Innerself QLD

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& uplifts 3

our goal is to awaken one community at a time . . .

Your Holistic Community Guide in QLD Volume 26 - Issue 3 Proudly serving the community since 1988


An Interview by Leo Drioli and Enza Vita






by Amanda De Warren








awakening one community at a time . . .


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by Enza Vita


19 WHAT TO DO IF YOU CAN’T 6 A VERY HUMAN, DEEPLY LOVE YOURSELF 5 STEPS Email: • Phone: 0400 880 274 ENERGY HEALING SPIRITUAL NEED TOWARDS HEALING Include the code: INSSUMMER when emailing or like our Jaymor International Facebook and by include Isira the code in COMMENTS and be with page in theNicole runningCody for our monthly 21 FREQUENCIES DO AFFECT ‘giveaway’ of a Health & Nutrition Pack including products! OUR DNA! 7 RADICAL INTIMACY by Anthony Craig with Peter Fenner, PHD






23 HEARTDROP by Leo Drioli








Welcome to the Spring edition of Innerself. Every issue of this paper takes on a distinct tone and flavour of its own, often with our writers tapping into and synchronistically discussing similar topics. We as editors don’t consciously set a theme but enjoy watching it organically reveal itself to us each issue. And it’s always such a joy watching it naturally unfold. With this issue, the collective consciousness has chosen to explore Freedom, in all its myriad form and formlessness … The need to be free is really the ego feeling its own self-made entrapment. In truth, Freedom is. Freedom is our own true nature. As Unconditioned Awareness, there is no movement into or away from This, this that we always are and always will be. The only movement “towards” or “away” from This, takes place in our minds. Our thoughts, our feelings, our emotions, our sensations … all simply happen, yet the pull “for” or “against” them is what creates and perpetuates the semblance of separation, the split that is the need to go towards or away from something else, something other than what is, ultimately the movement away from This … and that’s why we suffer. Freedom is. These two words speak volumes about truth, reality and suffering. As soon as our attention falls into identification with our thoughts, we lose ourselves yet again in the egoic trance that holds 99% of humanity captive. It’s subtle … yet, it’s also very simple: Freedom is. It’s not a constructed or created form of freedom but the actual Free Beingness that allows for all of life to continue to live and evolve. This innate freedom is the very fabric of life itself, it’s the backdrop of life and it’s also the foreground. It’s all this very same one Freedom, breathing Itself into each moment, being each

moment … allowing all of creation to pulsate, expand, contract and express and be. Yet, something so constant, so present and so readily available is so very easily overlooked. Why and how? Our inability to recognise what’s actually happening keeps us captive and spellbound in our heads. The truth is, free we are … vast, eternal, pure, clear, loving and so very real ... just as we are. This … This … This … This one 4 letter word points to This that is. If we let go, stop trying to hold It, stop trying to find It, stop trying to know It … This reveals Itself. Freedom is … simply drop back in … not in movement, but in that simple allowing that calls us back to the Heart. Here, all is clear. The Heart is the Infinite Eternal Spacious Beingness that simply is and simply allows … see This … Know This … Be This ... Freedom is in This. In the Flow … Enza Vita & Leo Drioli

awakening one community at a time... inspires

& uplifts 1

our goal is to awaken one community at a time . . .

Your Holistic Community Guide in SA Volume 26 - Issue 3 Proudly serving the community since 1988


An Interview by Leo Drioli and Enza Vita

SYMPTOMS & STRESS gifts in strange wrapping paper by Diane McCann



by Amanda De Warren

NATURAL REMEDIES for menopause misery


by Damian Amamoo

by Belle McCALEB




VOLUME 26 - Issue 3

Proudly serving the community since 1988


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InnerSelf and its staff are dedicated to helping readers live richer, fuller, and more responsible lives. We work to do this by providing inspiration and resources for wellness, personal growth, and spirituality and by providing information to empower positive choices for the natural and social environment.


We expect stories to offer something of value to our readers and to carry no “advertorial hook”. Advertisers are given no special consideration with regard to acceptance of editorial submissions. Decisions are based solely on content needs and editorial preferences; advertising history (or lack thereof) is not a factor. Before submitting an article please request a copy of our “Editorial Guidelines”.


The opinions expressed by writers in InnerSelf are not necessarily those of the publishers. Advice is nonspecific and readers are advised to seek professional advice for personal or health problems.


The InnerSelf editorial team is working consciously to keep sexist language out of its pages, but sometimes this is not possible due to material having been extracted from old sources making it difficult and sometimes impossible to get permission to alter copy. We apologise if any such language does offend anyone.


This issue of InnerSelf is also online as an e-paper at


awakening one community at a time . . .

awakening one community at a time . . .

Does Egypt Call Out to You?

There are moments in our lives when the mysteries of the universe call us on a journey, no place holds these mysteries like Egypt. I invite you to join me on a journey of a lifetime and discover and reconnect with ancient Egypt. If you feel a spiritual connection or attraction to the land of Egypt, to the Gods, and myths of the ancient land then this journey is for you. By joining me on this adventure in May 2014 you will have an opportunity to meet and discuss your beliefs and experiences with others on a similar path. We will be accompanied by an Egyptian Egyptologist who will offer insights and knowledge into ancient Egyptian history and culture, as well as modern day Egypt.

JOIN ME ON MY NEXT VISIT TO EGYPT IN MAY 2014 “A modern day pilgrimage” is how Mark Anns, a psychologist with an interest in transpersonal psychology, described the tours he accompanies to Egypt. Mark was trained by Mary Shaw (Consciousgateways), and in May 2014 he will accompany a small group of participants, who will explore their own connection to the ancient land of Egypt. When asked why Egypt, Mark stated Egypt has a fascination for many, and there are those who feel a calling to journey to the ancient sites. The tour offers the opportunity to immerse yourself and experience this connection.


The Way of Liberation An Interview with Adyashanti

BY LEO DRIOLI & ENZA VITA Adyashanti is an American-born spiritual teacher devoted to serving the awakening of all beings. He is the author of The Way of Liberation, Falling into Grace, True Meditation, and The End of Your World. His teachings are an open invitation to stop, inquire, and recognize what is true and liberating at the core of all existence. Asked to teach in 1996 by his Zen teacher of 14 years, Adyashanti offers teachings that are free of any tradition or ideology. “The Truth I point to is not confined within any religious point of view, belief system, or doctrine, but is open to all and found within all.” Adyashanti will be holding a 7 day silent retreat in Mangrove, NSW in October 2013. For more details on his events, books and teachings visit www. LEO: You came from a Zen background but you don’t actually teach Zen Buddhism, why?

ADYASHANTI: There’s not really a specific reason. When I started to teach I taught it pretty much the same manner that my teacher did. I had meditation cushions and mats … I’d set them up and everybody would face the wall and meditate just like we’d done with my teacher. We did some chanting and I did a short 15 minute talk. It was all modeled on what I’d done with my teacher who I’d studied with for 14 years. And then one day I started to entertain a few questions after my short little talk and I was really moved by how sometimes in just a few moments of dialogue I could help someone see through something that they might have been meditating on for years. Occasionally I would save people a lot of time just by doing it in a public forum … Because in Zen Buddhism most of the questioning is done in private between a teacher and student in what they call Dokasan. Anyway I just saw that this more public question and answer thing had the power to it so I started to extend the time that I’d be engaged with people in discussion and just slowly it took on the form that it has today. It just really naturally evolved. When I was doing it I had never heard of things like Satsang or any of these kind of words. It just evolved that way and it also goes back to my original intention. I was really interested when I started … I just had to find out what enlightenment was. Every time I read the word I just had to know what it was. Even though I became an official Buddhist, my intention wasn’t to become anything other than what I already am. I really just wanted to know what this enlightenment thing was all about. So that kind of naturally started to manifest itself when I taught and I was more than happy to use Buddhist teachings that would help, or Christian teachings or anything that I thought would help me communicate better. That was really my interest. Leo: I was listening to an interview you did a few years back and the interviewer asked you what your teaching was. He said he listened to you speak but he couldn’t pick up what the actual teaching was and you said, Well that it’s probably because you address each individual’s needs … so you kind of said, I struggle to find what my teaching is too but I’ve come to your “Way of Liberation” book and teachings lately and I realise that you’ve actually done that now, you’ve formulated the teaching, is that right?

ADYASHANTI: Yeah, that’s the reason I put out that book. I wanted to come up with a really condensed form of what my teaching is. All of those elements that are in that book can be found in my teaching over the last 15 years but I never really presented in that format. So I was always clear on what the aim of my teaching is but I started to realise that for people listening, they weren’t always exactly clear on just what the teaching is. That was one of the motivations to write it down in a really direct and simplified version. LEO: It’s actually fantastic. I must say I’ve read it and it’s really really powerful, being that condensed it captures everything so succinctly.

ADYASHANTI: I’m delighted it feels that way for you.

LEO: At the end of your book “The Way of Liberation”you describe a sort of imaginary journey that you put together about what happens in awakening … was this based on your own journey?

ADYASHANTI: It wasn’t strictly. It’s a sort of fictionalized account of my own experience. I wouldn’t say it’s exactly as it happened to me but it was certainly pretty much the elements of what happened to me as a different story. So it was a way to give in a story format what I saw is some of the really important elements of awakening. I think sometimes stories contain or express something that you can’t do just in straight conceptional language. Immortality is something you can kind of get a sense of it more than getting the teaching. LEO: I must say I enjoyed it being at the end; it really brought everything together beautifully. In the new book you really explain it as a stripped down practical guide to spiritual liberation and enlightenment. Can I ask you how many of your students have actually achieved this?

ADYASHANTI: Well I couldn’t tell you numbers coz I don’t keep track of numbers. If you ask me has anybody I’d taught come to it? I would say yeah, quite a few, but I wouldn’t really know how many. I mean it’s one of the things about awakening, enlightenment, liberation, as I see they’re much more fluid concepts than people think they are. In other words, not all awakenings are the same. Even in a legitimate awakening it can be a vast array of how deep it goes, how thorough it is, how much it is embodied into one’s life. You know all those elements can vary greatly from one individual to the other. When I started to teach 15 years ago if I could just get one person in my lifetime to really realize the truth really clearly and be able to live it, I would be thrilled. If I had a goal, that is my goal. I’ve been really pleasantly surprised over the years that it’s been many, many, many, years that first person has really woken up and lived it to a great degree, so there have been many others since. Beyond that I couldn’t possibly it’s been 50 or a 100 or … It’s a good question. To me, the bottom line of any spiritual teaching, the only thing that’s important is: Does it work? It’s not really how eloquent it is or how subtle it is or refined … but at the end of the day what’s really important is, Does it really work? So I think your question really comes out of that and is an expression of a very important question … does it work? And anybody, no matter what spiritual teaching they may be utilizing … that’s a really important question for them individually which is Does this seem to be working for me? And if it isn’t, you’ve got to review how you interacting with the teaching, or you might need to move on and find something that really works for you. ENZA: What is this Enlightenment that you speak of, because the word is used out there in all the different spiritual teachings and everybody’s got a slightly different definition of it? Just wondering what your definition of enlightenment is?

ADYASHANTI: Well you know, like most things in life, you can’t define it (Laughter) but it doesn’t mean that I’m not going to give it a try. (Laughter) ENZA: I thought you’d say that. (Laughter)

ADYASHANTI: Like anything, the definition isn’t really much like the real thing at all, so I think we should all hold the definitions very, very lightly instead of very tightly. I mean I think there are few basic elements that have to be considered when we talk about enlightenment. One of them would be something that’s really fundamental. By fundamental I mean something that is not just transitory or passing but the real seeing of ourselves not in some way separate, to see ourselves as whole, by whatever means you want to express that. To see our essential nature is that which is the whole, whether we want to call that Buddhanature or the Divine or just the One. I think that’s the key element. If that’s not there, we really can’t be talking “Enlightenment” … Enlightenment is really to be waking up to the whole, to the oneness of all existence. Although to me that’s the first step. You can realise that and still have a lot of egoic content going on, and a

ADYASHANTI lot of inner contradiction happening. To me part of this trajectory from awakening to liberation would be the capacity to, number one: To be able to live what you realise, so you’re expressing it in the way you move into the world of time and space. So it’s not just a private inner realisation or inner experience but it literally becomes who you are through your humanity, to be the much more mature expression of enlightenment. And also what I would include to be a really mature expression of enlightenment would be the experience of non-division, not in the metaphysical sense like I just mentioned before but non-division in the psychological sense. Where we do not internally have divisive psychological forces creating friction. I think that those elements are indispensible if we’re going to talk about enlightenment about liberation. ENZA: What is the greatest barrier to awakening and what is the most valuable thing that we can do in our daily life to wake up?

ADYASHANTI: Oh … you guys are so full of good questions aren’t you? (Laughter) They sound so harmless. (Laughter) Oh gosh, I’m just playing with you … that’s a great question but the reason why I think it is not simple to answer, is because I’m really hesitant to give pat answers to questions like that. In “The Way of Liberation” it’s what I call the False Self. The False Self that sees itself as separate is probably our greatest barrier to awakening. In the metaphysical sense it’s very true that it is a barrier but when we get down to a specific person, what they are actually dealing with … what their particular barrier is can be very different from person to person. Their particular type of separateness … the way they feel and create separateness ... that can vary so much. So that’s why I’m kind of a little hesitant to give you one answer. Because I know over all these years working with people that it’s very unique from person to person and it always has something to do with the way we see ourselves as separate from the whole. ENZA: So this brings us to the role of the Teacher and their importance in guiding us. Is it absolutely necessary to have a Teacher to awaken?

ADYASHANTI: No, it’s not. It all also comes down to an individual person. For one person the answer may be absolutely yes but for another person the answer may be no. It’s very individual; some people really, really need a teacher. Their chances of finding their own way out of their confusion are very, very slim if left on their own. And there are other people - you know Ramana Maharshi didn’t have a teacher - you know there are other examples of people who have awakened but didn’t have a teacher at all. It’s so individual, some people do and some people don’t. ENZA: So what is the role of the Teacher in your teachings?

ADYASHANTI: Well I think the first role of a teacher is to Continued to page 6


awakening one community at a time . . .


Allowing Natural Meditation to Happen BY ENZA VITA In our day to day life, we are always habitually involved with thoughts and projections, constantly trying to manipulate whatever comes up in our life experiences by either moving toward the ones we like or moving away from the ones we don’t . But the thoughts themselves are not the problem. The problem is that we are constantly reacting to them and so every thought that arises in the mind continually distracts us, “seemingly” obscuring our true nature - natural awareness. By natural awareness here I refer to our true naked nature, stripped bare of these movements of the mind. Since the mind depends on this constant movement for its continued existence, abiding in natural awareness, what I call The Practice of Presence, is to be internally still and undistracted. This actually means to leave everything that arises in our experience (thoughts, sights, sounds and sensations) as it is, without manipulations or strategies. We simply relax in the naked ordinary awareness that is seeing through our eyes, hearing through our ears and feeling through our hearts right now, without trying to correct or replace anything, This is not a passive surrender but a letting go to being totally present and totally relaxed at the same time, without any artificiality or manipulation. Instead of our usual habit of grasping and making the moment solid, we open, dissolve and ‘let everything be’. This is essentially the complete practice. There is nothing else that we are doing. Through this natural meditation, we begin to clearly see the difference between the state of habitual reaction to life and the simple effortless non distracted space of our natural nature. Once the habitual grasping has been disabled by “wearing out” the mind habit of accepting and rejecting, then thoughts, emotions and sensations continue to arise but they are not fixated upon and solidified by the mind.

We discover, as each thought arises, that it does so in the very same space in which the last thought and the thought before that arose and that all experiences, including the body-mind we believe to be, happen in THAT. We realize that we aren’t a distinct someone inhabiting the body that we are looking out of. We realize that we and everything emerging out of present moment awareness are identical. At this point, whether there are thoughts or not, natural awareness is no longer obscured.

Q & A about the “practice” Q: Can you explain how The Practice of Presence is done?

A: The Practice of Presence is simply to remain undistracted from present wakefulness, to relax and open in all directions, without spacing out and losing our alertness. To be as open and relaxed as possible while being present and lucid with all our senses wide open. The words “remain undistracted” seem to point to a mind-made effort, but what I’m talking about is to leave the mind as it is and rest in the cognizing intelligence that is aware of reading these words right now . We don’t strive to reach some “amazing goal” or some “advanced state.” Nor do we use the practice to “go deep into ourselves” or to withdraw from the world. Instead, we just trust, connect, and realize what is already here. If “interesting” experiences happen, don’t give too much attention to them. Spiritual experiences and lights shooting out of our third eye have nothing to do with awakening. They are just spiritual entertainment, coming and going in the impersonal awareness that we are. While all forms that appear are vibrant with uniqueness and meaning, don’t cling to these forms and let them go the moment after they present themselves and return to pure unfabricated awareness. At first we may only be able to rest in this aware

presence for a few seconds before we are distracted by thoughts. When thoughts arise, what has happened? Has awareness gone anywhere? Have we gone anywhere? No, our attention has just gotten caught in a thought. When this happens, refrain from judging your practice or your progress. Everything that arises is simply the play of awareness and everything is naturally perfect just as it is. Every time you get distracted, just simply bring the attention back toward awareness itself. Relax into this aware presence many times throughout the day. At first, if we try to sustain this for long stretches, it can become a goal-oriented mental practice. So it’s better to spend time as often as you can during the day just being still within this “objectless,” timeless, eternal, and enduring space. When you are able to truly penetrate this practice, what you thought you were dissolves into a space that is free of any concepts of self. At the same time you also experience a sharp lucidity without thought. These two aspects together are what is called presence or awareness, your natural original nature. Then you see nakedly, clearly and you realize that you have always been THIS. Q: During the Practice of Presence , I have been experiencing the truth of my being as an infinite spaciousness.

A: Now let that spaciousness go. Why? Because it is still a mind state. Our original nature is open, spacious, lucid awareness, but not as an egoic experience—“Ahh, I am so open, so vast, so spacious that “I” encompass the universe of universes!” We may feel amazingly open and spacious, but the “I” is still there. This is still a dualistic mind state and not our real nature at all. Who we truly are is not an object that can be held in the mind. As soon as the notion of spaciousness arises, the ego has turned it into an object.

