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What is Walking Meditation? New Analysis Concludes Organic Food Really Is Better SELF CARE What Do You Need to Thrive? New Study Shows Yoga Has Healing Powers Dreaming & Thought Forms
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21 WHAT DO YOU NEED TO THRIVE? by Nicole Cody 25 THE GOD SELF by David Lane
The Red and Green Leaves
20 PSYCHIC HEALING IN BRAZIL by Elisabeth Jensen
6 ASTROLOGY by Gerry Crow
22 ANGEL WISDOM by Carolynn Milne
The last wine-red leaf hangs on right to the very end on the vine. Just next to it, a bright, fresh, new bud … vibrant, glowing with life, almost the polar opposite of the last leaf of the season. This fresh new leaf birthed itself mid-winter. Holding the deep potential of the whole vine, next season has already been birthed. Nodding gently up and down in the winter breeze, the two dance together unperturbed. The “red” of old, the “green” of new, together glistening in the morning sun. Looking up and out, my hear t does the same, taking in the joy from the suffused light that penetrates the deep dark cloud. My heart relaxes, opens and surrenders to this blessing and revelation of the baby green leaf cradled by its old red predecessor. Hope fills my heart as it awakens to its new potential. Another natural cycle about to begin … breathing in the acknowledgement of the mystery and sacredness of these familiar 12 month seasonal cycles … year in year out. We are each blessed to get another go at living. Star ting fresh, clear, open and green … anew. We have this opportunity to begin again, to begin anew not only each season, but each and every day, each and every moment in fact.
This baby green leaf translucently demonstrates its joy of being. Stretching out towards the morning sun: “I am here” it silently states, ever so tenderly. “I am here” is our birthright too … in every moment. Stop, look, listen, allow … “I am here”. Meditation: Go outside and find a baby green leaf. Look up at it from below, up into the vast open sky. Feel the sun’s warmth as it penetrates the leaf and then penetrates your heart also. Feel the deep love and deep mystery that holds you, the leaf and all of life. Breathe deeply, breathe in this deep loving mystery, breathe it back out again. Feel this love-filled unity and connection of the heart … you are that which lovingly contains it all. In Joy and Love, Enza and Leo
9 ALCOHOL RECOVERY by Lorraine Webb 14 THE POWER OF HYPNOTHERAPY by Vanessa Campbell 17 FREEDOM OR SLAVERY by Anthony Craig
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HEALTHY LIVING Tools to Stay on Track
Events, Courses & Workshops FOR THE BODY & SOUL
NSW holistic community guide
Thich Nhat Hanh
What is Walking Meditation? New Analysis Concludes Organic Food Really Is Better SELF CARE What Do You Need to Thrive? New Study Shows Yoga Has Healing Powers Dreaming & Thought Forms
FREE COPY Sept-Nov 2015
VOLUME 28 - Issue 3
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Non-thinking is an art, and like any art, it requires patience and practice. Reclaiming your attention and bringing your mind and body back together for even just ten breaths can be very difficult at first. But with continued practice, you can reclaim your ability to be present and learn just to be. Finding a few minutes to sit quietly is the easiest way to start training yourself to let go of your habitual thinking. When you sit quietly, you can observe how your thoughts rush in, and you can practice not ruminating on them and instead let them just come and go as you focus on your breath and on the silence inside. One woman I know decided she could never meditate because it just “didn’t work.”+ So I asked her to take a walk with me. I didn’t call it "walking meditation," but we walked slowly with awareness, enjoying the air and the feel of our feet on the ground. When we came back, her eyes were bright and she seemed refreshed and clear. If you can take just a few minutes for yourself to calm your body, your feelings, and your perceptions in this way, joy becomes possible. Walking is a wonderful way to clear the mind without trying to clear the mind. You don’t say, "Now I am going to practice meditation!" or "Now I am going to not think!" You just walk, and while you’re focusing on the walking, joy and awareness come naturally. In order to really enjoy the steps you make while walking, allow your mind to completely let go of any worry or plan. You don’t need to put in a lot of time and effor t to prepare yourself to stop thinking. With one in-breath, you have already stopped. You breathe in, and you make a step. In the beginning, you may need a little more time, maybe ten or
Walk as if you are kissing the earth with your feet - Thich Nhat Hanh 20 seconds of mindful breathing, before you can let your thinking go. You can take one step with each in-breath and one step with each out breath. If your attention wanders, gently bring it back to your breathing. Ten or 20 seconds is not a lot of time. One nerve impulse, one action potential, needs only a millisecond. If you want, you can give yourself even more time. In that short amount of time you can experience the bliss, the joy, the happiness of stopping. During that time of stopping, your body is able to heal itself. Your mind also has the capacity to heal itself. There is nothing and no one to prevent you from continuing the joy you’ve produced with a second step, a second breath. Your steps and your breath are always there to help you heal yourself. Zen Master Thich Nhat Hanh is a global spiritual leader, poet and peace activist, revered around the world for his powerful teachings and bestselling writings on mindfulness and peace. He is the man Martin Luther King called “An Apostle of peace and nonviolence.” His key teaching is that, through mindfulness, we can learn to live happily in the present moment—the only way to truly develop peace, both in one’s self and in the world. Extract taken from Thich Nhat Hanh’s Silence:
Q: How do I realize my true spiritual self? A: The conscious awareness that reads this page is your actual true being, the one and only true self that can see through every eye, hear with every ear and feel with every heart. Once you realize this, you naturally begin to shift, from being constantly in your head thinking all the time to finding yourself simply abiding as awareness, your true identity. Once it’s pointed out to you, you will find yourself entirely here and entirely aware. All that has occur red is that you’ve simply recognized the obviousness of this aware presence that you already are, and the obviousness that it has always been here. This is what is meant by the words, “I know that I am.” This natural obviousness of your true nature, the truth of your being, is all the support that is needed. Truly. Your assumption that you are an independent entity is only an automatic projection of your ego. Recognizing your true self, being as you are, is not about achieving a goal or reaching a certain point. It’s about being present in this moment, and nothing else. Everything is encompassed in that simple act. From there, everything else happens effortlessly. Keep it simple. You are present and aware of your existence right now. Everything else is thinking and belief that will take you away from this doubtless unavoidable aware presence. When attention wanders into thoughts and then imagines a “me,” a conglomerate of beliefs is born, and like a cloud hides the sun, so those ideas hide this aware presence. Be what you are. Anything else, all concepts of what we are, are only thoughts appearing and disappearing in the brightly aware space that you are. Q: How do you define Enlightenment ? Enlightenment is not a special experience. We’re always looking for that special experience in the midst of our ordinary life like looking for diamonds in the mud, but the mud itself is pretty interesting. Remember when we were kids? Who cared about the diamonds right? Give me the mud, much much more fun… And when we really see the mud,
our ordinary life just as it is, that very seeing is the Love, Peace, Joy and Freedom that we have been looking for. What we are in essence includes everything. It also includes our humanity and being human involves having thoughts and feelings. This is not something to be abolished but something to be fully experienced. Realization does not abolish one’s humanity but it actually makes us more human because nothing is resisted. Enlightenment is not like a perpetually sunny day or being “in the zone” 24 hours a day or having a sustained experience of any kind but it’s more about seeing the face of God, the Beloved in everything as everything and knowing that everything is an expression of That – winning, losing, being in the zone, being out of the zone, falling flat on our face and resting as That which includes and transcends all duality. True Realization is seeing God, or the play of Consciousness, not just in the transcendental state but in and as the physical world, in and as all these other beings, and in and as us. And the realization is that God, the source the Absolute is everywhere and everything including our ordinary life as it is moment to moment. Sometimes beautiful, sometimes messy and even terrible. But always, always deeply miraculous. Enza Vita is the editor of InnerSelf Newspaper and founder and director of the MahaShanti Foundation , a nonprofit organization dedicated to the awakening of all beings. Enza is the author of the book Always Already Free. Based on Enza’s own experience, Always Already Free, guides the reader from the seeking process through the integration of enlightenment into everyday life and reveals that spiritual enlightenment is not a faraway dream, but the ever-present reality always available here and now. Free download of 3 chapters from the book Always Already Free, are available from
To ask Enza a question, send an email to
The Image Points
In this edition, we conclude our discussion of the enneagram by exploring the group of character fixations that manifest their primary viewpoint and experience in the emotional body. I’d like to reiterate, that when you read literature about the enneagram and the types, it is essential to recognise that you are not a fixation. You are the unmoving, omnipresent totality in and on which the appearances of manifest Being dynamically unfold, a facet of which appears as a body with a mix of characteristic ‘egoic wiring’ we call character fixations. These contribute to obscuration of objective characteristic experiences of manifest Being. These fixations are the home of egoic misinterpretation of the manifest functioning of loving Being. The indivisible, harmonious, flowing intelligence, of dynamic unfolding appearances of Being, is mistaken for partitioned sensory reality. Life is experienced as separate objects, with activity defined by a separate ‘doer’ (3) with an independent will (2) and a disconnected separate identity (4). Cause and effect arises with this view. When life is experienced through these fixations, the viewpoint is dominated by nonrational emotional ‘thoughts’ and waves of feeling attuned to a neediness of moving toward external objects misidentified as the source of both love, and validation of an independent free will and worthiness. These people have issues related to relationship and image. The three is the core image point where the disconnection from Being results in a need to be an independent, non-stop doer to survive and get love. There is a need to create a successful, lovable image for others, exposing only the imagined ‘correct’ emotions, which is a painful self-deceit, covering and avoiding a fear of rejection, self-hatred, inadequacy and incompetence leading to judgemental helplessness, and ultimately an existential helplessness that results in a constant striving activity. Self wor th and lovability is attributed to producing, and achieving, which they do with a polished competency and efficiency. This is the imitation of the true essence of omnipresent
Love effortlessly, harmoniously, unfolding to its own natural law without any true separation between the multitude of appearances. From this objective experience true acts of compassion can arise. A sample of other key traits of a three form are; superficial, multitasker, role player, skilled organiser, vanity, stressed workaholic, propagandiser, overachiever, fantasise about next achievement, brand named objects/possessions, prestige by association, appear the perfect man/woman. The exteriorised two is convinced they have a separate will and can get their own way which results in a ‘comic’ prostituting seduction and manipulating kindness/caring to survive, and get love and validation from others, with constant assessment of ‘right’ action to ensure their ideal outcome. It is humiliating to the egoic pride when they don’t get their way, so the defence is stubborn wilful action fuelled by an abject knowing of how things should go. Freedom is discovered in surrendering to what the unified unfolding, will of Being presents with no preference and manipulation, whence acts of true kindness arise. A sample of other key traits of a two form are; special/best carers, advisers, helpful, empathic, flattery, haughty superiority, repressed needs, self-hatred, stars, Daddy’s girl/boy, militant/liber tine style, selfish pride of place, possessive, seduce power. For the interiorised four, believing themselves a separate, isolated, identity results in painfully ‘tragic’ loneliness and sad despair, from a sense of being cut off from their true source of Being, and it’s quality of love. An incredible feeling of lack, lostness, and abandonment results in a forceful craving for love, through a passionate envy, that never fills the inner scarcity and woundedness, but brings a corresponding sense of shamefulness, wor thlessness and self-hatred. Envy also appears as pursuit of the extraordinary, intense, dramatic, social standing, and dissatisfaction in the ordinary. They need to control in an attempt to feel connected. An elite, idealized image is created in imitation of originality as unique,
Dream Development Educator and Practitioner stylish, ar tistic, but can include imitation of others. Neediness for relationship arises for a source of acknowledgement. Regaining Being as one’s true origin reveals the true essence of joy. A sample of other key traits of a four form are; competitive, romantic, analytic/disoriented, lamenting, melancholy, self-pitying, suffer to obtain love, addiction, unquenchable need/longing for love, negative introjection, dauntless. In conclusion, becoming aware of, meeting and deconstructing the core delusions at the heart of all nine fixations allows the possibility of experiencing the clarity of pure, unveiled essence of manifest Being. Without this, we can still be unconscious of remaining ‘separateness’ of egocentric experience, even having had beautiful experience and true knowing of Absolute reality, and living from awareness. More fully realising objective reality leads to evolving beauty in living from the viewpoint of totality, and opens the way to ongoing realisation. Fixation can then arise as a more transparent mirror, as we are used in suppor t of other’s realisation in the play. Sahaja is devoted to living as the clearest expression of true nature possible, and is available for oneon-one assistance with self-inquiry, For upcoming Enneagram Retreats: Eli Jaxon-Bear, Byron Bay NSW, 2529 Nov 2015,, and Advanced reading: A.H. Almaas’s “Facets of Unity, The Enneagram of Holy Ideas”.
Dreaming and ‘Thought forms’
Hi there dreamers! In the last article, we looked at the idea of ‘interpenetration’ and how in the dream state, under cer tain conditions, the thoughts of others can sometimes leave subtle signatures in our awareness. We also spoke a little about the type of thought structures that may be encountered during the dream state. Today, we will be speaking to you in a little more depth about these thought forms and why some of them ripple into our dreaming awareness whilst others pass by us unnoticed. We will also learn how some of these thought forms can exist in two places or planes at the same time. We’re going to accomplish the science of this by doing some fun visualisations. Imagine it’s a lovely night, you are sleeping peacefully and now you begin dreaming and are floating in a very clear deep pond that we will call ‘shared psychic awareness.’ Now let’s say someone you know, who is also asleep and dreaming at that time, has a very strong thought, that is clearly imagined and contains significant emotional power. I’d like you to visualise their strong thought like a pebble falling towards the surface of the dream pond. Let’s also imagine that this ‘thought pebble’ is shaped in a special way that corresponds to the thought’s intention, content, emotional intensity and affinity with others. Whilst the pebble is above the water, it looks like it is only in one place - in the air. But a few milliseconds later, when it strikes the water, there is an exciting point where half of the pebble is above the surface, and half below. I’d like to extend your thinking here, and ask you to imagine for a moment, that instead of air and water, that we were talking about different dimensions or planes (as we like to call them), and so you can see that a thought, being the pebble in this instance, may, have a reality that is in two places at once. Or in other words, a thought may straddle across two dimensions for a certain period of time. And while both of the pebble halves are still part of the same pebble, the view from each plane would be entirely different. For example, if we were to ask a bird, what the pebble half looked like above the water, he or she would give a different description to a fish that describes the lower part of the pebble that is in the water. So we can say, that the form taken of the pebble, or the form of a thought, depends firstly on the physics of plane in which it appears, and secondly on the observation technology or perspective of viewer. Or in other words, whether we are looking at the form through eyes of a fish or a bird -metaphorically speaking! Now without feeling too scaly or feathery (smiles - sorry I couldn’t resist that one), we can move on to visualise that the pebble is fast making its way to the bottom.
