio has become the foremost advocate for conscious music around the world. Since its inception nearly two years ago, the station has grown to include over 12 announcers from 4 different countries, heard in over 150 countries and now services over 430 artists within the conscious music field. Backed by the ultimate fan club, The Conscious Crew, fans can listen to the music, interact with ar tists and received a constant stream of free music to start them on the road to conscious music. With such a broad range of sounds, Soul Traveller Radio plays an even mix of all conscious music styles such as mantras, folk, rock & gospel. All with a message of change. It is the desire of Soul Traveller Radio to bring awareness and light to the music that has brought so many listeners joy since it officially commenced back in March 2014. Soul Traveller Radio now offers a mainstream radio pr ser vice for conscious music ar tists to have their music sent out to radio stations across 6 countries. For information contact Shayne on r adio@soultr av eler r adio. com or listen to us at http://
Heather Frahn Music To Inspire
Treasured as one of Australia’s most outstanding female singer songwriters, Heather Frahn has been perfor ming since the mid 1990s and prolifically issuing recordings since 1998. Central to her appeal has been her extraordinary range of vocal approaches, from overtone harmonic singing, acappella, jazz scatting, Sanskrit mantra and beatboxing, often accompanied by her custom made eight-string acoustic baritone guitar. Heather’s critically acclaimed album releases “We Are One” and “Be The Change” bring together in an eclectic embrace of funky folk with dashes of world, roots and reggae, and with her lyrical and musical heart aspiring to promote a stronger, more conscious and unified global community. Heather founded an online Conscious Music Movement community in 2006, which promotes peace and the raising of the human consciousness through music. She is listed in Who’s Who of Australian Women for her multi-dimensional work in music, performance and community ar ts. Heather is also known for her work within the healing ar ts as a cer tified Sound Therapy Practitioner in healthcare environments, and for directing sacred music and meditation events with Australian sound healing outfit Harmonic Project.
Find Heather’s heart opening music on iTunes, or by visiting www.
Christine Morrison
Christine Morrison is a Musical Alchemist. Her music and exquisite voice soothes the Soul, assisting with ascension, connecting deeper within your hear t and enabling your Soul to express its true form. Christine facilitates workshops and individual sessions internationally, sharing vibrational techniques to empower and attune you to pure heart energy. e: 0408 181 208
Chris James
Vo i c e t e a c h e r, singer and musician Chris James, is known for his ability to bring the experience of the Healing Power of Sound to many. Acclaimed for his work internationally Chris’ love of expression and the human voice brings a unique quality – “Everyone is born with a beautiful voice; singing and speaking.” Chris’ music covers many genres but the purpose never wavers. “The process of understanding the energy of music has been an amazing defining and refining process over the last 12 years, and the bottom line is what really ser ves humanity.” Instead of bringing emotional trauma to the planet, we can bring love and truth to the planet . . . in our music! Everything that is in our voice is a reflection of what we hold in our body – tension and stress, or harmony and ease. Our voice reflects where we are at, when fear and anxiousness leave... harmony naturally takes its place. As we all know sound is a vibration, it’s there when we speak and when we sing. Whether the spoken voice or music, sound is either healing, or it’s not. “Interestingly one of the most healing experiences I have had with sound is simply listening to someone speaking directly from their heart, feeling every cell in my body vibrating. This is very simple but very beautiful . . .and life changing.” And this really is what conscious music is about. Chris runs retreats and workshops internationally on conscious music and the Healing Power of Sound. Enquiries:
Sacred Soul – Songs and Meditations for Inner Stillness Vol 1 & 2
Complimentary to Return to Soul is “Sacred Soul – Songs and meditations for Inner Stillness – Volumes 1 & 2”. After more than two decades of teaching and healing, Robyn realised that she also needed to formulate a CD that incorporated both soul healing voice meditations
awakening one community at a time . . .
CONSCIOUS MUSIC NEWS and vibrational healing songs... especially for the western culture. Robyn wanted to create sacred meditations and sounds that would work for anyone, in any situations especially for those experiencing busy daily activities or physical and mental health restrictions. Universal healing meditation and sounds help purify the restless energy fields of the body and mind bringing balance and positivity in your self and your health. Sacred Soul permeates the subconscious influencing the conscious mind as an invitation back to its true nature of stillness. Sound, prayers and mantras are a concentrated form of spiritual healing used by spiritual masters for thousands of years to build bodily resistance to disease and to treat a multitude of ailments. Along with Robyn’s captivating meditation dialogues you will also experience the angelic voices of world renown devotional song musicians Deva Premal & Miten, Dave Stringer, Lucinda Drayton, Sacred Ear th, Kevin James, Omkara and Lulu and Mischka whose sounds will carry your soul on a journey home to a place of total inner peace and harmony. CONTACT: Robyn Collins mailto: Ph: 0450 509 8832 (International +61 450 509 8832)
Alissa Nathaniel
For me, chanting is like a tonic that soothes my soul from the demands of modern living. It stops my mind and beckons me to surrender, deep into the Nectar of the hear t. So simple, so direct, such immediate connection. Nothing and everything is available in the pure potential of the moment. Essentially, I believe we are all here to be love, to give love and express love in everything we do, this is our most impor tant function as a human being. Chanting mantras together gives such a direct experience of that energy, opening the hear t to the ecstatic bliss of the ocean of love and simultaneous rendering the fertile mind silent. And the bonus is, that in that clear, spacious consciousness we can remember our essential nature, who we truly are. My journey as a Jazz/Latin singer, Acupuncturist and Yoga teacher has inspired a passion for exploring and understanding the energy pathways that create change and expansion of consciousness. By bridging the two worlds of soulful jazz and devotional Sanskrit mantras it has created a musical fusion that is both ecstatically blissful and calmingly transformative. CD’s/MP3: Sacred Soul, Notes from Arunachala; Jai Ma, Goddess of Devotion; Still to Come - The Evolution of Love - In English “Her sultry vocals resemble what happens if Sade was inspired by tantric yogic philosophies.” … Michael Fossy (Aria)
IndiaJiva – Music for Meditation, Yoga and Spiritual Healing
Ron Ragel and Vicki Hansen are multi-instrumentalists/composers and creators of IndiaJiva, who have carved a niche for themselves in the field of world fusion music – creating a new synthesis in sound that transports their audiences and listeners beyond the borders of both East and West. They perform an array of traditional and modern instruments such as sitar, lap steel guitar, keyboards, flutes, didgeridoo, guitar, bass, percussion and vocals. Their blissful music appeals so deeply because despite its contemporary feel, it still succeeds in keeping alive the meditative nuances of its traditional roots. One hears Indian temple chants with exquisite soaring melodies that send the listener effortlessly spinning into states of bliss. But it’s not just their music, their philosophies of living have also touched countless number of lives through their CDs, DVDs and books. Today one hears their music everywhere - from the Himalayas in the north, to the beaches of Kerala and every corner of the
Universe. IndiaJiva, after all, means the “soul of India” and the Indians having a strong and intuitive feeling for their own music recognised that IndiaJiva, in playing their music, had caught its very soul, whilst at the same time have appreciated their interpretations offered in a new and contemporary way. But it is just not in India that they enjoy a devoted and passionate fan-base it is also in the USA, Europe, Canada and South America. The top selling distributor on indie music the world over, CD Baby, has had them consistently in the top ten best-selling ar tists in the Yoga and New Age categories. They have released over a dozen albums internationally as well as books on yoga, sound and spirituality and can be seen in small and large concert halls from yoga barns to Festival stages. Their YouTube channel is currently over the 5.5 million mark.
Codes Music have been described as “glorious, pure, soul reaching, deeply loving and divinely inspired”. This music can evoke deep relaxation and meditation by stimulating the body and nervous system into alpha and delta brainwave states. Take your healing to the next level with Elio’s empowering and evolutionary music. Free Song Download “Love” From The Healing Codes Album. This is not just music! This is music with intention and purpose to heal the body and affect the environment in which it is played with the vibrations of peace, harmony, goodness and above all love. Elio’s music, with its lyrical and sweet melodies, is used for meditation, inspiration and for mind and body practices such as yoga and tai chi. Now sold in 66 countries around the world, Elio’s music is reaching out to all corners of the globe to promote and facilitate his highest intention: To create powerful music which heals hear ts and spreads LOVE throughout our planet. Free Song Download “Love” From The Healing Codes Album. www.
Empowering People With Music
Elio’s music is infused with intention and each piece is created to evoke specific emotions to stimulate the body, mind, and spirit to healing. The relaxing, and peaceful sounds of Elio’s music, including the Healing
Let Your Spirit Sing CD by Leo Drioli
“Clear, pure, simple, inspired and deeply authentic…Feel the gift of Presence in these 5 Heart Songs.” Leo’s songs are unique outpourings of heart-felt joy and connection, each track offers insight and clarity, the gift that comes from his ability to transmute life’s challenges into deeper awakening and sharing it through the time honoured medium of the pop song. Listen to these songs not only with the ears but with the heart … this will open that doorway to your own transformation
“Leo Drioli’s sound is similar to that of Cat Stevens and John Lennon – ruminations that are of an inspirational, motivational and expressive nature.” — Kyle Jarminer, The Examiner “I was on my way to work and just felt like I needed to listen to your EP again. ‘Let Your Spirit Sing’ is such a beautiful song. When I heard the words ‘Open Up My Heart, Show Me How To Love’... I just started welting in tears, seriously … I was trying to be conscious of other drivers not seeing me cry (ha ha). I played that about 3 times in the car this morning and just started singing to it.” — Elio, Composer of The Healing Codes Leo Drioli’s words and music, shared as Heart Songs, dig deep into our collective search and yearning for what is true, real and lasting in this world and beyond it. All his songs stem from that innate urge to connect to the depth of things and to realize our own true nature as Presence. His music carries on in the spiritual pioneering tradition of the inspired master singer/songwriters of the 60’s and 70’s. He acknowledges openly how much people such as John Lennon, George Harrison and Cat Stevens have inspired and informed his work … his continued efforts in spreading the eternal message that our true purpose here is to realize our soul essence and to channel it as love thus living beyond the grip of fear.
EP: $12.95 (including delivery) Digital: $7.50 (delivered to your Inbox)
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awakening one community at a time . . .
