WFEC 2022 June Current Light Flashes

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FLASHES WestFlorida FloridaElectric, Electric,Your YourTouchstone TouchstoneEnergy EnergyCooperative Cooperative West

Many Convenient Convenient Payment Payment Many Options Available Available at at WFEC WFEC Options Pages10-11 10-11 Pages

INSIDE ... ... INSIDE Different from the Different from the rest and proud to rest and proud to be your hometown be your hometown utility ...pgs. 3-4 utility ...pgs. 3-4 Residential Rooftop Residential Rooftop ...pgs. 5-6 Solar - FAQ Solar - FAQ ...pgs. 5-6 Tap into water Tap into water heating savings heating savings

...pgs. 8-9 ...pgs. 8-9

Preparation helps Preparation helps WFEC and members WFEC and members weather storms ...pgs. 12-13 weather storms ...pgs. 12-13 In-Ground In-Ground Pools Can Use Pools Can Use One-Quarter of One-Quarter Household’sof Energy Household’s Energy ...pgs. 14-15 Bill Bill ...pgs. 14-15


Read Online Read Online

VOL 72, NO 6 VOL 72, NO 6

Local Classifieds Local Classifieds

...pgs. 17-18 ...pgs. 17-18



USPS: 702-990 | ISSN: 1042-7767 | VOL 72, NO 6

Current Light Flashes is the official voice of West Florida Electric Cooperative Association, Inc., a member-owned Touchstone Energy® cooperative serving Calhoun, Holmes, Jackson, and Washington counties. It is published as a service to the Co-op’s members. Periodicals postage is paid at Graceville, Florida.

Dumpster Rental

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7 day rentals: 10 yard • $325 • 20 yard • $400 Graceville, Florida

We offer both roll off containers & dumpster trailers to better service your needs.

Providing quality printing and service to the Florida panhandle and south Alabama since 1961. 955 Tate Drive Dothan, Alabama 334-792-8408 •

WFEC Board of Trustees





District 1

District 2




POOSER District 3

District 4 / Secretary-Treasurer


George Clayton

District 5

District 6




Joe E.



District 7 / Vice President

District 8 / President


Signup uptoday! today! Sign

PROTECTION PROTECTION TakeTake the STRIKE out of lightening! the STRIKE out of lightnin

Experience peace of mind knowing that your home & appliances are protected from power surges. Lease for just $4.25/ month!

Just say, “Add it to my bill!” Frank E.





District 9

Middlebrooks ContraCtors, inC. Serving the AreA for over 60 YeArS

Rent-All • We have everYthing you need! Equipment Rentals, Tractors, Trenchers, Etc. Septic Tank Service, Installation & Repair • Mobile Home Pads • Land Clearing • Excavation • Dirt • Rock • Culverts Ty


Executive VP/CEO


Ph: (850) 547-3658 Plumbing • Electrical Licensed & Insured


Different From the Rest and Proud to be Your Hometown Utility


id you know that you and other members who use our services actually own West Florida Electric Cooperative (WFEC)? That’s not the only way your cooperative is special. Cooperatives care about people and community. We do much more than safely power your everyday life with affordable and reliable power. Ever since the people living here in 1937 formed WFEC, our mission has been to meet needs in the area. When other utilities were Kevin Nelson (in white on the back row) not willing to bring electricity to coaches the 2022 Roulhac Middle School the homes, farms and businesses baseball team. here, local people banded together and did so themselves. As the first member-owners of this cooperative, they improved the quality of life for themselves, their neighbors and future generations. Today, your cooperative continues to improve lives. That’s why we promote job development and support education and healthcare. In doing so, we help the community and the people we serve: our member-owners. You will also see our employees, who live and work in these communities, spending their time volunteering to coach baseball, football, volleyball and many other sports. As a not-for-profit electric provider, we do not have shareholders. We are owned and governed by our members. One tangible benefit cooperative members receive is capital credits, or money back to you. We set aside funds to improve and maintain our system, as well as money to cover unexpected costs. The margins are returned to members. That’s different from a for-profit utility, which returns profits to its shareholders rather than to members. We help our communities and the local economy prosper, too. Our economic development team works hard to attract new industries to our region and to help existing businesses thrive. New jobs help people provide for their families. As employees spend money for necessities and other items locally, the area economy benefits. We believe it’s important to give back through support of local nonprofit and civic organizations, such as the American Cancer Society, Alzheimer’s Walk to Remember, Covenant Hospice and many more. To build a brighter future for us all, we’re helping grow tomorrow’s continued on page 4


