innerSelf HEALTHY LIVING Tools to Stay on Track
Retreats, Courses & Workshops FOR THE BODY & SOUL
SA holistic community guide
PAULO COELHO The Path of Your Dreams
Policystic Ovarian Syndrome Is Shamanism Relevant in Today’s World? Sounding the Source with Harmonic Singing
FREE COPY April-June 2016
In this
From the Editors Living is Easy with Eyes Closed “Living is easy with eyes closed Misunderstanding all you see.”
GROWTH 11 How to recall and heal the invisible wounds of present and past-lives, prebirth and the birth experience by Dr Charles Richards
SPIRITUALITY 4 You are what you seek by Enza Vita 5 THE GREATEST GIFT by Dr Graham Williams
CONSCIOUS MUSIC 13 Sounding the Source with Harmonic Singing by Heather Frahn
RELATIONSHIPS 12 GROWING BOYS TO MANHOOD & MEN TO ELDERS by Diane McCann 23 Reconnective Healing by Julie Jara 23 2016 is a big year for change by David Lane
PREDICTION 24 SOUL TO SOUL by Cinzia Vuat 25 to expect or not by Fran Tomlin
HEALTH 17 Managing Fibroids with Natural Medicine by Belle McCaleb 18 Poly Cystic Ovarian Syndrome by Lynne Singlewood 18 beyond integrative medicine by Dr Margaret Jinn Ngu
20 Women Making A Difference
REGULARS 14 Moon Calendar 25 Psychics, Mediums & Clairvoyants 26 A-Z Classifieds
In Lennon’s daydream lyrics from Strawberry Fields Forever, we find a seeker deeply questioning reality, and unless we too have sought the answer to how to live a fulfilled life, we may well find ourselves at the end of it misunderstanding all we’ve seen, wondering what it was actually all about. For those who have asked the question, musing on what is real, will sooner or later lead us to using thought to question what thought actually is. How often have you thought about what thought is? Most people haven’t ever asked themselves what this all-consuming pastime is. This most common and most profound of all relationships – our attention with our thinking mind – is so all consuming that for most of us, the question never arises. We are so enamoured with our thoughts and thinking process that there is almost never any respite, except for when we are in deep sleep. So what is thought? Simple and very obvious question, but can we answer it? Try this: Take a deep breath in, with the goal to actually watch and see a thought in action. So, deep breath in. Look carefully … Listen carefully … feel deeply … watch for the first thought as it arises. OK … how did you go? Did you see it as it arose? Or did it sneakily slip in, seduce you with its temporary borrowed beingness (borrowed from your own awareness), and when noticed, slip away again? More often than not, this is exactly what takes place. Thought needs your unconscious attention to arise. It’s a relationship that requires your full attention for it to exist.
Try it again … deep breath in … watch what actually takes place now. Let thought enter but stay alert … Thought is a temptress … She slips in in deep disguise masquerading as reality, as truth … don’t believe her … she wants your attention so she can exist for a few short temporary moments. Thought needs a dancing partner; she can’t dance on her own. See what happens if you choose not to dance with her. Of course thought has its place in our world. But, 99% of our thinking goes by unconsciously and is really unnecessary, and in fact causes all our drama and creates all our suffering. “Living is easy with eyes closed, misunderstanding all you see …” You are here, completely free and awake. Right now you have the incredible opportunity to awaken to your true nature, in this very moment. Why not use these precious breaths to actually live with open eyes; it’s why you were born to begin with. The miracle and mystery of our existence is an open book … This next breath could very well be the one that opens you to living a totally fulfilled life in complete freedom and joy … it is absolutely accessible and available right here and now! Watch your next breath …
“The most pervasive quality of normal awareness is that awareness itself goes unrecognized. We remain so preoccupied and identified with every idea and image in our mind that we don’t recognize awareness itself. Awareness is always present. We cannot function without it, but we can function without recognizing it” – Mingyur Rinpoche. In Joy, Enza Vita & Leo Drioli
awakening one community at a time...
innerSelf HEALTHY LIVING Tools to Stay on Track
Retreats, Courses & Workshops FOR THE BODY & SOUL
SA holistic community guide
PAULO COELHO The Path of Your Dreams
Policystic Ovarian Syndrome Is Shamanism Relevant in Today’s World? Sounding the Source with Harmonic Singing
FREE COPY April-June 2016
Volume 29 - Issue 1
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Statement of Purpose InnerSelf and its staff are dedicated to helping readers live richer, fuller, and more responsible lives. We work to do this by providing inspiration and resources for wellness, personal growth, and spirituality and by providing information to empower positive choices for the natural and social environment.
Send us an e-mail at innerselfnewspaper@ with your suggestions about InnerSelf Newspaper is independently where the newspaper should be available published by InnerSelf P/L © 2016 (including the city and state), and we’ll do our best to get InnerSelf into your area. Readership Writing for Innerself 267,000 Advertising Deadlines We expect stories to offer something July-sept 2016 issue: 5 June 2016 of value to our readers and to carry no Distribution OCT- DEC 2016 issue: 5 Sept 2016 “advertorial hook”. Advertisers are given We have 5 different versions of Innerself JAN - MAR 2017 issue: 4 Dec 2016 no special consideration with regard to Newspaper in NSW, VIC, WA, QLD and SA acceptance of editorial submissions. and free copies of InnerSelf are circulated at Subscriptions Decisions are based solely on content 2,000 selected distribution points nationally Subscribe to InnerSelf (posted to your door) needs and editorial preferences; advertising in health food stores, bookshops libraries, $12 for 4 issues by sending your details to history (or lack thereof) is not a factor. and Expos and Festivals around Australia. Before submitting an article please request For a distribution point near you, email us our “Editorial Guidelines”. with your details.
Disclaimer The opinions expressed by writers in InnerSelf are not necessarily those of the publishers. Advice is nonspecific and readers are advised to seek professional advice for personal or health problems. Publisher’s note The InnerSelf editorial team is working consciously to keep sexist language out of its pages, but sometimes this is not possible due to material having been extracted from old sources making it difficult and sometimes impossible to get permission to alter copy. We apologise if any such language does offend anyone. Follow Us
This issue of InnerSelf is also online as an e-paper at April-June 2016
Great Gift
Mystic for the
in your Life
Amazon Bestseller Top 10 Amazon Best Seller List in Spirituality & Meditation Category
Always Already Free
recognizing the wakefulness we were born with by Enza Vita
“This brilliant contribution to our modern understanding of authentic identity and Presence brings us to a new awareness of ourselves and our innate wholeness and completeness.” — LAMA SURYA DAS, author of Awakening the Buddha Within
always already recognizing the natural wakefulness
we were born with
enza vita
This brilliant contribution to our modern understanding of authentic identity and Presence brings us to a new awareness of ourselves and our innate wholeness and completeness. Enza’s personal awakening story, in the first few pages, is worth the price of admission. Enlightened wisdom is like an endangered natural resource today, which we overlook at our peril; let’s join in exploring and developing our own innate transformational resources for a change. — Lama Surya Das, author of Awakening the Buddha Within
You Are What You Seek
Q & A with Enza Vita, author of “Always Already Free” If you would like to ask Enza a question for this column please email her at Q: I have been searching for over 20 years, and in that time I have read many great spiritual works and had great teachers. I know that awareness is the only thing that is eternal, however, even after all this time and with this understanding, I have not made the transition from an ego-centered unit to awareness... Awareness is not an object. You cannot make the transition to awareness because you already
are awareness. The only thing that is required of you is to stop identifying who you are with the many forms that awareness takes. As soon as you stop identifying with form, which is the “content” of awareness, then all that is left is pure awareness. YOU. Everything in existence emerges from and falls back into this pure, immaculate, and incorruptible space; be it emotions like pain and anger, battles and armed conflicts, despotic dictators, all manifestations of weather including rain,
This is an outstanding offering to our appreciation of the genuine voice of Pure Presence. It brings us to a deep awareness of what it truly means to study and realize the self and our intrinsic true nature as that which is already perfect, whole and complete. A book certainly worthy of your time and attention. — Genpo Roshi, author of Big Mind, Big Heart Enza Vita is the publisher of Innerself newspaper and the founder and director of the MahaShanti Foundation, a nonprofit organization, dedicated to serve the spiritual awakening of all beings. Enza has spent over 40 years of her life, searching and studying under many of the great spiritual teachers of our age and she was exposed to the wonderful writings of many others around the world.
Give the Gift of $ .95 Presence includes
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wind, snow, and the clouds that float across the sky, as well as the people in our lives whom we cherish the most. The “you” that you think you are also arises in this space that you are. There is an aspect of you that has accompanied you through all of your life experiences as your very nature. Can you identify what this is that is perpetually unmoving and always present? Wise men and women from time immemorial have talked about an “all-embracing ultimate reality,” which is none other than your very own ordinary present awareness. Try not to stray from this profound simplicity. Just be aware of a sense of presence that is always here. Now, don’t think about what you have just read. Simply notice the presence that is seeing the world through your eyes now and is always seeing the world through your eyes. This seeing is timeless and never leaves you. What is looking, the watcher in you, is this pure awareness, this ultimate presence. The truth of who you are is that actual awareness, which has always been free. You are that freedom.
Q: I have lived in India for many years with many different teachers and meditating for a very long time but I still haven’t had the final realization ... A: The final realization is what hap-
pens when we realize that what we are looking for is what we already are, the actual awareness perceiving everything right now. Anything other than that is just a concept. In your own direct experience, when are you ever separate from this awareness? Contemplate the thought, “I still haven’t had the final realization” and really examine what that I is referring to. Who is that I? As long as you hold on to these ideas, you are reinforcing the concept of yourself as a separate being that has yet to become enlightened, but this is just another illusion supported by your ego. There is no separate entity to witness anything, and there is no central point of view. Everything exists eternally, without a centre. What you are referring to as me does not exist. It is a construct perpetuated by your mind. There is no I entity, and enlightenment is just another thought-constructed event, in the thought-constructed story, of a thought-constructed I. When the I is seen through, there is a total immersion in the present moment. There is no experience of anything, because the experiencer and the experience have become one. All stories about enlightenment are just that, stories, myths, fairy tales dangled in front of you by the ignorant mind. Enlightenment is simply seeing this truth so completely that all seeking (including seeking enlightenment) ends. All that is left is life just as it is, lived as it happens. Enza Vita has studied for over 40 years with some of the greatest spiritual teachers of our age. Enza is the publisher of InnerSelf Newspaper and founder and director of the MahaShanti Foundation, a non-profit organization dedicated to the awakening of all beings. Enza is also the author of the book Always Already Free and her latest book Instant Presence. Based on Enza’s own experience, Always Already Free and Instant Presence guides the reader from the seeking process through the integration of enlightenment into everyday life and reveals that spiritual enlightenment is not a faraway dream, but the everpresent reality always available here and now. For more information, visit or connect with Enza through her Facebook page
Free download of 3 chapters from the book Always Already Free, are available from
However enlightening it may be being just “That” is still living in the prison of duality.
Sonic Heart/InnerSelf Free Tickets Competition
Innerself is proud to sponsor/support Sonic Heart Events and has 2 x 2 tickets for readers to win for each of the above concerts. Simply join the Innerself mailing list and enter the free draw by emailing your name and contact number by April 15th 2016 to:
We are also This, never separate from this “Illusion” where every wave, every ripple is our dancing. Neither the perceiver or the perceived. both This and That, neither This or That, we are. Hahaa! This is freedom! Both God and the ego dancing within us, as us, never touching us. Does this sound exalted, lofty, arrogant? Laughter bursts forth, vast, unrestrained, free. What a boisterous fool ! - Enza Vita
in the flow
This is the gift which is needed – all of the other sheep are fine! This is the pain at the root of our identity, and it is not until it is given that we can be free of it and see that it’s just a story we tell ourselves which got us through, but that was a long time ago and we no longer need to carry it around. Only by giving it up can we be free of it.
with Dr Graham Williams
Director of The Lifeflow Meditation Centre and an adjunct lecturer in the School of Medicine at Flinders University.
There are reasons why the old religions have survived. One is that they hold the stories and memories of a culture, giving it the depth, richness and continuity of its ancestry. Another is that they all have in common an understanding of a path of love. Following a path of love means moving through the stages of childhood where we are dependent, to adulthood where we achieve independence and then finally opening to our complete humanity – our interdependence with the whole human race, all forms of life and the environment. All of the different paths emphasise giving as an essential part of the path and there’s actually a very sound reason for this.
You are greater than your identity
What religions are pointing too (in their various ways) is that our identity is only a very small part of our being. The ability to feel our own incompleteness is a human condition – that yearning which drives us to seek connection with, or union with, other people, a partner, or God. By its nature your sense of identity, your ego, is limited and self-limiting and so, no matter how healthy and strong it might be, you are still trapped in its confines. Yes,
your body is finite, it can only live within defined limits. It needs to eat, breathe and drink, to sustain a relatively constant temperature and be protected against disease, but your mind, your own human consciousness, is infinite.
Fulfilling your yearning through giving
And so people seek a partner, marriage, recognition, and then drugs of all kind to stop the yearning. A spiritual path understands that nothing will stop it – except going beyond our identity and opening to the infinite nature of our mind and heart. This is why practising giving and generosity are essential to fulfilling the yearning, and releasing yourself from the pain in your heart. Positive psychology, too, has recognised that this is the necessary condition for living a meaningful life. As you give you have the opportunity to care about who you are giving to. You start to see them as real people, you see their needs instead of seeing them in terms of what they can do for you. And as you give more you find that you don’t have to hang on so tightly to who you think you are, you open more and more, and allow yourself to enter the lives of others.
You find yourself developing true confidence as you discover it’s all okay when you stretch your emotional muscles. Practising this builds in the confidence to accept yourself totally as you are, and let go of who you believe you are – your stories about yourself. You discover, as you open your mind more and more, that they are just that, stories. Very useful and necessary, but they are not reality. Then the yearning can be satisfied – it can only be satisfied within our own mind because everything in life is transitory. No matter how much we love someone or something, no matter how intimately connected with them we feel, eventually everything changes and we are bound, somehow, to be separated.
Giving the pain in your heart
The foundation on which all of this rests is simple, direct honesty – realising that we are all totally responsible for our own thoughts, emotions and actions and accepting them, and not trying to get rid of them. They are us; they are the direct product of our own identity. The pain is our heart is created by our own mind, nothing else. I’d like to share a famous story from Tibet. A prospective student came to a great teacher and
Dr. Graham Williams has over thirty years’ experience teaching both meditation and mindfulness, is the Director of The Lifeflow Meditation Centre and an adjunct lecturer in the School of Medicine at Flinders University. He has written two books, Insight and Love which is in its third edition and Life in Balance. They are both available online. The Lifeflow Centre provides regular meditation courses in their city studio and retreats in a relaxing hills setting. P 8379 9001 W
brought as a gift his entire flock of sheep. He had travelled hundreds of kilometres to get there. The teacher asked him if that was indeed the whole herd and the shepherd assured him it was. He kept questioning the shepherd until he admitted that there was one, very sick, lame sheep which he had left behind, and the teacher insisted that he go all the way back and bring that too.
Anyone and everyone can meditate. rs
April-June 2016
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Come and Try FREE sessions: 2-4 May & 16 June Learn to Meditate 7-week courses: from 31 March, from 9 May (5 courses avail) and from 23 June. Weekend course: 22 & 29 May
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InnerSelf .
SA’s Biggest Home & Lifestyle Expo
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See & Buy the Latest in Home Renovation, Decor & Outdoor Living at Special Prices plus Gain Expert Advice from Leading Suppliers and Learn How at the DIY Demos and Seminars And Enjoy a Great Day at these Lifestyle Events during the Home Expo… with Dr Harry Cooper
Gift & Craft Mar ket
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Retreats, Events & Workshops for the Body, Mind & Soul
Retreats, Events & Workshops
for the Body, Mind & Soul
Home Living Expo
Adelaide’s favourite home and lifestyle event is back. This popular lifestyle event featuring the Home Living Expo, Animal Expo and Gift & Craft Market will be staged at the Adelaide Showground over the Anzac long weekend from Saturday April 23 to Monday April 25. The Home Living Expo will be packed with hundreds of displays showcasing an extensive range of interior and exterior products, concepts and ideas. The event will also have an extensive seminar program, do-it-yourself demonstrations and industry experts to assist homeowners make informed choices. Visitors can also enjoy the Food and Cooking area with lots of tastings and daily cooking demonstrations.
