The Year-End Issue: Tons of products, 5G and entertainment pack this issue front to back. With a trio of cover-caliber interviews, Innovation & Tech Today’s Year-End issue covers the technological side of television and film like none before. Jack-of-all-trades Ricky Gervais talks about the shift to live-streaming in order to cope with a pandemic. Wrestler-turned-actor Dave Bautista shares the frustrations of filming and debut delays, while sharing his own silver lining in a world filled battling disease. Our writers also spent some time with Karate Kid alum Ralph Macchio. He talked about the resurgence of Cobra Kai since its shift over to Netflix. Sometimes a new platform can make all the difference in the world.
Compelling interviews with industry professionals in healthcare, travel, manufacturing, gaming, and entertainment outline a new world shaped by the coronavirus, while innovative brands respond with a series of summer gadgets, trailblazing outdoor gear, and smart-home and office electronics.