Canoochee EMC Announces a Successful Year
TThe Canoochee Electric Membership Corp. (EMC), a member-owned electric cooperative, is pleased to announce the assignment of $4 million in capital credits to its members for 2023. This is an assignment only and not a refund.
What Are Capital Credits?
As a not-for-profit cooperative, Canoochee EMC operates on a cost-of-service basis. Any margins earned after providing electricity at cost are allocated to members as capital credits based on their electricity use. These capital credits represent your ownership stake in the cooperative and help strengthen its financial health.
When Will I Receive My Capital Credits?
The Canoochee EMC Board of Directors reviews the cooperative’s financial health each year and determines when to retire capital credits. In 2023, the board approved a retirement of $2.039 million in capital credits. Retirements are based on the cooperative’s financial needs and future capital requirements. Since 1938, $24.3 million has been retired to Canoochee EMC members.
Holiday Office Closing
Canoochee EMC: Committed to Affordability and Reliability
The Board of Directors thanks its members for their continued support. Canoochee EMC remains committed to providing reliable electricity at an affordable cost. They appreciate the opportunity to serve you and look forward to doing so in the future.
Canoochee EMC Board of DirectorsBoard Members
Connie L. Thrift, President
Bob Floyd, Vice President
Kimberly S. Blocker, Treasurer
LaNell M. Oliver, Secretary
Robert E. Dasher
Bernard Purvis
Kenneth L. Durrence
Ed Bradley Jr.
Lavanda Lynn

Power Up Your Lawn Care With Electric Equipment
TThe landscape of lawn and garden care is evolving, and electric equipment is at the forefront of this change. While electric lawn tools aren’t new, advancements in technology and more options mean prices have become more competitive, making electric equipment an accessible option for many consumers.
Benefits of Electric Equipment
Electric lawnmowers have come a long way since the days of extension cords tethering you to an outlet. Batterypowered mowers offer the same freedom of movement as gas-powered models, but with reduced noise and maintenance.
Battery life was once a major drawback to making the switch to electric lawn tools. But today’s growing demand for electric equipment has resulted in major advancements for lithium-ion batteries, making them more reliable, costeffective and efficient. For most consumers, electric lawn tools can get the job done just as well as gas-powered models.
Many electric mowers offer push-button starts, and because they are lighter, they are easier to maneuver around tight turns. Improved batteries provide longer run times to tackle larger spaces. Like their gas-powered counterparts, electric mowers are available in push, self-propelled/walkbehind and riding models. And there’s no need to refill gas cans or change oil and air filters, resulting in less hassle and maintenance.
Like mowers, electric blowers, string trimmers and chainsaws have fewer moving parts, require minimal maintenance and are quieter. Because electric tools are generally lighter in weight, they’re also more ergonomic and easier to maneuver. This feature is especially handy for projects that require tools like chainsaws for precise work.
Choose Electric Equipment to Meet Your Needs
Electric lawn tools have some limitations, so the size and terrain of your outdoor space are important considerations when purchasing new equipment. When comparing gaspowered and electric mowers, consider the torque rating— this is the driving force behind a blade’s rotation. On average, electric lawnmowers generate less torque than gas mowers. If you have a challenging outdoor space that includes overgrown brush, tall grass or hills and dips, torque is a key factor.
Choosing the right type and size mower is particularly important for spaces larger than half an acre. If you have a large property, consider purchasing an extra battery to help ensure uninterrupted workflow.
Many manufacturers offer interchangeable batteries and chargers, providing flexibility and convenience. Choosing a single brand can help ensure charging compatibility across your lawn tools and streamline charging.
While gas and electric lawn tools can get the job done, electric equipment generally requires less maintenance, is less expensive to operate and is kinder to the environment.