The Animal Expo in the Wayville Pavilion is one of Adelaide’s most popular family events. The Expo will feature a fantastic collection of animals from miniature ponies and horses to dogs and cats, ferrets, rabbits, poultry and pigeons, along with some more unusual pets such as snakes and lizards. Celebrity vet, Dr Harry Cooper, will be on the presentation stage in the Wayville Pavilion each day talking about a range of animal issues and he will be happy to meet with visitors to discuss aspects of pet ownership. And the Gift and Craft Market will feature a fantastic showcase of unique, hand-made products to wear, decorate and celebrate. It provides an unrivalled opportunity for people looking for creative handicraft products not normally found in mainstream retail outlets. Importantly, it also allows people to engage directly with the talented artisans, hobbyists and boutique businesses applying craft skills to produce a huge and diverse range of fashions, home wares and col-
lectables. It’s all at the Adelaide Showground from April 23 to 25, with one entry fee covering all areas; Adults $10, Pensioners $8 and Children under 15 free when accompanied by an adult. The Gift and Craft Market entry is free. Open Saturday April 23, 10.00am to 5.00pm, Sunday April 24, 10.00am to 5.00pm and Monday April 25 (Anzac Day), midday to 6.00pm. For further details contact Kym Jones Exhibitions; 08 8297 1688
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Adelaide Fitness Expo
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April-June 2016
More than 300 Holistic Exhibitors Keynote Speakers
Meditation Room
75 Free Workshops
45 Free Perfomances
Psychic Reading Room
Life Size Labyrinth
2 Perfomance Stages
Tools for Holistic Living
Celebrities, Seminars, Speakers, Entertainers FOR MORE INFORMATION OR A COMPLETE EXHIBITOR/SPONSORSHIP PACKAGE Visit: • Phone: 08 8396 6752 • Email:
Retreats, Events & Workshops for the Body, Mind & Soul 14 & Sunday 15 May, 10am to 5pm daily at the Goyder Pavilion, Adelaide Showground. Admission Prices; Adults $25, Students $15 and Children under 15 free (with a paying adult). Pre-purchase Adult tickets online for only $15 at www. Further information available at; Kym Jones Exhibitions: 08 8297 1688 /
different healing, counselling and spiritual options to help create a happy body, mind and soul. There are still a limited number of exhibitor spaces left please contact us by email if you would like an information pack. For more details please contact LeeAnne or Angela at info@healthylivingspiritually. com or visit us at healthylivingspiritually
Nature has a Language
Peace Education Program: Free Workshops to Discover your Inner Resources
“At the end of the day, we have some very simple needs, and on the top of the list has always been to feel contentment. Peace is not absence of war. Peace is a fundamental human need that needs to be felt from within.” - Prem Rawat You are warmly invited to participate in the Peace Education Program, a free series of one hour video-based workshops held weekly over 10 weeks. Each workshop includes videos from Prem Rawat’s addresses, time for reflection and reading material. The topics include Peace, Appreciation, Inner Strength and Self-Awareness. Participation is free and you can join the course at any time. Three programs will start in April: Goodwood Community Centre (Board Room) on Saturdays 3 – 4pm starting Sat 2 April finishing Sat 11 June. Stirling Library on Sundays 3 – 4pm starting Sun 3 April finishing Sun 12 June. Noarlunga Library on Wed evenings 6 – 7pm starting Wed 6 April finishing Wed 22 June For further information on these or other P.E.P.s in Adelaide: Colin 0409 615 924 “The biggest adventure that’ll ever unfold in your life is you finding you” - Prem Rawat
Healthy Living Spiritually
Saturday 4th & Sunday 5th June Two day holistic wellbeing expo, bringing together a variety of local business’s to showcase health and wellbeing professionals, practitioners and products. This event welcomes the local community to come and experience something new, you will be able to learn, try and buy products and services that will enhance everyone to live a happy healthy life. Through our free workshops you will be able to learn about natural therapies, exercise, nutrition, and other tools to help you make healthier choices and live a more balanced life. Some of the workshops being offered are a sound bath meditation by the amazing Ros Betts, a talk by Sharnya Sharman an equine assisted coach and a demonstration by well known psychic medium Leeanne Winston. Some of the workshops are interactive so people will be able to have a go at yoga, tai-chi, etc. Among the exhibitors there will be a variety of different holistic health specialists that will expand your knowledge of the services available in the local area. These will include a variety of
Nature has a language that communicates itself through its sounds, scents and colours, textures, and more. This language has been captured in a unique healing genre known as Phytosonus Bioresonance. Phytosonus is the use of phyto resonance on the human bioenergy field (aura) and form, to bring balance to the aura, chakras, and meridians that may have been emotionally, physically or spiritually damaged. By firstly determining the sounds that are missing from the client’s bio-energy field and secondly giving back these sounds to the client in the form of nature ‘songs’/sound essences; the emotional, mental, and spiritual situations and elemental balances in the body can be achieved. By capturing Nature ‘songs’ in a bioresonance essence, Phytosonus Bioresonance provides the means to “sing” the healing song of nature to the space within you, so you can both transform and transcend memories and/or energies as needed. The founder of Florachology Oceania, Tracey Holmes, is the driving force behind expanding awareness on this unique healing system, not only in Australia, but also through Asia, New Zealand and the United States. Working on her philosophy that from nature, you will learn how to merge and emerge through the majestic ‘playground’ of nature ‘songs’ to bring a sense of total harmony and wellbeing through layers of a body, she firmly believes that you will be transformed by the simplicity of what is, Phytosonus Bioresonance. Tracey goes on to explain that the human voice is a powerful carrier wave and imparts much knowledge as to what is happening within the inner worlds of your being. The nuances, intonations, and annunciations provide the map to the subtle refined territory of your consciousness and the ongoing of the worlds of energies within. So in effect, in the sound of your voice are the keys to the innumerable worlds within. Within your voice are the different dimensions of your consciousness. Within each of these dimensions, are worlds of energies and emotional patterns that create the inner matrices of your being and overall wellness. So, by directly applying nature ‘songs’ to the living matrix, the nervous system is globally and profoundly affected. The next Phytosonus Bioresonance Diploma course commences on Friday 29 April 2016 at Coolangatta, Queensland. Florachology Oceania will be hosting this event.
Learn Modern Hypnosis in 3 Days
Hypnosis is as old as civilization itself and has been practiced under numerous labels since ancient times. However, it was not until 1958 when it was officially recognized by the American Medical Association that Hypnotherapy began to come into its own. Since then, great strides have been made, and we know that there is more to come in the future as new and exciting uses of Hypnotherapy come to light. Hypnosis has been scientifically proven to be effective in creating
change in certain repetitive behaviours including: smoking, weight loss, stress reduction, motivation, pain control and performance enhancement. Our accelerated 3-day weekend course is excellent for anyone who wants to learn Hypnotherapy with a maximum of “hands-on” experience. During the course, you will learn how to use both basic and moderate levels of Hypnosis with yourself and with others. The course is instructed by two of our top Hypnotherapy Instructors, guiding you and teaching you through interactive discussions, live demonstrations and “handson” practice. You will be able to successfully use Hypnosis after only 3 days! If you are new to Hypnosis, this
will be an eye-opening experience for you. If you are a mental health professional or health-care professional, you will wonder why you did not learn these tools earlier. If you have taken other Hypnotherapy trainings before, you will find this modern approach very innovative and easy to use. If you are just interested in Hypnosis for yourself or want to do transformational work with other people, you will love this event! If you want to become certified as a professional Hypnotherapist, all you need to do is read through the suggested reading material before the event and then attend the 3-day course. Then, you will complete a written test from home after the event and become a member of the American Board of Hypno-
therapy. We will also teach you how to successfully start or build your Hypnotherapy practice. The Tad James Company has been teaching our graduates Hypnotherapy since 1982 and we offer unlimited support to all of our students before, during and after the course. Call or email us now to get started: 1800 133 433 or Conor@nlpcoaching. com
The Evolution of You
Lucia Light is a 3rd eye activator
For more information please email, or register at, or phone 0405 477 246
April-June 2016
Retreats, Events & Workshops for the Body, Mind & Soul
developed by 2 Austrian doctors to use in clinical practice. Effects are unique for each individual. Head monks in Llasa were astonished, “this is like our best meditations”. A set of 5-7 sessions are recommended to stabilize the progress. It appears to balance and de-stress the nervous system initially and clear any low mood or depression if present. “It makes everything better”. “All my projects moved forward at warp speed without overwhelm”. “I began dreaming for the first time”. “Unassailable truth revealed to me”. “Serendipity is flowing”… “My psychic block has finally dissolved”. “My writing just flows” For a Free phone assessment appointment call/text Nancy on 0431 606 228. E:
Devine Spine Wellness Centre
Hi my name is Andy, a few years ago I was working very hard, wandering what I was actually doing, do you ever wonder why too? When you get up in the morning and you go to work, like most people, do you find life after a while becomes routine, like the days run into weeks, then months and even years and before you know it these years pass one, two, three, four, five years down the track? Until one day you start to ask the question: what is going on? Where am I heading? What am I doing? And why am I here?
Know Thyself as Soul
Contact Andy on 0433 351 351 to find out how.
recallIng and healIng past-lives wounds Charles Richards, PhD. is a licensed psychotherapist and author of
Do you loathe doing your books? Do you loathe doing your tax? Well, I don’t ... I LOVE it!
• Bookkeeping • Systems Setup
Nurture your spiritual life through meditation on the inner Light and Sound and realise your true self. All events are free.
• Tax Preparation • Budget Strategy
462 193
“ K a r m i c Relationships: H e a l i n g Invisible Wounds”. He specializes in Soul Journey therapy, a process he developed and refined which allows clients to recall and heal the invisible emotional wounds of present and past-lives, pre-birth, and the birth experience. His expertise includes facilitating between-life experiences and a process he calls karmic analysis. This is a method of learning the present and past-life karmic influences in your current life and relationships. Dr Charles Richards’ work has featured on Oprah , the Chopra Center for Well-being and The Other Side, an NBC special. Dr Charles will be touring Australia in 2016 to present his ground breaking work to both public and practitioners.
TRANSMISSION MEDITATION OPEN DAY Venue: Clarence Park Community Centre 72-74 East Ave. Black Forest First Sunday every month (except January)
6:30pm – 7:30pm, Ageless Wisdom Talk...
respecting the truth at the heart of—and common to—all spiritual traditions
7:30pm – 8:30pm, Meditation
Contact: Tony | Ph: 0428 592 209
H in S and ma S o u t ra t h a d e th A l b yn u str , alia
For futher information visit www.
Friendly service with a smile where I speak your language and translate that financial ‘stuff’ into terms you can understand.
You are a soul of a permanent unchangeable nature, and if you would live as a soul, you would never be affected or changed by outer changes. -Sant Baljit Singh
For further information: 1800
That’s the question I asked myself years ago and decided to investigate what is going on with me and why do people do what they do? Why do people always know what they don’t want, but never focus on what they do want. So I decided to retrain myself in the art of me. Quickly realising that this was my most important investment. If you don’t think well, you don’t move well, you generally aren’t well, but if you correct your thinking, emotions, feelings and start to think and move in a better way, everything changes.
Let me help you free up your energy to focus on what you do best and love. Specialise in providing services to Creative Practitioners in the wellbeing and artistic industries.
Dr Charles Richards will be touring Australia in 2016 to present his ground breaking workshops, individual sessions and practitioner trainings. For more information & free booklet, please contact Lee-Anne on 0468 681 990 or email souljourneytherapy@
Yoga Bolsters, Mats, Mat Bags, Straps, Blocks, Blankets, Eye Pillows, Jewellery, Zen Clocks, Meditation Stools, Zafu Cushions, Books, CD’s & Other Accessories Jacqueline Dobrilla 0410 462 922 • (08) 8536 2804
A Journey of Personal Spiritist Healing & Awakening
TO JOHN OF GOD IN BRAZIL with ELISABETH JENSEN & ROBERT PELLEGRINO- ESTRICH at the Casa of John of God om October 3 - 15, 2016
Your Journey to Deep Peace and Stillness
Healing through Sound and Colour—The ‘Anami’ Way ‘Anami’ (meaning ‘Nameless Healing’) is the highest state of being in an Ancient Indian Spiritual system. native American elders also hail dian as the one who brings this healing at this time.
dian booth master soul healer
Australia, uK and the usA sounds from Aboriginal Australia, Egypt, Atlantis, lemuria, the Elements and sacred Geometry. “one of the truest healers of our age.” (Alan Gutierrez, Emerald Energies, usA) ring dian: 08 8952 2259 or mobile +61417 800 219
Meet Joao de Deus
the world’s most powerful & effective healer plus receive healing by e Spirit Doctors that work through him. Experience a life-transforming journey of healing that will also awaken or strengthen your healing and mediumship abilities. INVESTMENT: US$2250 BOOKINGS: AUSET TEMPLE HEALING
Do You Suffer From: Be guided at his Casa by Elisabeth Jensen
Principal of Auset Temple Healing, Official Casa Guide & medium with Robert Pellegrino- Estrich, author of e Miracle Man, e Life Story of Joao de Deus, highly experienced & long term Casa Guide. a highl
or CALL: 1300 558 075
MELBOURNE Angel Miracles Psychic Courses 25-28 June NEW! Hypnotherapy Practitioner Certification Training with Elisabeth November 19-22 in Singapore AUSET TEMPLE HEALING Acclaimed International School of Auset Healing, Hypnosis & Angel Miracles Psychic Courses
• Fears & Phobias eg., Fear of public speaking, crowds, social situations, commitment, conflict, driving, flying, spiders, snakes, etc. • Anxiety & Stress • Depression EXPERIENCE • Panic Attacks INSTANT RELIEF • Loss & Grief & SIGNIFICANT, • Relationship Issues POSITIVE GAINS! • Low Self-Esteem • General Unhappiness
My passion is healing with warmth and sensitivity. I use successful techniques that can remove negative emotions, blocks and habits. It’s short term, powerful therapy that can resolve your problems, help you reach your potential and dramatically improve your life! *Weight Loss * Quit Smoking *Confidence *Hypnotherapy *Regression Lindy Poirier - Psychotherapist, Dip. Adv. Psych., B.A. Ph: 8278 4090 Mob: 0422 070 942 • Email:
How to Recall and Heal the Invisible Wounds of Present & Past-Lives, PreBirth and the Birth Experience
Everywhere we turn, they’re in our faces. So why do we so frequently find ourselves in relationship hell? The answer to that question and all the relationship mysteries and puzzles you’ve ever encountered is contained in one, five-letter word: karma. Karmic relationships are woven from the threads of past-life experiences with Souls that you encountered long ago and who again are players on your stage. In order to live with these people fully in the present and to eliminate those shadows that poison your relationships, you must resolve past traumas, dissolve the fears, and heal those invisible wounds. By using the tools offered by Dr Charles Richard’s Soul Journeys, a blend of spirituality, psychology and self-help Dr. Richards will help you identify and explore the levels of karmic relationships in your life. You’ll take the first step toward becoming and remaining conscious of the influences that are building or destroying your friendships, marriage, business partnerships, or family situations.
See if you can recognize the basic karmic foundations of your most important relationships by answering these questions
* Do you find yourself on an emotional roller-coaster of extreme
highs and lows in this relationship? * Have you ended this relationship more than once, only to get back together and continue the same dysfunctional patterns? * Is the other person in this relationship willing to drop everything at a moment’s notice to come to your assistance? * Does the bond of the relationship remain strong even when you’ve been out of contact for long periods of time? By answering yes to any of these questions, you are acknowledging one of several different types of karmic relationships in your life. Once you are armed with an understanding, you are able to effectively handle those damaged, demanding, and disastrous relationships. You will be able to heal your hidden wounds and release the very karma and emotions that are keeping your relationships in destructive cycles.
Soul Journey Therapy
The Soul Journeys process was designed to provide a glimpse in full- consciousness (without hypnosis) of the bigger picture of why we are here and how we can more easily navigate the dharma (higher purpose) of our life and relationships. Soul Journeys is systematic and allows clients to recall and heal the
invisible emotional wounds of the present and past-lives, prenatal, and the birth experience. The unique, therapeutic feature of Soul Journeys is that once a core or key past-life or lives relating to a karmic pattern have been re-experienced and discharged, symptoms fall away and behaviour changes almost instantaneously. Nonessential karmic residue has been removed, much like getting rid of unwanted baggage you’ve been carrying around your whole life. When your burdens are gone, suddenly you experience a freedom of mobility and expression that you accept as only natural. This happens without the typically long periods of therapy, analysis, or interpretation found in traditional psychotherapy. Soul Journeys can also allow clients to explore the in-between-life realm experienced after death or before birth. Such experiences can lead to great insight and enlightenment into who we are, what we are here to do, and where we are going. Here one can establish a more direct contact and exchange with spiritual guides and teachers. One can also awaken lost or blocked talents and skills from past-lives.
A New Breakthrough Therapy System
Soul Journeys is based on the proven understanding that the eternal Self carries a detailed record of all we have ever experienced, conscious or unconscious, in this and all our past-lives. Dr. Richards helps clients to uncover core issues, which have debilitated, paralyzed, and plagued them with pain, suffering, and terror. Additionally, blocks, fears, repetitive patterns, and many physical symptoms are routinely resolved. In a state of fullconsciousness clients may venture into realms where people who have had near-death experiences vividly describe. Soul Journeys has evolved over the years to become a way of allowing clients to experience any point of the history of their experience as Soul.
Through the use of Soul Journeys, Dr. Richards shows readers:
* How lifelong emotional, physical, and core issues with relationships can be healed more effec-
InnerSelf tively and in much less time than traditional or alternative healing methods * How the Soul’s past-life memories with significant others can be accessed in full-consciousness and hidden, emotional wounds of fear, anger, loss, and abandonment can be healed * What it’s like to recall afterdeath reunions during the betweenlife state where agreements are made with other Souls, which affect love and relationships today * How remembered and verifiable prenatal and birth experiences have an unconscious positive or negative influence on health, emotions, and relationships * How to transform negative karma and karmic relationships into positive ones and move beyond shame and guilt along the way * How to recognize past-life dreams and use dreams as a tool for understanding and healing karmic relationships C h a r l e s Richards, PhD. is a licensed psychotherapist and author of “Karmic Relationships: Healing Invisible Wounds”. He specializes in Soul Journey therapy, a process he developed and refined which allows clients to recall and heal the invisible emotional wounds of present and past-lives, pre-birth, and the birth experience. His expertise includes facilitating betweenlife experiences and a process he calls karmic analysis. This is a method of learning the present and past-life karmic influences in your current life and relationships. Dr Charles Richards’ work has featured on Oprah, the Chopra Center for Well-being and The Other Side, an NBC special. Dr Charles will be touring Australia in 2016 to present his ground breaking work to both public and practitioners. For futher information visit www.