September-November 2015
Now, a large circular ripple forms on the surface of our pond of ‘shared psychic awareness’. The ripple is unique and is coded for a certain message and builds a wave of specific size. Please imagine that a dynamic scientist has now appeared on the scene. And even though the original thought pebble is gone and out of sight, if our scientist had an incredible camera and took a picture of the ripples leading out from the middle, and this data was fed into a super computer, then our scientist might be able to deduce many things about the pebble, even though he or she never saw it. Visualise the ripples from the ‘thought pebble (or thought form)’ fanning out on the surface of our shared dream pond. Whilst this is happening please imagine, there are a number of other people sleeping, all with their own ‘presences’ in the pond. Visualise that some people prefer to have their awareness down near the bottom of the pond and so they are not going to feel anything about this ripple of thought because their awareness is completely at another depth. Others, may have awareness that is at mid-range depth, and experience the thought form or ripple more like an emotional undercurrent or vague feeling. The thought ripple could feel strong and deep to them in some ways, but in others, it could be difficult for them to name and put their finger on. The majority of shared thoughts during dream sleep are experienced in this way by people. Hence the feeling when you wake up in the morning that ‘something definitely happened during my sleep last night, but I can’t quite put my finger on what it was?’ Then there are some people who like to be on the surface and experience thoughts with all of their true force. Being on the ‘surface’ can be quite confronting, and sometimes can sweep us away with the sheer emotional power of the thought ripple or form. Of course we don’t dream of a ripple coming over us whilst we sleep. The coded ripple is ‘re-interpreted’ by our psyche and delivered to us in a visceral, HD, full blown dream drama that can feel like it is straight out of a film. The dream drama could be starring you, and or, the person who had the original thought, and or, any other person that the person who had the original thought was thinking about. The ‘realness’ of such dream experiences can be so clear and emotion-charged that you can wake up feeling like it actually happened, even though it was just a dream or a re-interpreted personal experience of a thought form or ripple. Now some of you will be thinking to ask what determines which level you are at in the dream pond? And the truth is, we all move up and down in this pond every night as we go through deeper and lighter stages of sleep. In truth, what I have mentioned so far is quite a simplistic
model. For those of you who want to swim with us further, and inch a little closer to understanding, just how complex this system is, please read on. OK, ready? I’d like you to imagine there are two pilots of your ‘submarine’ position in the pond. During the dream state, it’s your subconscious that has the wheel while the ego or personality is sitting alongside as co-pilot. Visualise that the cockpit has amazing controls and sensors, so that it is able to sense all ripples even from under the water as the pebbles strike, and in some cases even before they strike. So the pilot’s subconscious can make an active decision about whether he or she wants to bring the ship up to the surface to ‘experience the full force of the thought form or ripple’, or raise to mid height just to experience the “undercurrent”. The subconscious on the one hand wants and needs to expose the personality or ego to enough thoughts and experiences to maintain healthy growth of the individual. But sometimes there will be compromises made due to protestations from the ego co-pilot about keeping the personality stable and leaving enough time to integrate the action from the previous and forthcoming day without heaping too much new emotion-charged drama onto the personality. Your nightly sleep experience then, is a rising and falling crescendo of re-interpreted experiences of external events, balanced by the safe and ongoing processing of internal ones. Your subconscious uses tools such as temperature control, heart rate, turning in your bed, waking up, breath control, neurochemical use, brain wave states and other metabolic processes to shift the submarine of your awareness, up and down though the night. We hope you enjoyed this article. Next article we will go deeper into multidimensional dream thoughtforms, until then, happy dreaming. Happy Dreaming! Love from your friends at One Third Dream Development. Damian is a Dream Development educator and practitioner. 0412 039 636 @onethirdreamdev
Eye on the Sky
Events, Courses & Workshops for the Body, Mind & Soul
Astrologer, Clairvyant Medium, Healer and Teacher
September -November 2015 In the first week of September, Venus will go direct in Leo adding to the buzz of spring-time and the promise of romance. With the influence of Uranus to Venus and Mars the excitement to create new endeavours intensifies and you may be pressing to star t the extraordinary path or projects, you have only ever dared to dream about. On September 13th the New Moon solar eclipsed in Virgo will have you analysing and planning where to next. It’s best to take time out to allow the ideas to flow, possibly write them down to allow the newness to rise to consciousness and cement in form and then they can be built upon as the moon waxes. As well, the solar eclipse ruler, Mercury is transiting through Libra; giving you the oppor tunity to balance both sides of any circumstance needing attention and then you can restore the harmony within your life. With Jupiter in opposition to Neptune on the 17th September, I feel we can teach and learn one of the most enormous tests in manifesting our goals/dreams. That is keeping the focus on the vision and believing it is possible while having to deal with our own and the collective doubt. For that reason it is essential we connect with the part of the collective that consciously believes we can do it and also that we reach in and touch the faith in ourselves, that we can indeed make our dreams and goals actuality. The more like- hearted people you can find to share and dream with, the more likely it is you will all manifest the goals you dream about. Persistent Saturn re-enters Sagittarius, on September 18th 2015 and stays in this sign for another two and quarter years. Saturn tests and brings focus to the issues represented by the house it is transiting through. Therefore look to the house within your natal chart that Sagittarius governs and you will see where Saturn is demanding you examine your life. Often clients describe the Saturn transit as a force outside of themselves that needs to be reckoned with, however the truth is Saturn in transit demonstrates how your conditioned internal beliefs and values may no longer be working for you. Therefore you must face these distor ted beliefs that you have internalised and understand how you act from them. This process is really what is confronting during the Saturn transit and often the ego avoids the necessary depth of self-knowing, that will ignite the awareness needed for change. As the transit progresses with you consciously discarding distorted beliefs and out-dated value systems, the building of healthy emotional structures will be put in place. The results will be that you will master these areas of your life on your own terms rather than past conditioning and find real freedom in your re-ordered, expanded inner world. Mars moves swiftly into Virgo by 26th September squaring off with
Saturn pushing you to clarify your goals and be detailed in your plans ahead. At this time you will be expected to keep your commitments in the workplace and at home making time very restricted. The Full Moon in Aries (lunar eclipse) on the 28th September is conjunct the south node and requires you to balance and liberate yourself from the past. Allow each situation to be looked at, cleared and released, and then arise to your true identity, take courage in the challenges of change, feel the fire in your heart and move towards your pending transformation. Jupiter in Virgo makes a fortunate trine to Pluto in Capricorn on 11th October. Be ready for oppor tunity and beneficial change as this influence engages the luck and optimism of Jupiter plus the rebirth and significant change of Pluto. Success is a certainty so be mindful, especially if planets in your chart positively aspect between 11to15 degrees Virgo and 11to15 degrees Capricorn. On November 26th Saturn and Neptune begin to square. Through this transit it is likely the general public would lose (more) faith and trust in governments and social structures and at the same time the arrogance and rightness of those in power will be seen to increase. In fact, other governing bodies such as the medical and financial institutions, the systems we usually surrender our physical and material needs to, will also be under the peoples’ scrutiny. People will also question the validity of religious and spiritual philosophies, especially where reality and freedom are concerned. However the reverse can also occur under this influence, oppression of the truth from governing bodies and blind faith in religious and spiritual philosophies will happen if people allow powers that be, to reign without accountability or questioning facts. Saturn in Sagittarius and Neptune in Pisces alike, relate to the search for Truth about our absolute existence, each in their own approach and meaning. The influence of the square will eventually bring about a dissolving of exhausted and incorrect principles for an innovative world and new age, where faith and reason promote truth and ground reality. Gerry Crow is an internationally renowned and respected Psychic, Clairvoyant, Medium, Spiritual Teacher and Healer. Her career expands an exceptional 35 years conducting professional, accurate psychic readings, successful healings and profound meditation, development classes and inspiring workshops. As well as having her many psychic gifts, Gerry has trained and studied at length in the esoteric sciences – including Astrology and Tarot, the healing arts, psychology, counselling and shamanic practices. She conducts her varied modalities, in person and over the phone. Gerry is also a regular guest on Psychic TV. Phone her on 0449 865 473; Email au; find her on face book, Visit www.
Spiritual Evolution Is The Core Of Our Souls Desire BY DARREN MAXWELL, BAppSocSc(Coach)
To know itself as whole, not separate, Non Dual, is the truest desire and the only evolutionary pathway of soul. On our journey to become evolutionary spiritual teachers, authors, workshop hosts and spiritual change facilitators, Robyn Collins and I arrived at the moment of total Oneness with all things by following apparently different pathways of spiritual growth. When I say apparently, I mean the appearance of difference can only reveal itself in the conscious thought stream of the human mind. It is not real, it is only an expression of ego. Separation exists only as an explanation of singular exclusivity from within the whole. Total removal of the illusion of separation and difference from the conscious thought stream of the mind is one of the greatest spiritual challenges current and future generations of human life reliant on our Mother Earth and human unity for survival are being called to tackle head-on. It has been both mine and Robyn's calling, our highest desire and our total passion to help others find their pathway to overcome this challenge for over fifty years of combined spiritual expansion and evolutionary growth. Robyn Collins BA ppSocSc (Couns) is a self realised spiritual teacher who assists humanity in the simple discovery of presence and awakening. Robyn is the author of the life changing book, Return to Soul and producer of the Sacred Soul CD’s volumes 1&2. She has been playfully labelled by her community of students and friends as the Soul Whisperer. Robyn received this loving honour due to her ability to deeply penetrate the core of the soul’s Being through the direct transmission of her words and the presence of pure, silent aware, love consciousness. Robyn's method of sharing her understanding gently reminds us of the truth of the eternal and ever-present peace that is buried under the myriad of layers gathered by many years in the search for freedom and stillness within. Robyn ceaselessly delivers her promise of awakening the soul by masterfully guiding you on a powerful journey of profound self realisation and enlightenment. The journey to knowing the One-Self as Being, along the pathway of spiritual awakening cleared by Robyn Collins for others to follow, is a truly life changing, transpersonal and existential experience. Robyn is a professional counselling psychologist & transpersonal coach inspired by the teachings of Tibetan and Zen Buddhism, Advaita and Shamanism. She lovingly focuses her efforts on
helping people understand the old programming that interferes with awakening to the true nature of their awakened soul. My journey to self realisation and enlightenment began with the words contained in the Christian Bible. But it was always the hard line of religious dogma or spiritual text that created the disassociation between true knowing and religion for me. All religions appear to have a set of control mechanisms that demand total submission and compliance with their dogma or scripture. Yet, growing up in the suburbs of Adelaide in down under South Australia, this was the only connection to universal creation that was available to me. That was until I began to explore my personal connection with the natural environment and universal creation using inwardly focused contemplation techniques that are commonly associated with shamanic spiritual practice and philosophy. Nothing I had learned or experienced growing up in the City of Churches prepared me for what life would become when I made personal contact with Soul Spirit Guide 'Flying Eagle' in the late nineties. Clearing, cleansing and healing. The vision and messages provided by Soul Spirit Guide Flying Eagle broke down the walls of confusion, mistrust, shame and guilt within me, that had been built up over hundreds of years by hard line religious scriptures having total control in my community. Flying Eagle gave me the freedom to experience universal creation as one with all I am. No ark, no saviour, no angels, no floods and no sin. Flying Eagle’s vision and message of Oneness and love broke down the cultural and religious barriers that prevented me knowing the truth of my place in all creation. Robyn and myself entwine our apparent separate journeys on a single pathway to evolutionary spiritual knowing that has no equal in this moment of time and space. We provide professionally structured spiritual growth retreats in a privately owned and operated retreat centre in Bali and on the magical Island of Vanuatu. We are also available for private spiritual coaching or counselling sessions at The Mystic Earth Shop in Gosford NSW five days a week. Darren Maxwell. BAppSocSc(Coach) Regular on Psychic TV. Author of The Modern Urban Shaman: A Guide to the Transcendent Experience of Shamanic Mastery for 21st Century Healers, and creator of The Sacred Shaman Oracle, Flying Eagle Medicine Cards.
BY SHELL CONNELL Let’s face it. Life can be a right por tunities have arisen for me pain in our butt. Seriously! “What where I could have hidden behind doesn’t kill you, can only make them, but I have stepped forward you stronger.” Well, how much and claimed them, as is my right stronger do I need to be? to. Just a little more, apparently. So the moral of my story is to You continually pick yourself “Let it go.” Dance around and up and start again. But one day, singalong to the song from Froyou can’t do that anymore. You zen. You will start your morning are in a deep black pit, where you honouring your inner child and in feel secure and safe and it’s oh a lighter mood. Stop living from so quiet. You don’t want to leave. your head, and drop down into At this stage, you have a choice. your heart. You will be pleasantly Dig deeper or rise up from the surprised where spirit will take ashes … again. you. Say Yes2Life! If I can do it, I w as so ver y tir ed, but so can you! amongst the fog in my head, I’d like to invite you to come came the words, “Get up and into Yes2Life and experience any Listen”. Well, I did. I listened. I of the following: was guided to take a leap of faith and leave my fulltime job. This job Oracle Card Readings had added to the blackness, but I have always been fascinated it was paying my bills and feeding by the gorgeous images on Oramy family. So leaving that behind cle cards. The card meanings was bitter sweet and scary. can differ depending on the indiIt was also a turning point for vidual’s story. I am always blown me. away with how accurate they are. I chose to ignore my head and I would love to meet you and to listen to my hear t. The minute share some guidance with you. I star ted to do that, amazing things started to manifest in my Geomancy life. When we live on land and feel My beautiful mother was taknegative influences that continuing me away for some TLC and ally affect our life without reason some mother and daughter time. then Geomancy may be called I told my husband that as soon for. Such situations as continued as I returned, I would look for illness, financial hardship, and another job. Within 10 minutes relationship breakdown may all of that conversation, a job adindicate the land needs to be ver tisement appeared on my healed. Facebook screen from one of my Geomancy is the method I use favourite places on the planet, to heal the land. With the use Yes 2 Life. Again, I followed what I of dowsing, intuition, clairsenfelt was right and I applied. I was tience, Feng Shui and Vibrational invited for coffee and a chat and Essences negative ley lines or now this is my second home. A underground water, and other place where I can be myself. influences are all healed. This is where my real healI am very connected to Mother ing started. I’ve learnt so much Earth and receive gratefully being here and I have been suppor ted and encouraged and Multi-Dimensional loved. Those close to me could Healing see huge improvements. For the Multi Dimensional Healing. first time in my life, I didn’t conMulti-Dimensional Healing works form to what others expected on many levels of healing, not from me and I did what I thought just one. It’s physical, spiritual was best. I am now flourishing. I and emotional. It heals past lives come home from work calm and which are affecting us in this lifelaughing. A huge backflip! time and which in turn heals our My personal and spiritual defuture. I assist you to remove velopment is improving rapidly. those blockages. After experiencI’m confident. I’m passionate. I’m ing Multi Dimensional Healing in love with life again. I’m suras a client it so resonated that I rounded by nurturing people, not am now a qualified Practitioner. only my fellow practitioners, but This is a new modality to Western the awesome people who come Australia and I am honoured to into visit us daily. I now notice all offer this life changing Therapy those synchronicities and signs at Yes2Life. that have probably been there the whole time, but I just wasn’t Multi Dimensional Healing/ paying attention. More imporGeomancy (Land Healing)/Oracle Card Readings tantly, I am listening and following Yes2Life 47 Church Av. Armadale. these messages. I’m learning so WA 6112 much about myself and enjoying Phone 08 9498 3788. every minute of it. Website: I not only kicked ego to the Email: curb, but fear also. So many op-
Events, Courses & Workshops for the Body, Mind & Soul IKON INSTITUTE OF AUSTRALIA
IKON are Australia’s leading, specialist provider of therapeutic and human services training. At IKON you’ll gain more than a nationally recognised qualification, you’ll gain a rewarding career where you make a positive difference in your life and the lives of others.
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CONTACT US FOR AN INFORMATION PACK (08) 8350 9753 (National Office)
Why study Mind Body Medicine ?