As we familiarize once again with our natural nature, it is common to experience a sense of unconfined spaciousness giving rise to bliss, peace, clarity. This is a wonderful state and yes, there can be a huge sense of freedom in it, but “you” are still there holding and perceiving the spaciousness. So now you need to let the spaciousness go. At some point you may begin to notice that you are “staying within the spaciousness.” So you let the “staying” go too. And then you may notice that there is still a very slight desire of wanting the spaciousness again. So you let that go as well, and as you let go more and more of any state where an I or me is present, no matter how subtle, you become the spaciousness itself, awareness itself. Enza Vita, past editor of Woman Spirit and Health and Wellbeing magazines and co-editor of Innerself newspaper for the last 11 years is the author of her soon to be released book Always Already Free – What is Enlightenment and What Does It Matter Anyway? Based on Enza’s own experience, Always Already Free, guides the reader from the seeking process through the integration of enlightenment into everyday life and reveals that spiritual enlightenment is not a faraway dream, but the ever-present reality always available here and now. The first 3 chapters of the book Always Already Free are available for download from



Enza Vita with her partner and associate teacher Leo Drioli, are presenting a 6 week Natural Meditation class based on The Practice of Presence on Monday nights (7.30-9.00pm) from September 2nd – October 7th 2013 at the Spirit of Yoga Centre, 138B The Parade Norwood. For more details and bookings

phone(08) 8396 6752

always already free

what is enlightenment and what does it matter anyway? Whatever experience is occurring right now, cosmic or ordinary, supersedes every other one because it is the one happening in this present moment. Every moment is in fact a perfect mirror of the divine impulse to manifest into the world. Life’s mystery and its mundaneness are equally divine. This brilliant contribution to our modern understanding of authentic identity and Presence brings us to a new awareness of ourselves and our innate wholeness and completeness. Enza’s personal awakening story, in the first few pages, is worth the price of admission. Enlightened wisdom is like an endangered natural resource today, which we overlook at our peril; let’s join in exploring and developing our own innate transformational resources for a change. — Lama Surya Das, international bestselling author of Awakening the Buddha Within This is an outstanding offering to our appreciation of the genuine voice of Pure Presence. It brings us to a deep awareness of what it truly means to study and realize the self and our intrinsic true nature as that which is already perfect, whole and complete. A book absolutely worthy of your time and attention. — Genpo Roshi, international bestselling author of Big Mind, Big Heart

For FREE book download (3 chapters) visit

a hint of remembrance of something long forgotten. The appearance of 11:11 is also a powerful confirmation that we are on the right track, aligned with our highest Truth. Throughout the years, I have personally encounawakening one community at a timetered . . . thousands of people all over the world who, have experienced repeated sightings of 11:11. They all want to know what is happening to and goes, their dedication comes them and why. What does the 11:11 and goes. And that’s not right or signify? wrong, it’s certainly not as power- 11:11 is a pre-encoded trigger ful if you’re always changing your placed into our cellular memory direction. I don’t look at this in terms banks prior to our descent into matof necessarily applying your will ter which, when activated, signifies power. I look at it in terms of love. thatBY our ISIRA time of completion is near. Continued from page xx What do you love? What’s so im- This refers to the completion of dualsimply be themselves. I think it’s reWhenthe we11:11 take aappears close look at itour portant to you that you’re going to ity. When to you, ally fundamental that they are absomost inherent discover empty your life so that you wish to is your wake-up call.needs A directwechannel lutely authentic, to be natural in their that, than shelter, pay attention to that? What is that? opens upother between youfood and and the Invisown way. Beyond that, the Teacher’s most need loveto–to And when people touch upon that ible.our When thiscommon happens, it isistime job is to question people’s answers. loveonand be loved. Wedoing only for have within themselves, they touch upon reflect whatever you are Because whether we know it or not, to lookand at our andA transfears for a vitality that doesn’t really come a moment Lookhopes Larger. we all come to spirituality with a and go. A lot of people haven’t re- fer confirmation is in position. of Youthis. can Just enterscratch the whole host of ideas about what the the surface ourwish, beings and ally looked, they just heard the word Greater Reality ifofyou pray or we world is, what God is … or we may find one ofseed our biggest— the fear “enlightenment” or “awakening” meditate and your future and be really confused and not know. being just at and they say “Well, that sounds re- also,ofyou canalone.This be seededruns by thenotInvisBut that’s not what holds us in bondsurface of our humanness, ally good. I’d like to be free. I think ible.theYou can ask for help in somebut age. What holds us in bondage are deeparea in our shared psyche. Thelis-fear I’ll go after that.” You know, it has specific of your life or simply all the things that we think we do perception of being separated to be connected to something that’s ten and quietly and receive a revelation. know … all our beliefs, our opinions the source, from our really, really “real” … really “real”. Thefrom appearance of 11:11 is anmother al… our judgment. Those are the from each other causes us to Then you’ll have dedication. We waysand beneficial act of Divine Interthings that we think we know and we generate protective beliefs andtobedon’t have to be reminded of the vention telling you that it is time think are really true. The Teacher’s Despite theyou deeper truth things we love, do we? If you fall in takehaviours. a good look around and see job is really, to question all of that. separation is an It’s illusion –to for love with somebody, you don’t have whatthat is really happening. time The Teacher’s job is not necessarily we the trulyveils are ofanillusion all-connected to say to yourself “Now, what disci- pierce that keepfield to give us nice, tidy answers to all of life –toweandeeply feel the need pline do I have to undertake to be in us bound unreal world. You to of our big questions. The Teacher’s We only because have to look at the love?” It’s just with you; it’s a part havebelong. been chosen, you are job is really to spot the conclusions success ofinto online social sites such of you. I think that the first thing you ready, to step the Greater Reality. we’ve already made, and to quesas Facebook toothers see that need in have to do is to connect with that, to To lead the way for into a new tion those. And the student’s positoday. connect to that that you really, really wayaction of living, into a Greater Love. To tion is the same thing. The student That we perceive separation love … that you really value.. also has to have a real love of truth. (consciously or un-consciously) And if we have a real love of truth it causes us to feel great anxiety. We doesn’t mean we have a love of the LEO: What happens after awakening? are compelled to behave in ways answers. It means we really have a You mentioned that there are degrees that make us distinctly human — we love to actually question deeply … of awakening. Many people discover may become possessive, jealous, to question our own answers that their essence and as you said there’s controlling, hateful, or violent. It we think are true … to question a journey after that … there can be a is a false perception to feel apart our own conditioned ideas. The flip flopping that takes place, as you from others and the world,which Teacher and the student really have attempt to authentically live it in the often brings about such various the same fundamental orientation world … the liberation aspect of it. degrees of unease, but it doesn’t It can take a long time I suppose or where they are both lovers of truth. it can take a short time depending have to be like this. We can also be If they are both courageous enough on your own journey, that’s one motivated for the good of the whole to question deeply then they have of the major challenges from my creation and everyone: we can be a really dynamic and powerful rela- understanding. I mean waking up is kind, generous, suppor tive and tionship. one thing but then actually staying compassionate. awake and living that truth is what Psychological research has LEO: Over the years you must it’s really all about isn’t it? revealed that one of the greatest have seen many people start with fears we all have is most deeply enthusiasm and with really good ADYASHANTI: Yeah of course … linked to this need for belonging. At intentions but then lose their way, yeah, yeah, otherwise it’s just like some level we are terrified of being what do you offer as a Teacher to help nice little private experience you ostracised: judged as unacceptable your students stay on track? have … and rejected by those we most want ADYASHANTI: Well, one of the first LEO: So can you talk about that. to belong with – our closest family things I always focus on with any- Because I mean a lot of people may and friends and society. Perhaps this body is that it always comes down have touched these places but then explains why Facebook has become to your intention. Everything fol- they struggle with their false selves, so successful: it responds to the lows your intention. What I mean they struggle with their identification innate human need to connect and by intention is what we hold that is with their minds, they still go flip belong. A recent video created by really valuable to us. Because what flopping around in all their stuff. Facebook ends with the dramatic we each individually hold that’s re- What needs to happen for us to statement: “The universe is vast, ally valuable is reflected in what we really plough through this stuff and and dark, and makes us wonder if to really make it reality? we are alone. So maybe the reason do. An example of this is someone we make all of these things is to could turn on the TV and watch the ADYASHANTI: Yeah … it’s a great remind ourselves that we are not.” Olympics and while watching they question, I mean probably most This statement is quite profound would say “I would love to stand of the questions I get, and a lot of and far-reaching. Facebook is both over there and receive the gold teachers now get has something to an example and evidence that we medal.” Right? But you don’t get do with exactly what you’re talking are not separate. It is a tool through that gold medal just because you about. Well I think again, it varies which we, as individuals and a sosay you want it … You have to folfrom one individual to another but ciety, are perhaps using to try to low through on a lot of action to get one of the things that is a comre-awaken our selves to the truth there, right? So it’s the same way monality when people have a real that we really are all connected. that a lot of people say they want awakening is usually they have sort Of course it has its limitations and the truth, or they want freedom, or of a honeymoon period and that’s concerns, for example it is quite they want God. But our intention, when everything seems to flow. And disturbing that one-seventh of the by what we really hold as valuable is their mind, and their conditioning, world’s population is spending an always reflected in what we do and and their ego isn’t bothering them average of up to one-third of their what we give our time and attention and all just seems to be very efforttime online –having increasingly to. So the first thing that I want to less and easy. And then for probably less real life interaction with sociestablish with anybody that comes 99% of the people at some point ety and friends. And there are many to me is that I want them to get really their psychology begins to revert who spend an even greater amount clear on what they really, really want. itself to some degree, depending of time in the virtual world. And for a lot of people that’s its own on how deep the awakening was, to The ‘virtual’ nature of Facebook journey. Because if you’re not really how great an impact, or how much makes it such an interesting display clear and you haven’t really touched that sort of divided psychology asof our polar natures. It is indeed a upon what you value really really serts itself again. For most people forum that exposes ALL human atdeeply, then your motivation come there will be some amount of it. titudes – those who seek to criticise s and goes. and ridicule, and those who seek to And that’s just the way some peoContinued on page 23 inspire and unite. These dual asple are. Their motivation comes

The Way of Liberation An Interview

with Adyashanti

has been gently sleeping, awaiting the moment of triggering. And now the 11:11 is finally activated. 11:11 is the pre-encoded trigger and the key to the mysteries of the universe and beyond. Some of you have recognized this symbol as something of significance,


A Very Human, Deeply Spiritual Need pects of our humanness makes us potentially destructive – or deeply empathic and connected.The work of artist Marina Abramovic is a particularly telling demonstration of our potential natures. She performed two significant pieces of ‘live’ art. In the first she wanted to test the limits of human relationships. Marina placed upon a table 72 objects that people were allowed to use (a sign informed them) in any way that they chose. Some of these were objects that could give pleasure, while others could be wielded to inflict pain, or to harm her. Among them were a rose, a feather, honey, a whip, scissors, a scalpel, a gun and a single bullet. For six hours she remained passive – and un-engaged (not making eye contact) – allowing the audience to do as they chose. Initially, members of the audience reacted with caution and modesty, but as time passed (and the artist remained passive) people began to act more aggressively – ultimately reaching its breaking point with someone pointing the gun at her head. This became a famous example of relevance to psychological research – revealing the strong inclination for humans to digress to destructive behaviour when personal and engaging connection is absent. The same thing happens with mob mentality. In stark contrast, Abramovic performed another live piece (over 736 hours), called ‘The ar tist is Present’, in which she invited spectators to sit and gaze into her eyes. The dynamic was so overwhelming – bringing tears to many peoples eyes –it sparked the need for support groups to be established. The most commonly repor ted feeling was one of a deep, unexplainable soul connection. Interestingly, Facebook sits on

leading scientists, including a few who worked with Albert Einstein. The world’s most prestigious scientific magazine, Nature, published a paper on Uri’s work at the Stanford Research Institute in the U.S.A - a unique endorsement, and an irrefutable proof that his skills are genuine.

the edge of both personalised connection (sharing private moments and details with large groups of people) and the impersonal (lack of direct living interaction), reflecting the diverse range of our human behaviours. Its enormous success proves that our need to connect is very real. It is our awareness of this need that paves the way for us to enter into a more meaningful life. Our ability to connect – and the depth to which we connect – is dependant on the way we connect. When we are deeply present, centred in our self, centred in the moment, we are most capable of being deeply centred – and deeply connected – with another and with life as it truly is. The encounter is one that is unifying, uplifting and enriching. It is also the only way in which we feel a power that is greater than our individual sense of self (between ‘our self’ and ‘other’) – but rather the sense of a unified soul. When we are connected in this way only love flows – it is impossible for feelings or acts of violence to arise. Our ability to foster more deeply connecting encounters with each other could be the very thing that steers us towards a world of greater peace and wellbeing. And our ability to foster a more deeply connected state within our self will inevitably re-awaken us to the Truth that we really are ONE life. Self-awareness without connectedness with the whole can be quite unfulfilling. However, self-awareness combined with communion provides the foundation for real hope – it gives us a glimpse of the potential we really have… to live a love-filled life. Perhaps this is why the Buddhist faith espouses the virtues of sangha (living spiritual community) as the highestprinciple for human development. And, whether we are spiritual or not, it is evident that the more connected we are – in our self and with each other – the happier we are. Perhaps then it is time to replace our virtual connections with real life

happy, secure, loved or at peace. This sor t of change is really only temporary, because it is still associated with a conditioned identity that will continue to create problems and suffering in more subtle and creative ways. What I am pointing to here is a greater power, a deeper solution that frees us from the whole conditioned identity. Whether we know it yet or not, this is what we are seeking. What we truly want is freedom from the condition that creates our suffering in the first place. When you use the mind or ego, it is like rearranging furniture in a prison cell in order to make it more comfortable. When you enter awareness – pure consciousness – you leave the prison cell altogether. In fact, you see that there never was a prison to start with! The prison was just a projection of the mind. It is the liberating power of awareness that can offer the greatest help during these times of trauma or unease. Not only can it aid you at a ‘personal’ level to regain a sense of peace and trust in life, but it can be extended to others, enabling a greater solidarity and capacity for us to unite in the aftermath of tragedy. As you awaken more to your own essence, you become a field of peace and love – you shine as this peace and love. You also become a presence of true compassion, capable of extending this deeper awareness into other people’s lives. You become the presence of a deeper vibration that affects the whole at the unseen level, but at a very real level – the level in which we truly are all ONE and in which true peace is known. This is the type of help that is all-reaching, unhindered by physical for engaging relationships withconour distance or limited conditions, self andofeach other…inwith the living necting all people all places – world… where reality is: in the ever the true harbinger of peace, wellbepresent ing andNOW. happiness. Isira is a presence of unconditional Isira is Australianl o v eShe came and born. compassion into this world a p o w e r tand hat conscious inspires, awake, anduplifts at the a n dof c 29 h a nfully ges age lawakened. i v e s . Isira’s A s apresence is a sacred Master offield meditation and conscious blessing of consciousness that development, she is here to help us activates our energy field and reveals all to awaken to create a world of enlightened answers. Through her love, peace and well-being. With consultations, programs and books over 26 years’ experience, Isira including “A Journey of Awakening” brings powerful change through her Isira inspires and supports us in our consultations, programs and books own awakening. including “A Journey of Awakening”. Her presence is truly enlightening.

Dr. Peter Fenner Creator of Radiant Mind and Natural Awakening is now offering individual sessions in natural meditative awakening. Awaken to the bliss of awareness in one-to-one contemplative sessions with Peter.

Don’t hesitate as sessions will fill up quickly For information about Peter see phone 03 9016 3988 • email


awakening one community at a time . . .


Radical intimacy

In Radiant Mind and other courses I offer I prefer to talk about “intimacy” rather than “love.” This gives us a fresh opportunity to invent what we mean by the word “ love.” Rather than saying a lot about “love” and potentially debase with word, the idea of “intimacy” can be approached more openly. I feel that the word intimacy works better than the word compassion, because compassion is often understood in a dualistic and hierarchal way. We can give something to someone, something that they need. Compassion can be expressed by seeing what another needs and working to fulfill that need. Intimacy isn’t like that. Intimacy gives us the opportunity to totally enter a situation openly in whatever shape it takes. It allows us to be aware and completely engaged with others no matter what is happening. When we abide in unconditioned awareness we take care of others in the same way we take care of ourselves because there is no difference between ourselves and others. While we don’t feel people’s pain and suffering, or joy and elation in exactly the same way that they do, we deeply par ticipate in their feelings, because we come together in the field of undivided awareness. Other peoples’ thoughts and feelings aren’t arising with the immediacy and with the clarity with which we experience our own thoughts and feelings. It’s more like a shadowing, more opaque, yet whatever is happening for others is effectively part of our own experience. Even though we don’t know what other people are thinking, and while physical pain is very personal, when we rest in nondual awareness, we somehow sense the general structure of people’s throughts—their confusion, worry or clarity. And we relate to their pain as though it was our own. From within undivided awareness we are just a clearing—a centerless space—through which a universe moves. I am me, not because there is a unique me somewhere in here, but because the space I am reveals a unique and distinctive universe. Even though it seems I’m at the center of this, I’m not in here, and there is no center. This means that everyone who enters into the clearing that I am is as intimately related to me as my thoughts and bodily feelings. There’s no difference. In the nondual state there is no inside or outside. There is no me in here who exists separate from everything else. It’s impossible to locate where I stop and you begin. There is no point where I stop and you begin. There’s just this, which is everything. This is real intimacy. From within the nondual experience we don’t invite into, or exclude, anything. There’s no one home who is capable of doing this! Everything is already here. We don’t push anything away, and we don’t hold onto anything. Of course, this doesn’t mean that the structure of our relationships takes the same form with everyone. The

people with whom we live, work and practice have a central role in our lives. Nonetheless, there is nothing artificial or contrived about our relationships. In the nondual realm, intimacy isn’t a par ticular set of feelings, such as feeling really close or connected to someone, or feeling deeply committed or concerned about someone else’s wellbeing. Nondual intimacy doesn’t carve out a particular relationship with one, or a few other people. Nondual intimacy is all encompassing and all embracing. Nothing is excluded. Everything in our known universe is touched with equal sensitivity and compassion. It’s the experience of total interpenetration of our being to the point where the no one who we are expands to include everything. I invite you to explore the idea of being a “centerless clearing.” I find that it’s an extremely powerful way of being in the world. Peter is a leader in the adaption and transmission of Asian nondual wisdom worldwide. He is a pioneer in the development of nondual therapy and creator of the 9-month Radiant Mind Course® (www.radiantmind. net) and the 10-month Natural Awakening: Advanced Nondual Training (www.nondualtraining. com). He was a celibate monk in the Tibetan Buddhist tradition for 9 years and has a Ph.D. in the philosophical psychology of Mahayana Buddhism. He teaches in North America, Europe, Israel and Australia. His books include Radiant Mind: Awakening Unconditional Awareness (2007); The Edge of Certainty: Dilemmas on the Buddhist Path (2002); and The Sacred Mirror: Nondual Wisdom and Psychotherapy (ed. with John Prendergast and Sheila Krystal, 2003).



In my last article, I asked the question, “What kind of world do you live in?”. Since then, this question has been brought into even sharper focus through a dear friend, Jodie, who left this earthly dimension and crossed to the other side. Over the last six months I have learnt much from this momentous transition we call death. My mother, my grandmother and my aunt have all crossed along with three other people I know and love well. Sitting here quietly, looking out at the garden in its wintery apparel, I think of Jodie (or perhaps it is more I feel her) and marvel at her determination, courage and astonishing vitality in the face of her cancer. It was often easy to forget that she was ill, so filled with enthusiasm was she. But when I looked into her eyes, I also saw the hur t and bewilderment and fear. I saw her looking after other people more that she did herself. We explored the nature of her low self-esteem - such a paltry description of something so subtly destructive; that we get used to and own as our real nature. We talked about what it means to be true to oneself rather than other people’s expectations; or fulfilling those hidden internal demands that we put on ourselves to qualify for love and worth. She was so talented, in particular, with helping people to get a handle on things. She was so accepting of people and their foibles but not of her own; she was extraordinary and so wonderfully ordinary, as we all are. In my last newsletter, I wrote these words: “A wonderful woman, working in cancer care, told me that every one who comes to the centre is asked if they know why they have cancer? I often tell this to those people who still err towards a medical model

of disease, and doubt the role the emotional body plays in the manifestation of disease from dis-ease.” Amongst many appreciative replies, I received one from a friend which reflects a view of the world that many of us grapple with daily, in one way or another. I feel his words are so significant that I have copied a slightly edited version of them here: “I hate this ‘why have I given myself cancer’ thing. Some years ago a friend of mine had a brain tumour and knew he was dying, leaving two young kids and wife. At his fund raiser he gave a talk about how he was finally understanding how he was responsible for his tumour. I found this really distressing. Not only was he having to face leaving his family in a difficult situation he was blaming himself for doing it to them/ himself. Yes, there is a place for visualisations and internal house cleaning but genes are genes. Chemicals in the environment or food kill good people as much as nazis. A woman gets raped just as savagely if she meditates or is an alcoholic. Or both. So I find asking people why they have cancer is like asking Jews why they were gonna be gassed. Particularly in this day and age of understanding the role of genes. Of environmental triggers etc. And yes maybe some part is psychological. This I accept sometimes but not always. To me this kind of thinking relates to our need to feel in control of our lives. And of course we aren’t. The world is not merely a reflection of us and what we think or feel but it actually exists outside of us. So it actually has a real presence. Not just maya. Which is maybe about thoughts

etc but even they are real. So yep. I have charge around that.” First, I want to say that I include his words with deep appreciation for his expression of what so many of us feel in so many ways. Of course, we understand these words with our minds and our emotions. For me, the importance of these words are as they reflect the quintessential debate, the great shift of this time. Do we live in the world or does the world live in us? This is the paradigm shift centred around consciousness and materiality, energy and physicality, little i and big I. This is the question asked by mystic and scientist alike, “what is the true nature of reality?” and, “what kind of world do we live in?” Psychologically, egoically, there is no doubt that we live in the world and we suffer it in ways described above. And there is no doubt, it is very convincing. This is how we have had the human experience for millennia, struggling to survive, often feeling helpless, hopeless or powerless and doing whatever it takes to feel in control, safe and protected. What happens when we actually put down this conviction of material reality? Science has helped to change our cosmology and our world view. According to quantum physics, there is no ultimate physical reality. Everything we know as real arises out of consciousness. So, according to science, the world only exists outside of us as a projection, a hologram. The mystics have said this for aeons. I was taught that DNA is fixed, immutable. Now science teaches that it changes according to what we feel. It talks of the brain that changes itself, and so much more. Nonetheless, most of us are still utterly convinced by genes, cancers and perpetrators as real. How can

we shift this conviction? How can we dream differently? Just for a moment, stop identifying with what you think, feel and believe is going on. Stop giving reality to the current dream. Drop into the silence of your heart. Feel what is really real. Feel the ecstasy. Dream from here. Have your human experience from here. Through your heart’s intelligence, you learn to see beyond dis-ease and other faces of fear. This is where the world lives in you. This is where the inner has a chance of transforming the outer. Through your hear t, your dream aligns with the universal dream, and it is found to be wondrous. Sky is an inspiring spiritual teacher who helps you evolve a cosmology for transformation and growth. Author of the book Love’s A l c h e m y, h e r focus is on the transformative power of divine love. A pioneer in Heart Centered Therapy, Sky is a psychologist and spiritual coach, working internationally, offering courses and private sessions. She also runs retreats in the Promised Land, a beautiful valley near Bellingen in northern NSW. Sky is an awakener. Her invitation is to awaken to your true nature and, thereby, fulfill your purpose. For sessions or details of events call 0417 288 642 or visit

awakening one community at a time . . .