Dr Charles Richards will be touring Australia in 2016 to present his ground breaking workshops, individual sessions and practitioner trainings. For more information and free booklet, please contact Lee-Anne on 0468 681 990 or email
Soul Journey Therapy Testimonials
“My entire life I have been struggling with the issue of open communication to those around me. I felt like I needed to keep information inside of me. Letting it out would be harmful or cause me to lose power or position. Not only was the general psychotherapy helpful, but the Soul Journey I took showed me why I was afraid to open my mouth. Now I feel free to share my words and thoughts with those around me, regardless of the circumstances! My wife has loved this change in me (so have I!), opening up our relationship. I have also noticed a sense of calm inside myself that wasn’t there before. I now know that I am an eternal Soul with a purpose to my life. This has made me a happier, calmer person with less stress and fewer worries. Thank you!” Mike, San Diego, USA “Charles Richards has an impressive capacity to take a concept that would otherwise be quite foreign to me, past-life regression, and make it not only accessible but amazingly useful and powerful. His approach sheds new light on the instinctive connections we have with people, both positive and negative, as well as leading to a whole new level of understanding of choices we make, fears, anxieties, patterns we repeat, and struggles that hold us back. Neither life nor reality as you know it are likely to be the same.” Judith Light , Actress Los Angeles, USA “I know that the transition from emotional agony to loving resolve was made quickly because of the kind of therapy I received with you. The karmic issues that bound me were released and within a couple of weeks the energy in my self shifted and therefore, affected my marriage in a positive way. It is amazing to me that one afternoon (4 hours) could have such a profound affect on my life. I am grateful to you and your technique. Another wonderful result of the emotional clearing I have experienced is the return of my sexual energy, which has permeated every aspect of my existence. I feel excited about being able to recreate my life. Thank you!” Carolina, Los Angeles Dear Dr Charles, I experienced
a very violent childhood and an unhappy marriage of 14 years. Even though I’ve had extensive training in college, specialized art schools, and have painted for many years, I was never able to build even a small body of work for publication. I had nearly every learning disability that exists, all diagnosed. All my relationships were difficult, and I was emotionally sensitive and over-reactive. I had deep seated insecurities, fears, and low self esteem. I did all the available therapies for 15 years and spent thousands on Jungian, traditional therapies, EMDR, visualization, affirmations, spiritual and religious counseling, inner child groups, groups for abused women, anger work and many other methods of psychological and spiritual healing modalities. I also explored alternative (healing) methods, nutritional and otherwise. You name it I’ve tried it faithfully. None of these healing modalities made a dent in my issues. They just didn’t’ work for me. I found at long last the direct route. Neutralization of the original wound by direct encounter. I asked you to take me to the lifetimes responsible for the problem, for instance learning disabilities. We went directly to the trauma and relieved it. Gone forever. Then I wanted to resolve whatever was keeping me from finishing my paintings. I relived it and am producing paintings every week now. People say I look as though I’m much lighter. I feel calm, grateful for what I have, productive, and cheerful. When I do visualizations and affirmations now, they actually work as the secret, silent sabotaging energy from the past life traumas is gone. Every week seems to open up new doors. The effects of the first sessions are still revealing new areas of ideas and inspirations and positivity I’ve never experienced before. I’m continuing to improve. This is a pretty amazing process. Thank you Dr. Charles for developing such a phenomenal, noninvasive, subtle, yet extremely effective healing modality which heals permanently. Thank you Dr. Charles. My destiny is in my own hands now….emotionally, financially, professionally, and spiritually. Sincerely, Helen, San Diego, USA
2016 Australian Tour with Dr Charles Richards
As featured on Oprah, the Esalen Institute, & the Chopra Center for Well-being
Brisbane: Sydney: Melbourne: Adelaide: Perth:
16-17 July 2016 23-24 July 2016 30-31 July 2016 6-7 August 2016 13-14 August 2016
For more information and free booklet, please contact LeeAnne on 0468 681 990 or email April-June 2016
yourRelationships with Diane McCann
GROWING BOYS TO MANHOOD & MEN TO ELdERS Can a Man give his Son what he himself never possessed or lacked the courage to wish up from his own deprivation? - Galway Kinnell “In The Safety Of Men - Stories Of Becoming Real” a brilliant doco, gives insight into the modern movement taking place, and the fire that’s driving our return to our connected ancestry. In this video, men honour their spouses, children, families and one another for their struggles and visit the deep emotional barriers constructed to prevent men from feeling in the twentieth century Offering glimpses into lives of some of the leaders of this movement while they uncover authenticity and raw emotion. Also insights into the circles of men that are helping reshape our thinking about masculinity in a way that reveals a kinder, softer side to men where men can help advance compassion by learning from the wisdom of others in their support network and their shared life experiences. All of this is creating a safe space where men are becoming real again. The distinction between male and female, soft and hard happens from the crib and while that is changing with the new babes coming onto the planet, for many of our men, this was their lot! Researchers dressed a baby in blue and people held it up in the air, chucked it under the chin, were harder with it than when they dressed the same baby in pink and people cooed at it and rocked it gently. MALE stands for Men as Learners and Elders and yet our society holds mistakes as bad things when in truth they are the only way anyone ever learns… and up until now Elders are not given the rightful respect they deserve. Men appear to have plenty of everything - money, sex, power, education. But to a diverse group of men, the question of what it means to be a man is still perplexing. Most men long for the support and nurture of other men to help in the journey toward masculinity, maturity, and a deeper experience of the divinity in each of us. To have a close friend who will call you on your “stuff” is not in realm of most men! Heartening to see men’s groups springing up all over the world offering men the opportunity to confront their past suffering, the losses in their life, both emotional, financial etc. to have a space where they can speak what they hold in their hearts and in the speaking of their innermost truths comes the ability to live with genuine wisdom and vision. With wisdom comes the knowledge that parents did the best they could and even though it might not have been enough, it was all they had to give…. That to hold grudges, resentment, non forgiveness against the things of our childhood is to create a prison that actually shuts its doors, keeping us imprisoned forever…. That to speak of fears and pain is, in actuality, about being authentic… and that authenticity is the greatest gift we can give to ourselves and our family…. That to cry and be vulnerable is not to be weak and a sissy but in fact is actu-
ally healing our past and allowing us to move forward into a new future…. That to share our innermost feelings with our family is to allow the sons of our future to feel safe with their Maleness. With vision men can change the way the next generation of boy babies are treated; with vision we can see that boys need to be held and cuddled and listened to and encouraged to talk and have an opportunity to explore the creative soft or yin side of themselves as well as the yang side. In the letting go of how it was for past generations will create a new future for men where boys get mentored by caring, loving, nurturing males who
speak from the heart and not from the gruff roughness of the past, allowing a new generation of MALEs to come forth willing to be all that they can be. Diane McCann (The Goddess Within seminar) and Robert Mathews facilitate Man’s Inner Journey, a seminar for men and they also teach Tantra to couples. For more information call 08 82481281 or email (
Is Shamanism Relevant in Today’s World? BY Claudio Silvano We have come a long way since ancient times – or at least we like to think we have – and in many respects this is true. Our scientific development has seen us achieve incredible wonders. Like gods we fly through the air, and can communicate instantly with one another all across the globe. But have we really matured? What of our humanity? Our compassion, both for one another and for the creatures we share this world with? What of war? Hunger? Disease? Many look to science as the pathway to solve all of the world’s problems, but the simple truth is that the answers cannot be found in science alone.. Our obsession with having to know the meaning of everything has undermined our relationship to Mystery. The majority believe that we now understand the world, but in truth we know very little. Can we truly understand life’s intricacies
and the inter-connectedness of the whole with our limited minds? Can thinking really explain all of existence? Most of us, including many scientists, know that it cannot. Religions once attempted to explain what was unexplainable through faith and belief, but the power that religious authorities once wielded has now weakened due to contradictions and inconsistencies. Shamanism, the most ancient form of spirituality on our planet, is making a resurgence as an antidote in these times of disconnection and global devastation. Its origins are so ancient that they predate the invention of the written word. In many ways Shamanism can be seen as a precursor of religion, but Shamanism itself is not a religion and is, I believe, very relevant to the dilemmas and challenges of our modern world.
So what can Shamanism offer us that religion and science cannot? Shamanism, unlike religion, is self-referencing, meaning that an adherent does not have to conform to the words of a religious leader or to any holy writ. Instead the shaman seeks to find answers for himself or herself, without needing to conform to anyone else’s belief system or interpretations. Shamanism’s roots are steeped in the natural world that surrounds us and sustains us. It’s spirituality is Earth based, recognising that the template of existence is the Great Mother, the creative and fertile darkness of the feminine from which all things enter into embodiment. Most are aware of the mounting environmental crises that we are facing in so many different parts of the world. Air pollution, global warming, over-population, food production, the dying of the oceans and the scarcity of clean drinking water are just a few. As Shamanism is based on our relationship with the natural world, it offers us a unique opportunity to heal our wounded relationship with ourselves, with each other, and with our environment, giving us a unique opportunity to restore what we, Humankind, have collectively lost. Claudio Silvano is a shamanic practitioner, a teacher and an author of spiritual fantasy. He is well known for his deep facilitation of the Sweat Lodge and Vision Quest processes. He lives in Perth with his beloved Sa. - www. - 0403 699 479
LIFE IS PRECIOUS BY sa silvano Life is a precious gift and we would do well to embrace every moment of it, seeing, feeling and being with all that is present: the sky, the trees, the birds, the land, those we meet, those we love, the work that we do … everything. Beauty surrounds us, but we often do not notice any of it because we are busy thinking about what to do tomorrow or what we should have done yesterday or perhaps wishing for something to be other than it actually is. It only takes a moment to be completely present. We know we are present when we become aware of everything around us, allowing it all to be as it is, even the noise, and then we discover a quiet beneath it all. External noise is never as loud as the noise of our thoughts. Compulsive thinking is exhausting. So to stop and just look and listen to the world around us can be deeply restful. In 2014, four months after my book “Pearls from the Heart” was published, I had a life changing epiphany. I awoke that morning to the experience of a silent mind. No thoughts. I was completely present, and utterly at peace. I remained in that state for two weeks, mostly sitting on the balcony in complete harmony with the trees, the sky, the birds and the water. I discovered then that I was not separate to anything, but was part of the natural world. Everything was alive and vibrant, and was consciousness itself. Now, even though thoughts still come and go, I know I am not any of those thoughts, nor am I the one I believed myself to be. I just am. I
am free and I am present. Things still happen but they don’t happen to “me”. It is almost as if some “idea of me” died that morning and now I experience things as just happening and it is effortless. When feelings come up, I feel them in the moment they come up, and then they go. Like when a breeze comes: it moves, it blows and then it is no more. I see that I am the life that is here in this moment. I am not separate from anyone or anything. I am just a different expression of the aliveness that is here, and it is all one energy. Life today is much the same as before, I work and I play and sometimes it gets really busy and sometimes really quiet – the difference is that now there is no struggle. Whatever arrives is met without fear or resistance. It is all life, not good, not bad, just life. Life is both the stillness of tranquil waters and the ripples that stir it. Life is both the silence and the song that emerges from the silence. Even when there is chaos, noise and drama, I am always aware of the quiet that is beneath it all. Sa Silvano is an author and a teacher with more than 25 years of experience in the fields of energy medicine and spiritual counselling. Her style of teaching is unconventional. She speaks in response to whatever is present and points at the truth. Using examples and metaphors, she guides you to experience the infinite wonder of your own being. She lives in Perth with her beloved, Claudio. - www. – 0422 746 269
ConsciousMusic with Heather Frahn
Multi-award winning singer-songwriter, sound designer, and qualified sound therapy practitioner.
Sounding the Source with Harmonic Singing
Overtone harmonic singing is a voice technique where one person sings two notes at the same time. So where did it come from? Pythagorus discovered harmonic overtones with the monochord about 2600 years ago. This is said to be the first recognition of this in the western world, however the cultural and spiritual musical art form developed in Mongolia, 14,000 years ago. Still today in Mongolia this vocal art is widely practiced, mainly as entertainment and expression. As people in Mongolia migrated, overtone singing practices went to Tuva, Tibet, Siberia, Central Asia, South Africa, and Canada. There were dozens of harmonic singing styles throughout the cultures of the world, with some traditional names and forms include Khoomei, Sygyt, Kargyraa, and Rekkukara. Interestingly harmonic singing styles were used for hunting and fishing, long distance communication, and calming and calling flocks of animals by shepherds. Perhaps the most common reference of it to westerners is hearing Tibetan Buddhist monks as they chant and pray in their spiritual practices. Sadly today only a few throat singing cultures still survive. The art of throat singing is endangered and needs to be conserved. The spiritual practice of harmonic overtone singing can be understood metaphorically. The high
pitched harmonic sounds represent the ‘spiritual realm’ or ‘divine feminine, and the fundamental lower tone represent the ‘earthly realm’ or ‘divine masculine. The two separate sounds of “Mother Earth”, and “Father Sky” actually come from the same Divine Source. In terms of harmonic singing, these two elements need each other to exist. You can’t have a fundamental tone without the sum of its harmonic parts, and vice versa. When we consider it from this perspective, it is indeed a spiritual practice, and perhaps finds meaning for those who consider humans to be spiritual beings on an earthly journey, and that the tantric voice can bring oneness with Spirit. What I find interesting about listening to harmonics being sung, is a reference to the third eye. The third eye is a mystical and esoteric concept referring to a speculative invisible eye which provides perception beyond ordinary sight. Most of us have heard of this, but have you heard of the “third ear”? Some years ago a harmonic singing teacher said to me “one of the first steps in learning how to sing harmonics, is learning how to open your third ear”. I was intrigued, and have come to know the third ear as being similar to the third eye; as a speculative invisible ear which provides perception beyond ordinary sound. When we listen to music, we usually hear the most obvious sounds that are there, like the melody in a song for example. But underlying and overlaying these obvious sounds, are harmonic undertones and overtones, however we don’t usually consciously hear them. It is through the hearing of these harmonics with our ‘third ear’ that allows the practice of harmonic singing to be developed, and fully appreciated as an effective spiritual and meditation practice, an energy medicine, and healing tool.
Heather Frahn is an Australian Certified Sound Therapy Practitioner, Award Winning Vocalist, Songwriter, and Musician part of the Conscious Music Movement, and Meditation Guide specialising in Sound as an instrument for Mindfulness and Insight. www.
April-June 2016
Let CDYourby Leo Spirit Sing Drioli
“Clear, pure, simple, inspired and deeply authentic… Feel the gift of Presence in these 5 Heart Songs.” Leo’s songs are unique outpourings of heart-felt joy and connection, each track offers insight and clarity, the gift that comes from his ability to transmute life’s challenges into deeper awakening and sharing it through the time honoured medium of the pop song. Listen to these songs not only with the ears but with the heart … this will open that doorway to your own transformation “Leo Drioli’s sound is similar to that of Cat Stevens and John Lennon – ruminations that are of an inspirational, motivational and expressive nature.” — Kyle Jarminer, The Examiner “I was on my way to work and just felt like I needed to listen to your EP again. ‘Let Your Spirit Sing’ is such a beautiful song. When I heard the words ‘Open Up My Heart, Show Me How To Love’... I just started welting in tears, seriously … I was trying to be conscious of other drivers not seeing me cry (ha ha). I played that about 3 times in the car this morning and just started singing to it.” — Elio, Composer of The Healing Codes Leo Drioli’s words and music, shared as Heart Songs, dig deep into our collective search and yearning for what is true, real and lasting in this world and beyond it. All his songs stem from that innate urge to connect to the depth of things and to realize our own true nature as Presence. His music carries on in the spiritual pioneering tradition of the inspired master singer/songwriters of the 60’s and 70’s. He acknowledges openly how much people such as John Lennon, George Harrison and Cat Stevens have inspired and informed his work … his continued efforts in spreading the eternal message that our true purpose here is to realize our soul essence and to channel it as love thus living beyond the grip of fear.
EP: $12.95 (including delivery) Digital: $7.50 (delivered to your Inbox)
To order 08
8396 6752
Baraka publishing Australian Body-Mind-Spirit Titles
A n I mpri n t o f I n n er S el f P ty L td “This brilliant contribution to our modern understanding of authentic identity and Presence brings us to a new awareness of ourselves and our innate wholeness and completeness.” — LAMA SURYA DAS, author of Awakening the Buddha Within
always already recognizing the natural wakefulness
we were born with
enza vita
“This brilliant contribution to our modern understanding of authentic identity and Presence brings us to a new awareness of ourselves and our innate wholeness and completeness. Enza’s personal awakening story, in the first few pages, is worth the price of admission. Enlightened wisdom is like an endangered natural resource today, which we overlook at our peril; let’s join in exploring and developing our own innate transformational resources for a change.” — LAMA SURYA DAS, author of Awakening the Buddha Within
Always Already free - by Enza Vita
Based on Enza’s own experience, Always Already Free is a guide to discovering the deepest truth about who we are. In this book, the author presents her own personal direct encounter with the awakened state and guides the reader from the seeking process through the integration of spiritual enlightenment into everyday life and reveals that enlightenment is not a faraway dream, intellectual knowledge or even an experience but the direct realization of our true nature always available here and now. “While it’s true that we are always the Self”– says Enza Vita “if this hasn’t been truly and directly realized, this knowledge won’t do us any good. Just knowing that there is no gate to pass through doesn’t mean that we are at the end of the search, not if we are still standing outside that gateless gate. Realization is not about you, the wave, realizing it is ocean. The ocean realizes itself in you and reveals itself to have never been just a wave.”
This book brings a sense of the sacred into our everyday life, and helps us to see the life we have been given through the eyes of our heart. — Spiritual teacher and author of Always Already Free - Recognizing the natural wakefulness that we were born with If a book had a soul, then this book would be brimming with Spirit. Leo has a unique way of conveying deep truths using simple, yet beautiful language. His words follow a direct route from the mind to the heart, and can touch anyone, no matter where they are on their spiritual path. — Spiritual teacher and author of Past Lives, Present Miracles
lEo Drioli
Paperback: 208 pages/$2795 (including delivery)
Even the most exalted spiritual accomplishments are unimportant if we cannot be happy in the most basic and ordinary way because the greatest lesson is that the Universal must be wedded to the Personal for us to be fulfilled in our spiritual life. With freshness and a unique blend of spiritual insight, poetry and simple life wisdom, Leo Drioli draws our attention to everyday occurences in his daily life, which gives us insights and simple techniques for attuning ourselves to the natural and dynamic inner movement of our own lives, which is the key to finding joy both within and without.
An A to Z compilation of spiritual themes, the genius of this warm, inspiring book lies in its discovery of the miraculous in the mundane, and how, in our everyday life, there are many opportunities for awakening. The challenge is to recognise them.
EvEry MoMEnt’s a MiraclE
“If a book had a soul, then this book would be brimming with Spirit. Leo has a unique way of conveying deep truths using simple, yet beautiful language. His words follow a direct rout from the mind to the heart, and can touch anyone, no matter where they are on their spiritual path. ” – Denise Linn, author of “Soul Coaching”
Every Moment’s A Miracle - by Leo Drioli
With freshness and a unique blend of spiritual insight, poetry and simple life wisdom, Leo Drioli draws our attention to everyday occurrences in his daily life, which offer insights together with simple techniques for attuning ourselves to the natural and dynamic inner movement of our own lives, which is the key to finding joy both within and without. Reading this book will help you to witness every moment in your life – even those that seem filled with pain or conflict – in another way, a way that brings a sense of unity rather than separation and fear, plus a deeper, truer, more satisfying life in this world. Reading this book will help you to witness every moment in your life — even those that seem filled with pain or conflict — in another way, a way that offers a sense of unity and joy, rather than separation and fear, plus a way to live a deeper, truer, more satisfying life in this world. LEO DRIOLI has been a pioneer in the consciousness movement for over 35 years. Launching one of Australia’s first spiritual magazines, Golden Age in 1988, he is currently editor of Innerself Newspaper and also a director of the MahaShanti Foundation for Awakening.
EvEry MoMEnt’s a MiraclE
Finding your Personal Key to Enlightened Living
lEo Drioli
ForEworD by DEnisE linn, author oF Past livEs, PrEsEnt MiraclEs
Paperback: 144 pages/$22.95 (including delivery)
“I was on my way to work and just felt like I needed to listen to your EP again. ‘Let Your Spirit Sing’ is such a beautiful song. When I heard the words ‘Open Up My Heart, Show Me How To Love’... I just started welting in tears, seriously … I was trying to be conscious of other drivers not seeing me cry (ha ha). I played that about 3 times in the car this morning and just started singing to it.” — Elio, Composer of The Healing Codes
Let your Spirit Sing - by Leo Drioli EP: $12.95 (including delivery) Digital: $7.50 (delivered to your Inbox)
Leo’s songs come from the heart, capturing insight and wisdom teachings, yet crafted as pop songs. His love for life, his joy in noticing the detail … especially the deeper significance of each moment keeps him alive and awake to the inner whisperings and nudges of Spirit … constantly offering a deeper insight or a simpler way of saying something ageless in a refreshingly new way.
