KENON BEASLEY Big Brothers Big Sisters of Northwest Florida is proud to announce Kenon Beasley as the recipient of the 2023 Big Brother of the Year award in Escambia County. He was selected for this honor because of his dedication to mentoring three Little Brothers. Beasley has volunteered with Big Brothers Big Sisters for more than 10 years and is a current mentor to three Little Brothers: Apricio, Richard and Zayshawn. He helped Apricio succeed in middle and high school, and he is now enlisted in the U.S. Marine Corps. Richard studies business administration at Florida A&M University. Zayshawn plans to attend Pensacola State College and study nursing.
BOBBY VAN DEUSEN The Pensacola musician scored his third win in the senior division at the World Championship Old-Time Piano Playing Contest in Oxford, Miss. Every year, over Memorial Day weekend in Oxford, the World Championship Old-Time Piano Playing Contest is held to provide an opportunity for more than 500 piano players from across the U.S. and from five foreign countries to compete and educate people about old-time piano music written before 1940. Van Deusen's previous wins were in 2019 and 2022. His three wins retire him from future contests. Congratulations, Bobby.
JOE HOBBS The local artist was recently invited to demonstrate his new illustrated glass technique at the upcoming Glass Art Society Conference (GAS) in Detroit, Mich. The GAS Conference is held in a different city around the world every year. Hobbs also currently has a gallery show on view in Chattanooga, Tenn. In August, he has another opening in Seattle, Wash.
FERRY PASS MIDDLE SCHOOL Two teams from the school competed at Odyssey of the Mind World Finals on the campus of Michigan State University, representing the state of Florida. They performed exceptionally and ranked in the top quarter of all teams. FPMS Problem 3 "Classics...The Walls of Troy" placed 16 out of 54 teams. FPMS Problem 5 "The Most Dramatic Problem Ever" placed 15 out of 66 teams.
VICES Inweekly publisher Rick Outzen toured Warrington Middle School with the Charter Schools USA officials days after the last day of classes and found the facility filthy. The air filters in the classrooms were caked with dust. The bathrooms were covered with vulgar graffiti, and the windows appeared to have not been cleaned for months. The Custodial Services let the students and teachers down, but the school's former principal earned a promotion to assistant superintendent. His part of the WMS campus was nearly spotless. The school district has much bigger problems than Tim Smith and library books.
THE NULL SET Amid a series of high-profile changes at New College of Florida, the school also got a new mascot, the Mighty Banyans, which replaced the school's longtime mascot, The Null Set. Banyans are trees that can be seen in areas of Sarasota where the school is located; it was designed by a student and unveiled June 1 during a meeting of the New College Board of Trustees. Richard Corcoran, New College's interim president, touted the new mascot, "The entire origination and what it is, and how it came about, and who brought it about, is more than special. And it's very unique to New College." Grace Keenan, the student member of the Board of Trustees, pushed back. She proposed using the mascot only for athletic teams, giving the student body a chance to select an alternative mascot if it wanted. The board voted down the proposal after an at-times tense discussion. Go Team Keenan.
On the advice of county attorneys, the library in Montana canceled an event featuring a transgender speaker Adria Jawort discussing transgender history. The officials worried public funding would be in jeopardy because of a newly enacted law in the state that bans drag shows and other events put on by "flamboyant" performers. Activists had predicted the anti-trans law that passed last month would eliminate transgender voices entirely, and it appears they were right.
You never met my dad, Richard Outzen, Sr., but you would've loved him if you had. And one of my biggest regrets is that he died too young for my children and grandchildren to get to know him.
Born in 1930, growing up in the Great Depression, watching World War II happen while caring for his mother in the Mississippi Delta, he had a bigger-than-life personality that not only commanded respect, but also made you love him.
His grandfather, John Aloysius Cannon, was once mayor of Greenville, Miss., during the historic flood of 1927. Most of his fortune had evaporated before my dad was born, and my dad's father died when he was a toddler. Though he had older brothers and sisters, Richard felt responsible for his mother.
Their relationship was close. When he went to first grade at St. Rosa Lima School, and the older boys picked on him, he ran home. His mother let him stay out of school for two years until the parish priest came to the house and convinced her Richard needed to be going to school.
Being a little bit older than his classmates gave him an edge and made him the natural leader of his class, which really isn't saying much because his class only had five students.
As Father's Day approaches, I face the reality of living in a world without my dad knowing I'm almost 45 years older than he was when he passed in 1980. I dwell on the stories my mother and his friends have shared about him, longing for that opportunity to have an adult conversation with him because there were too few. But I do love to repeat the stories.
Dad's natural comedic talent was noticed when he was in the U.S. Air Force during the Korean War and became part of the USO shows in the South Pacific. When his ship landed in San Diego after the war, an agent met him and tried to sign him into a contract, but Dad wanted to return home to care for his mother.
Dad grew up on the edge of the Black section of Greenville, and many of his childhood friends were Black. When he came back to
Greenville and developed his insurance business, he built much of it by selling them life, car and home policies. When statewide candidates visited the Mississippi Delta, Dad escorted them to the various Black churches because the pastors trusted him.
In the 1970s, he was asked to chair the American Heart Association's Heart Fund campaign. At the time, Greenville had two campaigns segregated by race. Dad agreed to do it, but only if there would be one fund, arguing he didn't know the difference between a Black and white heart. He rallied his friends from the white and Black neighborhoods and had the most successful campaign in the city's history. From that point, the community campaigns were no longer segregated.
Now Dad had his quirks.
He was a clothes horse who loved loud sport coats, gold Rolexes and white Buck shoes in the summer. No matter the combination, Dad convinced you he looked cool. When Bum Phillips took over as the head coach of the New Orleans Saints, Dad began wearing cowboy boots, western shirts and belts with big silver buckles. Thank goodness that fad only lasted one football season.
What I remember most is Dad's love for my mother, his six children and our friends. He coached all the Outzen boys in YMCA football and didn't worry about drafting the best players. Dad selected our friends and classmates, sprinkled with a few boys he knew had tough home lives. He rarely won championships, but the teams were fun.
He also stayed connected to many of his former players, sending them notes as they progressed through life and giving them hugs and words of encouragement whenever he saw them. He often picked up their meal and asked about their parents and jobs.
Dad had a way of making everyone feel better about themselves. He would needle the pretentious, but he made all of us more confident to take on challenges.
And more than just me misses him.
{in} rick@inweekly.net
Dad had a way of making everyone feel better about themselves.
Some employers with the deepest pockets tried to "step up their game." Ascension Sacred Heart pursued offering childcare for 450 kids at a cost to employees of $500 per month. The sticker shock of a $1 million subsidy from the hospital halted the plan. Navy Federal Credit Union came to the same decision.
Infant care costs are particularly crippling for those without federal or state dollars rolling in. The Department of Children and Families strictly mandates one staff member for every four infants. Infant care costs First United Methodist Church $1,100 per month, and that only covers staff salaries and benefits.
Head Start provides services for ages 0-5 and encounters challenges with finding enough staffing for infants
Inadequate early childhood education is the black eye on Escambia County that never heals. The county consistently ranks near the bottom of the state in kindergarten readiness rates.
The odds of those rates improving anytime soon appear remote, considering the shortage of slots available for children at early learning centers. Hundreds of children wait for spaces to open, as a critical shortage of educators leaves the county in a crisis with no easy solutions.
Early Learning Coalition is only at 75% capacity, and its waitlist tops 700 because of a staff shortage. Head Start slots for 735 kids, but classrooms by the dozen are vacant with no staff to fill them. Escambia County Public Schools operates 31 Voluntary Prekindergarten classrooms in 16 schools, with an average of 19 students per classroom. The VPK program is at capacity because of financial and staffing challenges—while a need exists for programs at all 32 elementary schools.
The staff shortage is a product of low pay in a region where the cost of living is on the rise. In April 2023, the median listing home price in the county neared $350,000, trending up 7.3% yearover-year.
Escambia Children's Trust Executive Director Tammy Greer said retail and fast-food jobs pay better without the same education and certification requirements. She added that early learning positions require applicants to pay for a
background screening. After the applicants clear all those hurdles, the real fun begins.
"They get in there and don't have benefits, and they're treated like crap because people treat them like babysitters," Greer said. "The work they do is hard. They're putting diapers on babies, and in many cases, they're babies who have been through a lot. Retention is difficult. Turnover is incredible."
Greer has sought to bring the community together to identify solutions to the early learning crisis. Escambia Children's Trust recently hosted a roundtable that included a crosssection of childcare, education, government, healthcare and industry representatives.
"We really want commitments," Greer said. "There's been lots of activity, but it's not enough, because look at the condition we're in. People can't find available care. This is a call to action. Who's going to do it? Otherwise, we'll just keep talking about it."
Participants proposed possible solutions to the crisis, but many depended on subsidies. The options discussed included creating and maintaining a volunteer database, covering the costs for volunteers, creating incentives to attract people to the early learning profession, offering scholarships, expedited online classes with completion bonuses, developing internships for students at early learning education centers and incentivizing military spouses to become early learning educators.
"How do we make people pay their people more? Where does that money come from?" Greer said. "It gets passed down to the parents. How do we do this without pricing people out of the market? We have to have private companies step up their game."
"Each of our business models is different, but they rely on the same regulatory framework," said Douglas Brown, the Head Start executive director. "There's a certain number of slots you have to have staff for, and the numbers don't work from the cost of facilities, operations and then the salaries. You need a subsidized market because most families can't afford to pay more."
Head Start and Early Learning Coalition receive federal and state funding for their operations, but the restrictions on that money prevent the agencies from spending freely on their employees.
School readiness and VPK expenses account for about $22 million of the ELC budget, and the money is primarily devoted to operating expenses for childcare facilities. Those funds come with three notable restrictions that limit who qualifies for childcare.
Parent(s)/guardian(s) must be working or participating in an educational activity such as attending college or trade school at least 20 hours per week.
Gross income must be at or below 150% of the federal poverty level for family size.
Families must pay a copayment for childcare based on income and family size.
The demand is still there, as evidenced by the 700-plus children on waitlists, but staffing issues prevent optimal class sizes.
Coalition Executive Director Bruce Watson invested the largest portion of his budget in the agency's history to bump salaries into the $1520 an hour pay scale, but the dramatic increase in property insurance costs prevented him from making any headway.
"All that money I thought would help pay staff better, got sucked up by the insurance bill," Watson said.
The legislation appropriated $1.9 billion for early learning and $315 million of that amount must be encumbered by September. Watson envisions using some of that money to offer bonuses to staff members who successfully recruit new employees. Another possibility from the discussions is offering employees insurance and retirement benefits through group discounted rates.
"We have the latitude to do some things we haven't tried before," Watson said. "...If we could get some more people working, I definitely have a little more room in my budget to help children."
Brown's longer-term goal is to re-recruit some of the staff he lost due to the pandemic and increase the number of early learning classrooms. But, he said he is living in the now, and his top priority is retaining staff. He demonstrated that priority when he scrounged to pay employees equitably.