Threading the Path to Enlightenment in the Age of Information “Content” is very much the buzzword in today’s age of information. It refers to everything from a news bulletin to cancer research; video games downloaded to your mobile phone, laptop or tablet; online dating channels or the latest Scorsese film. The way we take it for granted certainly gives no hint of user-related problems, and the dis-content it may cause the human nervous system. Yes we may know content as enter tainment, education or just information, but it also impacts on the inner realm of human life experience. And in today’s fast-paced, time-poor lifestyle, practices for working on one’s self, both ancient and modern, assume a whole new significance - par ticularly as the effects of information overload and addiction become better known. In fact, some interesting alternatives for tackling these modern day issues emerge when you consult the wisdom of the past, including spiritual traditions some of which go back hundreds of years. Philosophers such as Descartes, Hume and Berkeley all investigated the inner sanctum of human perception, exploring questions of reality and what constitutes true knowledge. When it comes to human nature, traditional philosophical enquiry seeks to answer questions about the nature of existence as it is. For spirituality, on the other hand, the age-old question concerns our human potential, and what we might become. Here perception has the potential to evolve, to become finer and more receptive through disciplines such as meditation, breath awareness and the practice of cultivating stillness. For Armenian mystic George Ivanovitch Gurdjieff (1866-1949), the human being is a processing plant for “food”, of which there are different types – dietary, air and impressions. Our level of consciousness plays a key role in how we assimilate this food we need for our proper functioning. If we fail to rise above what Gurdjieff called the “law of accident”, it really only sustains

the basic physical level of existence. But with the effor ts necessary to remember oneself and awaken, to bring the intellectual, emotional and physical centres into balance; it is possible for men and women to attain higher levels of consciousness and realise their God-like potential. In the Gurdjieffian system, content as we know it today can be viewed as par t of the food of incoming impressions. Depending on the level of one’s inner development, this information can either be received haphazardly and so maintain one’s subservience to the law of accident - or used creatively as the raw material of transformation. It depends on the extent of our “waking sleep” as Gurdjieff called it, or conversely, our capacity for self-remembering. It is primarily a question of being, of who we are. In this age of information, we may think of content as an absolute necessity for the modern lifestyle. Can you imagine not being able to shop, buy or sell, book or search online, or instantly access news, email or social media? It makes no sense at all not to take advantage of quick, easy to access information that enhances our quality of life. The key question is about managing the process. How can we manage content, so that we get the benefit without compromising our mental health in the process? There are cer tainly ways and means available for each of us to put our lives in order, both inside and outside, even in the midst of the proliferation of content that constantly demands and distracts our attention. Feng shui, for example, is an ancient oriental system, which recognises the interplay between the external environment and the inner world of the human senses; it is based on principles designed to maximise the flow of energy or “qi”. Author of Creating Sacred Space with Feng Shui Karen Kingston refers to the Balinese culture as an example of an entire society using feng shui to promote happiness and abundance. Perhaps today we need to space-

clear our minds as much as our environment. Much is already known about the negative consequences of clutter in our homes and workplaces - but what about our inner space? We need to find ways to practice feng shui on the inside too, among our thoughts and feelings. And, in relation to the tsunami of information that presses upon us daily, perhaps we need a kind of vir tual feng shui. What we don’t need is more congestion to add to the oversupply. We should take every step possible to ensure we are not swallowed up by information that only perpetuates dis-content – leaving us starved of knowledge that nurtures our soul and sets us on the path to becoming creators in our own right. Even the most brilliant content curation tool cannot answer one big question for us: what information do we really need? Time is life. If we are addicted to content that serves no creative purpose, even the most efficient management strategy becomes a waste of our most precious asset. It is time to consult the wisdom of our forefathers, seek out true knowledge and time-honoured ways of being – and see clearly for ourselves the path that leads to enlightenment for us and future generations. Steve Denham ( has been published in Insight Magazine and Living Now newspaper. His book “A Plate of Eggs” (now available as an eBook at was published by Zeus in 2011 and is dedicated to the mateship of soul. Since 1982 he has been a member of the Sydneybased group Leonis (www.leonis. org) dedicated to bringing the benefits of stillness to everyday life. Stephen Denham

Re-Think Watch!

The Re-Think Watch looks and works like any ordinary digital watch, however it can be set to gently vibrate at a desired interval. The gentle vibration can be used to • remind you to be present in the moment, the ‘here and now’ • remind you to be grateful • remind you to re-inforce a positive message for your life • it can be used to remind you to do a physical exercise, eg. stretch at your desk, do a physio exercise, re-align your posture

Re-Think... change your life! •



As the Sun star ts setting later in the evening and rising to bring its rays of life to our world much earlier each morning, we start to feel a sense of ‘renewal’ and awakening in our lives. For many of us, the coming of Spring signals a time for the cleaning out of the old, and spring cleaning commences on many levels. As a child I have fond memories of my Mother heralding in the Spring with the announcement that the curtains in all the rooms were coming down for a wash…that the windows and the skir ting boards were all getting a good clean… and that it was time for our ritual 1st Sunday in Spring – taking out all of our clothes in the wardrobes and doing a genuine ‘culling’. We would go through everything and anything that hadn’t been worn for a couple of years went into the ‘one more year and you are gone pile’ (yes my Mother was a little bit of a ‘hoarder’ ) and others were put into the bag for the Salvos. We would then put all of the remaining Winter clothes in suitcases to be stored for another year. Then the suitcases with Summer clothes would come out and what a fun time that always was…it was like an early Christmas with gasps of ‘Oh I forgot I had that! I can’t wait to wear it again!’ and ‘Thank goodness I didn’t throw that out... it’s back in fashion’. These days, although my Mother is long gone to a better place, every change of season I still do this ritual and this Spring is no exception. The difference is that this year something has happened in the Winter months, something that has really shifted in my mindset. In talking with many of my friends and clients I’m surprised to discover it is not only me. Many of them have indicated that over the Autumn/Winter period of 2013 world events and local issues have been looked upon by each and every one of them with a more enquiring mind. The direction of our global economy has been playing havoc with all of us. Whilst some governments have chosen to ‘move funds around’ in order to protect the community from the full force of the global financial crisis, others have chosen to face it head on and take the fall now rather than delay the consequences. In discussing these

strategies, most of us have agreed that when there is a serious issue that is faced, the bravest move is to face it ‘head on’. By doing that, we are able to see the consequences, plan for the ‘hit’, investigate options of resolvement and learn from the lessons. And in most cases… come out the other side in much better shape along with increased wisdom and gratitude. Trying to ‘soften the blow’ artificially as some governments have done, by attempting to ‘stimulate’ the economy with cash giveaways and raiding the government savings accounts to ‘cotton wool’ the financial crisis is a short term solution which in the long term, still has to be paid and…invariably, just delays the ‘hit’ that others take straight up. When we have an issue in our lives, be it personally, emotionally, financially or in business, finding ways to ‘delay the inevitable’ and still have the issue is not the answer to strength and peace within. These issues with our various governments have been the topic of discussion and have created an increased awareness of how impor-

tant it is to be grateful for what we have. To be grateful for what we are able to create on every level in our lives, for that is what each and every one of us is…a creator. If we want abundance on any level in our lives, we can have it…we simply have the ability to create it if we truly desire. The opposite can be said as well, it lies simply within us all. This increased awareness and gratitude has permeated many, so as we enter the Spring of 2013, as we ‘cull’ our wardrobes we aren’t putting so much into the suitcases for next year…we are placing the items in bags for the Salvo’s now. As we spring clean our homes and make decisions on what we really do need, we don’t put them in ‘storage’ we pass them on to others. This creates an amazing ‘flow’ in life and as we increase that ‘flow’ our abundance increases. In business, ‘spring cleaning’ is essential. Working through our clients and their needs and whether we continue to be the right fit or whether we need to change strategies, is all part of growing, developing and increasing abundance. We

REMEMBER ‘Everything is Possible’ Have you ever wondered how the intangible becomes tangible or how a miracle occur s? Or at what point does the impossible become possible; whether it be material, physical or spiritual? People are doing the impossible all the time; rising from the depths of despair to great heights of personal success. Others manage to heal themselves, but how does this happen? Something within us must take place or change. A ne w book Remember, ‘Everything is Possible’ written by

Michelle M. Wright explains what does happen within us and how a miracle occurs. She explores and explains concepts such as what a thought is and how it becomes a manifestation. Michelle gives readers a simple, yet powerful technique that will teach you how to unlock your hidden potential. While it is a meditation, the process is easily understood by readers new to meditation or those just simply looking for a pr actical, step-by-step process to achieve their goals.

You will learn how to create, change and bring into your life the outcomes you desire. It explains how to negate the doubt cycle, dissolve blockages and even how selfhealing occurs. The list is endless!

To purchase a hardcopy or ebook, or register for future workshops, visit:


need to be truthful when looking at our clients and their projects and decide whether we are ‘facing issues head on’ to get a positive outcome and resolution or whether we are ‘cotton wool covering’ the issues to make the client feel good for just a little longer…delaying the inevitable which is terminating the contract and moving on. Harsh realities on any level however, realities that are necessary if we are to be truly present and accountable to ourselves and to others. Spring Cleaning is fun, it can be incredibly therapeutic and when h, Wealth Happiness…. done & honestly… can change your just launched in Singapore & Malaysia! life… give it a try this year and see howinitSingapore feels . & ding! Now available

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personal change is your health… ons that will inspire you and set you o optimum health and wellness.

awakening one community at a time . . .



Creating Wealth is a Process of Shedding… Sounds kinda backwards, right? After all, isn’t creating wealth all about acquiring stuff? More money, more assets, more knowledge, more toys… you get the picture. That’s certainly the story that our consumer-driven society wants us to believe. Basically more stuff equals more success. But is it really true? And what is it doing to us, this constant drive for the next thing, for bigger and better stuff? What it actually does is it keeps us in a constant state of wanting. We are perpetually unsatisfied. In fact there is a multi-billion dollar industry focused on telling us that we are not enough, just to keep us in that constant state of desire. After all, that’s what keeps our economy ticking over- you and I buying stuff that we think we need to improve our lives in some way. Yet on the other hand the “Law Of Attraction” tells us that like attracts like. What that means is we must become a vibrational match for what we want to manifest before it can appear for us. We actually have to become like the things we want in order to attract them. Hence the truism- if you want more love,

be more loving. The more you love others (and of course yourself), the faster more love will show up in your life. If you want more money, be more generous (on all levels… even if you don’t have any money you can give more of your time, your energy etc.) The more you focus on abundance and act as it is already part of your life (because it is), the more quickly abundance will flow to you. Do you see the conflict here? To become more abundant we need to think, feel and act more abundantly, yet how can we ever do this if we are in a constant state of wanting… in other words a constant state of not enough, of lack? Our whole society and economic structure is based around keeping us focused on what we don’t have. This is happening on so many levels- often it’s quite blatant, but it’s also going on at more subtle levels as well. Think about it- let’s say you set a goal to double your income. Sounds like a good thing to do right? But what are you really putting out there? What you are actually saying is that “right now I only have half of what I need”. It seems like you are focused on creating

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more abundance, but your current focus is actually one of lack and not enough! So the paradox is that we will never achieve more wealth (or anything else) by wanting more. It’s impossible- it simply doesn’t work that way. Now I’m not saying you shouldn’t want things… after all, if that was the case you’d never change, never learn, never grow, never stretch the boundaries of your self. So by all means, decide what you want to achieve. Set your intention. Make it big and bold… but then let it go! This is absolutely key, and it’s the par t most people trip up on. The secret is not to chase after the thing you want, but instead to focus on becoming the person who can have more of that thing! To manifest more wealth, think, act and feel more like someone wealthy. It’s actually easy- just focus on the abundance that you already have. Work on gratitude. The more you do, the more you will realise you already have… and the more that will be attracted to you! Just stay in the flow. And so we come back to the point- success is actually a process of shedding, of letting go. Shedding your old beliefs, habits and patterns

of thought- you know the ones I’m talking about. The ones that keep you broke, dissatisfied and unhappy (for instance “life wasn’t meant to be easy” or “you need money to make money”). These are actually the things that keep you stuck in the state of wanting, focused on lack, rather than the state of having, where you experience true abundance. So how do you do that? If it was really that easy we’d all have already done it by now, right? The thing that usually sabotages people is the difference between conscious and unconscious beliefs. Conscious beliefs are the things you are actually aware of- they are like the leaves and branches of a tree. The underlying subconscious beliefs are like the roots. These are what really need to change. After all, how effective is it to try to weed your garden just by focussing on the leaves you can see? You must get to the roots if you want real change to occur! Let me give you an example. You might have the conscious belief “I don’t have the time to create wealth”. Yet the underlying subconscious belief is actually “There’s not enough”. If you had to compete in any way for love and attention as a

child (eg. with your siblings, or with Mum or Dad’s work or other priorities) then it’s extremely likely that you have this unconscious belief operating at some level in your life. No matter how much you focus on trying to find more time for creating wealth (the leaves), nothing will really change until you shed the underlying subconscious belief (the roots). Make sense? So the mor e you chase the “stuff” of creating wealth, the more you affirm your current lack… and the more frustration you are likely to experience. By contrast, the more you focus on shedding your limiting money beliefs, the faster wealth and abundance will be attracted to you. Dr. Andrew Powell is the creator of the VIP Prosperity Circle, a unique & powerful monthly system for creating abundance by shedding limiting subconscious beliefs about money: vip-prosperity-circle He is also the author of “The Money Is In The Mindset- The 7 Subconscious Keys To A Profitable Practice”, as well as the Owner & Director of Hills Spinal Health Natural Wellness Centre in Castle Hill, NSW.

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During one of a my early teaching visits to Singapore, at a healing centre in the centre of Chinatown, I was wondering what was causing all the noise in the street outside - singing and music including the loud banging of cymbals, then when I went outside there were little bonfires and makeshift altars with food on them everywhere as well. It was “Hungry Ghost Month” in Singapore and the Chinese Opera singers were entertaining the dead, plus feeding them as well. That visit I was focussing on teaching about Angels and Mediumship – well the Angel Classes went very well but the Mediumship Classes were very difficult! So many Spirits everywhere but not related to or known by any of the students… I vowed never to return and teach Mediumship during Hungry Ghost Month again! For traditional Chinese this month is devoted to honouring ancestors and feeding and enter taining the Spirits who have been let out of “Hell” during this time. As a medium it’s quite unsettling for me to feel their presence as even all the singing and dancing and food offerings don’t seem to satisfy the Spirits and if I try to talk with them they seem quite lost. The same unsettled feeling oc-

curs for me at some Psychic Expos and large Mediumship events and of course in hospitals. I feel all the calling in and simply talking to the spirits during Mediumship Readings and Events is not always enough – you need to ensure they progress fur ther and have healing in The Light or Heaven. IS MY LOVED ONE HAPPY IN SPIRIT? This is a common question put to a medium during a reading and mostly people in the Spirit World are delighted to be pain and debt free and experiencing an exciting new life. Sometimes I know the loved one is not so happy so after the reading I advise my client I need to send them off to The Light for Healing. This is a simple enough process for a psychic medium to do by simply asking the Angels, especially Archangel Michael, to guide the person towards The Light, then right into The Light. HOW DO I KNOW IF MY LOVED ONE IS UNHAPPY? Yes, it’s good to learn the signs you have an unhappy Spirit with you. Not much point just entertaining them really – it’s better to find out the cause of the problem then release them to The Light – knowing they

CAN STILL RETURN but after the healing time they will feel so happy. If you feel a presence with you then a feeling of sadness and confusion comes over you – that’s a Lost Soul! They don’t know they are physically dead and are trying to talk with you usually and frustrated you can’t see or communicate with them. If you feel a presence then an unexpected pain or ongoing sadness and even later experience depression and low energy levels, again it could be a Lost or Confused Soul with you. Again the solution is simple – you need to ask the Angels to take them to The Light or get an experienced Psychic Healer to assist you there.


The Light for a short while for some healing and rest. They then return to be with their loved ones till their full transition into the Light where they stay for about a month or often much longer before being ready to return as Happy Spirits i.e. aware their physical body is dead but are emotionally healed and very peaceful about being in the Spirit World. If these processes don’t occur then you mind find your house feels haunted – either by your loved ones who never could leave you long enough for their own healing or by somebody who died there or once lived there long ago. The solution is the same - to release them to the Light but first it’s usually necessary

to find out why they are still there and talk to them for a while. There are much darker spirits of course and you may feel very fearful and panicky in their presence or really strange events star t to happen. You need somebody more experienced to deal with them in this case as they need much more help than simply being shown the way to The Light. HAPPY SPIRITS Helpful and healed they can guide and watch over us. I have LOTS of Happy Spirits with me and they entertain and inspire me constantly – much lower maintenance than most of my earthly friends!

So do take the time to consider that often our emotions are influenced by the Spirit World so please do ensure those around you are all Happy Spirits. ELISABETH JENSEN is a psychic medium and was Voted Australian Psychic of The Year 2010. She is also Vice President of The Australian Psychics Association and trains many professional psychics and healers in Australia and Asia. With a background as a Registered Nurse and Counsellor plus former Palliative Care Nurse her interest is always to provide a Holistic & Healing Reading to her clients. Please visit www. or call 1300 558 075 for more details.

MY HOUSE FEELS HAUNTED! It probably is then! Strange happenings like doorbells ringing when nobody is there, lights going on and off by themselves and things being lost then found again all indicate spirits trying to get your attention. For about a week or two after death most spirits stay around their loved ones – at least till after their own funeral. At the moment of death, all going well, as the Soul is released from the body they should go to

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Janis Gibson

Discover your Psychic in QLD Heather Alexander

I have worked as a psychic, clairvoyant, medium, and remote viewer for 30 years and have known things before they happen from an early age. My passion is trying to help people through difficult times in their lives, no matter the cause and show them that there is light and happiness to look forward to. “Was very happy when Heather told me where my lost rings were as they had lost them during a house renovation.” Robyn VIC. “Heather found where my lost work keys were which I was very grateful for.” Lyn, NSW. “I was shocked when connected with my mother’s spirit … the information was great.” Pam, Gold Coast, QLD. “A new house, wedding and a baby was surprising news but Heather’s prediction was right, they all happened in the 12 months.” Mark, Brisbane. I work from home in northern New South Wales as I have a psychic credit card line. I also do personal readings. I do phone readings for people who can’t come to me by appointment and I work at some psychic fairs. Group bookings can be made.

Credit Card Line: 1300 663 986 from $3.10 a minute or (02)6679 3712 for appointment.