The Anger Points
In this edition, we continue our discussion of the enneagram by exploring the group of three character fixations that manifest their primary viewpoint and experience in the physical body. I’d like to reiterate, that when you read literature about the enneagram and the types, it is essential to recognise that you are not a fixation. You are the ‘isness’ of total being, a facet of which manifests as a body with a mix of characteristic ‘egoic wiring’ we call character fixations. These contribute to obscuration of objective characteristic experiences of ‘isness’. When life is experienced through a fixation primarily embedded in the physical body, the viewpoint is dominated by the body mind whose language is that of non-rational, physical impulses attuned to moving toward pleasure and away from pain. There are thoughts and emotions, but the response of these fixations to external triggers will arise as a pre-verbal impulse in the body. These people are also known as obsessive compulsives with issues related to control, compliance and obedience. The unobscured, objective experiences of the anger points are fundamental characteristics of absolute totality, and all fixations experience the perceived loss of these. The disconnection from the experiences of knowing that you are indivisible, timeless, infinite, totality (8), hence inherently perfect (1), with a quality that is inherently lovable, good and positive (9), contribute to the primary delusions of the anger points. The nine is the core anger point but these people often appear the most accommodating, peaceful, and gentle, their anger is so deeply suppressed. The loss of connection to Being, and experience of conditional loving, results in feeling intrinsically unlovable, inferior, unworthy, and they respond by becoming deeply unconscious of their true nature. We all have to meet this core ‘falling asleep’
to experience the preciousness, delight, and wonder of living. For nines, the sleepiness is experienced in the body as a heavy, anchoring energy that deeply buries their inner experiences, manifesting as laziness to what is most essential, a refusal to see, and resistance to change. The egoic attempt to imitate the essence of loving Being, manifests in avoiding conflict, supressing anger, and yielding to other peoples desires which enrages them. “No” is a rarely used word. To fill the hole of unlovability, and avoid their suppressed anger, they will narcotise themselves with food, alcohol, sex, things that make them happy, and pleasurable activities. Anger leaks out passive aggressively with feelings of being controlled and stubbornness. As a generalisation, anger points move against people, but the flavour varies with the exteriorised eight enraged at the painful loss of seemingly being separated from totality, and believing oneself to be a body. With that duality comes the reaction that someone else is to blame, and there must be vengeance. They have no problem with expressing anger externally feeling the need to defend themselves against a hostile world, and standing up for justice on behalf of the underdog. Vulnerable tender feelings are rejected so as not to appear weak or dependent. Angry, dominating control of others imitates the true essence of Shakti, which is an experience of a vital energy of strength free of any dependence on ‘other’. For the interiorised one, there is resentment and criticality in the pursuit of perfection. Anger and rejection of their own experience arises from a sense of there being something inherently wrong with them that is also projected onto others. It is the home of comparative judgement associated with subjective measures of perfection that can never be met, despite all their striving to be better. There is constant dialogue of the superego berating themselves with
Dream Development Educator and Practitioner
The Mental Plane
a flavour of preaching righteousness, and vir tuous morality. This veils the essence of purity inherent in being a facet of ‘isness’, which is everything, and therefore perfect and right in this now of absolute reality. A sample of other key traits of a nine form are; habitual, conservative, pursuit of distractions, melt into partners, ‘couch potato’, passion for comfor t, peacekeepers, hoarders, unkempt homes, live through others (family or in clubs), lack of own identity, chameleons, lack of personal hygiene, sense of lethal rage. A sample of other key traits of an eight form are; boastful, bigoted, tough, blunt, insulting, crass, always right, rebels, unkempt, consume whatever brings pleasure in life to excess, intense, big energy/presence, work hard/play hard, ‘laying trips’, denial, self-reliant, hedonist/puritan, possessive, indulge in power, loyal to friends. A sample of other key traits of a one form are; denial of anger, physically stiff from excessive control of themselves, obsessive orderliness and cleanliness of self/house/garden, rigid/sensitive, jealousy, controlling, demanding, disciplinarians, preachers, aristocratic, compulsive virtue, puritanical, masochistic, sarcastic, obedience issues, worry, social reformers. Next edition we will explore the group of emotional body fixations, the image points. Sahaja is devoted to living as the clearest expression of True Nature possible, and being used in support however that looks. Currently this is available as one-on-one assistance with self inquiry. Further information, or contact Sahaja, Further reading: “From Fixation to Freedom” Eli Jaxon-Bear For Upcoming Enneagram Retreats:
Hi there dreamers! In the last article we looked at the Mental Body and how it can be used both in projection and in communication during sleep. In this ar ticle we will look in more depth at the Mental Plane or the environment in which the Mental Body operates. Why is this important for dreaming? Well in the dream state it is possible, under certain conditions, for us to access other peoples thought ‘themes’ on the Mental Plane. Investigating and interpreting these themes or thought forms appearing in our dreams can be a fascinating exercise. But, if we haven’t done the thinking and have no knowledge that a Mental Plane even exists, then we effectively have no framework of understanding to hang our thought form experiences on. Meaning, that such dreams may instead seem like confused and strange oddities without reasonable explanation. So let’s return to our discussion about the Mental Plane and get this framework happening! Firstly, we find that Mental plane is all around us and made of extremely fine material. So fine, that this plane has no trouble interpenetrating or passing right through the other planes including our physical plane. This notion of interpenetration is very important and not really well understood, so it’s worth spending a little more time getting our ‘head around it’ so to speak. As there will be other exciting conversations we will be having with you in future articles that assume you fully understand this concept. INTERPENETRATION We can walk to the park on a bright day and see the sunlight shining on the trees. Most of us think the light is falling around, beside and bouncing off trees and not moving through them. But if we hold a thin leaf up to the light, we can indeed see that the light passes through it, although on the other side of the leaf there is no big light beam shooting out the bottom. Being bright people, we conclude that some of the light particles got diverted, absorbed, reflected or refracted as they passed through the leaf. We could also say that in the process of passing through the leaf, the light beam suffered some loss. The physicists would say that there is no loss, just some light changing to heat for example. We might agree, but we would also say the light beam coming out of the bottom of the leaf is no longer the same light beam that was going into the leaf from above. And at one level, we would be right and would say that the light interpenetrated the leaf. If we use our imaginations and shrink our minds even smaller - we know that the interpenetration wasn’t perfect because some of the solid light particles in the beam collided with some of the solid particles in the leaf. And that those collisions can be thought of as the by-product or signature of the interpenetration. For example if we were blind, could not sense heat, and shrunk ourselves down inside the leaf, then the ONLY way we would guess that light was passing through, would be
due to us feeling the all the vibrations and collisions or signature of the light beam on ‘inside of leaf’ environment. If someone asked us ‘is there light shining through there?’ We might say ‘well we can’t see it, but we can feel the effects of it, so it must be.’ Similarly when the Mental Plane, passes through us, although we can’t usually see it, if we can be bothered to develop our sensitivity then we will begin to find equally, that there is a signature to it. Of course the next question you’ll be asking is what are the ‘signature’ characteristics of the Mental Plane and what type of ‘collisions’ are occurring? Well the simple answer is that the signature items for the Mental Plane are structures and collisions of thought. STRUCTURES OF THOUGHT? When we talk about structures of thought on the mental plane what do mean? Are we talking about things like shiny little bubbles that the children make at the local park whilst squealing with delight that last just a few seconds and disappear? Are we talking about temporary dark clouds of sooty smoke thrown out by drivers who cannot be bothered to look after their cars? Are we talking about massive thunderclouds created from millions of tiny droplets all gathering together to form something greater? Are we talking about the glorious shimmer on the water surface we see when something pleases us and everything falls into place for just a moment? Are we talking about permanent looking solid skyscrapers of popular agreement where many people decide to share the same view about a subject or object? Are we talking about mountain ranges and fantastic nature-scapes of thought where people from many places and times gather to share in heaven-like surroundings? Are we talking about huge big horrible globs of death and destruction that hover over people conducting acts of terror and violence? Are we talking about beautifully shaped and geometrically outstanding structures flying through space that summarise global thinking about far reaching scientific concepts that improve the earth environment? Are we talking about huge Tsunami-like thought movements for change that sweep everybody up and leave a trail of some devastation and also opportunity for renewal in their wake? Yes, we are talking about all of these things. So let’s dig a little deeper, and look at some of the principles that impact on how all these different types of thoughts and groups of thoughts behave on the Mental Plane. Some of this material also relates to our much earlier article on ‘projection’. So if none of this is making any sense to you please feel free to go back and look at that article first and then come back to join us here. CLARITY The clarity of a thought represents how clearly the information has been put together. For example if we think of a scientific principle that has been clearly defined and supported by elegant mathematical formula - then we
can have groupings of thought made up of intricate and geometrically stunning lines. If you Google ‘fractal images’ then some of the pictures you find will give you a better idea. INTENSITY The mental intensity of the thinker or thought power can influence the size and power of the thought forms they generate. If they are a clear and powerful thinker then the form can be of a solid structure and last for some time. If not, then the form can be more like bubbles that pop or little things that seem to float around the neighbourhood or vicinity of the thinker. Of course the more a thought is re-thought and reinforced, the stronger it becomes. Intensity can also be influenced by the level of a person’s desire about a thought and also their reserve of personal willpower. POLARITY The polarity of a thoughtform represents the unique characteristics of the thought that will influence how it moves through space and what other thoughts may be attracted to or repulsed by it. For example thoughts that are of the same subjects have a similar polarity and group together quite easily regardless of space or place. Polarity can be influenced by intention, vibration and the actual shape or structure of the thought form. INTENTION The intention of the thinker may be quite separate from the content or message in the thought itself. For example you may watch a program on television and then at some later time have a dream about three creators who are behind the show. Two of them may have extremely high spiritual ideals in making the show, whilst the third person has lower spiritual ideals which tends to lower the overall quality of the thought form about the show. STRUCTURE There are community and social thought forms of tremendous power that have formed over a long periods of time and represent norms about a given society’s way of thinking. These giant thought forms become a real part of the mental environment around us. They are constantly being added to and reinforced by everyone who continues to think that way and therefore continually grow in size and suggestive power over the community. Hence the saying ‘I just had to leave that town because I felt that I no longer fitted.’ VIBRATION All thoughts have a given rate of vibration. If you can think of vibration like a waveform or sound like the pitch of a note then you will be getting close. In the next article we will continue our feature on the Mental Plane and introduce the concept of multidimensional thoughtforms. We’ll also touch on the Akashic records which is a quite an exciting area. Happy Dreaming! Love from your friends at One Third Dream Development. Damian is a Dream Development educator and practitioner. 0412 039 636 @onethirdreamdev We’ve also just added clairvoyant readings to our services. So if you would like a reading with Damian feel free to get in touch!
awakening one community at a time . . .
Metaphysical Teacher, Soul Blueprints, Life Direction Counselling and Spiritual Mentoring.
Are You Burning Yourself Out? There is an alarming trend I’m seeing, of broken people wanting to be fixed so that they can keep doing the things that broke them. I call it ‘Broken Robot Syndrome’– people so busy, so stretched, so weighed down by debt or responsibility that they are deep in fatigue, immersed in exhaustion, and no longer capable of recognising that they have become robots. Definition of ROBOT (from the Merriam-Webster Dictionary) 1. a machine that looks like a human being and performs various complex acts (as walking or talking) of a human being 2. a device that automatically performs complicated often repetitive tasks 3. a mechanism guided by automatic controls Lack of sleep exhausts us. Having a too-busy schedule with no down time, play time or rest time fatigues us. The combination of the two breaks us. But there are warning signs of being in that robotic place: • Lack of libido. • Creative and original thought dries up. We struggle to be innovative and to come up with fresh ideas. At worst we think through a fog. • Health decline. Vague symptoms of weariness, sleep issues, digestive issues, aches and pains that gradually build into definable illnesses and burnout. • Inability to make even simple decisions. Suddenly a menu with 50 choices and a need to pick something satisfying becomes an event capable of reducing you to tears because you no longer recognise what you want, let alone what you need. • Everything is scheduled. Everything. • Tired all the time, and doing the usual things – coffee, sugar, pick-me-ups, naturopath, gym, diet, counselling – and nothing helps. • Overwhelm, depression and negativity are regular companions. So, what to do? First of all, understand that fixing a broken robot so that they can keep functioning as a robot is really not a suitable solution for a human. Here are some tools from the ‘Robot Repair First Aid Kit’ that might work for you: • Get more sleep. Go to bed earlier. Create days where you can have sleep-in catch ups, or lie in bed all day reading, resting and relaxing. • Simplify. Cut back on your activities, responsibilities and involvements, and make sure that the kids don’t get caught up in the vicious cycle of over-achievement and over-commitment either. • Get help for the things that are stressing you. When we go to bed worried and wake up worried, and are kept up nights by worry then something has to give. If your worries involve money ,see what you can do to cut down the debt mountain – speak to your lending organisations or the places you owe and get an easier ‘hardship’ repayment scheme. Sell something. Downsize. Simplify. Put your hand up and ask for help. Make sure that your household are all committed to the
What is ACCESS CONSCIOUSNESS? same plan. • If your worries involve relationships, get some time on your own, even if this is just a cup of coffee at the local cafe. Use that time to think about where you are, how you got there, and what your next move is. Staying in a relationship that is unloving, unsupportive, or where there are serious issues can be enough to bring any sane person to their knees. Find a good counsellor to help you work through your options. If you’re a carer, find a support group. If you already know what you need to do, then act. Staying and not doing or saying anything, hoping for change, has seldom proved to be a winning strategy. Only action brings change. • Ask yourself the big question, “Does this relationship/job/choice/decision honour me?” Maybe it’s time to change jobs, move house, stop studying, start studying, have the conversation… • Know that wherever you’ve ended up, it can change. There is a road ahead of you to lead you back to yourself and to a place of content and security. Here are some things to help Robots turn back into humans: • Time with friends • Time alone • Time in nature – walking, surfing, cloud busting, playing with pets in the backyard, gardening • Time for yourself and your own interests • Sleep • Relaxation time with NO expectations, goals or objectives • Music • Making art • Good food and good company • Emotional connection • Hugs • Spiritual connection, meditation, prayer or other practices that help you connect to your inner wisdom and to a Higher power. • Movement – not going to the gym because you have to – walking in the rain because it’s fun, dancing in the lounge room in your pyjamas because you love the music, playing with the kids or the dogs in some silly run-around game that makes everybody laugh. Life is shor t. Life is precious. When you become a Robot you miss everything good. Don’t fix yourself up to keep doing the thing that broke you. It’s time to create real, lasting and positive change. You owe it to yourself. Nicole Cody is a Metaphysical Teacher and Channel. She specialises in Soul Blueprints, Life Direction Counselling and Spiritual Mentoring. For more information contact 07 3256 0815 or Visit her blog: www.cauldronsandcupcakes. com or find her on Facebook. Light and Blessings be Yours!
Access Consciousness™ is a set of lifechanging techniques, tools and processes, designed to empower you to create the life you truly desire. Access provides step-by-step processes to facilitate you in being more conscious in everyday life and eliminate all the barriers you have put up to receiving. The aim of Access Consciousness is to create a world of consciousness and oneness. Consciousness includes everything and judges nothing. It is our target to get you to the point where you receive from Access the awareness of everything, with no judgment of anything. If you have no judgment of anything, then you get to look at everything for what it is, not for what you want it to be, not for what it ought to be, but just for what it is. Consciousness is the ability to be present in your life in every moment, without judgment of you or anyone else. It is the ability to receive everything, reject nothing, and create everything you desire in life - greater than what you currently have, and more than what you can imagine. The target of Access is to help get you to the point where you are conscious enough to create change within you. Access offers tools and processes that make it possible to change everything that is not working in your life. Once you become more conscious, it will be easier for you to thrive in the face of the shifts that are occurring everywhere on the planet right now.
A Different Perspective
Access is a different point of view about life. It’s about seeing all the things that you always knew should be possible but didn’t know how to receive, with no judgment about the choices made in the past or future. Access gives people real life tools to use which can help them get to where they would like to be. From this perspective, a new reality is created where people function from choice and possibility in their lives. They function from a place where they are no longer at the effect of everything and everyone around them and where they no longer judge themselves. What is your awareness about your current reality? Do you see people being happy and joyful? Do you see a world where everyone is embraced or where everyone lives without judgment? Are children honored for their being, or are children manipulated and controlled to believe they are less than adults? Do you have the familiar feeling you are stuck or every time you take a step forward, you take two steps back? If (WHEN) you become conscious of what you say and think, your reality will change exponentially. Your thoughts and statements generate your life. You have the ability to create anything instantaneously. What if you were willing to be brutally honest with
yourself and start creating (generating) your reality? What would that look like? All you have to do is choose it. Although tools of Access Consciousness has generated a great deal of change in the lives of many people, Access does not declare itself to be the only way. Access empowers you to know what is true for you. It allows you to know that you know! Access is an ever-evolving method for altering the par ts of your life that don’t show up the way you know they could. Access is not for the feebleminded or the faint-of-heart. If you have the courage and desire to be truly you, the extraordinary you, the phenomenal you, maybe Access is for you. What if you were willing to nurture and care for you? What if you would open the doors to being everything you have decided it is not possible to be? What would it take for you to realize how crucial you are to the possibilities of the world?