"Our state, through the Early Learning Coalition, allocated $1,000 to every VPK teacher in Florida, and that's wonderful," Brown said. "Here's the challenge for my agency. I have seven VPK classrooms, which means out of my staff, I had about 40 of them get the bonus, and the teacher next door is asking, 'Where's ours? Don't we get one?' I had to make that good, because it's a retention issue for me."
The early learning crisis is statewide. In Florida, 92,000 households reported that an adult left paid work to provide at-home childcare, and thousands of other Floridians reported cutting hours, according to a March 2022 census survey.
Christa Pate, circuit 1 administrator for Northwest Florida Health Network, said she knows parents who cut work hours to provide at-home childcare. NWF Health Network serves as the region's network management agency for child welfare and substance abuse and mental health services. She attended Greer's roundtable.
The staff shortage is particularly damaging for those in the NWF Health Network who count on early learning educators equipped to care for children coming from broken homes, Pate said.
"Kids with foster parents and caregivers' children are coming out of complex situations and are more likely to express themselves," Pate said. "There are not the specialized settings they need, not even the regular settings. You have a kid who is disruptive, and they call the foster parent, and the foster parent can't come pick up the kid every day because they have to work."
Greer acknowledges that challenges outnumber the solutions. Slowing the early learning crisis is a Herculean task that starts with finding and retaining educators.
"We can't even get to quality, which is my ultimate goal," Greer said. "We don't have enough warm bodies willing to stay in this field." {in}
of Student Services, Equity and Access for the Palm Beach County School District.
Why did he join CSUSA?
"For me, it's always been about students," Ruiz said. "My whole career, I was a science teacher in district school to the dean, assistant principal, principal and assistant superintendent. We did some great work in the districts and the schools I was in."
He continued, "I wanted to be a superintendent and started looking at the options. Charter Schools USA came about, and I met with the CEO (Hage) and really started looking at its core values and the difference that I could make."
Ruiz became interested in taking on WMS when he visited the campus, he said. The school was much like the one he attended, the ones he taught in and the ones CSUSA has worked with. He felt CSUSA could
in Charter Schools USA, the better the students do. That's proven. If we can get the students early and have them with us for a period of time, they grow and do better."
He cautioned, "We believe in the K-8 model and then eventually high school, but I'm not worried about any of that. I'm worried about year one."
He points to two successful schools with similar challenges, the Renaissance Charter Schools in West Palm and Plantation. The West Palm school was formed in 2012 and earned a D grade in its first year but has improved steadily.
"It has similar demographics, similar socioeconomics," Ruiz said. "It has been an A school for four years. That doesn't happen overnight. That takes good leadership, good instruction and the systems in place. That's one school that has done really well."
The Renaissance Charter School at Plantation in Broward County was a D in 2017 and jumped to an A the following year but has tottered over the years, earning a C last year.
maybe not for one of the largest school man agement companies in the country.
But Warrington has reasons to be leery. Escambia County School District let Newpoint Education Partners operate three charter schools. Its owner is sitting in jail after being convicted in the largest charter school fraud case in state history.
And WMS has had two previous outside consultants—The Rensselaerville Institute and Learning Science International's School Turnaround Applied Research Center. Both failed to raise the school's grade above a D. After a decade of being Florida's lowest-performing middle school, the Escambia County School Board had only two choices—close WMS or hand it over to a charter school operator.
But the school board balked, and the negotiations got so contentious that the board made plans to close WMS. However, the Florida Board of Education intervened and threatened to dock the board's pay if they didn't approve a contract within 48 hours. The school board relented.
Eddie Ruiz, the Florida state superintendent of CSUSA, sat down with Inweekly last week to discuss the challenges at WMS. Dr. Ruiz oversees the 65 Florida schools managed by CSUSA. Before joining CSUSA five years ago, Dr. Ruiz was the assistant superintendent of the Division
"It looked like some of the schools early on that we had," Ruiz said. "The difference that we're able to make there, and that we have made, is the impetus of why we really said this is something we could do. The students deserve better, to be honest."
Ruiz said CSUSA's methodology of teaching the students is different than what district schools do.
"We have a proven set of systems that we operate," he said. "We are held to the same standards the district schools are, but how we do what we do is different. I think those little differences, those systems help us get our results."
A point of contention with the school board was gradually converting the school to K-12, but CSUSA saw it as non-negotiable—especially adding the lower grades.
"We have mainly K-8s in 55 of our schools," Ruiz said. "The longer we have students with -
"It's hard to bounce back when you make those big jumps," Ruiz said, "That's why we don't promise that we're going to make it an A in one year because that's hard. You have to do incremental growth to do what's needed, but those are two examples."
Warrington parents have heard all the promises—from Superintendent Malcolm Thomas boasting he would make the school the best middle school in Florida back in 2009 to Principal Denny Wilson begging parents to keep their children enrolled two years ago. CSUSA has to prove Warrington Preparatory Academy will be different.
"I know we are going to have to earn people's trust, and I get that 100%," Ruiz said. "It's going to be a monumental task to do this, and so we're going to work really hard, again, for students, to make sure that the facilities, that everything's ready for them on day one."
He continued, "This is not just us coming in. We need the community. We need parents, and we need everybody to do this because it will be an effort that all of us will be proud of when we look back." {in}
ty Commissioner Mike Kohler intends to bring pickleball to Lexington Terrace Park in Warrington. He previewed the plans with Inweekly before his community meeting scheduled for Wednesday, June 7.
"We're going to put pickleball courts out there—six of them, because there's none on this side," Kohler said on WCOA's "Real News with Rick Outzen". "More than likely, we're probably going put a disc golf course in there—nine minimum, maybe 18."
The community center will be repaired after termite damage was uncovered. The basketball courts have already been refurbished.
"The dog park, which was probably the biggest hit, is going to be completely redone," the commissioner said. "I think we'll probably have the nicest dog park in Pensacola."
The open item is whether multi-purpose fields or a BMX track will be built at Lexington Terrace Park. According to Kohler, Michael Rhodes, who heads the county's parks and recreation department, would like to put a BMX park in a different location in the county, possibly in the Cantonment area.
"I don't want people to think that we completely are getting rid of that," said Kohler. "We want to try to have that as well. We're just not sure this is the right place for it."
The county has budgeted $500,000 for improvements to Lexington Terrace Park. The commissioner explained, "There was $200,000 in the Parks and Rec budget, and when I got elected, I committed some of the LOST (Local Option Sales Tax) dollars there."
INTERIM MELODRAMA An impassioned speech by Deputy Superintendent Shenna Payne set the stage for Keith Leonard to be named interim superintendent during a contentious Escambia County School Board meeting in the Hall Center on May 30.
Leonard will serve as interim superintendent for Escambia County Public Schools
voted to put him in the interim role after a significant number of speakers voiced support for Deputy Superintendent Payne during the public forum and questioned if the board violated Sunshine Law in firing previous superintendent Tim Smith.
"This is about 45,000—38,000 students and 7,000 employees," Leonard said. "You can rest assured every day when we come to work, that's who we're going to be committed to. We're going to give our students the best opportunity we can, and we're going to treat and support our employees every day like they are doing God's work."
A search committee pegged Leonard as the top choice for superintendent in 2020, but the school board ultimately voted in favor of Smith. Two weeks ago, Board Chair Paul Fetsko moved for Smith to be terminated and Leonard to be named interim superintendent. The motion caught many by surprise because it wasn't on the approved agenda, and the board approved it 3-2, with Patty Hightower and Bill Slayton as the dissenting votes.
A heated exchange occurred between Fetsko and Slayton on May 30, as Slayton criticized the chairman for his handling of the termination. Fetsko replied that the evaluation of Smith warranted his ousting.
Slayton voiced his support for Smith throughout a meeting that teetered with uncertainty until Payne spoke following a brief recess. Speaking as if delivering a sermon, she took the board to task for its treatment of Smith, called for unity for the sake of the students, and closed by endorsing Leonard as superintendent.
"I am disappointed because it's not always what you do; it's how you do it," she said. "I thank God for Dr. Timothy Andrew Smith. I thank God for the example that he set. He sat here many a day and many a night, and sometimes he was talked to like he wasn't a son, like he wasn't a father, that he wasn't a husband, that he hadn't worked, so we as a collective being have to do better, I believe."
She continued, "This was not designed, I don't believe. I believe Mr. Leonard got pulled in, I got pulled in, and now we have to find a way to pull together."
Payne noted the standing-room-only crowd that filled the Hall Center. She called on those in attendance to show the same support for the students before she concluded a speech that brought the group to its feet for a standing ovation.
"Now let's show up and show out for the children in this district, and then we don't have to talk about our neighbors because we'll be the A," Payne said. "But we can only do that one way, and that's on one accord."
Leonard has served at the district level for the past 20 years. Former Superintendent Jim Paul named Leonard the district's chief negotiator in 2003. Leonard served in that role for four years before accepting the human resources director position and eventually being promoted to assistant superintendent.
Leonard has left his mark in the athletic arena, too. He served as head coach of the Tate football program through 2003 and previously coached its baseball team. He also quarterbacked Tate to the 1980 Class 4A state championship.
Superintendents connected to Tate have held the position for 18 of the past 27 years, with the exceptions being Smith and Paul.
"We have a lot of work to do," Leonard said. "We have a very diverse community, and all of their points are important and need to be listened to, and then the bottom line, when it's all said and done, we have to make certain our students have the opportunity to be successful in life."
INTERESTING MOMENTS At a May 30 meeting, School Board Chair Paul Fetsko tried to convince the board Keith Leonard should not have "interim" added to his title.
Fetsko pitched, "According to Andrea Messina with the Florida School Boards Association, the State of Florida does not recognize the term 'interim.' Interim is mainly the length of the contract that's offered."
Board members Bill Slayton and Patty Hightower disagreed, and Leonard is the interim after they showed other districts have had interim superintendents. Fetsko didn't ask the Florida Department of Education for guidance.
School Board member Kevin Adams waved pages in the air that he said proved Leonard had a plan to turn around the school district.
"The only thing I would've mentioned because somebody in the crowd mentioned about Mr. Leonard's plan, I actually have it here. He was totally vetted during that process," he said.
"He has a hundred-day plan that I'm really interested to see if he can actually do this," Adams said. "He has an empowerment schools plan that's on page eight, which targets those lowperformance schools. There is no bigger problem in this school district than those low-performance schools."
He continued, "So I hope if he takes this job or he's voted to take this job, I would like to see what
he could do in that first hundred days to get us on the right path to tackle what we know is one of the biggest problems in the school district."
The school district has a strategic plan approved by the board, and Smith was ready to implement it this summer. Will it be scrapped?
COC CONFUSION City Councilwoman Allison Patton has been one of the point people for the city's efforts to deal with homelessness. Inweekly asked her, "What did you learn from Dr. Joe Savage's visit to Pensacola?" Savage is the regional director for the U.S. Interagency Council on Homelessness.