Making the Switch to
Considering electric
equipment to maintain your outdoor space?
Check out the benefits of electric and considerations before making the switch.
Benefits of Electric Equipment
• Battery-powered equipment produces zero emissions
• No hassle and mess from gasoline and oil
• Quieter and more reliable than gas-powered equipment
• Require less energy to do the same amount of work as gas-powered tools
Considerations Before Going Electric
• Purchasing from a single brand can streamline charging
• Consider the size of your property and battery run time
• Backup batteries may be needed for larger properties
• Electric equipment is pricier upfront
Add Lawn Tools to Your Spring Cleaning To-do List
A As you open the windows and start spring-cleaning your home, add another item to your to-do list: Clean your lawn tools.
Your electric lawnmower, weed trimmer and hedge trimmer have been cooped up and unused for months. And you’ll need to do more than knock the dust off them.
Cordless lawnmowers and power tools need regular cleaning and maintenance so they operate properly. The good news? They’re easier to take care of than gas-powered tools.
Follow the manufacturer’s instructions for cleaning your specific models, but generally:
• Remove the tool’s battery before you get started and slip on a sturdy pair of gloves to protect your hands.
• Use a dry cloth to wipe down the device and remove cobwebs, dust, loose dirt and dead bugs.

• With a plastic scraper or bristle brush, scrub off dried mud and grass on the device, even underneath.
• Damp clean the machine all over with a wet cloth, but steer clear of the motor. Take extra care around any blades.
• Look for cracks on the casing and determine if the tool is still usable. Check that the handle is tight and sturdy. Inspect any blades for rust.
• Fully charge all tools, replacing the battery if it has gotten damaged during the winter.
Dusty Indoor Air Could Mean Leaky Ducts
IIf the air inside your house is dusty, it might mean your air-conditioning ducts have sprung leaks.
If you’re changing your air-conditioning filter regularly, it will trap dust and pollutants that get into the indoor air so they never make their way into the duct system—or back into the air.
But if the ducts have tiny holes, cracks or joints that aren’t well-sealed, dust can bypass the filter and sneak directly into the ducts. Once dust gets in there, the duct system will blow it all over the house.
Dust in the ducts and in the air can raise the temperature in your home and force your air-conditioning system to operate inefficiently and

struggle to keep your home cool during the summer.
It’s well worth it to have the ducts of your air-conditioning system sealed at the joints. Not only will this prevent dust from flying around your
house, but it could reduce your airconditioning bills this summer. The average house loses about 20% of its conditioned air through ducts that are improperly installed or are leaking at the joints.
Spring Is In the Air, but Be Careful Where You Plant!
With warmer days being the norm, many of us are considering improvements both inside and outside our homes, which may include planting trees.
We take vegetation management very seriously here at Canoochee EMC, with it being one of our most common causes for power outages.
Fortunately, we work hard to maintain a clear right-of-way to promote reliability. As many of you realize, though, best laid plans can often be derailed.
With more than 2,600 miles of line, we have a large area to maintain. Canoochee EMC does this through a five-year cycle to help balance costs with the level of vegetation growth. We also spray herbicides in our rights-of-way to keep vegetation growth manageable until it can be cut. Trees are beautiful, at least until they mature near power lines, and Canoochee EMC

maintains 15 feet on either side of our power lines.
However, we can all do our part.
Please remember that your newly planted trees will mature one day, and if they are close to power lines, it will at minimum require trimming. Imagine planting a pecan tree and waiting years for it to start producing, but just as it gets there, we are forced to remove it. This is completely avoidable!
We have a dedicated staff at Canoochee EMC to assist you, and we would rather discuss planting a new tree—or even an orchard—at the beginning of the process rather than at the end. Cutting mature trees can be an expensive proposition, as is moving an entire power line.
Energy Efficiency Tip of the Month

Looking for an easy way to manage home energy use? Smart plugs are inexpensive and offer convenient solutions for scheduling and controlling your favorite electronic devices.
With smart plugs, you can easily manage your coffee maker, lighting, home office equipment, video game consoles and more. Smart plugs can also help you manage devices through a smartphone app, your home assistant or voice control. By conveniently powering off or scheduling devices, you can save energy (and money).