To order (Free Call) 08 8120 0600 or call (08) 8396 6752
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Dance is so much more than moving, more even than simply a form of art or selfexpression. Throughout the course of her career, Seda has developed her dance to meet the needs of a number of physical, emotional, and spiritual needs. From childbirth to fitness, from prayer to depression, Seda has a dance to teach you. Visit her online at for videos, instruction, and dance seminars and courses. Keep dancing! “ Life is a movement lets move in the right direction” “In order heal your body you must hear your body In order to hear your body you must move and dance your body”
Seda Star
A Aries – fire B Taurus – earth C Gemini – air D Cancer – water E Leo – fire F Virgo – earth
242 including artwork
G Libra – air H Scorpio – water I Sagittarius – fire J Capricorn – earth K Aquarius – air L Pisces – water
Seda Star
0421 326 001 or 08 8563 9182
LUNAR PHASES AND PERSONALITY TYPES The Mid-Heaven Medium Your Connection to Spirit
Call 0449 865 473 Psychic Clairvoyant Medium Reader Healer Teacher Gerry utilises her direct Spirit Channel thru: v The Tarot v Astrology v Psychometry v Shamanic Healing v Meditation
Lunar phases occur as a result of the relationship between the Sun and the Moon. This cyclic relationship produces the lunar cycle and everyone is born at a particular point in this cycle. A birth can be labelled as a “first quarter” “full moon” or “balsamic”. The lunar phase a person is born in refers to the relationship between the person’s Sun (the sense of self) with their Moon (their emotional expression and security). Therefore, the lunar phase that a person is born in can reflect how that person deals with life - the nature of the energy and their attitude to life and how they deal with it. The lunation cycle is a visible symbol of our place in the larger cycle of life. Without a calendar, we cannot accurately pinpoint our day of birth, however, we can easily
discern our “Moon” birthday simply by looking at the phase of the Moon. Every month, each and every one of us resonates to that aspect of the Sun-Moon relationship that is imprinted in our psyches. This describes the basic capacity of the person to relate to life generally. In order to find the lunation phase you are born under, you can consult an almanac for the year and find out what the Moon phase nearest to when you were born. Dane Rudhyar, a famous astrologer developed the theory of phases and used it to develop the eight lunation types of personality which we will be discussed in a series of short articles over the coming issues.
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Have Your
These are generic interpretations for each of the zodiac signs. For a more personal interpretation, astrological consultations are available by appointment on
Phone (08) 8396 6752 or email
Seda Star
the celebritiy dancer from the national tv channel 10 in Australia Seda has been dancing since childhood. Her love of dance and fitness led to the development of a international televised program called SEDADANCE BellyRobics with Aerobics Ozstlye team. She has also created two DVDs, Belly Dancing for Baby and AOS Belly Dance Fitness, to share fun and energizing ways to achieve good health through dance. She currently lives in Australia and travel around the world for teaching and dance to make people happy and help people to heal through the dance.
You could be in this space
I Am Seda. I Am the Dance!
Trapped by the mundane and overwhelmed by negative experiences with her family, Seda waited to be alone with her music and dancing at the end of each day. As she grew, she became one with the music, dancing on her own and she has meet with her highest self dance with spirit, and heal herself and she became a dance healer recently. She didn’t even know how much talent she had until she won first place in a dance contest at the local children’s disco. It was on that day that she opened the door on her path to spiritual freedom and selfdiscovery through dance, Now, Seda wants to share the wisdom she’s learned with you with her knowledge after all she became dance healer, movement and dance philosopher,public speaker because of her experience she wants teach you dance and speak to you dance.
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Am Seda. I Am the Dance!
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A NEW MOON occurs when the Moon is less than 45 degrees ahead of the Sun. For a period of three and a half days every month, there is a New Moon and all births during this period will have a New Moon in their chart. Mari Garcia is a professional consulting astrologer. She is co- principal of ASTRO MUNDI, which offers astrological education for the beginner and the professional. Mari is a Council Member of the Astrological Guild of Educators International and is a founding member of the Forum of Professional Astrologers. For information telephone 8563 9182 or 0421 326 001 or email:
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Are you looking for the personal experience of God—every day? Eckankar can help you fulfil your dream. Each of us is connected to God through Divine Spirit (the ECK), which can be heard as Sound and seen as Light. Eckankar offers a spiritual toolkit to help you experience the Light and Sound of God.
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B y L eo D rioli
144 pages/$19.95 (including delivery) Digital: $9.95 (to your Inbox)
“If a book had a soul, then this book would be brimming with Spirit. Leo has a unique way of conveying deep truths using simple, yet beautiful language. His words follow a direct route from the mind to the heart, and can touch anyone, no matter where they are on their spiritual path. ” – DENISE LINN, author of “Soul Coaching”
Professional Psychic • Medium • Clairvoyant Tarot • Healer • Spiritual Advisor
Leo Drioli, Editor of Innerself Newspaper
Readings are available by email & telephone 5 Star Rating - Member of the International Psychics Association. Phone: (07) 4775 5939 • Email: Website:
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yourNaturopath with Belle McCALEB Naturopath, Herbalist, Cancer Support & Women’s Health
Managing Fibroids with Natural Medicine
Fibroids are solid non-cancerous tumours of the uterus that may lead to very heavy menstrual periods and resultant anaemia and disability. If the fibroids are very large they can also cause bowel, bladder and intercourse issues. Fertility can be affected either by the fibroids themselves or medical treatment. It is estimated up to 40% of women develop fibroids by the age of 40 and they are the primary reason for hysterectomy. Fibroids are hormone dependent. Estrogen is the main driver - fibroid tissue is hypersensitive to estrogen & lacks the normal regulatory mechanism that limits estrogen response. However fibroid growth is may also be influenced by progesterone, growth hormone, insulin, insulin like growth factors and prolactin. Medical treatment of fibroids is dependent upon the severity of symptoms. Pharmaceutical drugs called GnRH agonists suppress estrogen and progesterone production at the level of the central nervous system and can suppress symptoms as well as shrink fibroids. However, they are not without possible side effects including hot flashes, headaches, vaginal dryness, reversible bone loss, depression and decreased libido. If symptoms are not well controlled or the pharmaceutical agents are not well tolerated, removal of the fibroids or the whole uterus is the most common surgical approach. Natural medicine approaches focus mainly on balancing the hormonal milieu, particularly estrogens & progesterone, and limiting the menorrhagia (heavy bleeding) by enhancing uterine tone & circulation. Estrogen production, metabolism and clearance are influenced by many factors including poor diet, obesity, excess alcohol, high insulin levels, exposure to pesticides, chemicals, plastics and the consumption of hormone laden meat. Correction of these factors and minimising exposure to exogenous estrogens are essential. In addition specific dietary, herbal and nutritional approaches can help reduce estrogen load. In the liver, estrogen is metabo-
lised down 1 of 3 pathways. One of these (2-OH pathway) produces weak estrogenic activity, the other two produce strong estrogenic activity. Dietary approaches that promote the 2OH pathway include a diet high in cruciferous vegies such as broccoli, cabbages, kale and Brussels sprouts. Citrus contain a substance called d-limonene which promotes detoxification of estrogen. Additional nutrients for supporting the 2-OH pathway are EPA fish oils, B vitamins (especially B6, B12 and folic acid), Vitamin E and magnesium. Many herbs support the preferred metabolic pathway including Rosemary, garlic and green tea. Estrogen management also requires a healthy gut. If there is an overgrowth of certain bacteria in the gut the bound estrogen from liver detoxification that is heading for excretion via the faeces can be “unbound” via bacterial activity. This leads to reabsorption of estrogen into the system. Correcting gut flora through a comprehensive program including specfic prebiotics, probiotics and herbal antibacterials is essential. Also general liver and gall bladder herbs are recommended including herbs that promote healthy bile production and liver detoxification stimulants such as Barberry, Schisandra and St Mary’s Thistle. In addition very specific hormone modulating herbal medicines are useful for fibroid management. Chaste Tree & Black Cohosh are the primary herbs used for fibroid management in the Western Herbal Tradition. Chaste Tree “balances” estrogens by increasing progesterone and decreases prolactin. The mechanism behind Black Cohosh is not well understood but it does not raise estrogen levels and seems to have an impact on neurotransmitters. We have also “borrowed” herbal approaches from Traditional Chinese Medicine including the use of White Peony that may act as an LH-releasing antagonist with weakly anti-estrogenic effects. Management of the heavy
bleeding associated with fibroids is via uterine tonics, astringents and haemostatics. These include Blue Cohosh, Motherwort, Red Raspberry, Cramp Bark, Yarrow, Ladies Mantle and numerous others. Poor uterine/pelvic circulation, a condition called pelvic congestion or blood stasis, is also thought to contribute to the heavy bleeding. Uterine circulatory stimulants may be used to address this aspect including Cinnamon, Ginger, Red and White Paony. If pain is associated with the menses uterine antispasmodics such as Cramp Bark and Wild Yam may be used. Since fibroids often shrink significantly in menopause, women are often looking for a way to manage the situation without major medical intervention until their hormone levels naturally fall. Of course, the success of natural medical approaches will vary depending upon many factors including size, number and location of uterine fibroids as well as contributing factors such as obesity. However, for many women these dietary, lifestyle and herbal approaches can significantly improve symptoms and provide a viable alternative to hysterectomy.
A Weight Supplement That Works
Glucomannan is a natural, water-soluble dietary fibre extracted from the roots of the elephant yam, also known as konjac. It has recently gained considerable attention as an effective weight loss supplement. Glucomannan absorbs water and becomes gel-like. It “sits” in your gut and promotes a feeling of fullness, helping you eat fewer calories. For weight loss, take a dosage of 1 gram (1/4 tsp) in a glass of water 15-20 minutes before your meals up to 3 times per day. Available from ZERO Slim & Healthy for $20 (100g). For more information, visit For a FREE Wellness ebook and a Free Zero ecookbook visit or
For women’s health go to www. Belle McCaleb ND, RN, MSS-C, BSN, RYT has been a registered health professional since 1986. She is a naturopath, h e r b a l i s t , M a s t e r ’s p r e p a r e d counselor, Registered Nurse and Registered Yoga Teacher. Belle firmly believes total health and wellness are only achievable through the integration of body, mind and spirit. She specializes in women’s health and cancer support and holds advanced nursing qualifications in obstetrics, gynaecology and reproductive endocrinology and infertility. Belle has specialised in cancer support since 2003, is the founder of the Cancer Support Alliance (www. and was the Consultant Naturopath for Cancer Care Centre for seven years.” She has a particular interest in keeping cancer patients well during their chemotherapy and radiotherapy treatments, combining knowledge from her extensive nursing background with natural medicine and dietary approaches. Belle teaches gentle yoga classes at her private studio, Serenity Yoga and also offers individual therapeutic yoga sessions for particular health issues. She is currently undertaking a Postgraduate Diploma in Yoga Therapy. Belle is located in St Georges (Burnside), SA. For more info see
April-June 2016
with lynne Singlewood
with dr Margaret jinn ngu
Naturopath, Iridologist, Herbalist, Oriental Diagnosis, and Teacher of Natural Medicine
General Practitioner, Nutritionist , Acupuncturist
Beyond Integrative Medicine?
Poly Cystic Ovarian Syndrome
This is a disorder that is close to my heart as I have watched one of my children go through all the various struggles relating to PCOS throughout the years, recently however she had a beautiful baby girl so there has been light at the end of the tunnel so to speak. In this article I’m going to explore what PCOS is and what may have caused it, we will also look at what you can do to help yourself and see if we can create some light at the end of your tunnel. Poly Cystic Ovarian Syndrome is an Endocrine disorder, your endocrine system is comprised of all the glands that produce hormones, which in turn regulate metabolism, growth, sexual function, sleep and much more. PCOS may affect your menstrual cycle and it tends to raise your Androgen levels, these are hormones most people associate with men, women, however also make them. High levels of androgens may affect the development of eggs during ovulation and this in turn can affect your ability to have children. Periods are often irregular and many small cysts may form in the ovaries. Another important factor to take into consid-
eration is your blood sugar levels, many individuals with PCOS tend to have an imbalance influenced by a hormone called insulin, women with PCOS may tend to have raised insulin which in turn may raise their androgen levels, so as you can see, there is an endocrine system imbalance here and hormonal imbalances can cause absolute havoc in the body. Raised insulin can tend to make you gain weight, it may cause acne and oily skin, and you may even find you develop hursutism, which is excessive body hair on the face and various parts of the body. The cause of Poly Cystic Ovarian Syndrome is unclear at this stage but thought to be related to several factors, such as genetics and an imbalance relating to the hormone insulin. The good news is that with a little effort and knowledge on your part, you can have a profound effect on your future in regards to this disorder. Your diet is really important, you see every time you eat a carbohydrate such as cake, biscuits, white bread, white pasta, sugar etc. your pancreas will produce insulin, which in simplistic terms, binds to
Interview with Dr Margaret Jinn Ngu
How do you define Integrative Medicine?
cell receptors to take glucose into your cells to create energy. If you eat too much of the above your cell receptors become resistant and there is a decrease in the sensitivity of the body’s Cells to the actions of Insulin. This lack of sensitivity to the effects of Insulin results in everincreasing production of Insulin, to the extent that dangerously high levels can occur. Therefore you need to cut down your carbohydrates and increase your fibre with fresh fruit and vegetables, low glycemic foods are also good, there is a list that you can down load on the net, it has been developed as a means of rating the effect that a particular Food has on Blood Sugar levels. Foods that cause a rapid rise in Blood Sugar (and consequently an excessive release of Insulin) are known as “high glycemic foods”. Alternatively, “low glycemic foods” cause a slower, sustained increase in Blood Sugar and Insulin. This is a good place to start, however you might like to find a good practitioner or naturopath
to help advise and motivate you through this journey. You need to increase your daily exercise, find something you like doing, like dancing, swimming, golf, walking the dog etc, it really needs to be something you enjoy or you probably won’t stick to it. To check if you have PCOS your doctor may do an ultrasound to examine your ovaries for cysts and check the lining of the womb called the endometrium, this lining can become thicker if your periods are irregular. There are some amazing herbs available to help reduce the effects of elevated androgens, stimulate ovulation, balance and support insulin sensitivity along with hormonal levels in general. Something to consider, if you want a healthy body it’s about balancing all aspects of your life, not only what you put into it. Peace of mind and happiness can also have a profound effect on your health, my daughter did put in the effort on her physical body, but it was when she was truly happy with her life that she fell pregnant. Lynne Singlewood has taught Iridology and herbal medicine at Endeavour College, she also lectures Constitutional Iridology at WEA. She has a passion to help the community with their health and well being. Her deep love of iridology and herbal medicine is infectious. Ph: 0421 618 792 or email au. Web site:
Integrative Medicine is currently defined as that of integrating evidence based complementary medicine with mainstream medicine. IM doctors are interested in modalities that treat the patient with as little toxicity as possible. These modalities included acupuncture, herbal medicine, nutritional medicine, bioenergetic medicine and mind body medicine. My personal take and drive is that we need to remove the focus on the integration of modalities to focus instead on the transformation through the integration of the individual person- physically, emotionally, mentally, socially, environmentally and spiritually. A doctor practicing herbal medicine as well as acupuncture as well as mainstream medicine is not necessarily an IM practitioner as we are still talking about modalities of practice. Whilst working on a holistic model, the practitioner can indeed be just using these non mainstream modalities as panaceas, the same way as allopathic medicine does to alleviate the symptom. The more advanced definition of an IM practitioner is that of one that sees illness as a call for growth and change and who acts as a facilitator of transformation using appropriate processes and medicines for the individual.
How did you get involved in IM? What motivated you to found AIMA and TMA? IM was conceived in the early 90’s by a mix of doctors practising various complementary modalities. By then I had been practicing acupuncture, bioenergetic medicine, nutritional medicine and mind body medicine for 7 yrs. We identi-
fied the need to come together to form a platform united in numbers (as individual doctors were being picked on) so that each could practice his/her favourite modality more safely in the midst of criticism from the mainstream of doctors. The group of us founded the AIMA (Australian Integrative Medicine Association) in 1992 and I became the 2nd President inaugurating the first 3 Integrative Medicine Conferences in 1998 during my watch. We moved on to become a craft group in the AMA and a Specific Interest group in IM was later formed in the RACGP. Together, becoming the leading educators for Integrative Medicine. After convening the 3rd Australasian IM conference in 2001, I retired from medico-political service to pursue further the meaning and depth of IM. Whilst I still saw the importance of a medical organization standing to bring together various evidence based modalities to complement mainstream medicine of drugs, radiation and surgery, I felt the need to explore the individual’s significance and meaning of his/her illness. I witnessed the quintessential processes of a profound healing in many patients in the face death. I discovered that almost all illness had a base in fear and untruths about themselves or false beliefs about their environment. I learned to facilitate the pathways for individuals to explore their pain and anxieties. I was blown away as I witnessed
patients unfolding their life’s myth authentically. I saw patterns emerging that tied body symptoms and “targeted” body parts to emotions and specific belief systems that were often ultimately self negating; Whilst still utilizing complementary therapies for the physical body, I always found if they “dropped into” their physical sensations and emotion deeply enough they would experience quintessential qualities. These could not be described accurately with words. They were an embodied experience best described as an energy, peace, connection, gratitude, love, calm and an inner knowing.
Did this mean that doing this transformation will mean a cure? I found “yes” for some and “No” for those others who had other plans on higher realms for themselves.
At this stage of my vocation I can safely say that medical practitioners need to be Practitioners of Transformational. As such they respect and hold the process of illness as sacred alchemy with the patient being the Hero of their own Journey and the as midwife assisting in the patient’s metamorphosis to further embody greater awareness. My patients’ experiences taught me that death when it is timely is the ultimate celebration of life; and the importance of staying conscious when passing over. More over it is not our authority to say when patients die. And yet our responsibility as Transformational Medicine practitioners is to support life at all times with appropriate modalities of Integrative Medicine. Those who have undergone transformation and lived, seem to go on to live an everyday fearless, present and fulfilling life.
What is a sifu?