"My biggest takeaway was that we need to collaborate not only as a CoC (Continuum of Care) and as providers but as a local government and as a community," Patton said. Opening Doors of Northwest Florida runs the CoC.
On Friday, May 26, all those parties met to discuss how to plug into the federal government's strategic plan. Patton said, "The more aligned we are with the federal strategic plan, the more federal dollars will flow to this community. What Friday was all about is, let's start that discussion between city, county, CoC and providers and talk about what that plan should look like for us."
Others who attended the meeting shared with Inweekly that John Johnson of Opening Doors was unwilling to share the names of the organizations that comprise the CoC and its board members. City and county officials have said it may be time to reorganize the CoC.
"There was a discussion of an organizational chart, just understanding who all should be at the table," Patton shared about the meeting. "I think the governance structure is critical. I think we've got to get the right governance structure of this process in our community."
She continued, "CoC board is critical. They should be setting policies focused on creating the best system of care. What was evidencebased effective in other communities, let's bring it here. And then, CoC needs to work to make sure that the agencies that are doing this work are all working from the same playbook and are funded. "
Last month, the Federal Reserve released its Economic Well-Being of U.S. Households report, which found that slightly more than one of four Americans went without some kind of medical care because of its high cost.
Twenty-three percent of adults had major, unexpected medical expenses in the prior 12 months, with the median amount between $1,000 and $1,999. Sixteen percent of adults had debt from their own medical care or that of a family member.
This report matters because United Way of West Florida's ALICE report found 46% of Escambia County households live paycheck-topaycheck or in poverty. When patients skip healthcare to cut costs, dental care is usually the first thing to go, followed by forgoing vis -
its to the doctor, poor medication adherence, skipping follow-up care and cutting out mental healthcare visits.
Escambia County has had terrible health outcomes for decades, some of the worst in Florida. Community Health Northwest Florida may be the difference maker in improving access to medical care.
"At Community Health, we're here to take care of anyone who needs healthcare services," Community Health CEO Chandra Smiley told Inweekly. "We don't want anyone to forgo those wellness visits or those primary care visits or getting those prescriptions filled because we know that access to healthcare and staying on top of that will avoid complications down the road."
The Federally Qualified Health Center has 19 locations in Escambia and Santa Rosa counties that make healthcare accessible to everyone regardless of age, gender, race, religion, sexual identity or preference, circumstances or ability to pay. For more details, visit healthcarewithinreach.org.
Commissioner Robert Bender reports that those attending his town hall on Pensacola Beach supported moving forward with a structured parking garage on the beach.
"As I told them, we're looking at something low profile, probably one story over the eastern half of the current parking lot," Bender said. "It would be set back a little bit from Via de Luna because we have some underground utilities we want to avoid."
He continued, "We'll start looking into designing what a low-profile structure would look like that would increase parking by a couple hundred spots, but really not take away from the feel you get when you come onto the beach."
The commissioner said he is considering incorporating a walkover that would start near the Casino Beach entrance and end up at the Quietwater Boardwalk. He believes the pedestrian traffic warrants it.
Bender shared, "On Saturday, May 27, we had just shy of 5,000 pedestrians go through the intersection, and on Sunday, we had over 5,000."
MIRAFLORES CHALLENGES The National Park Service recently awarded the City of Pensacola a $22,160 grant to fund a ground-penetrating radar (GPR) survey of Miraflores Park as part of the Miraflores Burial Ground Study.
As a result of research following the discovery of human remains at Miraflores Park in June 2021, the City will conduct a burial ground study of the park's grounds to assess, interpret and commemorate the site.
Cultural Resources Coordinator Adrienne Walker talked with Inweekly about the challenges of surveying the site near the Graffiti Bridge.
"There's a good chance that these people were interred just in a shroud," Walker said. "They maybe didn't have a wooden coffin that might show a slight signature sometimes on the GPR be -
cause it eventually degrades as well. And there's sandy soil; when you dig a grave shaft in a sandy soil environment, it may not leave much of a signature left behind."
She also pointed out that bodies may have been removed as the City developed the park and interred elsewhere.
"In the historic record, we are seeing where multiple times through history, different city officials were saying somebody needs to go out, figure out who's buried there, and then have them removed," Walker said. "So there's a chance that the burial ground was removed, and maybe the two individuals discovered in 2021 just got left behind. These are things we don't know."
She mentioned the possibility of using cadaver dogs that are highly trained and specialized for historic burials. "We want to exhaust all efforts and make sure we're exploring everything."
POT AMENDMENT Backers of a proposed constitutional amendment that would allow recreational use of marijuana have surpassed the required number of petition signatures to place the initiative on the 2024 ballot, according to the state Division of Elections.
On June 1, the agency's website showed that the Smart & Safe Florida political committee, which is sponsoring the measure, had submitted more than 967,000 valid signatures for the initiative. Committees have to submit 891,523 valid signatures for placement on the ballot.
While the proposal has topped the signature threshold, it still must clear another major hurdle of getting the Florida Supreme Court's approval. The court reviews ballot initiatives to ensure they address single subjects and are not confusing to voters. Justices in 2021 twice rejected recreational-marijuana proposals, but backers of the current measure said they relied on guidance from the court's rulings when crafting the "Adult Personal Use of Marijuana" initiative.
Attorney General Ashley Moody, who last month sent the proposal to the court for review, signaled she would argue the measure doesn't meet legal requirements to go before voters. The court asked the proposal's opponents to submit briefs by June 12 and gave supporters until July 5 to respond. Final briefs are due July 12, and oral arguments have not been scheduled.
Trulieve, the state's largest medical-marijuana operator, has contributed more than $38 million to the recreational-marijuana effort.
"Our investment demonstrates our firm belief that Floridians are ready to experience the freedom to use cannabis for personal consumption, a freedom which is currently enjoyed by more than half of America's adults," Trulieve CEO Kim Rivers said in a statement. "With over 965,000 validated signatures from nearly every part of our state, it is clear these voters share that belief. We are thrilled the campaign has made this milestone and look forward to seeing this initiative on the ballot next November."
The proposed constitutional amendment must receive approval from 60% of voters to pass. {in}
Last year's Journey to Juneteenth in Pensacola was a product of Councilwoman Teniadé Broughton asking a whole lot of "Hey, could you do something for Juneteenth?"
This year it's been a lot less "could" and lot more "What are we doing for Journey to Juneteenth?"
"We were able to get more interest and more support this year than before," Broughton said.
Continuing last year's theme and following suit with the State of Florida's recommendation, Pensacola will host its second annual expansive series of events under the umbrella theme Journey to Juneteenth.
Broughton grew up celebrating Juneteenth and is excited about helping the city expand its involvement.
"If we're talking about Juneteenth or emancipation, it has to be a celebration," Broughton said. "Too often, we get stuck in that story and not reflecting on the point that we were emancipated, how about that? It's a way to allow people to celebrate overcoming, to me, is what this Journey to Juneteenth does. We are revisiting these phases of segregation and oppression and reintroducing them to people through a unifying approach."
Considering what's been happening recently in Florida legislature and talk of people "boycotting Florida," Broughton was concerned people wouldn't want to participate this year.
She's relieved that not only is Pensacola "all in" on this year's celebration, but also that Mayor D.C. Reeves is—he's even hosting his own event. It's a Pensacola Bay City Ferry tour of Fort Pick-
ens, which Broughton said is now recognized as a site on the Underground Railroad.
"We have the park ranger giving a tour about the freedom seekers there, and we'll actually be able to see where they escaped and hear the stories about their escape, and what motivated them to drop everything and run," Broughton said.
This year's Journey to Juneteenth events aren't just about emancipation overall, but also Pensacola's journey as it relates to the origins of emancipation, Broughton said.
"It takes the story of Pensacola being the oldest city settled by Europeans; it shows our place in it," Broughton said. "So I didn't just take it from slavery and the Civil War. Although we were in bondage under all these flags, all of the Pensacola Five Flags, I wanted to have something that at least highlights what it was like under those flags and how we expressed the desire for freedom."
As an example, Broughton pointed out "Good Sense: A Rabbit Tale Puppet Show," which will share a story from the French-speaking Caribbean. This ties to Pensacola, because many people who left Haiti surrounding the Haitian Revolution came here, she said.
"The rabbit was a trickster character, and the trickster during slavery was very important," Broughton said. "Because not only was he considered so smart and adept that he could fool the people who held him in bondage, enslaved Africans—even after slavery—would tell the stories of the trickster and it was a way to keep
hold of African folk tales, because that's where it came from."
Broughton appreciates how the story has been passed through Black diaspora, she said.
"The fact we still have a story today to tell shows people's intuit, and also commitment to collective memory," Broughton said. "And so for me, it's not just, 'Hey, we're going out and we're gonna have some drinks or we're gonna go to a party or we're gonna go to see some acts;' it's really telling the story of a people."
Many of the events are happening at sites directly related to slavery and freedom, Broughton said.
One of the biggest events is the Watson Family Foundation's second annual Family Reunion at Museum Plaza, just behind the Pensacola Museum of History.
"For me, the poetry in that is that the museum was named after a man who was revealed as a part of the (Ku Klux) Klan," Broughton said. "But now we are actually having a Juneteenth event celebrating emancipation right behind that space."
To add to the irony, that building was formerly City Hall, she said.
"Right behind City Hall, you have a huge event, and the name of it is Family Reunion—in a place where the business of the city was once done, where it was legal to keep families apart."
This year's Journey to Juneteenth event calendar is also chock-full of new collaborations and festive concepts.
Broughton is particularly excited about how the Pensacola chapters of the National Coalition of 100 Black Women, Inc. and the Daughters of the American Revolution will team up to show the movie "Belle." This film explores the story of Dido Belle, the mixed-race daughter of an 18th-century British aristocrat. The collaboration seems appropriate, because a well-known painting exists of Belle with her white cousin Lady Elizabeth Murray.
"For it to come to pass that it will be the Daughters of the American Revolution and 100 Black Women having this event really is that story (of the painting)," Broughton said. "You have these women who probably never met in real life, but in this event that they're hosting together, they'll get to meet each other, greet each other. They have so much in common, and both groups are really excited about the event—so much so that the thing is sold out."
Another noteworthy connection is the two special door wreaths for Juneteenth and Journey to Juneteenth made by local floral designer Olisa Wiggins. They will hang on the doors of two shotgun houses that are now Airbnbs in town.
"They're all connected to Pensacola's emancipation story, because those shotguns were built in 1900," Broughton said. "In each of them, I was able to find the person who was emancipated from slavery or free people of color who lived in that house. So here is the house of a person who experienced emancipation, and you get to stay there and then come celebrate emancipation here with us in Pensacola."
Plan out your personal Journey to Juneteenth schedule with this calendar of upcoming events. To learn more about the events listed, go to visitpensacola.com/juneteenth.