ROW Update: West Florida Electric Right of Way Clearing Crews will be cutting & trimming right of ways in the following area(s) during the month of


Bascom & Grand Ridge When right-of-way (ROW) crews are trimming in your area, there may be several days between ROW cutting & clean-up crews due to inclement weather, equipment failure or other unforeseen circumstances.

TOLL FREE OUTAGE HOTLINE: 1.844.OUTAGE1 (844.688.2431)


1001 USES Portable Buildings, Carports & Garages Mobile Home & RV Supplies

850-526-3797 4673 HIGHWAY 90 E.



(Across from CVS)

Jamie’s weLding fabricatiOn repair 5301 Duncan Ridge Road Marianna, Florida 32448

Owner: Jamie LipfOrd • Over 30 Years experience

speciaLizing in: cOnveYOrs, mechanicaL beLt spLicing, nearings & gearbOx repLacement

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Air Conditioning & Refrigeration

Commercial & Residential Sales, Service, Leasing Installation

850-703-5486 License #: CAC1819784

leaders. Local students see doors open through college scholarships and opportunities like the Electric Cooperative Youth Tour. Through this program, high schoolers learn about the electric cooperative business model and see our governments at work in our state and national capitols. We also teach students about electrical safety, provide grants that help teachers bring new ideas to life in their classrooms and host workshops to equip educators with balanced energy education tools. From the crews that keep you powered to those answering the phones, our employees live in your communities, too. As your neighbors and friends, our goal is to provide you with the best service possible. You’ll find us in the heart of the communities we serve. You are so much more than just a customer at WFEC. Putting you first is another way your hometown electric cooperative is always here for you.

Triple S Outdoor Maintenance LLC Backed by 21 Years of U.S. Military Experience

Some of our full spectrum outdoor services include: • Land Clearing • Skid Steer Work • Mini Excavator Work • Tree & Stump Removal • Driveway & Pads • Ditch Digging & Clearing

Call for a free estimate!

(850) 693-9999 Why trust your valuable property & investment to just any service? Let us show you how a decorated veteran leads this family business through hard work, integrity & attention to detail.

Air Conditioning Refrigeration Ice Machines Exhausts/Make Up Air

Family Dentistry of Chipley 415-1411 Family Dentistry of Bonifay 547-9290

Armondi Roofing, LLC

New Chipley Location Cosmetic, General & Family Dentistry

Re-roof Specialist Shingles • Flat Roofs • Re-Roofs New Roofs & All Types of Repairs

Free Estimates

5 Year Workmanship Warranty Licensed & Insured #CCC1330359

(850) 547-2934 PAGE 4

Most Insurances Accepted

• Veneers • Crowns • Dentures • Cleanings • Whitening • Bonding New & Emergency Patients Welcome

Dr. Ernie Hooper, Dr. John Wilson, Dr. Brian Parker & Dr. Hilary Whitaker 1410-A 410-A Brickyard Rd, Chipley ...................................... 415-1411 110 E. North Ave, Bonifay ............................................ 547-9290 CURRENT LIGHT FLASHES

Considering Residential Solar - Contact Us First


e support renewable energy resources — including solar energy — that are safe, reliable and affordable for the people we serve. Some of our members have expressed interest in installing solar panels at their homes or businesses. Before making this investment, contact us. As your trusted energy advisor, we’re here to answer questions. IS RESIDENTIAL SOLAR A GOOD OPTION FOR ME? There are many factors to consider when deciding if solar is the right choice for you. Contact us for answers to these and other questions: 1. How much electricity does your home use? 2. What type and size system should you choose? 3. How will adding solar panels affect your monthly electric bill? 4. What are the insurance requirements? 5. What safety concerns should I consider?