This is a name in China meaning 'Master' connoting the archetype of a wise old man highly venerated for his wisdom, knowledge and experience. A doctor in the old days in China were considered by many to be a sage. The story is that the doctor in those days was paid only when his patients were healthy. At the same time patients allowed themselves to be guided physically, mentally and spiritually by their physician. The patient was seen in the context of his whole family, his environment and his beliefs, and everyone got involved.
Do you think what IM is has changed or is currently changing?
Many patients are quite loyal to and dependent on their doctor’s outlook. As more and more practitioners begin to embrace their own journeys, I believe the natural process of investigating more deeply when the status quo does not heal will stretch the practitioner into more holistic transformational pathways.
What do you consider to be the biggest obstacles for IM moving forward?
1. Industry focus on a Sickness model as a business. 2. Lack of PBS or medicare funding for patients wanting to receive IM approaches 3. IM doctors being picked on by Medicare for spending time with patients Dr Margaret Jiin Ngu is a medical doctor and a Wellness Alchemist who has a passion to transform illness to wellness and pain into pleasure. Apart from her Transformational and Integrative Medicine practice, she facilitates the Transformational Journey and Inner Wisdom Retreats.
Healthy Living
tools to stay on track
Australerba Melliti
Australerba Melliti (singular Mellito), is an exquisite delicacy bringing you natural energy from the sunshine, flowers and herbs. Since the dawn mankind, honey and herbs have gone together, they come from the same source, the generous plant kingdom. Natural unrefined mellitoMainhoney has marvellous tonic and nutritional properties. When enriched with pure herbal extracts prepared in the ancient spagyric tradition, its properties are even further enhanced, according to the selection of the herbs. In many ancient cultures, herbs and honey have been combined for health and enjoyment. All classical systems of medicine, Chinese, Ayurvedic, Unani, Central Asian, Middle Eastern and traditional Western, know of such properties. Honey has a unique capacity to absorb and preserve the properties of the herbal extracts combined with it. In Ayurvedic Medicine, this property is known as yogavaha. In ancient Italy the combination of honey with herbal extracts became great favourites,
they were known as Melliti. Australerba Melliti contains genuine spagyrically prepared herbal extracts. Try their wonder flavours, their delicate natural taste, and experience what they can do for your breakfast table and your health and fitness. Visit
Transformational Medicine
Leading Edge Treatments for: *Anxiety, Stress & Depression *Arthritis *Diabetes *Heart & Vascular Disease *Chronic Infections *Cancer
InnerSelf tion: using UV C light to kill pathogens. *Oxidative Therapies: using medical ozone in autologous blood transfusion. *High Dose Vitamin C Infusions Leading Integrative Oncology therapies for Cancer:
* IPT Low Dose Chemotherapy : a gentler, kinder way of delivering chemotherapy that does less harm and needing only 10-15% of conventional doses, for those needing to have chemotherapy. These treatments are now available at Transformational Medicine Australia in Melbourne. Dr Ngu is a specialist Integrative Medical doctor of 31 years combining the best of medical with nutritional, botanical, oxidative, acupuncture and bio-energetic therapies. She and her team treats Anxiety, Stress, Depression, Arthritis, Heart Disease, Chronic Infections and Cancer to name a few.
www.transformational Clinic address: 305 Warrigal Road, Burwood, Vic. 3125. 03 9808 2188
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feed our bodies natural fuels. Fuels that are free from artificial colours, artificial flavours, added sugars, and added preservatives. ONNO BEHRENDS HEALTH TEAS are all natural! Our tea range is gluten free, sugar free, ethical and vegan friendly. Onno Behrends has over
Made of 100% premium grade Glucomannan) fibre, an all-natural fiber derived from the root of the Konjac plant. vegetable fibre derived from the Used in Japan for hundreds of years, the Konjac plant has been shown root of the Konjac plant, which has to have beneficial effects towards the management of Type II Diabetes, obesity, cholesterol and even constipation! shown beneficial effects backed The ZERO SLIM & HEALTHY RANGE contain only 5 calories per 100 by medical researches for Type II Slim&HealthyNoodles gram serve and have no carbohydrates. What also makes THE ZERO SLIMand & HEALTHY RANGE unique is Diabetes, Obesity Cholesterol. Ingredients: premium grade organic glucomannan fibre (from the root of Nutrition:
Per Serve
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Manufacturers and imp PO Box 146 organic Shirataki and Konja P 08 8120 0 pasta and Glucoman M Certifications: NASAA, BRC,FD E info@slimandhealth W www.zeroslimandhea JEL Inte www.slimandhealth PO Box 14
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Per Serve
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21 kJ 5 < 1g < 0.5g < 0.5g < 1g < 0.5g < 5mg
ZERO SLIM & HEALTHY NOODLES are the alm & carb Konjac/Shirataki noodles, rice and p manufactured by naturopath and publish Giardina. Made from the vegetable fibre of our noodles are certified organic and odourle packed in purified water in a BPA free packa
madeofcertifiin edorganic vegetable that they have none of the fishy taste centuries, that isarecommon othersoluble konjac the Konjac plant), purified water, fibrefromtheKonjacplant,whichquicklyleadtoasenseof products. fullness,butonlyprovide5caloriesper100gserve.Assuch, food grade calcium hydroxide.
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Drainthenoodlesandrinsefor1minuteunderrunnngwater. Patdrywithpapertowelandtheyarereadytoaddthemto yourfavouritesauceorstirfry.Odourlessandwithnoflavour oftheirown–theyeasilyabsorbtheflavoursofanysoup or dish. Youcanalsotrythe“Asiandryroastmethod”.Heatanonstick panandwhenhot,addtherinsednoodlesanddryroastfor aroundaminute.Whendry,theyarereadytoaddtotoyour favourite sauce or stir fry.
Avg Qty Servingsperpack:2.5 Serving Size: 100g per serving (10 Energy Protein Total Fat ofwhichSaturates Carbohydrates of which Sugars Dietary Fibre Calcium Sodium Gluten Soy Dairy Eggs
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INGREDIENTS: Purified water,water, Certifie INGREDIENTS: Purified (from thefibre root(from oftheKonjac Konjac the rootplant) of th Hydroxide. Food Grade Calcium Hydroxide STORAGE:Storeatroomtemperatur STORAGE: Store at packet. room temp fridge after opening Do
3 days in the fridge after openin freeze.
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Dian booth
Healing through Sound & Colour - the “Anami” Way. I have been researching and teaching Sound and Colour for Healing for over 30 years. My journey has been full of adventure, miracles and challenges. I offer Sound and Colour, not as a set system, but as a “Vehicle” on which anyone can discover their own pathway to Self-Healing. Recently I have been informed that my multi-layered approach is unique – in the sense that there is no name to describe it. I use the word ‘Anami’ which means Nameless Healing. Historically, this is a state of Spiritual bliss recognised in Indian spiritual systems. My book with this title is to be published this year. Workshop details available on request. Website: Email: Mobile: 0417 800 219
Christine Morrison
Christine has an extraordinary ability to play music your Soul needs to feel. “I know how to mould and shape energy with sound, being a musical alchemist seems the best way to describe it. I am able to tune into a group at a soul level and when I sing everyone hears sounds for their Soul.” She knows her music is a powerful healing tool. Twenty years ago she suffered from a debilitating illness and was intuitively given vibrational transformational tools to heal herself. Since then she has been assisting people to heal using sound, music and colour and founded the accredited “Soul Musicality” courses, teaching these techniques. “I sing in a soul light language that people seem to understand. People tell me that my voice takes them to a higher vibrational realm. When I start playing my dream harp people comment that the energy in the room changes and they feel a deep divine love fill their bodies.” Christine also takes groups to sacred sites where she is guided to sing to the land. She is holding a desert retreat in Central Australia in late April and a retreat in the Languedoc region (South of France) in September/October. For more information on Christine’s workshops, retreats, courses, or CD’s please visit www.christinemorrison. com and
Elisabeth Jensen
Best known as a psychic with three awards for her remarkable prophetic abilities and support of the Psychic Community Elisabeth’s main passion now is actually Psychic Healing – Researching, Studying, Practicing and Teaching Spiritual Healing and Medical Intuition. Trained first as a Registered
Nurse, Midwife and Community Health Nurse she has over 50 years’ experience in health care with 20 plus years’ experience teaching energy healing. Overcoming many major emotional and physical health disorders has inspired Elisabeth to teach others the healing methods she found successful. As a trance medium and channel with the ability to access information from many realms Elisabeth seeks to combine this with down to earth research methods for optimal results. Combining many approaches to spiritual, emotional and physical health care means her students are well prepared when they enter private practice to be highly successful Intuitive Healing and Hypnosis Practitioners.
Elisabeth Jensen is the Principal of Auset Temple Healing and Centre for Complementary Healing Studies. Teaching worldwide with a current focus on Adelaide, Melbourne and Singapore Elisabeth has led many Spiritual Journeys to Egypt and now takes groups to the Spiritual Hospital of John of God in Brazil. Read more on her website www. or “Like” her on Facebook for channelled messages & much more ElisabethJensenIMS Phone 08 83874318
Melissa Hocking
QBI Healing’s clinic in Melbourne, albeit using poetic license, it is almost like some kind of “God’s waiting room”. From around the world, patients of various ages with different illnesses, some in wheelchairs, some terminally ill, are waiting to experience a healing process known as the quantum bioenergetic balancing technique. Melissa Hocking Hughes herself, cuts an unforgettable figure. But the greater drama unfolds when the patient experiences the process, something she cannot truly predict. “I’ve seen people walk in with cancerous tumours and leave without them half an hour later. I’ve seen a gentleman come in with multiple sclerosis in a wheelchair and walk out. I’ve seen an autistic child, at the age of 12, speak for the first time during session. A very well known psychiatrist brought in five heavily medicated patients and each has had remarkable results…. We see healing on all levels - it’s amazing,” Melissa catalogues, without any hint of sensationalism. “This is genuine healing. Real results. A natural, non-invasive process, the quantum bioenergetic balancing technique is everyone’s gift to use in healing. For themselves. For others…” It is evident that hubris is not part
of her make up for Melissa makes it crystal clear she is not the “healer”. “I don’t have any delusions that it is me doing it. I put the patients in an amazing, genuinely unprecedented environment where they can heal themselves. I don’t mean to downplay what we’re doing here, but I’m just an ordinary person with an extraordinary gift.” Melissa has a unique personal perspective on healing having recovered from terminal disease a few times! At 19, she was diagnosed with uterine cancer, effectively a death sentence. Even if she survived, she was never expected to have children. Today, five children of her own are shining examples proving this particular prognosis wrong. The frequencies that come into play during the quantum bioenergetic balancing technique, as the name indicates, are based in quantum communication/mechanics. “What seems to be occurring in the healing process is an elevation in the patient’s DNA, causing a communication so the body can heal itself again of things that it used to heal itself from many centuries ago. Terminal illnesses, permanent disabilities, chronic diseases are no longer permanent or terminal or chronic.” Over the last decade Melissa, with QBI Healing, has been facilitating and teaching quantum bioenergetics across the globe, from the slums of India to hospital row in New York and all between. The process, the learning, the results have evolved exponentially. She says, “What I was doing a few years ago was extraordinary. What we are doing now is mind blowing.” “I have a gift that belongs to everyone. My job is simple: to show others how to do it.”
You now have a rare opportunity to learn from Melissa herself. This April 16/17 in Melbourne, Australia You have the opportunity to attend in intimate learning program of introduction: The Healer Within – The Facilitation Positions seriously limited. Secure Yours quickly Call now on 03 9005 8438 or info@ Article excerpt from :”Finding Balance” by J Silva “I’m here to simply remind people that they can heal themselves. We see them do it, again and again. Healing themselves. Bringing themselves back to health with incredible results.”
Marion Weatherburn
Psychic/ Clairvoyant/Medium Readings & Life Guidance I do not use Tarot Cards… Do you feel like you just need someone to talk to who will help put sunshine back in your life with some clarity and direction? Bring your questions = I will help you find the answers!
I am a local naturally Gifted Psychic/Clairvoyant Medium with over 30 years of Reading experience. I work at a professional level and am able to provide testimonials. I am located on the Fleurieu Peninsula. I am writing my first book about my life, Reading as a Psychic /Clairvoyant/Medium and the spiritual lessons associated with life! Each chapter of my book is a true Reading with a Testimonial to support the authenticity of the story. I know the work that I do has turned around the lives of many people. One Psychic Reading may provide you with more assistance, guidance, comfort, closure and direction than trying to work through your issues alone. I am passionate about my work with teenagers who are experiencing intense psychic awakenings and attack. Expect the Unexpected! The aim of Life Guidance is to provide you with an opportunity to find or be the real YOU! For further information, I can be contacted on (08) 8537 0715. Marion Weatherburn “Psychic Like No Other”
Cindy PelLas
Would you rather be doing what you love instead of doing your accounts and tax? Ta l k t o Cindy, she loves it! She has been around this community for over 20 years, speaks your language and helps you understand all that financial stuff. She can come to you and your first consultation is completely FREE! For further details visit my website at
Susanne Marie
Susanne Marie from Vital Harmony is a passionate Thetahealing® teacher and practitioner of many years experience. Susanne is a Thetahealing® Master and Certificate of Science in Thetahealing®. She teaches in Australia and internationally. Susanne uses her compassion, intuitive and healing abilities to bring about positive change and self-empowerment for all who desire it. She uses all of her many and varied life experiences to bring more value to the healing modalities she practices. She has been a regular contributor to Innerself for many years. Susanne offers Thetahealing® seminars from beginners to the highest level. She offers seminars, individual consultations, mentoring, house & business clearing and past life journeys & healings, as well as Massage Therapies. She can be reached on 0418 845 119. Website: . Email: Consulting and teaching at Payneham and Woodside.
Deanne Orenda
With a dream of creating a space for people to gather in community, and a passion for mantra and conscious music, visionary single mum Deanne Orenda launched Sonic Heart in late 2014. Sonic Heart is now part of a na-
tional touring circuit, presenting local, national and international artists at inspiring concerts, and transformational workshops in Adelaide. Sonic Heart’s intention is to inspire, uplift and connect… expanding hearts with the power of sound, word, music and mantra. Come along and raise your vibration, connect with like-minded souls, and enjoy uplifting conscious music, heart songs and chants! You will love it!
Belle McCaleb
Belle McCaleb ND, RN, MSS-C, BSN, R YT, AYT i s an Accredited Naturopath, Herbalist, Yoga Instructor, Yoga Therapist, Registered Clinical Counsellor & Registered Nurse. She has specialised in women’s health since 1986 with nursing qualifications in obstetrics, gynaecology and reproductive endocrinology and infertility. The founder of Cancer Support Alliance (www., Belle is also passionate about holistic cancer support and has worked extensively with cancer patients since 2003. Her counselling practice “Innersight Counselling & Psychotherapy” provides clinical counselling for a wide variety of life challenges & blends clinical counselling with the age-old techniques for wellness including breath-work, deep relaxation & meditation. (08) 8379 0220.
Marie Millikan
Marie’s Crystal Cave is the quaint ocean oasis of the South for your day wellness menu treatments and spiritual gift store. Marie provides an extensive crystal range and her vast knowledge will support you on your journey having you feeling revived and refreshed. Marie has worked passionately in the community for many years and invites people of all ages to visit her serene “Spiritual Centre of the South”. Marie has been practicing the Usui system of Natural Healing since 2004 and is a qualified Reiki Master/Teacher, Reiki being one of her specialities of expertise. Marie’s passion is obvious to all who have the pleasure of learning this wonderful technique for selfhealing and development. Marie’s Crystal Cave can offer you opportunities to enjoy the weekly groups and visiting practitioners for your wellness goals. Meditation, Ear Candling, Oneness Blessings & Aromatherapy are also available from Marie’s extensive repertoire of skills. Check out Marie’s Facebook page or come on down to the Crystal Cave and pick-up a current workshop brochure for the latest on offer. We invite you to this enchanting peaceful space of healing by the sea or you may just like to borrow a book from our spiritual and wellness range lending library have a cup of tea and a chat. Open 7 days 10am to 5pm 107 Esplanade, Aldinga Beach, South Australia Ph. 08 8556 5692 Email. “LIKE US ON FACEBOOK”
Susan Altschwager
Family Constellation. The jour-
ney home - back to our root the ancestors story our place of belonging our foundation to love life. Connecting back to the old story your history will take you to a deep place of belonging. Our family is a part of creating the history of life we all know. Having stories of wars, immigration, women’s business, men’s business and family business the progress of human life Great courage strength, and sacrifice lives in your family system. Our parents give life we take life. Our Mother’s song our fathers tune is passes on to us. Your mother sang to you telling you about how life was, her words touched your heart her song has a message about her mother too, your grandmother .you feel the family story in you, it teaches you who you are .what you believe about yourself ,how much of life is yours to have . Your Fathers tune you hear so clearly about life the story being passed on. Telling you how you connect to love and life, where you fit in the world your place of belonging. Susan’s a rear and brilliant teacher she creates a bridge between Past traumas and future possibilities, she is unique in her ability to create the most compassion and inspirational learning environment. Family Constellations is amazing process. Family Constellation Trainings, workshops and coaching Email 0488030471
Deborah Burrows
Embodiment, Connectedness and SelfAcceptance. Deborah has b e e n p ra c t i c ing her healing arts since the 1980’s. She regards herself as a sculptor of bodies and transformer of minds. Originally she trained in Adelaide and completed an Advanced Diploma of Remedial Therapies which emphasised the Body-Mind connection. Upon graduating Deborah quickly established herself as a practitioner with considerable ability. In partnership with her husband, Damian Carey, she helped train many students, specialising in Polarity Therapy and Deep Tissue Massage. Later in Canberra, Deborah completed her Yoga Teaching Diploma and immersed herself in Buddhist Metaphysics and Meditation practices, while raising two boys. Simultaneously she was building her local reputation as an extraordinary Remedial Massage practitioner. All of this training and experience culminated in an extended post graduate training in Radix Somatic Psychotherapy. “I work on many levels, reading the unconscious history of blockages in the body. I guide the patient’s own journey to facilitate the release of their charged emotion, which has often lain bound in the body from early childhood. This process is Shamanic, different for everyone, but the common experience is a sense of embodiment, connectedness and self-acceptance.” Deborah practices in Rose Park, Willunga and Aldinga. She can be contacted via deborahshealingarts@ or by visiting www.lifegate.