T he Diploma of Mind Body Medicine explores the relationship between the mind and the body simultaneously, addressing issues deep within the mind through counselling and releasing them through variety of techniques such as acupressure, Traditional Chinese medicine and homeopathy. Very often chronic conditions stem from a specific psychological root that drives a client’s behaviour and consequent lifestyle. Many symptoms can arise from one core root issue. In Mind Body Medicine we aim to address these core issues and life patterns rather than address one symptom at a time. The focus is on finding and working on these root issues that ultimately determine our behaviour, lifestyle and health. It is an incredible advantage to be able to address the body when working on psychological conditions. The use of the body helps the client connect emotionally – providing insight into their own personal resources quickly and effectively. Working with the mind helps body health, as the mind is beneath many of the stress patterns leading to illness. Students learn a unique blend of mind and body skills developing holistic, professional practitioners who are very effective in addressing many disorders. Subsequently, clients learn how to embrace life and achieve wellbeing. Graduates go on to work in clinics, and may choose to specialise in
September-November 2015
a variety of areas including immune systems dysfunctions, fertility, chronic pain, anxiety and depression, and women’s health. The Diploma of Mind Bod y Medicine is offered at the IKON Institute of Australia in SA | QLD | WA and the College of Complementary Medicine in NSW |
True Nature with Sahaja
“A genuine desire for Self-discovery is one of the greatest gifts life can awaken in us. To awaken to your true nature is the most precious realisation of a lifetime. Staying true to what has been realised is the challenge of a lifetime.” Are you genuinely committed to a path of Self-discovery and staying true, but through various circumstances, find yourself limited, or prevented from attending paid retreats with awakened people in support of realisation or fuller recognition? Sahaja offers free one-on-one suppor t in pointing to your true nature, and assisting staying true. We meet in silent truth with willing, open hear ts for true Selfrealisation, questioning patterns and sticking points, discovering traps, and identifying veils of egoic/fixated misidentification. Regardless of your circumstances, it is possible to access free personal and confidential interaction by email correspondence, Skype or phone, even if simply sitting in silence together. Sahaja is an ongoing student of Eli Jaxon-Bear, and uses the skilful means associated with his Enneagram of Liberation when appropriate. This is a non-religious, non-sectarian
offering. Support is available to all with a genuine commitment, but a donation is appreciated from those who can afford it.
Meditate for Your Country
A ustr alia Ma p Meditation/ Ble ssing He lp raise the consciousness of your country and deepen your own awakening by joining a collective online meditation on the Map of Australia for 21 minutes every Sunday evening at 7.30pm QLD, NSW, ACT, VIC, TAS / 7:00pm SA, NT / 5:30pm WA Link: accounts/946613 Enquiries: info@onenesscentre. / 0414 935 538
National Traditional Chinese Medicine
National Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) registration begun on the 1st July 2012. Fourteen health care professions are now registered with the Australian Health Profession Registration Agency (AHPRA) including medical doctors, nurses, dentists, chiropractors, physiotherapists, TCM practitioners, etc. Health insurance companies recognize all these professions. Each year, Australians spend more than $4.3 billion on complementary
Events, Courses & Workshops for the Body, Mind & Soul medicine, such as the increasingly popular Acupuncture and Chinese herbal medicine. On 17 November 2014, Australian and Chinese government signed a MOU for the TCM development in Australia. Nowadays, the disease spectrum of humans is more concentrated on chronic diseases, ageing related diseases, multiple factors diseases, mental diseases and the diseases
caused by the disharmonizing of mental and physical condition. TCM philosophy and solutions still provide valuable principles and beneficial treatments for contemporary medical practice. High employment rate is feature of SITCM education. According to three surveys conducted from 2008 to 2014, 90%.of graduates were employed after graduation. Gradu-
Become a Professional Reiki Therapist... Successfully complete Reiki I & II, followed by the Professional Practice (Treatment Delivery) course. Do all 3 with Australia’s most experienced Reiki training organisation, the Usui Reiki Network (Member of the Council of Australian Reiki Organisations). Start with Reiki 1.
Learn with traditionally trained Reiki Teacher, Sue Lake-Harris (Dip. Teach., B. Ed.) Adelaide Reiki I - Sept 4th to 6th Canberra Reiki I - Oct 9th to 11th Devonport Reiki I - Nov 6th to 8th Commencing 5:30 pm on Fri - continues Sat & Sun.
For further information e-mail - or phone 02 8091 4448 (local call rates) Limited Class Places - Book Now - 20 hrs tuition
Generous discounts for early enrolments
ates run their clinics well, in which they provided natural health care for Australian communities. Email to: Administration@sitcm.
Auset Temple Healing
The ancient & correct name of the Egyptian Goddess Isis was Auset. Many years ago Goddess A uset asked me to start using that name but I persisted with the Greek version of her name, Isis. `Then suddenly it became a major issue being associated with the name of a terrorist group – hence Goddess Auset succeeded and I have now changed my business name from Isis Mystery School to Auset Temple Healing. My name is Elisabeth Jensen and I find as founder of Auset Temple Healing this new name suits very powerful Ancient Egyptian Alchemy Healing system I teach that was first used in the Temples & Great Pyramid of Egypt. This healing system includes using many essential oils that were used in the Ancient Egyptian Sleep Temples plus teaching Hypnosis and the incredibly effective Mesmerism trance healing. More changes at Auset Temple Healing have been the inclusion of a psychic coaching course – Angel Miracles Coach. While many students love to read Oracle Cards and can also be taught to channel messages from Archangels only a few want to promote themselves as a Professional Psychic or Medium so this course is proving popular. Indeed I truly believe
A Journey of Personal Spiritual Healing & Awakening
TO JOHN OF GOD IN BRAZIL with ELISABETH JENSEN & ROBERT PELLEGRINO- ESTRICH at the Casa of John of God om April 4th to 16th, 2016
using psychic abilities to encourage a client to follow their own Soul Path and create positive change and even miracles is a more valuable skill than simply giving a predictive reading. Read more at www.elisabethjensen. or Phone 08 83874318
Passionate about Reiki...
Sue Lake-Harris is a traditionally trained teac her of Reiki who delivers all her Reiki I and II training with the Usui Reiki Network. She is also a member of the Australian Association of Reiki Professionals, and Guest Speaker at the Australian Reiki Connection’s International Conference (The Future for Reiki - Pathway to Wellness) this October in Sydney, speaking from her perspective as a course developer for professional Reiki therapist training for CARO, and from her personal, life-changing experience of Reiki. Sue
delivers authentic content, and provides a dynamic and effective learning experience for all par ticipants. She’s delighted to be presenting Reiki I training in Adelaide, Canberra, and Devonpor t between now and November.
To receive further information about Reiki seminars with Sue, please e-mail, or see the seminar details on the website,
ance and destress the nervous system initially and clear any low mood or depression if present. “It makes everything better”. “All my projects moved forward at warp speed without overwhelm”. “I began dreaming for the first time”. “Unassailable truth revealed to me”. “Serendipity is flowing”… “My psychic block has finally dissolved”. “My writing just flows” For a Free Phone Assessment appointment call/text Nancy on 0431 606 228. E: See advert in Moon Calendar
Quantum Bioenergetics
The Evolution of You
Lucia Light is a 3rd eye activator developed by 2 Austrian doctors to use in clinical practice. Effects are unique for each individual. Head monks in Llasa were astonished, “this is like our best meditations”. A set of 5-7 sessions are recommended to stabilize the progress. It appears to bal-
Quantum Bioenergetics is a revolution in natural healing. By using special quantum wave energy (between the facilitator and client), at different frequencies, we are able to retune your body. Your
SoulA Place Song Journeys of Inner Pilgrimage to Discover the Music of Your Soul
Soul Song Journeys is an initiative of Dale Keenan, a Spiritual Director, and a giver of the Spiritual Exercises of St Ignatius. She offer inner prayer journeys for the Pilgrim and a Song Cycle of Prayer from the Under Ground Stream. Pilgrim Journeys Discovery journeys begin with journeys for the Pilgrim such as silent prayer days, regular spiritual direction/companioning, supervision, spiritual conversation, guided imagery and music journeys, a long 35 week retreat in daily life, known as the Spiritual Exercises of St Ignatius, or a short 5 week retreat in daily life, known as the First Spiritual Exercises of St Ignatius. Each pilgrimage of discovery provides an opportunity to explore one’s inner depths and sacredness in companionship with Dale as a spiritual director. Journey pilgrims can discover and savour the presence of God in their daily life, com-
municate with God in creative ways through music, the imagination, art, and discover their true identity as co-creators with God. Songs from the Underground Stream For those who wish to journey deeper into their interior life, Dale has written a 31 week journey of prayer designed for people who have completed the Spiritual Exercises of St Ignatius and who stand on the threshold of a new and deeper interior journey of the heart. The term Underground Stream has its source in the Christian mystery, and is used as a symbol of our interior life. Water, stream, well and river are rich Christian symbols, and used in various places to represent baptism, the Holy Spirit, and life. However, it is Yeshua's words to the
woman at the well that are particularly significant for me when he says that the water he gives will become a spring within welling up to eternal life. (Jn 4:14) These soul songs therefore are the incarnation of my intimate relationship with Yeshua as a spring within welling up into my Soul Song Journey. The collection of songs from the underground stream, is written as both an invitation and given as a gift to others to journey in their own underground stream using the songs as a guide. As a gift, it is my offering of loaves and fishes to Yeshua and Inigo of Loyola to take and bless, to be given away and multiplied by the grace of God.
For more information visit or contact Dale Keenan Mob: 0419 802 887
Discover the Music of your Soul
Meet Joao de Deus
the world’s most powerful & effective healer plus receive healing by e Spirit Doctors that work through him. Experience a life-transforming journey of healing that will also awaken or strengthen your healing and mediumship abilities. INVESTMENT: US$2250 BOOKINGS: AUSET TEMPLE HEALING
Be guided at his Casa by Elisabeth Jensen
former Registered Nurse, Principal of Auset Temple Healing & now an Official Casa Guide, with Robert Pellegrino- Estrich, author of Miracle Man, e Life Story of Joao de Deus, e Mi a highly experienced & long term Casa Guide.
or CALL: 1300 558 075
e Power To Heal Bio- energetic Spiritual Healing Course in Adelaide with Robert Feb 20- 21 NEW! Hypnotherapy Practitioner Certification Training with Elisabeth October 3 – 6 in Adelaide & October 17 – 20 in Melbourne
AUSET TEMPLE HEALING Acclaimed International School of Auset Healing, Hypnosis & Angel Miracles Psychic Courses
M of Spiritual Direction,BEd Mob: 0419 802 887 Email:
Events, Courses & Workshops for the Body, Mind & Soul body enters a state where it focuses on damaged areas and reprioritises the natural healing system to repair itself. Think of it as a way of telling your body what’s important. This technique was originally founded by Melissa Hocking-Hughes as a way of providing healing to the body without the use of intrusive medical techniques. This non-intrusive form of healing allows your body to be immersed in a series of quantum waves, operating on different frequencies, attuned to your body’s rhythm. The founder of Crystal Blue Butterfly, Raul, was personally trained by Melissa Hocking-Hughes and he holds an advanced facilitator level certificate. Many clients describe it as peaceful, relaxing and comfortable. Our Studio is located in Ballarat Vic., however, all our services are available online or distance/remote access. For more information and or to make a booking visit www. or contact us on 0408 564 382 “Transformation through Healing” Raul Estevez
Alcohol Recovery with Lorraine Webb
Alcohol addiction in our society is under estimated and the real toll on lives and the damage it does not only to the p e r s o n bu t t o those that ar e closely connected is not fully appreciated. Often loved ones feel helpless and have to stand back and watch a loved one self destruct. Once a person has acknowledged that they are addicted to alcohol and
it no longer is controlled but is controlling the person, the next step then becomes a ‘choice’ as to whether they continue on this path of destruction or seek help. It may seem a simple and obvious choice to someone on the outside yet to the alcoholic this addiction is often their perceived friend and companion, this helps to block out memories and assists the person to stay in denial of the damage on all levels that is occurring. We are creatures of habit and often the alcohol addiction has become a habit that the person cannot imagine not being a part of their lives. It starts as a relaxant and over time becomes a full blown addiction. Alcohol is also a depressant that sees the person locked into a pattern of behavior that seems as though there is no escape. Physically the alcohol addiction affects the liver and the kidneys and ultimately the entire system. Excessive alcohol strips the system of the nutrients required, this is exasperated by the fact that chronic alcoholics often don’t eat enough, if at all, and don’t look after themselves making sure they have sufficient vitamin, amino acids, enzymes, and mineral levels. Curing addiction is about addressing the issues that created the desire to hide in addiction in the first place. Then to address the metabolic disorder and the detox program, as well as addressing the emotional stress and spiritual disconnect. The program that we offer at the Adelaide Healing Energy Centre is a holistic program that encompasses three elements: MIND – BODY – SPIRIT. There is help available. au
The 2015 Finale
Well hasn’t this been a full on emotionally progressive year so far. We’ve just had the Blue Moon & the 8/8/8 Lions Gate Alignment, which has opened us up more & ascended us to the next higher level of love consciousness, but again bringing up all our lower emotional vibrational wounds. You would’ve felt it! we have to do our clearings again constantly to keep calm, centred, healthy, blissful & to intergrate & keep stability. We have very strong New Moons coming up & now as the Lions Gate Vibration has opened up we are now all free to strive forward with our ideas & motivations, with a huge springboard happening in September for our plans, then more big changes happening again with the Eclipse season in November & success starting in December & then into the New Year of Love & Spirituality & the fullon energizing, motivational cheeky laughing self power & fulfillment of the fire monkey energy of 2016 We need to just stay going with the flow, knowing we are always safe & protected, always provided for what we need by Spirit & please connect with your higher self,gut feeling,intuition on what you need to do next & my recommends for daily Clearing of your Wounded Body is to Shower on the Inside-Chakra Clear Dance & for the big issues book a Private Body Attunement session from me, details below. Live, Love, Light & Blessings, Debra Bright, AbracaDEBRA , Psychic TV, Nominated Aust of Year 2014 for healing achievements & successes, FB & www.bodyattunementcentre. com
INTERSTATE WEEKEND SPECIALS Why not come over to Adelaide and experience our unique Day Spa and Healing Centre. We can organize a package that suits you or we are offering the following packages. We can also organize accommodation close by.
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Two Birds of a Feather How a Song is Birthed
Let Your Spirit Sing CD by Leo Drioli
“Clear, pure, simple, inspired and deeply authentic…Feel the gift of Presence in these 5 Heart Songs.” Leo’s songs are unique outpourings of heart-felt joy and connection, each track offers insight and clarity, the gift that comes from his ability to transmute life’s challenges into deeper awakening and sharing it through the time honoured medium of the pop song. Listen to these songs not only with the ears but with the heart … this will open that doorway to your own transformation “Leo Drioli’s sound is similar to that of Cat Stevens and John Lennon – ruminations that are of an inspirational, motivational and expressive nature.” — Kyle Jarminer, The Examiner “I was on my way to work and just felt like I needed to listen to your EP again. ‘Let Your Spirit Sing’ is such a beautiful song. When I heard the words ‘Open Up My Heart, Show Me How To Love’... I just started welting in tears, seriously … I was trying to be conscious of other drivers not seeing me cry (ha ha). I played that about 3 times in the car this morning and just started singing to it.” — Elio, Composer of The Healing Codes Leo Drioli’s words and music, shared as Heart Songs, dig deep into our collective search and yearning for what is true, real and lasting in this world and beyond it. All his songs stem from that innate urge to connect to the depth of things and to realize our own true nature as Presence. His music carries on in the spiritual pioneering tradition of the inspired master singer/ songwriters of the 60’s and 70’s. He acknowledges openly how much people such as John Lennon, George Harrison and Cat Stevens have inspired and informed his work … his continued efforts in spreading the eternal message that our true purpose here is to realize our soul essence and to channel it as love thus living beyond the grip of fear.