Yard Needs Mowed? Call Mike (850) 596-8767

IS SOLAR A RELIABLE BACKUP POWER SYSTEM? Most residentially sized solar systems won’t provide all the power you need, during an outage, or on cloudy days and at night when the continued on page 6


TOLL FREE OUTAGE HOTLINE: 1.844.OUTAGE1 (844.688.2431)


sun isn’t shining. You will still need electricity from WFEC’s power grid, even if you choose a system that includes a battery backup. For reliable and uninterrupted power, solar energy must be balanced with a continuous source of dependable power from West Florida Electric.

Lynn & Steve’s Helping Hands, LLC DBA


• Bucket work • Bush Hogging • Chainsaw/Pruning Work • Light Clearing

• • • •

Do your research and contact us for guidance throughout the process. Make energy-efficiency improvements to maximize your energy dollars – with and without a solar generating system. Research solar contractors and be aware of all local, state and federal regulations. Work closely with us for advice and assistance on interconnecting with the grid.

HOW MUCH ELECTRICITY COULD I GENERATE WITH A HOME SOLAR SYSTEM? This depends on the size and site of your system. Consider your roof ’s orientation, whether it is positioned in a shade-free area and how much sunlight the panels can collect. HOW MUCH DOES A HOME SOLAR ENERGY SYSTEM COST? Your solar purchase and installation costs will depend on the size and complexity of the system, as well as your home’s layout and construction. Additional costs may include liability and homeowner’s insurance, property taxes and applicable interconnection fees. ARE THERE INCENTIVES AND TAX CREDITS FOR INSTALLING HOME SOLAR ENERGY SYSTEMS? Visit Also, check with local government agencies for income tax credits, property tax exemptions and rebate programs. CAN WFEC HELP ME INSTALL SOLAR PANELS? We do not sell, install nor do we service solar panels. If you purchase solar panels, they are your responsibility to install and maintain. However, feel free to contact us with your solar energy questions. Since 1969

4” to 12”

Water Well Drilling & Pump Repair Residential, Commercial, Agricultural Water Analysis & Treatment



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Chris & Sheryl Tate

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Outboard & Small Engine Grand Ridge


We buy boats & motors!

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OLEN BARFIELD Have Sawmill, Will Travel

Efficient & portable bandsaw can cut your trees into lumber on your site with minimal sawdust waste.


W&S Farm and Service Tractor & Equipment Repair Welding Irrigation Repair Excavator & Bulldozer Work Land Clearing Earth Moving (850) 263-8831 (850) 326-8419

Tri-County Gas Service, Inc.

Tri-County Gas Service, Inc.

“Home Folks Serving Home Folks”

For All Your Propane Needs 415 S. Waukesha St., Bonifay

547-3696 #RM0048955


Old-Fashioned Chicken Salad

Make A Change Th

at Pays!

Upgrade & Save!

Ingredients: 4 cups chopped cooked chicken 2 hard-cooked eggs, chopped 1 cup chopped celery ¼ cup chopped onion 3/4 teaspoon salt 1/8 to ¼ teaspoon white pepper Dash of red pepper 2 tablespoons lemon juice ½ to ¾ cup mayo Paprika

Looking to upgrade your home’s heating and cooling system?

Directions: Combine first 9 ingredients, toss gently. Fold in mayo; cover and chill 2 hours. Sprinkle with paprika and serve.

West Florida Electric Cooperative can help! We offer rebates to help cover the costs of upgrading to a high-efficiency dual-fuel or mini-split heat pump. *limitations apply

Learn more today at or call (800) 342-7400.

Banking For Everyone Our accounts are designed to grow with you. Our team can answer all your questions and find the right account or loan for you or your business. | 850-547-3624 Friendly. Stable. Flexible.


