FiiZK: applying robust, innovative and reliable solutions to fish farming Ashleigh Currie, says: “I am confident that FiiZK is the right company to provide the fish farming industry with innovative, robust and reliable product solutions that will help overcome major production challenges faced in these markets. And I look forward to working closely with producers to facilitate these changes in farming strategies.” Ashleigh Currie
FiiZK is the result of the recent merger of Norwegian companies focusing on the fish farming industry. Our product portfolio spans closed and semi-closed cages at sea, bespoke software solutions and consultancy services, to tarpaulins for land- and sea-based farming. We have recently launched recycling facilities to commit to the sustainable use of materials and protect the environment. We aim to combine software solutions and farming equipment to improve the functionality of our products to the advantage of the fish farmers.
At FiiZK, we have been expanding our workforce to hire some of the best minds and skillsets. As a result, we provide top-level solutions with over 130 employees based on the farmers’ requirements in our extensive client portfolio. Ashleigh, a marine scientist and former fish health and welfare manager for Scottish Sea Farms Ltd, helps to drive our research and product development with valuable knowledge and experience on welfare-related topics and site dynamics, in addition to feedback from farmers and production managers
from our key partners including Cermaq, Lerøy and SinkabergHansen.
Certus Closed Cage Technology Now is an exciting time for FiiZK’s closed cage technology with clients in Norway and Canada using our Certus range (15,000 to 30,000 m3) of semi-closed containment systems (S-CCS) and our Certus Harvest holding cage (up to 700-tonne capacity). Our systems development has been ongoing for the past ten years and is in commercial use for the last five years. The main development aims of the S-CCS has been to reduce the time fish spend at sea, or in some cases, to grow postsmolt fish to harvest size (80g to 5kg). Our cages have also been used successfully to hold broodstock fish (5kg to 16kg) in their final sea phase. Certus Harvest is our patented holding cage for fish awaiting processing that provides
optimal conditions for harvestsized fish and protects the surrounding environment from any biosecurity risks. The cages are available for delivery in sizes adapted to the processing plant and existing waiting cage facilities. Compared to land-based RAS systems, which have high capital expenditure and operational costs, the sea-based S-CCS provides a reliable and economical solution for the industry. The large, floating S-CCS replenish seawater within the cage pumped from deeper depths (>20 m) to reduce the entry of unwanted sea lice and sustain optimal water quality to protect fish within and outside of the cage. When it comes to protecting the external marine environment, fish faeces can be collected and removed from the system for processing as fertiliser or biofuel. In addition, the cage environment is monitored continuously by a sensor network for essential water quality parameters,
“We have so far been doing business in the UK from Norway and are excited to establish a permanent business in the UK and Ireland. And are leveraging on our experience as the market leader in Norway whilst doing so,” explains FiiZK CMO Kevin Skarholt. Business Development Manager/Fish Welfare (R&D), 38
Closed cages
Aquaculture & Seafood Ireland