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Glen Head, New York

“Renounce and Enjoy”

Presented by Thomas K. Szulc, M.D.

Renounce and Enjoy “By becoming non-attached, by being free to change and grow, I could add more and greater loves to my life. I could achieve higher levels of consciousness and a

life of abundance and bliss.� Mahatma Ghandi

Renounce and Enjoy We are on Earth for a reason and we have the ability to achieve our purpose. Knowing our life’s purpose is the starting point of all achievement.

Renounce and Enjoy


Renounce and Enjoy Dr. Harold Saxton Burr – “Electric patterns of life, Blueprint for Immortality” (1972)  All protein in the body turned over in 6 months

We make completely new skin once a month New skeleton every 3 months New stomach lining every 5 days New liver every 6 weeks DNA material is replaced every 6 weeks Carbon, Hydrogen, Nitrogen, Oxygen in brain – new every year  98% of atoms and molecules are replaced every year      

Sea of E-M radiation “the electro-dynamic field of the body serves as a matrix or mold, which preserves the arrangement and activities, and functions of the body�

Saxton Burr

Only 2 % of atom is matter – the center with positively charges protons, and neutrons and the negatively charges electrons circling the center

Dr. Popp Dr. Popp has shown that every cell in human body communicates with every other cell by means of electro-magnetic radiation.  Biophotons are “packages” of energy transmitted by living organism  DNA has the role of absorbing and transmitting biophotons

Dr. Popp’s Research  The physiological functions of living organisms are regulated by electro-magnetic field patterns  At a basic level – the cause of any disease is incorrect

information resulting from an interfered with electromagnetic field pattern.  Cancer cell “lost the possibility of taking up mutual photons from each other”  The universal electro-magnetic field is the base for cell communication

Our Universe The Universe changes the direction of evolution of becoming more.

You cannot stop it, but you can influence it. If you direct your changes toward growth and evolution, you will be moving in accord with universe.

When your actions increase harmony in the Universe, you are contributing toward universal harmony

Our Universe The Universe is neither bad nor good. It is both good and bad simultaneously. The Universe is in constant state of motion and change. This change wants to be in direction of evolution, of becoming more.

Direct your changes toward growth and evolution and you will be moving in accord with the Universe.

Our Universe Every change in the Universe also aims at achieving HARMONY

When our actions increase harmony in the Universe, we are contributing toward universal harmony. Our job in this life is to obey the universal laws and move our life in the direction of evolution and harmony.

Buddha The Buddhist law of Maya, law of illusion, speaks of the limitation of perception. What we perceive is indeed real, but it is only very small part of reality. Brain waves function: Beta waves

13-40 Hz

Alpha waves

8-13 Hz

Theta waves

4-8 Hz

Delta waves

1-4 Hz

Conscious mind

Subconscious mind Superconscious mind

(paraconscious mind)

Conscious Mind Communicates with the material world - Ddepends on the 5 physical senses for its basic information - Ego–perception that you are separate from all else in the Universe Your Conscious Mind acts according to belief system you have formulated.

Subconscious Mind The archives of library of your total Self

- It forms relationships between the content of these archives and develops plan of action and reaction - Formulates belief system

Superconscious Mind In contact with the universal mind - Possibilities become virtually unlimited - In delta wave - super-conscious mind cannot communicate with our subconscious - In delta wave - it is non-verbal - At theta – it transforms the universal mind of the delta level into a form that can enter the subconscious archives.

Essential Connections 1. ACTION: Your actions are controlled by your conscious mind. Doubts or fears will immediately stop all superconscious mind.

Essential Connections 2. EXCITEMENT:

Energy in motion There is no known limit to the personal power that you can accumulate. Every time you use your total mind, you increase your personal power.

Essential Connections 3. TRANSCEDANCE: Taking individual negative experiences, linking them to positive experiences, and creating within the body, mind and soul a new and greater power than ever existed before.

Abundance Abundance is the process of transforming intelligence and power from the Universal Mind

into personal intelligence and power.

