Keep winter energy costs in check by making sure your heating system and your use of it are as efficient as possible.
Take steps to reduce usage during colder weather
Ensure heat pump’s thermostat is not set to emergency. This also can be referred to as “E Heat,” “EM Heat” or “Supplemental Heat.” This setting only uses the heat strips of your unit, which will cost you more than
twice as much as the correct setting of “Heat.”
unattended and only operate it away from flammable items.)
Avoid adjusting nonprogrammable thermostats more than two degrees at a time. If you increase the set temperature by more than two degrees, the auxiliary heat strips will kick on to get to the desired temperature quicker.
Schedule a checkup of your heating system by a licensed heating and air dealer. They can ensure your unit is operating at its most efficient. This can extend the life of your unit as well. Energy efficiency upgrades to a home, such as added insuLimit use of space heaters. lation or replacing an electric Most space heaters use 1,500 furnace with a high-efficiency watts and are not designed to heat pump, can be costly in the heat a large room. Continually short term but lead to substantial operating one 1,500-watt space savings on a home’s energy costs heater can increase your bill by in the long term. NAEC’s energy approximately $120 a month. advisers can offer suggestions For those using space heaters in on the efficiency measures that their well houses, NAEC’s energy would benefit your home most. advisers suggest heat tape and NAEC offers qualifying meminsulation if possible. (Safety is ber low-interest loans to fund key if using a space heater. We energy efficiency improvements. recommend you never leave one Call 870-895-3221 for details.
Winter’s colder temperatures cause heating systems to run longer and more often as members try to stay warm. Heating a home usually accounts for more than 40 percent of energy costs, according to research done by the U.S. Department of Energy. Properly maintaining a heating system and knowing energy efficient practices can help keep your energy costs in check. Here are steps NAEC’s energy advisers suggest you take to ensure you are heating your home as efficiently as possible: