39905 N. Gavilan Peak Parkway Anthem, Arizona 85086 thecaepeschool.org 623-‐551-‐7808
INTENT TO ENROLL FORM 2014-‐2015 SCHOOL YEAR Grade _______2013-‐2014: __________ Today’s date: _____/_______/_____ Current Grade: ____________ PLEASE READ AND FILL OUT EACH ITEM IN PRINT Student’s Name: _________________________________________________________ First M.I. Last
Age as of Sept. 1, 2014
Date of birth:
Address: ___________________________________________ City: ____________ Zip: _________ School last attended: _________________________________________________________ Will your child be enrolled at The Caepe School for the 2013-‐2014 School year? ________ yes _________no Parent/ Guardian’s name: _________________________________________________________