InnerSelf Debbi Kemp
Debbi Kemp, Cert IV in Wholistic Wellness, founder of Angelwhisperer Wholistic Wellness Services For anyone who is looking to feel better physically and emotionally who are dissatisfied living with constant and chronic pain. Her services are attuning the body, using only natural products that provides relief and mental harmony unlike some mainstream health options. Her service allows the body to return to its natural state of self-healing with the removal of toxins. All symptoms are derived in the same manner via toxins that show up in the physical, mental, emotional and spiritual body. These toxins can occur through our thoughts, our nutrition, our cellular memory or lifestyle. Relief can be achieved through a myriad of, and/or combination of services; Intuitive Counselling, Body Attunements, Neural Skeletal Therapy, Reiki, Chakra Balancing, Crystal Therapy, Channelling and Therapeutic Essential Oils. Debbi says: I believe my role in alternative health care is to hear the ‘whispers’ that our body has been trying to communicate to us that we have somehow consciously or unconsciously been overshadowed by our thoughts, feelings and lifestyle. I believe in treating the person as a whole and every presenting issue is individual. She also is a major animal advocate as a Guide Dog puppy raiser and Organiser of the NOT The Melbourne Cup Fundraiser, extending her services to our furry friends too. Mobile: 0408 830 900 Debbi Kemp Angelwhisperer Debbi Kemp Angel For Animals Therapeutic Services NOT The Melbourne Cup Adelaide
Milica Bilandzic
Reiki, Bach Flower Remedies and the Course in Miracles have been my guides, healers and teachers together with Meditation and Breath; I embarked on a journey to share my knowledge, compassion and Love to help others find themselves. Every time I healed, my desire for others to also feel that peace that comes through healing was enormous. Every time I walk on the beach, I desire others to also experience the peace and connection with nature & the positive energy of the sea. Regularly I take clients to Semaphore for Beach Therapy sessions; also I teach Reiki level One, Two and the Master/Teacher level and use Bach Flower Remedies for Energy healing. 15 years ago I heard a female voice that spoke to me in my right ear, in her beautiful clear gentle voice she said- You have nothing to fear my child, you are protected and you are gifted, and you are here to help others find themselves. And so it is that I have been on this path ever since. Phone 0418 891 967.
Barbara Simpson
“You are a beautiful soul having a human experience, you are boundless and limitless, you can and be anything you want”, The Empowerment Manual 2015. From a young age Barbara was
aware of the spiritual world and the beautiful gifts that she has been given. Barbara is a healer, hypnotherapist, author and a licensed Heal Your Life® Workshop Teacher. She started the first free Reiki clinic in a SA homeless and vulnerable person shelter. She is passionate about assisting others to overcome their challenges and issues so they can enjoy a wonderful life following their soul’s desires. She gently guides her clients with care and compassion and together works out a plan to help them move forward in a positive way. She gets huge satisfaction seeing her clients overcome their challenges and transform their lives. Each healing session is different and the focus is on the present. As Barbara is trained in various modalities she is intuitively guided to the best treatment to be provided to her clients. Tools are also given to clients for self-care at home. For an appointment or further information to light your path, contact Barbara on 0403 487 036, email or visit
Amanda Faerie
I’ve been working in the field for around 12 years, starting with people first and then many lost/injured animals started turning up on my doorstep for healing, thus started my animal work and donating my time to animal shelters/charities. I’m a Reiki and Seichem Master, Spiritual/Shaman Energy healer. I specialize in natural healing with both people and animals including intense long distance energy healing. My passion is teaching Reiki for humans and Animal Reiki w/ shops. I’m very interested in using Neuroplasticity, new neural pathways for the brain, helping Anxiety, depression, Strokes, brain injuries and addiction issues. Currently I’m gearing up for a new healing centre hub in the Western suburbs around Nov, and now looking for other practitioners to join us – please contact me on details below. I’m based at Fulham Gdns, I also provide guided meditation classes + private sessions for addictions, phobias & Child Birthing. See website for fees on different services. I run workshops each month in Human and Animal Reiki + weekly meditation classes. 0413 667 079
Audrey Rucker
It is important to take time out for yourself by having some “me” time, in whatever way is best for you. Reiki is a wonderful way to have time for yourself and receiving a healing treatment at the same time. Audrey of Inner Harmonee Healing is a Reiki Master and teaches one on one as needed. Reiki has many benefits as it works on all your levels, physical, emotional, mental and spiritual. Reiki can help you to work towards creating and restoring your body, mind and soul to spiritual wholeness and wellness. Reiki can kick start your body’s own natural healing ability.
Reiki works well with and enhances orthodox medical treatment. Audrey does Ear Candling where earwax and other impurities are drawn out of the ear canal by a partial vacuum created by the candle flame. It can be used to alleviate symptoms ranging from ear aches, sinus infections, and sinus pressure, sinusitis. Ear candling is overall a soothing, painless and totally relaxing experience. Audrey does Guided Visualisation Meditations and promotes an attitude of gratitude, being grateful each day for many blessings. Contact Audrey Rucker at Inner Harmonee Healing. Tel: 0428 220 733 W: E: F:
Kerri Chinner
What if you had someone who could help you find the treasures that were buried within the challenges of your everyday life? What if you could learn how to extract the nectar from whatever is showing up so that you could shift life at the Source? Hi I’m Kerri and I am a Soul Coach, BSW, National & International Hoffman Supervising Facilitator, & Shamanic & Energy Medicine Practitioner (having trained with Alberto Villoldo & the Amazon & Andean Shamans of Peru) and founder of ‘Inner Essence’ since 1996. I am passionate about nature, beauty and the energetics of existence. I am deeply attuned to the unseen world and my gift is to make the invisible visible. I am passionate about supporting women and men to remember who they truly are, live without apology, & to own their edge. I work exclusively with women and men who are ready and committed to dive deep, who LOVE being here (and who don’t mind rocking a bit of Sparkle!) Using a mix of powerful yet graceful ancient shamanic tools, I support you to shift deeply ingrained patterns by cutting straight through to the Soul’s issues. Offerings: Private Boutique Shamanic Healing Intensives, Soul Coaching Packages, 3 month Online Healing and Mentoring Program ‘Own Your Edge’, Staff Trainings. For more information: 0423 219 050 FB: Inner Essence Holistic Therapy
Jane Whiting
The Quality of Your Relationships = Your Quality of Life. How good would your life be if you had loving, fulfilling relationships? The quality of your relationships, especially primary relationships hugely impacts your sense of worth and the quality of your life, end of story. This is not related to outer circumstances but depends solely on the emotions and energy inside of you (your vibration) and arriving at a place of peace and acceptance within yourself, it’s a game changer. Taking responsibility for ourselves and our relationships is a tremendous act of self-love. We become the masters of our destiny. If you are looking for a proven
professional who can guide you to address: Programs and beliefs from your childhood that are limiting and self-binding; Mediocre relationships that undermine and undervalue your self-worth; Family and ancestral patterns of relationship issues, (they’ll be there) financial problems, low self-esteem and health problems that keep repeating themselves; Frustration that you have so much to offer and yet you haven’t a clue where to start … you’ve come to the right place. With well over 10 years’ experience working at the soul level (using guided meditation) with amazing clients and guiding them to achieve wonderful results, my mission and commitment is to empower as many women as possible to reclaim their feminine power, own their worth and experience the love they deserve within themselves and all their relationships. Contact Jane Whiting Relationship & Ancestral Healing Coach @ www. Ph. 0431 921 246 or email jane@ quantumcoaching
Shameela Khambharita
L o s e weight, get healthy and feel energised using the ancient wisdom of Ayurveda! Shameela Khambhaita is a Wellness Coach, Consultant, Entrepreneur and Public Speaker who immigrated to Australia in 2006 from the UK. After 15 years in the Clinical Research Corporate World, she founded her business Cherub Veda in January 2013. Incorporating her training in Pharmacology, Ayurveda, Hypnotherapy, Education and Business, Shameela has created a company that shares ancient wisdom through modern practice to develop a body / mind balance through coaching, personalized nutritional guidance and mind therapy for long term health and well-being. Here is a brief glimpse of her story. “If I see one more gym membership offer or new weight loss supplement, I think my mind will explode! Does this feeling ring a bell? Don’t despair…there IS a solution to health management that is simpler than you could ever imagine! After spending most of my life battling with weight fluctuations since childhood, I was about to give up all hope until I was introduced to the magic of Ayurveda. Yes, I did use the word magic. Why you ask? Well, it is because of Ayurveda, which literally translates to the science of life in Sanskrit that I have completely transformed, internally and externally, and continue to do so each and every day. It is because of Ayurveda, I wake up every day feeling excited, feeling alive, feeling at peace. It is because of Ayurveda, I am in love with life itself. It is because of Ayurveda, I managed to lose 22kg in under 3 months and dropped from 90kg to 68kg without a single protein shake or weight loss supplement in sight. Yes, that’s right, 22kg. This is not a typo! You may be a little sceptical, understandably as this sounds too good to be true. But it is true because it happened to me! It is because of the amazing results of my personal transformative journey, I now share the keys to my success with as many people as possible internationally through my Wellness Program called Transform Veda.”
April-June 2016
Shameela, Founder of Cherub Veda, can be contacted on 0458 365 927 or 8250 4373 for more information or a confidential discussion as she is ready to help you today! Shameela says “When you make a commitment to yourself, to become the best you can be, to free your mind from limitations, there isn’t anything you cannot do!”
Stephanie Jarrett
Life Alignment: A revolutionary tool for transformation. Life Alignment is a powerful energy healing modality that clears the ‘energetic dirt and clutter’ locked in your body from traumatic events that you - or your ancestors - have not fully processed emotionally, physically or spiritually. Just as it’s hard to live in a dirty, cluttered house it’s hard to live in an energetically cluttered body. We feel heavy, constrained and unable to ‘flow’. Life Alignment realigns us with our soul’s true purpose, dissolving the ‘filters’ that obscure our true Self. It provides a field for profound change, through identifying the root cause of energy imbalances that create illness, lack of personal fulfilment and negative relationships. It is our higher Self, alone, that knows the stories we hold in our subconscious library - where they are buried in our body, - and when we are ready to let them go. Through a gentle process of self-reflection we uncover the negative thought patterns that sap our energy and delay the changes we desire. Release from fear and doubt opens the heart to presence and trust. Life Alignment’s unique magnetic vortex tools and healing mat facilitate the movement of stuck energy so that the past trauma can be easily cleared and the body restored to vitality and ease. They also help protect us from geopathic stress and electromagnetic radiation. Reconnection with our life’s purpose brings clarity and vitality. Life Alignment can align your structure, strengthen your immune system, relieve pain, improve relationships, and identify the root cause of your issues to help relieve symptoms such as learning difficulties, allergies, sleep disturbances and hormonal imbalances. Ancestral Healing. Many clients have come with an indefinable ‘stuckness’ or distress that we have been able to trace back to the traumatic experience of an ancestor. Australians have either migrant or indigenous ancestry. Both these groups have suffered severe displacement, culture shock, grief and loss of identity. Ancestral trauma comes also from wartime experiences, family tragedies, violence, death of children, poverty, shame, guilt and mental and physical illness – all very common. Clearing these imbalances with Life Alignment transforms my clients’ lives but also releases their ancestors from lower realms and frees their descendants. If you’re committed to becoming more resilient and joyful; if you would like to help children or pets heal, book your first session (Goodwood, Kidman Park or Skype) today. Stephanie Jarrett 0432 385 646
Paula De Francesca
With Paula De Francesca’s background in Spiritual and
Intuitive Healing, Space Clearing, Mediumship and Holographic Kinetics this enables her to assist families in letting go of illness, pain and clear repeated patterns. Paula is able to remove negative energy that upsets homes, businesses and workplaces. All sessions are done remotely. Paula De Francesca 0408 870 988
Fran Tomlin
F r a n To m l i n • Quality Read has been involved Spiritual Guid in the paranor• Deceased Con mal and psychic • Psychic Dev C worlds since a • Past Life Reg • Soul Art & Ot very young child Qualificatio in Africa. It was an Counselli everyday occurINT rence to experiNOW ence Spirits around her ranging Phone: 0405687930 • E from full flesh apparitions, Angelic Facebook: Fran Tomlin Psychic M and Alien encounters, receiving astral art Lessons & ‘seeing’ the Supernatural. She fully committed to embracing this lifestyle both as a devotee, and professionally as a therapist, after 50 years of experiences, growth, study & research, approximately ten years ago. Nowadays she is known as the “Soul Whisperer” for her deep insightful, empathic and accurate readings, which in themselves become healings. One of her specialities is Past Lives and Patterning thereof. She also conducts Past Life Regressions. As a visual artist, Fran is also able to ‘see’ and channel a client’s individual Spirit Guides, painting them as portraits upon Commission. Having a Diploma in Advanced Counselling, Fran is known as a Spiritual Coach and teaches popular One day Psychic Development classes, as well as weekly Meditation/Spiritual Practice Sessions in Magill, also Soul Art & various other Empowerment w/shops. Readings are done at Kensington Pk, Goodwood & Paralowie. Having worked internationally, she is an accredited full professional member of the International Psychics Association, and the author of the “Healing Energies from the Crystalline Realms “ Meditation CD. ‘Fran Tomlin Psychic Medium’ . ** “Great Reading ,Highly Recommend” - M.S. “An Empowering Psychic Medium & Humble Teacher” – J.H. “Warm, Friendly & incredibly Accurate Psychic Medium, Highly Recommend” – M.H. “Incredibly Insightful, Wonderful experience, can’t recommend highly enough” – M.L. Contact her on 0405 687 930 or www. email at or Facebook page
Lina Todd
Lina is a clairvoyant medium and healer who channels information through her spirit guides. She was voted Psychic of the year (SA) in 2011. She has been psychic all her life but didn’t know what it was until in her thirties when she met a lady who became her mentor for many years. She is a member of the Australian Psychics Association. Lina has been reading professionally for about 25 years now. She channels information through her guides to provide insight into her clients lives and as a medium connects with their loved ones on the other side. Steve Ashby from Psychics Connect says “I am pleased to describe Lina as an accurate, confident reader whose manner is friendly, bubbly and uplifting.” Lina
InnerSelf is also a spiritual healer and a member of the South Australian Healers Association (SASHA). As a spiritual healing practitioner Lina prefers to be guided, making her healing work highly intuitive. Lina reads from the Eternal Spirit Goodwood on Mondays, Tuesdays and Fridays . For appointments phone Eternal Spirit on (08) 8271 9666.
Diane McCann
Diane McCann attended her first workshop at thirteen! For 55 years she has continued to both learn and share her vast knowledge worldwide. Recognised as a pioneer, having brought great speakers and seminars to Adelaide, in 1987 she created ‘The Goddess Within’ to empower women to live more consciously. Together with her husband Robert she co-facilitates Man’s Inner Journey and Tantra for Couples. Inspiring, empowering, humorous, with wisdom in both spiritual and health arenas, Diane brings out the full potential of those she works with. With a vision of world peace, she has an absolute passion for making a difference. For more details phone (08) 8248 1281 or visit
Lindy Poirier
L e t L i n d y Poirier improve your life!.With well over 12 years of experience Lindy Poirier runs a resultsdriven private Psychotherapy practice. Lindy’s passion and talent for helping people has developed into a rewarding and successful career. With warmth, empathy and insight Lindy addresses the cause of your problem and assists you to overcome your emotional issues, break sabotaging behaviour and gain freedom and confidence. She is committed to improving your life - emotionally, mentally, physically and spiritually. Lindy integrates a range of highly effective techniques into her therapeutic approach to achieve personal awareness and positive changes and growth; creating the ideal outcome for you. These include: counselling, EFT/TFT, cognitive therapy - the power of positive thinking, deep relaxation, hypnotherapy and past or current life regression. Lindy’s affordable therapy is usually short term and can achieve fast, yet permanent changes. She specialises in treating: anxiety, stress, depression, fears, phobias, panic attacks, grief, loss, deep sadness, pain, fatigue, trauma, low confidence and self-esteem, relationship and work problems, lack of motivation/direction, weight control, bullying, anger, smoking and other addictions, obsessions, worry, guilt, mental and emotional burnout and
Not coping? Need help? Call Lindy: 0422 070 942
Linda Brook
In todays world it can be difficult to just BE, relax, chill. I offer a number of Therapies, in a peaceful, tranquil environment, to help you regain your centre, happiness, joy and bliss. Inspirational Readings for insight into your life. Meditation to calm the mind. Simple techniques that really work. Reiki healing sessions, restoring peace, tranquility. Workshops Reiki I, II and III. Massage: Therapeutic, Aromotheraphy, Hot Stone. Healings to strengthen and align your light body and increase your vibrational frequency. For Appointments call: 0414912898. Heather Frahn Heather Frahn is an Australian Certified Sound Therapy Practitioner, Award Winning Vocalist, Songwriter, and Musician part of the Conscious Music Movement, and Meditation Guide specialising in Sound as an instrument for Mindfulness and Insight.