Teena Angelia

“ Te e n a i s a n amazing healer who wor ks with a pure hear t and true wisdom. I would recommend her to anyone who is seeking change or insight in their lives.” - Cath, Brisbane I have been channelling for over 20 years bringing through messages and healing energy for people. I have been working professionally as a clairvoyant for five years and been aware of my psychic gifts since early childhood when I could see and converse with family members who were no longer with us physically. I am a channel with clairvoyant and clairsentient abilities. I work with oracle cards and crystals and

connect in with the higher-self energy and guides of each person I read for. I also read photos and bring through messages from loved ones. I specialize in assisting people to move forwards towards their potential and joy. I can identify where people are stuck or blocked in their energy and circumstances and share practical information to create positive change. I bring through encouragement to inspire people to be their authentic self and live their true purpose and desire. “Inspirational!! An inspiring Leader who helps people get deeply in touch with their inner knowing. Thank you with all my heart Teena. You have helped me so much along this spiritual journey. Your wisdom and knowledge is an inspiration to everyone you meet and I will be ever grateful.”- Erica. Services include: Readings (Card, Channelling and Mediumship), Energy Healing, MeditationSpiritual Development Workshops and HigherSelf Spiritual Paintings. 60 minute reading: $100. Phone 0408 726 073

Dr Jason Betts

I have been psychic since my deathaccident in 1998 when I saw my body on the operating table. When I awoke I had full-on visions with my eyes open of future events. Reiki is my major method of connecting and healing, of focussing my attention and carrying intentions. My speciality is using the para-electrical properties of Reiki to connect with the nervous system of people, allowing me to experience their mind-pictures and sense their body as they do - plus, of course - their future. The Australian Psychics Association awarded me 2008 Australian Psychic of the Year and my state award in 2010. A year later I became the national manager for Australia’s busiest psychic line,, and I am totally loving it. I get to work with our country’s best phone psychics, swapping tips and talents, sharing gifts and wisdom with those that really need our help. It’s just great. Between Reiki classes (I’ve been healing since 1991 and

teaching since 1997) and managing I organise the Tasmanian Psychic Expos. Better than ever, they are still growing as we give six shows per year around the state, every year, since 1995. We are very well known and trusted and are the only new-age event in Tasmania.

Dr Jason Betts’s website is www.

Kerrie EdwardsTicehurst

Kerrie EdwardsTicehur st, DipCH, author of 4 books, 5 Meditation CD’s and Angel and Guide Cards is internationally acclaimed as a Clairvoyant, Medium and Palmist. One of Kerrie’s clients said, “I never want to wash my hands again, as the information was mind blowing”. Kerrie is an inspirational speaker and Hypnotherapist with over 30 years experience in England, USA, Hawaii & Singapore and has travelled and lectured with workshops extensively throughout Australia . Kerrie teaches her own Cell and Organ Regeneration courses. Kerrie believes she is here to help motivate, guide and encourage others. One client said she could feel the brain rewiring on a soul level as the sub-conscious worked on her. She said before the session her brain felt scrambled. By connecting the wires to the brain she found a way to heal and connect to life again. Included in Kerrie’s session is Hypnotherapy, Past Lives and Quantum Physics which is communicating with your sub-conscious for the answers, as your sub-conscious knows everything about your past, present and future. if you had a blockage around relationships, IVF, career, prosperity, fears, phobias, health or moving forward all this can be gently cleared as each session is individually designed for each person. Sydney: August 23rd for Hypnosis or Readings sessions and August 24th & 25th Cell and Organ Workshop. Gold Coast: August 31st and 1st September and Perth 17th to 27th October . PH 0411 694 167 Email

As a Clairvoyant/ Medium, I communicate with my Spirit Guides and connect with people through readings to pass on messages from their passed loved ones. Training with Dr Brian Weiss, world renowned Psychiatrist and Past Life Regression specialist, I can now regress my clients to previous lifetimes offering insight into, and clearing some traumas this lifetime. I facilitate workshops helping people discover the belief system that’s running them and how to recognize and master the journey’s direction. I consider myself a very grounded Healer and my joy in enabling others to facilitate their own Healing, nurtures my heart. “I have found Janis to be a reader of great skill, accuracy and integrity. I have personally had both readings and healings from her. Her ability to connect into Spirit and bring through that which is needed for the client is of the highest calibre. Therefore, we have no hesitation in recommending Janis, as a professional reader and healer. Janis, thank you so much for my reading. I have come away feeling much lighter. I am now a true believer.” (From a confirmed nonbeliever). Janis offers Healing, Readings and Past Life Regressions from her premises on Brisbane’s South Side near the bay. Phone 0419 993 308

Heidi Jane hanley

Yo u k n o w h o w your fears keep you shackled and in a state of mere survival, like you’re just hanging in there? Well what I do, is teach you to master your own intuition. Your intuition will guide you on the path of least resistance and give you the level of freedom and wealth that you know belongs to you. My name is Heidi Jane and you may know me from Channel Seven’s “The One- Search for Australia’s Most Gifted Psychic” 2011, where I placed in the top three. I also give on air readings for the last five years on the Southern Cross Network. I have been working in the spiritual industry for the last 10 years and have attained both national and international success, with my first book “Intuition on Tap” being released in the USA. I am joining the “I Can Do It” Hay House seminars in the U.S.A. I have also created an accredited modality and training course in Australia, New Zealand, U.K. and the U.S.A. called Intuitive Dynamix™. I work differently to traditional psychics and I refer to myself as an Empath and Intuitive. Through my training and coaching sessions I teach you to master your own intuition. I also help Empaths and Highly Sensitive People to live exceptionally.

My office is in Brookvale NSW, and my sessions are also available on Skype and phone on +612 9939 1568. Visit my website or join me on Facebook and Twitter #HeidisVision.


I I discovered I was a Psychic Medium when one of my mentors pushed me into the deep end at a psychic fair.

awakening one community at a time . . . Instead of my photo stating, “Panayiota, Psychic Reader,” he put, “Panayiota, Psychic Medium.” Today, I call myself an Angel Medium as I work directly with Angels, Ascended Masters and Divine Spirit to bring for th messages and Deceased Loved Ones; incorporating Psychometry, Healing, Crystals, Channeling and Oracle Cards. Also a Reiki Master and Kinesiologist, I create abstract paintings, infused with Spirit benefitting whoever looks at them. “Panayiota’s reading was accurate, insightful and compellingly honest. Her delivery was very professional and uplifting and she was able to exactly capture where I am at in my life right now. I felt Panayiota’s information was coming straight from Angelic guidance and was at all times secure and comfor table during the session. I would definitely recommend Panayiota to others looking for healing and guidance.” – Sarah, 2013

My business, Sacred Movements International, offers readings, healings, meditations, house clearings, work with animals, etc, as well as Reiki and other workshops. Readings: $70 ½-hr, $120 1-hr, done either one-on-one, phone, skype or email. Healing prices vary depending on the healing. Phone 0422 305 540 or www.

Selena Hill

Selena Hill has been wor king as a psychic medium for over a decade. She is a direct channel and ans wer s people’s questions directly from Spirit. She is also Reiki master, offering healings with angels and divinities, and loves passing on the gift of Reiki to children. She has also written a wonderful book to help people connect to their angels. “My family and I absolutely loved Selena’s book ‘Do I have a guardian Angel?’. We have been passing this inspirational book around to friends, to learn about the connection you can have with the angels. This is the best book I have ever read.” - Christine Reid. A woman told Selena that she was worried because her daughter and son-in-law were breaking up and she thought she’d lose the money she invested in a granny flat. Selena received a message that she would be well looked after even though woman didn’t believe it at the time. She came back and said that the message had been exactly right. She’s now been seeing Selena for seven years, and so has her daughters. Selena runs fortnightly Psychic Fairs in Qld and northern NSW, and also runs a number of courses and weekly meditation groups at the Psychic Fairs Spiritual Learning Centre in Jimboomba. She also does private mentoring in person in Jimboomba or via skype. She also runs angel workshops, kid’s Reiki attunements and psychic/mediumship readings at Selena Hill’s Psychic Fairs. Phone 0409 639 848. All Services: $120 per hour, $70 half hour

Carolynn Milne

I have always thought of myself as a healer and the psychic gifts came as a bit of a surprise. When I first started channelling, in 2007,

I did not even know what it was. I work as a psychic reader/ Angel Intuitive, medium, Reiki Master Teacher, working with Angel cards and ruins, but my most important work is Soul Therapy and guidance I am a creative person, enjoying writing, painting and photography. I meditate daily and these meditations form the basis for my writing and the Free Angel Messages on my web page. My clients and subscribers love the messages from the Angels whether it is personnel or my weekly messages. I do have wonderful feedback from readings but the Soul Therapy seems to be what changes lives. Travelling around Australia working as a teacher and reader at festivals is exciting but I do my most serious work, healings, teaching Reiki, Soul Therapy, and readings, from my home in Redland Bay Road, Capalaba. Book on line or call 0732 063 509 or 0422 864 727. I also teach on line. au My fees vary according to where and what I am doing but generally $50/30 min.

Dionne Paige

I am caring and suppor tive Australian Psychic with over 13 years experience as a Professional Tarot Reader and Clairvoyant. I specialise in face to face, phone/distance and Skype readings and conduct all readings in a friendly and supportive manner. I am currently working out of Lotus Wellbeing Centre in Wollongong and make regular appearances at Mind Body Spirit Festivals. My psychic abilities were passed on to me by my paternal aunt, who is a gifted medium. I showed signs of psychic abilities as a child and became fully aware of them when my father passed away in my late teens. 
I began working to further develop them in my mid twenties, studying all aspects of psychic development as well as tarot, numerology and basic astrology. Current Professional Membership:
Australian Psychic Association
International Psychic Association. We all know life can be overwhelming at times. Sometimes we need a guide to help us find clarity and regain direction. Whether you are having relationship trouble, problems at work, or feel that progress has been blocked in an area of your life, I can help you to redirect your energy so that you can overcome these problems. Contact to book an appointment today.

Psychic Sisters – Colleen & Mary

Colleen and Mary are the Psychic Sisters, sisters in Soul and in blood. They work together at Mind Body Spirit festivals and separately from WA and QLD. “We have always been psychic, however it wasn’t until our late 20’s that we started to develop our spirituality and our gifts more

Continued on page 14

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1 MC Be prepared to keep your options open. 2 3 MD Hunches and intuition have a role to play. 4 5 6 ME Enjoy the attention but do not be seduced by it. 7 ] New Moon E The New Moon brings increased energy and also restlessness. A good time to take the initiative and act on matters which have been left either unfinished or unresolved. For some there may be a need to be proactive and get things moving as inertia can be the biggest hurdle. 8 MF Take the time to get the details right. 9 10 MG Be prepared to back your judgment even if it is not popular. 11 12 13 MH Emotions run deep and may catch some by surprise. 14 ‡ 1st Quarter Moon H Do not act simply on emotion as hasty action or pre-empting others may result in difficulties as there is much at stake. Be prepared to take things one step at a time and much more will be achieved. 15 MI A need to look beyond the immediate and broaden horizons. 16 17 MJ Take responsibility for what arises as this builds credibility. 18 19 MK An objective and impartial view may lead to unexpected insights. 20 21 … Full Moon K M enters L The Full Moon provides both a realisation as well as a revelation of the matter at hand. The consequences of past actions must be dealt with and processes and structures put in place for the future. For some, this may mean having to take on added responsibility. As the Moon changes sign, take the opportunity to examine emotions which come to the forefront at this time. 22 23 M A Sun enters F There is great energy for the initiation of new projects. Diligent, Precise and Organised are characteristics of Virgo. 24 25 M B A practical approach will ensure that things are achieved systematically. 26 27 28 M C ƒ 3rd Quarter Moon C Be prepared to find the information you require in order to continue and complete what has been started. Take the time to ensure that all is present and correct. Where possible, tie up as many loose ends but do not do so at the expense of spontaneity or flexibility. 29 30 M D There is a need to nurture and protect what you have created. 31

1 2 ME Relish the attention when it is earned. 3 4 M F Refrain from being critical if you cannot offer alternatives. 5 ] New Moon F The New Moon this month brings opportunities to those that can be organised and focused on due process. There may be a temptation to be critical of others’ efforts but instead put the energy into ensuring that plans have the best chance of realisation. 6 7 MG Cooperation and conciliation are called for but not at the expense of individuality. 8 9 MH Intense emotions may cause overreactions. 10 11 MI Enthusiasm and inspiration will help spur things along. 12 13 ‡ 1st Quarter Moon I M enters J Keeping your options open will increase chances of success but do not confuse flexibility with procrastination. One is based on being adaptable while the other is just plain indecision. A strong direction will ensure that any opportunity is not undermined. As the Moon changes sign there will be a need to take a practical approach to decisions made. 14 15 MKBe prepared to look at things differently. 16 17 ML Sensitivity and empathy are now called for. 18 19 … Full Moon L The Full Moon brings things to a head and although there is optimism, it would be better to take a cautious approach. Too much emotional attachment may colour both the motive and the outcome. 20 MA Take action as a response to the challenges that are about to be presented. 21 22 MB Be aware of practicalities before attempting anything. 23 Sun enters G Cooperative, Communicative and Charming are characteristics of Libra 24 MC Rumours are not a reliable source of information so be selective as to where you source information. 25 26 27 MD ƒ 3rd Quarter Moon D A challenging time as the results of recent efforts are now manifest. The strong tendency is to take the initiative for one last push however be careful that in the rush to change everything you do not trample on your most important resources. 28 29 ME Take pride in achievements but ensure there is substance to them. 30

1 2 MF Attend to details and this will improve what you can offer. 3 4 MG The challenge is to promote equity without compromising ideals. 5 ] New Moon G The New Moon brings with it instability as new projects or connections may undermine or threaten existing ones. There may be those that may cause disruptions or become unsettled by what is planned. It will be important to be proactive in order to generate the support required. 6 MH The intensity of emotions may be challenging but be upfront in all dealings. 7 8 MI Optimism and excitement are high. 9 10 11 MJ Responsibility and credibility colour all activities. 12 ‡ 1st Quarter Moon J The challenge now is to harness the excitement and optimism in a constructive manner. Be aware that enthusiasm alone will not be enough so take the time to ensure that you have the necessary support to get things in place. 13 MK Value knowledge gained even if it is from unusual sources. 14 15 ML Be prepared to pay heed to intuition. 16 17 MA Challenges now may call for calculated risks. 18 19 Solar Eclipse … Full Moon A M enters B The Full Moon brings matters to light and together with the lunar eclipse, brings inspiration and insight. For those who have been contemplating action, now is the time to take the initiative as there is much which comes to light. As the Moon changes sign, there is a shift to a more practical and patient approach. 20 21 22 M C Ensure that your lines of communication are working. 23 Sun enter H Private, Observant and Intense are Scorpio characteristics. 24 M D An emotional connection with a person or matter dominates. 25 26 27 M E ƒ 3rd Quarter Moon E There may still be uncertainty and instability but use the last of the enthusiasm to push things to their completion. You may want to rally those around you to help resolve matters and enjoy the fruits of your labour. 28 29 M F A critical perspective can be productive as long as there are alternatives. 30 31 M G Make sure that relations are cordial if not harmonious.

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“Am amazed... Roosy was spot on!” “Am amazed... Roosy was spot on!” – Jessie Turner – Jessie Turner

Matters of heart the heart Matters of the & more & more

Amazing, clairvoyant, tarot reader, Amazing, clairvoyant, tarot reader, psychic & energy healer psychic & energy healer Readings are for guidance only

Readings are for guidance only

Hand made body care products using natures living energies to bring balance to life Like our facebook page, place an order online and use the code “innerself” to receive 20% off your first order with us

G Libra – air H Scorpio – water I Sagittarius – fire J Capricorn – earth K Aquarius – air L Pisces – water

LUNAR PHASES AND PERSONALITY TYPES Lunar phases occur as a result of the relationship between the Sun and the Moon. This cyclic relationship produces the lunar cycle and everyone is born at a particular point in this cycle. A birth can be labelled as a “first quarter” “full moon” or “balsamic”. The lunar phase a person is born in refers to the relationship between the person’s Sun (the sense of self) with their Moon (their emotional expression and security). Therefore, the lunar phase that a person is born in can reflect how that person deals with life the nature of the energy and their attitude to life and how they deal with it. The lunation cycle is a visible symbol of our place in the larger cycle of life. Without a calendar, we cannot accurately pinpoint our day of birth, however, we can easily discern our “Moon”

birthday simply by looking at the phase of the Moon. Every month, each and every one of us resonates to that aspect of the Sun-Moon relationship that is imprinted in our psyches. This describes the basic capacity of the person to relate to life generally. In order to find the lunation phase you are born under, you can consult an almanac for the year and find out what the Moon phase nearest to when you were born. Dane Rudhyar, a famous astrologer developed the theory of phases and used it to develop the eight lunation types of personality which we will be discussed in a series of short articles over the coming issues. A NEW MOON occurs when the Moon is less than 45 degrees ahead of the Sun. For a period of three and

a half days every month, there is a New Moon and all births during this period will have a New Moon in their chart.

Mari Garcia is a professional consulting astrologer. She is co- principal of ASTRO MUNDI, which offers astrological education for the beginner and the professional. Mari is a Council Member of the Astrological Guild of Educators International and is a founding member of the Forum of Professional Astrologers.

For information telephone 8563 9182 or 0421 326 001 or email:

Energetix Wellness Consultant Reiki & Seichim Master Holistic Practioner

Kuve Jansky Bradley 0434 005 205 Sydney, NSW

Let your future unfold …


Belinda Dickinson Tarot Reader

Gain a clear picture of what your future holds. Receive a caring reading that is informative, insightful, and accurate. Phone 0415 353 794 •

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awakening one community at a time . . .

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awakening one community at a time . . .

Discover your Psychic in QLD Discover your Psychic in QLD Continued from page 11 fully. We are spiritually aware sisters, with the ability to see the ‘higher’ purpose of life. Colleen: “I use my Psychic/Intuitive skills throughout every facet of my work. This enables me to have a deeper understanding of the needs and requirements of my clients. I have many tools (or gifts) that I have for you to utilize in both emotional and physical healings and wellbeing.” Mary: “I am an intuitive Psychic and work with spirit in my work and day to day life. My goal is to work with others assisting them in their journey on this planet. I find that my Spiritual Heart opens to my clients during sessions and embraces them in a Healing Light.” “We love what we do – we have a deep love for others – and we always strive to be the best that we can be so that we can give our all to those that need us.” Phone Colleen in QLD on 0408 095 880 and Mary in WA on 0410 594 515. Visit

S’Roya Rose

S’Roya Rose is a psychic reader with a difference. She has become a well known empowerment specialist through her Psychic Therapy, Seminars & workshops & as publishing editor of numerous Spiritual Magazines, De JaVu, Dharma, BlackRose and more recently Goddess Guru. A talented creatrix... S’Roya weaves depth and magick, awakening the souls innate knowledge of the hidden shamanic feminine path, she spins a web of amazing transformational sage-like Goddess wisdom. After years as a counselling psychic therapist, who tells it as it is, and uses out of the box energetic healing work, she is sought after for her insights and wise counsel daily. Many lives have been enriched as a result of spending time with her. Through S’Roya’s Psychic Readings, Coaching, Goddess Circles, Rituals & Ceremonies, Workshops and Seminars she has been able to help empower those who seek selfimprovement and inner transformation as a path to spiritual growth and enlightenment for years. She is a gifted writer and an accomplished author having also published three books thus far, with many more still in the pipeline.

Find out about your love life, money & business, get clarity and direction with S’Roya on Skype (Skype ID: goddess-sroya), phone her on 0422 361 040 or email her at; email@

Christine Rose

Christine is a gifted P s yc h i c M e d i u m , Clairvoyant, Clairvoyant and Clairscentient and has been since she was a child. She followed the path that was opened up to her, one guided step at a time. And then after many years of learning to trust her intuition she began to read. For family at first. Then the extended family and

friends. Eventually, like many other gifted mediums, strangers were led to her door. She has been reading professionally for over 25 years also using Tarot Cards and Numerology, and in the past few years the media has learned of her gift - she reads on television and radio. Christine surrounds herself with bright light - positive energy that helps bring in the good. She is also a teacher and her workshops can help show you how to tap into your own intuitive self. Perhaps this is your first encounter with a psychic... Christine will help you on your journey. Christine offers Face to face readings at Body Calm 342 Camden Valley Way Narellan NSW., also does telephone readings for clients who live some distance away, interstate or overseas. She also does corporate functions and group readings and presents regular Tarot workshops and Psychic Development classes. Fees: 1/2hour $90, one hour $150. C o n t a c t s : e m a i l christinefromjourneysend@hotmail. com,Web and Mobile Phone 0438 601 916 , and Facebook.