Gallery Night Takeover
5-9 p.m., The corner of Government and S. Palafox St.
Puppet Show
5 or 6 p.m., 309 Punk Project, 309 N. 6th Ave
Enjoy showings of this all-ages puppet performance at 5 p.m. or 6 p.m. at the 309 Punk Project.
"My Ancestors' Wildest Dreams"
Art Show Reception
6:30 p.m., Voices of Pensacola Multicultural Center, 117 E. Government St.
Join visiting artist Sanford Greene for a discussion and Q&A focused on his career in comic arts and his Mystery Comic series "Bitter Root" set in 1920s Harlem Renaissance. Greene has worked professionally in illustration and related industries for more than 18 years. He has worked for mainline publishers such as Marvel, DC, Dark Horse and Image Comics.
Focused on Freedom
4-9 p.m., Pensacola Improv Event Center, 375 N. Pace Blvd.
Focused on Freedom is the ninth installment of When Queens Link Up's quarterly social marketplace for woman-owned vendors, business owners, creators, entrepreneurs and the customers they've been dying to meet. More than 20 businesses and brands will be in attendance to nurture your shopping and networking experience. To purchase tickets, visit wqlu9.eventbrite.com.
1 p.m., Downtown Ferry Landing, 750 Commendencia St.
The community is invited to join Mayor D.C. Reeves for a Pensacola Bay City Ferry cruise and history tour of Fort Pickens, in partnership with the National Park Service. This family-friendly event will include a two-hour cruise from downtown Pensacola to Fort Pickens, along with a guided tour of Fort Pickens focused on our region's historical role in the Underground Railroad, in celebration of Juneteenth.
Tickets can be purchased at pensacolabaycityferry.com for $25, and children 2 and younger are free. The ticket includes a two-hour cruise, live narration from an NPS Ranger and a guided tour of Fort Pickens. The ferry features a climate-controlled cabin, concessions available for purchase and restrooms onboard, and it's wheelchair accessible.
Juneteenth Themed Adult Crafting
1 p.m., WFPL Downtown Library, 239 N. Spring St. Make a special Juneteenth door hanger craft at the Pensacola Library.
June Gallery Night
5-9 p.m., Palafox Street, between Garden and Main streets
Gallery Night is an all-ages, community, arts and cultural event from 5-9 p.m. on the third Friday of every month. June's Gallery Night will highlight the federal holiday of Juneteenth with special performances, art and food.
For the first time, Gallery Night will incorporate a designated black-owned, female-led marketplace section within the event. Join When Queens Link Up for shopping, swag bags, exclusive discounts and deals. For more on this popup marketplace and When Queens Link Up's other events, turn to page 13.
A Family Reunion for the Culture
Noon-6:30 p.m., Museum Plaza, 120 Church St.
The Watson Family Foundation presents the second annual Juneteenth: A Family Reunion for the Culture. This free, family-friendly event will feature a variety of performers, food trucks, desserts, a kids' zone, African clothing, art and many other non-food vendors.
309 Visiting Artist Roscoe Hall
5-10 p.m., 309 Punk Project, 309 N. 6th Ave.
Artist and celebrity chef Roscoe Hall will return to Pensacola to share his art, and maybe even his cooking, with our town as we celebrate Juneteenth. While here, Hall will create a giant painting, which he plans to donate after the event concludes.
Juneteenth Gala
7 p.m., Museum of Commerce, 201 Zaragoza St.
Through live entertainment and an incredible catered dinner, the third annual Juneteenth Gala will celebrate Black success and amazing accomplishments in Black history. General admission is $50. Preferred seating with dinner is $70. For more information, call (850) 206-0538 or (813) 210-7711.
A Tune to Juneteenth Brunch
Noon-3 p.m., Black Café and Bookstore, 3498 Dr. Martin Luther King Drive
Join RWR Live 365 for The Tune of Juneteenth Mixtape Journey to Freedom Brunch, featuring local artists and entertainment who will give attendees a live playlist of freedom while everyone enjoys free soul food and fellowship.
Juneteenth Celebration
1-3 p.m., Pensacola State College, 1000 College Blvd., Building 5
Celebrate Juneteenth with storytelling, music, poetry, dance, a free multi-course meal and free sketches by Carter J. Gaston (RSVP required). The event is sponsored by the Pensacola State College Black History Multicultural Committee, Pensacola State African American Student Association (AASA), the African American Heritage Society and Polimatree. For more information and/or to reserve your seat(s), please call (850) 484-4414.
R&B and Blues Lawn Party
2-7 p.m., Seville Square Park, 311 E. Government St.
This free event will feature live DJs performing classic R&B and blues, two fashion shows, local talent, educational information/skits and food vendors. Each segment will pay homage and tribute to the Juneteenth Jubilee celebrating how far we have come as a city. The event will be family oriented, child-friendly and elderly-friendly. It will celebrate unity, diversity and inclusion.
4-7 p.m., Artel Gallery, 223 Palafox Place
Enjoy art from local Black artists under the theme of "My Ancestors' Wildest Dreams."
Artists exhibiting include Keith Shaw, Devin Bonner, Ashley Gibson, Tiffany Richardson and STOKESWORKZ. Artwork ranges from ceramics to paintings to mixed media and digital designs. The show will be on view through Friday, July 14. Artel Gallery is open 10 a.m.-4 p.m. Tuesday-Saturday.
Movement For Change
"Freedom is Not Free" Banquet
5-9 p.m., Pensacola Improv Event Center, 375 N. Pace Blvd.
Join Movement for Change at its 26th "Freedom is Not Free" banquet. Wine and cheese social begins at 5 p.m. Banquet begins at 6 p.m. Keynote speaker will be Pastor Brandon Mason of Zion Hope Primitive Baptist Church, speaking about the history of African-American voting rights. Tickets are $50. Call Movement For Change at (850) 432-4411.
Movies in the Park: "Black Panther: Wakanda Forever"
6 p.m. Community Maritime Park Hunter Amphitheater, 301 W. Main St.
Bring your blankets and lawn chairs to Community Maritime Park to watch the family-friendly movie, "Black Panther: Wakanda Forever" (Rated PG-13), under the stars. Free event parking is available at Community Maritime Park and City Hall. Concessions from local food trucks may be available for purchase. Picnic baskets are welcome, but no pets or glass containers. Movies are shown at Hunter Amphitheater with grass seating only. Pre-show activities begin at 6 p.m. Movie begins at sunset.
Celebrate Juneteenth Menu
Five Sisters Blues Café, 421 W. Belmont St.
Five Sisters' Chef John Huggins is once again offering a selection of Juneteenth features to honor African-American contributions to America's culinary tradition and celebrate Juneteenth. Five Sisters Blues Café will offer special dishes at both lunch and dinner service through Monday, June 19, excluding Sundays. Visit greatsouthernrestaurants.com for menus.
Tuesdays, Thursdays and Sundays, Downtown Historic Pensacola
This tour features tales of ghosts, debauchery, murder, mayhem, paranormal activities, history and more. The tour schedule is 11 a.m.-2 p.m. Tuesdays and Thursdays; and 2-4 p.m. and 6-8 p.m. Sundays through June 22. Reservations are required. Visit pensacolaghostevents.com for tickets and additional information. {in}
thing that you want in one event for four quick hours on Sunday."
The event will feature music from DJ Hale and three speakers.
"We have Marcus Washington, who is speaking on generational freedom," Knight said. "We have Chief Iyanifa Monife, who is a spiritual priestess from Nigeria who is going to speak on spiritual freedom. And we have Barbara Tyson, who is the founder of Black Business Pensacola, who is going to be speaking on financial freedom. It's chock-full of really, really great people who are doing good work in the community."
Knight hopes their Juneteenth Block Takeover and Focus on Freedom will focus on
"Juneteenth, to me, it's just a reminder that we as a diaspora of people will always prevail,"
Freedom is an ongoing process, she said.
and I was like, 'Because you know when queens link up, magic happens,'" Knight said. And it has.
WQLU holds its quarterly social marketplace at the Pensacola Improv Event Center with shopping, music, food and speakers who discuss everything from mental health to economics to relationships and spirituality.
"Really just feeding people, because a lot of times as businesses, we don't get an opportunity to engage in the fun," Knight said. "It's really a fun event, even if you're a vendor, because we just want to have a good time."
While the marketplace has grown in size to more than 20 vendors, Knight loves how it's helped those businesses grow individually too. The women have branched out into their own destinies, she said.
If you need to gather a group of Black female-owned businesses, Tuesday Knight is the woman for the job.
The founder of When Queens Link Up (WQLU), which hosts a quarterly social marketplace for Black female-owned businesses, was the perfect person to connect with when planning events for Pensacola's Journey to Juneteenth series. In addition to its quarterly marketplace event this weekend, WQLU will host a Block Takeover as part of the next Gallery Night happening downtown Friday, June 16.
"What we are going to do is make a visual impression," Knight said. "You will definitely see us at the corner of Palafox and Government right in front of the Plaza Ferdinand—we'll have that entire one-block area, and that will be our vendors. It is gonna be Black girl magic world. That's it. All the magic you can stand."
City Councilwoman Teniadé Broughton and City of Pensacola Cultural Affairs Coordinator Sydney Robinson generated the idea.
"They definitely wanted to come up with something that could bring a positive, strong
female presence, especially out for Juneteenth," Knight said. "It was something everybody was in agreement with…they see the impact of our presence, and I think that's very important as the city is changing—soon our political leaders are changing—so it's important to make sure we continue to be present."
"We have to be able to understand how to continue to free ourselves from spiritual change, generational blockages, financial issues that continue on," Knight said. "It's just a continued conversation, so people understand, 'Yeah, we're free, but there's certain things that we put in ourselves that almost mislead, block us.' So it just nudges to remind people, don't block your own blessings, because sometimes it's us, not everything around you."
Knight started WQLU five years ago after noticing a lack of diversity and options in the community for women entrepreneurs to sell their products. She, too, is a businesswoman, selling waistbeads and other spiritual tools.
"It was really just birthed out of necessity, because I was looking for an audience," Knight said. "And then I was like, 'OK well, all of my friends have products, so let's just see.'"
"I don't really worry about the longevity or what it looks like from the outside; I look at how everybody has grown," Knight said. "I don't really take a lot of credit, because I understand these women work really, really hard to even be able to continue to support what it is that makes my vision work…So it's just amazing. It really is. And I have high hopes for it. I really think we're going to get permission where we're going to travel and host in other cities and show other women how to do what we do."
While WQLU won't host any events this summer, they are currently looking for vendors for an event done in conjunction with the First City Natural Hair and Health Expo in November at the Pensacola Fairgrounds. {in}
WHAT: A social marketplace with food, music, shopping and speakers
WHEN: 4-9 p.m. Sunday, June 11
WHERE: Pensacola Improv Event Center, 375 N. Pace Blvd.