TOLL FREE OUTAGE HOTLINE: 1.844.OUTAGE1 (844.688.2431)




Tap Into Water Heating Savings


f your home is like most, you and your family are using about 64 gallons of water each day. If your water heater is electric, that probably accounts for about 18% of your power bill. That makes your water heater the second-largest energy expense in your home. So, why not use less electricity to heat it? Today’s high-efficiency water heaters use much less energy than older models, so you won’t need to give up comfort for energy savings. That’s good news for your power bills. Now, there’s a new kid in town: an electric heat pump water heater. These units give you the hot water you need by pulling heat from the surrounding air to heat the water — like a refrigerator in reverse. Because they do not directly produce heat, electric heat pump water heaters are two to three times more energy efficient than standard units. According to the U.S. Dept. of Energy, a family of four can save about $350 a year on water heating costs, which adds up to $3,750 over the lifetime of the unit. A heat pump water heater may cost a bit more upfront than you’d pay for other models. However, most people see a payback in less than three years due to the unit’s lower operating



costs and energy savings. That’s according to the U.S. Dept. of Energy. Be sure to look for the ENERGY STAR rating. Tankless electric water heaters are another option, but think about these things before buying: While these smaller units quickly heat water to provide it when called upon, they can use 8 times more electricity at one time than a standard water heater. This high demand increases your cooperative’s cost of purchased power, which plays an important role in how much you pay for electricity. In some cases, people who use electric tankless water heaters have to upgrade the home’s wiring to support the huge demand for electricity. Before you buy a new water heater, speak with West Florida Electric Cooperative’s (WFEC) trusted energy advisors about your choices Other ways to lower your energy costs include setting your water heater’s thermostat to no higher than 120 degrees Fahrenheit, fixing leaks, installing low-flow fixtures and using an energy-efficient dishwasher and washing machine. We’re sharing ways to help you save energy and money. It’s another way your hometown electric cooperative is always here for you.

William Crutchfield Enterprises, Inc. • Refrigeration • Heating & Cooling • Ice Machines • Residential/Commercial

Considering a tankless electric water heater? They can require

8 times more electricity at one time than a traditional model.

HIGH DEMAND increases your co-op’s cost of purchased power.

That’s a key factor in

how much you pay for electricity.

Discuss options with our energy experts.

Tier One Land Development 850-563-1620

Get A Quote


Land Development Services for You License Number: CMC1250499

For Service Call: (850) 263-3427 or Cell: (850) 326-0330


Always here for you

Retention Pond Maintenance

Hunting/Rural Property Management

Ditch/Drainage Maintenance

TOLL FREE OUTAGE HOTLINE: 1.844.OUTAGE1 (844.688.2431)

Private Rural Road Maintenance


Many Convenient Payment Options Available at WFEC Power Out? Text us! How does it work? Text WFEC to (800) 342-7400 to sign up. Text OUT to report an outage, STATUS for updates, HELP for more info, and STOP to opt out. Sounds easy! It is! Remember to update your account info to include your cell phone before storms hit! Please note that your phone plan’s standard data charges will apply.


ave time and a stamp by using our online tools to pay your electric bill quickly and securely. In just a few clicks, you can access your account anytime, anywhere. Visit to view and pay your bill. You can also check your balance, billing and payment history. To access online payments for the first time, please call 800-342-7400 to get started and to verify your West Florida Electric Cooperative (WFEC) account information is correct. You must have the correct phone number, social security number, account number and an email address on file to utilize the website payment option and the mobile app payment option. If you need to make payments on more than one account, you can do that online, too. You can set up convenient billing and payment options, like electronic billing and automatic bank draft, which are also payment PAGE 10

options available at WFEC. Our free, secure mobile app allows you to pay your bill, manage your account or sign up for notifications. Download the mobile apps for Apple or Android by shopping your app store or visiting our website. To use the mobile app for the first time, the process is similar to accessing your account online, please call 800-342-7400 to get started and to verify your WFEC account CURRENT LIGHT FLASHES

Own a manufactured home?

Save about $550 per year on heating costs!

That $550 could buy a whole lotta fun! Members who own manufactured homes are eligible for a $400/ton REBATE to upgrade from an electric furnace to a highefficiency heat pump.* On top of that, you’ll enjoy savings of about $550 per year on heating costs! Call (850) 263-3231 today. * Limitations apply.