Law of Equivalent Returns With each additional power, the likelihood of attracting more power increases

The Law of Harmony says: o In the non-material world, the eternal world, like attracts like o In the material world, unlike poles attract each other

o Thoughts, which are non-material, attract similar thoughts.

Law of Equivalent Returns Whatever you concentrate on and focus your attention on, you are in harmony with, and you will achieve. If you concentrate and focus on success, that is what you will achieve. If you concentrate and focus on what you fear, that is what you attract.

Law of Equivalent Returns Majority of people spend their lives concentrating on problems

And the problems we face have increased.

People should concentrate on what they want, what they wish to achieve - they would make progress

Law of Equivalent Returns Since your brain chooses to acknowledge predominantly those stimuli that reinforce your belief system, what you belief is of crucial importance And even more crucial is the degree to which you belief.

“I am the expert� - Look to your teachers and experts only for guidance

- Look within yourself for the power to achieve

Rejoice “Your joy of today is your sorrow of yesterday unmasked� Khalil Gibran Without problems that cause you to stop and evaluate your actions, you would never contact the intelligence from the Universal Mind by which you grow and evolve. You do not pass negative judgment on yourself,

You transmute negative experiences into positive ones.

Action “Instead

of being a society of individuals, we are a society of joiners, always seeking group direction”. Jack Schwarz

Programmed Minds Because of our upbringing and education we have

become rigid and don’t even believe our own superconscious mind when it flashes information to us.

Intension “Intent is a force that exists in the Universe. When the sources (those who live of the Source) beckon intent, it comes to them and sets up the path for attainment,

which means that sources accomplish what they set out to do�. Castaneda

Intension “There once was a one-legged dragon called Hui. -How on earth do you manage those legs? he asked a centipede,

-I can hardly manage one. -Matter of fact, said the centipede, I do not manage my legs.�

Master Chuang Tzu

Intension “To be empty, completely empty, is not fearsome thing; It is absolutely essential for the mind to be unoccupied; To be empty, unenforced, for then only it can move into

unknown depths.�


Intension “People are often unreasonable, illogical and self-centered -Forgive them anyway, If you are kind, people may accuse you of selfish, ulterior motives -Be kind anyway, If you are successful you will win some false friends and some true enemies -Succeed anyway, If you are honest and frank, people may cheat you -Be honest anyway, What you spend years building, someone may destroy overnight -Build anyway, If you find serenity and happiness they may be jealous -Be happy anyway, The good you do today people will often forget tomorrow -Do good anyway, Give the world the best you have, and it may never be enough -Give the world the best you have anyway. You see, in the final analysis it is all between you and God -It is never between you and them, anyway. Mother Theresa

Max Planck “As a man who has devoted his whole life to the most clearheaded science, to the study of matter, I can tell you as the result of my research about atoms this much:

There is no matter as such! All matter originates and exists only by virtue of a force which

brings the particles of an atom to vibration and holds this most minute solar system of the atom together‌..We must assume behind this force the existence of a conscious and

intelligent mind. This mind is the matrix of all matter.�

Hermetic Axioms "To change your mood or mental state — change your vibration." - The Kybalion

Hermetic Axioms "To destroy an undesirable rate of mental vibration, put into operation the Principle of Polarity and concentrate upon the opposite pole to that which you desire to suppress. Kill out the undesirable by changing its polarity."

- The Kybalion

Hermetic Axioms "Mind (as well as metals and elements) may be transmuted from state to state; degree to degree; condition to condition; pole to pole; vibration to vibration." - The Kybalion

Daskalos “It is not enough that we sit and talk and talk, for as I often repeat in the lessons we must not accept anything unless we ourselves have experienced it. Truth inexperienced quickly degenerate into dogmatism!�

Daskalos “To draw closer to the truth we need to know less and experience more. It is a question of accumulation and more a matter of discovering and purifying what we already have, what we already are. We cannot become something that we are not already.�

Olivier Manitara “The earth is an artist, and each of us has to become an artist to turn life into a hymn of beauty!�

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