Access Bars
Do you remember the last moment in your life when you were totally relaxed and nurtured and cared for? Or has it been a little too long since you received healing and kindness without any judgment of your body or your being? The first class in Access is The Bars®. Did you know there are 32 points on your head which, when gently touched, effortlessly and easily release anything that doesn’t allow you to receive? These points contain all the thoughts, ideas, beliefs, emotions, and considerations that you have stored in any lifetime. This is an oppor tunity for you to let go of everything! Each Access Bars® session can release 5-10 thousand years of limitations in the area of your life that corresponds with the specific Bar being touched. This is an incredibly nurturing and relaxing process, undoing limitation in all aspects of your life that you are willing to change. How much of your life do you spend doing rather than receiving? Have you noticed that your life is not yet what you would like it to be? You could have everything you desire (and even greater!) if you are willing to receive lots more and maybe do a little less! Receiving or learning The Bars® will allow this to begin to show up for you. Access Bars® has assisted thousands of people to change many aspects of their body and their life including sleep, health and weight, money, sex and relationships, anxiety, stress and so much more. At worst you will feel like you have just had a phenomenal massage. At best your whole life can change into something greater with total ease. Taking the Access Bars® class is a prerequisite for all Access Consciousness® Core Classes as it allows your body to process and receive the changes you are choosing with ease.
Access Consciousness in QLD awakening one community at a time . . . Fiona McDonald Baylis
Fiona McDonald Baylis, an Access Consciousness Cer tified Facilitator and Body Process Facilitator, psychic medium, certified hypnotherapist, Matrix, NLP and Advanced EFT, provides simple tools to transform your life with ease. She has been empowering people to heal and journey joyously to more consciousness for more than 22 years. “The epitome of joy and inspiration, Fiona embodies a reality that few create for themselves. She taught me how to talk with my partner after he had passed over and helped me heal my grief so I could be the happy again. A great confidante and teacher, I will forever be grateful to her” M. Hennessey. She offers private sessions in person or via phone/Skype. She teaches the core Access classes: Access Bars, Five Days to Change your Reality and other classes throughout the country. At Mt Walsh Bush Retreat in SE Qld she offers 1-1, couples and group sessions including accommodation. Talk to her about bonuses for hosting her in your community all over Australia & Europe. Mention this ad for 20% off your first 1-1 Transformational Session or book 3 x CreateYou Sessions and receive the 4th one as a gift!
Contact Fiona on 0427 067 574 or www.fionamcdonaldbaylis.
Delany Delaney
What else is possible? Are you ready for change? Do you know there is something more to living and you're searching for a way to get that? Do you feel like you just don't fit most of the time? Well if you choose, you have just found a dynamic gateway for change that can bring more happiness, wealth, peace and joy than you can imagine. My life continues to transform beyond anything I ever dreamed possible! Now I have more peace, gratitude and joy every day and it just keeps on expanding in every area of my life; relationships, work, money and adventures. I am wealthy beyond my wildest dreams. I'm happy and i truly like and care about me. I am also creating my life, living, business in a way that suits me. And you know what else, I am finding the absolute joy that is in the music, there are no words to describe that gift! Gary Douglas and Dain Heer I have so much gratitude for the gifts that you give so freely. How does it get any better than this? All of Life Comes to Me with Ease Joy and Glory (more and more and more).
Phone 0412 421 903
Wendy Ingram
When I came across Access Consciousness 4 years ago, I had no idea that I had a gift for working with people, to help them unlock what is keeping them stuck in their own life and now I specialize in stepping them through this process with ease using the Access tools. “Wendy’s
intuitive skill for knowing just the question to ask that is required for c hange is amazing - DN”, “When Wendy works with people, its clears at a completely different level - JF”, is just some of the feedback I have received. I currently offer, one on one Access Bars, Body processes and Energetic Facelift sessions. I also facilitate Symphony, Discovery and Personal transformation sessions that can be done in person or via Skype. I also run Access Bars Classes and Consciousness parties. I am based on the south side of Brisbane and I am also happy to travel. The joy, the fun, the laughter and the dynamic transformation the Access tools have contributed to me personally and my clients is phenomenal.
You can contact me on 0421 636 612, via email at playlaughshiftchange@ and also on facebook a t h t t p s : / / w w w. f a c e b o o k . com/pages/Play-Laugh-ShiftChange/1573356249612510 Wendy Ingram - Certified Access Bars Facilitator, Access Body Process Practitioner & Right Body for you Taster Facilitator
Lisa Goodenough
Access Consciousness in To o w o o m b a . My name is Lisa Goodenough. In 2011 I found Access Consciousness and it has become a large part of my life. I had been searching for things I could do that might help me with disease, depression and addictions. I had tried different modalities with varying effects, but none as simple and effective as this. I run Access Bars and also teach them, as well as doing hands on Access Body Processes including the Abuse Hold (which helps you release abuse you have stored in your body) and Symphony of Possibility. I am a caring person with a passion for the healing arts and being in nature. The reactions to having your Bars run are many and varied from my mind is quiet for the first time ever to Standing on one foot and not falling over because suddenly I have balance. I never know what is going to change. It may not be there and then, but there will be change. I am based in Toowoomba and do travel in SE Queensland, NSW & Vic as required. I am also a Massage Therapist.
Phone: 0414 366 841 www.lisagoodenough.
Stella Janouris
When I star ted Access Consciousness classes 9 years ago - just knew it was for me. Have always had a healing modality background in and around working full time. I am now an Access Facilitator with tools that facilitate change in me, animals, people instantly and so much more. Access classes was the catalyst for me to see differently and change what is not working in my life – a constant. I have observed people chasing their tails, stuck in
patterns, do not start or complete projects, hate their job or no job, troubled children, not fitting in, not sleeping, angry, not happy, health, money and/or relationship issues, and, and, and… I do private or phone/skype sessions, hands on energy, teach classes, and give you an intensive summary of your session to take away so you have tools. I do not need the story. Working with the energy is the key to change. I see clients’ lives turn around after just one session – now that is fun and a gift that I am going to continue to choose to be in the world. I taught a class in Athens in February this year. Where are you? Testimonial: “I feel like I have connected with my family again and just had a great day with my husband on our boat – we have not had fun in a long time. That night my son who lives away called me and I was not displaying worry – I do not know what you did but I am happy and not feeling stuck. Those tools you sent me work. Can I make another appointment? Love you Stella”. How does it get any better than that? Just know you are not as crazy as you think you are?
How to find Stella Janouris: Phone 0402 051 216 Based on the Sunshine Coast Queensland, available worldwide.
yourRelationships with Diane McCann
lifetime of work and each decade gets easier. That is why personal development is the most powerful As I look at blogs and Facebook I thing you can do for yourself. It the description of the person’s best am in awe of the number of groups changes how we see ourselves friend. Guess which picture dethat are popping up about… and and when we see the truth gazing picted the women more accurately. for… women; incredibly powerful back in the mirror even if we are Yep, right again, the friend’s picture! writings of women and TED talks by not Elle McPherson etc, we need If we don’t love ourselves and women all saying the same thing. to star t loving that beautiful face shine that light out into the world That this is our time! A time to looking back at us. The one whose for others to light their candle from stand up, stand strong, stand toheart has probably been broken, when the wick burns down, then gether and change the world! shattered, fractured or closed down how can we expect our daughters Can we do it? Absolutely. From a by someone or some thing; the and nieces and friends to allow National research paper I gleaned one who had words spoken to her their light to shine. When we have the following: Women are the that cut deeper than a knife could, such dramatic increases in youth source for growth that power our perhaps unintentionally, perhaps in suicide (young men included) and in economy as well as the biggest spite but always coming from anothself harming – 6-7% of Australian consumers in the world. They make er damaged human who didn’t unyouth aged 15-24 years engage in around 85% of consumers deciderstand the fragility of the person self harm in any 12-month period. sions and inject more than $20 trilthey were speaking to… We’ve all It is estimated that the number of lion dollars annually into the global been battered emotionally or physiyoung people who have engaged in economy. Also Australian women cally, or mentally or sexually, some self-harm is 40-100 times greater are star ting small businesses at only for a moment in time, some than those who have actually ended twice the rate of men. for years…. but that is NOT who their lives. It is a sad state of our Lots of things are changing out we are…. We are strong amazing time and WE have to be better role there in the world…. Women are magnificent who are turnmodels. When we Have grow up with our you ever women said: getting stronger and more willing to ing the world around slowly. Let us parents complaining about their speak up for themselves and each make a commitment to each other Who amit I really pleasing? bodies or their looks or whatever, other; we are also aware of the to reach out, to ask for assistance rubs off…. Am I getting what I want? need to help those less fortunate when we are not coping, to speak has been What is it about us that does not than ourselves and thus groups are What holdstheme truthback? about and to ourselves allow us to see our beauty? transforming popping up like daffodils in spring and to love more, every day. Then What is it about us that makes us where women are reaching out If you have struggled and only then, can we co-create the lives of women feel less than worthy? to help others. Wonderful news! with yourself, wonderful relationships with our Why do we not honour our own around However while it’s changing the slowly world with relationships beautiful or men (often equally damthoughts and feelings, perhaps in our favour, I look at what’s hapif you just know aged) and then bring into this world since 1987. staying in relationships that don’t pening with women themselves and isfulfil morechildren to life... who know absolutely that serve us, or in jobsthere that don’t their self image. they are beautiful and loved and us; thinking we need to be perfect A huge depar tment store put This program isoffor deserving everything wonderful. and driving ourselves crazy signs on two entrances, one Then we shall move toward peace. cause we’re not; becoming addicts that said ‘Beautiful’ and one that of the glass of wine with Goddess dinner to The Within is a journey said ‘Average’… we don’t have Diane McCann facilitates The numb us out, the into cigarettes even self your as you discover to be geniuses to figur e out Goddess Within seminar for women though we know they are badto for us,heal and honour the how which door most women walked and together with her husband past, the present and the drugs to dull the pain, empower the sex, Robert, facilitates Man’s Inner through!!!! Yep, Average.. celebrate the future. the shopping, the other addictions Journey for men and Tantra for Dove did a campaign and got that stop us from feeling our true couples. For more information www. women to describe themselves to nature? She can be an artist who was hidden behind a Loving others is easy, loving chilreached at beyondtheordinary@ screen, he drew them according to or by phone on 08 dren, loving pets but self love… their description. Then the artist 8248 1281 that is something that requires a drew a second picture according to
Are YOU... looking for a life change? The Goddess Within
Suzanne Kambuts & Sarah Be
Sarah and Suzie invite you to… Discover the amazing tools of Access Consciousness and how they can be used in all areas of your life… Would you be willing to explore how these tools & can change anything that’s not working for you? Suzie & Sarah create a unique environment on the Sunshine Coast for these classes including gourmet lunches ($15) Please feel free to choose from the list below… Wednesday 22nd July “Unlocking your Utopian Ideals” 6.45pm – 8.45pm $75 (includes a copy of Gary’s book) Friday 24th July Introduction to Access and Access Bars™ Class $300 Sat 25th & Sun 26th July Access Foundation™ - 2 Day Class $700 Would you like to give yourself the space to look at your life? Mon 27th & Tues 28th July Access Level 1™ - 2 Day Class $700 Would you be willing to step into being a greater you? These consecutive classes can also be taken as 1, 3 or 5 days to change your life! Additional Bars Class is also available on Saturday 20th June
For information on the above, or to experience the Bars, or a personal session, Call Sarah 0405734656 Suzie 0422 436035 suzanne@ We really look forward to seeing you soon…
Physically you will learn techniques which most people are unaware of. Mentally you will make different decisions about sex, focusing not on the destination but on the journey, enjoying it along the way.
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What Is Your Poo Telling You?
awakening one community at a time . . .
I know it’s a taboo topic, but if you really want to know how healthy you are, it’s time to take a look at what you’re leaving in the toilet. Poop comes in different shapes and sizes. What’s normal? What’s healthy? I guarantee you’ll be surprised at just how much your poo can tell you.
Breaking Down Your Bowel Movements
Prolozone®: Alternative to Joint Replacement & Drug therapy
You probably didn’t like the sound of that! But it’s important we cover this topic. The majority of your stool, around three quarters, is made up of water, while the rest is a combination of cells, mucus, bacteria and more. The content may actually change depending on what’s happening inside your body, and that’s why examining your stool is necessary. Day-to-day changes are normal based on what you’ve eaten and it’s important to look for consistent changes. Let’s take a look at what to watch out for.
What The Shape and Sizes Mean
The Bristol Stool Char t divides stool into seven different categories that range from lumps that are hard to pass, to watery and entirely liquid. Learning more about the chart enables you to better understand your digestion and overall health. Type 1 A clear sign of constipation. It is painful to pass because the water content of the stool is too low. This may be caused by a round of antibiotics or a diet low in carbohydrates and fibre, among other things. Type 2 A little better, although lumpy, sausage-shaped and still quite painful. Stool has likely remained in the body for weeks if it has this appearance. Type 3 Similar to Type 2 with cracks remaining on the surface that signify it’s just a bit softer. If you are experiencing Type 1-3 on a regular basis, it might be time to make some changes. Here are some dietary and lifestyle factors that can cause constipation: ◾Dehydration ◾Stress ◾Food intolerances ◾Not enough exercise ◾Too much dietary fibre Type 4 Type 4 is smooth and soft with a shape similar to a snake. This type is common if you only have one bowel movement a day. A larger diameter suggests a longer transit time or large amount of fibre in your diet. Type 5 This is the best. It has the appearance of soft blobs, clear cut edges and leave your body with ease. This type is common for someone who has a bowel movement after each major meal (around 2-3 times a day). Type 6 This type is mushier and has ragged edges. It’s considered borderline normal. This suggests the
bowels move a bit faster and could be triggered by spices or stress. These kind of stools may indicate a slightly hyperactive colon (fast motility), excess dietary potassium, or sudden dehydration or spike in blood pressure related to stress. Type 7 If you experience stools that are entirely liquid, they could be caused by bacteria, viruses or medications. If you have consistent diarrhoea or loose stools in the absence of one of these, you need to investigate further. A bowel movement should be a normal part of your day and not something you dread or wor r y about. So, how do you make that happen?