Natalie NortonBaker
Natalie Norton-Baker is an outstandingly accurate Psychic Medium in Adelaide, Australia with over 45 years of experience. She is a recognised TV Celebrity Psychic Medium, that appears on TV and expos regularly and also works from home in Australia and internationally, lovingly helping her clients in many different aspects of the metaphysical spiritual realm. Natalie was presented with the 2008 Australian Psychic Association Psychic Hall of Fame Award for her dedication, accuracy and commitment to her mystical gifts over all the years. As a natural psychic medium in Adelaide, Natalie uses her skills and abilities to be able to work hands free and then links in to her clients life force energy (aura) and their angels and spirit guides and through working with them she is then able to hear, see, feel, sense, smell, taste, has profound visions and insights, and can connect with her clients passed over loved ones where she is able to pass on any messages or answers to questions that the client is needing to know. Tel: (08) 88365-3656 Mobile: 0419-889-511
by Lorraine Webb It is becoming very clear that this is a time for people to take stock of what is their responsibility and therefore their business and what is not. So many of us assume responsibility for others while often lacking focus on what is required for self care. I get to see with my clients how these lines are confused as the focus is shifted from self and personal responsibility to trying to ‘fix’ others, particularly family members. We become powerless when we see issues with others that we cannot fix and yet we continually try feeling that because we can see the issues that somehow they should take our guidance or direction. It can be so frustrating but also it takes us away from knowing where our power lies and where it doesn’t. We can assist others when they reach out to us for assistance but the truth is those around us that are on a destructive course will not listen until they are ready to hear. It is difficult to stand by and watch another do things that are not in their best interest, but at times we all need to walk a path that is not right for us to then find our way back to our Divine path. We cannot ‘save’ another, but we can walk with them as Jesus, Lord Sananda did, showing that they are not alone. In this we need to be aware that it is so easy to loose oneself and your own journey while trying to ‘save’ another. You can go deeper into this ‘saving’ concept and consider this, what are you ‘saving’ them from? What if, this person needs this difficult path, what if in your attempts to ‘save’ you are assisting in the delaying of the ultimate progress of that person? What if no matter how it appears to you that person is always divinely loved and protected by Divine beings above? What if what is occurring is exactly what needs to happen right now, regardless of how you may view it? What if your view is distorted as you are emotionally hooked into this situation. What if you bring it back to yourself and ask “What is my fear around this situation? Is it real? Is it illusion? What is the worst case scenario in this situation? If I am emotionally connected to this situation what is the les-
son for me in all of this? Finally, you can ask of yourself “How can I find peace in this situation?” Remember if you are unable to work through the above there are amazing therapists that can assist in finding your answers to these questions. It takes an evolved being to consider the questions at all, so be brave, step out of fear to ALL IS AS IT IS MEANT TO BE. It is good to be clear within oneself as to what your personal responsibility is and what our Creator holds you responsible for. I like to use the analogy of the ‘sand box’, you are responsible for your sandbox and those that are in it. Your first responsibility is always to ‘self’ for if you are not right you will not have the energy to support another. Then comes responsibility to your under age children, then your partner. It is this simple, yet we complicate it so. Yes you can assist other family members if and when they reach out to you, or friends. Yes you can give in service to others, but we must always take care of our ‘sand box’ first, it is never at the expense of our ‘sand box’. Now is a time for all souls to step into the power of who they really are, releasing all that no longer serves them, releasing the past, healing all the pain, anger and grief that has controlled and limited us. We are in a time of the ‘dividing of the souls’, some will understand the full meaning of this, others may just feel that this is a time to hurry up as a feeling of missing out on some level is felt. Follow your inner guidance, reach out to those that can assist you in ‘Awakening to Reality’. AWAKENING TO REALITY is a one day workshop I will be conducting at Broadbeach on the Gold Coast, Sunday 21st May, where I will be showing participants how to use their mind in a constructive way and how to release and open oneself to another reality. The message I am getting is that this is a time to spread the love and healing for all. If you are living in Queensland and would like some direction and questions answered on your life, your purpose and your healing path do contact me 08 8342 4109 or email me
Transforming Life on Earth
My name is Freya Sampson, thank you for joining me here today. I am grateful for the opportunity to participate in Women Making A Difference. My hope is our shared time will bring benefit and grace to your world. I am the Custodian of A New Eartheart NFP Foundation, a socio-environmental organisation, which is the change vehicle that my team and I work with to make a difference in our world. As a child, I struggled to make sense of the fact that my experience of the world was in contrast to my understanding of the expectations of my family, teachers and the media. My ‘normal’ was seeing auras of people, trees and animals. The conversations I have with animals often make a lot more sense than the ones I had with humans. I didn’t have pets, so I’d called in wild animals and other people’s pets and befriended them. If animals were sick I would heal them or help them until they passed. My ‘normal’ was and is seeing and speaking with deceased people and non-physical beings who are in the astral dimension. I see beliefs and thought forms in people’s energy fields and know what they are thinking and feeling. Before I grew to understand people, it was a strangeness to me to hear humans say the opposite of what they were really thinking and feeling. I thought people were crazy and they thought the same of me. When I reached puberty, I desperately wanted to be normal, so I tried to suppress and destroy these weird abilities I had. I didn’t realize that in doing so I was destroying myself. Between the ages of 12 and 23, it was a rough ride. Every time I was in a potentially fatal situation, something happened to prevent me from being mortally harmed. My guardian angel (I think there was a team!) was working overtime. At 23 everything changed. I experienced, what the mystics in India call a massive kundalini awakening. I was living in Australia as a member of a family which was very ‘normal’ with no experience or awareness of this phenomenon. I finally felt myself, yet to everyone else, I seemed anything but! I had worked so hard to forget and suppress my truth that I actually did. I really believed my own self-deception. It came as such a shock when it all came rushing back. It was like being struck by lightening. Inside it looked like a giant DNA spiral and felt like someone had plugged into my crown and hit the download button on the creation program and, within a nano-second, my life flashed before my eyes. I hit the floor and burst into tears. I thought I was dying, then I realized that I was feeling the pain of every human being, every dis-ease, broken heart and tortured conscience, all at once. Thankfully,within an instant, I shifted and emerged out of the pain body of humanity and touched grace. This light, the spirit of humanity/Earth where bliss and peace reigned. In that moment I realized that most of the people on Earth had forgotten this, their truth. Most of us were trapped in pain and separation. I knew then my life’s purpose, I remembered my promise to help as many people as I could to remember their truth. That’s when life really began, as did my own inner work! It‘s why Eartheart exists. What I realized during and following this awakening is this. The macrocosm / microcosm and beyond when we look through a microscope at a
single cell we see the same thing at a micro-microcosmic level. This is the holographic nature of creation. Each person can change their experience of life by cleaning up and aligning their multi-dimensional bodies, within their corresponding dimension. In doing so we can touch grace, remember and live our life’s purpose! The condition of ones own atmosphere directly relates to the condition of the atmosphere in our home, our community, our country and our world. Be the change you want to see in the world means to become peaceful within your own atmosphere and thereby contribute directly to the mood/atmosphere and shared environment on planet Earth. Every time I clean up a belief that is negative, the whole world benefits. Everything Eartheart offers, including assisted-passing, clearing land-home-business, helping disincarnate spirits or beings return to light, healing; crystal-dreaming, atlas-alignment, scalar therapy, light therapy, energy-healing or empowerment training, music, cultural / environmental community service, hosting of international/national guests who are world leaders in their field or offering community opportunities to participate in selfless-service, are each ways we are helping to clean up our personal and thereby global environments. In these ways, Eartheart community and volunteers are contributing to world peace and transforming life on Earth. Thank you for your time. Blessed Be.
A New Eartheart NFP Foundation Ltd Eartheart Empowerhouse 3 Henry St, Fremantle, WA +61 412 440 118
2016 is a Big Year for Change
by David Lane
Reconnective Healing
by Julie Jara
Why do we ingest poisons to get well? It seems counter-intuitive at best. We’ve become so desensitized by our no-pain-no-gain attitudes that the onslaught of elective surgeries and pharmaceuticals with frightening repercussions don’t cause us to bat an eye. But when we mention the word “healer,” eye rolling and images of flowing robes, crystals, incense and wands ensue. This skewed perception leads us to accept temporary, often counterproductive, treatment over actual healing. We need to understand that the body heals itself. For example, a cast on a broken ankle allows it to be protected while the bone repairs itself. The philosophy behind Reconnective Healing® (RH) stems from this concept that true healing is recovery: a return to an optimal state of balance, health and vitality. Prescriptions, implants and chemical injections can cover up symptoms, but they don’t correct the root of an ailment. Reconnective Healing is a new approach to healthcare that utilizes elements at hand in our natural environment. RH focuses on the direction of light, energy, and vibration as components of healing that can return us to balance from physical and mental ailments: cancers, AIDS-related diseases, epilepsy, rheumatoid and osteoarthritis, chronic fatigue and emotional affliction. Call it natural or alternative healing, but in the end, Reconnective Healing is healthcare – not magic. “Most doctors don’t light a candle or look at your chakras before they treat you,” explains Eric Pearl. “They don’t wave their hands around you to ward off evil because that has nothing to do with most medical practices. Science and health do not have emotions. There isn’t good and evil in science, and today’s healers no longer need to do these things either. What we do has nothing to do with faith, hope or belief. It just is.” Reconnective Healing isn’t a theology but a branch of medical science. In a study conducted by Gary Schwartz, Ph.D., Lab Director of Advances in Consciousness and Health at the University of Arizona, researchers measured the longevity of four groups of leaves that had been taken from the same tree. The control leaves were left to die naturally, and they perished in 3-12 days. The second set of leaves had gone through sessions of Reiki, and they displayed a quick start to recovery, even becoming greener, but this faded quickly. The third set went through Qi Gong, and while recovery started more slowly than with Reiki, the leaves stayed vibrant for a longer time. However, when Reconnective Healing was applied to the fourth set, the healing
began quickly, some leaves regenerating roots, and their life-spans lasted up to 90 days. This distinguished ability to heal takes approximately five days to acquire. In another study conducted by Dr. Schwartz, participants were blindfolded as RH Frequencies were applied to their hands. Using Reconnective Healing, the practitioner moved his hands over the subject without physically touching him, and the recipient was asked to determine by “feeling” whether the frequencies were applied to his left or right hand. On the first day, recipients were able to determine the correct hand at a 65% accuracy rate. By the fifth day, however, the accuracy rate had grown to 95%. This apparent learning curve further determines the presence of healing energy, because only something of substantial existence can be learned over time. The most astonishing thing about Reconnective Healing, however, is not its proven ability to heal, but how easily it can be learned. The gift of Reconnective Healing has been taught to more than 100,000 people in over 75 countries. A two-part training program allows for participants to discover and explore RH Frequencies and even open up their own healing facilities. This growing society has been featured on CNN, The Dr. Oz Show, and in the New York Times. The beauty of Reconnective Healing lies in its simplicity and the fact that anyone can access this gift of healing. We don’t need to drain our bank accounts or develop dependencies on external substances. We can acquire and give the ability to think more clearly, have greater range in motion, and obtain athletic peak performance by enrolling in a training program. This summer, Dr. Eric Pearl and the Reconnective Healing teaching team will be in Sydney from July 22-26. They’ll be hosting a 5-day comprehensive training program at the InterContinental Sydney. Night one features three and a half hours of presentation, discussion, and demonstrations on the science of Reconnective Healing. This is followed by two days of Level I training, wherein participants learn to work with the frequencies themselves. Level II is advanced training to become a Foundational Practitioner.
There are a lot of positive and negative situations and outcomes happening in the world at the moment. 2016 is shaping up to be a very significant year indeed. There are major exposures relating to corruption in many areas; including the corporate, political, financial, sporting and religious worlds. Sexual abuse plus the associated cover-ups lasting many decades is also being exposed. The Syrian war and the associated mass refugee problem that is sweeping Europe is another crisis that is unfolding. It is hard to see into the future however; everything has a positive to it and a few years from now we will be able to look back and see the bigger picture which will include the positive aspect to all this chaos. It is not hard to see the positives in all these ‘exposures’ but it is not easy to find anything positive in the Syrian war and refugee crisis. There is a lot of cleansing going on in the world and it is uncanny how the timing of these events coincide with the new higher vibrating energies that are moving into our earth plane at the moment. I believe that this is much more than a co-incidence. I wrote an article for the ‘InnerSelf’ Jan- Mar edition of 2011. It was about the relevance of the biblical prophecy associated with the numbers ‘666’ and how they may be referring to 2016 and not 2012 as many thought. The premise was on the application of numerology to 666. In numerology these numbers add up to 9 which is a completion number. I also referred to Dec 2012 as the starting point of a four year cycle (as referred to in the New Testament book of ‘Revelations’) which would finish at the end of 2016. Well I have more information for you. Upon reflection; A new higher energy started to flow in during late Dec 2012. I have spoken to some light workers and colour healers who started to automatically use the ‘Gold Light’ in their healing work. I had experienced the same thing in my healing work. This sud-
den change from the ‘White light’ to the new “Gold Light’ fits with the belief that late Dec 2012 was going to be the start of the ‘Golden age’. Another phenomenon started on 27th Sept 2015. A new flow of the ‘Sacred Feminine’ (love energy) associated with the Christic energy, started to enter the earth plane. This flow will last for exactly one year and the flow will peak (its strongest point) during the June solstice this year. The completion date for this energy flow is 27 – 09 – 2016. If we apply numerology to that date then we get – 27 (2+7 = 9) – 09 (= 9) – 2016 (2 + 0 + 1 + 6 = 9). Thus we have 999 which in numerology also adds up to 9. The number 9 is a completion number and because every part of it add up to 9 then it is a very powerful or an absolute completion number. The end of 2016 is also the end of the four year cycle. There is channelled information coming in from the 6th and 7th dimensions which supports this understanding and that everything is going to plan. They are communicating to us that there is no stopping these energies now. That
is good news those of us who believe that the Human Race will go through a change to a higher vibration and consciousness. Once the energy influx is completed towards the end of this year then it will be up to us as to what we will do with it. We will still be in ‘choice’ because our ‘free will’ won’t be taken away from us. It will be very interesting to see what happens in the world around the June solstice. We may need to buckle up our seat belts and it will be of utmost importance to stay very focused on the ‘Positive’. Our thoughts will be very strong at this time and we will be able to create (manifest outcomes) much quicker and easier than normal. 2017 is a number 1 year in numerology which is a ‘beginning year’; a year that we will start to
utilise the new energies and write our own new history. Some interpretations of the Mayan cyclical calendar suggested that this time would be a new beginning where the Human Race would create its own destiny; a destiny that is not prophesied. The good news is the positive forces will be with us and the new sacred feminine and Christic energies will be like the wind in our backs, gently helping us walk our new path. David Lane’s journey into higher consciousness includes many understandings drawn from a diverse range of information. He believes that we are all individuals who have come to tread our own unique path. David’s book is titled ‘Personal Power’. It is about how we evolve our consciousness and how to monitor our journey and is available online.
Personal Power
connecting to the creative force within • describes the journey into self empowerment plus the tools to get there
Free postage in Australia Order online as an e-book or soft cover. More information at:
David Lane
Laneway to Personal Power Mobile: 0414-352211
For more information, please visit If you have questions, contact your local practitioner, Julie Jara at Julie@ or +61 403 312 316.
April-June 2016
PsychicRealms with Elisabeth Jensen Dip App Science (Community Health Nursing)
EXTRAORDINARY HEALINGS IN THE SPIRITIST TRADITION The first Spiritist Centres in Brazil were established about 120 years ago inspired by the writings of the Frenchman Hippolyte Denizard using the pen name of Allan Kardec. His books The Spirits Book, The Mediums Book and The Gospel Explained by The Spiritist Doctrine were published between 1857 to 1865 and rapidly gained popularity in Europe. Rather than a Religion, Spiritism is a way of life of service to others by cultivating the gifts of energy healing and mediumship. Mediumship training in the Brazilian Spiritist Centres is offered free but it’s an intense three years of study with the focus being on receiving healing energies and messages mainly from high level “Benevolent Entities” and releasing any negative discarnates around or within their patients. Healers are also trained to give energy healing passes to patients with a range of moderate diseases right through to Cancer and Schizophrenia. There are thousands of Spiritist Centres in Brazil that many people attend by either donation or for free to receive treatments. There are even specific Psychiatric Hospitals utilising medication combined with Spiritist Treatments that document highly successful outcomes. Treatment takes time still in most situations – from about one week to several years.
The best known of these is the Casa de Dom Inacio in Abadiania, Brazil also best known as the Casa of John of God, the world famous Psychic Healer. Casa simply means House and Dom Inacio is Saint Ignatius – yes, the Roman Catholic Saint famous for starting the Jesuit Order. Many Brazilians are Roman Catholics and combine their Spiritual Beliefs with Spiritist Traditions of Alternative Health Care and Personal Spiritual Evolution. While most centres are headed up by one very gifted Healer and Medical Intuitive they are supported by many other highly trained healers and mediums as they do their healing work. Many centres are located in areas that are known to be portals for higher level Spirits to visit and in the case of the Casa of John of God over many crystalline rock beds. So they naturally support the healing work of humans and the intense Healing Current builds up in the surrounding area. In Abadiania the whole town is known to be part of the Spiritual Hospital of the Casa and the healing works even as the visitors sleep in their surrounding Pousadas or Hotels.
By acting as Human Batteries Healers and Mediums in Spiritist Centres generate much healing energy during meditation that spreads throughout a large area and draws many Saints, Angels and Evolved Spirits to assist during Spiritual Healings and Surgeries. Only a
very few healers in recent times offer physical surgeries like John of God does but many of the Spirits who attend were often Medical Doctors themselves in Past Lives so know how to do these things invisibly still. Sitting in Current is a highly beneficial process for the Healers and Mediums as well as it allows the Benevolent Entities to give them healing as well. There are a number of well documented cases of patients being healed of life threatening diseases such as cancer simply by sitting in the current at the Casa of John of God. These profound healings can also occur at other Spiritist Centres as well.
Sometimes clients diagnosed with psychiatric conditions in the Spiritist Tradition – as in the Shamanic Tradition also – are recognised as really powerful mediums that do not realise their abilities plus fear and stress draws mischievous spirits to them causing confusion and they receive harmful and hurtful messages instead of positive ones. The work of Dr Emma Bragdon PhD* in her book Spiritism & Mental Health is an excellent resource on this complex topic.
Courses in Adelaide, Melbourne and in Singapore plus leads Spiritual Pilgrimages to the Casa of John of God in Brazil. For more details please visit or www. Phone 08 83874318. *Emma Bragdon PhD will be teaching in Australia in April Please visit
ACCESS YOUR FUTURE TODAY Your important questions anwered accurately and quickly. Readings may be taped so Cinzia’s gentle guidance lasts
Satisfaction assured or no fee charged Special Discount Please mention inner self when booking to receive a discounted 1 hour reading By appointment only
Phone 0410 456 540 North Adelaide
Spiritists do much healing work in specific hospitals in Brazil and now USA. I see their system of energy healing methods being similar to Therapeutic Touch that as a Registered Nurse I used in many hospitals and taught to many Nurses. The main different was Mediumship and Spirit Releasement was not acceptable in hospital situations then so eventually I needed to move into private practice to continue my healing work. As I continue my research to study the healing methods of the great Spiritist Healers such as John of God I invite you to consider that much of our healing needs to come from our own Soul. So while modern medicine continues to reply on chemical and surgical methods to heal in reality with a little Spiritual help many health conditions respond very well or even with a much higher success rate without these interventions. It is my hope that the more affordable and spiritually uplifting path of Energy Medicine will play its rightful part in the future of Health Care in Australia as it does in other parts of the world and has done for thousands of years in the past.
Q & A with cinzia vuat Dear Cinzia , Please can you help me as I have had lots issues with finding a long term partner it always seems to start OK but then they are either real problems for me (controlling etc) or they end the relationship and they walk away suddenly Please can you see a future long term partner I can have a loving connection with ? Sandra, HECTORVILLE
Hi Sandra I’m sorry to hear your struggle in this area of your life and I have good news! 2016 is your year for success in this relationship area. Your guides tell me a gentle kind man who may be a tiny bit younger than you (but very compatible!) a happy contented man, will come into your life around the middle of the year, it is being shown to me so it’s definitely going to happen. While looking at that, I also picked up that your work situation has improved and continues to do so, money is improving along with you also getting a training or learning development certificate in regards to your workplace so things are definitely looking up in this area. As your year clears up and keeps improving your man appears like magic. I get when I look into it deeper that he appears in your life because he “fits in” into this more settled and drama free environment. I’m so happy for you... just trust me. My love and best wishes, it’s sure going to be a big year! Cinzia. Hi Cinzia , Please can you help I have a concern with a claim I have made against a professional person in regards to a confidential matter. I wonder if you can pick it up and if you can see an outcome one way or the other, it would help me tremendously thank you. Barbara, CROYDON
Dear Barbara Yes sweetie, I can pick it up, please stay strong, the guides show me legal symbols courts. Etc. This is not an easy battle to win, but it is winnable if you stick it out. Guides tell me you have a legitimate legal right to sue this person, in fact I’m being shown others that also have been negligent that you are complaining about and you are correct! I believe the system is trying to wear you down and have you believe you can’t succeed and that they have the big lawyers and all the money to do just that...namely that you should just give it up.