DETAILS: wqlu9.eventbrite.com
Before Gallery Night, WQLU will host its quarterly event with a Juneteenth theme, Focus on Freedom. Knight calls it a "four-hour day party."
"Girlfriends meets brunch meets a little bit of conversation—and then we shop," Knight said. "It's literally like an amalgamation of every -
The group started meeting in January of 2018 at Henny Penny's Patisserie, a nowclosed Black-owned bakery in Warrington. The name, When Queens Link Up, popped into Knight's head when she was visiting a friend in Tallahassee.
"I was just talking and rambling one day,
WHAT: A Black-owned, female-led marketplace happening during Gallery Night’s June event
WHEN: 5-9 p.m. Friday, June 16
WHERE: The corner of Government and S. Palafox St.
DETAILS: gallerynightpensacola.org
art, film, music, stage, books and other signs of civilization...
"They definitely wanted to come up with something that could bring a positive, strong female presence, especially out for Juneteenth."
Tuesday Knight
PRIDE & PERFECT ALLIES Sip and shop till you drop at an LGBTQ+ makers market, featuring queer artists and makers, hosted by PensaPride starting at 11 a.m. Saturday, June 10, at Perfect Plain Brewing Co., 50 E. Garden St. The event, which will donate proceeds to Sunday's Child, is 18 and older to enter and 21 and older to drink.
PUPS FOR PRIDE PARADE Take your pups on a prideful pub crawl and "pawrade" from Seville Square to Perfect Plain Brewing Co. from 6-9 p.m. Saturday, June 10. The festivities include a Pride costume contest, drag fashion show and more. Pre-registration for the 18 and older event, which also donates proceeds to Sunday's Child, is required and can be done at wolfgangparkandbrews.com.
STAMPED SCREENING Join Stamped, Pensacola's long-running LGBTQ+ film festival, for a free screening of "Portrait of Jason" at Pensacola Little Theatre, 400 S. Jefferson St., at 4 p.m. Saturday, June 17, with a cocktail hour before starting at 3 p.m. Visit stampedfilmfest.com for details.
GIE BATHE-INS The Pensacola Humane Society Doggie Bathe-Ins will continue 9 a.m.-1 p.m. June 17 at 5 North Q St. Charge is $10 per dog. Bring your own towel. New volunteers and experienced groomers are always needed. Those interested in helping should contact tiffany@pensacolahumane.org.
FROM COX Local nonprofits planning fundraising and awareness events in the Gulf Coast market are encouraged to apply for an event sponsorship from Cox Communications. Cox is currently accepting applications for events occurring July 1-Dec. 31, 2023. If your nonprofit is planning an event that will take place during these dates, and looking for support, apply for cash and/or in-kind sponsorships at Cox's Charitable Giving Site. The deadline for applications is Friday, June 2, 2023. Organizations will be notified mid-June if their requests are approved.
In 2022, Cox gave more than $1.6 million in cash and in-kind services to nonprofits in the Gulf Coast Market, which includes portions of Escambia, Santa Rosa, Okaloosa and Walton counties. These sponsorships are specifically held for nonprofit fundraising events, not general donations, and the organization must be a registered 501(c)3. More information is available at ccigiving.com.
The Escambia-Santa Rosa Bar Foundation, the philanthropic arm of the Escambia-Santa Rosa Bar Association, is currently accepting grant applications for 2023. Grants are awarded to organizations that successfully demonstrate how a proposed program aligns with one or more of the tenets of the mission of the Foundation, which are to foster greater accessibility to the judicial system, improvements to the overall quality of the administration of justice, law-related education and increased public awareness
of the judicial system and improved management and operation of the court system.
Grants awards are typically in the $500$1,500 range. For more information on the Foundation and to download an application form, visit esrba.com/bar-foundation/about-esrbf/.
Allies Florida hosts bingo twice monthly at Scenic Hills Country Club, 8891 Burning Tree Road. The cost is 10 rounds of bingo for $10, with cash prizes for winners. Food and drinks are also available for purchase. A full bar and restaurant offer special adult beverages just for bingo nights. You must be 18 to play. For more information, visit facebook. com/animalalliesflorida.
Visitors can access the real-time trolley schedule four ways: at visitpensacolabeach.com/ trolleytracker, call (850) 602-9384 and enter the trolley stop number, text SRIA (space) and the trolley stop number to 41411 or scan the QR code posted at each trolley stop with a smartphone.
To see a map of all trolley stop locations, or for more information, go to visitpensacolabeach. com/trolley-information.
The Pensacola Bay City Ferry Service is expanding offerings for the summer season. Ferry service operates Friday-Sunday with downtown sunset cruises Thursday-Sunday evenings and New Mine Storeroom hours from 11 a.m. – 4 p.m. Wednesday-Sunday.
certain Wizard School and conquered evil. This is not his story. This is the story of the Puffs, who also happened to be there. Production dates are 7:30 p.m. Friday, June 9, Saturday, June 10 and Thursday, June 8; and 2:30 p.m. Sunday, June 11. Tickets are $8-$31. Visit pensacolalittletheatre.com for details.
Going Gallery is currently showcasing the art of Halle Castille in a new exhibit "X" running through the month of June. Visit the gallery, 701 N. V St., from 5-9 p.m. Thursday, June 8, for a chance to meet the artist at the reception. Watch the artist talk live on Instagram at @easygoinggallery.
The Gloria Green Caring & Sharing Ministry is attached to the Historic St. Joseph Catholic Church, 140 W. Government St. The ministry feeds the homeless at 10:30 a.m. Tuesdays. The ministry's food pantry opens at 10 a.m. and has clothing. Food donations needed are pop-top canned goods, Beanie Weenies, Vienna sausage, potted meat, cans of tuna and chicken and soups. Clothing donations needed include tennis shoes for men and women and sweatshirts and new underwear for men in sizes small, medium and large. Call DeeDee Green at (850) 723-3390 for details.
POSTER DESIGN CONTEST The Great Gulfcoast Arts Festival is accepting submissions to its 2023 poster design competition through June 30.
The winning artist receives a $1,500 cash award. The winning design will be featured on posters, T-shirts and other GGAF promotional items for the festival. Posters have become a regional collector's item.
This year's event is Nov. 3, 4 and 5 in Seville Square and Bartram Park in historic downtown Pensacola.
Competing artists can find the complete list of rules and requirements, plus a gallery of past posters, at ggaf.org/poster.
BRIDE'S NIGHT Brides and engaged couples are invited to meet the Emerald Coast's best wedding vendors 5-8 p.m. Thursday, June 8, at Sanders Beach-Corinne Jones Resource Center, 913 South I St. Tickets are available at pensacolabridalloft.com.
FREE PENSACOLA BEACH TROLLEY SERVICE THROUGH SEPT. 4 The Santa Rosa Island Authority (SRIA) launched its free, open-air trolley service along Pensacola Beach. The 2023 Pensacola Beach Island Trolley, operated by Escambia County Area Transit (ECAT), will run daily from 4 p.m.-midnight through Labor Day on Monday, Sept. 4.
Three trolleys will operate concurrently, running three routes. The eastern route runs from Casino Beach to Portofino, the western route runs from Casino Beach to Park West near the entrance gate to Gulf Islands National Seashore, and the commercial core route runs from Casino Beach to Grand Marlin with stops occurring along the new access road and at Pensacola Beach Boardwalk.
Pensacola Bay City Ferry's yearlong offerings and seasonal highlights include: Downtown Pensacola – Fort Pickens – Pensacola Beach Ferry
Take the ferry between Downtown Pensacola to Fort Pickens to Pensacola Beach. Pensacola Bay City Ferry operates two 149-passenger, catamaran-style vessels, the "Turtle Runner" and "Pelican Perch," each with air-conditioned interior seating, covered exterior seating and restrooms. Imported and domestic beer, wines, soft drinks and water are available for purchase. Bicycle racks and storage areas are also available.
On select trips, National Park Service Rangers speak on a variety of subjects including wildlife and landscapes of the area. This is an all-day pass, so you can board the cruise at any of the landings at their specified departure time.
BLUE ANGELS PRACTICE DEMONSTRATION CRUISES See the famous Blue Angels practice their aerial maneuvers during regular practice sessions throughout the year. This oneand-a-half-hour cruise sails on a variety of mornings throughout the year.
FORT PICKENS HISTORY TOUR A familyfriendly tour exploring the historic Fort Pickens. Depart from the Downtown Ferry Landing and cruise over to Ft. Pickens while a National Park Service Ranger gives an overview of Pensacola Bay's history. Once we arrive at Ft. Pickens, guests will be taken on a guided tour of the fort. We will then return to the Downtown Ferry Landing.
DOWNTOWN AND FORT PICKENS SUNSET CRUISES Enjoy a Gulf Coast sunset cruise with panoramic views of Pensacola Bay and Fort Pickens National Park. These one-and-a-halfhour cruises offers both covered interior and exterior seating, a climate-controlled cabin, and onboard restrooms. Sit back, relax, and enjoy a cold beverage aboard our clean, and spacious catamaran-style vessels. Beer, wine, liquor, soft drinks, and water are available for purchase.
For more information on all offerings and to book an upcoming experience aboard Pensacola Bay City Ferry, visit pensacolabaycityferry.com.
For more information regarding private charter and special events cruise packages, please visit pensacolabaycityferry.com/private-events.
PUFFS Pensacola Little Theatre, 400 S. Jefferson St. presents a story about a certain school for wizards. For seven years a certain boy wizard went to a
THE TEA PARTY LaBelle Performing Arts cordially invites you to attend its end-of-the-year "Tea Party" 6 p.m. Friday, June 9, at Saenger Theatre, 118 S. Palafox. Join pre-school and elementary students, the award-winning LaBelle Performing Arts Company and students celebrating 5-, 10-, and 15 years of dance and graduating seniors. Tickets are $31-$34 and available at pensacolasaenger.com.
OPENING PRE-PARTY Join Odd Colony, 260 N. Palafox, for a pre-party to celebrate the opening of Blake Doyle Skatepark with live music from John Hart + The Prince Bros 6-10 p.m. Friday, June 9. Visit facebook.com/oddcolony.
SEASON REVEAL Visit PLT, 400 S. Jefferson St. 2-3 p.m. Saturday, June 10, to meet the directors, renew your flexible or same-seat subscription and be the first in the know about the next 525,600 minutes at PLT. One lucky attendee will have the chance to win a chair-naming opportunity in the newly renovated theatre. Visit pensacolalittletheatre.com for details.
INFERNO BURLESQUE Show is 8 p.m. Saturday, June 10, at Vinyl Music Hall, 2 S. Palafox. Tickets are $15-$500 and available at vinylmusichall.com.
BLAKE DOYLE SKATEPARK GRAND OPENING Celebrate the grand opening of the Blake Doyle Skatepark, 501 N. Hayne St., with live art, skate demonstrations and music from 10 a.m.-10 p.m. Saturday, June 10. Visit facebook.com/upwardintuition for details.