EP: $12.95 (including delivery) Digital: $7.50 (delivered to your Inbox)
Today feels like I am on retreat. I am sitting here at the kitchen table feeling the warmth of the morning sun caressing me gently, sweetly. The wind is blowing through the tr ees, animating the leaves as they glisten and glow in delight. My appreciation for God’s love, Presence, the Divine’s Touch begins to build as my heart quickens to the sound of the leaves dancing. Life feels perfect, complete right now. I had a burning emptiness in my belly when I woke up this morning and carried it with me to the kitchen table. As I began drinking my coffee I heard: “ Two Birds of a Feather, just sitting here together…” I picked up my guitar, feeling the feeling, listening to these first few words and let my fingers fall onto the fretboard as the melody, rhythm and chords began to magically take shape. Keeping my attention on that burning feeling in my belly, the emerging song begins to communicate what needs to be seen. The lyrics and the melody, moving through and across that empty sensation begin to “use” that emptiness to bir th a new creation, to transmute the buried pain into a gift of insight and joy. “Two Birds of a Feather, just sitting here together… biding our time away.” Enza is sitting in front of me as she begins proof-reading some of her work … I begin to feel that special love that binds us together … to dance in together, to grow through together. Now my hear t star ts to open itself up, adding its elixir to the mix … the Secret Alchemical process has begun. Feeling both the burning in my belly and the warmth in my heart I deeply listen, as I play with both the words, the melody and the rhythm. The magic is happening again, this Secret Alchemy of transmuting the pain and suffering of our everyday lives into something beautiful and tangible, and something that both communicates to ourselves and to the world, the magic of simply being alive. The song continues being birthed … “Right here you’ll find us ... The past left behind us ... Just
living for each day.” Aaah … the joy of letting go … the surrender is taking place. My heart expands with every note I play and sing and the song continues to be joyously birthed … for me first, then for everyone else. What a deep mystery … this one-onone communication from the Soul to the human and back again … Next, a natural movement into the bridge. A raising of consciousness into a vast over view in Presence … now filled with inner as well as outer sunlight. I feel above it all, yet within it all … I am it all as I find myself rising over the bridge of the song, I find myself singing these words: “And I don’t know ... What I’m meant to be looking for. But I’ve sure got that burning in my soul.” Of course ... These words now reveal that burning emptiness/presence I awoke with as the “Call of Soul” to awaken to THIS, as it is. I continue riding across the bridge as it continues to take form … the next lines start to take shape as they clarify my purpose: “And you can’t be ... What you came here for ... Unless you follow that burning in your soul.” Aaah … Destiny calling again. This is what we are all here to do. Honour the Burning, feel it, listen to it and allow it to translate and transmute itself into consciousness. This gives our life mean-
ing and purpose and also gifts us and the world with our own new creation … our own transmuted base metals into Gold. This is what we are all here for … Next I hear the following lines, creating second set of lyrics for the bridge, confirming what I have now seen: “Cos I don’t need ... No other place ... For where I am is where I’m meant to be.” “Right where you are ... Is always Sacred Space ... Drop into THIS and live in certainty.” One more final verse is asking to be birthed. I stop, listen to the wind outside and within, take a deep breath in and listen … as the following words begin to arise: “Together just me & you ... Uncovering what’s real and true ... There’s no other way to be. “Being right here reminds us ... That only Love can define us ... Together just you and me. “Two Birds of a Feather, just sitting here together… biding our time away.” “Two Birds of a Feather, just sitting here together… biding our time away.” “Two Birds of a Feather, just sitting here together… biding our time away.” This is love in action … This is what we are all called to do … The song is now bir thed. I feel clear, awake, present and expanded. This is love in action. This is what we are all called to do … Be the love that defines us.
Leo Drioli is the author of “Every Moment’s a Miracle” and editor of InnerSelf Newspaper. Leo is also a singer/songwriter, and has released his first EP “Let Your Spirit Sing”, Get a free download of his single “Give It Your Love” at www.
New Study Shows Yoga Has Healing Powers
The more we lear n about yoga, the more we realize the benefits aren't all in the minds of the millions of devotees around the world. Yoga helps people to relax, making the hear t rate go down, which is great for those with high blood pressure. The poses help increase flexibility and strength, bringing relief to back pain sufferers. Now, in the largest study of yoga that used biological measures to assess results, it seems that those meditative sun salutations and downward dog poses can reduce inflammation, the body's way of reacting to injury or irritation. That's important because
inflammation is associated with chronic diseases including heart disease, diabetes, and arthritis. It's also one of the reasons that cancer survivors commonly feel fatigue for months, even years, following treatment. Researcher s looked at 200 breast cancer survivors who had not practiced yoga before. Half the group continued to ignore yoga, while the other half received twiceweekly, 90-minute classes for 12 weeks, with take-home DVDs and encouragement to practice at home. According to the study, w hic h w as led by Janice Kiecolt-Glaser, professor of psychiatry and psychology at
InnerSelf Ohio State University, and published in the Journal of Clinical Oncology, the group that had practiced yoga repor ted less fatigue and higher levels of vitality three months after treatment had ended.
Laboratory Proof
But the study didn't rely only on self-repor ts. Kiecolt-Glaser's husband and research par tner, Ronald Glaser of the university's department of molecular virology, immunology, and medical genetics, went for stronger, laboratory proof. He examined three cytokines, proteins in the blood that are markers for inflammation. Blood tests before and after the trial showed that, after three months of yoga practice, all three markers for inflammation were lower by 10 to 15 percent. That part of the study offered some rare biological evidence of the benefits of yoga in a large trial that went beyond people's own repor ts of how they feel. Other smaller studies have shown, by measuring biological markers, that exper t yoga practitioners had lower inflammatory responses to stress than novice yoga practitioners did; that yoga reduces inflammation in heart failure patients; and that yoga can improve crucial levels of glucose and insulin in patients with diabetes.
Yoga for Other Stresses
Maryanna Klatt, professor of clinical family medicine, has taken yoga into the classrooms of disadvantaged children. She found that 160 third graders in low-income areas who practiced yoga with their teacher had self-reported improvements in attention. "Their teachers liked doing it right before maths, because then the kids focused better on the maths work," she says. "Telling a kid to sit down and be quiet doesn't make sense. Have them get up and move." Klatt has done similar research on surgical nurses, who are under the daily stress of watching suffering and death. She said she found a 40 percent reduction in their salivary alpha amylase, a measure of the fight-or-flight response to stress.
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mind, body, intellect and awareness of the soul. Based on the science of breath, it provides a very powerful technique of meditation that greatly enhances all spiritual practice. For generations Kriya teachings have been handed down an unbroken lineage of Kriya masters, beginning with Mahavatar Babaji in 1861, when he re-introduced Kriya Yoga to modern times through his disciple Lahiri Mahasaya. The picture shows Paramahamsa Prajnanananda, a realised yogi and current head of the Kriya Yoga International Organizations. The Kriya Yoga techniques are passed on only by word of mouth from an authorised teacher to the student. To learn Kriya Yoga you first attend an initiation ceremony where the body centres are purified and infused with the triple divine qualities of light, sound and vibration. The Kriya techniques are then taught. Initiation ceremonies are held yearly. A two day program covers initiation and presentation of the theory and practice of Kriya, followed by a day of practice and review. Weekly group meditation sessions are held at centres around Australia. Dates and locations of information evenings and initiation ceremonies are shown in the advertisement on this page and on our website: Australia Kriya Yoga Association contact information — Phone: Satya on 0422 334 573, Email:, Website: www.
Mahaavatar Babaji
Kriya yoga is a relatively quick and easy nonsectarian path to reach higher states of consciousness and change your life by developing
The techniques are passed on only by word of mouth through direct contact with an authorised and empowered teacher. The 2 day program includes an initiation ceremony where the spine and body of the seeker is energised and infused with the triple divine qualities of light, sound and vibration. The Kriya Yoga Techniques are then taught. This is followed up by 2 sessions where the techniques are practiced and clarified. Weekly meditation sessions are held at various centres Australia wide. Paramahamsa Prajnanananda is a realised Yogi and the current head of the Kriya Yoga Institute, worldwide. He is a disciple and the designated successor of the great master Paramahamsa Hariharananda, a God-realised Kriya Yogi who was a direct disciple of Shriyukteswar and Paramahamsa Yogananda. Many spiritual seekers may already be familiar with Yogananda’s works including his famous “Autobiography of a Yogi.”
Brisbane Melbourne Adelaide
Yogaworx is committed to ongoing education for their teachers and students respectively.
Paramahamsa Hariharananda
Kriya yoga is a relatively quick and easy non-sectarian path to reach higher states of consciousness and change your life by developing mind, body, intellect and awareness of the soul.
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Where the calming central balance of yoga is touched with a little “rock and roll”. A real community buzzing with creativity, love and support. Where the world of yoga meets the everyday needs of everyday people to stay connected to themselves and each other!
Paramahamsa Yogananda
For generations Kriya teachings have been handed down a lineage which was started by Mahavatar Babaji in 1861, when he re-introduced Kriya Yoga to modern times through his disciple Lahiri Mahasaya.
Where the calming central balance of yoga is touched with a little “rock and roll”. A real community buzzing with creativity, love and suppor t. Where the world of yoga meets the everyday needs of everyday people to stay connected to themselves and each other! Yogaworx is committed to ongoing education for their teachers and students respectively.
Swami Shriyukteswar
Australia Kriya Yoga Association invites you to learn the authentic Kriya Yoga, passed on through an unbroken lineage of realised Kriya masters,, 07 3255 6073, 12A Chrome street, Salisbury, QLD- 4107
Lahiri Mahasaya
Information Night: Friday 18th Sep, 6:30 pm Thornleigh Community Centre Cnr Phyllis and Central Avenues Thornleigh 2120 Initiation: Saturday 19th Sep, 9:00 am Technique review: Sunday 20th Sep 9:00 am More information: phone Satya 0422 334 573 Information Night: Friday 11th Sep Initiation: Sat 12th Oct / Practice: Sun 13th Oct More info: phone 0407 448 039 Information Night: Tuesday 22nd Sep Initiation: Wed 23rd Sep / Practice: 24th Sep More info: phone Stefanie 0422 540 826 Information Night: Friday 25th Sep Initiation: Sat 26th Sep / Practice: Sun 27th Sep More information: phone 0411 483 607 Information Night: Friday 2nd Oct Initiation: Sat 3rd Oct / Practice: Sun 4th Oct More info: phone Fiona on 0424 885 889 Information Night: Friday 9th Oct Initiation: Sat 10th Oct / Practice: Sun 11th Oct More information: phone Raja (02) 6161 9746
For more information visit: Email: Phone: Satya 0422 334 573 September-November 2015
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In Person and Phone Readings Group Meditation, Workshops, Courses Email: Web: If a book had a soul, then this book would be brimming with Spirit. Leo has a unique way of conveying deep truths using simple, yet beautiful language. His words follow a direct route from the mind to the heart, and can touch anyone, no matter where they are on their spiritual path. — Spiritual teacher and author of Past Lives, Present Miracles
Dianne Parker
ISF Australasian Representative Courses available in: Psychic & Mediumship Development Reiki – Usui & Karuna, all levels Meditation
With freshness and a unique blend of spiritual insight, poetry and simple life wisdom, Leo Drioli draws our attention to everyday occurences in his daily life, which gives us insights and simple techniques for attuning ourselves to the natural and dynamic inner movement of our own lives, which is the key to finding joy both within and without. An A to Z compilation of spiritual themes, the genius of this warm, inspiring book lies in its discovery of the miraculous in the mundane, and how, in our everyday life, there are many opportunities for awakening. The challenge is to recognise them.
• Spiritual Medium • Clairvoyant • Reiki Master • Spiritual Healer • Trance Tutor
Reading this book will help you to witness every moment in your life — even those that seem filled with pain or conflict — in another way, a way that offers a sense of unity and joy, rather than separation and fear, plus a way to live a deeper, truer, more satisfying life in this world. LEO DRIOLI has been a pioneer in the consciousness movement for over 35 years. Launching one of Australia’s first spiritual magazines, Golden Age in 1988, he is currently editor of Innerself Newspaper and also a director of the MahaShanti Foundation for Awakening.
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EvEry MoMEnt’s a MiraclE
Even the most exalted spiritual accomplishments are unimportant if we cannot be happy in the most basic and ordinary way because the greatest lesson is that the Universal must be wedded to the Personal for us to be fulfilled in our spiritual life.
lEo Drioli
This book brings a sense of the sacred into our everyday life, and helps us to see the life we have been given through the eyes of our heart. — Spiritual teacher and author of Always Already Free - Recognizing the natural wakefulness that we were born with
EvEry MoMEnt’s a MiraclE
Finding your Personal Key to Enlightened Living
lEo Drioli
ForEworD by DEnisE linn, author oF Past livEs, PrEsEnt MiraclEs
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“If a book had a soul, then this book would be brimming with Spirit. Leo has a unique way of conveying deep truths using simple, yet beautiful language. His words follow a direct route from the mind to the heart, and can touch anyone, no matter where they are on their spiritual path. ” – DENISE LINN, author of “Soul Coaching”
Leo Drioli, Editor of Innerself Newspaper
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Running A Business Consciously
Do we doubt ourselves? Do we feel undeserving? Do we self-sabotage? We will very quickly find this out if we run our own business. A self-run business mirrors our internal state. It holds our spiritual DNA. In my healing practice, when I help clients to overcome challenges in their businesses, I usually see that their internal, personal blocks and patterns had occurred just before they experienced blocks in their business. Sadly, when we’re feeling the least focused, directed or confident other people respond with a similar level of ambivalence. The way this appears in the energy field is that the energy is depleted where it is needed but in excess where it is not. For example, the energy that should be focused in the solar plexus (our power center) is missing and instead focuses in the head area (leading to overthinking and analysis paralysis). As a result a wobbliness results. In larger organisations, several par ts create a whole and if one area of the business becomes toxic or unworkable, it may have repercussions in others. When I clairvoyantly look into the energies of larger companies of my clients, I notice there are not only individual but also systemic energy patterns at play. I asked one client, “Is there enough air and light in this area?” I had conducted our sessions over the phone and used an organizational chart to read and balance the energies of the business. The location appeared to be stifling and causing lethargy for a specific department. It also appeared that this part of the team was feeling shut out or neglected. My client then realized that the department I was referring to was located in a downstairs room, away from the other offices. I explained that this was impacting on the employees’ moral. He proceeded to made changes by arranging air purifying plants, better ventilation and a more uplifting environment. He also changed the way he went about including them in the team and helping them to feel more involved. In some clients’ companies, I have noticed patterns arise around the energy link between some staff members and their managers. Parental patterns are often triggered
when dealing with authority. If the family system involved favoritism/ neglect, victim/perpetrator, the dynamic would often repeat itself within the teams of the organisation. If you are currently experiencing struggles in your business, check in with yourself and see if what you are seeing play out in your work is linked to personal belief patterns, fears, or early childhood issues. Try to track when you star ted to lose your “mojo” and see how that played out in your work, your team ,your finances and your customers. You may find that when you make adjustments internally, the changes will most likely be reflected in your external world. Self-employment and the path of entrepreneurship can be a very empowering and exhilarating experience. It can also be a strict teacher, challenging us to do more, showing up our weaknesses and testing our strengths. If we read between the lines, we can become better at identifying the lessons. We can then use our challenges as opportunities to elevate our consciousness, fulfill our purpose and be of greater service to others. For consultations or more information, see: Rachelle Terry – Medical Intuitive. Rachelle Terry, a Sydney based therapist, has had an ability from childhood to clairvoyantly see the human aura. She works with local, interstate and international clients by means of private consultations and group healings. Wonderful results are experienced after having life, health or relationship patterns cleared and it becomes possible to be in flow again. For phone, Skype or inperson consultations with Rachelle, Phone: 0414 317 323 or Email: *Baby and child readings also available*
There are many situations which can be improved with the use of hypnosis. Some of the common uses are - stop smoking, weight loss, stress, bad habits, self esteem, relaxation and addictions. Hypnosis is pain free, drug free, stress free. I am a qualified and experienced hypnotherapist with proven results and I would like to share with you some information on the life changing potential of hypnosis.