information is correct. As with accessing your account online, you must have the correct phone number, social security number, account number and an email address on file to utilize the mobile app payment option. You can also use the app to report power outages. WFEC also offers off-site payment locations at several People’s South Bank locations. They are: Blounstown, Chipley, Greenwood, and Marianna. These bank locations will accept payment from any WFEC member, regardless of whether or not they are a People’s South customer. WFEC members may make payments with cash or check or may use the night drop at any of the bank locations. Members must have their current payment stub and must pay the entire amount of the bill. Late payments will not be accepted at these locations. Members can also make payments using the co-op’s automated phone system by calling (855)-MYWFECA (855-699-3322). Credit and debit payments are accepted using this method. Calling one of the district offices directly is another way payments may be made to WFEC accounts. Another payment option available to members of WFEC is choosing to utilize the pre-paid power program. Are you interested in being more cautious about how much electricity you are using? Do you want to save money on deposits and monitor your energy use more closely? If so, pre-paid power is the right choice for you. Signing up is easy. If you’re a new member, apply online. If you aren’t a new member but are interested in finding out more about pre-paid power, contact one of our offices to learn more. How does it work? You make a deposit of $50 plus the first power purchase. Power is sent directly to your home using our distribution power lines. You can receive text messages to notify you when your balance is low and determine when you need to purchase more power. Electricity may be purchased 24 hours a day using credit or debit cards using the co-op’s mobile app or by calling the automated payment system (855-MYWFECA). To find out more about the payment options available to you at WFEC, visit our website ( or contact the office by calling (800) 342-7400.

DaviD & Family Tree ServiceS

Prices Normally Run 25% less than other insured competitors Bonded & Fully Insured • Free Estimates

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Trim Cut Remove Stump Grinding Veteran-Owned

Touchton’s Barns & Sheds • Pole Barns • Equipment Sheds • Enclosed Sheds, Etc.

Over 20 years experience

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“We Work to please YOU”


TOLL FREE OUTAGE HOTLINE: 1.844.OUTAGE1 (844.688.2431)


Preparation Helps West Florida Electric and Members Weather Storms


hen storms roll in, you need our crews to roll out — day or night. They proactively maintain the power delivery system throughout the year to make it stronger and less vulnerable to threats. That means our lineworkers are conditioned for the difficulties of restoring power when disaster strikes. As soon as it’s safe, they respond quickly to get your power back on. You can prepare, too. Protect yourself and your loved ones by having an emergency kit on hand. Include the following items and any others your family may need: • • • • • • • •

Bottled water Nonperishable food items Flashlights and batteries A battery-powered radio Medicines Extra blankets Baby items Pet food

Always here for you If severe weather causes outages, your cooperative is already prepared to:

Respond day or night

Secure additional help

Restore power quickly and safely

Shopping for these items will be a little cheaper during Florida’s Disaster Preparedness Tax Free Weekend which is currently scheduled PAGE 12


for May 28-June 10, 2022. Always keeping extra supplies on hand before you need them will help you weather the storm. Likewise, we have needed equipment on hand to speed up the process of repairing damage to our system. Another action you can take if bad weather is on the way is to fully charge your cell phones. Should the power go out, you can easily report it through our outage texting service if you have enrolled. Just text WFEC to (800) 342-7400 to get started and follow the instructions about how to report outages in the message you will receive back. Ways to report an outage include calling our outage number at 844-OUTAGE1 (844-688-2431). You can also report outages through our mobile app. Follow outage updates by checking the online outage map ( or through your cooperative’s mobile app. Watch our Facebook page for helpful information, too. Remember to report an outage through the options listed above and not through Facebook. Please keep in mind that nature’s fury can leave damage that requires time to repair. That’s why crews work to keep trees trimmed away from WFEC’s nearly 4,800 miles of power lines. Wind, lightning and heavy rain can knock limbs and trees onto lines. This is the number one cause of outages during storms. Please be patient while we locate and remove those. Working with electricity is dangerous. Crews must keep safety first while getting your electricity back on, so they don’t put themselves or anyone else at risk. Lineworkers sharpen their skills through regular training. They learn the right tools for each job they must perform and how to complete those jobs in the safest way possible. If extra hands are needed, crews from sister cooperatives and contract workers are on standby inson and Learing and can arrive quickly to help. Stump & Debris Removal They work together with our crews Bulldozer & Excavator Work to restore power to all members. Tractor Services Including Bush Hogging, Discing & Spraying By being prepared, we can Heavy Forestry Mowing weather the storm together. We will do everything in our power to 30 Years Experience • Owned & Operated by Francis Hinson restore yours. It’s another way your hometown electric cooperative is always here for you.