NEW PALAFOX MARKET SOUTH AT PLAZA FERDINAND Palafox Market South will include a blend of familiar Palafox Market vendors, along with a new mix of local farmers, artists and craftsmen and women, who will fill up Plaza Ferdinand on the corner of Palafox and Government streets. Shoppers can navigate between the new market and the always-humming original located on north Palafox at Martin Luther King, Jr. Plaza, 9 a.m.-2 p.m. every Saturday.
For more information about Palafox Market, visit palafoxmarket.com. For information concerning other downtown events, please visit downtownpensacola.com.
LEBELLE PERFORMING ARTS PRESENTS: ALICE'S ADVENTURES IN WONDERLAND Performance is 6 p.m. Saturday, June 10, at Saenger Theatre, 118 S. Palafox. Tickets are $31$34 and available at pensacolasaenger.com.
Send your future chef on a trip across America at Bodacious!
Each day of camp will explore the unique flavors of a different region in the United States. From coast to coast, your young chef will master the art of preparing popular regional meals that have become timeless favorites.
During the five-day camp, our instructors will empower campers with essential skills to foster their success, safety, and creativity in the kitchen. From mastering basic prep techniques to honing knife skills (when applicable), our campers will develop the fundamental tools of a confident chef.
AGES 6-9
June 5 – 9 & July 10 – 14
AGES 10-12
June 19 – 23 & July 24 – 28
Monday – Friday 9AM – 1PM
Drop-off at 8:45 AM daily
Graduation ceremony at 12:15 PM on Friday
Every camper gets a chef apron!
'PLASTIC WARS' FILM SCREENING Join Earth Ethics for a viewing of the film "Plastic Wars" 6 p.m. Monday, June 12, at Ever'man Educational Center, 327 W. Garden St. A short discussion will follow. Bring your own snacks and drinks. Free admission. Contact Mary Gutierrez at earthethicsaction@gmail.com for details.
LIFE'S A DANCE 2023 Event is 6:30 p.m. Thursday, June 15, at Saenger Theatre, 118 S. Palafox. Tickets are $62-$204. Tickets at $204 include a meet-and-greet access post-show. Visit pensacolasaenger.com for details.
GOGH Tickets are on sale now for Beyond Van Gogh: The Immersive Experience. In the interactive experience, guests witness more than 300 iconic masterpieces, including such instantly recognizable classics as "The Starry Night," "Sunflowers" and "Café Terrace at Night," as well as many revealing self-portraits. Beyond Van Gogh is Aug. 5-Sept. 9 at Pensacola Interstate Fair, Building. 6, 6655 Mobile Highway. Prices start at $39.99 for adults and $23.99 for children (ages 5-15), plus ticketing fees. Tickets are on sale at vangoghpensacola.com.
CABARET DRAG SHOWCASE AT AMERICAN LEGION POST #193 Don't miss Cabaret Drag Showcase every second and fourth Saturday at the American Legion Post #193, 2708 N. 12th Ave. Doors open at 8 p.m. Showtime is 10 p.m. For more information, contact Taize Sinclair-Santi, show director, at taizesinclairsanti@gmail.com.
Dine inside Pensacola's oldest and most haunted restaurant and investigate the spirits with actual paranormal equipment at Seville Quarter, 130 E. Government St. Tickets are $12 and include a voucher toward Seville Quarter's menu. Tours held 11 a.m.-2 p.m. weekdays and 2-4 p.m. Sundays. Make an appointment by calling (850) 941-4321.
GHOSTS, MURDER, MAYHEM AND MYSTERY TOUR AND DINNER After Dark Paranormal Investigation and Dinner inside one of Pensacola's most haunted restaurants with actual ghost-hunting equipment 6-8 p.m. Sundays. Listen as your guide weaves tales of ghosts, debauchery, murder, mayhem, paranormal activities, history and more of Seville Quarter and downtown Historic Pensacola. Following your ghost tour, enjoy dinner at Seville Quarter Palace Café, 130 E. Government St. Reservations required. Call (850) 941-4321. Tickets available at pensacolaghostevents.com.
PENSACOLA ARTS MARKET Shop small and buy art at Pensacola Arts Market 11 a.m.-4 p.m. every fourth Saturday of the month at Cordova Square, 1101 N. 12th Ave. Enjoy a local artisan and farmers market with more than 50 vendors, food trucks, plants, vintage clothing and décor, live musical performances, kids crafts and games. This is a free event. Pensacola Arts Market is set up 4-9 p.m. every first Friday of the month and 2-6 p.m.
every third Sunday of the month at Gary's Brewery & Biergarten, 208 Newman Ave.
BODY, MIND, SPIRIT MARKET AT EVER'MAN Local vendors, artisans, holistic practitioners, speakers and more join 10 a.m.-4 p.m. the first Saturday of the month at Ever'man Downtown, 315 W. Garden St. This is a free indoor and outdoor event with door prizes, entertainment and children's activities. For a vendor table, call (850) 941-4321 or go to empowermentschoolhouse.com.
Pencil Green is the interdisciplinary studio of Joseph Herring and Amy Ruddick. Their exhibition at the PMA, Hotsy-Totsy-Vrooom-O-Rama, is part of a body of work in which the pair explore connections between the 'art of the carny' and the 'carnivalesque tendencies of the artist.' The exhibit is on view through Sept. 17 at PMA, 407 S. Jefferson St. Visit pensacolamuseum.org for details.
DEPTH OF FIELD Depth of Field showcases photography from the Pensacola Museum of Art's permanent collection alongside objects from the UWF Historic Trust Archives. Artworks on display explore the history, science and alchemical nature of the medium. On view are works by pioneers in the field such as Alfred Stieglitz, Elliott Erwitt, Edward J. Steichen, Walker Evans, and Vivian Maier as well as notable contemporary artists including Valerie George, Richard McCabe, Sheila Pinkel and Gesche Würfel. Exhibit is located at 407 S.
Jefferson St. On view through Oct. 22. Visit pensacolamusuem.org for details.
SUDDENLY AMERICAN: A MEETING OF HERITAGE AND COUNTRY This exhibit looks at the transition of Florida from a Spanish territory to an American region, which formally occurred in 1821. Florida's embattled history dates back much farther than 1821. From refusing independence during the American Revolution to wanting their own freedom in 1810, Florida loved to cause problems. The U.S. eyed the region early on, using the Seminole Wars as an excuse to seize territory before turning to diplomatic means to acquire Florida. The Adams-Onis Treaty, debated and initially agreed upon in 1819, resulted in Spain ceding control of East Florida to the United States. At the same time, Spain also agreed to give up all claims on West Florida, in essence giving the entire Florida territory over to the United States. Ratified in 1821, the treaty was cause for celebration in Pensacola, the capital of West Florida, as it officially became part of America. This exhibit is on view at Pensacola Museum of History through December. Visit historicpensacola.org for details.
TEXTILES OF THE TIMES: REGENCY ERA DRESS MAKING The period between 1811-1820 is historically defined as the Regency Period. This exhibit at the Pensacola Museum of History looks at a day in the life of a Regency-era Pensacolian through fashion and garment use. Drawing on historical documentation of stores known to have operated on Palafox, inside this recreation of a
seamstress shop, visitors will be able to explore the dress of yesteryear. This exhibit is on view at the Pensacola Museum of History through June 2023. Visit historicpensacola.org for details.
TAKEOVER Visit Odd Colony, 260 N. Palafox, for a mini tap takeover with Dssolvr Brewery and a celebration of Odd Colony's collab Italian Pilsner 4-10 p.m. Thursday, June 8. Visit facebook.com/ oddcolony for details.
SHOW Seville Quarter and Improbable Cause Mystery Theatre Presents: Western Murder Mystery Dinner Show - Wild, Wild, Death: How The West Was Gunn. Show is 7 p.m. Saturday, June 10, at Seville Quarter, 130 E. Government St. Tickets are $65 and available on Eventbrite.
NIVERSARY Sir Richard's Public House will host a Carolina Oyster Roast in June to celebrate the bar's 57th anniversary. 6-8 p.m. Saturday, June 10, at the bar, 2719 E. Cervantes St. Attendees can purchase orders of oysters in either half or full dozen quantities. Prices and any additional food items will be announced before the event.
Featured drinks will include Wicked Weed beers and a honey jalapeño lemonade. Additional featured drinks and specials may be announced on the official event page on sirrichardslounge.
com and the official Facebook event page leading up to the event.
The Nathan Mulkey Group will perform live during the event. There will also be a birthday cake available for attendees to enjoy.
VINO MAGNIFICO Monthly wine tasting at V. Paul's, 29 S. Palafox. Enjoy five wines and mingle with wine enthusiasts Tuesday, June 13. Tickets are $15. Reservations are required. Make yours by visiting vpauls.com.
SPANISH PAELLA DEMONSTRATION DINNER Learn to make a traditional Spanish dish with Bodacious chefs 6 p.m. Tuesday, June 13, at Bodacious, 407-D S. Palafox. Tickets are $65 and available at bodaciousshops.com.
HANDS-ON SUSHI NIGHT Learn to roll your own sushi Wednesday, June 14 at Bodacious, 407D S. Palafox. Tickets are $75 and available at bodaciousshops.com.
BINGO NIGHT AT CALVERT'S IN THE HEIGHTS Play a game (or two) of Bingo, 6-8 p.m. Mondays at Calvert's in the Heights, 670 Scenic Highway. For more information, visit calvertsintheheights.com.
SECOND TUESDAY THEMED TRIVIA Visit Perfect Plain Brewing Co., 50 E. Garden St., for themed trivia nights 7-9 p.m. on the second Tuesday of the month. Visit facebook.com/perfectplainbrewingco for details.
Take part in trivia nights 6-8 p.m. Wednesdays at Calvert's in the Heights, 670 Scenic Highway. For more information, calvertsintheheights.com.
Gary's Brewery Trivia Night is back by popular demand 7-9 p.m. Thursdays. Test your trivia skills with a glass of beer or wine. Arrive early to grab a spot. Gary's Brewery is located at 208 Newman Ave. For more information, visit facebook.com/garysbrew.
BANDS ON THE BEACH Concerts are held 7-9 p.m. Tuesdays at the Gulfside Pavilion on Pensacola Beach. On Tuesday, June 13, The Astronauts performs. For details, visit visitpensacolabeach. com/whats-happening-bands-on-beach.
CHRISTOPHER'S CONCERTS Nobius band will play the last Christopher's Concert Series 6-8 p.m. Thursday, June 8, at 3200 N. 12th Ave. Visit scpen.org for details.
STEEL PULSE The Steel Pulse show is 8 p.m. Sunday, June 11, at Vinyl Music Hall, 2 S. Palafox. Tickets are $32.50 and available at vinylmusichall.com.
THE ROCKET SUMMER WITH SPECIAL GUEST HELLOGOODBYE The show is 8 p.m. Tuesday, June 13, at Vinyl Music Hall, 2 S. Palafox. Tickets are $20 and available at vinylmusichall.com.
SPIRIT OF THE BEEHIVE, MSPAINT, THE JUICE IS OKAY The show is 7 p.m. Tuesday, June 13, at The Handlebar, 319 N. Tarragona St. Tickets are $15-$18. Tickets available at thehandlebar850.com.
CHRIS STAPLES Chris Staples will be playing at Odd Colony, 260 N. Palafox, 7-10:30 p.m. Thursday, June 15. Visit chrisstaplesmusic.com for tickets and information.
MAGGIE MILES AND PAGU The Bugghouse celebrates its first show under its new roof at 7:30 p.m. Friday, June 16 for a $10 recommended donation. Visit facebook.com/diypensacola for details.
Visit Five Sisters, 421 W. Belmont St., for live music on select days.
TUESDAYS: GREG BOND FROM 5:30-8:30 P.M. Thursdays: John Wheeler from 6-8 p.m. Saturdays: Glenn Parker Band from 6:30-10 p.m. Sundays: Curt Bol Quintet from 11 a.m.-3 p.m.
EASY GOING DJ LAB Show is noon-4 p.m. Saturdays at Easy Going Gallery, 701 N. V St. Visit facebook.com/easygoinggallery for details.
Open mic night is hosted by Renee Amelia at 6 p.m. every other Wednesday at Gary's Brewery & Biergarten, 208 Newman Ave. Visit facebook. com/garysbrew for details.
GARY-OKE Sing your heart out from 6-10 p.m. Wednesdays at Gary's Brewery and Biergarten, 208 Newman Ave. Visit facebook.com/garysbrew for details.
JAZZ BY THE BOOK Joe Occhipinti performs at 1 p.m. twice a month Tuesdays at West Florida Public Libraries. The concert is at Pensacola Library, 239 N. Spring St. Visit mywfpl.com for details.
PENSACOLA PICK NIGHT AT ODD COLONY Music pickers of all levels are invited to play 7-9 p.m. every last Monday of the month at Odd Colony, 260 N. Palafox. Bring your acoustic instrument and jam. Visit facebook.com/oddcolony for details.
QUARTER Seville Quarter and the Blues Society of Northwest Florida bring the "Blues" back to the Seville Quarter Entertainment District at 7 p.m. every Monday at 130 E. Government St. in End O' the Alley. For more information, visit sevillequarter.com.
TUESDAY NIGHT JAZZ AT SEVILLE QUARTER Enjoy smooth jazz with Melodious Allen and The Funk Heads every Tuesday night at Lili Marlene's in Seville Quarter, 130 E. Government St. Show starts at 6:30 p.m. Visit sevillequarter.com for more information.
Ocean Hour Pensacola host weekly cleanups
7:45-9 a.m. Saturdays. The next date is June 10, when volunteers will clean Chimney Park. Closed-toe shoes are recommended. Follow Ocean Hour at facebook.com/oceanhourfl for more details and locations.
PUPPY YOGA Visit Gary's Brewery and Biergarten, 208 Newman Ave., for puppy yoga noon-1:15 p.m. Saturday, June 10. Register online at facebook.com/garysbrew.
SEMINAR SERIES Hot Spots Charters hosts a monthly free fishing seminar held at Flounder's Chowder House, 800 Quietwater Beach Road on Pensacola Beach the first Monday of every month. Free fish dinner served at 6:30 p.m. with the seminar beginning at 7 p.m. and typically lasting about an hour. Visit facebook.com/hlsseminar for details.
BLUE WAHOOS 2023 SEASON The Blue Wahoos 2023 season has begun at Blue Wahoos Stadium, 651 W. Cedar St. Individual and season tickets are available at bluewahoos.com.
Upcoming home games:
• 6:35 p.m. Thursday, June 8
• 6:35 p.m. Friday, June 9
• 6:05 p.m. Saturday, June 10
• 4:05 p.m. Sunday, June 11
• 6:35 p.m. Tuesday, June 13
• 6:35 p.m. Wednesday, June 14
• 6:35 p.m. Thursday, June 15
TION Visit Gary's Brewery & Biergarten, 208 Newman Ave., to celebrate International Yoga Day with three yoga classes, vendors, food trucks, flower crown making workshops, energy tarot readings
and more. Event is open to everyone. Visit eminahalimovic.com to register for yoga classes.
FREE YOGA CLASSES AT EVER'MAN Take in a free yoga class at Ever'man, 327 W. Garden St. Visit everman.org for full calendar of events.
HEALTH NORTHWEST FLORIDA Community Health Northwest Florida offers free yoga classes to people ages 18 and older. No experience required. The classes are led by Justin Nutt. Visit facebook.com/healthcarewithinreach for more information.
• Mondays
10-11 a.m. Community Chair Yoga at Brownsville Community Center, 3200 W. Desoto St.
• Tuesdays
10-11 a.m., Gentle Movement at Palafox Two, 1380 N. Palafox
• Wednesdays
10-11a.m., Community Chair Yoga at Brownsville Community Center, 3200 W. Desoto St.
• Thursdays
10-11 a.m., Gentle Movement at Palafox Two, 1380 N. Palafox
• Fridays 10-11 a.m., Community Chair Yoga at Brownsville Community Center, 3200 W. Desoto St.
LIVE JAZZ AND SWING DANCING From 6:30-11 p.m. the first Friday of each month, enjoy a live band for dancing Lindy, Foxtrot, East Coast and West Coast Swing. This is a fun, friendly atmosphere with lessons for all levels, no partner required. Located at The Way You Move Dance Studio, 918 Winton Ave. Cost is $15. More information is at thewayyoumove.us.
6:30-10 p.m. Wednesdays for $5 and 6:30-11 p.m. the fourth Saturday of each month for $10. All levels welcomed; no partner required. The Way You Move dance studio is at 918 Winton Ave. More information is at thewayyoumove.us.
BALLROOM, LATIN, SWING DANCE From 6:30-11 p.m. the second Saturday of each month, enjoy a mix of music for all dancers. All levels welcomed; no partner required. The Way You Move dance studio is at 918 Winton Ave. The cost is $10. More information is at thewayyoumove.us.
FREE YOGA IN THE PARK Breathe Yoga and Wellness Center will offer free yoga throughout 2023 as a part of its Wellness in the Park Series. One-hour outdoor yoga classes will be led by Breathe Yoga and Wellness Center at 9:30 a.m. the first Sunday of every month at Bayview Park. The next date is Sunday, July 2.
FREE PILATES IN THE PARK The City of Pensacola Parks and Recreation Department and PURE Pilates presents free one-hour outdoor Pilates classes at 10:30 a.m. the third Sunday of every month at Community Maritime Park, 351 W. Cedar St. The next date is June 18.
for more listings visit inweekly.net
Third-annual Pride festival in Pensacola
June 24 • 10 a.m.-4 p.m.
Cordova Square in East Hill 1101 N 12th Ave. Pensacola, FL 32503
Open to all ages.
ing someone playing drums in the house," Staples said. "They always let me follow things I was interested in, so that was cool."
Working on the album was Staples' way of coping with the loss, which is largely why he didn't produce it himself like usual. He instead asked his childhood friend Jeremy Griffith, whom he met in middle school shop class.
Working on a record together is 20 years in the making. Griffith runs a recording studio
"He has a ton of ideas, so he was able to throw 100 ideas at a song and we could sort of pick through the best stuff," Staples said. "It was nice to have his musical language and mine together; we were able to flesh out these songs pretty fast. It was really fun and seemed effortless."
The album alone is several years in the making; Staples' prior album "Holy Moly" dropped in 2019, which was also the last time he toured. But like many other artists, he was derailed by the pandemic.
Staples is excited to be touring again—even if it means babying "Cloud Souvenirs" on vinyl, a temperamental medium.
"It feels like I'm a mother hen to thousands of dollars' worth of vinyl when I'm on tour," Staples said with a laugh.
The indie-rock musician was raised there and birthed his first band, Twothirtyeight, in FWB and Niceville. It's why the guts of his new album, "Cloud Souvenirs," are Northwest Florida. The album title was inspired by the abundance of souvenir shops in FWB, and the cover was shot by Thomas Humphrey on Pensacola Beach.
"A lot of the record has to do with growing up in Fort Walton (Beach) and my childhood," Staples said. "I was thinking about clouds and how they change and they're subjective; you can see things in clouds. I guess it's about memories and how they change over time and how the meaning of the past changes. I mainly thought they sounded cool together."
The song "Souvenir" was inspired by an open mic night he recently attended (but didn't participate in) at The Sound Café in downtown FWB.
"I used to go to this place called the Java Pit in Fort Walton in the '90s—and that's been gone for a long time—but it was a similar place," Staples said. "A lot of original bands would play there; I saw a lot of cool touring acts that would come through there. It made me happy that something like that is happening in Fort Walton. Sound Café is giving a place for young people to play."
The "Souvenir" music video was filmed at FWB landmarks, such as Goofy Golf and FWB founder John Brooks' gravesite.
Not every song is about the area though— "Take Your Time," for instance.
"I needed to see my parents, but I was waiting for them to get vaccinated, so there was a period of time where I didn't get to see them," Staples said. "So that song was about coming home and seeing them for the first time in a while."
The subject matter is especially meaningful, because Staples' mother Victoria died in September of 2022. She was a piano teacher and the organist at First Baptist Church in Fort Walton Beach for 40 years.
"Probably the reason I'm playing music now is because of her, because of her influence," Staples said.
His family has always been supportive, dating back to his childhood drum kit.
"They never complained even once or made me stop, which, I can't even imagine that, because that would drive me crazy hear-
Staples has a thing for performing in unexpected venues—an underground cavern in Tennessee and a cemetery in Virginia are a few of the notches on his tour belt. This summer's tour boasts a rooftop in Brooklyn, NY, a winery in Asheville, North Carolina, and a video production house in Boston, Massachusetts. He will perform 51 shows, with some in the U.S., Germany, France, Switzerland, Sweden, Ireland, United Kingdom and Netherlands.
Of course, he's playing a hometown show in FWB on Wednesday, June 14. His Pensacola show on Thursday, June 15 is already sold out.
"It's going to be a fun summer," Staples said. {in}
CHRIS STAPLESchrisstaplesmusic.com
ARIES (MARCH 21-APRIL 19): "Everything that irritates us about others can lead us to an understanding of ourselves," said psychologist Carl Jung. What was he implying? That we may sometimes engage in the same behavior that bothers us about others? And we should examine whether we are similarly annoying? That's one possible explanation, and I encourage you to meditate on it. Here's a second theory: When people irritate us, it may signify that we are at risk of being hurt or violated by them— and we should take measures to protect ourselves. Maybe there are other theories you could come up with, as well, Aries. Now here's your assignment: Identify two people who irritate you. What lessons or blessings could you garner from your relationships with them?