How does it work?
Ancient civilizations often practiced hypnosis during religious and ritualistic ceremonies. Today we know that hypnosis is more than ceremonial with the value of hypnotherapy confirmed by scientific study. Facilitated by a clinical hypnotherapist, this unique therapy treats both medical and psychological issues.
What is hypnosis?
In simple terms, hypnosis is a state of deep relaxation. It is an altered state where the analytical or critical part of our mind is bypassed, allowing access to the subconscious mind, our personal memory vault for everything we’ve experienced. Physically, a person’s brain waves slow down during hypnosis, which can be observed using an electroencephalogram (EEG). Heart rate also slows during hypnosis. Surprisingly, we go in and out of hypnosis all day long. It is called waking hypnosis. When we daydream, drive on autopilot, or just zone out, we are experiencing states of waking hypnosis, providing us with moments of calm.
What is hypnotherapy?
Hypnotherapy is a collaborative process that helps a client to examine a physical or emotional issue, past or present. While in a state of focused attention, hypnotherapy facilitates the resolution of issues in a timely and efficient manner. In 1958 the American Psychological Association and the American Medical Association approved and recognized the benefits of hypnotherapy. Today there are many medical facilities that offer integrated health care, which includes clinical hypnotherapy. An example of this integrated ap-
Medical Intuitive Rachelle Terry
Your aura stores memories, blockages, shock waves and emotions resulting from previous experiences. If these are left unattended, recurring patterns can form, affecting your relationships, career, behaviours, health and life events. Rachelle, a Sydney based practitioner, sees and pinpoints the cause these patterns, using her ability to view the energy field. She then uses highly effective therapy techniques including Theta Healing to shift the negative patterns on a deeper level.
For appointments with Rachelle in Sydney (phone/Skype consultations also available):
proach was carried out by Dr. Fred Janke of the University of Alber ta’s Depar tment of Family Medicine and clinical hypnotherapist and instructor Sherry Hood of the Pacific Institute of Advanced Hypnotherapy. They worked with a child who required a painful medical procedure where anaesthetic could not be used. Hood hypnotized the child over the phone while Janke carried out the procedure, and as a result the child experienced minimal trauma or pain, even laughing out loud at some points during the procedure.
Health benefits of hypnotherapy
Hypnotherapy is often sought as a means to cope with physical or emotional issues or gain more control over negative behaviours. Clinical studies cite hypnotherapy as an effective treatment for a variety of health conditions, including irritable bowel syndrome, chronic pain, tension headaches, and anxiety. Hypnotherapy may also benefit those who would like to : • quit smoking • deal with stress, depression or anxiety • treat a sleep disorder • manage phobias • lose weight • improve their athletic performance • ease stress related to medical or dental procedures or surgeries • cope with grief or loss
• address past traumatic experiences It’s thought that hypnotherapy’s effectiveness lies within its ability to allow individuals to address past thoughts, emotions, and feelings without encountering barriers such as the awareness of pain. Further, hypnotherapy may be instrumental in addressing emotional issues that often manifest themselves physically, such as with tension headaches. As Woody Allen’s character in the movie Manhattan says, “I don’t get angry, I grow a tumour instead”. A funny statement for a movie, but all too true in real life; science can now prove that our bodies react negatively to suppressed emotions.
Why choose hypnotherapy?
Clinical hypnotherapy is a natural, noninvasive, chemical-free solution to many problems, and can often help to supplement traditional treatments for a variety of conditions. Clinical hypnotherapists help their clients to access their subconscious minds (their personal memory vaults) directly, allowing the root cause of the problem to be revealed, therefore leading to a timely resolution. Individuals receiving hypnotherapy will often begin to see results within four to tensessions. Short-term pain—such as during labour, dental procedures, and minor medical procedures—can be managed well with hypnotherapy. Those with longterm pain, too, can definitely benefit, as clients can be taught how to “dial down” the pain to a more tolerable level. Hypnotherapy is also excellent for stress management, something nearly everyone in today’s society could benefit from. The next time your stress levels become challenging—whether due to illness, work, or other life stressors— know that there is an alternative treatment in the form of hypnotherapy.
Myths and misconceptions
Myth: a clinical hypnotherapist is the same as a stage hypnotist. Fact: clinical hypnotherapists are not
entertainers. Rather, they therapeutically address physical and emotional issues of past and present. Myth: a clinical hypnotherapist can make you do things under hypnosis you wouldn’t typically do. Fact: all hypnosis is self-hypnosis. Nobody can be hypnotized against their will, nor can they be “made” to do anything while in a state of hypnosis that they would not normally do. Clinical hypnotherapists do not control their clients’ minds. Clients are in control at all times and can easily choose to stop the therapeutic process at any time. Myth: hypnotherapy is associated with the occult. Fact: this particular belief was falsely perpetuated on 35 mm celluloid in Hollywood. Hypnotherapy is not entertainment but rather an effective therapeutic technique that has helped many people. * Source - Healing the body and mind with clinical hypnotherapy by Carole Fawcett, RPC, C. CHt
Hypnosis the famous secret to success?
Perhaps! Many celebrities have reported from benefiting from hypnosis over the years, here are a few: Kevin Costner Matt Damon, Kirstin Dunst ,Drew Barrymore, Ellen DeGeneres. Imagine what hypnosis can do for you! So don't put it off any longer, get in touch today! Call today to arrange a complementary 15 minute over the phone consultation to discuss your issue & how hypnotherapy can assist. What is it that you need to Let Go of and Rebalance in your life? And how would you feel once you achieve this? Make the decision to get some assistance & transform your life in 2015. Proven results and testimonials available Let GO and Rebalance 0499 060 273 29a Jetty Road Brighton SA / George Street Burwood NSW Kevin J Goult / Claire Barry / Vanessa Campbell
LET GO & REBALANCE Energy Healing Clinic 29A Jetty Road Brighton SA and George Street Burwood NSW
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New Analysis Concludes Organic Food Really Is Healthier A new study, from a group of scientists mostly based in Europe and published in the British Journal of Nutrition reveals that while organic and conventional vegetables offer similar levels of many nutrients, including minerals, vitamin C and vitamin E, the organic crops not only offer fewer pesticide residues, as you'd expect but also have much higher levels of special compounds called antioxidants.
"Across the impor tant antioxidant compounds in fruits and vegetables, organic fruits and vegetables deliver between 20 and 40 percent higher antioxidant activity," says Charles Benbrook, from Washington State University's Center for Sustaining Agriculture and Natural Resources, a co-author of the study. These antioxidant compounds, which go by names like flavonoids
Robinvale Wines is a family run and owned dual Certified Organic (ACO) and Bio-Dynamic (BDRI) winery and vineyard in NW Victoria. We have award winning organic wines and juices. We have a large range of Wines, Juices, Dried Fruit, Preservative Free Wines and also Non Alcoholic Beverages.
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and carotenoids, are getting a lot of attention lately because scientists say they can protect cells from the effects of aging, or from the sort of damage that can lead to cancer. Benbrook says this is a big reason why public health experts want us all to eat more fruits and vegetables: They deliver a good dose of antioxidants. And if organic produce provides more of them, he says, "we think that's a big deal." Benbrook thinks there are a couple of reasons why they're seeing this result. First, plants make these compounds to protect themselves when they run into challenges like insects or diseases. And organic crops, because they aren't protected by as many chemical pesticides, have to fight off more hungry bugs. "Plants in an organic field are getting chewed on," he says. The second reason, Benbrook says, is that organic crops aren't getting as much fer tilizer. More heavily fertilized conventional crops may grow faster and get bigger, but as a result, their nutrients may get diluted. "That's why when you buy these great big juicy apples, it's that extra moisture and carbohydrate that dilutes the vitamin C and the anthocyanins," he says. The bottom line is that what really will make a difference in people's health, is just eating more fruits, vegetables and whole grains. And if you can get them organic, so much the better— you'll get plenty of antioxidants.
On 2 September, the Statham family of Rosnay were awarded the Australian Government Innovation in Sustainable Farm Practice Award, par t of the 2015 NSW Landcare Awards. Rosnay will be one of the NSW entrants to the National Landcare Awards in 2016. Its great to see another organic farm recognized for its contribution to sustainable food production in Australia, and we love the Rosnay wines, olives and figs. The Rosnay kalamata olives are amazing and our current favourite wine is the “Freedom” range of preservative free wines.
Look up Rosnay at www.rosnay.
Robinvale’s Story: Organic Wines & NonAlcoholic Delights
Steve, Bill and families established the winery in 1976 and have been certified Bio-Dynamic since 1985, a family grower & producer. Robinvale’s renowned non-alcoholic sparkling beverages (with natural flavours) are all made from bio- dynamically grown grapes. They are a wonderful substitute for alcohol for adults and are loved by kids of all ages. The 100 per cent pure biodynamic red and white grape juice is an excellent source of vitamin C, iron, immune-boosting antioxidants, cancer-fighting phytochemi-
cals and flavonoids for a healthy heart, they are a natural source of energy with no added sugar and are suitable for vegans/vegetarians. The Sparkling range includes Mango-Tango, Ruby, Cooler, Ginger, Passion, Premier Muscat, Strawberry. Robinvale also produces award-winning red and white wines, sparkling wines, for tified wines, preservative-free wines, vegan/ vegetarian wines, packed or bulk dried fruit perfect for baking and organic chocolate coated diamond muscats.
Leading Integrative Oncology therapies for Cancer: IPT Low Dose Chemotherapy : a gentler, kinder way of delivering chemotherapy that does less harm and needing only 10-15% of conventional doses, for those needing to have chemotherapy. These treatments are now available at Transformational Medicine Australia in Melbourne. Dr Ngu is a specialist Integrative Medical doctor of 31 years combining the best of medical with nutritional, botanical, oxidative, acupuncture and bio-energetic therapies. She and her team treats Anxiety, Stress, Depression, Arthritis, Heart Disease, Chronic Infections and Cancer to name a few. www.transformational Clinic address: 305 Warrigal Road, Burwood, Vic. 3125. 03 9808 2188
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When we have pain be it a toothache, headache, bellyache or joint ache, the intuitive thing we do is to take or do something to fix it or get rid of it or to numb it. Perhaps there is more to our symptoms then just a nuisance that needs to be got rid of. Prescribing medicines or complementary therapies alone may help keep symptoms at bay for a while (like soothing a crying baby with a dummy) but symptoms may return sooner or later with recurrences or another worsen symptom than before and over time develops into chronic degenerative illness like anxiety, depression, arthritis, heart disease, cancer. I often say to my patients that a headache is not due to panadol or aspirin deficiency. Palliation with medicines (medical or complementary) or even meditation techniques may not be fully satisfying or complete if we work to only remove the symptoms, which is what patients of course want. We really have to ask what underlies; is there a causal chain? As Holistic Physician, my witnessing of over 35 years of patients suffering from chronic physical, emotional or mental health issues indicates to me that there is a beckoning from the deeper wisdom and life within, anxiously aching for something more satisfying and more fulfilling than it is currently experiencing. These symptoms are messengers from the body’s wisdom and until we (practitioner and patient) get its message, we may just be killing the messenger. We would really be missing the boat and I believe it may even be a case of medical negligence. This is a crucial message for all doctors, naturopaths, osteopaths, chiropractors, massage therapists and any healing profession to be beware of the dangers of “fixing” the patient’s aliments. We need to realize that body symptoms are call-
ing out from an emerging spiritual process. As practitioners I believe we have the duty of care to be midwives to their birthing process. I am reminded of how in the days of old the Chinese physicians would only be paid when their patients stayed well! In those days the physician was called “Si Fu” meaning Master of Wisdom and was both the spiritual advisor as well as physician to the patients and their families. Today we live in a society where personal mentoring is not the norm but is filled with spiritual anxiety manifesting as physical or mental illness, drug addictions, family and social upheaval. Body symptoms are signals of secret longings that the mind is either not aware of or not heeding. Suffering occurs as a result of this split within – a separation of mind from the body. What are the secret and hidden wants and longings of the deeper self? More importantly, how do we access what is true? This query says that we could heal ourselves by recognizing and meeting the depth of who we are – conscious, subconscious and unconscious fields of energies in our physical, emotional, mental and spiritual bodies. We need to wake up to which part is influencing our path in life and health. When I ask patients what they really want in life, 90% will answer, “I don’t know”. Many of us spend our life unquestioningly like driftwood letting the current of the environment take us where it will. Body symptoms are our allies, signaling us to stop, listen and re-direct our physical, emotional, mental or spiritual condition to assert our inner governance. Do you know how to listen? To whom do we listen? How can we hear? How do we get in touch with what is going on when most of us live in our minds, think and even feel with our minds? We instinctively focus on what’s
wrong; trying to eliminate what is wrong. It may be that to achieve real transformative healing we may need to look for what is right about what’s wrong and for what is trying to emerge. Perhaps we have to do the counter intuitive thing of “going into” the pain, the ache or the symptom; instead of moving away from what hurts. The instinctual thing we do is to barricade, to close off, to shut down, to not feel as pain hurts. Doing so, we move away from our body to what seems to be the safer place of the mind. Ultimately it becomes unsustainable to live in the virtual reality of our minds and alerting messages are sent from the body. To get real and heal we must re-connect to our body. Body Wisdom prevails over our minds no matter how educated you or the doctor may be. A good practitioner consults the patient’s body. To heal we must FEEL in our body – touch, taste, hear, move, see, and feel. When we connect to our senses we become present to the sensations and emotions felt in the body that points the way. The mystery then unfolds – tracking one sensation, one feeling, and one emotion at a time till you reach the hear t of what your body aches for – the Essence of oneself. Through this ar t of mindfulness you will know that this is real because you feel it in your body, in your senses the qualities of Love, Presence, Connectivity, Beauty, Energy, Peace. Dr Margaret Jiin Ngu (MBBS Monash, FACNEM, MAMAC, MSE (Psych) is a Monash University medical graduate (1978) of 36 yrs, an expert in Integrative and Transformational Medicine for the past 30 plus yrs. Internationally she is a founding member of the IOICP (International Organisation of Integrative Cancer Physicians) and member of the AAOT ( American Academy of Oxidative Therapies). In Australia she is the only accredited IPT Physician offering Metabolically Supported IPT low dose chemotherapy; and trained in the USA in Oxygen/Ozone therapies for degenerative illness. Dr Ngu is a past president of the AIMA (Australasian Integrative Medicine Association), member of the RACGP, Royal Australian College of General Practitioners; the AMAC, Australian Medical Acupuncture College and Fellow of the Australasian College of Nutrition & Environmental Medicine, ACNEM.