(850) 481-2960



Never connect a portable generator directly to your home’s wiring. Doing so could kill someone working to restore power. Instead, use a heavy-duty extension cord to plug in appliances.

Connecting you to safety!


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TOLL FREE OUTAGE HOTLINE: 1.844.OUTAGE1 (844.688.2431)


In-Ground Pools Can Use One-Quarter of Household’s Energy Bill


ool owners don’t realize it but pool pumps waste lots of energy. The energy used to operate the cleaning and filtering equipment can easily equal the energy used to power an average home for the same period of time. On an annual basis, the typical in-ground pool can account for one-quarter of a household’s energy bill. One reason pool pumps may use so much energy is because they run much longer than actually needed. Circulating a pool’s water does keep the chemicals mixed and the debris removed but as long as the water circulates while the chemicals are added, they should remain mixed. This makes it unnecessary to re-circulate the water each day. Most debris can be removed with a skimmer or vacuum instead of a pump. Using chemicals in the water and scrubbing pool walls are the best methods to remove algae. Here are some other pool pump tips to help conserve energy and save:

Now opeN! Tuesday - Saturday: 11 a.m. - 9 p.m. Sunday: 11 a.m. - 8 p.m.

(850) 593-0062 8110 Hwy. 90 • Suite 100 • SneadS, FL PAGE 14


Reduce pump run time to just 5 to 8 hours each day to lower energy usage without sacrificing water quality.

Use a timer to run the pool’s filtration system during off-peak hours when electricity demand is lower, generally between 8 p.m. and 10 a.m.

Consider installing a variable speed pump with permanent magnet motors and digital controls. These can save as much as 90 percent in utility costs compared to one- or two-speed pumps with induction motors.

Make sure the pump is sized to your pool’s requirements. The larger the pool pump, the greater the pumping costs. Use the smallest size pump possible for your pool.

Maintain efficient operations daily. Backwash pool filters only as necessary to avoid wasting water and energy. Keep all drains clear to allow the free flow of water.

Keep the water properly balanced – it will ensure that it’s clean and clear. The cleaner the pool, the longer the chemicals will last and the less energy your pump and filter will demand.

Turn the pool heater down when it isn’t in use and maintain water temps when it is in use. Seventy-eight to eighty degrees is recommended for active swimming. Raising the water temp just one degree can cost an additional 10-30 percent.

Keeping a thermometer in the pool can also help determine what temp is best for your pool and is most comfortable for your family.

Consider installing a pool cover. Swimming pools can lose energy in many ways. Evaporation is the largest source of this energy loss – it requires large amounts of energy. A pool cover will help reduce this evaporation rate and save energy. It will conserve water by reducing the amount of make-up water needed by 30-50 percent. Covers can also reduce the pool’s chemical consumption by 35-60 percent and reduce cleaning time by keeping dirt and debris out of the pool.

If you’re a pool owner in our area, keep these energy-saving tips in mind. You can save money and still enjoy fun in the sun.

Instant Orchard Packages

Citrus Apples Nuts Peaches Figs Plums Pears Avocados Berry Patches Olives Bananas Tropicals and many more Florida grown trees Let us help you eat fresh picked fruit from your yard all year long! We will design and install your backyard fruit tree orchard. Very affordable, call for appointment! 15 tree minimum.

Clarksville (850) 451-6222

Licensed family owned and operated since Hurricane Michael

Land Clearing & Forestry Services Dozer and Excavation Work Heavy-Duty Brush Cutting Ponds • Road Building • Demolition Pine Tree Planting • Herbicide Spraying Fire Line Plowing • Burning • Root Raking Chopping • Bedding Clay O’Neal:

850.762.9402 or 850.832.5055

Together We Can Stay Safe

Digging too close to a pad-mounted transformer like the one above can damage underground cables, leading to electrical shock or interruptions in service. Use caution when landscaping. Call 811 before you dig and stay safe.