What you can do to improve your poo
If you’re suffering from poo problems and you haven’t started a food journal, now is a great time to do so. Record what you eat at what time, and make notes about your stools as well. Chances are you’ll notice a pattern that can help you make some changes. Ever heard of fermented foods? Fermented foods like sauerkraut and Korean kim-chi will help maintain a balance of friendly bacteria in
your gut. You can also take a probiotic supplement to help achieve this. Having the right balance of good and bad bacteria in your gut will go a long way in improving your health. In addition to probiotics, do your best to avoid pharmaceutical drugs and antibiotics which annihilates beneficial bacteria in your gut where your immune system resides. Most importantly, remember to keep your water intake high to avoid constipation and of course eat lots of fresh fruit and veg. These will keep your body hydrated and clear of toxins that create an imbalance. For a more effective cleanse, consider natural alkaline water. Now that we’ve gotten the awkward par t over with, it’s time to take what you’ve learned and use it on your journey towards greater health. Thomas Cho is passionate about helping others take control of their health without medication. He is involved in alkalife Natural Alkaline Water doing his best to share the importance of alkalising for better quality of life. He regularly writes on natural health and you can read them at
Compare the X-rays before and after Prolozone and you will see the remarkable regeneration of car tilage and joint space in the 12 months of treatments. Many doctors internationally have used this technique to treat chronic pain conditions and the value of Prolozone is that in the majority of cases it actually corrects the pathology of the disorder and regeneration of tissues such as cartilage has been observed. About 75% of chronic pain sufferers who undergo this therapy become permanently pain free. Prolozone is a technique that combines the principles of neural therapy, Prolotherapy and Ozone therapy. It involves injecting combinations of procaine, homeopathic anti-inflammatory medications, vitamins, proliferatives and ozone/ oxygen gas into degenerated or
injured joints and into areas of pain. The evidence shows that it can be used to regenerate joints and other damaged tissues, and to alleviate pain. Localized decreased oxygen utilization produces a localized increase in lactic acid production which is what is responsible for pain. A vicious cycle ensues in which the localized decrease in oxygen utilization leads to increased free radical damage, which leads to increased tissue damage, inflammation, edema, which leads to a further decrease in oxygen utilization, all of which equals chronic pain. It also prevents the body’s stem and blast cells from effectively repairing the damage.
Conditions responsive to Prolozone.
• Carpal tunnel syndrome • Chronic back pain • Chronic neck pain • Degenerated discs • Degenerative & arthritic ankles • Degenerative & arthritic hips • Degenerative & arthritic knees • Dental infections • Heel spurs • Neuromas • Painful scars • Pelvic disorders • Plantar fasciitis • Post-op pain • Rotator cuff injuries • Sciatica • Sinus infections • Sports injuries • Tennis elbow • TMJ
Contact Dr Margaret Jiin Ngu at 305 Warrigal Rd Burwood 3125. (03)9808 2188
Lactis ‘Lactobacillus Extract’ - a biogenic approach for digestive health, 100 years in the making. In 1905, Dr Kakutaro of Japan encountered the “Theory of Longevity” written by Elie Metchnikoff, a 1908 Nobel Prize winner. In the book, it mentioned that people in Bulgaria were long lived and linked their health with a regular consumption of milk-fermented yogurt (Lactobacillus bulgaricus). Metchnikoff proposed Lactobacillus Therapy, a world first which was based on the idea that “Diseases and senility were caused by selfpoisoning of intestinal bacteria toxin, and the most effective way to improve inner health was using Lactobacillus.” Dr Kakutaro was strongly impressed by “Theory of Longevity” and star ted trying Lactobacillus therapy by eating yogurt. “I want to save people with Lactobacillus, and a first step of it is manufacturing and sale of yogurt”. He finally opened a Lactobacillus research laboratory and yogur t factory in Kyoto 1914 and became the first yogur t manufacturer in Japan. The passing years saw great advancement of fermentation technology. Dr Kakutaro’s son, B&S Corporation founder and biologist Kazuyoshi Masagaki followed in his father’s footsteps. In 1925, Kazuyoshi pioneered the development of 4 Lactobacillus species that were co-cultured in milk and the origin of modern Lactic Acid Bacteria (LAB) beverages in Japan had be-
gun. That lead to the discovery of 8 other strains that were beneficial to the host and by 1945, 16 species were successfully co-cultured. During this time, a significant turning point occurred; changing the cultured medium from milk (containing animal proteins) to soymilk (plant derivation) and the research shifting from live bacteria to non-living lactobacillus extracts.
Why Soymilk and how does Lactobacillus grow?
Lactobacillus reproduces by eating sugar. The sugar of milk is lactose which is two glucoses connected. The sugar of soy milk is oligosaccharide which is three or four glucoses connected and has a variety of shapes. That is why the combination of 16 species of lactobacillus can grow in soymilk as each species can eat their preferred shapes enhancing the population into super high density strains of Lactobacillus. From living bacteria (probiotics) to Lactobacillus Fermentation Extract Dissatisfied with the effects of live bacteria fermented solutions in achieving digestive health, Kazuyoshi continued his research and shifted his focus on Lactobacillus secretion technology, the by-products of the bacteria. After years of dedication, the breakthrough occurred in 1982 in the success of developing a Lactic Acid Bacteria Extract formula. 16 strains of Lactobacillus are fermented
in soymilk for one year, aged and strengthened then only the specific bioactive ingredients are extracted by a proprietary method that include:- bacteria body substances, flavonoids and secretions (lactic acid, secretory peptides). The Lactobacillus extract that Kazuyoshi Masagaki led the world in developing 30 years ago is now garnering a lot of attention in many fields. It is just recently that people are paying more attention to microorganism secretions in health related fields. A new era in Biogenic’s has just began. Manufacturer: B&S Corporation Japan, since 1914. Exclusive Australian, Taiwan & New Zealand Importer: Root Health Pty Ltd Suite 309 / 7 Railway Street Chatswood NSW 2067 Australia Web: Phone: 1300 797 802
awakening one community at a time . . .
Baraka publishing Australian Body-Mind-Spirit Titles & Authors
“This brilliant contribution to our modern understanding of authentic identity and Presence brings us to a new awareness of ourselves and our innate wholeness and completeness. Enza’s personal awakening story, in the first few pages, is worth the price of admission. Enlightened wisdom is like an endangered natural resource today, which we overlook at our peril; let’s join in exploring and developing our own innate transformational resources for a change.” — LAMA SURYA DAS, author of Awakening the Buddha Within
“This brilliant contribution to our modern understanding of authentic identity and Presence brings us to a new awareness of ourselves and our innate wholeness and completeness.” — LAMA SURYA DAS, author of Awakening the Buddha Within
always already recognizing the natural wakefulness
Always Already free - by Enza Vita
Based on Enza’s own experience, Always Already Free is a guide to discovering the deepest truth about who we are. In this book, the author presents her own personal direct encounter with the awakened state and guides the reader from the seeking process through the integration of spiritual enlightenment into everyday life and reveals that enlightenment is not a faraway dream, intellectual knowledge or even an experience but the direct realization of our true nature always available here and now. “While it’s true that we are always the Self”– says Enza Vita “if this hasn’t been truly and directly realized, this knowledge won’t do us any good. Just knowing that there is no gate to pass through doesn’t mean that we are at the end of the search, not if we are still standing outside that gateless gate. Realization is not about you, the wave, realizing it is ocean. The ocean realizes itself in you and reveals itself to have never been just a wave.”
we were born with
enza vita Paperback: 208 pages/$2795 (including delivery) Digital: $12.95 (delivered to your Inbox)
“If a book had a soul, then this book would be brimming with Spirit. Leo has a unique way of conveying deep truths using simple, yet beautiful language. His words follow a direct route from the mind to the heart, and can touch anyone, no matter where they are on their spiritual path. ” – Denise Linn, author of “Soul Coaching” Every Moment’s A Miracle - by Leo Drioli
With freshness and a unique blend of spiritual insight, poetry and simple life wisdom, Leo Drioli draws our attention to everyday occurrences in his daily life, which offer insights together with simple techniques for attuning ourselves to the natural and dynamic inner movement of our own lives, which is the key to finding joy both within and without. Reading this book will help you to witness every moment in your life – even those that seem filled with pain or conflict – in another way, a way that brings a sense of unity rather than separation and fear, plus a deeper, truer, more satisfying life in this world.
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awakening one community at a time . . . our friends and partners, in order to change. Often it’s simply the fear itself that needs to be identified and challenged.
Analysis Paralysis
CREATING A SACRED HOME WITH SPACE CLEARING & BLESSINGS Space clearing your house is a good idea at any time but especially when you move into your new home or apartment or your current one feels heavy and stuck somehow it’s vital really to ensure your future comfort, health and success in life. It’s really best to star t with an empty house when Space Clearing so allowing an extra day for this before Moving Day is a good idea. Even if the house is physically clean it’s good to clean it yourself quickly using natural products where possible as these have a much higher vibration and its good vibrations you are wanting to create! A real enthusiast will even wash all the inside walls where possible using a mixture Orange and Lavender pure essential oil and Sea Salt in warm water as this clears out the energy vibrations of the previous owners besides giving your home a heavenly aroma - at least do this in the bathrooms, toilet, kitchen and laundry. To create a Sacred Home know that intention is everything when you are working with energy so hold the mindset as you do this that all energy that is no longer needed will float out the open windows. Prior to star ting cleaning the house it’s a great idea to see yourself in a big Rainbow Bubble of Light otherwise you might end up with a feeling of sudden emotional energy overload as you can inadver tently take on heavy energy yourself into your Energy Field & body. As you empty the vacuum cleaner or throw the water out it’s better to place or release all waste outside the house – empty the bucket of water into an outside drain and see any sadness or despair that was in the house released back into the earth for transmutation into positive energy.
Many people like to buy a bundle of dried sage from a Health Food or Metaphysical Shop then light it and allow the flame to go out, then while
it’s still smoking walk from room to room waving it around while imagining the smoke taking any negativity out the open window or door. Personally I can’t bear the smell of Sage and often end up with a headache and much prefer censing with Frankincense Resin – you will see this happening in some more traditional churches or temples – and I find this is great to really clear both negative energies plus any unwanted spirits in your house. The Frankincense can be burnt on charcoal in a special censor or just in an old saucepan works well too. Therapeutic Grade organic essential oil of Sacred Frankincense works well too in a diffuser or oil burner but this isn’t quite enough by itself. Add 10 drops each of Frankincense, Rosemary, Lemon and Juniper to spring water in a Spray Bottle and simply spray each room while mentally banishing all that is negative and sad out the window. Of course if you have unhappy spirits in your home you often still need to do more meditation work here or ask a professional medium to assist you to send them to The Light.
Our Opening Ceremonies today for new buildings comes from ancient Egypt where every par t of every building was Blessed and had its” Mouth Opened” or was brought to life by the Temple Priests or Priestess. That is the appropriate Egyptian Gods and Goddesses would be invoked to infuse positive energy into the building which would then be seen as Animated or Alive and be able to breathe and exist as an independent positive Divine Entity. So to bring your home to life it’s great to sit quietly and burn a candle in the living room while seeing the sun shining lots of bright light into and all around your home. Then see the Earth beneath your house and in the garden suddenly seeming to come to life as if in a children’s
Faerie Story – you are aware of faeries in the garden, earth gnomes appear outside on the grass and Angels join you in the living room. The whole house seems to breathe a great sigh of relief as you realise its alive with a great personality and waiting for you to move in and start really loving it! Then request your own God or Goddess to Bless your house and of course a statue of the Virgin Mary, Buddha, Eastern Goddess Kuan Yin or Egyptian Goddess Auset/isis will bring a calming and nurturing feel to your home. Remember if you place any sacred objects or statues in your new home you need to “activate” them or ask for the energy and blessing of the Divine to be in them.
A short meditation and visualisation to imagine yourself in three months’ time living a Dream Life in your Dream Home will set the energy for this to happen. Finally do bring that exciting vision back to the present time so your big Move In Day will go well and your freshly cleared home will stay that way. Welcome Home to your Sacred Home ! ELISABETH JENSEN is the founder of Auset Temple Healing and she teaches her Isis Mystery School, Hypnosis & Angel Miracles Courses worldwide. As the former Property Psychic for News Corp she is an expert at Distance House Clearings & Energy Assessments. Read more on her new website au or call our Adelaide Office on 08 83874318
Why Can’t I Change?
Medical intuitive, Carolyn Myss said, if a person with a heroin addiction was offered the choice between a pill to cure her addiction or more heroin, her conscious mind would choose the pill but her subconscious mind would choose the heroin. If it sounds crazy, that’s because it is, and guess what? We all do this in one way or another. We may know that in order to change our life we need to change our behaviour yet we sometimes arrive at the end of our day, frustrated that we have not quit smoking, started yoga, lost weight, etc. We may even start to doubt that we ever will. The par t of us that stubbornly keeps us stuck despite our desire to change is often caused by the beliefs operating on a subconscious level. Below are some of the common belief patterns I observe in the energy field of clients experiencing cognitive dissonance about change:
Fear that we may make others uncomfortable
Improving ourselves, can remind others of their own negative behav-
iors. Sometimes we fear their discomfort, insecurity or even jealousy when we are at our best. This fear appears as a dark shadow around the body. It says, “I must hide my light or keep myself small so as not to cause discomfort for others”.
Fear that if we change we will lose the people we love
Sometimes our friendships and relationships can provide us with a fluffy duvet, keeping us warm in our ruts. Consequently we sometimes prevent changing when we fear that if we were to change, it may negatively impact on our relationships with others.
What are we really fearing?
Abandonment. We fear they may leave us if they don’t like or relate to who we will be when we change. This appears as toxic looking ties and cords, connecting us to others through fear. Thankfully, we don’t necessarily have to walk away from
This appears as a knotted, tangled energy, like knotted electrical cables. Often located in the stomach or head area, this pattern causes us to over-complicate our path to change. The internal dialogue sounds something like this: “I can’t do this until I do that, but if I do that I’ll need to do this, I can’t do this until I’ve done that…” No wonder we haven’t changed – after all this we’re exhausted before we even begin! There are plenty more where these came from. Additional patterns include perfectionism, a belief that changing is selfish, a fear of what we may need to sacrifice and a false belief that changing means losing our freedom. If you feel you need that extra support, it may be helpful to reach out to a friend or practitioner who can be your witness, challenging your blocks, fears, beliefs and supporting you to take action. Ultimately we are all responsible for our own behaviours yet at the same time, sometimes we need another person to point out our blind spots and help us to clear our obstacles to transformation. For consultations or more information, see: Rachelle Terry – Medical Intuitive. Rachelle Terry, a Sydney based therapist, has had an ability from childhood to clairvoyantly see the human aura. She works with local, interstate and international clients by means of private consultations and group healings. Wonderful results are experienced after having life, health or relationship patterns cleared and it becomes possible to be in flow again. For phone, Skype or inperson consultations with Rachelle, Phone: 0414 317 323 or Email: *Baby and child readings also available*
Medical Intuitive Rachelle Terry
Your aura stores memories, blockages, shock waves and emotions resulting from previous experiences. If these are left unattended, recurring patterns can form, affecting your relationships, career, behaviours, health and life events. Rachelle, a Sydney based practitioner, sees and pinpoints the cause these patterns, using her ability to view the energy field. She then uses highly effective therapy techniques including Theta Healing to shift the negative patterns on a deeper level.
For appointments with Rachelle in Sydney (phone/Skype consultations also available):
According to legendary copywriter, Joe Vitale, reviews are up to 500 times more likely to be read than a straight ad because it has what the reader wants, information on a subject they’re interested in. A review of your product or service is a great way to offer valuable information to your prospective clients. Prices below are only for 1 state. We have 5 editions of InnerSelf in NSW, VIC, SA, QLD, WA. Please add 20% for each extra state you want your review to appear in.
200 words + pic = $250 400 words + pic = $450
600 words + pic = $600 800 words + pic = $800
1600 words + pic = $1500 3000 words + pic = $2300
Contact InnerSelf Newspaper on (08) 8396 6752 or email with your contact details
awakening one community at a time . . . cred? Everything … absolutely everything is sacred because it’s all the One revealing Itself through the many. Not “out there” … not “in here” … but simply the Eternal Vastness that is the only field of consciousness, right before our very eyes. Everything …. Absolutely everything is sacred.
Psychics, Mediums & Clairvoyants in QLD Debra Bright
Debra Bright, aka AbracaDEBRA, is a ver y powerful Master Energy Clearer of the Wounded Body, Healer & Awakener. With 25 years, working with Universal Energy therapies she is a much sought after leader in her field. She appears on Psychic TV suppor ting & 'instant relief' clearing people all over Australia. Nominated ‘Australian of the Year' 2014 for her achievements & healing successes. Is a Speaker at the World Intuition Summit & Urban Yogi Summitsee on FB & is regularly at Expos & events in Australia, America and Asia. We all need to do daily body clearing of our upsets, trapped emotional baggage & pains or issues will just repeat again over in our lives just different story. Clearings are the most powerful modality for instant relief healings, removing unwanted emotional blocks first and then allowing the Law of Attraction to instantly bring in great changes Debra has created a 5min Chakra Dance CD/DVD where you can heal yourself & she does 1on1 private clearings and remote clearings on humans, animals, places and things & is now doing Group Motivational session clearings on success, winners, grief etc. She teaches certified Power Up Workshops to empower you with the tools & information to increase your energy healing power, balance, release stress & emotions, improve health, increase abundance, money, joy & anything. This workshop is the first step, you can become a Practitioner. All Power Up Workshops include clearing akashic records, past lives, DNA genetics, cellular memories, belief systems, contracts, hur ts, pains, abundance blocks, curses, entities, implants and more. Debra says "there is a quantum leap in the healing energy power that I use & now regularly teach. There's no time to talk about issues, we need to just instantly clear them from the Wounded Body, when the issues are up on the surface. We are now Quickening towards the 5th Dimension”. This year is all about action, you do the clearing action on yourself and you will be rewarded with bliss, if you are not daily clearing then you will stay stuck & your body will crumble.
For more info: Google Debra Bright - Facebook &
Jenny Dignan
I always saw things dif ferently and I knew things that people didn’t share about how they felt. As an Empathic person life can be unusual and so I attracted unique people to me and I learnt many things early in life. I connect well to people giving them heartfelt information that is relevant to their immediate need as well as clarity about crucial moments in their lives. I allow their past loved ones to send them messages of love and hope therefore bringing peace to their soul and calmness to their hearts when they realize life continues in another realm and they will join them once again when the time is right. I am clairsentient, clairvoyant, clairaudient and claircognitive as well as a medium with a clear, strong connection to spirit. I am also a Reiki Master, Sound Therapist, Group Co-ordinator and Teacher, Liquid Crystal Practitioner, Essential Oil Therapist, Animal Communicator, Run Meditation Groups, Crystal Healer and Communicator as well as being a catalyst for positive change and direction in people’s lives identifying blocks, patterns and conditioning that no longer serves them. I bring joy and knowledge to people all over the world by phone consultations as well as in person on the Sunshine Coast and in Ballarat and I travel to other places as needed. I work in approximately hour long appointments and fees are available on request.
I am able to be contacted by phone on 0408 456 542 or email on
Amanda Lee
Amanda is a psychic Tarot Reader who is luc k y enough to be doing her life’s work. She was taught how to read an ordinary deck of playing cards as the Tarot when 15 years old by a very dear, older friend at the time, who was herself a practising psychic for many years. She recognised a kindred spirit who had the talent because she offered to teach her craft. That was 28 years ago.
Over the years Amanda continued to practise the craft, even though her path took her away from her first teacher. She started practising professionally about 7 years ago and is currently reading from her home in Rockhampton, Queensland. Amanda offers Tarot Card Readings; Mediumship; Psychometry and Photograph Readings. “I do a general spread first, then you get to ask me a couple of questions (the number of questions depends on time but usually 1-3 within the hour). I get a lot of information through and it takes a while to get it all out, (especially if Spirit comes through). I get my information through the cards, from your Spirit Guides, so when I refer to they/ them, that’s who I mean (I see them on the Astral Plane in silhouette).”
Amanda is a professional member of The Australian Psychics Association and can be contacted on 0438 267 516.
Sarah Yip
Do you see number s like 11:11, 1:11, 2:22 or 5:55 on clocks? Then you’re at a major spiritual turning point. Welcome to the tribe! Many of you will be Starseeds with Master Numbers 11, 22 or 33 in your numerology, giving you double psychic and healing powers. You could also be starting or ending a 9 year cycle. Either way, you’re being called to step up and reveal yourself at this time of dramatic upgrades and Ascension. How do I know this? Because I research 11:11 for a living! My name is Sarah Yip and I am a professional numerologist and palm reader in Brisbane. I’m on a mission to transform the public’s perception of psychics from scepticism to trust. Each year, I connect with half a million people via commercial radio (97.3FM) and my blog readings for inspirational teachers such as Dan Millman and Deva Premal & Miten. I’m a friendly, accurate psychic with a background in science, fundraising and Holistic counselling. I offer 90 minute life purpose readings in person and by phone/ Skype, as well as courses, kirtan and meditations.
For bookings, articles and over 65 testimonials, please visit www. I’m also on facebook as The Numbers Queen or Lifepath 11. Alternatively please SMS me on 0408 898 028 or email
Your thoughts are not you But are made out of you. Your thoughts are your creations And you can dance with them. But be careful not to lose yourself in them. Your thoughts, all of them Good, bad or in between. All of them are not you But they are made out of you.
It’s all Sacred
by Leo Drioli
It’s all sacred. When it’s realised that without is within, it’s realised that it’s all made out of the very same fabric of creation or God’s Presence as consciousness. When it’s seen that everything that arises within your consciousness is being created out of the very same living divine Presence … it’s all seen as being equal. No object is better or worse, higher or lower, more or less … it’s all sacred because it’s all the presence of the Divine, arising within consciousness. There is no outside and in truth no inside too … it’s all simply emptiness filled with divine love … the natural, clear, open spacious awareness of the heart. If all and everything is naturally arising in consciousness, as consciousness then how can one arising be better or more real or more pure than another? If it’s all created out of the very same substance … this love of God? This realisation is transparent … it cannot be seen, yet sits as Truth within each miraculous moment … every arising, every new encounter … simply God meeting God … Life
meeting life … Love meeting love. In this view, as this view, there’s no striving to locate it, there’s no seeking the elusive other state of perfection, enlightenment if you will … because everything is This … Everything … absolutely everything. So, nothing exists outside of consciousness, nothing ever has, nothing ever will. Because it’s all simply Self manifesting as other for the sake of seeing self and other as One. When it’s seen, when it’s clearly seen and realised … Each moment is revealed as another encounter with the Divine … fresh, new, clear, true and real. No judgment … no higher or lower seeing, simply seeing it as part of one’s own true nature, one’s own fabric of being … this is love. And, now the great adventure truly begins. As the love of the heart has now revealed its own presence as life itself, within one’s own consciousness, there’s only this continued seeing of the Divine presenting Itself as new form … within each moment. How can it not all be sa-
You can look at the miracle of their existence Dancing mysteriously in the sun. Or you can become them for a while. But, know that your thoughts are not you. They are made out of you. What a dance this can be this sacred dance of Clear Seeing. You, reflected in these ephemeral bubbles of Light. Learn to dance with them. Do not desire them, do not fear them. They are simply bubbles of “You-nesss”. See these thoughts for what they truly are … Miraculous outpourings of spontaneous reflections of God’s Light. They dwell here for a while … They were birthed in you, they took their breath from you and they will die their own natural death in you. Know this: Your thoughts are not you. They are made out of you. Your thoughts are not you. Leo Drioli is the author of "Every Moment's a Miracle" and editor of InnerSelf Newspaper. Leo is also a singer/songwriter, and has just released his first EP "Let Your Spirit Sing", Get a free download of his single "Give It Your Love" at www.
Leo Drioli
editor of InnerSelf
Every Moment’s a Miracle Realize the Joy always already here!
“If a book had a soul, then this book would be brimming with Spirit. Leo has a unique way of conveying deep truths using simple, yet beautiful language. His words follow a direct route from the mind to the heart, and can touch anyone, no matter where they are on the spiritual path.” - Denise Linn, International Lecturer,
from $250 for 200 words + pic
According to legendary copywriter, Joe Vitale, reviews are up to 500 times more likely to be read than a straight ad because it has what the reader wants, information on a subject they’re interested in. A review of your product or service is a great way to offer valuable information to your prospective clients. Contact InnerSelf Newspaper on (08) 8396 6752 or email
Healer and Writer Available from good bookstores or direct from InnerSelf for $19.95 (inc p&p) by phoning 08 8120 0600 (free Skype call) with your Credit Card details or download an E-version for $4.95 from our website,
Visit Leo Drioli’s blog “Reflections from Eternal Vastness” at:
awakening one community at a time . . .
BOOKS • CDS • DVDS Morrison’s music makes you feel relaxed, calm, light and peaceful. A composer and Sound Healer, Christine draws inspiration from the energy of Sacred Sites she has visited around the world. Touched by these places, Christine’s gentle but powerful music inspires change in its listeners, always with ease and grace.
“This brilliant contribution to our modern understanding of authentic identity and Presence brings us to a new awareness of ourselves and our innate wholeness and completeness.” — LAMA SURYA DAS, author of Awakening the Buddha Within
always already recognizing the natural wakefulness
we were born with
enza vita
ALWAYS ALREADY FREE Recognising the Natural Wakefulness we were born with
By Enza Vita Lama Surya Das says “This brilliant contribution to our modern understanding of authentic identity and Presence brings us to a new awareness of ourselves and our innate wholeness and completeness.” A bold statement, a huge claim. So does this book live up to this respected spiritual teacher’s view? Always Already Free is brilliant because it shines with the brilliance of Clear Light, that luminous clarity of pure knowing that sits at the very hear t of all existence. Enza Vita clarifies as she probes into the nature of reality and awakening. Both a guide book and a doorway, no matter what stage you are journeying through in your process of Self Realization … this book is a must read.
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themselves back, and misunderstand their Mind Chatter, make wrong decisions which self-berate, self-sabotage, or create havoc in their life? Through her no-nonsense style, and loving approach, Liz Atherton provides non-stop insights, and practical observations, as to how the psyche gets overloaded when conflict occurs. Using Freudian and Jungian approaches, she clearly explains how it all fits together, so you can embrace your life, your way.
JOURNEY OF LOVE 70 Oracle Cards & Guidebook
By Elio Elio’s delicate and sensitive compositions were specifically created for Dr Alex Lloyd’s Healing Code. Appreciated by many thousands around the world, this inspired collection of 12 pieces are actually focused creations to help heal specific body, mind and emotional ailments and also beautifully inspired compositions that also stand alone as a beautifully inspired musical work in itself.
Do you want to live in a healthy civilisation on a healthy planet? Do you want to gain greater control of your life, have spiritual and financial wealth, happiness, better relationships and health thus inspire and influence others? If so; you need to take action. The state of the world we live in is not very healthy and many people are worried about whether the human race can sur vive unless we change the way we do things. Who is to blame? The answer to that mainly depends on how we see the world. Those in the firing line of blame include; governments, corporations, religions, institutions, cultures and countries. The one common denominator amongst all of these is that they are run and controlled by humans. If humans are the problem then It would be a lot more constructive if we switched from the blame game to getting serious about understanding why the human race has gone down this path. One issue or common denominator seems to stand out when I look at and try to understand the big picture of this problem. The problem of individuality versus unity. Humans enjoy the freedom of being an individual along with the free will and freedom of choice that come with it. However the negative side of this individuality creates separation. Separation is one of the main causes of fear. There is another part of us that seeks unity and group consciousness. A by-product of
this is the safety and a form of love that comes in being a member of a group. The seeking of unity and group consciousness is innate within all of us because it is a pathway back to the ‘Oneness’ which we all desire whether we are conscious of it or not. The ‘Oneness’ where we all resided before the original separation took place. Here lies a huge problem; we want both! We want the deeper connection of a loving consciousness that comes with the unity of belonging to a group. We also want our freedom of choice that comes with individuality. Separation and unity are opposite polarities so how can we ever bring them together? Fortunately for us; there is a way. We have to learn to amalgamate the two opposites and thus finding the balance between the two. It is the balance that brings the harmony. The power that a few enjoy when they control or are in charge of the many is very selfish because it is mostly about the self. A common human perception is that power and wealth create security and safety. The illusion is that the more we have of these; the safer we become. The powerful and wealthy strive for more to feel even safer and so the divide between the ‘haves and the havenots’ deepens. Very few leaders have the ‘highest good for all’ in their hearts even if they think they do. These are the same people that are in charge or heavily influence the direction that governments,
David Lane Laneway to Personal Power David Lane’s journey into higher consciousness includes many understandings drawn from a diverse range of information. He believes that we are all individuals who have come to tread our own unique path. David’s book is titled ‘Personal Power (e-book and paper back). It is about how we evolve our consciousness and how to monitor our journey and is available online.
SHANTI MUSIC to Ignite Your Spirit
By Shakti Durga A powerful blend of sacred kirtan by the founder of Shanti Mission Harmony Centres. Recorded live at the Abode of Peace Ashram with Sri Shakti Durga and Shanti musicians, you can join her in this heart expanding collection of some of the most beloved mantras ever created.
JAI MA Goddess of Devotion
By Alissa Nathaniel Beautiful and heartfelt, this delightful collection of jazz infused kirtan captures some truly inspired moments of the hear t. Alissa has a unique way of dedicating her vocal gift to Divine Mother. Her love for Amma shines through every track from Sri Ganesha through to Bhakti’s Song.
MIND CHATTER THAT MATTERS The Ultimate Guide to Your Inner Conflict
By Liz Atherton Why do some people succeed, while others don’t? Why do people hold
By Robyn Collins A beautiful combination of voice meditations and sacred soul chants and heart songs brought together by Robyn Collins. Featuring the sacred sounds of Omkara, Lulu & Miksha, Kevin James and Sacred Earth , this beautiful CD relaxes, soothes, collects and releases us into the purity of the moment.
By Fairchild, Rassouli & Cohn These cards, exquisitely illustrated with paintings by visionary ar tist Rassouli, are designed to assist you to find your authentic path through the oppor tunities for growth presented to you in all aspects of life. Ask the Oracle whatever it is you yearn to know, and then be carried on a journey through the mists of time, where your answers await.
By Gary M. Douglas This “How to change your self/ change the world” guidebook is filled with powerful processes and insights that offer a practical way to spiritual, emotional and physical freedom. Gary Douglas is known for his intensity of awareness and his incredible capacity to facilitate people to “know what they know”. These processes are grouped together in a body of work known as Access Consciousness, which now has many thousands of followers, facilitators and practitioners around the world. This book is about becoming aware of the ideal concepts and constructs that create limitations and barriers to what is possible, and how to remove these constructs so we can create a world that really works for us.
SACRED SOUL Meditations and Songs for Inner Stillness Vol 2
The Human Predicament
corporations, religions, institutions, cultures and countries take. These leaders are not likely to see or want to change the status quo so how can we change this situation? Having said that, I recognise that there are exceptions to this norm and there are good leaders with good hearts in this world. The change all starts with every individual and this is the first level that we must work on. We change our selves and the world around us will change. This grass roots type action is essential because we have to change ourselves first. Once a small percentage of us change this will trigger the momentum needed for mass consciousness to shift. The change has to start at the bottom and work upwards – not the other way around. Our hear ts need to be open and our minds focused on the love and unity found in group consciousness. It all starts with you and me. When you find your own inner power and strength then you will have the basis to develop spiritual and financial wealth, happiness, better relationships and health; thus you will automatically inspire and influence others to find their own. Remember the spiritual teaching of “love your neighbours like you love yourself”. This statement makes sense because we cannot genuinely love another more than we love our self. If we try to then the energy of that love will on some level be superficial. There are ver y encouraging signs that the momentum of the love energy is building worldwide. One of the most recent examples is the masses in France that came together in one huge peace march against the terrorist attack. There is a sense of real joy as we watch the loving power that is being generated by these wonderful responses to fear. Love will prevail!
Personal Power
connecting to the creative force within • describes the journey into self empowerment plus the tools to get there
Free postage in Australia Order online as an e-book or soft cover. More information at:
David Lane
Laneway to Personal Power
By Christine Morrison Like a breath of fresh air, Christine Mobile: 0414-352211
Healing & Reconnection WITH ANTHONY CRAIG
Founder of Spectra Healing & Spectra Activating Consciousness certified Hypnotherapist and Social Worker.
Building Bridges The theme for Eurovision 2015 was building bridges and it is a very timely reminder for us all to reflect on. Given the number of scientific discoveries over the past decade or so and the continuing evidence from the new sciences, it is more than evident that science and spirituality are coming together as one again. However it also places many of us at risk again from the few who seem to want to dominate this planet. We are already seeing evidence of this in government policies and the effects of big business decisions worldwide. How do we combat this? By choosing to build the right bridges. We now know that our thought forms affect everything and our consciousness is ever evolving and expanding. We must be ever so careful of what we think and verbalise as it continues to give life to that reality. If we look around at what is happening in our society and all the ongoing statements, news, television, etc that perpetuate what is currently happening, we can see the need for us to modify our thoughts if we want society to change. The choice is ours. By reflecting on what we truly want and choosing our thoughts, and verbalisations carefully we can change reality. It may take some time but consciousness and our reality can shift. The more people that make informed choices will speed this up. One bridge we can choose to build is to work on ourselves. How do we do this? We may need to modify our thoughts so we can produce and focus on the outcomes we desire. Reflection (or meditation) is a good start, allowing us to clarify what it is we are seeking. Using the new forms of healing such as Spectra Healing also allows us to connect with who and what we really are – our Higher self and the perfection that we are multi and inter-dimensionally. As we connect through light, sound, brain and heart we allow the chemical and mathematical codings that we need to enter our body’s cells and DNA to bring healing and balance on all levels - physical, spiritual, psychological and emotional. As we bring healing and balance into our body to move it towards its natural perfection we also receive a side benefit of a changing and awakening consciousness. This helps to bring forth improved clarity on what we really need to do and we can begin to build further bridges. We must choose to reduce our exposure to that which is intended to harm us or keep us dumbed down. Remember that just the exposure perpetuates the reality. This exposure on many levels has existed in multiple ways through our entire lives. The increased awareness and clarity we are now beginning to have helps us to see the width and breadth of what we have been exposed to.
We must recreate our environment by carefully monitoring our thoughts and speech. We must change our television viewing habits, the news we watch and even the music we listen to. Otherwise we are just choosing to remain repressed. It really is up to us to effect change. Be careful of the topics you discuss (for example conspiracy theories) and thereby give fur ther life and energy to. Talk about the future rather than the past, a future that you really want rather than a future based around potential damage from other’s actions. We need to move towards a sustainable ecological solution. Many of our illnesses would be preventable, or made less common, by a few lifestyle changes. External western societal pressures in current day life have a lot to answer for. Think about the products you use, the chemicals that are entering your body through your skin, the foods you eat, the amount of processing, chemicals and preservatives that are added, fast foods, sugar, artificial sweeteners, carbonated drinks and the list goes on and on. Make the change to healthier foods and therefore a healthier body. Once we have star ted to work more on ourselves we can build other bridges into the community and other parts of the world. Think about the world around and the effects other people’s actions have on it. Are their actions fulfilling a responsibility to the community with healing and compassion or are they designed to fulfil their own agenda? People talk of universal love and personal freedoms but do they change their mindset to create this reality or do they continue on with their old thoughts and actions. Are their (and your) thoughtforms really going to move us towards positive change and reduce the repression that currently exists? Healing and balance not only on a personal level but also extended outwards more broadly is very, very necessary at this time. Become in tune with others who think similarly, reduce your exposure to the negativity around you, monitor your thoughts, actions and speech to truly make this world a better place for all not just an elite few. To find out more, come to an information session or workshop on SPECTRA
Healing. Practitioner training is also available. For more information or to contact and arrange an event in your area visit www.SpectraHealing. com Anthony Craig is the founder (along with Divine Intelligence) of Spectra Healing and Spectra Activating Consciousness and a certified Hypnotherapist and Social Worker. Based in Adelaide he
travels extensively as an Instructor and Practitioner, educating and expanding new healing work locally and worldwide and is available as a guest speaker. Regular information sessions, workshops and seminars are held. See website for details in your area. Anthony is also available for appointments ph: 0412 832 664. For further information visit www.
awakening one community at a time . . .
ThetaHealing® In Paradise ThetaHealing® offers a simple technique that allows you to create amazing changes in your life quickly and effortlessly, allowing your body to heal from serious health conditions and emotional issues. Heal energy rifts and blockages that occur in our thoughts and beliefs. Bring harmony and balance into your life safely. Phone Diana (Master Theta Healer) for an appointment 0405 321 817 Courses available
awakening one community at a time . . .
BY VANESSA CAMPBELL Welcome to the 1st edition of Nessa’s Numbers! My name is Vanessa, through this column together we will go on an amazing journey into the understanding the ancient art behind the numbers better known as numerology! You will gain insight on how understanding the numbers can bring awareness into all areas of your life - love, career, finance, family, friends, health and travel. Numerology is neither a religion nor a form of fortune telling, rather a method of timing your decisions and actions with the univer sal rhythm of life. And the good news is you don’t have to be amathematician to un-
derstand, we will slowly walk through each component of numerology and basic arithmetic is all that is needed or a good old fashion calculator! So let’s get started ...
What is the history of numerology?
The ancient Greeks, Egyptians, Chaldeans, Hindus, Hebrew, Babylonians, Assyrians all developed numerological systems of their own which have evolved over time and have been adapted to be applied in this century.
What is numerology?
Numerologists believe that we are not born at a set day or time randomly but more so at a pre-
determined point in time to learn impor tant lessons of the soul for THIS lifetime. Some may even call it destiny. Numerology is also a character analysis which uses numbers derived from dates of bir th and names to help answer the age old question of ‘Who am I?’ Numerology allows us to take an objective look at ourselves to discover our innate abilities and talents as well. A Universal Year means that everyone on the planet will be feeling the energy related to a particular number during the entire year from January 1. The Universal Year is like the terrain you will be moving through all year long and is calculated by adding the numbers of the current year together. You calculate the Universal Year by simply adding the numbers in the current year (in this case, 2015) together like this: 2015 = 2 + 0 + 1 + 5 = 8 Everyone across the globe is experiencing an 8 Universal Year in 2015. The number 8 is described as the money, power, passion & rebirth number and can generate much abundance but the drawback is you must set your intention, have clear objectives, take full responsibility ,no excuses, no procrastinating or victim mentality will cut it and then be unwavering in your consistent application. The mind creates in pictures so to manifest your abundance a great way is with a vision board with all aspects of your life where you want to create abundance – romance, family, material possessions, work, health and wellbeing. Simply place
LET GO & REBALANCE Energy Healing Clinic 29A Jetty Road Brighton SA and George Street Burwood NSW
Vanessa Campbell: 0499 060 273 ~ Kevin J Goult: 0401 268 430 By letting go of what I am..... I become what I might be.
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pictures or words on a piece of paper/cardboard and place it where you can see it daily – first thing in the morning works best to set you up for the day totally focused. The number 8 is shaped like the infinity symbol of flow and continuity. By developing a vision board for your subconscious mind to visually soak in all your desires and goals , you will galvanize your inner resolve and daily habits will be inherently imbedded – that is the how the miraculous power of the subconscious works & given that we operate 90% from our subconscious minds, the quality of what we feed it is imperative for our success in life. The infinity power behind the 8 is similar to the chakras rotating in an aligned rhythm and the more action you take the more motivated you feel, your vibration will increase It is a real “put you to the test” number so the year will be exactly that and what you put in you will get out of it – do you have what it takes? Are you willing to put in the consistent daily effort to reap your reward in all aspects of life – business, health and personal? Where do you want to be this time next year? Define it, map it out in pictures and watch it manifest! An 8 year is perfect for personal transformation defined solely by YOU. What do you want? Then go for it! No excuses, no could of, should of, would of moments– make a difference this year and create a life that you desire. Want different? Then do different! Wishing you a great almighty 8 year! To discover the hidden meaning & potential of your own numbers contact Vanessa for a personalized reading (available in person, by phone or skype or email) 0499 060 273. Nessa’s Numbers as featured on Fleurieu FM. Article sponsored by Let GO and Rebalance – 29a Jetty Road Brighton South Australia AND George Street Burwood NSW . Vanessa Campbell – Numerologist/ Clinical Hypnotherapist - weight loss, quit smoking, anxiety, stress, depression, addictions Vanessa Campbell - 0499 060 273 Kevin J Goult - Psychic Reader/ Reiki Master/Isis Seichim/Energy Healing/Tarot Readings/Past Life Regressionist/Intuitive Mentoring/ Business Mentoring/Chakra Balancing /House Clearing. Proven results and testimonials available! Kevin J Goult - 0401 268 430
for the Body, Mind & Soul
Movement Based Somatic Therapy - An Education in Body Awareness
How we move can often reflect our Psychological state and emotional wellbeing. Somatic Therapy works with the relationship between the body and the mind and is a therapeutic and holistic approach to the body. Somatic Movement Therapy equips therapists with the skills to apply verbal, tactile and/or movement based approaches as needed by the client as 80% of psychotherapy and counselling is actually non-verbal. As therapists, we see clients who have few words; clients whose feelings and memories are trapped in bodily symptoms, frozen postures, stereotypical gestures, or painful muscle tension. We meet clients who say they are fine, or ok, or ‘a bit anxious’, but have no connection to the sensations and meanings behind the words. As a result, more and more health professionals such as counsellors, psychologists, social workers, doctors, Pilates practitioners, complementary medical therapists and nurses are recognising the need for such an integrated holistic approach to healing. Diversify your skills, giving you and your clients more opportunities to heal and overcome barriers to their health. Enquire now to start a Graduate Cer tificate in Somatic Based Movement Therapy in 2015! SA | QLD | WA www.ikoninstitute. N S W | TA S | V I C w w w.
Sydney Institute of Chinese Medicine
National Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) registration begun on the 1st July 2012. Fourteen health care professions are now registered with the Australian Health Profession Registration Agency (AHPRA) including medical doctors, nurses, dentists, chiropractor s, physiotherapists, TCM practitioners, etc. Health insurance companies recognize all these professions. Each year, Australians spend more than $4.3 billion on complementary medicine, such as the increasingly popular Acupuncture and Chinese herbal medicine. On 17 November 2014, Australian and Chinese government signed a MOU for the TCM development in Australia. Nowadays, the disease spectrum of humans is more concentrated on chronic diseases, ageing related diseases, multiple factors diseases, mental diseases and the diseases caused by the disharmonizing of mental and physical condition. TCM philosophy and solutions still provide valuable principles and beneficial treatments for contemporary medical practice. High employment rate is feature of SITCM education. According to three surveys conducted from 2008 to 2014, 90%.of graduates were employed after graduation. Graduates run their clinics well, in which they provided natural health care for Australian communities. Email to: Administration@sitcm.
True Nature with Sahaja
“A genuine desire for Self-discovery
Sydney Institute of Traditional Chinese Medicine 2016 Enrolment,Open day 18 July 2015, Course commences 15 Feb 2016
4 years course of Bachelor Degree of Acupuncture and Chinese Medicine Australian Higher Education accredited course and higher education provider — FEE HELP
National TCM Registration * Austudy * 4 years visa for overseas students Remedial Massage Course HLT50307 — FEE HELP Level 5, 545 Kent Street, Sydney NSW 2000 | PO BOX K623, Haymarket NSW 2000 Phone (02) 9261 2289 | |
awakening one community at a time . . .
Events, Courses & Workshops for the Body, Mind & Soul is one of the greatest gifts life can awaken in us. To awaken to your true nature is the most precious realisation of a lifetime. Staying true to what has been realised is the challenge of a lifetime.” Are you genuinely committed to a path of Self-discovery and staying true, but through various circumstances, find yourself limited, or prevented from attending paid retreats with awakened people in support of realisation or fuller recognition? Sahaja offers free oneon-one support in pointing to your true nature, and assisting staying true. We meet in silent truth with willing, open hear ts for true Selfrealisation, questioning patterns and sticking points, discovering traps, and identifying veils of egoic/ fixated misidentification. Regardless of your circumstances, it is possible to access free personal and confidential interaction by email correspondence, Skype or phone, even if simply sitting in silence together. Sahaja is an ongoing student of Eli Jaxon-Bear, and uses the skilful means associated with his Enneagram of Liberation when appropriate. This is a non-religious, nonsectarian offering. Support is available to all with a genuine commitment, but a donation is appreciated from those who can afford it.
The Evolution of You!
Lucia Light is a 3rd eye activator developed by 2 Austrian doctors to use in clinical practice. Effects are unique for each individual. Head monks in Llasa were astonished, “this is like our best meditations”. A set of 5-7 sessions are recommended to stabilize the progress. It appears to balance and destress the ner vous system initially and clear any low mood or depression if present. “It makes everything better”. “All my projects moved forward at warp speed without overwhelm”. “I began dreaming for the first time”. “Unassailable truth revealed to me”. “Serendipity is flowing”. “My psychic block has finally dissolved”. “My writing just flows”.
For a Free Phone Assessment appointment call/text Nancy on 0431 606 228. See advert in Moon Calendar this issue centrefold
ThetaHealing® In Paradise
ThetaHealing® offers a simple technique that a l l o w s yo u t o create amazing changes in your life quickly and effortlessly, allowing your body to heal from serious health conditions and emotional issues. Heal energy
rifts and blockages that occur in our thoughts and beliefs. Bring harmony and balance into your life safely. Courses available.
Phone Diana (Master Theta Healer) for an appointment 0405 321 817
Kelly Cocker
Kelly is a gifted, genuine psychic and medium k n o w n w i d e ly for her talent and sensitivity in the realm of p s yc h o m e t r y, spiritual grounding and protection; as well as the contacting of spirit guides and family for guidance and healing. With her first experiences with the spiritual world as a young girl, she has grown and learned from her gifts, now using her ability not only to help those who seek knowledge and guidance, but to educate. Kelly also offers assistance with psychic attachments, clearing and releasing, aura and chakra reading and of course guidance from spirit guides, loved ones and angels. You can work with Kelly to help evolve your own gifts or to simply find closure on a particular event in your life. You can meet Kelly at Infinity Natural Wellbeing. A positive, calm & peaceful environment, offering you a retail and wellbeing store for all your inspirational gifts such as jewellery, crystals, books, cd’s and much, much more! For all additional services including home and workplace clearances, refer to our website: Or follow us on Facebook: https:// Contact Kelly at Infinity Natural Wellbeing on (03) 9399 8117 or 0430 397 736
Quantum Bioenergetics
Quantum Bioenergetics is a revolution in natural healing. By using Quantum Bioenergetics your body enters a state where it focuses on damaged areas and reprioritises the natural healing system to repair itself. Think of it as a way of telling your body what’s impor tant. The Quantum Bioenergetics Balancing Technique was originally founded by Melissa Hocking-Hughes This non-intrusive form of healing allows your body to be immersed in a series of quantum waves, operating on different frequencies, attuned to your body’s rhythm. The founder of Crystal Blue Butterfly, Raul, was personally trained by Melissa Hocking-Hughes and he holds an advanced facilitator level cer tificate. Many clients describe it as peaceful, relaxing and comfortable. For more information and/ or to make a booking visitwww. or contact Raul on 0408 564 382 “Transformation through Healing!” Raul Estevez
Kerrie EdwardsTicehurst
Kerrie EdwardsTicehurst {Dip.Ch} Hypnotherapist of the year for 2014. Author, Outstanding Medium, Clairvoyant, Palmist, Past Life Therapist and Hypnotherapist. Kerrie has had her own TV segments, radio programs and healing centre. Kerrie delivers your reading or hypnotherapist session with integrity, motivation, guidance and direction, humour and light. Kerrie’s readings are the most comprehensive I have come across. Kerrie hears messages and sees visual images for the future, past lives and family members and loved ones. Kerrie’s extensive knowledge and understanding of palmistry is an exciting inclusion in your reading, which covers past lives, countries, marriage, and many other messages even are you a dissolving twin? You will receive messages for 6 to 12 mths and sometimes 2 years or more in the forecast. Written down and includes a small guide drawing. As Hypnotherapist of the year, Kerrie has over 30 years’ experience, in the ar t of communication with the sub-conscious. This method of hypnotherapy is very successful as Kerrie works with the Dolores Cannon method as the sub conscious knows all about you, your health, fears, doubts, pains, anxiety, desires and relationship. In a session you release blocks from this life and previous lives that are still affecting you, this enables you to heal and move forward. Included in the session is Cell and Organ Regeneration for whatever area it is needed in for the spine, DNA on a deep cellular level for healing and for 100 percent healing or success in an operation. Kerrie will be in Sydney, Melbourne and on the Gold Coast with her work and with “The Cell and Organ Regeneration Workshop”. This workshop can help to overcome illness in Animals and Humans and increase Prosperity, Health, Success, Renewal, Careers. After a session a client said she could feel the brain rewiring on a soul level as the sub-conscious worked on her, before the session she felt her brain was scrambled. By connecting the wires to the brain she found a way to heal and connect to life again. This program allows for individuals to change their consciousness to allow for self-healing, the healing of others and animals. Included are past lives and family clearing, included in the course are 2 workbooks and certificate. Kerrie’s website is Brochure available on my website. Text or phone 0411 694167. Kerrie works on the Gold Coast, Tuesday at “Pink Lotus” at Southport Park Shopping centre. Phone 0755 712 599 Wednesday at “Heaven Sent” phone 0755 256 022 or for phone readings skype or text Kerrie to ask for an appointment on 0411 694 167.
Movement as Medicine Diversify your skills and learn verbal, tactile and movement approaches to assist clients.
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awakening one community at a time . . .
Glucomannan Fibre - A Weight Loss Supplement That Works Lose up to 8-10 pounds(3.6-4.5 kg) of weight in 5 weeks* GLUCOMANNAN is a natural, water-soluble dietary fibre extracted from the roots of the elephant yam, also known as konjac. It has recently gained considerable attention as an effective weight loss supplement. GLUCOMANNAN absorbs water and becomes gel-like. It “sits” in your gut and promotes a feeling of fullness, helping you eat fewer calories. It absorbs so much liquid that if you place 1/4 teaspoon into a bowl of water, the entire content turns into a gel. These unique properties are believed to mediate its effects on weight loss. GLUCOMANNAN is believed to promote weight loss via several mechanisms: 1. It takes up space in the stomach and promotes a feeling of fullness (satiety), thereby reducing food intake at a
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awakening one community at a time . . .
When did your spiritual journey begin
BY BARBARA HECKENDORF It is said that when Creator was giving a place for all the spirits to dwell who would be taking part in inhabiting Mother Earth, there came a sound, a loud BOOM, from far off in the distance. As Creator listened, the sound kept coming closer and closer until it finally it was right in front of Creator. "Who are you?" asked Creator. "I am the spirit of the drum" was the reply. I have come here to ask you to allow me to take part in this wonderful thing." "How will you take part?" Creator questioned." I would like to accompany the singing of the people. When they sing from their hearts, I will to sing as though I was the heartbeat of Mother Earth. In that way, all creation will sing in harmony. Creator granted the request, and from then on, the drum accompanied the people's voices. Throughout all of the indigenous peoples of the world, the drum is the center of all songs. It is the catalyst for the spirit of the songs to rise up to the Creator so that the prayers in those songs reach where they were meant to go. At all times, the sound of the drum brings completeness, awe, excitement, solemnity, strength, courage, and the fulfillment to the songs. It is Mother Earths heartbeat giving her approval to those living upon her. It draws the eagle to it, the eagle carries the message to Creator. It changes people's lives!
Shamanic Drumming
Shamanic drumming is an ancient approach that uses rhythm to promote healing and self-expression. The focus is on creating sacred space, journeying, power practice, power animals, drum therapy, drum circles and the therapeutic effects of drumming. Whether you are an accomplished percussionist or a total beginner you can harness the power of drumming. Drumming is a valuable treatment for stress, chronic pain, cancer, stroke, trauma, addictions, mental illness, emotional disorders and a wide range of physical disabilities. The benefits include relaxation, healing, more energy, greater mental clarity, enhanced creativity and deeper self-awareness. If we all learned to live and interpret each moment using our hearts instead of relying solely on our minds or purely logical thought, this world would be a much different place. There is a global shift in consciousness happening now which
has never been felt before and more and more people are awakening. Using the power of love along with unity of consciousness, we are beginning to birth a new world. Mind-travel to the sound of shamanic drumming may turn out to be your method of choice in connecting with inner guidance. There is nothing like the hypnotic, heartbeat rhythm of the drum to get us out of the egoic mind and into alternate realities. From the Siberian tradition, where shamanism began, to Chi Kung (Qi Gong), Native American practice, as well as Drumming Circles contact with spiritual information is achieved by traveling in consciousness into the Other World — the Lower, Middle, and Upper worlds that lie behind and beyond the everyday reality perceived by our physical senses. For most, shamanic journeys begin with drumming. You “ride” on the sound of the drumbeat, which becomes the heartbeat of the Earth or the Universe. YES2LIFE host Drumming Circles every New Moon in celebration of the 13 moon calendar of the Mayan culture. There are various methods of imagining the route to the Other World. For example, the path to the Lower World, where we would go to find our Power Animals, might be down through the roots of a tree, or through a cave. The path to the Upper World might appear to us as a flying carpet, or a crystalline staircase “to the stars,” or a whirlwind that simple picks us up like Dorothy and drops us down in the Other World. The rhythm of a shamanic drum actually changes the brainwaves. This has been measured scientifically: It takes between seven and twelve minutes for the drumbeat to alter the brainwaves to create a trance-like state. As you practice more, it takes less time. There is always a lesson in each journey, those who pay attention to what the messages are can then take action in the physical plane. Because what happens, what we affect in the Other World, shows up in this realm, and what we do here has an effect on our next intention. Barbara Heckendorf Australian Bush Flower / Forensic Healing / Reiki Practitioner/Crystal Healing YES2LIFE, 47 Church Avenue, Armadale WA 6112 Phone: (08) 9498 3788 Website: Email:
The Ring of Solomon, named after the biblical King Solomon, is a sign of someone with a strong love of Spirituality and need to understand human behaviour. It is seen on the hands of anyone who has a deep yearning to understand themselves and others. Thus is a great indication for someone who will do spiritual work or become a psychologist or a doctor. In Hindu Palmistry it is known as the Ring of Jupiter and is treated as a sign that appears on the hands of someone who is growing spiritually. Jupiter, knowns as Guru in Sanskrit, is the great benefactor of wisdom that is taught by our teachers, parents and others within our lives. It is a rare sign, appearing on maybe 1 in 20 palms, but it is always a good sign when it is present. This line generally starts between the index finger and thumb, and curves around to end between the index finger and the middle finger. There are some exceptions to this, which we will cover shor tly, but if you can spot this line on your hand or that of a loved one, then you can be rest assured that you are looking an ‘old soul’.