TAURUS (APRIL 20-MAY 20): In 1886, a wealthy woman named Sarah Winchester moved into a two-story, eight-room farmhouse in San Jose, California. She was an amateur architect. During the next 20 years, she oversaw continuous reconstruction of her property, adding new elements and revising existing structures. At one point, the house had 500 rooms. Her workers built and then tore down a sevenstory tower on 16 occasions. When she died at age 83, her beloved domicile had 2,000 doors, 10,000 windows, 47 stairways and six kitchens. While Sarah Winchester was extreme in her devotion to endless transformation, I do recommend a more measured version of her strategy for you—especially in the coming months. Continual creative growth and rearrangement will be healthy and fun.
GEMINI (MAY 21-JUNE 20): "All the things I wanted to do and didn't do took so long. It was years of not doing." So writes Gemini poet Lee Upton in her book "Undid in the Land of Undone." Most of us could make a similar statement. But I have good news for you, Gemini. I suspect that during the rest of 2023, you will find the willpower and the means to finally accomplish intentions that have been long postponed or unfeasible. I'm excited for you. To prepare the way, decide which two undone things you would most love to dive into and complete.
By Rob BrezsnyCANCER (JUNE 21-JULY 22): Cancerian author Denis Johnson had a rough life in his twenties. He was addicted to drugs and alcohol. Years later, he wrote a poem expressing gratitude to the people who didn't abandon him. "You saw me when I was invisible," he wrote. "You spoke to me when I was deaf, you thanked me when I was a secret." Now would be an excellent time for you to deliver similar appreciation to those who have steadfastly beheld and supported your beauty when you were going through hard times.
LIBRA (SEPT. 23-OCT. 22): Most of us continuously absorb information that is of little or questionable value. We are awash in an endless tsunami of trivia and babble. But in accordance with current astrological omens, I invite you to remove yourself from this blather as much as possible during the next three weeks. Focus on exposing yourself to fine thinkers, deep feelers and exquisite art and music. Nurture yourself with the wit and wisdom of compassionate geniuses and brilliant servants of the greater good. Treat yourself to a break from the blah-blahblah and immerse yourself in the smartest joie de vivre you can find.
weeks as resonating with this scene, Capricorn. Though you may grapple with challenging tasks, you will be surrounded by beauty and vitality.
LEO (JULY 23-AUG. 22): Don't make a wish upon a star. Instead, make a wish upon a scar. By that I mean, visualize in vivid detail how you might summon dormant reserves of ingenuity to heal one of your wounds. Come up with a brilliant plan to at least partially heal the wound. And then use that same creative energy to launch a new dream or relaunch a stalled old dream. In other words, Leo, figure out how to turn a liability into an asset. Capitalize on a loss to engender a gain. Convert sadness into power and disappointment into joy.
VIRGO (AUG. 23-SEPT. 22): At age 9, I was distraught when my parents told me we were moving away from the small town in Michigan where I had grown up. I felt devastated to lose the wonderful friends I had made and leave the land I loved. But in retrospect, I am glad I got uprooted. It was the beginning of a new destiny that taught me how to thrive on change. It was my introduction to the pleasures of knowing a wide variety of people from many different backgrounds. I bring this to your attention, Virgo, because I think the next 12 months will be full of comparable opportunities for you. You don't have to relocate to take advantage, of course. There are numerous ways to expand and diversify your world. Your homework right now is to identify three.
SCORPIO (OCT. 23-NOV. 21): More than 25 countries have created coats of arms that feature an eagle. Why is that? Maybe it's because the Roman Empire, the foundation of so much culture in the Western world, regarded the eagle as the ruler of the skies. It's a symbol of courage, strength and alertness. When associated with people, it also denotes high spirits, ingenuity and sharp wits. In astrology, the eagle is the emblem of the ripe Scorpio: someone who bravely transmutes suffering and strives to develop a sublimely soulful perspective. With these thoughts in mind and in accordance with current astrological omens, I invite you Scorpios to draw extra intense influence from your eagle-like aspects in the coming weeks.
SAGITTARIUS (NOV. 22-DEC. 21): "When I paint, my goal is to show what I found, not what I was looking for," so said artist Pablo Picasso. I recommend you adopt some version of that as your motto in the coming weeks. Yours could be, "When I find love, my goal is to rejoice in what I find, not what I am looking for." Or perhaps, "When I do the work I care about, my goal is to celebrate what I find, not what I am looking for." Or maybe, "When I decide to transform myself, my goal is to be alert for what I find, not what I am looking for."
CAPRICORN (DEC. 22-JAN. 19): Vincent van Gogh painted "Wheatfield with a Reaper," showing a man harvesting lush yellow grain under a glowing sun. Van Gogh said the figure was "fighting like the devil in the midst of the heat to get to the end of his task." And yet, this was also true: "The sun was flooding everything with a light of pure gold." I see your life in the coming
AQUARIUS (JAN. 20-FEB. 18): I suspect that your homing signals will be extra strong and clear during the next 12 months. Everywhere you go, in everything you do, you will receive clues about where you truly belong and how to fully inhabit the situations where you truly belong. From all directions, life will offer you revelations about how to love yourself for who you are and be at peace with your destiny. Start tuning in immediately, dear Aquarius. The hints are already trickling in.
PISCES (FEB. 19-MARCH 20): The renowned Mexican painter Diego Rivera (1886–1957) told this story about himself: When he was born, he was so frail and ill that the midwife gave up on him, casting him into a bucket of dung. Rivera's grandmother would not accept the situation so easily, however. She caught and killed some pigeons and wrapped her newborn grandson in the birds' guts. The seemingly crazy fix worked. Rivera survived and lived for many decades, creating an epic body of artistic work. I bring this wild tale to your attention, Pisces, with the hope it will inspire you to keep going and be persistent in the face of a problematic beginning or challenging birth pang. Don't give up.
HERE'S THE HOMEWORK: What broken thing could you repair so it's even better than it was before it broke? {in}
© 2023 Rob BrezsnyWe serve the local community by offering gently used merchandise at bargain center prices while generating financial support for the programs of the Ministry Village.
Nurture yourself with the wit and wisdom of compassionate geniuses and brilliant servants of the greater good.
COMPELLING EXPLANATION When Ocala, Florida, police officers questioned 37-year-old Daniel Robert Dinkins about a nearby burglary on May 13, he responded, "That may have been me." Earlier, officers had been called to a home where someone had thrown a brick through a window where a baby was sleeping inside, then left a book on the front porch. Dinkins said he wanted to swim in the neighbors' backyard pool and "wanted to share the book with them," Ocala News reported. He also told police he was a "time traveler" and was trying to "save the baby from something way in the future when the child is much older." Strangely, Dinkins said he wasn't aware there was a baby sleeping inside. He faces a felony burglary charge.
By the Editors at Andrews McMeelLeader Berkon Colao & Silverstein LLP, has fired him, according to a LinkedIn post.
CHEESY Delaney Irving, 19, of Vancouver Island, British Columbia, said of her May 28 victory in a cheese-rolling contest in Gloucester, England: "It feels great!" That's in spite of the fact that she woke up in the medical tent after taking a fall and hitting her head, The Guardian reported. "I remember running, then bumping my head ... I still don't really believe it," she said. The contest involves rolling a 7-pound wheel of cheese down the almost-vertical Coopers Hill, and Irving wasn't the only contestant who lost their footing.
A central India food inspector, Rajesh Vishwas, lost more than his phone on May 21, NBC News reported. While snapping a vacation selfie at Kherkatta Dam, Vishwas dropped his phone into the water. According to him, his device contained sensitive governmental information, so he ordered the reservoir to be drained. Vishwas said he got permission from R.C. Dhivar, a local water resources official, but Dhivar argued that he'd given permission to drain only 3 or 4 feet of water. Instead, "They had emptied the water up to 10 feet." It took three days to drain the 530,000 gallons of water, but in the end, it was all for naught: Vishwas' phone was unusable. As was he: He was suspended from his job pending an investigation.
LUCKY! A piglet got a second chance at life on May 25, according to KVVU-TV. As Lars Gradel, Rebecca Zajac and her son, Colton, drove along the interstate that day near Las Vegas, they witnessed a baby pig as it was thrown from a truck. "We saw a pig fly out the side of the truck, and he tumbled about 10, 15 times down the side of the freeway," Gradel said. They stopped to rescue the pig, who didn't seem to be hurt. "Lucky," as he was named, was given a new home at the All Friends Animal Sanctuary, where he'll eventually meet fellow porcine Mister Picklesworth. "Now Lucky's going to be wallowing in mud and rooting around in the ground and ... eating watermelon and popsicles in the summer," said sanctuary founder Tara Pike.
An unnamed woman in Tacoma, Washington, was arrested and detained in a negative pressure room at the Pierce County jail on June 1 after refusing for more than a year to get treatment for tuberculosis, KOMO-TV reported. A judge issued 17 orders for her to be involuntarily detained before police caught up with her. "We believe she was trying to avoid being captured," said Sgt. Darren Moss. Officers surveilled her while she was still at home and observed her riding a city bus to a casino. "The health department had asked her to just do it on her own ... now she's going to have to do it in our facility, unfortunately," Moss said. He said TB was once common in the jail, hence the negative pressure rooms, which "isolate the air within the room so it doesn't infect the rest of the rooms within the facility."
RUDE New York attorney Anthony Orlich is probably tearing his hair out in the wake of an incident in late May, the New York Post reported. Orlich allegedly snatched the wig off the head of Brooklyn singer Lizzy Ashleigh while walking along a city street at night; Ashleigh captured the aftermath on her cellphone and posted a video to TikTok, which garnered hundreds of thousands of views. In the video, Ashleigh yells at Orlich: "Sir! For what reason did you take my wig off? What makes you think that that's OK?" Orlich refused to apologize, even with his friends encouraging him to. Ashleigh has said she plans to take legal action, but Orlich is already in trouble: His firm,
BRIGHT IDEA Coffee Smile, a cafe chain in Rus sia, knows how to milk social media. Owner Max im Kobelev put up posters in his stores in May that announced plans to start offering human breast milk in their lattes and cappuccinos. Oddity Cen tral reported that Kobelev claimed to have con tracted with lactating mothers whose milk is test ed for safety. "The child eats just a little," one supplier said in a promotional video, "so I thought, why not earn extra money? I even made coffee with my breast milk for my husband; he liked it." Turns out, it's all an attention-seeking hoax. "There were many of my friends who wanted to try this coffee," Kobelev said. "For them, I prepared a drink with a mixture of goat and almond milk. The taste is very similar—I know this because, as the father of two children, I also tasted the real thing."
WRONG PLACE, WRONG TIME At Knott's Ber ry Farm in Buena Park, California, riders of the Sil ver Bullet roller coaster were rudely interrupted in their fun on May 26 when one passenger "indi cated they wanted to get off the attraction," Fox News reported. The unnamed guest signaled their need to bail right after leaving the station. Operators stopped the ride, and all guests had to be evacuated, the park said, "following standard exit procedure." The roller coaster resumed operation about 30 minutes later. {in}