Schuckelberry Farms Retail Nursery and Edible Landscaping


TOLL FREE OUTAGE HOTLINE: 1.844.OUTAGE1 (844.688.2431)


200-Amp Power Pole $499.95 100 - Amp Power Pole $399.95 Delivery & Installation Available Rick Carnley - Lic. # EC-13006648

Florida Meter Pole Company, Inc. Contact Rick at 850-526-2183 or Anthony Register at 850-573-0219

Art’s Home services GOLF CART SALES & SERVICE

Carpenter/Handyman Build It - Fix It Clean It - Haul It

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Jackson Farm Well Services


Patrick Jackson

20-Years Limited Warranty 21 Colors to Choose From

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License# CCC058016

Free Estimates


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Florida Licensed Surveyor since 1969

Roger Lonsway

Mobile: 260-5438

1240 South Blvd. • Chipley, FL 32428

F R E E E S T I M AT E S !



tion Installa ! le Availab


Full Time Realtor since 1996 4420 Lafayette Street, Marianna, FL 32446 Property Searches • Follow my blog @

with our equipment, we simply grind the bush or trees to the ground into a mulch. The mulch will decay & put nutrients back into the soil, food plots, fence runs or cut over timber.

SOUTHERN ROOFING, INC. 1945 Tower Lane Westville, FL 32464

(850) 593-0009

Debbie Roney Smith (850) 209-8039

Forestry Mulching

(850) 956-4325 Mobile: (850) 259-0467 Fax: (850) 956-4169


(850) 263-4861 (850) 658-2886

LLC/Insured/ 40 Years Experience


Stay away from downed power lines. They can

Panhandle Pump Repair & Filtration Service

still be energized. Never

What’s in YOUR Water?

attempt to move or drive

John White Owner

3024 Firefly Lane Vernon, FL 32462 PAGE 16

Over 40 Years Experience License #2252

Home: (850) 535-1121 Cell: (850) 260-2204

over them. Instead, call 911 to report fallen power lines.




Deck for sale 20' x 15' treated; Trimmer mower with 3 heads, Homemade/handmade quilts, lap good condition; 5 adult mannequins & 5 infant mannequins quilts, baby quilts, twin, full or with books, material & videos; queen; two used bathtubs, great 850-263-7448. price; 547-3649.

Feeder calves/Steers; Black SimElectrolux vacuum cleaner in mental/Angus cattle. 850-526great condition, canister type 3108. with upholstery attachment, $200. Please call 850-548-5547. Purebred Belgian Malinois pups, $300 each, parents on site. 850Silver Lake Community Yard & 643-7894. Craft Sale; May 14; 7:00 am 2:00 pm; Located at the corner of Antiques/Collectibles Fairview Rd (167) and Lake Dr. 850-579-4085. WWII Rifle, US Rifle, Caliber .30 M1, Springfield Armory-Garand. Riding lawn mower, Husqvarna, 850-326-8821. Kawasaki engine, Hydrostatic, great condition. 850-592-4798.


2 - 12' Prefort horse stall fronts, Canopy tent, like they use at a funeral, $400.00 or best offer. hay rack and feeder, $1,800.00. Call Dean 850-547-2466 or 850- 850-674-4139 or 850-899-0266. 768-9704. Tifton 9 and Argentine Bahia seed & hay, 718-7779, Pat or 592-2647, Dan.

Multiple Listings

Clarity amplified phone and separate answering machine. Both in great condition $50.00; A dual adjustable window fan, $20.00. 850-209-6581.

CLF Free Ad Policy (Limited to one ad per household) WFEC publishes free classified ads in the Current Light Flashes as a service to its members. The following limitations apply: 1) Ads must be 20 words or less and must be legible, with an active electric account number at the top. 2) Ads exceeding 20 words are subject to elimination. 3) Submit ads to the Graceville office by the 5th of the month to appear in the following month’s issue. (Example: An ad arriving by Jan. 5 will appear in the Feb. CLF) 4) Ads for services & businesses are not free. Service businesses include, but are not limited to, pet or livestock breeders or stud services, rentals, baby-sitting, etc. 5) Any buying or selling on a regular basis will be considered a business. On-going garage sales & the sale of similar items on a repeated basis do not qualify for free advertising. 6) WFEC may refuse to publish any ad. 7) You may submit your ad online at WFEC will not accept ads over the phone.


