A Note to My Fellow Platte Countians. Parks enhance quality of life and property values, and no one wants to see either of these decline. As a candidate for Platte County commissioner, I support a plan that continues sufficient funding for parks and gives law enforcement the attention it needs which will also help maintain quality of life in Platte county.
Taxes Accountability
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Parks: Past, Present, Future
2000 Voters approve ½ cent sales tax for parks and storm water projects. Community centers, parks and other facilities are funded over the 10-year life of the tax. Between 2000 and 2020, Platte County taxpayers will invest approximately $160 million in parks.
With the approaching sunset of the parks tax, the commission indicates it will restructure the sales tax devoting a portion to law enforcement. However, the tax is instead placed on a special election ballot at the same amount with no law enforcement funding and approved for another 10-year term.
2016 Parks receive about $8.5 million annually from dedicated tax, while law enforcement in Platte County has no dedicated tax and is funded from general revenue. Reserves for capital murder trials and future jail facilities have not been funded, and salaries for deputies are falling behind. A dedicated sales tax for law enforcement would allow the commission to address these concerns.
Common sense would say future funding would not need to continue at the same rate that was needed for 20 years of incredible expansion. Parks officials estimate an annual budget of $2.5 million is necessary to maintain parks including continuing outreach grants. When the parks tax ends, a proposal for restructuring the sales tax could include Âź cent tax for parks and Âź cent tax for law enforcement, yielding approximately $4.25 million for each.