Did You Consent to Fluoride in Your Water?
Most of you are aware of the food you’re consuming every day but what about your water? We tend to take our water for granted because it’s potable and you don’t get sick. well not immediately. Our water contains fluoride which our government claims helps maintain healthy teeth. With so many larger issues to tackle, do you really believe the Australian Government is worried about your teeth? Let’s find out what you’re really dealing with.
What is Fluoride?
Fluoride is a by-product from the phosphate fertiliser industry. It’s actually a toxic chemical that needs to be handled carefully with masks, gloves and safety suits. In some places calcium fluoride is found naturally occurring in the water, and it causes teeth to be yellow and a little ugly but extremely strong. However the type of fluoride that is dumped into our drinking water is not calcium fluoride, but silicofluorides which are 85 times more toxic. According to an ar ticle in The Weston A. Price Foundation by Anita Shattuck, “They are nonbiodegradable, hazardous waste products that come straight from the pollution scrubbers of big industries. If not dumped in the public water supplies, these silicofluorides would have to be neutralized at the highest rated hazardous waste facility at a cost of $1.40 per gallon (or more depending on how
much cadmium, lead, uranium and arsenic are also present). Cities buy these unrefined pollutants and dump them–lead, arsenic and all– into our water systems. Silicofluorides are almost as toxic as arsenic, and more toxic than lead.” This toxic substance needs to be disposed ‘safely’ somehow so it’s added to our tap water. I never consented to this and I’m sure nor did you. These chemicals do not get treated or purified, leaving your drinking water with high levels of toxic substances such as arsenic and lead. We are being poisoned through our tap water and we can’t do anything about it.
How Fluoride Affects Your Health
We’ve been told that fluoride prevents tooth decay. I don’t believe for a second that toxic chemicals can benefit your teeth and have no other side effects. Fluoride is a known neurotoxin and a Harvard study confirms that fluoride reduces children’s IQ and brain damage. Here are some other complications associated with fluoride consumption: •Dementia and Alzheimer’s disease (neurotoxicity and cell death) •Bone and tooth damage (fluoride is actually known to accumulate in your bones, building up a toxicity level). •Increased risk of some cancers and tumours •Arthritis
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GLUCOMANNAN is a natural, watersoluble dietary fibre extracted from the roots of the elephant yam, also known as konjac. GLUCOMANNAN absorbs water and becomes gel-like. It “sits” in your gut and promotes a feeling of fullness, helping you eat fewer calories. These unique properties are believed to mediate its effects on weight loss. GLUCOMANNAN is believed to promote weight loss via several mechanisms: 1. It takes up space in the stomach and promotes a feeling of fullness
(satiety), thereby reducing food intake at a subsequent meal. 2. Like other soluble fibre, it delays emptying of the stomach, contributing to increased satiety and it reduces the absorption of fat 3. It feeds the friendly bacteria in the intestine, which turn it into shortchain fatty acids like butyrate, shown to protect against fat gain in some animal studies. For weight loss, take a dosage of 1 gram (1/4 tsp) in a glass of water 15-20 minutes before your meals up to 3 times per day
* Three human studies showed that glucomannan, combined with a healthy diet, can help people lose 8-10 pounds (3.6-4.5 kg) of weight in 5 weeks. (For more info on this study visit )
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ognizing the natural t we were born with
it. Leo has a language. His ouch anyone, no
•Thyroid disease •Damages sperm/increase infertility.
How You Can Take Precautions
is warm, inspiring e, and how, kening. The
n your life — ther way, a way n and fear, plus a d.
EvEry MoMEnt’s a MiraclE
etry and simple curences in s for attuning our own lives,
Freedom or Slavery
Tom (AKA The Waterboy) is passionate about natural health and helping others improve their wellbeing by following a natural alkaline diet. He is the director of Alkalife working with his brother John on a mission to empower others to take control of their health without medication. He is also passionate about reducing his
es, Present Miracles
portant if we use the greatest nal for us to be
carbon footprint which flows onto a lot of business decisions too. Download his FREE guide on How To Drink Water for Optimum Health valued at $20 from
First of all, ensure that your water source is nonfluoridated. Filters are a good option but nothing beats a natural source full of life and energy. Secondly, detox. When your body is loaded up with chemicals not only from fluoride but a million other sources (including what you put on your skin every day) it’s vital that you cleanse your body on a regular basis. You only have one body so treat it well! Nourish your body with plenty of alkaline forming food which are most fruits and vegetables. These foods help break down acidic waste and chemicals and flush it out of your body. We’re so prone to consuming foods high in sugar, processed foods and toxic fluoride in our water and detoxifying your body will help you balance your pH levels. Lastly, drink more water (preferably alkaline because it expedites the cleansing process). You may not be able to control what’s goes into your water supply, but you can control what you put in your body so be mindful.
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The planet is in turmoil. It’s a good time to ask what is happening with people and why? Where do we, as supposedly awakened people, fit in and are we doing our job properly, acting responsibly? Are we free or enslaved? Look around: changing weather conditions globally, physical wars over proper ty and countries that are affecting innocent populations, a refugee crisis worldwide, economic stresses, financial collapses and debts spiralling out of control. On an individual level we see increased friction in relationships, higher anger levels, drug crises, more people struggling to live day by day, and spiralling debt. There is an increasing separation of the haves and have nots. Most money is controlled by less than 1 per cent of the population. Many people are feeling more despondent about achieving what they see as their freedoms and happiness – lifestyle and home ownership. More people feel enslaved to their work as a means for survival – to exist rather than create happiness. It’s time to take a serious look at ourselves and the purpose of the human race. Where do we as individuals fit in? Can we really be responsible for our lives? Why are
we standing by and allowing the rape of ourselves and the planet to continue? Why are we allowing suffering to increase? Can we really do anything about it? Are we part of some huge experiment? Is it orchestrated by a few or by another alien civilisation? With the recent scientific discoveries that are happening on a universal scale we must be more open to why we are here? Governments of the day everywhere are becoming more controlling? Why is this so? Where is the real power behind? We must remember that people with power and real money are excellent manipulators- masters of diversion and confusion. One simplistic example of diversion occurred when the US Government passed through legislation including the Monsanto Bill which had major effects on the population whilst the public was reacting to proposed legislation on Gay marriages. Now the Australian government is keeping public sentiment alive over the same issue. What other legislation are they looking to pass under the smokescreen? Are our freedoms being eroded by governments in the name of protecting our freedom, while our armed forces are apparently fighting for our freedom elsewhere? We must all act with due diligence. Let’s look at slavery in the modern world. From the star t of the Industrial revolution we have seen examples of physical slavery – poor peoples, conquered peoples, and racial slavery. Then we began to see religious slavery followed by institutional slavery. Most still exist today. We now see a new insidious form of slavery – financial and economic. And what is the most significant symptom? Increasing debt. The world economic systems are designed to increase debt. Paper money that is printed automatically has a debt attached to it. All financial transactions incur a debt of some sort, including those made with phantom money. There is no escaping debt in the current world monetary systems. Even on death debt is passed on and so continues. In the western world in particular and now increasingly in other areas such as Asia a materialistic lifestyle is encouraged. Why? To promote ongoing debt by living beyond your means. Where do we as readers of this
newspaper or as practitioners fit in? Are we the so called ‘new age’ people? I think we have multiple responsibilities. In the middle ages people were burnt at the stake for their beliefs. In a metaphoric way this is still happening? Practitioners and people with ‘alternative’ beliefs and lifestyles are still singled out. Many groups have become cliques or societies that only communicate within thereby increasing their difference. Others display their wares and skills but become entangled within the differentiating label of ‘mind, body, psychic’. Science and spirituality are moving back together now and so opens an opportunity for people to move away from the ‘alternative’, ‘hippie’, ‘love’ tag. Education is important and needs to be given with appropriate scientific support, no matter the field. New ways to provide information to the general public must be created thus narrowing the gap between ‘us’ and ‘them’. With the internet and many forms of information sources available, the question is who and what is true and can be believed. New age, spiritual people have a lot to answer for. We must be careful to act in ethical ways that do not support the political and financial environments of the moment. The advent of the abundance projects (led by The Secret- unfortunately our application became self serving) saw a wave of promises made but, in reality, saw changes in very few. Likewise the concept of Universal Love and Oneness saw many people jumping on the bandwagon without fully understanding it themselves. Many promised changes in families and the world were not seen, only an increase in violence. Just these two concepts alone have not added to our public standing and credibility in general; while maybe increasing debt. It is impor tant though to embrace change when it is supported by science, for example: beyond energy healing such as Spectra Healing, while creating an inclusive society. It is TIME TO WAKE UP before it’s too late. Get up and out and meet your fellow man and neighbours. Unless we are all abundant the problems above will continue. Come to an information session or workshop on SPECTRA Healing. Practitioner training is also available. For more information or to contact and arrange an event in your area visit ANTHONY CRAIG is the founder (along with Divine Intelligence) of Spectra Healing and Spectra Activating Consciousness and a certified Hypnotherapist and Social Worker. Based in Adelaide he travels extensively as an Instructor and Practitioner, educating and expanding new healing work locally and worldwide and is available as a guest speaker. Regular information sessions, workshops and seminars are held. See website for details in your area. Anthony is also available for appointments ph: 0412 832 664.
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September-November 2015
Gratitude – a word that made me feel a little nauseous – too sweet, too sugary… too nice. And grateful people? Little Pollyannas wearing rose-coloured glasses running around pretending everything was wonderful. Hadn’t they noticed that the world sucks? These days I have a different take, a different picture on this little word. To me gratitude is steel reinforcing bars – the one thing I need to make me strong. Gratitude is the practice that improves my relationships with the person I see in the mirror each day as well as with humanity at large. This simple way of approaching the world helps me sleep, brings me joy, improves my health, and pretty much got rid of my long and horrible bout of depression. Yet it was this depression that introduced me to brain science and it was brain science that made sense of gratitude. I’ll back track a little: While I’ve always been anxious, prone to the negative view and the sor t who can predict what will go wrong with ease, no one would have described me as easily depressed. So when I found myself deeply depressed, as in “laying on the couch wishing I was dead for a year” sort of depressed I was surprised. Many things had gone wrong in my life and the losses had overwhelmed me. I felt unable to stem the stream of sadness and pain that were my constant companions. As I kept telling my husband:
“It feels like a train going around and around in my brain, and every time it goes around it hurts. I can’t take the pain any more.” In desperation I went off to do a course about the brain and while I was there a big light went on. Once I understood how my brain worked I could easily see the path I’d inadvertantly taken to get to where I currently was – and I could see the doorway out. I learned that my description about the train in my brain was fairly accurate – we have neural pathways in our brains that are the way information travels through our nervous system and these neural pathways are created by our thoughts. Whatever we think on most often creates the more dominant pathways and our brains just LOVE to take the more dominant pathways. Our brains are already so busy that most of our thinking is defaulted to the strongest neural pathways. By the time I’d left the course I knew that if I wanted to change that sad train in my brain I’d have to change what I thought about. Enter gratitude – something I already knew a lot about but, in my depressed state, could not feel. According to Shawn Achor, world leading happiness researcher and author of The Happiness Advantage, our brains receive 11,000,000 bits of information per second yet can only process 40 bits a second. Every moment we are choosing what to process and attend to and what huge chunk to
dismiss or ignore. In reality, we choose our reality. The gold I took away from that brain course helped me to go on to see that gratitude wasn’t a feeling. If I waited to feel something good I might wait a long, long, time. I understood, however, that gratitude could become the filter for my thoughts and that it wasn’t a sickly-gooeyfeel-good emotion but a mental discipline that affects how I process the world. Gratitude was so effective a practice, and was such a rapid change agent for me, I couldn’t believe children weren’t taught gratitude in schools or that psychologists didn’t prescribe it to every patient. This baffled me and caused me to wonder if my experience was isolated. Would anyone adopting the practice of gratitude experience what I had? I decided to research the subject and, over the next two years, read everything I could find on gratitude. What I discovered confirmed my experience and explained why gratitude was so effective. I was so excited that I wanted to rush out and tell everyone in the street. Instead I began work on a documentary about gratitude – I had to spread this great news. Over the following two years I travelled and interviewed people around the world about gratitude, happiness and the brain. I talked to neuroscientists, psychologists, spiritual people, a 75 year old cultural anthropologist, happiness researchers, gratitude researchers and ordinary people living extraordinary lives. It has been eye opening, wondrous and life-changing. I’m still working on the documentary, and in the meantime I have turned all the amazing science, my experiences, experiments and discoveries into very fun staff development workshops and, occaisionally, public Gratitude Workshops. Eventually I had to create the workshop online, The Great Full Life Class, because so many people who’d attended live workshops wanted their friends and family to have access. It is constantly exciting and a great privilege to see this little wonder drug, gratitude, work it’s magic on people everywhere. Toni Powell is the author of The Yellow Car (see In Brif review this issue)and regularly runs workshops for corporates such as Alliance & BHP as well as personal development for teachers. A hilarious and enlightening storyteller, Toni speaks at conferences alongside luminaries like The Dalai Lama & Brene Brown. In 2006 Toni was the subject of an inspiring ABC Australian Story. Website: tonipowell. me or email
The information that I am about to share with you (as of Aug 2015) has slowly unfolded this year. It has given me a greater understanding of our individual relationship with the Oneness/Creator. This concept is slightly different from others that I am aware of. It excites me and I would like to share it with you. Pieces of the information have come through my pendulum research and some have been channelled by me and by other people. A pattern has slowly evolved that makes a lot of sense. I have been exploring a deeper understanding of the different levels and vibrations of the mind. Also, on what that means to us as individuals. I always thought that our spirit self was more evolved than our human self and that our spirit self, higher self and higher mind were of the same vibration but this new information greatly challenged these beliefs. (I am committed to keeping an open, non-judgemental mind on all spiritual matters and this attitude was certainly needed here). Here are the new levels of the mind that unfolded; The highest vibrations of the mind down to the lowest vibrations of the mind:
We can connect with above the line through our mind (i.e. meditation, prayer etc) or we can connect through the higher vibrations generated by the love in our heart. We need both to have a complete connection. The line represents the point between being a part of the Whole/Oneness(above the line) and separation from the Whole /Oneness (below the line) which allows for the experience of individuality . The spirit self being below the line and in the lower self vibrations was initially a big shock for me and it took a while to get the understanding because it was against everything that I had been taught about the spirit self. Here is the understanding; the dotted line represents the separation from the Unity of the God self. If we live as individual spirits (which humans do) then we live the illusion of separation. There is a direct correlation between the level of consciousness that we experience in our everyday life and the level of consciousness that our spirit has evolved to. They both reflect each other and both operate in the lower mind. Our spirit self is limited by what level of consciousness it has evolved to and this level is played out by the human self. It is through the positive changes that we make at human level that the spirit self eventually evolves to the higher levels. When this is achieved then our lives on the earth plane have been completed as they have served their purpose. The Higher self exists above the line of separation thus it is our connection to our God self. I have also gained the understanding that when I have out-of-body experiences or travel to the high realms; that it is an higher self experience and not my spirit self as I once thought. This is because my spirit is limited by the level of consciousness that it has reached. When I am thinking from my spirit self level I am limited by the vibrations of the mind associated with that level. However; the higher mind is not limited by separation and thus it can connect with the Whole which obviously includes our God self. There has been much written about our connection with the Creator or God. Statements such as; God is within, As it is above so it is below, We were created in God’s image, that we will eventually return to God/ the Oneness, we are One, etc. These statements support the notion that there is no difference between the God self and God the Creator. They are one of the same. If this is true (and this is the information that has come my way) then there is another way to perceive God the Creator. That is; The higher part of each and every individual person is their God self. This reality means that there is no separation and therefore the illusion of separation only exists because they believe it.