Judith Wilkinson

Reverend Judith Wi l k i n s o n - Z o r n i g M.Msc. Psychic Clair voyant, Tarot, Medium, Channel, Crystals Balances. She is a Reiki Master, NLP & Hypnosis Master Trainer and Past Life Regression and is author of Freespirit – At Last I Am Free To Be Me. “I have been working as a Psychic Clairvoyant, professionally since 1993, and have been aware I had something different since I was a very small child. I had an inner knowing that made me different from everyone around me and had many invisible friends. I specialise in clairvoyant Tarot readings, very accurately predicting future events, but often use my channelling skills to bring through messages and people that are passed over. My passion lies in taking meditation classes and workshops which helps people to evolve to a higher level of awareness. My skills help clients to move through painful situations and to understand and turn challenges into opportunities and see the good in every situation. I have made many wonderful friends throughout the years, but am par ticularly known for my accurate readings, and have helped many people to transform their lives into successful and loving life journeys, from extremely difficult torments and tribulations.

I currently run a church service from 183 Lillian Avenue, Salisbury on the 2nd Sunday evening at 7:00pm of every month and a meditation group at 10:00am on the 3rd Sunday morning of every month. I read from home and people can contact me on 0412 126 495 or judy.wilkinson@


Welcome to my world of Cartomancy Card Reading – Prediction using Ordinary Playing Cards. When the Spanish had the cards introduced in 1379 the Spanish word

is Nabai or Naba “To Foretell With Authority”. My grandmother taught me this ancient ar t form. I give a new deck of cards to each customer to shuffle. The cards act as a code, accessing a person’s energy containing their life contract. The meanings of the cards are inherited. Consultations on current real life issues include investments, business, insurances, deceased estates/wills, illnesses, access/custody issues, love, career, family relations. My three degrees in Education, Criminology and Social Work promotes a personalised professional interaction with my customer using a deck of cards. “I’ll read for you, tell you your world and keep your secrets forever.” Forewarned is Forearmed. I am located at festivals with my covered wagon. I also offer Phone readings, card reading courses and card reading par ties. With a little hindsight we can kick goals and win races.

Learn Cartomancy, Courses cost $100$200 pp. All prices located on my website www.missgypsywhitemoon. or 0417 249 369. Connect with me on Facebook gypsy. Reading for free if you have a missing person issue.

Jacquelene Close Moore

Jacquelene is a natural born psychic, demonstrating gifts from early childhood, and has wor ked professionally since 1995. She is an empath, can work with or without tools, and can tap into spirit using all five senses to a higher perception, as well as connecting with beings from a variety of dimensions from passed over loved ones to angelic realms. “I care about social justice in society, Jacquelene says, “breaking down barriers, on various media projects. I work artistically both as a visionary artist and at home I bake a lot or go on very long drives as part of my children’s school projects.” What her clients say: “That was the most accurate reading I have ever had.” & “I wanted to tell you further what your insight & wonderful compassion has done for me today. It feels like a tremendous burden has been lifted from my mind because I can own & have these feelings & still go on with life knowing we can still retain our deep connection & love.” She also offers Healings: Incorporating decades of multi-modality training and experience including chakra balancing, colour sound and crystal therapy, shamanic healing. Clearings: Personal clearings, as well as clearings for home, shops, offices and construction sites. Jacquelene is the first ever Psychic of the Year in Victoria, awarded by Australian Psychics Association in 2004, lifetime membership awarded 2011 for services to the community, indutry and association. She is also on the Board of the APA, and has appeared on radio, TV, and print media locally, nationally and internationally. Jacquelene works from South Yarra, Melbourne CBD, Whit-

tlesea, as well as other capital cities periodically. She also does event, media, and party appearances for some of Australia’s most prestigious companies and functions. Her fees depend on specific service, requirements, as well as location of the client but are kept as reasonable as possible while respecting the costs of providing that service. Phone 0439 488 558 or visit www.

Gerry Crow

Awakening, Visioning and Practically Manifesting. Ger r y Crow is an internationally respected psychic, clair voyant, medium, spiritual teacher and medicine woman, with thirty years professional experience. Her connection with Spirit was noted early in life with her gifts becoming more evident by the age of seventeen. Gerry utilises her direct Spirit Channel through the Tarot, Astrology, Psychometry, Shamanic Healings, Meditation and Sacred Ceremony. Her speciality is connecting to the truth of who you are and delivering spiritual wisdom. She awakens your heart to your life relationships, opens the vision of your soul purpose and assists you practically to manifest these in the world. “I am passionate about opening and assisting the way forward for others, changing and transforming their lives. My vision is to empower each client with the messages from Spirit in a caring and compassionate way.” Gerry’s clients testify her accuracy and depth of teaching: “At my reading you told me that I would find my life partner. I am amazed you described them exactly, the specific country they are from, their exact astrology, thanks for giving me hope when mine was low.” Jaz. “In Dreaming the Tarot I personally met the Major Arcana and found where they each sat within me, you took me to unexpected spiritual levels. I felt, visioned and breathed the Tarot. With deep gratitude.’ Crystal Isaac. Gerry also works with your Guides, Past Lives, the Law of Attraction, and so much more. She is currently conducting courses in Dream the Tarot, Psychic and Spiritual Development, and running Healing, Meditation and Spiritual Circles.

Contact Ger r y now on 0449 865 473 or email: info@

Amanda De Warren

I’m very fortunate to be able to communicate with people’s loved ones who have passed over. What makes me different from many other mediums is that I also have the gift of connection to animals – passed over or living. This has brought such comfort to people’s lives, especially when I’ve been able to connect with a missing pet or one who’s got a mystery illness. The satisfaction of reuniting an owner with their beloved pet or helping improve the animal’s health is immense, and even if the missing pet has communicated that they’ve

passed on, the owner is so grateful for the closure this brings.

Contact Amanda De Warren, Medium & Animal Communicator on 07 5426 8298 or


As we travel down the path of life there are bumps, tur ns, corners, forks & dead ends, and we sometimes find ourselves lost, or in need of guidance... “Do you want insight into your lover’s hear t, relationships, family, career or counselling? ... then wonder no more! I will give you honest answers to questions about your Love Life.” Faithe is a compassionate, caring, accurate, ethical and reliable spiritual advisor giving Intuitive insights into all areas. Faithe has over 20 years’ professional experience and is a natural born spiritual psychic, clairvoyant, Angel and Tarot Card reader and Love & Relationship counsellor. Connecting with her Archangels (Michael, Gabriel, Raphael & Uriel) she helps with any questions you have related to all areas of life. “Using the gifts that have been given to me, I have helped many people over the years in different areas of their lives, (Counselling, Career, and most of all, Love and Relationship). My readings incorporate a combination of Psychic, Clairvoyance, Clairaudience, Clairsentience, Tarot & Angel Cards and more...”

Phone Faithe on 1902 256 004 and 0468 395 111. See this issue’s Moon Calendar for further details.

Gary Excell Clairvoyant medium (QLD)

Gary is a genuine and gifted clairvoyant and medium, who has been reading for over 35 years and has predicted for hundreds of clients with accuracy. He will be at the Mind Body and Spirit Festival at the Adelaide Showgrounds, Stand B33 from 5th to 7th October and giving Private Readings (10am to 10pm), Adelaide CBD on 8th October. Gary trained at ATA Metaphysical College in Tasmania and is a qualified Reiki master, crystal therapist, counsellor and a teacher of Metaphysics. Gary can guide you in all aspects of your life, focusing on relationships, career, money, travel, and success. He connects with those crossed over on the other side and always works with angels and guides. During your session he will use some or all of the following: Clairvoyance - Mediumship, Crystal Ball scrying, Channelling, Psychometry (picking up vibrations from jewellery) and Photo Reading. Gary also runs courses on: How to Be a Confident Medium, How to Connect With Your Guides in relation to Psychic Development, Crystal Therapy – Healing, Reiki I & II – Healing to Mastership, Psychic Tarot Classes and much more. “I had a wonderful reading with Gary, with great insight into my future and supportive information to form the right decisions and direction for myself and my life. Thank you so much Gary.” - KT, QLD.

For details and bookings: Phone

0 4 2 1 4 1 5 4 5 7 , v i s i t w w w. or email

Val Hood

Val is one of the UK’s most popular and powerful Clairvoyant Mediums. She works internationally and has been recently touring Australia, covering many regional towns and major cities in South Australia, New South Wales, Victoria, Queensland and soon Western Australia. She is passionate about removing fears people have surrounding mediumship and the loss of a loved one and for over 20 years has professionally helped loved ones re-contact one another. Her public demonstrations give proof of survival of the spirit and are always filled with fun and laughter. Obviously not everyone can get a message at a public show, but many people have said that they go away with something special. Her workshops are a way for beginners to learn how to connect and for more advanced students to improve their abilities – be prepared to work hard though. She is often on radio and TV programmes such as UK Living TV’s Most Haunted, ghost investigations, Live TV interview with New Zealand Hawkes Bay Chatroom, Radio Out There, Casey Radio and has written a book “My Soul Purpose”.

To find out more about where Val will be working near you www.valhood., email or Tel 0414 984 769.

Florence King

As a platfor m psychic medium, I do readings, stage shows, c hur c hes, fairs, parties, radio, charity events & Psychic TV. I am an author, of my self- published book “My Passion, My Life (A Woman / Medium’s Journey.)” I run development classes, beginners and advanced. Personal losses have given me greater understanding with people who are grieving. Connections give me immense joy to bring validation and survival evidence. I work with integrity and precision, making people happy, feeling better as they leave, then when they arrived. Bringing a man through one hour after he passed, gave me comfort to know that our loved ones are instantly safe on the other side, after passing from this world. I have brought through people who have been murdered or committed murders, suicides, miscarriages, terminations, animals including dogs, cats, birds, fish, horses and snakes. My aim is to be the best medium that I can possibly be and to reach as many people as I can and to go to absolute heights in my chosen profession. To date I have read over 7000 people and have huge waiting lists. My greatest asset is, I never get tired or run out of energy when doing readings.

Mobile: 0408 774 228. www. Facebook florenceking & florencekingmedium





HAVE YOU EVER CONSIDERED A RESCUE PET INSTEAD? Over the years, I’ve had the pleasure of connecting to many wonderful rescue pets that through no fault of their own end up homeless and in need of love and care. Most of the amazing rescue pets just want to put the past behind them and get on with their new lives. It is such a pleasure to make a connection to these beautiful creatures, some of which have had a really bad beginning. I know that having a rescue pet is just so rewarding as I have one of my own. He had a bad start and I can tell you now

that because I travel a lot, I was not intending to get another dog. I’m so glad he’s come into my life, and my other dog Kelli and he just love each other. He has done so well and come a long way from his sad beginnings. Other pets generally adjust quickly to the new pet and many of them seem to already know that this new kid on the block has not had a good start. Other pets are always at the ready to guide this new one – however old and whatever they’ve been through – to the ways of the household and the behaviour ex-

pected of them. I’ve seen pets that have been rehoused go from being a nervous wreck to a well-balanced member of the family and quickly adjusting to their new life. There are some wonderful rescue groups that have had some of these pets for a while and have already started the recovery process. Generally when you get a rescue dog, they have already had vet treatment and been de-sexed and the volunteers that have looked after them know them very well, so they are generally on their way to closure on their past. As much as I love puppies I think I would still always go for the rescue dog, as over the years I’ve had the pleasure of connecting to many of these awesome pets, including cats, dogs and horses. It’s not for everyone but it’s something to consider and it makes you feel good inside to know you have now helped one of our four legged friends to have a ‘forever home’.

VORTEX HEALING CENTRE INC Are you ready to shift up a gear? Can’t get to our power site? The Essences and Crystals will bring you here! Consciousness and Awakening Retreats; Spring Equinox Retreat 21-22 Sept Book now |

Guiding Light Psychics by Anna Hood BA Dip TPC Reiki/Seichim Master

Guiding Light Psychics are an Australia-wide network of psychics with a broad range of skills including clairvoyance, mediumship, oracle reading and healing. See and read about our psychics and learn about Seven Steps to a good psychic reading at our website below. Become a member and SAVE! Stay tuned with the Cosmos through

our seasonal email newsletters and receive: * Discounts and promotional offers through email and or SMS * Information on the ancient pagan seasonal festivals * Astrological dates, alignments and advice * Psychic tips on how to make best use of the energies of the time

Just email us from our website: For a personal reading, to pay by phone account call 1902 256 002 $3.96 per min incl GST mobiles/ pay extra (Monessa Gulf). Or to save $$$, pay by Credit card and call 1300 601 641 $3.60 per min. Readers are available from 6:30 am – 2:30 am (EST).

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     

Anna Hood BA, Dip TPC, Reiki/Seichim Master

       

  

PHONE $3.96 per min incl GST mobile/pay extra (Monessa Gulf)


CREDIT CARD $3.60 per min

   For guidance only

Become a member at:

How do I have a great relationship with my pet?

Whether it’s a rescue animal or one you’ve had since babyhood, this is a question asked by so many pet owners. For so long we underestimated the intelligence of our much loved pets but now we’ve realised they are probably more intelligent than we are. Animals go by energy more than verbal, as they always have done, and this has evolved over a very long time. If we are feeling sad or upset, we don’t even need to say anything to our pets as they just know we’re not feeling our best and are always the first to give us an unconditional cuddle to make us feel better. Our pets always need to see us as the leader and if they don’t, then that’s when the problems can start as they may want to try and become that leader. If this is the case, you need to change your energy and the whole household needs to be on the same page. We need to show them love and affection and leadership qualities for them to respect us and this makes them happy with their relationship with us. I have two very large dogs that are very different from each other, but I treat them the same and show them the same respect. You often see cats that are the leader of the household when it comes to the pack. In fact I know of one cat that lives with seven dogs of all different shapes and sizes and she is definitely the leader. This leadership energy needs to be consistent and shown with love and

awakening one community at a time . . . affection from us to them. I often suggest that you go and sit with your pet with no distractions and a clear mind and see what they have to say. I think you’ll be surprised at what comes through to you as they are always happy to have a chat. We need to remember that every pet is different with its own special personality – just like us – and what works for one pet may not work for the other. Horses are another animal that are very sensitive to energy. I’ve had many years of communicating with one Olympic champion, and if the energy of the rider is not what he likes, he’ll just play up constantly. He just knows when there is an inexperienced rider on him. Leadership is so impor tant for them as they need to see us as their leader, but in a loving way. As a professional medium & animal communicator, about 95% of my clients are female. With this issue’s theme being ‘Women Making a Difference’, it’s timely to talk about the power of women’s intuition. Many of my female clients have found that turning to their intuition and spiritualism for guidance has given them peace with their inner self. I’ve helped facilitate this by connecting them to their passed over loved ones or pets (dead or living). The results have been so rewarding, with many women’s lives really starting to fall into place. Men see this and think, ‘I want what she’s got’. Well, why wait? Contact Amanda De Warren, Medium & Animal Communicator on 0434 713 615 or

awakening one community at a time . . .





Naturopath, Herbalist, Nutritionist

How Judgements Affect Your Health Your sensitive body is receptive to the many thoughts and feelings that you have. As you hold onto lower, negative energies your health begins to shift. The more negativity you accumulate the more difficult it becomes for your body to function. Judgements are a low vibration and serve you no good. Most of us would never call ourselves judgemental people. Yet, there may be hidden traps that you fall into. Judgements come in all shapes and sizes and whether or not you voice them the low energy is still present. Judgements come from the ego. They try to separate us from other people. They can make you think you are better, or worse than another. This can be in terms of success, wealth, physical appearance, dress sense, intellect, spirituality, and the list goes on. When you listen to judgements (from your own mind, or the words of friends) you are listen-

ing to the ego. The ego brings with it pain, tension, confusion, negativity, and eventual ill health. In spiritual truth we are all Divinely perfect. We have a fully functioning, healthy body with a bright, beautiful soul. The ego tries to make us think otherwise. You forget about your inner spirit and connect with pain, and dis-ease. Yes, of course there are health concerns that we cannot ignore. But you have the choice to view them as a weakness, or find the strength to conquer them. Holding on to judgements only anchors your energy to ill health. Choose to let go of this right now and replace judgemental thoughts with opportunities for growth. Choose to voice every word with the energy of love. Come from a hear t centred place that brings you, and others, joy and upliftment. Practise taking a moment to think before you speak. This sounds like common sense but no doubt you

have let things out that you’ve later regretted. Think carefully about the sentence you are about to say and ask yourself, “Is this the highest energy way to say this?” For example, you might find yourself waiting in a queue. You could say, “Today I was stuck in this line forever, AND the woman in front of me was so silly she didn’t even know what she wanted!” Alternatively you can add a sprinkling of love and make this statement far more beneficial to say and hear, “Today I had the chance to stop for a moment while waiting in line. It was so good to rest and plan ahead for my other activities. The shop assistant was wonderfully patient as the lady in front of me needed some help.” Read both of the above statements back to yourself. Notice how you feel and the subtle changes that occur in your body with each one. This is happening on a constant basis but you haven’t been aware of it until now. Sur round your self with like-

minded individuals that also choose high energy words. Like osmosis you absorb the energy of the words you hear. Make sure your friends and family use loving words. You will inspire others to choose peaceful, non-judgemental words too. They’ll see your vitality and the glow your aura beams with. Snapdragons are excellent flowers to clear judgements from your vocabulary. Bring fresh snapdragons into the home, or plant them in your garden. You can take a single flower and gently press the sides. The flower will open like a dragon’s mouth. Write down any judgements, negative thoughts, or anger that you’ve experienced on a tiny piece of paper. Fold it up nice and small and pop it inside the dragon’s mouth. Take it out into the garden, take a deep breath in and as you exhale toss the flower away. As you let the flower go you also release all negative words. Alternatively print off a picture of snapdragons and write your thoughts on the back. Scrunch the page up, tear it to shreds, or burn it to release the low vibrations. Korean Ginseng is a herb that uplifts your thoughts. It brings you energy, vitality, and motivation. It urges you forward so there’s no opportunity to stop and judge. Take six drops three times a day of the liquid extract and watch your thoughts change. SAMe is a potent supplement that’s like a light switch. It shines light within your mind to clear away negativity and dar kness. Take 400mcg once or twice a day to reset your thinking. Call on Archangel Jophiel to bring beauty to your thoughts. She will help you communicate with love and compassion, deleting judgemental words from your mind. By cleaning up the thoughts you have, the words you speak, and the people you surround yourself with, your health and soul will thank you. Enjoy taking your vibration to the next level by viewing the world and its inhabitants with love. All of the preceding information is meant as a guide only and is not meant to replace proper medical care. Please speak with your health care professional before under taking any of the above mentioned advice. Follow your guidance and get proper assistance too. Robert Reeves is a Naturopath and best-selling author of Flower Therapy. He blends herbal medicine with his psychic abilities to help his clients reach their utmost potential. He gives self-help workshops, and runs a successful natural-therapies clinic. Phone: 1300 668 772 Web: Facebook: RobertReevesNaturopath

SUSTAIN The Natural and Organic Lifestyle Show

Bringing you what’s at the cutting edge of ALL aspects of sustainable living Saturday 19 & Sunday 20 October Royal Exhibition Building, Melbourne Choose the way you live from 1000’s of the very latest healthy and sustainable ideas for you, your family and the environment. Sustain, Australia’s premier natural and organic lifestyle show, is guaranteed chemical free with no added nasties. A wholesome discovery of goodness packed under one roof you’ll find products and ideas that you never knew existed. • Listen and learn to experts on GMOs, detoxing, fermentation, weight loss and more. • Watch raw food and other delicious demo’s to boost your health. • Get smart savings with cutting edge sustainable homes and garden technology.

• Discover beautiful skin care and natural health solutions. • Sample mouth-watering foods and wines. The best thing is it’s all natural, organic, allergy free, sustainable and ethical. Bring your shopping bags and take advantage of the great show specials. Plus you could WIN a Cabarita Ocean Health Retreat for 2 valued @ $5,500! Sustain is a fantastic community where you can connect with kindred spirits. It’s a great family day out with fun for the kids. We love to share and it’s easy to do so with our early bird 2 for 1 ticket deal available online now.