ELISABETH JENSEN is the Principal of Auset Temple Healing and also teaches her Angel Miracles and Hypnosis
NEVER GIVE UP. Through this process you are a voice for doing the right thing not only to you but also on behalf of those others who in the past and future may have been or will be the subjected to the same. Stand with a strong heart be brave the UNIVERSE IS WITH YOU LOVE IS YOUR TOOL I’m with you sending you healing courageous energy . My love always Cinzia
Dear Cinzia , Thank you so much I don’t know how to thank you !!! I came to you after seeing your ad in the InnerSelf and you saved my life. I wasn’t even into psychics but was desperate so I came to you. I was broken at the time, having lost my marriage and then suddenly my health was deteriorating... and I cannot believe how accurate you were about everything. Mostly, on the personal front, I had no idea what was going on behind my back and that I was being led on again by another woman. Being in such a vulnerable position you not only helped me see the situation I was really in..and to see it clearly, but you gave me advice through my “guides” (which I didn’t believe in either!). Through your gentle counselling I also received advice that has led me to turn my life around in less than 5 months. I’m not the same man. Thank you. And as for the woman you saw coming, you described her exactly to a “T”. Her nationality, her accent, her looks..all SPOT ON. We are together now and I’ve never been so happy. I think about you often and I smile and ask the Angels to bless your life as you certainly are an EARTH ANGEL to me. Forever in your debt, cheers. Jack (name and address withheld by request) As a child Cinzia suffered from selective mutism, frightened to speak, her healing search began and intensified after a near-death experience resulted in awakening her uncanny psychic ability, now a psychic medium Cinzia is available to Innerself readers who have a pressing question they would like answered. Please indicate in any email whether you give permission for extracts to be published and pseudonym if required. Reply emails also welcome. Phone: 0410 456 540
Psychics, Mediums & Clairvoyants in SA Barbara Lynne
Clairvoyance, Ta r o t , A s t r o l ogy, Numerology, Past Lives, Photo Readings, Spiritual Guidance. I was born in Adelaide to a strict Anglican family, I was always confused about the colours and images that I used to see around people and hid that from an early age. My clairvoyance was kept hidden until I went to a well known Tarot reader in Adelaide. The reader did a rare 78 card spread, one of two he’d everyone in his life. After he started reading, I remember reading the cards myself, it bought all clairvoyance out into the open . That was 25 years ago. I have been reading and teaching ever since. I do combined readings using Clairvoyance, Astrology, Intuitive Tarot and Spiritual Guidance. I am able to access Past Lives through the Aura to give insight into how Past Lives are affecting our present one. I am dedicated to helping people, whether it is what life has in store for them or guidance on a particular issue. I read and teach in SA, WA and NT. I teach Intuitive Tarot, Psychic Development from A – Z and Meditation. I am currently based in the Adelaide Hills at Mt. Barker. My Totem is the Dragonfly. They are the messengers of change. When Dragonfly enters our lives, it is time to dig deeper, lift the illusion of suffering and believe in or limitless divinity. For further information on classes or readings phone Barbara Lynne on 0416 093 330.
Fran Tomlin
F r a n To m lin has been involved in the paranormal and psychic worlds since a very young child in Africa. It was an everyday occurrence to experience Spirits around her ranging from full flesh apparitions, Angelic and Alien encounters, receiving astral art Lessons & ‘seeing’ the Supernatural. She fully committed to embracing this lifestyle both as a devotee, and professionally as a therapist, after 50 years of experiences, growth, study & research, approximately ten years ago. Nowadays she is known as the “Soul Whisperer” for her deep insightful, empathic and accurate readings, which in themselves become healings. One of her specialities is Past Lives and Patterning thereof. She also conducts Past Life Regressions. As a visual artist, Fran is also able to ‘see’ and channel a client’s individual Spirit Guides, painting them as portraits upon Commission. Having a Diploma in Advanced Counselling, Fran is known as a Spiritual Coach and teaches popular One day Psychic Development classes, as well as weekly Meditation/Spiritual Practice Sessions in Magill, also Soul Art & various other Empowerment w/shops. Readings are done at Kensington Pk, Goodwood & Paralowie. Having worked internationally, she is an accredited full professional member of the International Psychics Association, and the author of the “Healing Energies from the Crystalline Realms “ Meditation CD. ‘Fran Tomlin Psychic Medium’ . **
“Great Reading ,Highly Recommend” - M.S. “An Empowering Psychic Medium & Humble Teacher” – J.H. “Warm, Friendly & incredibly Accurate Psychic Medium, Highly Recommend” – M.H. “Incredibly Insightful, Wonderful experience, can’t recommend highly enough” – M.L. Contact her on 0405 687 930 or www. email at or Facebook page
Kate’s Psychic Connections
Growing up I was always ridiculed for being an empath. I am able to connect to my clients on a deeper level. I receive my information in a number of different ways. I work with guides & have the ability of inner sight & hearing. This is also a great asset for Theta Healing. Theta removes deep emotional & physical pain including pain from trauma & abuse. Enjoy instant results without consuming medication. Photo readings is also another aspect of my readings. For more information/to make a booking phone 0429 406 975. au
Abracadebra Says
It was fabulous & humbling to receive the Australian of the Year Nomination again this year for Achievements & Successes in Changing & Saving lives with my latest powerful energy emotional clearing procedures, that are needed so much at the moment as all our emotions are coming up to the surface to be cleared eg rages, anger, domestic violence, family abuse, depression, anxiety, selfsabotage blocks etc.. I’m so glad I can help people & contribute my gifts & be of service on the planet. It’s all our destiny’s to help the people in some way and it’s the only way to receive your true inner fulfilment & satisfaction! It’s been a big emotional start to the year already, 2016- the Year I’m calling, ‘Either Clear or Crumble, You Choose!’ Clear your Emotions or your body will Crumble! It’s all about doing the Clearing ACTIONS this Year, or nothing is going to change! So Clear Your Way to the Joy! So to survive this year & on, get with the program: - We all need to be 5min Chakra Clear Dancing with me every day, so you don’t explode emotions out onto loved ones or anyone near you, The chakras are filling up constantly and you could need to do this a few times each day to keep
stable, healthy & happy. My CD/ DVD, you can do with me is avail at my website - We all need to have Super Protections in place, know how to manage Energy Swapping, if you’re an Empath, how to Stop taking on other peoples stuff, know the Energy Cycles, learn Space Clearing, how to only attract positive in your life, how to Connect with your own Higher Self Truth, Intuition & heaps more. Get these daily secret energy tools & information to progress easily in your life, with my Spiritual Energy Psychic Awakening Workshop. ‘You can’t see energy but can sure feel it.’ - I’m now also teaching my work, what I do, so if you’d like to learn & help yourselves and others or if you’d like to Power Up your own work to the latest. I’m now also teaching Counsellors, Psychiatrists, Naturopaths, Life Coaches, Clairvoyants, and Vets to add the missing link of Clearings to their already good work. Further Workshop details are at my website. - And we all need to clear the deeper level of the Past, the big stuff, with a powerful Body Attunement session, also done remotely. Clears the bigger emotional issues when they are up and the priority is for all to have an Abundance & especially the Heart Chakra Clear-
ing as all our hearts are full and overflowing with held in emotions and are manifesting into heart area health issues. We all need this urgently, Book your session Now, - And my Blast Your Stress Audios, I’ve just added a Coping Clearing Audio for all to do right now whilst we are in the intense Full Moon and Eclipse Season energies, or you can clear with this whenever you’re needing .
You’ve heard the expression, when in doubt, do nought. Nought meaning nothing. I was planning to write about EXPECTATIONS . However the enormity of all that encompasses opens wide like the mouth of an Anaconda, disappearing into its own body as if down a never ending abyss into darkness. Such is my imagination. It felt so daunting I almost decided to do nought. There are soooo many forms of expectation. Certainly the ones dealing with the everyday i.e what to eat today ? or “ if i follow this programme 100% i will lose so many kgs “ are not what my intention is in regard to being addressed here. So i decided not to do nothing, instead this article combines expectation and acceptance. Total opposites. This brings me to the Tyranny of expectations. As in regarding something likely to happen, someone to behave in a certain way or high expectations of the Self. As in ( defined by the Collins Theasaurus) having to do with : “Assumption, presumption, demand, insistence, requirement or to anticipate”. Expectations in the sense of the latter definitions , are a surefire way of setting oneself up for failure or disappointment ; for suffering. Those expectations ( intangible) regarding people’s behaviours, one’s own attitudes or behaviours, of the world in general, or what your life should look like or how your children should be. On & on, Ad Infinitum. Even the expectation of having no expectations of oneself or others ( i.e practising unconditional love) is an expectation creating , in the main, suffering again. Perhaps instead we can look at extending that unconditionality towards ourselves i.e in the spirit of true recognition to ourselves absolutely being a ‘work in progress’ at this time as we follow our own individual spiritual evolution. In that mindset of awareness we are
Checkout my website for all the above which we are needing right now & ongoingly this year & on. Whilst you there grab my Book, First 2 Chapters FREE, Or come visit me, see my Heal, Train, Stay & Play Packages, Here for you in Love & Light, Debra M Bright Self, Life & Relationship Fixer Mob: 0423191084 Body Attunement Centre, Nelson Bay NSW Australia
April-June 2016
more likely to ‘spill over ‘ into loving kindness toward others. More likely then too to be able to be fully centred & ‘stand in our own power’. Especially as the only antidote to expectation is acceptance. Full stop. And acceptance doesn’t mean & doesn’t have to equate to a ‘giving in’ victim type stance where you follow along mindlessly with anything and anybody. Jesus , that beloved enlightened Master, was 100% accepting, but he still got violently angry towards ( to all accounts as I’m aware) i.e the tax collectors and such at the Temple. There must have been other occasions too. Being Accepting of the perfect imperfections in the flow of life brings one into ones own power. Having attachment to an outcome creates suffering, creates torture. High expectations bring no joy. Which can lead one to settle for mediocrity, to settle for scraps. Which brings us to healthy expectations.. Allowing abuse( in all its forms, including self –abuse in all its forms) is teaching ‘those that abuse’ to treat you that way & even to continue treating you that way. So, in that regard for instance, a healthy expectation is needed to have them/you respect your boundaries , hopefully thereby implementing change, otherwise you will get what you settle for. At the worst case scenario, with full acceptance for who they ( the abusers ) are, and an allowingness for having no expectation in any regard , you could say “ you can be as abusive as you like – but we wont be able to be friends I’m afraid , as your type of behaviour just doesn’t fit in with me at this stage in my evolution.” If, on the other hand, it is toward yourself, then fully embrace & own that ‘abuser self’ as one of your aspects/ selves, and communicate with it explaining to it literally that that type of behaviour has not, and will not ever, serve you as a whole and therefore ( through inner dialogue) reaching an agreement
with that self to integrate, allowing the ‘higher self’ to lead the way . At that point, you can re-iterate your intention to practice loving kindness toward yourself and with intention & conviction release into the Cosmos all of that which no longer serves...and feel it leaving. Then you will experience the Lightness & freedom that result.
It is what it is.
A person is, in the final analysis , not their personality, they are their Soul. If you see that acceptance & therefore ‘no expectations’ is easy. If you find that difficult to see try to remember a personality, a person, is always perfect in their imperfections. Their imperfections teach you soo much about yourself. They are always a reflection of you. It/whatever is always a reflection of you. And adding to that , as an afterthought, maybe someone did let you down in your life for example , maybe even many times, but was it perhaps unfair or unreasonable for you to place them there, in that elevated position, in the first place? And in so saying, it follows obviously that perhaps its always advisable to maintain an accurate awareness of your own “realities”? As the saying goes “ its always all about YOU” and that’s a truth. With love & Blessings, Fran. Contact Fran on 08 8331 1112 or 0405 687 930 or www.frantomlinpsychic. email at www.frantomlin@ or Facebook page Copyright FRAN TOMLIN.
PSYCHIC MEDIUM FRAN TOMLIN known as “The Soul Whisperer” • Quality Readings w/General Information, Spiritual Guidance • Deceased Connections & Past Lives • Psychic Dev Courses & w/Shops – Meditation Classes • Past Life Regression – Spirit Guide Paintings • Soul Art & Other w/Shops – Spiritual Practice Circle Qualifications: Cert. Hypnotherapy, Cert. Advanced Counselling, Reiki 1 & 2, Cert. Energy Healing, INTERNATIONAL Psychics Assoc ( IPA)
NOW AT MAGILL & PARALOWIE Phone: 0405687930 • Email: Facebook: Fran Tomlin Psychic Medium •
LIGHTENING UP YOUR LIFE by SUSANNE MARIE What do I mean when I say lightening? What does lightening mean? According to the dictionary app on my phone, (Dictionary. com), it is ‘to become lighter or less dark’ or ‘to brighten’. The archaic meaning is’ to shine, gleam or be bright’. Let us look at some of the ways in which we can lighten our lives. Let me begin with our thoughts. Our thoughts are our constant companions. When we have had something sad or traumatic or frightening happen in our lives our thoughts can darken. The more we focus on those dark thoughts, more fear and sad thoughts come in to our minds and expand and grow. If we are not careful they can begin to dominate. If we are around people who always see the down side of things it can change our own thoughts to less positive ones. To lighten your thoughts, first practise being aware of what you are thinking. Cancel the unwanted thoughts by saying “cancel, cancel, cancel or silently think “I do not agree with that thought”. Then change it to something positive to counteract. For example: If you are thinking how nothing ever goes right for you, then say cancel, cancel, cancel and change your thinking to “I am so lucky that I can always have things go well for me in my life. Thank you, thank you,
and thank you. Is it time to lighten up your weight? Have you unconsciously been using yours to shield yourself from the heaviness and heavy energies and thoughts of others? Look at how you can change your eating patterns, be medically checked to see if there are underlying medical causes. Have a look at how your beliefs are working against you and if this is where it needs to change, find a thetahealing practitioner who can assist you with identifying and changing beliefs on a deep level. Incorporate stretches and exercise in to your life. Seek the advice of an expert if needed. Is it time to lighten your load of possessions and transform your life? I have in the past been a collector of objects. Some were necessary but many were not and were adding to my load of possessions. I will never forget a simple lesson learned from one of my sons many years ago when we shared an adventure in Ireland. I was in the habit of buying small souvenirs to give to others on my return. Often I bought a great number in excess to my requirements. Every time my son (a seasoned traveller on a budget for many years) saw me hovering near yet another souvenir shop he would say “Mum, do you
really need that?” “Do you have someone in mind for that?” “Is it really necessary?” Needless to say I spent much less on unnecessary things then, and I always still hear his voice when I am about to buy anything I do not really need. Apart from this, translate it to all that you currently own. Do I need it? Do I love it? Is it in good condition? Does it fulfil any role in my life? Do I use it? Is it unfinished? Your life in general will be much lighter when you clear clutter. Is it time to lighten your schedule? Do you find that you are so busy that there is no time for self care? Are you so busy that you neglect talking to or seeing friends or family? Have you stopped doing the leisure activities that you love? It may be that it is even starting to affect your health and wellbeing. It is time to stop, take some time out to see what is making your schedule so heavy. Add meditation and listening to your schedule as you refine what is and what is not important. What is an unnecessary time waster? (eg too many hours mindlessly watching whatever come on to the television when you know there are better things you could be doing.) Allocate limited time each day to television, emails and various forms of social media. Take back control of your own life. Take one step at a time and see where you may be able to make improvements. Little by little work on an area rather than confusing yourself by attempting to do it all at once. Many of my clients have found that by having two or three oneon-one sessions with me to look at the beliefs blocking them from taking these steps, they can move forward much faster and with a clearer mind. And of course these are all things that I have put in to practice for myself over time and I am enjoying the benefits of them. Enjoy the process of Lightening up your Life Today!! Susanne Marie is a Theta Healing® M a s t e r ; Certificate of Science in Theta Healing®; D i p Te a c h i n g (Prim); Dip Health Sciences(Remedial Massage); Dip Oriental Massage; Healer and Teacher of Theta Healing® for many years. Enrol for a seminar in April, May or June. Individual consultations by appointment. Remedial Massage Therapist . Past life crystal journeys and healing. House clearing and blessing. Consulting and Seminars in Payneham and Woodside. For information and appointments call 0418 845 119 W: M:
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Two Day Holistic Well-being Expo Norwood Concert Hall 175 The Parade Norwood
$6 Entry $10 for a two day pass Children under 15 free
Saturday 4th June 9:30am to 5:30pm
Sunday 5th June 10:00am to 4:00pm
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What causes pain: Localized decreased oxygen utilization produces a localized increase in lactic acid production which is what is responsible for pain. A vicious cycle ensues in which the localized decrease in oxygen utilization leads to increased free radical damage, which leads to increased tissue damage, inflammation, edema, which leads to a further decrease in oxygen utilization, all of which equals chronic pain. It also prevents the body’s stem and blast cells from effectively repairing the damage.
What is Prolozone: Prolozone is a technique that combines the principles of Neural therapy, Prolotherapy and Ozone therapy. It involves injecting combinations of procaine, homeopathic anti-inflammatory medications, vitamins, proliferatives and ozone/oxygen gas into degenerated or injured joints and into areas of pain.The evidence shows that it can be used to regenerate joints and other damaged tissues, and to alleviate pain.
Regeneration of Joint Tissues: Many doctors internationally have used this technique to treat chronic pain conditions and the value of Prolozone is that in the majority of cases it actually corrects the pathology of the disorder and regeneration of tissues such as cartilage or discs have been observed. About 75% of chronic pain sufferers who undergo this therapy become permanently pain free. These treatments are now available at Transformational Medicine Australia in Melbourne. Dr Margaret Ngu is a specialist Integrative Medical doctor of 31 years combining the best of medical with nutritional, botanical, oxidative, acupuncture and bio-energetic therapies. She and her team treats Anxiety, Stress, Depression, Arthritis, Heart Disease, Chronic Infections and Cancer to name a few. Clinic address: 305 Warrigal Road, Burwood,Vic. 3125. 03 9808 2188 Website: www.transformational