Here is an exercise for you to try which may help you grasp the concept explained above. The aim; to experience that your God self is the same as God the Creator. • Stand outside at night and tune into the magnificence of the night sky. • Now put on hold all that you have ever known or believe until this moment. • Look up and think of the immeasurable beauty of creation and how much you stand in awe of it. • Know that you are experiencing this from your human self and spirit self levels. • Now contemplate this; Your God self created all that you see because your God self is the Creator. • Now say this to yourself; “the highest part of me created all this”. In this moment you are at one with God which is the same as your God self (there is no difference). • Feel the joy with the recognition that the highest part of you is experiencing its own creation through the lowest part of you. David Lane - Laneway to Personal Power - David Lane’s journey into higher consciousness includes many understandings drawn from a diverse range of information. He believes that we are all individuals who have come to tread our own unique path. David’s book is titled ‘Personal Power (e-book and paper back). It is about how we evolve our consciousness and how to monitor our journey and is available online.
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BOOKS • CDS • DVDS Thinking and Destiny by Harold W. Percival
ogy of Mother Nature is far superior to the medicine of scientists”.
A BOOK REVIEW BY VICKI CROCCO In the last part of the 19th century a young boy came to America from Barbados. He may or may not have seemed to others to be an extraordinary boy, but his inner life reflected an unusual awareness. In his later years he recounted his early experiences such as knowing that he was not the body he found himself in, and from which he could not free himself. No one could tell him who he was or where he came from and those he asked seemed to believe they were their bodies. He was, in his own words, “lost, alone, and in a sorry state of sadness.” He saw the duplicity of adults, that they did not say what they meant; they lied. He knew, somehow, that justice ruled the world, despite what he saw around him. He also knew, like many of us, that there is some magic cleverly hidden among the mundane events of life. Immense magic, about which our parents knew nothing. He was possessed of one desire, the desire to know the secret of life and death, to master this magic. He thought to himself that this phantasmagoria of a world must be planned, it must be managed, it must be governed and he determined to find these “wise ones” and learn their secrets. He was introduced to the ideas of Madame Blavatsky who spoke of wise men from the East, Mahatmas. He joined the Theosophical Society, became an ardent member and nearly became a disciple of these wise men. But something inside himself told him that he must wait, and make himself “fit and ready,” and this he did. Many of us can feel in ourselves this same desire, this same journey of discovery. Our path may have taken us into a similar society. We may have embraced a religion, a sacred teaching, the arts, music, science, philanthropy. We may ourselves become ardent aspirants of the Truth. But what happened next to this boy from Barbados made him different from most of us, and herein lays a tale. “From November of 1892 I passed through astonishing and crucial experiences, following which, in the spring of 1893, there occurred the most extraordinary event of my life. I had crossed 14th Street at 4th Avenue, in New York City. Cars and people were hurrying by. While stepping up to the northeast corner curb stone, Light, greater than that of myriads of suns opened in the centre of my head. In that instant or point, eternities were apprehended. There was no time. Distance and dimensions were not in evidence. Nature was composed of units. I was conscious of the units of nature and of units as Intelligences. Within and beyond, so to say, there were greater and lesser Lights; the greater pervading the lesser Lights, which revealed the different kinds of units. The Lights were not of nature; they were Lights as Intelligences, Conscious Lights. Compared with the brightness or lightness of those Lights, the surrounding sunlight was a dense fog. And in and through all Lights and units and objects I was conscious of the Presence of Consciousness. I
was conscious of Consciousness as the Ultimate and Absolute Reality, and conscious of the relation of things. I experienced no thrills, emotions, or ecstasy. Words fail utterly to describe or explain CONSCIOUSNESS. It would be futile to attempt description of the sublime grandeur and power and order and relation in poise of what I was then conscious. Twice during the next fourteen years, for a long time on each occasion, I was conscious of Consciousness. But during that time I was conscious of no more than I had been conscious of in that first moment. Being conscious of Consciousness is the set of related words I have chosen as a phrase to speak of that most potent and remarkable moment of my life. Consciousness is present in every unit. Therefore the presence of Consciousness makes every unit conscious as the function it performs in the degree in which it is conscious. Being conscious of Consciousness reveals the ‘unknown’ to the one who has been so conscious. Then it will be the duty of that one to make known what he can of being conscious of Consciousness. The great wor th in being conscious of Consciousness is that it enables one to know about any subject, by thinking. Thinking is the steady holding of the Conscious Light within on the subject of the thinking. Briefly stated, thinking is of four stages: selecting the subject; holding the Conscious Light on that subject; focusing the Light; and, the focus of the Light. When the Light is focused, the subject is known. By this method, Thinking and Destiny has been written.” Enlightenment. What else could it be called? Most usually the domain of great saints from exotic lands and cultures, this young 25 year old man was a member of no tradition, no religion, and no governing body that would prescribe his actions or dictate to him what he could or could not tell of what he saw. All the spheres and worlds and planes were open to his awareness, and he documented his experiences, first in a series of articles in a publication called The Word, and later in books, most notably his definitive work, Thinking and Destiny. This great book was dictated, as it was necessary for him to be still when he wanted to do what he called “real thinking,” whereby he gained access to these spheres, worlds and planes. He said he brought the information out of what he called the Ever-Unmanifested. What did he see? This world we live in is the product of hypnotic dreaming on the part of all humans. We were once powerful, consciously immortal beings living in heaven, or what Mr. Percival calls The Realm of Permanence. We were, and still are, although not consciously, the Doer portion of a great Triune Self. To qualify us for work in the worlds we were given a test, which we failed. Our other par ts, the Thinker and Knower, did not par ticipate in this test and remain in their consciously immortal state, awaiting our return. In his own words: “…we have no memory of this because we put ourselves into a selfhypnotic sleep, to dream; that we
will continue to dream through life, through death and back again to life; that we must continue to do this until we de-hypnotize, wake, ourselves out of the hypnosis into which we put ourselves; that, however long it takes, we must awake from our dream, become conscious of ourselves as ourselves in our bodies, and then regenerate and restore our bodies to everlasting life in our home - The Realm of Permanence from which we came - which permeates this world of ours, but is not seen by mortal eyes. Then we will consciously take our places and continue our parts in the Eternal Order of Progression. The way to accomplish this is shown in chapters which follow.” We create this world, by our thinking, and what we see around us is the accumulation of the thinking of all of us over a very long period of time. We create more and more elaborate civilizations, destroy them and create them again. We have been doing this for untold millions of years. Over one thousand pages are dedicated to giving information to the current doers living in human bodies. The foundation is laid with two chapters describing the plan and purpose of the universe and the great law that governs all, the Law of Thought as destiny. Here we see how it all works. Four chapters on the four kinds of destiny follow, in great detail, from physical destiny such as heredity, health and sickness, poverty and wealth, through psychic destiny such as clair voyance, communications with the dead, gambling, drinking and drugs, to mental and noetic destiny. Following this is a chapter on reexistence, the rise and fall of man in this world, again and again, followed by everything you ever wanted to know about Gods and their religions. The Great Way is then described in detail, the path from which many legends have sprung, the way back to our consciously immortal state. The abstract world of thought is outlined in two chapters on the point or circle or zodiac, and then the great last chapter, Thinking: The Way to Conscious Immortality. Each step is described beautifully in this chapter in order that the sojourner may know where he is headed, from the initial wondering “Who am I and what is this world?” to the final attainment. You will want to read it again and again. Many people have and are describing the esoteric world to us, perhaps now more than ever as we head into this New Age. Some have seen into these worlds, and they are rare. But who among them has seen it in its entirety, and so is able to tell us the relationship and thus the relative significance of all of these myriads of things and beings and worlds? Harold W. Percival was such a man. His book, Thinking and Destiny, is a map for us in this wilderness of thought. He forged a path for us to follow. In it you can read your destiny, and find your way to the goal of human life. For more information, please contact: The Word Foundation
The Yellow Car
By Toni Powell This modern-day parable is short, sweet and incredibly poignant. In Toni’s realisation that “I am Them”, she discovers the gift in the yellow car parked across the street. The yellow car has become a symbol for her, her family and now her readers, for the insight that “remaining calm is a shelter from storms and that letting go equals light-heartedness.” The genius of this fun and enlightening little book lies in the reminder that we each have our own “yellow cars” in our lives, and courageously realising them becomes our ticket to joy, freedom and sanity.
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By Alana Fairchild This exquisitely presented and set of oracle cards and insightful guidebook will raise your spirit and awaken you to the ever-present oracle within. Alana is known for her gifts as a channel of the soul, and through this powerful deck of 44 messages, your future awaits you.
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For ten years now, the Moontime Diary has been a much loved companion guide to many who are seeking a life more in tune with natural seasons and cycles. They found that being aware of the moon's cycle is helpful every day, like dealing with others (teenagers!), gardening, daily chores, treatments, projects and so on. Gardeners dig the Moontime Diary because they always know where the moon is. Beginners like
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Thinking and DesTiny by H. W. Percival
Introduces you to the real
Purpose of Life
The purpose that will satisfy your sense and your reason, rather than introducing just another vague belief system. And within that lies the benefit of this extraordinary book. You are introduced to yourself, the immortal conscious self within: what it is, who it is, where it is. Vital information that has been locked away in coded form, within every religion’s sacred texts, can now be understood by anybody who feels the call to a radical expansion of their own understanding. Prove it to yourself, go to and read the book on line for free, or purchase your own copy.
September-November 2015
A small sample from the 134 sections in this 1080 page book include: Purpose and plan of the universe The law of thought Universal justice Mysticism Eastern religions Interpretation of Bible sayings The destiny of humanity The fall of Man Individual, group and race karma Honesty and truthfulness Disease and healing Stages after death Re-existance Regeneration The Great Way This book is published by The Word Foundation, Inc., USA, a non-profit organization established in 1950. Advertisement is sponsored by Warn Commercial Real Estate: (02) 9533 7188. Visit for your copy of
Thinking and Destiny
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As a Researcher of Spiritual Healing plus being trained as a Registered Nurse and Midwife plus a Healer myself I have studied in depth many of the major healing systems in the world today including Therapeutic Touch (which has multiple PhD Research studies behind it)plus past and present Healers before creating my own spiritual healing system. So when I first heard of John of God many years ago, often said to be the most powerful healer for 2,000 years, I decided I really had to go to Brazil to meet him one day. The visit didn’t seem possible though financially and time-wise but after attending a three day healing event in Sydney last November with John of God - as Joao De Deus is usually called in the western World -I discovered I was constantly surrounded by many Spirit Doctors, many of whom were actually Medical Doctors in their own lives and who seemed quite happy to join with the Angels and Egyptian Divinities I already worked with to provide remarkable healing for my clients. So needing to know more about this amazing man and connect and understand further the Benevolent Entities who now surrounded me off I set with a few fellow healers to Brazil at the end of June 2015.
I was lead to be guided there by Rober t Pellegrino-Estrich who wrote the first book about John of God – the Miracle Man, The Life Story of Joao De Deus – that made him famous and star ted a worldwide trend of patients often deemed so called “hopeless cases” seeking healing at his Spiritual Hospital in Abadiania in Brazil. According to Robert, who has lived close to the Casa of John of God for many years now, plus much work by other researchers as well, the cure rate for advanced cancers and major neurological disorders is about 85% - certainly much better than our conventional hospital system offers today! As a Medical Intuitive who often feels the pain of others plus with my background as a Registered Nurse its not so easy to stand in a line with several hundred people and look around to see and sense so many people who obviously are undergoing major radiation and chemotherapy treatments with some people seeming to be in great discomfort but surprisingly there is such an undercurrent of hope and excitement that the prayers led by the volunteers seem powerful enough to carry everybody forward smoothly. Time spent in consulting John of God personally is very brief usually with all conversations with him only in Portugese - but enough for the Healing Entity incorporated in his body to prescribe treatment such as Herbs or a Spiritual Surgery/ Intervention or rarely a Physical Surgery.
I received several Spiritual Interventions also known as Spiritual Surgeries. A few minutes of prayer by specially trained volunteers with John of God in the background was enough to land me in bed with a
severe headache for several days! Bed rest is encouraged for a day or so and I truly felt as if my head was being completely reordered but as my aim was to repair the damage and possible future problems from several major Sub Arachnoid Brain Haemorrhages many years ago that had left me partially paralysed at the time and never fully recovered so I was not surprised. Cer tainly now the symptoms I was experiencing for many years are gone and I feel truly renewed and much more at peace in my life. My friend requested and received physical surgery – a deep wound to her abdomen with a clean, but certainly not sterile knife, plus a burst of energy from the hand of John of God placed right inside her abdomen as she stood calmly against a wall with no anaesthetic. There was no pain in the coming days either until I removed the sutures which made her scream loudly despite my best efforts to be gentle. I would say that Spiritual Surgery or Intervention is certainly the easiest treatment that appears to be just as effective as Physical Surgery although there are numerous documented cases of people who receive a physical mark on their body during this “no touch” process or on X-ray were seen to have sutures inside their body following it.
The Casa de Dom Inacio is built over many powerful naturally occurring rock crystals and each day many experienced and new volunteers and mediums pray continuously for 3 – 4 hours morning and afternoon each day of the 3 days a week as John of God works offering healing for free to all who care to attend his Spiritual Hospital. I think it’s the combined efforts of John of God as a natural healer plus the thousands of Spiritual Doctors who work with him plus the healing prayers and meditations of so many people in this high energy crystal vortex that leads to many dramatic healing outcomes as people release years of emotional, spiritual and physical pain and finally are healed. ELISABETH JENSEN is now a Daughter & Medium of The Casa of John of God plus an Official Casa Guide. For information about her 2016 Group Pilgrimage to meet John of God in Brazil please visit her website www. . Elisabeth is the founder of Auset Temple Healing (formerly Isis Mystery School) and a Triple Award Winning Psychic.
Family Drama – How Bad is It?
One of the areas of or lives that often brings us down the most surrounds problems that we are having with loved ones. Today we’ll have a look at how to tell if someone is struggling with family Drama, who is causing it, and how to tell how bad it will get. The first thing to consider is that the definition of family means different things to different people. For our purposes, your family involves your parents and your siblings. Spouses and Children have their own unique lines and we won’t be looking into that here. Also, the definition of ‘parents’ and ‘siblings’ also means different things for different people. For our purposes your ‘Father’ will mean the Father figure in your life – that includes Step-Fathers, Adopted Fathers, Grandfathers (if they take and active role in your life, and sometime even Uncles (again provided that they are acting as your father). The same is true of mothers, if you don’t have a mother, then it will refer to the mother figure in your life. Siblings, on the other hand, are a little more complex. They can refer to brothers and sisters, step-siblings, cousins and also very close friends who you think of like a sibling. The first family member we will look at is the Mother.