For further details visit


awakening one community at a time . . .


Reviews to Improve Your Business

THE RAW FOOD DIET Meet Dave Conrardy who turned

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Vibrational Essences & Sprays

his life around after changing his diet.

A raw organic vegan diet is said to These products where developed by provide the body with everything Robert Reeves after years of receivnecessary to stop and possibly re- ing guidance. The result is a very verse disease. The claim is that the pure vibration. Each healing product foods that are natural and from the is made and labelled by hand in an Earth contain everything the body ego-less environment. The potent energies in each bottle include crystals, needs to survive and thrive. More than that, being raw pre- angels, and environmental vibrations. vents the live force in the food from The beautiful aura sprays contain the being destroyed by heat. Doing this healing energies of the essences in alone has brought on some very combination with pure, high quality interesting testimonials around the essential oils. Also available are Vibraworld. Now, when eliminating harm- tional Essence Stock Kits allowing you ful foods from the diet at the same to create your own healing essences. Order through www.RobertReeves. time as incorporating more healthful plant based foods, the body has more of an opportunity to heal at the level. Meet Dave Conrardy who turned his life around after changing his diet. Conrardy, a.k.a. Dave “the raw food trucker” once suffered from diabetes, colon cancer, and weighed a whopping 215 kilos. He learned about sprouting and We would like to introduce our product, Ear Candles by Danielle, which juicing and took the challenge. After about a year and a half are a natural remedy that our family Conrardy had dropped over 100 have used for many generations in kilos from his unhealthy weight. The the aid of treating ear ailments. We diabetes had lifted as well. In just six have spent many years researching months he was off of 24 out of 25 and perfecting our product to be as experience and our knowledge with natural, effective, cost competitive the world and all the benefits that of his prescription medications. Ear Candling can achieve. The irreversible was reversed.At and reliable as can be. Ear Candling, also known as ear one point before his diet change his HEALTH BENEFITS kidneys were leaking proteins into coning or thermal-auricular therapy, OF EAR CANDLES his blood system. He was told that is a natural alternative medicine the issue was non-reversible and practice used to improve general • Draws out excessive earwax & many minor impurities that he would end up on a kidney di- health and well-being. Our Ear Candles are non-scent- • Relieves tinnitus (ringing in the alysis machine. In just shy of a year fibreonly not take only contains ears) positive results in the treatment of free, 10mins more to than with raw food, Conrardy’s kidneys ed, colournan 16 types of amino acids, but is• aHelpsnumber conditions, relieveof sinus pain including: & presperform and have a tapered shape were no longer leaking proteins.He Konjac or Shirataki Konnyaku is a low-protein, low-fat, high-fibre food. sure for maximum efficiency. says thattraditional colon cancer (stage 1) Japanese health food made can lower LDL choles• Assists in relieving swimmers ear From Thus, youngKonjac children to great was gone from just after six monthsperennial on his plant a herbaceous terol and blood sugar. grandparents, Ear Candling has • Assist Headaches organic plant based diet. No chemocalled “Amorphophallus Konjac”(K. Made out of a soluble dietary glubenefitedcomannan many of fibre our life condi- • Helps unplug ears therapy orKoch), radiation water was and used.Mr. calcium hydroxide and scientifically • Can balance emotional state oxide extracted egg- Weproven now want to share Conrardy or feels thatcalcium he is alive todayfrom tions. to make you feelour full faster, because ofshells. his turn towards a more they can be helpful as par t of any Thediet. Konnyaku cultivated wholesome He is isinvolved in for food weight loss, low WHOLESALE & RETAIL carb or weight man- AVALIABLE only in Japan, but wild forms grow spreading the word even fur ther agement program. in Southeast Asia and China. The glucomannan fibre has also now so asnaturally to help others. Weight Loss

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plements can help lower cholesterol 2. It contributes to healthy bowel flora and reduce the amount of fat present 3. It cleans the stomach Replace one meal per daycontrolled and cut over 2,000 calories per week. in the blood. In a placebo 4. It detoxifies. A great tool. see usproven at Mind Body Spirit Festivals study, cholesterol levels in menweight were loss beenCome scientifically to lower 5. Anti food-poisoning properties The efficacy of konjac for weight loss Elizabeth McDonald, Weight Loss Dietician reduced by a significant amount, and cholesterol and high blood sugar relies on its ability to absorb up to tryglycerides were reduced by 26%. 6. It is the best alkaline food on FACEBOOK which can preventLike heartus disease and 7. It regulates the immune system twenty times its own weight in water. ThisEnjoy healthy, without loading up on may be due to nutritious bile binding meals ef- 8. diabetes. It has also been shown to It is a natural antibiotic carbohydrates and calories. Noodles without the guilt. The glucomannan expands after in- fects, or the fact that glucomannan 9. It may prevent cancer aid the digestive system, assist with Robert Reeves, Naturopath gestion, and this tends to promote a fibre slows the absorption of these 10. Preferred calcium supplement elimination, and prevent constipation feeling of fullness as it travels through lipids in the intestines. and diverticulosis. Prevents Finally a konjac noodle that actually 11. taste goodConstipation and without that the digestive tract.

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sure, high lipids, and other cardiovasCHEAPER cular diseases.

Japanese Chinese have been Sources for this articleand include: eating Konnyaku as a health food, for over 2000 years. In the beginning, it was a precious gift shared between monks in the form of medicine and cakes. Konjac is quite popular in Japan; almost every family eats Konjac in Several glucomannan weight loss every meal. It is still the most favored studies have produced impressive food in Japan. The Ministry of Health results. A 16 week study repor ted in Japan that konjac organic, 100% biodegradable and Most people don’timplemented give the ingrethat glucomannan supplements can food should be used in the cafeteria dients in chewing gum a second considered ‘beyond fairtrade’ with aid weight loss. At the end of the for all schools. Right now, Japan isallthethe profits from the company gothought, but an consumer analysis ofof today’s study, the glucomannan fibre group largest konjac foods. was crying out for,” said Emily Segal ing directly backstudies to the 2000 Clinical specific‘Chicleto glucomantop brands reveals a litany of toxins lost 4.52 kg compared to .79 kg on The main ingredient of the Konjac and Maria Drakopoulos, whosegroup. com- The supplementation have ros’ - thenan farmers and guardians of shown that can root make its way intofibre. yourGlucomanaverage in the control is glucomannan


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nothingness is the best prescription

28 Qigong Masters. s to awaken one community at a time ... Angelic Universal [AARP] Divine Association Australian Healing

ne can learn n tune cessful to acchang-


ook is derful on of g contions, explof realpiritual ning. A Eggs dbook ciently wn reeal. As pensky Yraced skTruth as I piritual ome ting toto l book ercould at a gtoand our

awakening one community at a time . . . Meditation

Continued from page 28


Because I needed to live in the hospiReiki Professionals National Allow the love and light of God Referto shine Within download your FRee 23 minute ral directory. discounts on Massage tal to receive the certification for clinical Sound, Colour Crystal Healing and dropped and guided imagery earth Healing Medi-fumbled Tables, Music&something CD’s Salt lamps. • Chakra practice, Dr Xu had arranged for me to noticed chain reaction& clum-& ARc I was attending a World Medical Auraa Balancing • ofReiki Isis Healing tation “Butterflies in the Pine Forest”,then&informative website Forum stay in the “High Official” room there. siness around you? You will feel as Qigong conference in Beijing in May by visiting • iNK Quarterly Magazine. Ph.Life 0411Release Spiritual Guidance • Past I had •been staying at a luxurious hotel though you areNational in a Mr Bean episode 2004 and arranged to spend time au 604 753 ph 1300 130 975 Shaman Healing • Distance Healing through during the conference and this arrangewhen your aura is this way. with Dr Xu on the same trip. He Health & Healing Sound Healing ment sounded interesting. But when I Phone and Internet that he could either teach me Pet Supplies au WITH SIMON BLOW plained EARTHING ...The most impor- When ANGELIC Goddess and Angel arrived Retreatat the hospital, Dr Xu told me the static stateDIVINE privately at my hotel outside of his tant health discoveryand ever? and 2012 N 9-11 I the V E RNovember SAL in his usual joking way, “Sorry, a High with SIMon BloW working hours at the hospital, or ofstrikes you, Utry GreenPet Naturopathy natural Sound Healing details on website it’s FREE! read theFree bookmail and orbe “Allow HEALING. BYatDAVID LANE Official is staying in your room, so we ficially the hospital. However, to be following: products for ...animals. All healings assisted by angels, 10% off all earthing prod- • Angelic the lovenostril and Healing. light accepted into the hospital forDecember clinical have organised a nurse’s room on the Meditation, alternate Much was written about deramazed! catalogue Australia wide. Phone divine universal goddesses and ascended ucts if consultations you quote or enter discount godlight to ofshine practice, would to be a doctor refocusing techniques. 2012 Iand theneed predictions of what + online available (07)breathing “Alloworthe loveofand god to second floor of the inpatient’s departmasters code: “barefootdreaming”. Within”. Sound, or have some formal in canWithin”. shift auric static quite may happen were qualifications many and varied. 5449 1453 These ment for you.” shine Sound, Colour & CrysPh:& 0414 295 629 Phone (02) quickly. Colour Crystal TcM, and as I don’t, he checked withput Six months down the track has tal Healing • Chakra & Aura BalancI met the directors and other main Pina Di Ghionno Appointments & Qigong Gift Shop 8005 7433 is one of the components of fixed or repaired, the problems in themany Healing • Chakra directors of the hospital. Theybe • ing Identify any&internal dilemmas of these to bed and it may Psychics • Reiki Isis Healing • Spiritual staff of the hospital and commenced the holistic system of Traditional Chistructural dimension (diseases) asked Guigen is a chinese ter m which state”, or the state of nothingness, & Aura Balancing • Reiki & Isis me to submit an account of conflicts and• write down to • Sha- my training as Dr Xu’s personalthe because the interpretation ofmythe Pet Supplies Guidance Past them Life Release as-isbenohealed nese Medicine (TCM). It has very there will very to returning to the roota or disease or quickly. illness, This only is training Guiding Light NATUROPATHY Psychics. Readings Healing • Spiritual • assisted Past translates experience in theirHealing. charge and attain clarity. timingand wasteaching incorrect. It is possible GREENPET AND reduce man AllGuidance healings sistant. I would star t at 8am at the source, returning to the primordial he explained. The regu- Qigong. long proud history of over five thou- nothingness, why we emphasise, “Nothingness withNATURAL soul. 1902 256 002FOR $3.96pm Releasegoddesses • Shaman &Healing. I wrote brief, his- in that they maya still be8-page awakened byContracting angels, ascended Qigong clinic and he would teach me PRODUCTS ANI- 3.Life whichQigong everything emerg- lar is practice of meditation will change sandfrom years. (pronounced the best prescription.” If your torytheoffuture. mobex, 1300catalogue 173 593 IfAll my professional background assisted youhealings feel as Phone though youbyare in energy masters. Pina diangels, Ghionno MALS.Creditcards Free mail order theQigong six issections of Guigen Qigong in diagnostic es. Chi-Kung) Guigen a Medical style theinternal energy in our bodysystem and mind, ais new term thatofhas scans – which $3.60pm. caring guidance and inyou cannoticeable find on my website survival mode and don’t feel that you goddesses & ascended masters. One very change that on 0414 295 629. Appointments & between patients arriving for treatment. Australia wide. Phone + online Dr last Xu Hongtao disease and improve beendeveloped used overbythe fifty years helping your to Qi cure system and finds nothing, it – and Pina Ghionno on sent it since off to that Dr Xutime along withinsight 24/7. (Phone Aust.) (07) 5449 are Phone thriving, it isDiwww.angelicdivineuniverpossible that0414 your295 Qigong occurred is an Gift shop consultations available doctor fromChinese the lunch Qigong ourmeans qualitythat of life. Thisisconcept was of in my crease We would for at 11.30am to describe allbreak the energy there no stagnation Appointments Gift Shop www. a specialist two Qigong the Art of life aura629. is contracting rather& than radiatin theDVDs, energies flowing into 1453 depar tment at the Xiyuan Hospital great interest to me! and recommence at 1pm. From 3pm or Qi techniques. The word Qigong is your Qi dimension, and your Qi-body andthe Absorbing the essence. earth plane. It is moreAofshort an inPhone Publishing + online consultations ing outward. Theofsix ofcharacters, theand dy- meditation From his ownThe research andisexperimade two Chinese is normal. Qi-body the root timecrease to up 5pm, wesections held Qigong later, inhethe wasstrength pleasedortoamplitude inform aura is unable to in Beijing. available (07) 5449 1453 www. A contracted Sprituality Spirituality namic Guigen Qigong are followed by ence working in this department for meofthat Make it happen now! Publish your Qi refers to for the patients energy ofandlife,other the doctors or source of the structure-body. my submission had been in attract positive circumstances, peopractice the energies that are flowing KNOW THYSELF the stillness meditation section help- over 20 years, Dr Xu has developed manuscript with Joshua Books. con-ple or oppor tunities because which flows through the spread Qigong cures the ‘diseases’ in the accepted. it is the department. When word Know Thyself as vitalinenergy rather than an increase in posiAS SOUL. Sant ing to restore natural harmony and Guigen Qigong, its six different sectact us on (07)Psychics 5493 1700 The Society of meridians resonating with fear-based, survival soul. sant Mat network tive World energyAcademic only. These energies that aofforeigner wasin inthethebody Qigongbody de- through repairing Qi. Mat is a practical improve the human race’s quality of tions To harmonise the different or-fol- Medical Qigong (WASMQ) had organAAASK AN ANGEL PHONE PSY- states. The good news is that of spirandpartment, connects with the energy or Qi to obtain a better result, the is a most practical have heightened the power and a lot of doctors came meet spiritual path life.ofThese self healingIntechniques areKo- ganlowing meridians in the body. Although CHICS & MEDIUMS. Experienced the time it is the fear rather Polarity Therapy conference I was attending. the Japan and conditions should be met. isedthetheeffect of our thought patterns. itualthan path based the me,universe. practise their English and discuss a s e d the o n prescribed to both in and out-patients our time with Dr Xu was only brief, & Accurate, 24/7 1900 999 567 object of fear, which is bcausing I had been to one of on their previous it’s known as Ki and if studying First, the patient should be very This is happening both the conon meditation on rea what I was studying. Soon, I hadheakindly few taught us the movement meditation at the Hospital aused. par t of $4.95pm pay/mob/xtra, Creditcards contraction. Once the fear in Beijing in Augustlevels. 1998 I been onLight YogaXiyuan the term Pranaasisconfirming Most that willing and open to resolving their conferences scious and subconscious thehasinner Qigong students, the the innerit Light theircultures therapy.have a similar terminology “Stimulating WaterQigong Element” for and had become a member. The chi1300 132 646 $4.95pm. www. acknowledged and processed, is ethiproblems the through practice. have personally witnessed people and Sound, learn is leading to teach. I spent firstbest met way Dr Xutowhile kidney and nexpansive, d S o u n d , Ifor (Telads Government officially recognises possible to move into anacal energy. Gong Iiswas a term which theSecond, the bladder patient channels. must haveAsthe nese around me experiencing greater values, ser- life valuable Dr Xu at the hospital, group totime chinawith in September we left, I told him I would love to return ethical values, service to others a study WASMQ and its an thriving again. and in both theimportance positive andasnegavicestate to others love for all crea- translates to work, mastery and energy and ability for daily practice. theshifts Ourshared groupamade an official and study we common goal and desire to more with him, and he gave love for allare creation. Its goal 2002. TRISH IS AN ACCURATE PSYCHIC Ifand to help foster your energies contracted, Qigong therefore trans- These two are the basic require- association tive aspects of their livesthe thisdevelyear. tion. its goal is to enable the soulvisit to training. tohelp the Xiyuan Hospital, their a large me an encouraging look and nodded. is to enable the soul to return and lates life. & MEDIUM WITH 30 YEARS EX- the following Medical Qigong the will assist in its expandTheof intensity of the and energies to people energy improve work, workingquality with of ments for Qigong self-healing. The opment return and mergeyou into source; the chinese Medicine (TcM) When returned home to Sydney, international exchange of academic merge into its source; the purpose Traditional On my first morning with Dr Xu, heisI more PERIENCE. Book a Reading at her ing your field: coming in during the months runof life or mastering the first important than the secpurpose of human life described hospital by the energy withme overthat 650 beds,the treating I had an email from Dr Xu. He had research and training. For the first humana spiritual life described by mystics energy New Age Resource Shop told first Australian •ofmystics Develop practice. ning up to December became inofoutpatients life. I was ond. If the patient’s practice abides of all traditions. Focus and nErgy EdicinE over 2,000 each day in looking at my website and con- time, I was presenting a paper which Ph 03 5941 7800 of all traditions. Focus and sincerity • Identify what you are avoiding Qigong to learn Guigen been Qigong years while raising children. Fading creasingly challenging and they There areteacher thousands of different by the general principles of Qigong, sincerity are essential, as is the help various departments. gratulated me on the work I’ve been are fear. essential, as is the help of the styles to beoften on the work that I by hadour been andand that he wanted me tousing make a good DVD results will appear naturally. waswere of the aura colours can also hap- through experienced persystems of Qigong, of the living spiritual Master. KnowWe Publishing spent an afternoon with Dr Xu in doing to spread the healing benefits doing at teaching Qigong at Drug spiritual Master.anKnow Thyself different •living Work on adopting attitude on it so that others could benefit. I propen MAKE with redundancies both literal sonal life becoming more challengstatic postures, movement, Thyself As soul Foundation is a nonIT HAPPEN NOW! Publish the Qigong department after touring of Qigong in Australia and invited me Alcohol Rehabilitation centres as Soul Foundation is a non-profit breathing and your figurative, where personBooks. no of trust. and emotional. I, and manyinof Simon Blow a near fatal accident at anding ducedDrtechniques, the - Restoring Nat- with mental train- to study profit incorporated association. For manuscript witha Joshua XuDVD had a“Qigong very friendly, him at the hospital. We Sydney over the previous 12. My talk Remember, your colours are at the hospital. incorporated association. It offers the age of nineteen lead Simon to longer feels wanted. It is as if the soul my friends commented that life was ural visualisation Harmony” inmethods, that same year, 2004, ing and either Contact us on (07) 5493 1700 further infomation call 1800 462 193 regularly by email for a a great success and I felt quite brightest and when you approachable, relaxed manner about corresponded freeclearest of charge. investigate different methods of wasquite retreats, believing it is not needed theirits draining towards the close done standing, moving, walking, or services visit and now this instruction book published years until I worked out anaapprohonored that I could mix with many further information contact 1800 him as we discussed many ideas re- fewhealing healthy, connected to your Divine and rejuvenation path he on the planet. Readings In the long term this feel For of 2012. We have also commented sitting or lying. Traditionally Qigong in 2010 and packaged together with take a break myHe high level professors, doctors and 462(whatever 193 or visityou perceive that garding Qigong, health and spiritual- priate has time beentofollowing everfrom since. ACCURATE TAROT READINGS/ reduction in life force can reduce en- source on how much easier it is to stay is used forabout training of Ithe Qi energy Workshops the original DVD. have returned many ity. He talked the importance of busy teaching schedule andteacher return of is a Sydney based master to be) and aligned to your heart. The THETA HEALING. Life direction, ergy levels and result in more serious balanced andContinued calm thison year. pageThose 34 Workshops for martial, medical or spiritual purtimesWhen withwegroups students totoshare meditation. enter aof“realized Beijing. Qigong, the ancient Chinese art of in tune you are with The your energy love, business consultation, any moreBRAIN health issues. Love Fest. poses. of us that were aware of, and posiGYM® 101 CERTIFICATE Dr Xu’s knowledge, also to continue my relaxation, healing and rejuvenation. Reiki the quicker you will be able to issue. Courses. Heal Once I have worked withfrom thesedoubts, cli- states, and protively responded to the challengCOURSE Four days, Retreats two weekends; Simon own understanding and development of is the author of numerous make corrections, and cesses experience fears, traumas. ents on finding their true self, purpose to deepes that were presented to us are October & 2nd, 3rd NoARc inc. Australian Reiki con-what19th.20th Two types to Qigong practise Books, DVDs and Meditation CDs, as Qigong, TCM and Chinese culture. it is like to be a better version Carolyn again, 0438their 790colours 641. and www. and passions en, honour and highly likely to have found this year nection. Australia’s Leading ReiKi vember, 2013, 9.30am–5.30pm. The dynamic moving Yang sections well as a sought-after speaker and radiance return.est. 1997 - Run byof you! any lov- help clear blockages and releases workshop presenter. He has been a refreshing one. There will also WATSONIA. Powerfulenhance Educational Association Simon Blow is the author of numerous If you can identify with the faded ing torelationship. be those who found it hard to rise working for over thirty years to help Reiki Kinesiology techniques balance Members for Members with fellow-Rachelle stale Qi through the meridian sysTerry, books, DVDs and audio CDs about spread this the benefits of meditation, state,AUSTRALIAN the following will help:CONNECTION & integrate above the challenges (for all sorts Queensland, Bali REIKI ship and support. Access to insur-a Sydney based the whole mind/body tem.ancient The stillness YinHesection or healing art. is a Sydney-based • INC.(ARC) Write down aEst. list of yourAdvocacy pasof reasons) and are still trying to and www.dynamicgroups. meditation which we also call the peace and love. Simon works with r a p i beyond. st, ance. FRee1997. Membership oft h esystem. master teacher (Laoshi) who has been sions. many different groups helping them master the negatives presented Phone 07 5494 4707. h a s h a d a n of the Usui System of Reiki. Run by Mary Nicholls 03 9435 0349 Email processing stage helps refine the toanddevelop self healing skills to leading regular classes, workshops • Be aware of where you are sac- ability to them. from members for members with fellow- Qi. When Yin and are in balance retreats for Yang beginning and continuing manage their stress levels and rificing identity or needs and establish childhood to We know that for energy to ship & suppor t. National referral students since also leads it enables us to enter1990. into aSimon realised improve their quality of life. In 2004 healthy boundaries. clairvoyantly exist: it must have opposite podirectory (conditions apply). Entitleunique study to China were heSimon has was accepted as a resident state, or the statetours of nothingness, • Ask yourself daily: ‘What would see the human larities made up of positive and ment to membership in the profes- a u r a . S h e received training and certification from student at the Xiyuan Hospital in in deep meditation. The Qi flows I be doing right now if I were fulfilling negative. The stronger an energy Traditional Chinese Medical sional branch of ARC – the Associa- w o r k s w i t h Beijing. He has been initiated into smoothly allowing the internal Qi toHospitals my life purpose?’. becomes, the stronger the polariDragon Gate Daoism and given the and Daoist Monasteries who have given tion of Australian Reiki Professionlocal, interstate and international harmonise with the Qi of the uni2. Static Disturbance Our A-Z ResOuRce Guide ties become or; the greater the name of Xin Si meaning Genuine himInauthority share these techniques. als (AARP) (conditions apply) verse. this statetosignificant healStatic interference in your aura re-ARC c l i e n t s by m e a n s o f p r i v at e distance or variance between posiWisdom and is a 29th generation He has been initiated into Dragon Gate consultations and group healings. magazine, informaing can occur sultsINK frommembers’ and creates the energetic tive and negative. This difference of the ancient Dayan Wild Goose Daoism and givenChinese the name Si, tive website. Access to insurance & Wonderful results are experienced To treat diseases Medi-of XinQigong. equivalent of a “bad hair day”. is often referred to as polarisation. He also is a Standing Council after having life, health or relationship meaning Genuine Wisdom. Simon is a reiki related cine (TCM) and Qigong practition- Member of The World Academic Static appearsproducts/services. in the aura where patterns cleared and it becomes I.e. imagine two people arguing Standing Council Member of the World ers, work on Qi, not on diseases. Society of Medical Qigong, Beijing there is chaos, confusion, anxiety and possible to be in flow again. because they have two different Academic Society of Medical Qigong in au Ph. 1300 130 975 TheyBeijing. treat the Qi stagnations and China. stress. Disconnected feelings, frus- For phone, Skype or in-person points ofTechnology view. If they become more Proven make them flow smoothly and eas- or or trations and even clumsiness are c o n s u l t at i o n s w i t h R a c h e l l e, defensive then the distance or call Phone: 0414 317 323 or Email: ily. When the Qi8153 system is genuinely telephone (02) 9559 8153 that harmonizes all EMR. frequent outcomes of this state. (02) 9559 If you are in a static state your *Baby and Feel the difference! field may well affect others. Have you child readings also available*


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ance between their points becomes greater and their argument becomes more polarised. It could be said that their points of view have obviously become very different; like black and white with no grey area. I gave this example to illustrate the effect that stronger energy can have on us. Things become more obvious; like black and white. These incoming energies have the ability to polarise people with different beliefs into opposing forces. The polarities of these opposing forces are either positive or negative, however; both of the opposing sides usually believe that they are the positive ones and therefore they are right and the other is wrong. There is something else going on in the world during this time. This energy shift that is taking place brings with it a period of chaos. Why? When there is a transition from one structure to another; there is a period when neither has the major influence or control. This period is without structure and it is therefore chaotic. The transition can take a shor t time or a long time depending on what influences the change. This is a natural phenomenon of how energy works.

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David Lane Laneway to Personal Power Phone: (03) 9775 4122 Sick Building Syndrome Consultants Research and Education

19 What does this mean to the human race? It has been predicted or prophesized by many people that we are highly likely to be going through such a change at this time. The old paradigm of fear based control, hatred and violence is predicted to be replaced with a more loving, harmonious and tolerant paradigm. Life on earth may get a lot harder for the bulk of the human race as we pass through the change. First; we can expect the polarisation of the positive and negative energies to get stronger. The fear based controllers of the world will try to hang onto their control as the inevitable change into a higher and more positive reality runs its course. We can expect life to get increasingly more difficult for those living in the old fear based paradigm and we can expect them to react with blame and anger as they fight for their survival. Second; the positive effect of this polarisation is that we will not be able to deny any negative belief systems that we may have; even if they are hidden in our subconscious. They will come to the surface for us to heal. These inflowing stronger energies will have not only effect humans, they will affect all life which includes the environment, climate and weather patterns. It is a time of change on a big scale. We can also expect it to be a very rewarding time for those expressing positive energies because the polarisation will be making these energies stronger as well. What a wonderful opportunity for us to spiritually evolve because it will be much easier for us to see how positive or negative all our thought patterns are. The duration of this change is not certain however; there is a reasonable amount of information that suggests that it will finish at the end of 2016 which will make it a four year cycle. David Lane’ s spiritual journey started out with Christianity but now includes many other understandings drawn from a diverse range of information. He believes that we are all individuals who have come to tread our own unique spiritual path. David’s first book called ‘The Handbook to Heaven’ is about how we spiritually evolve and how to monitor our journey and is available online. David has also developed an on-line course on ‘practical spiritual evolution’.

The Risk of Being a Rescuer


“You are the most selfish woman I have ever met!” He slammed the door. “Woohoo!” Kaye metaphorically high-fived herself. She was finally setting boundaries within a relationship, which had led to a dire deficiency in her physical, financial and emotional resources. What a breakthrough for a woman who had always been the rescuer. A woman who felt guilty if she wasn’t there as a safety net to save her partner from his self-inflicted problems. To no longer allow herself to be manipulated through guilt or made to feel unworthy if she said no. Kay’s situation is by no means unusual. The world is full of rescuer/ victim contracts. You may have a contract yourself. And it shows. In your health, your life and the people you attract. I have observed the following in the energy field of rescuers. You may relate to some of these feelings. 1. A tightness and constriction in the back of the neck and shoulders. This is due to a heavy, dark energy in the upper body and a feeling of burden. 2. Lower back and/or knee problems. This is the result of feeling unsupported, where the energy falls away from the lower body. 3. Fatigue. Most commonly, I see a physical manifestation of fatigue in the chronic rescuer. It is a product of the energy body shouting “ENOUGH!”. While it may not be a conscious feeling (as it is usually suppressed) anger and resentment often accompany the habit of self-sacrifice and these negative emotions are inevitably stored in the meridians, particularly the gall bladder and liver meridians. This creates a “blah”, toxic feeling within the body. How did you become trapped in this rescuer mode? 1. Did you know the difference between being loved and being needed? One client had an energetic cord which connected her heart (love/relationships centre) to her solar plexus (Identity centre). When I asked her this question, she be-

awakening one community at a time . . .

SoulConnection with NICOLE CODY


5 Steps Towards Healing

came tearful. Her relationships had always been based on being needed and always left her feeling empty. 2. Do you feel that the person will not survive without your help? Are you sure this is true? My best friend finally left an abusive relationship when I moved overseas because, he said, “you were no longer there as a shoulder to cry on”. Are we being a rescuer or accomplice to negative behaviour? 3. Do you think you have no choice? If so, what are your prison walls made out of ? Guilt? Fear? Obligation? 4. Are you waiting to be rescued? I hope you have a good book to read. You could be waiting a while. You will know when you are empowered and fulfilling your true purpose or “dharma”, when the energy in the solar plexus and between the heart and throat is activated (some people even feel the subtle sense of being propelled forward). You will feel energized from and passionate about what you are doing. Your energy body appears golden, glowing, radiant and could light up a room (or at least, the energy realm!). You are on this planet to be of service NOT a servant. You are the best help to others when you are the strongest version of yourself. For consultations or more information, see: Rachelle Terry – Medical Intuitive. Rachelle Terry, a Sydney based therapist, has had an ability from childhood to clairvoyantly see the human aura. She works with local, interstate and international clients by means of private consultations and group healings. Wonderful results are experienced after having life, health or relationship patterns cleared and it becomes possible to be in flow again. For phone, Skype or in-person consultations with R achelle, Phone: 0414 317 323 or Email: *Baby and child readings also available*

Everyone knows that self-love is vital to building self-esteem and self-confidence, for setting healthy boundaries and feeling good about yourself. Problem is, if you don’t feel good about yourself to start with, if you don’t like yourself much and you’re feeling pretty depressed and miserable, then trying to love yourself is like holding onto a helium-filled birthday balloon and expecting it can fly you to Mars. Mission Impossible! So what do you do when your sense of self is hanging by a thread, but you just can’t make that mental leap from loathing to loving? When loving yourself and feeling good about yourself seems impossible, then what you need to do is parent yourself. That’s where you do the things you know you need to do, even when you don’t want to, can’t be bothered, or feel that you don’t deserve to treat yourself well. Good parents create environments where we can grow, be safe, and learn to get to know ourselves and the world around us. They support us, love us and guide us until we move to a place of maturity where we can do these things for ourselves. Even when you find it hard to love yourself, there is a wise part of your soul that intuitively knows what you need to get back to a place of balance. Your job is to let that parent part of you - the Wise Soul - make the choices for the part of you that is struggling to get on your feet and feel good again. Here are five simple things you can do to make a start towards healing your relationship with yourself: 1. Decide to accept yourself right now, as you are and where you are in life. Too often we tell ourselves that we’ll like ourselves better when we’ve lost weight, found a job, left a bad relationship, found a good relationship, stopped smoking, gotten fit, or won lotto. When we put conditions on loving ourselves, self acceptance will always be that mysterious justaround-the-corner place that is forever up ahead and out of our reach. Be honest with yourself. If life is painful, admit that. Don’t numb yourself with alcohol, drugs, food or overwork. Reach out for help if you’re having trouble coping, or need some new skills and strategies to make tomorrow look different to today. 2. Create a safe space. Everyone needs a place to call home, where they can relax, be themselves, and surround themselves with things that reflect their sense of self. Music, plants, posters or paintings, colours and fragrances - all of these things can help ground you and give you a sense of belonging and security. It’s not about the objects as much as the energy they create. Start by making sure your space is clean. Dirt, mess and clutter drain you and create stagnant energy. Clear the clutter, and then begin to make your space somewhere that is inviting, uplifting and positive. 3. Practice respect. Respect yourself enough to avoid, minimise your exposure to or end toxic relationships and to stop toxic behavours. Respect your body by eating well, and by exercising daily - even when it’s hard. Especially when it’s hard and you don’t want to. That’s what parents do. They make sure we drink enough water, eat our greens, get enough sleep, and get out of bed in the morning. In everything that you do, ask yourself “Does this action or choice honour me?” When we suffer from a lack of self-love it’s easy to make choices that don’t do the best by us. In some cases we even choose things that sabotage our well-being. Once again, if you’re really struggling here, ask for help, whether it’s a counsellor, personal trainer, rehab facility or a good friend who has your back. 4. Find something to look forward to and work towards it, or include it in your life. Whether it’s an overseas holiday, salsa dancing lessons, art classes or writing a bestseller, everyone needs to have a sense of purpose, and that purpose doesn’t have to be career related. Don’t be afraid to dream big, even if you have to start small. 5. Spend some time in nature each day. Fresh air and sunshine has been used as a remedy for depression and to heal all manner of ills for centuries. Watching animals in nature has been proven to lower blood pressure, increase endorphins and relax tension in our muscles. Having contact with pets also helps us heal and feel better about ourselves, and teaches us responsibility for others. Don’t give up. Be the parent you need for yourself. There is strength and wisdom within you. Trust! Love and Light, Nicole ♥ xx Nicole Cody is a channel, metaphysical teacher and Soul Guide. For more information contact 07 3256 0815, www.nicolecody. com or come visit her blog to get the support and inspiration you need!


awakening one community at a time . . .



August-October 2013 This quarter starts a couple of days after an “almost” formation, being a grand sextile - or “Star of David” formation -that didn’t quite align on 30th July. The energy of this close call can still be quite powerful, but might literally carry with it the feeling of something not quite being fulfilled. Of course, for those who have planets in their birth chart that can fill in the blanks, this time could be quite intense and potentially very powerful – literally, the stars aligning for them. Anyone with meaningful planet placements both in early Scorpio (eg 6-8 degrees) and early Capricorn (eg. 5-7 degrees) would win the celestial lottery going into this quarter. But everyone’s a winner in August in particular, with several patterns forming in the sky, albeit not on the scale of a grand sextile. Half of that formation is the grand water trine, which continues into the first half of August, keeping tempers somewhat muted, although with emotions running higher than usual. That dissolves as Jupiter marches on - it’s a big couple of months for our solar system’s biggest planet, which usually bodes well for lots of oppor tunities for those willing to navigate the potential pitfalls.

Jupiter – the celestial linchpin

After being a key element of the grand water trine, Jupiter takes a few gravitational steps before anchoring in a grand cardinal square in the last week of August with Uranus, Pluto and Venus. There is potentially a lot of power in this sort of alignment, which in this case is connected to leadership and drive, but the square is traditionally a challenging aspect, which can put stress on all of the plants in the formation. In the meantime, Jupiter also forms a more harmonious trine with healing Chiron, meaning that, although the square might throw out some issues to be resolved, the support will be there to do exactly that, hopefully clearing the way for you to continue on with some big plans.

Uranus – agent of change

Another key player this quar ter is Uranus. Another corner of the grand square, Uranus also makes its fourth exact alignment with Pluto just as we head into November. They remain technically squared right through the year (and beyond), however, and the potency of that square is amplified by their placement within the grand square with Jupiter and Venus in late August. That said, Venus and Jupiter are easily the most benevolent planets in the mix, so there is potential for them to behave a little differently in this formation and provide some balance to the somewhat fiery mix of the two transpersonal giants (in

power, if not in size) that are likely to be responsible for more unrest and upheaval globally and possibly also personally. By September 21st, Pluto goes direct, however, after months of being in retrograde motion, meaning that any conflict stirred up by its square with Uranus is likely to result in progress, whereas their last clash seemed to have us going over old ground (further unrest in Egypt as an example).

Dates to watch this quarter

8th August – As Jupiter opposes Pluto, it may manifest in one of several ways. You might feel that your plans are being hampered or put under tight scrutiny, or that you’re trying especially hard to get your own way (one may of course precede the other). Practicing restraint, inner reflection and honesty (most especially with yourself) is the most effective way of navigating through this potentially powerful transit. 21st August – This is a complex day in the sky, with Jupiter both squaring Uranus and trining Chiron, amongst other things. You may find yourself feeling frustrated, wanting to rebel against restrictions, both real and perceived (possibly based on the past), but this is also giving you the opportunity to heal the very issues that may be keeping you prisoner in your heart or mind. Take oppor tunities to throw off those self-imposed shackles and use any rebellious energy to propel yourself forward. 14th September – On a day when romantic Venus forms a harmonious trine with idealistic Neptune, remember the value of kindness and the power of even the smallest gesture of love. 21st September – As Pluto goes direct after a few months in retrograde motion, expect more revelations, particularly in the areas of big business and politics, as well as within whatever those archetypes represent within your own life. 21st October – Mercury turns retrograde in Scorpio, which could leave to you saying what needs to be said, whether it is welcome or not. It’s a good time for reflection and contemplation, but the usual drill applies - give yourself plenty of space around appointments and be patient with potentially ‘glitchy’ electronics. Claire Hennekam is an astrologer and Reiki master who founded Emerald Astrology in 2005 (www. Claire now works exclusively from home in the Melbourne CBD. She prepares various types of astrology reports for her clients, as well as running ‘astro-healing’ sessions, where she uses astrology and Reiki, amongst other modalities, to connect clients back to their true selves.

BOOKS • CDS • DVDS Self Nurture Journal

By Dayle Morrison This book is a fun and inspirational collection of To Do lists; Places to Dream; Problem Solving Guides; Loving Prompts; Jour naling and Creativity Pages and much, much more. Morrison poured many years of valuable fun-making and learning into this unique journal. Each page is offered as memo to self from Self … a wonderful way to stay nurtured, inspired, guided and loved.

Sacred Symbols of the Stars - Activational Healing Templates

By Starina This guidebook and set of cards shares the first 12 Sacred Symbols of the Stars, created with higherdimensional galactic frequencies that access deep into the cells of your body. Not simply beautiful geometrical images but guiding symbols that connect you to the Elders, retrieve past life gifts that will help you reclaim your power. Starina presents combinations for performing readings and healings and grounding, protection and house clearing techniques.

In Search of Soul

By S’Roya Rose What does it mean to go “Soul Searching”? This small but powerful metaphysical book is filled with insights from the hear t. If you are looking for a way to make sense of your life, S’Roya offers rare and clear insight into the meaning of life’s challenges and dramas. Intertwining spirituality and poetic wisdom, this book is a great way to begin to make sense of your unique path.

‘Remember’ Everything is Possible

By Michelle M Wright This book begins with the manifestation principle that Thought is Creative … what we think, becomes. Offering a visualisation technique that will take you to the very source of manifestation, we are given the tools to not only create whatever our hear ts desire, but also a way to dissolve the blockages that can get in our way. You will learn how to make the intangible, tangible and the impossible, possible.

Walking With Spirit by Joy Brisbane

This is a book that is gathering momentum. Walking with Spirit has been selected by its publisher, iUniverse, to be taken to the Frankfurt Book Festival later this year. It has also been selected by a partner of iUniverse, Berrett-Koehler, to be placed on a listing of 500 other publishers with rights to be published in other languages. In Walking with Spirit, Joy draws on her experiences as a psychic medium, counsellor, trained nurse and energy healer to share ways in which we can step out of our negative thoughts and feelings and reclaim happiness in our lives. Walking with Spirit is not a text book but rather it is an easy read, written simply, small in size and yet packed full of helpful guidelines for people to use in their day to day lives. To quote one reader, Steven, “Very inspirational, there were a few bits that also made me cry so, like a great song, it stirred up the emotions. It has inspired me to keep asking those deeper questions and to practice more living in spirit rather than just reading about it. I think you are not only walking in spirit but living in spirit”. The message communicated in Walking with Spirit seeks to touch the lives of others and help them to find joy and peace. It asks you to open your mind and heart to the possibility of healing yourself. Joy writes, “When we step into our divine heritage of living a joyful life – when we find the courage and strength to be who we truly are – then we enter into the experience of discovering inner freedom. We find our divine essence.” Author of When Do The Tears Stop? Joy facilitates workshops in psychic ability, dream interpretation, past life regression and moving through grief. However, it is through her books Joy believes she can reach out and touch the lives of many, helping them to move through depression, grief and disillusions to step back into a healthy and happy life. Joy has recently completed writing her third book, As It Is In Heaven, and will be seeking publication of that book before the end of 2013. Copies of Walking with Spirit can be obtained through or through Joy’s own website

Falling into Grace

By Adyashanti Falling into Grace shines in clarity. An awakened te a c he r is inv alua ble to our own realisation of our own essential nature and Adyashanti comes to the fore as one of the leaders of the “tell-it-asit-is” approach to spirituality and enlightenment. This book points towards what we all knowingly or unknowingly most yearn for: realising and embodying the love and awareness that is our natural state. It will remind you to end the struggle and relax back into what you already are.

