Inova Cancer Patient Financial Assistance 2022 Donor Impact Report

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Donor Impact Report Cancer Patient Financial Assistance 2 0 2 2

Helping patients and families heal



Your support of Cancer Patient Financial Assistance in 2022 provided life-changing help for patients and their families dealing with the tremendous financial burden of fighting cancer. Thanks to you, these patients could focus on healing and safely continue treatment and care.

Total Raised in 2022

Total Deployed in 2022

We are so grateful for the donors who enable us to activate and sustain these programs and projects that extend over multiple years - and great need remains!

Hisaoka Cancer Patient Assistance Fund


Total assistance provided to patients in 2022


Patients received assistance with $52,593 of these funds for prescription costs in 2022

Last year, your support was used for everyday life essentials such as:


Emergency Rent & Mortgage

Utility Bills




Women In Need Fund




supports women and their families impacted by gynecologic cancer

Educationalprogramsandsideeffect managementspecifictoGYNcancers

$251,998 AvailableFunds for2023

"As a Nurse Practitioner, I am a constantly referring my patients to this valuable resource. I see so much opportunity for additional assistance on tools like translation iPads, home health aides and even everyday tasks like grocery shopping or mowing the lawn." Claire Lewis, NP, Inova Health System

American Cancer Society provided a $10,000 grant to help ensure patients receive access to transportation to their treatment appointments.

75 Patients in 2022 received free rides to and from treatments.

The Cherry Blossom Breast Cancer Foundation provided a grant for breast cancer patients to receive cryotherapy, which helps prevent hair loss during chemotherapy treatment.

Local Foundation, Blossoms for Pink, provided $25,000 to breast cancer patients and families through financial assistance with medications, rent and other critical necessities.

Stories of Hope and Healing

C.S.wasa75-year-oldpatientwithmalignantneoplasm.Theday beforeherconcurrentchemoandradiationtreatmentswere scheduledtobegin,sheinformedhercareteamthatshewas unabletoaffordthe$62copayforhertreatment.Thankstoacall fromherLifeWithCancertherapisttotheFoundation,hercopay wascoveredandhertreatmentwasabletobeginontime.

S.A.isapatientwhowasadmittedtoforaprostatectomytotreathis cancer.HeisacharitypatientthatcametoInovathroughtheFree Clinic.Heistheonlyincomefortheirfamilyoffour(wife,18yosonand 10yoson).Hewastoldthatwecouldn’treturntoworkfor6-8weeks andknewhe’dbeunabletopayhismortgagewithoutanincome. TheFoundationused fundstoensurehisfamilycouldremainintheir homeuntilhewasabletoreturntowork.

M.S.isapatientwithmetastaticbreastcancer.Herhusband’shours wereeliminatedduetoCOVIDandshewasn’tsurehowtheywouldpay theirmonthlybills.OurLifeWithCancertherapisthelpedherapplyfor localnonprofitassistance,buttheapplicationstakeseveralweeksto process.TheFoundationwasabletonotonlypayherrentbuttohelp herrelocatefroma2ndfloorapartmenttoafirstfloorapartmentupon learningthatherradiationtreatmenthadmadehertooweaktoclimb herstairs.

L.Jneededtostarttreatmentforherthyroidcancerbut couldn’taffordthevisittothedentisttogetherdental clearancerequiredforallheadandneckcancers. Throughthesefunds,wewereabletogetheran appointmentwithadentistandgetherclearedfor treatment.

Thank you for your generous support

Thanks to your support, Inova Schar Cancer Institute can continue to meet the needs of our oncology patients and their families by alleviating the financial toxicity of a cancer diagnosis. Because of your generosity we are able to provide those facing a cancer diagnosis with essential financial support to ensure the very best possible outcome.

For more information about the impact of your giving, please reach out to Sage Bolte at or 703.403.2120 or Amy Richards at or 703.969.1732.

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