Island, Queen and Sago Palms; 6 Antique dolls $25 each; mirrors 20x36 $25; Tires, 16,17 sizes, store shelving; call for price 850547-0448 or 850-373-3709. Like new set of tires 235-75R15; 2 truck toolboxes; salt pool pump. Call 850-527-4088. 2-horse trailer, 16 ft hay trailer; hay fork; barrel, roping, pleasure saddles; tack; Treeing Walker coon dogs, used tin. 850-5922494 or 850-209-8532.

Bush Paint & Supply

Carpet • Paint • Feed & Seed Vinyl Flooring • Ceramic Tile Free Estimates

263-4744 • 971 6th Ave., Graceville LocaL TeLephone prefixes Alford 579 Altha 762 Bascom/Malone 569 Blountstown 674, 237 Bonifay 547 Caryville 548 Chipley 638, 415 Cottondale 352 Graceville 263

Grand Ridge Greenwood Marianna Ponce de Leon Sneads Sunny Hills Vernon Westville

592 594 482, 526 836 593 773 535 956

CLF Free Ad Form Please Type or Print Neatly. Name St. Address/P.O. Box City

Acct. #

Phone #

For Sale • Wanted • Free • Thank You • Lost (circle one)

TOLL FREE OUTAGE HOTLINE: 1.844.OUTAGE1 (844.688.2431)


Real Estate Twenty-two acres, hobby farm, 3BR/2BA, needs work, 2 ponds, 2 wells, old bar, $179,000; 850547-0157 or 850-768-3608. Lot located 3 1/2 blocks from St Joe Beach, 50'x100' build or mobile home, $149,900. 850557-4877.

Recreational Vehicles 2019 Keystone Springdale RD1750, lite travel trailer with scenic view for sale. Please text only 850-592-2655.


Wind Mill expertise wanted, Marianna, FL; need help with completion of wind mill project; Horses; ponies; mules; donkeys; Owner will procure crane and 850-592-2494 or 850-209-8532. buy all required materials; 850624-0248. Handyman wanted in Grand Ridge area for various projects. Looking for a handyman that Email response to elsieiona1@ knows a little about everything. with contact info. 850-718-7002. 150-500 acres of pasture land, in Canning jars, full or empty, all Holmes or Washington Counties; sizes, call or text 850-768-3682 850-234-7070. prefer text. Penny through dollar coins, loose, in jars, collections and estates, will buy, trade and sell; 850-326-3437.

A windmill. Call 850-768-3486.


Experienced framer to build Four Vacation Bible School, at Cypress Creek Community Church, Al10x10 frames, price reasonable; Vehicles 850-547-0448 or 850-373-3709. ford, FL from June 12th through June 15th from 6:30 pm to 8:30 2002 Chevy Box Van, only 81K pm nightly. Please contact 850miles. Good condition, new tires. License plates from any state, 573-0693 or 850-633-7027 for mainly Florida, prior to 1980; $12,500; 850-579-5125. old motorcycles or parts prior to more information.. 1960; 850-557-7030, Greg. Notification Statement

Notice is hereby given that the West Florida Electric Cooperative Association, Inc. Board of Trustees regularly meets on the fourth Tuesday of each month, unless special circumstances warrant a change. Main Business and Publications Offices 5282 Peanut Road Graceville, Florida 32440-0127 (850) 263-3231 or 1-800-342-7400 Subscription Rate Cooperative members, $2.50 per year Non-members, $6.00 per year Change of Address Notices POSTMASTER: Send address changes to Current Light Flashes P. O. Box 127 Graceville, Florida 32440-0127 DISCLAIMER: Although paid advertisements may appear in West Florida Electric (WFEC) publications in print, online, or in other electronic formats, WFEC does not endorse the advertised product, service, or company, nor any of the claims made by the advertisement. WFEC reserves the right to edit or refuse to publish any advertisement, article or information.

This Institution is an equal opportunity provider and employer.


Davis and Son’s Plumbing & Septic Tank Service • New Installation • Drainfield Repair/Replacement • Septic Tank Pumping & Service • Free Estimates

Bonifay: 956-4329 • Chipley: 638-5406 State Certified CFC1425994 CURRENT LIGHT FLASHES


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