Lets look at a few hands to get a hang of this.
Case 1:
In this hand, the Ring of Solomon star ts from the very base of the index finger, suggesting that this person was a Yogi or monk in a previous life, and that spirituality has been a part of their life from the very beginning of their life. The ring continues unbroken to the age of 35, suggesting that this person did not go through a period of time in their youth when they doubted their spiritual beliefs. This hand belongs to the 14th Dalai Lama, Tenzin Gyatso.
Case 2:
This hand belongs to a client of mine who is in her 50’s. We can see two Rings on this hand, telling us that her spiritual life had its ups
and downs in the early part of her life. The first ring starts from inside the lifeline, at approximately the age of 7. The second one also breaks the life line, but it does so at the age of 10. This second ring then breaks at the approximate age of 23 and starts up again at 27. This person lost her mother at the age of 7 and kept seeing her in spirit in her kitchen. At the age of 10, she moved with her father to a different city and started attending a Catholic school. The move was initially very difficult for her, but she soon made new friends at the school and found some teachers who encouraged her. At 23 she was dating an atheist, but broke that relationship off at the age of 27. She is currently working as a spiritual healer. Now that you’ve learnt about the Ring of Solomon (or Ring of Jupiter), you can start applying this to the hands of your friends and family. It is a rare sign, so don’t be disappointed if you don’t see on everyones hand. Sulabh Jain was taught the basics of palmistry by his grandfather when he was 8 years old. He teaches various systems of palmistry on his YouTube channel (Chariot Palmistry). His published books include ‘The Evolution of Religion: A History of Ancient Egypt and Harrapan India’. He can be contacted for private readings at (02) 9904 9921 or by visiting
To find out when the spiritual growth started, lets draw a time line on this line where the edge of the palm between the Index finger and the thumb represents your bir th, or age 0, and the end of line is 35 years of age, between the middle finger and the index finger. If we divide this area into two halves, then the midpoint of this line represents the age of 17. Further divide the line into quarters and each increment will present 8 ½ years of age.
The point at which the line starts is the age at which the person becomes more inclined towards spirituality, and conversely, the age at which the line breaks is the age at which the person turns away from spirituality. Also, if the line starts from inside of the life line, then the spiritual awakening took place as a result of some kind of trauma at the age at which the Ring of Solomon intercepts the life line, these people usually repor t seeing loved ones who have passed away or other spirits around the house. If the line starts independently from the edge of the index finger, then this is a person who has brought their wisdom and spiritual inclinations from a past life – they must have been a Yogi or a Monk in a prior lifetime.
Chariot Palmistry ‘We Help you Navigate your Life’
Ph: (02) 9904 9921
awakening one community at a time . . .
Eye on the Sky WITH GERRY CROW
Astrologer, Clairvyant Medium, Healer and Teacher
ASTROLOGY June - Aug 2015
The Full Moon in Sagittarius initiates this quarter with the fire element and her beaming enthusiastic light on June 3rd at 12 degrees. She awakens our internal traveller, teacher, prophet and humanitarian. I liken this energy to that of the Celtic Goddess Cerridwen –the one who shape-shifts, the governor of change, the protector of the cauldron and the Goddess who prepares us for the Winter Solstice. Neptune intensifies this Full Moon with a square and under this influence you may let go of illusive dreams and be reminded of your true inner teacher/guide, or become aware of your programmed emotional responses. Venus enters Leo on June the 5th offering a possibility for romance or to begin a heartfelt relationship with someone loyal and generous. Also presenting an excellent creative time, whether you experiment with colours in redecorating your home or taking time to get out the crayons with the children in your life, it’s up to you...enjoy and play! Saturn continues her retrograde journey and from June 17th returns to Scorpio for the grand finale of her 28 year cycle in Scorpio, then re-enters Sagittarius on September 18th. If you have any personal planets or major angles in late Scorpio, Taurus, Leo or Aquarius you have a final opportunity to have plans or dreams come to fruition through discipline and hard work. Saturn retrograde in Scorpio reaches into the depths of your psyche and soul and will persist with limitation and right timing, until you understand the lessons you have needed to undertake for renewed inner structures to be created. Be assured that any difficulties will ease and a new awareness will be attained as Saturn goes direct on August the 2nd. The Sun moves into Cancer on the 22nd June, the Wheel of the Year turns and Winter Solstice dawns, this night will be our longest. However as the diminished point of light is reached, the light begins returning and the rising ember ignites the cauldron, induces our rebirth, germinates promise and brings us renewal led vitality into our lives, projects, plans, wishes, hopes and dreams. In July there are two full moons; the month opens with the Full Moon 10 degrees in Capricorn on the 2nd and closes with the Aquarian Full Moon at 8 degrees on the 31st. The Full Moon in Capricorn emphasizes issues in the work place or could have you focused on finances. There is an influence from Pluto which may bring out what is hidden (from you), within these issues to enable renewed and improved ways to achieve your goals. Additionally in the first week of
July, Venus conjuncts Jupiter and there is a favourable aspect by Uranus, bringing an abundance of fire energy for new and exciting relationships, creative projects and midwinter adventures. The Capricorn Full Moon offers the earth energy for grounding all these fiery ideas and ventures, therefore be sure to make your wishes clear to the universe, to allow manifestation beyond your wildest dreams! The Aquarian Full Moon shines the light on your individuality, the unusual and the rebel. Ideas on how you can make your mark in the world could surface. You may begin to question authority. Ask yourself what matters to you politically and spiritually? And from this questioning you may look to a new and different direction. On the 2nd of August the Wheel of the Year moves further forward, increasing the light –that sparked at the Winter Solstice. Welcome to Candlemas! By connecting with your self through meditation and/or sacred ceremony, you can reflect upon your spiritual progress within the light (within), make any amendments necessary to keep moving toward your realised potential and make commitment to the realistic action needed to manifest your dreams and goals. Jupiter enters Virgo, on the 11th August and remains there until September 2016. Under this influence, those born in Virgo, Taurus and Capricorn, will have increased faith and trust that steady careful planning and action today, will bring a bright and stable tomorrow. The sign of Virgo requests that we concentrate on one project or idea at a time, approach our work with ‘a detailed eye’ plus we need to have a committed attitude by researching any information thoroughly and being consistent with facts. The impact of Jupiter in Virgo could also be a year of rare self-discipline for the Sagittarians, grounding for the Pisceans and a few novels written by the Geminis. There may be a strong need for you to achieve success in tertiary education or adding new skills and techniques to accomplish the next step on your career ladder. Alter natively, you may find a strong desire to change your daily routines in health and well being, discover practical ways to ser ve humanity, or simply involve yourself in a new meditation practice. Jupiter in Virgo may not sit comfor tably immediately, there could be a tendency to overwork, expand on too many ideas at once and get lost in a number of projects. However when the higher mind of Jupiter broadens the detailed knowledge of your Virgo house, the innovative
skills that can be developed and materialised will be its own reward and fortune. This quarter closes with the Pisces Full Moon rising on the 30th of August at 6 degrees accompanied by Neptune and opposed by Jupiter conjunct the Sun in Virgo. These influences can bring an intensely high level of connection with your Spiritual Guidance, a renewed faith in mystical matters and is an eminent occasion to dream, wish and plant your intentions into the cosmic flow. Gerry Crow is an internationally renowned and respected Psychic, Clair voyant, Medium, Spiritual
Teacher and Healer. Her career expands an exceptional 35 years conducting professional, accurate psychic readings, successful healings and profound meditation, development classes and inspiring workshops. As well as having her many psychic gifts, Gerry has trained and studied at length in the esoteric sciences –including Astrology and Tarot, the healing arts, psychology, counselling and shamanic practices. She conducts her varied modalities, in person and over the phone. Gerry is also a regular guest on Psychic TV. Phone her on 0449 865 473; Email au; find her on face book, Visit www.
Life’s Graduation Day! A Message from Archangel Michael
By Raul Estevez In one of my conversations with Archangel Michael I’ve asked him, What happens when we die?! His response was, “Raul, life is like a School or University, you go through life attending different classes, continuously learning, you sit for tests and exams, many times you pass with flying colours, other times you don’t, however, learning still takes place, then you reach the sion. end of the course, and the most “On that day people will be with awaited day that you have been you or in touch with you from near looking forward to, has arrived! and far to celebrate your achieveGRADUATION DAY!!! ments!! “This day is a celebration of your “So, you see Raul, death is not Love for all the lessons you came the end for your soul, it is simply to earth to learn and to help oth- your Graduation Day, you have ers to learn, everything you went reached the end of your course in through, the great and the not so this life time and now you are ready great experiences were lessons to graduate. Your soul will carry the that have allowed you to evolve and knowledge of all lessons learnt as ascend! you climb the stairs towards the “Every person you have met Bridge of Light, guided and still have a part to play in your learning protected by me with my sword and ascension, so embrace them of truth, shield and my blue light. with love, forgiveness and com- When the time is right it will happen passion, knowing they taught you to you and everyone in different valuable things as you did to them. ways, but... “Some of the hard lessons and “Then at the other end of the people were there to allow you to bridge, loved ones who have let go, release and heal and above passed away before you, will be all, grow, mentally, physically and there to embrace you, love you spiritually, as you heard before pain and celebrate with you, your Life’s exists but suffering is optional!! Graduation Day!! So the the choice is entirely up to “Allow your soul to shine brightyou, we angels are here to help you ly, because now you will be able to whenever you ask us!! see each other’s souls and become “So as you are reading this I LOVE!! Archangel Michael, would like you “Remember Raul, during the to know that I am always here to course of your life to fly high on the protect you and defend you, you wings of Gratitude!!” just need to ask!! Allow yourself the Thank you Archangel Michael for time to learn and feel every emo- guiding and protecting us always!!! tion but most importantly ‘believe Love, Light & Healing Always, with al your hear t’ that your Life Raul Graduation Day will come when pure Love will become your ascenIf you would like a message from Archangel Michael please book an Angel Card Reading with Raul on 0408 564 382 or visit www.crystalbluebutterfly. Readings are comprehensive from the heart and with photos of the cards, they can be done face to face in our Ballarat studio or via, email, Skype, Facebook chat,etc. Raul has more than 25 years experience as an international educator and trainer, offering guidance, healing and mentorship of the two modalities. He has taught in Australia, Fiji, Malaysia, China, Singapore, Maldives, Tonga, Tuvalu, Vanuatu, Macau, Chile, Argentina, Colombia and Canada. He holds a Master’s of Education from Melbourne University, as well as Quantum Bioenergetic Advanced Facilitation and Certified Angel Card Reader Certificates. He is also a full member of the International Institute for Complementary Therapists. Everything Raul does is guided with the best intentions. He has a passion for helping people and he offers clear guidance from the heart. Raul is based in Ballarat Victoria, he has been very successful on delivering his service face to face as well as online and distance. His client base is in Australia & worldwide. Please visit Or call 0408 564 382
The Wisdom of Gabriel
This is more of that fundamental wisdom that changes lives. We sometimes let go of the present moment and allow the fear of the future and regret of past to overtake our Joy and Grace. I always associate Gabriel with a deep and compassionate love, but also a great wisdom. Gabriel: “Do not fear what you don’t understand. Do not fear what could happen. Do not fear possible negative outcomes. Fear only clear and present danger. It is too easy to let your life slip by worrying and fearing things that don’t exist, that never happen or that are not at all harmful, if and when they do occur. Expend no more time and energy on ‘what might be’. Concentrate on making the most of the present moment. Fill each present moment with positive emotions. In this way you create an abundant and successful life for yourself.” Gabriel gives us the option to live happy and abundant lives. It is that easy, but we do have to choose. Gabriel: “On that plane you cannot see the whole of your Soul’s glorious journey, or know the whole of your Divine plan. It is still possible to call for and receive Divine help to change your own, or a loved one’s outcomes, but only if it complies with your own Divine Plan. If you are thinking that all of the Angel messages are about Love you are right. Love is the greatest force in the universe. Unconditional and Divine Love is the greatest Love of all. Close your eyes now and remember the Love you experienced in your childhood. Yes, you did feel the love, but at the same time were you also empowered? You can repeat this
exercise for the whole of your life, whenever you need a power boost. Remember not just the Love but also the personal power that went with it. Can you visualize living every day with this power and Love and what a joyful and achieving life that would be? When you live in the power of Love, all of your relationships are happier, communication is easier and even boring, tedious work becomes a breeze. Can you imagine your plane if everyone lived in the power of Love and in the present moment, that would be Heaven on Earth. That is what we Angels are trying to achieve, Heaven on Earth, or as above so below. It is hard to be negative or hurtful when you are living in a state of Love and impossible to be unhappy. Love begets Love and happiness, Joy and contentment. It is not easy, but it is the most rewarding thing that you can do, not just for your lives, but also for your soul. Living in a state of perpetual unconditional Love is a natural state for your Soul and will strengthen and enhance it. We will help you with this.” This great Angel gives us the fundamental wisdom that will allow us to live our lives successfully and happily. Choose wisely, Carolynn. Subscribe to my web page today to receive my gift of a channelled message, from the Angels or Masters, emailed to you each week or phone 0422 865 727 to talk to me direct www.
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Australian Body-Mind-Spirit Titles & Authors
“This brilliant contribution to our modern understanding of authentic identity and Presence brings us to a new awareness of ourselves and our innate wholeness and completeness.” — LAMA SURYA DAS, author of Awakening the Buddha Within
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