You have completed a book, video, CD or DVD? Great. Now how will you promote it? The least expensive and most effective way is with reviews and news releases For a review of your book, video, CD or DVD, in InnerSelf newspaper please contact us on (08) 8396 6752 or email your contact details to

The author speaks:

Claudio Silvano comments on his Destiny of Fire trilogy.

Destiny of Fire is much more than just another fantasy trilogy. It is actually a journey into the mythical and spiritual dimensions of the human spirit, of the soul. By writing this trilogy I have set out to explore what it is that we humans truly are. Despite thousands of years of growth, development and more recently, unprecedented achievements in the realms of science and technology, we still find ourselves where we have always been: at the beginning, unable to answer the most simple and fundamental questions about our existence. Who am I? Why am I here? What is the meaning of this life? Is there more to this than meets the eye? In the beautiful land of Theregon things are not as they seem, for deep beneath a calm and peaceful exterior, the cogs of fate rumble perilously towards disaster. Seven Chosen are summoned to Kuon, to help unravel the dark mysteries that plague the city and to embark on a race against time to save the entire land from falling into a second Devastation. These seven Chosen, unremarkable men and women who seem to share nothing in common, having been summoned by power, magic and prophecy, embark on a journey they hope will deliver their world from darkness. Meet Illiom, one of the Chosen and the heroine of this tale, who lives alone in self-imposed exile in the beautiful but unforgiving Sevrock Mountains. It is her fourth year of solitude, but now finally the world is about to draw her out and away from her sanctuary. Someone is coming to bring her back into the world that she has shunned and to face, willing or not, her deepest fear: her own dormant power. Meet Tarmel, Rider of Queen Eranel’s elite Black Ward and the one tasked to bring Illiom back to Kuon. Loyal, dedicated and skilled in the art of death, he finds himself challenged and out of his depth with Illiom. How will he deal with this young woman who brims with mystery and potential for power and yet seems hopelessly lost in her fear-filled inner world. All reviews from

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21 wave forms which include sonic and ultrasonic frequencies. …which establish the vibrations which set the pattern for the formation of life.’ As the stars and planets move through very precise patterns in space we are also exposed to cycles of torsion energy waves. When these torsion waves are at high concentrations a transformation affects the DNA structure on the planet, which is evidenced in our

Frequencies do affect our DNA!


There is evidence for a whole new type of medicine in which DNA can be influenced and reprogrammed by words and frequencies WITHOUT cutting out and replacing single genes. (Michael Forrester, 2012) Researchers are finding that not only is DNA responsible for the building blocks of our being but is also used as data storage and communication. The 97% of our human DNA that was referred to as junk is now being seen as having a higher purpose and the millions of gene switches found within to have importance in controlling what a cell becomes, e.g. skin, liver, brain etc., and also how they behave. As we begin to reconnect back to the higher dimensional frequencies currently available to us through new forms of healing and new levels of understanding we are seeing healings, consciousness shifts and awakening previously unheard of. Through the use of light, sound and vibration our DNA, including genetic defects, is being repaired. Our DNA is being freed from the old patterns as we move forward into the multidimensional and interdimensional aspects of ourselves. We are reconnecting back to whom and what we are. The major medical and scientific breakthrough of approximately 4 million gene switches within our junk DNA that control complex diseases has enormous implications for our future health and consciousness. Western science has been applying a cut and paste process to their research but other European research, especially in Russia, takes a holistic approach to affecting cellular metabolism through light, sound and vibration with very positive results. Working with the vibrational aspects of light and sound they have shown that DNA can be modified and/or repaired. Scientists, including Russian biophysicist and molecular biologist Pjotr Garjajev and his colleagues, have been able to modulate frequency patterns influencing the DNA frequency and genetic information. Russian linguists have also determined that DNA follows principles of all languages, through syntax, semantics and basic rules of grammar. The alkalines within our

DNA follow a regular grammar. Since DNA structure and language follow the same rules no DNA recoding is necessary and this begins to explain why the use of language in affirmations, intentions, hypnosis and the like have such a profound effect on us, both mentally and physically. These discoveries also lead us to the importance of sound and light frequencies and vibrations on the origin of human life, the possibility that we were created by waves of consciousness and that, at a fundamental level, man is pure energy. In the science of Wave Genetics, the junk DNA operates on a rich infrastructure level of super codes and wave communication, apparent in material form as crystalline structures, suggesting that the human gene is part of a multiverse or larger holograms of wave information allowing for hyper-communication, previously described as psychic forms of communication. “The Book of Knowledge: The Keys of Enoch” by Dr J. J. Hur tak (1973) also brings forth these concepts and the effect of sound and vibration on the chemical and mathematical coding of our DNA allowing healing to take place in previously unrecognised ways. The links between science and spiritually that seemed to have been lost particularly in the middle ages and the separation of the sacred and secular through the rise of hegemonic male dominated churches are now coming together again through collaborations between the different branches of science, archaeology, anthropology and music. Consequently scientific research is beginning to suppor t and underlie concepts previously advocated through the core unadulterated aspects of ancient traditions, spirituality and religion. Key 3:17 in ‘The Keys Of Enoch’ discusses how information coming through axiatonal lines can effect healing and consciousness shifts on all levels allowing us to come back to our multidimensional perfect image. Through this arrangement ‘both acoustical vibrations of spiritual Light and sustaining Love are conveyed to the human system….’ And ‘axiatonal lines are connected with a whole series of universal

fossil records and described as ‘punctuated equilibrium’ by biologists. We know that we are now in a cycle of planetary movements and positions that occurs only occasionally. It is then we see great advances in new levels and forms of healing, consciousness and awakening. At this time we must take the opportunities to embrace new healing that works on all levels and that moves beyond just energy healing

awakening one community at a time . . . and now includes working with both Spiritual or SuperLuminal Light, sound frequencies, enhanced brain states, and the vibration of Love. For fur ther information visit www. Anthony Craig is the originator of Spectra Healing and Spectra Activating Consciousness and a certified Hypnotherapist and Social Worker. Based in Adelaide he travels extensively as an Instructor and

P r a c t i t i o n e r, educating and expanding new healing work locally and wor ld wide and is available as a guest speaker. Regular information sessions, workshops and seminars are held. See website for details. Anthony is also available for appointments ph: 0412 832 664. www.SpectraHealing. com


our goal is to awaken one community at a time . . . BMS Therapy

Conscious Courses in QLD Classes, courses, worksops and retreats for the body, mind and spirit

Group Consciousness

Group energy is a huge advantage when one decides to grow. The shared journey brings many aspects of the consciousness to all who par take. It also creates bonds and the group that last as long as the energy is needed. Many are felt, only those that are beneficial will remain. What can it do for me? Increase awareness, meditation will increase awareness in a group it not only increases our awareness but we have the benefit of learning from others. The group energy is also linked directly to the consciousness grids and make the knowledge and awareness available on a planetary basis. Add into the mix one of the purest most potent portals in the Southern Hemisphere and an inflowing stream of amazing energies for the spring equinox under the guidance of an elated Quan Yin and you have a perfect recipe for growth. Can I connect online? Yes group energies formed by online groups can be just as powerful as those made in person but need everyone to be true to themselves. We get that question all the time, as it’s not always possible to travel to high energy points for every equinox, solstice and full moon. That’s the primary reason we have monthly online healing meditations. Yet there is no real substitute for spending hours or overnight at such high energy sites as the Vortex Healing Centre to reboost and rekindle all that you are. Come and join us as the vortex and experience the energies for yourself.

Sue Christiansen, Naturopath, runs the nonprofit Association Vo r t e x H e a l i n g C e n t r e I n c . on Elephant Pass in Tasmania. Www.vor


T he Sacr ed Symbols of the Stars … It was after a trip to Egypt in 2007 that I began channelling sacred geometry artworks I called Alien Art. I had an overwhelming urge to draw - shapes upon shapes and when I stopped to look at what I had drawn I was amazed. I began drawing the symbol in pencil, then colours would come through, finishing with the holographic top layer of gold and silver pen. My style has changed and evolved over the past few years and I now draw what I refer to as Universal Symbols, as everyone has the ability to connect to them. On 11/11/2011 I received information that it was time for a new card deck, and at the beginning of 2012 they came flooding through. First I received the name and then saw symbol and drew it. Next came roughly a month of integrating the huge energy and discovering the magic behind the symbol. My life has completely changed since working with these amazing frequencies of light! Their galactic sacred geometry is channelled straight from Source and heals like nothing I have experienced before. The transformations I have witnessed in my husband, myself and my many students has been nothing short of miraculous! The Galactic Goddess Starina.

Phone 0411 399 777. www.

Sue Bunnett

Sue Bunnett began her home based business Isis Blessings located in the beautiful country town of South Australia in 2009. Those who know Sue describe her as a very warm

and caring woman who passion in life is to help empower others reach their optimal level of health and well-being. Her background encompasses twenty years in health care, previously as an Enrolled and Registered Nurse and for the past 10 years as a Community Mental Health Nurse. Over this time Sue has gained a broad knowledge and deep understanding of the health problems people experience and the many pressures of life that one is faced with. With the emphasis in the past being towards the medical model as being the best choice, this trend is now shifting and people have far more choice when it comes to taking care of your own health needs. Sue has always sought and found that a holistic approach to looking after her own health has been very positive one. She has researched into and gone on to study many Eastern therapies that complement our medical model and can offer you a choice of therapies including Reiki, Isis Lotus Healing, Therapeutic Touch, Hypnotherapy and Remedial Massage Therapy. Many clients have reported experiencing a feeling of total relaxation and inner peace after receiving their healing treatments and have continued to incorporate their chosen alternative therapy as part of their ongoing health care.

Private consultations with Sue are by appointment only; for further details please call 1300 342 873 or visit

Modern Day Pilgrimage to Egypt

“A moder n day pilgrimage” is how Mar k Anns, a psychologist with an interest in transper sonal psychology, described the tours he accompanies

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to Egypt. Mark was trained by Mary Shaw (Consciousgateways), and in May 2014 he will accompany a small group of participants, who will explore their own connection to the ancient land of Egypt.When asked why Egypt, Mark stated Egypt has a fascination for many, and there are those who feel a calling to journey to the ancient sites. The tour offers the opportunity to immerse yourself and experience this connection.

Angela Wilson is a 10th Generation Chinese Health Pr actitioner, Psychologist, World Class Clinical Hypnotherapist (USA, China & Australia), and has helped thousands of people worldwide to get to the root cause of their problems and to create astounding results. Angela has developed a powerful three-phased method that has dramatically changed the lives of people with a wide range of problems … from becoming free from life-long pain, surviving terminal illnesses, overcoming deep seated emotional problems… right through to achieving jaw dropping success in business. During more than 15 years of practice, Angela identified that her clients had suf-

fered in their personal and professional lives due to the accumulation of chronic physical, mental and/or spiritual problems. She developed her extraordinary methodology to get to the deepest root of problems seated at the level of the mind, the body AND the spirit, regardless of your cultural, racial and religious origin. She proved time and time again that when addressing all three levels, her clients experienced spectacular results. Angela is now on a mission to help as many people as possible rid themselves of pain and suffering – permanently before it is too late. As a result, Angela is building quite a following as a BMS Therapy Speaker and teaching people to have a strong awareness of an easy, drug-fee solution for self health care. She also offers her amazing Mind, Body, Spirit Therapy … through group Workshops and her tailored One-to-One service. Check them out at www. bmstherapy. org or phone her direct on 1300 793 989.

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The Way of Liberation An Interview

deeper the paradox can get. Well the first thing that has to happen is that you have to star t to get real. You have to be willing to encounter your experience as it actually is, and stop pretending that it’s different than it is. Especially when someone has had a really deep insight, it can be really humbling to see that there’s still a lot of confusion here, there’s still a lot of division. To just to kind of humble yourself to acknowledge what your experience is and just to get really real on a human level. In the way that I teach, it’s a combination of questioning and meditation. I think in one sense meditation is

really more useful after awakening, when you combine deep meditation with deep enquiry in a very precise way … that’s really difficult to explain in a short amount of time because it’s unique for each person. But for most people it’s a real journey from their awakening to liberation. It varies from person to person, but for those who don’t have tremendously overwhelming psychological division, that don’t have some horrendous absolutely traumatic background, like so many people do unfor tunately, but for somebody who’s relatively psychologically coherent, between their

awakening one community at a time . . .

awakening and settling into their real enlightenment and liberation, if everything goes right it’s probably in 5 to 15 years. Every once in a while you have someone who just takes that leap and it just happens but that’s a few times in a generation.

Adyashanti will be holding a 7 day silent retreat out in Mangrove, NSW in October 2013. For more details on his events, books and teachings visit

with Adyashanti

Continued from page 6

And then people have to start to be able to stay awake. The question becomes “How is it that I ‘un-enlighten’ myself?” … To investigate exactly how your own conditioning holds you out of that consciousness. How does it do whatever things you haven’t dealt with? What are things that your psychology is trying to avoid? You know, there’s a whole array of issues that could come up and do come up for people. And that’s a really big part of having a cer tain amount psychological coherence. It’s not necessary in order to awaken but it’s absolutely necessary in order to have it become an effor tless expression of who you are in your being. So initially it has to deal with the psychology and that’s different person to person and there’s a lot more than that. Beyond that then you get into much more of, I guess you’d say the esoteric realms of awakening. For instance, when people awaken they all have this experience or insight that there is no separate self … or there is no self. And then later of course that self that didn’t seem to exist comes back. (Laughter) Even though they know that the self is not there, that it doesn’t have any existence, it can still create a lot of problems. And so one of the things that are mistaken in a lot of modern spiritual circles is that there is a spot that if they have seen or have had an insight that there is no self, that that is the same as the actual experience of having no self. And the two are very very different. You can have an insight that there is no essential separate self but to actually experience the absence of that separate self is completely different than the insight of it. And a lot of times people equate the two as the same thing. They’re not the same thing and to go from the insight of no self to actually living it, that’s where the self has to be, I guess you could say, emptied out. Even if you see that it doesn’t have any inherent or fundamental reality, it doesn’t mean that the movement of it, that the psychology doesn’t have any impact. ENZA: And how do you empty out this self that doesn’t want to go away or this self doesn’t exist? (Laughter)

ADYASHANTI: It’s a paradox isn’t it? The deeper we go into the truth, the



Leo Drioli

Leo Drioli has been a pioneering leader and spiritual teacher in the consciousness movement for over 25 years as past editor of Golden Age magazine, author of national bestseller Every Moment’s a Miracle and co-editor of InnerSelf, a national newspaper for the last 11 years. His passion in disseminating truth in all its forms and guises is also manifested in his music, and he is thrilled with the release of his first single Give It Your Love in the lead up to his debut album Let Your Spirit Sing which will be out at the end of 2013.

The melodic Give It Your Love is about to give pop music a shot in the arm it has not seen in years. - Skope magazine The positive message it contains reminds me of John Lennon’s Give Peace a Chance and it is perfect to relax and unwind to or to bring those stress levels down after a hard day. - Just Relax magazine Drioli has discovered a refreshing way to re-capture and re-introduce ageless and FREE DOWNLOAD thoughtful spiritual momentum through his from song. - Raz Mataz magazine A musical journey that transcends cookiecutter pop. What the world needs is a little love… - Celebrity VIP Lounge Magazine The song is in the mould of the types of material you’d hear from the likes of Cat Stevens and George Harrison. Drioli has a similar knack for producing an inviting melody that is as poignant as the lyrics he recites over it. - If you’re into music from Oasis, Sixpence None, The Richers or even The Beatles, check out Leo Drioli’s single, Give It Your Love. It’s a message of positivity and peace. - For more information on Leo Drioli’s songs and performances visit:, and to watch his video, which was filmed at the Adelaide Central Market (produced and directed by Tim Pine), visit:

Hear tDrop. Enza mentioned this Itself as the everpresent ground of word to me the other day. constancy that we are. No questions HeartDrop ... I love the sound of ... no answers ... all is resolved in it ... but what does it mean? this HeartDrop. Drioli hasthebeen a pioneering andinspiritual teacher For meLeo it describes precious Theleader way back to the Heart is in the cons momentsmovement we allow ourselves to drop not aas longpast road,editor it's notofcomplicated Golden Age magazi for over 25 years back intoofthe Hear t ...bestseller those mo-Every or difficult reallya ...but it does Moment’s Miracle andtake co-editor of I national ments ofnational non-separation ... yes, the courage and a willingness to connewspaper for the last 11 years. His passion in disseminati unconditioned awareness that is our sciously cease identifying ourselves all its forms and guises is also manifested in his music, and he is th natural state. in our memories. Give It Your Love in the lead the release of his first single Each moment is in truth always When we stop believing the up to his de Your Spirit Sing be outthat at construct the end ofthe2013. already aLet HeartDrop whether wewhich are will thoughts "little aware of it or not ... becoming aware me" of separation, we give ourof it brings in the Joy that is already selves the space to drop back in The back melodic Your here, awaiting Its recognition. ... to drop downGive ... toItfall intoLove is abou shot in the arm it has no The Heart sees ... the Heart feels grace,pop backmusic into ouraHearts. ... the Hear t tastes ... the Hear t - Skope magazine in years. How? Stop believing in the knows, but not in the same way as thoughts about "me" and "you" ... The positive message it contains rem the mind. stop giving over our unconscious Give the Peace a Chanc of John The Heart is the ground of Being attention to theLennon’s mind, and allow toasrelax unwind to or to that holds all of life. It's the spa- miracleisofperfect This, just It is toand reveal ciousness that is vast and eternal, Itself. those stress levels down after a hard it's what is before thought lays claim Do -the HeartDrop set youJust Relax and magazine to it, yet, mysteriously it's also the self free. Drioli has discovered a refreshing wa very essence of what thought is too. L e o re-capture D r i o l i i s and re-introduce ageless a This moment, just as it is, is alFREE DOWNLOAD t h e thoughtful c o - e d i t o r spiritual momentum throug ways a HeartDrop. from nnerSelf Hear tDrop is also the delicate o f Isong. and droplet of bliss, of joy, of insight that Newspaper Raz Mataz magazine author- of “Every gently flows out into our lives. These M o m e n t ’ s a A musical journey that transcends coo droplets are the pure essence of Miracle”. Leo is cutter What needs is a little love… - Celebrity VIP Being. These Hearpop. tDrops arethe theworld also a singer/ Love tearsLounge of the Divine ... both songwriter, and has just released Magazine tears of joy and tears of sorrow that his first single, “Give It Your Love”, The song is in the mould of the types of material you’d hear from emanate from the very same source available as a free download at www. likes of right Cat Stevens George Harrison. Drioli has a similar knack of stillness that sits here, rightand producing inviting where we are right now an ... You are a melody that is as poignant as the lyrics he re Leo Drioli with his partner and HeartDrop.over it. - associate teacher Enza Vita, One drop of purity that is equal If you’re into music fromare Oasis, Sixpence The Richers or eve presenting a 6None, week Natural to the Infinite ocean of Eternal Love Meditation class based on The Give It Your Love. It’s a mess Beatles, check out Leo Drioli’s single, that is Source ... God Itself. You are Practice of Presence on Monday positivity and peace. That. And there's no separating This - nights (7.30-9.00pm)from from That ... no separation between September 2nd – October 7th 2013 at the Spirit of Yoga Centre, 138B This that you For are from That.information more on Leo Drioli’s songs and perform When we drop back into our The Parade Norwood, SA. For more visit:, and to watch his video, information phone (08) 8396 6752. which w hearts a profound mystery instantly at the Central Market (produced and directed by T reveals itself. TheAdelaide little contracted, visit:of thought-constructed sense self that inhabits our minds vanishes and the Vast, Infinite and Eternal Beingness that we truly are reveals

Leo Drioli




awakening one community at a time . . .

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