Have a look at the top phalange of your Ring Finger (known in palmistry circles are your Sun Finger). This area represents your mother. Horizontal lines here will tell us of problems that someone is having with their Mother. Vertical lines on the other hand are a sign of a positive relationship with this family member. Any black/brown moles are an indication of struggle with the Mother. The relationship with ones father is shown on the second phalange of the same finger.
Now if you’re looking at your hand right now, then you’ll probably see a combination of vertical and horizontal lines in each area highlighted above. This is normally, most human relationships are both ‘good’ and ‘bad’ meaning that there is a give and take with each family member that we encounter. But when there is an imbalance, say of horizontal lines outnumbering vertical lines, then we can say clearly that this relationship has far more going against it than going for it. Lets look at some examples.
down between them, and also that her mother seems to be the diplomat and support for her. Here’s another example:
The sibling area here host a lot of vertical lines, so things with this persons brother are excellent. The problem however is that there are horizontal lines in the area for both
parents (the two phalanges on the ring finger), in other words this person is having issues with both of his parents. For some context, this hand belongs to a 11 year old child who was sent to boarding school with this twin brother. He harbours resentment towards both of his parents for this, but the move has made him close to his twin. Sulabh Jain was taught the basics of palmistry by his grandfather when he was 8 years old and has been fascinated by the art ever since. He teaches various systems of palmistry on his YouTube channel (Chariot Palmistry). His published books include ‘The Evolution of Religion: A History of Ancient Egypt and Harrapan India’. He can be contacted for private readings at (02) 9904 9921 or by visiting www.
Dr Marayah Rose Kis
Here, we can see a balance of vertical and horizontal lines in this persons 3rd Phalange of the index finger, telling us that this are ‘ok’ with her brothers and sisters. There are however, some strong vertical lines in the ‘mother area’ of the first phalange of the Ring Finger. This tells us that this persons mother has been a tremendous support. The Father area, the second phalange of the same Ring Finger, has a combinations of strong vertical and strong horizontal lines. This tell us that this persons relationship with her father runs between extremes of good and bad. Based on this we can tell this person that when things are difficult with her family, it is usually because of issues with her father, but that things always settle
Again, horizontal lines tell us about problems that someone is having with their father, while vertical lines tell us about ‘good stuff’ happening in this relationship. Moles should also be observed as they can show trouble with the persons Father. The relationship between siblings can be seen from the third phalange of the index finger (known as the Jupiter Finger).
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Once again, horizontal lines here tell us about problems in this relationship, while vertical lines tell us about a positive relationship with all of our siblings.
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PSYCHICS, MEDIUMS & CLAIRVOYANTS House Cleansing with Kevin J Goult
Sometimes there are situations within our homes (or work premises) that make it a challenge for us live in them peacefully and there are a few reasons for this. All buildings can retain a residual energy of other people that have occupied them. This can sometimes cause disruptive or uneasy energy to the present occupiers. These are not true ‘hauntings’, but simply a sort of photo image that is left on the very fabric of the building itself. A cleansing will clear this in the same way that any tape can be wiped and re-recorded upon by. Others are true hauntings where someone has passed over, either in the building, or are in some way associated with it, or on the land where it is built, and are unable to find rest or to move on into the Light. A house cleansing resets the energy which restores the peace and tranquillity allowing the current occupants to comfor tably live without any fur ther negative disturbances. What is involved?•A one on one consults with the occupants discussing issues and history•Assessment of the energy•Identification of energy type – residual or haunting •Cleansing with sage•Gridding the proper ty with energy protective crystals •Invocation for the leaving energy, the remaining positive energy, the physical structure of the home, the homes contents and current occupants including pets•Recommendation of tools for maintaining the cleansed energy. Call us today to discuss your cleansing needs. All work is guaranteed and testimonials available. We service all locations in Australia. Let GO and Rebalance: 0401 268 430. 29a Jetty Road Brighton SA / George Street Burwood NSW Kevin J Goult / Vanessa Campbell
Carolyn del Villar
Carolyn del Villar is a Clair voyant Tarot Reader, Theta Healer, Medical Intuitive. She has a passion for assisting you to find your future direction, why you are here, to be all that you can be – to break limiting beliefs and conditioning, a spiritual alchemist. She has the gift of psychic vision to identify where you are blocked from finding happiness and abundance, which is your birthright. She channels your Higher Self, provides accurate spiritual guidance, to give you back to your truth and wisdom, to make the right choices in your life. 0438 790 641.
Angelic Messenger By Raul Estevez
Nowadays I just think of Archangel Michael (my wingman) and I ask for his help and he delivers ever y time for me, always what is needed for my highest good! However, the most effective way to talk to him is during a reading then he does come through with the best message for you, the person I’m reading for. He is always guiding me and others to let go and allow, the past is gone the future is yet to come so we need to enjoy the moment for what is, the good, the not so good, the lessons each moment brings in our evolutionary process.Our Studio is located in Ballarat Vic., however, all our services are available online or dis-
tance/remote access. “Believe in Angels, because they believe in you” Raul Estevez.
For more information and or to make a booking visit au or contact us on 0408 564 382
Paula De Francesca
With Paula De Francesca’s background in Spiritual and Intuitive Healing, Space Clearing, Mediumship and Holographic Kinetics this enables her to assist families in letting go of illness, pain and clear repeated patterns. Paula is able to remove negative energy that upsets homes, businesses and workplaces. All sessions are done remotely. Paula De Francesca 0408 870 988
Kate’s Psychic Connections
Growing up I was always ridiculed for being an empath. I am able to connect to my clients on a deeper level. I receive my information in a number of different ways. I work with guides & have the ability of inner sight & hearing. This is also a great asset for Theta Healing. Theta removes deep emotional & physical pain including pain from trauma & abuse. Enjoy instant results without consuming medication. Photo readings is also another aspect of my readings. For more information / to make a booking phone 0429 406 975.
Lillian Kelton Psychic/Counsellor Transpersonal Consultant
At age 13 Lillian discovered her family tree was filled with hidden treasures. Water and Weather diviners, Tea leaf readers, Mediums, healers, and a life long fascination with the realms of spirit
was born. With over thir ty years, professional practice, meditation, experiential learning and teaching, Lillian has developed an ability to utilise her skills to benefit herself and others. TAROT - CLAIRVOYANCE - MEDIUMSHIP PAST LIVES - NUMEROLOGY Lillian offers effective Future Projections, Strategies, Past and Present Counselling. Personal/Relationship annalysis and, Healing and release for her clients. “...I was immediately connected to a new level of communication within the spirit realms. My enthusiasm for her work has been shared with colleagues and friends…” - Shauna Jones Health Promotions Consultant “…The insights that she gives me on interpersonal dynamics within the corporate context have been extremely valuable in my work…”- Suzanne Capell Management Consultant Consultations - Lillian frequently travels throughout Australia and offers Overseas and Intersate clients Skype or Telephone options. Appointments are $85 for up to one hour, tailored to the individual client’s personal needs and may be recorded. . For information phone: Mob. 0418 685 207 or (02)6059 4834
Metaphysical Teacher, Soul Blueprints, Life Direction Counselling and Spiritual Mentoring.
What Do You Need to Thrive?
I live on a farm. Farms are very instructive for life, really. Life on the farm is always varied. Yesterday we went down to the flats by the river to inspect the pasture regrowth. Once upon a time (long before us) this paddock was heavily cropped, year after year, with corn and sorghum. We’ve had the cattle locked out of here for a few months, and with all the rain and warm weather the grass should be springing back nicely. But of course it isn’t. Except for the areas where a nice pile of cow dung has nourished the soil. Around the old cow pats the grass has sprung strong and green and is at least two feet taller than the rest of the paddock. That tells us something important. The soil is depleted, and needs a good feed. If you get the soil right, you can grow anything. We farm organically. Where we can we even farm bio-dynamically. We look after our dirt. Right now I have some cow dung stuffed into cowhorns, buried in a corner of my garden, ready to make BD500, a biodynamic preparation for restoring the soil fer tility. It sounds kind of witchy, which is maybe why it appeals to me, but I know one thing – in the areas where we’ve already used it the pasture is lush and green, with great species biodiversity. Yes, alright, Nicole, I can hear you say. That’s lovely, but how does that apply to me? You know I’m going to tell you… You are like my farm. Everything grows or doesn’t grow dependent on how rich your interior soil is. Looking after yourself is like a farmer tending to their soil. Self care isn’t a natural act for most people anymore. Too many of my friends and clients have confided to me that they feel guilty about pursuing their own interests or taking time for themselves when they have jobs, partners, families, elderly parents and social obligations. But if we keep drawing on our own energy to support others without ever filling ourselves back up, eventually we end up empty. We lose ourselves. We look in the mirror and don’t know who we are anymore. We become little more than machines. Here are some ideas to help you tend your own soil: Are you feeding your body well? Are you giving it a wide range of food groups, good fats and proteins, and choosing lots of plant-based foods in your diet to help your body be healthy and strong? If you take this even fur ther, can you choose organic or chemical-free foods, and foods that are grown locally with low food miles? Farmers Markets are usually fantastic for these sorts of choices and you’ll be supporting farmers who care about their dirt. You can’t heal, sleep well, think well, love well, or create well when your body is depleted of vital nutrients, or if you
September-November 2015
are chronically dehydrated. Make sure you’re drinking enough water. Limit the junk that goes into your body. An occasional treat is fine – life is for living, after all - but be sure that what you are feeding yourself the majority of the time is truly nourishing for you. Are you feeding your mind well? Are you giving it new learnings and challenges to help it grow, and stay fit and active? Are you exercising? Are you reading and watching movies and documentaries, creating and travelling and having adventures? All of these things keep our synaptic pathways strong. They ward off Alzheimers, depression and anxiety. They also provide a strong flow of new experiences, images, ideas and sensory richness that feeds our creative fires. It is far easier to be inspired and to stay in flow when we have a diversity of experiences. They also provide outlets for emotional expression and improve our mental health. Are you feeding your Soul? Are you connecting with people, hugging your pets, spending time in nature, doing things that make your heart sing? Do you meditate, pray or spend time in spiritual reflection? Journalling, writing and other creative acts can be both brain food and soul food, which is a lovely bonus! Nothing grows well in depleted soil. Take some time to nourish yourself: body, mind and spirit. The more you nourish yourself, the richer the rewards will be. Every time. It might take a while if you’ve really stressed yourself out, really run yourself down, really done a number on yourself. But just like my poor, tired, nutrient-stripped paddock, you’ll come back with some TLC, a little effort and the right basic ingredients. You deserve to thrive. But it’s impossible to do that without good soil. Nur ture yourself. You’re wor th it. I promise the results will delight you! Bless xx Nicole Cody is a Metaphysical Teacher and Channel. She specialises in Soul Blueprints, Life Direction Counselling and Spiritual Mentoring. For more information contact 07 3256 0815 or Visit her blog: or find her on Facebook. Light and Blessings be Yours!
Angel Wisdom - Speaking of Your guardian angels
T his beautiful message came through to me recently. It made me think about our relationship with our Guardian Angels and just how much this means to us. I feel the beautiful strength and love of Tara, emerging from a mist of jade green, glimmering brightly in jade and silk, very gentle and yet determined. Tara:“We are the Seven Divine Mothers here to serve humanity at this time. We are able to come to
you now through the Divine Grace of your own Guardian Angels. • I acknowledge the power, love and Divine Grace of my own Guardian Angels • I acknowledge that my Guardian Angels always work for my highest good, in wisdom and in love “Humanity cannot achieve all that it can be in violence, hatred, unhappiness and destruction. “Humanity can only achieve all that it can be in joy, love and crea-
tivity. “Many of you are still swapping from creativity to destruction and back to creativity. “Now is the time to make a commitment to take hatred and d e s t r u c t i o n f r o m yo u r c o n scious w ay of li ving for e ver. Only you can make this decision. “Only you can decide to live in loving grace forever. • I now commit to live in loving grace forever Blessings of Love and Grace, Tara.” And in their own words “Fear not for We are the ones with you who shine like the Stars and are clothed in moonlight. We are with you always. Feel our cool power unblocking all of your chakras. Feel our heat as we heal all of your hurts and dis-ease. Listen, feel us in your hear ts. Feel the warm Grace of our healing power. Feel the cool grace of our clearing and guidance. This Healing, guidance and clearing only work if you accept it and use it. “Don’t be afraid for we are with you. Now is the time to embrace our help. We are eternal, all powerful, and all loving. “We are your Guardian Angels.
“We are here for you always, feel the Grace of the Divine Presence through us. Feel the Grace of the Divine Presence opening your Soul. “Know the glory of your own Divinity through our Love for you and the Divine Presence. “IT IS SAFE FOR ME TO KNOW THE GLORY OF MY OWN DIVINITY “We ar e one with you. Use our Love, Power and Gr ace to enhance your lives. Now is the time to move into a life of Love, Hope and Joy. “PLEASE ENHANCE OUR LIVES WITH YOUR LOVE, POWER AND GRACE “We bring you these great blessings now, Your Beloved Ones.” Again we are exposed to the simple, yet profound wisdom, of the Angels that can change our lives and enhance our souls for ever. Subscribe to my web page today to receive my gift of a channelled message, from the Angels or Masters, emailed to you each week or phone 0422 864 727 to talk to me direct. www.listentheangelsspeak. Email carolynnmilne@gmail. com
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September-November 2015
Alternative to Joint Replacement & Drug therapy • Chronic back pain • Chronic neck pain • Degenerated discs • Arthritic ankles • Arthritic hips • Arthritic knees • Heel spurs • Neuromas • Painful scars
• Pelvic disorders • Plantar fasciitis • Post-op pain • Rotator cuff injuries • Sciatica • Sinus infections • Sports injuries • Tennis elbow • TMJ
What causes pain: Localized decreased oxygen utilization produces a localized increase in lactic acid production which is what is responsible for pain. A vicious cycle ensues in which the localized decrease in oxygen utilization leads to increased free radical damage, which leads to increased tissue damage, inflammation, edema, which leads to a further decrease in oxygen utilization, all of which equals chronic pain. It also prevents the body’s stem and blast cells from effectively repairing the damage.
What is Prolozone: Prolozone is a technique that combines the principles of Neural therapy, Prolotherapy and Ozone therapy. It involves injecting combinations of procaine, homeopathic anti-inflammatory medications, vitamins, proliferatives and ozone/oxygen gas into degenerated or injured joints and into areas of pain.The evidence shows that it can be used to regenerate joints and other damaged tissues, and to alleviate pain.
Regeneration of Joint Tissues: Many doctors internationally have used this technique to treat chronic pain conditions and the value of Prolozone is that in the majority of cases it actually corrects the pathology of the disorder and regeneration of tissues such as cartilage or discs have been observed. About 75% of chronic pain sufferers who undergo this therapy become permanently pain free. These treatments are now available at Transformational Medicine Australia in Melbourne. Dr Margaret Ngu is a specialist Integrative Medical doctor of 31 years combining the best of medical with nutritional, botanical, oxidative, acupuncture and bio-energetic therapies. She and her team treats Anxiety, Stress, Depression, Arthritis, Heart Disease, Chronic Infections and Cancer to name a few. Clinic address: 305 Warrigal Road, Burwood,Vic. 3125. 03 9808 2188 Website: www.transformational