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Inside Look ™



R e n e wa l I S S U E

Staying Positive In Today’s Economic Crisis

Celebrity Farmers Some of Hollywood’s biggest movers and shakers move down on the farm

The Road to Badrinath


Eckhart Tolle Review Consciousness - The Ultimate Digestive Aid Affirmations to Achieve Your Goals Boost Energy to Sell Your Home Six Keys to Spiritual Dating Beyond the Healing Grid A Holistic New You Horoscopes

A spiritually renewing journey to one of India’s holiest cities

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Inside Look magazine

Renewal Issue 2009

January/February VOLUME 1 ISSUE 1

Features 8

Staying Positive

In Today’s Economic Crisis


The Road to Badrinath

A spiritually renewing journey to one of India’s holiest cities


Celebrity Farmers

Some of Hollywoods biggest movers and shakers move down on the farm


Majestic Mount Hood

Courtesy of Oregon’s Mt. Hood Territory Download this image at:

Publisher’s Note 5 6 7 11 13 15 18 19 21 23

Happiness is Wanting Nothing More In Love Every Day A Holistic New You The Six Keys to Spiritual Dating Exercise to Exorcise Your Depression Antioxidants, Truth vs Hype Does Your Child Suffer from ADD? Laughter: Nature’s Greatest Drug Natural Flu Remedies

23 25 26 28 30 36 37 40 42 47

2009 Accomplishments Live Green and Save Using Affirmations to Achieve Your Goals Boost Energy to Sell Your Home Beyond the Healing Grid Pick Your Fruit Color for Health Consciousness, the Digestive Aid Book Review Horoscopes Parting Message

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Publisher’s Note

Inside Look magazine

Happy New Year from Inside Look! In this issue, we hope that you find inspiration and information to enhance your life and make 2009 a great year. Thank you for reading our first printed issue. We are very excited, as in 2009 we plan to continue bringing you articles on green/eco, healthy, and conscious lifestyles. Inside Look is heavily supported by the awareness community in Los Angeles, and the world, as you can now read our magazine, and contribute on the web at

Have a great year, and we’ll see you at the Conscious Life Expo in February! Mike Williams and Jennifer Smith, Inside Look Publishers

January/February 2009 Publishers Michael Williams Jennifer Smith Editor in Chief, Jennifer Smith Editor at Large, Paula Williams Editor at Large, Cheryl Snyder Contributing Writers Eduardo Vier, Jill Crosby, Adeline Scout, Todd Williams, Tammy Ruggles, H. Lovelyn Bettison, Jeanne Roberts, Michael Kostroff, Rhonda Halfon, Dee Dee Phelps, Alice Landry, Andrea Crisp, Vaishali, Sasha Faynor, Dr. C.M. Curtis, Wendy Burt Thomas, Elsha McGill, Cristina Ramirez, Judy Hevenly Photography/Design: Roger Smith, Jennifer Smith, Mike Williams Advertising Michael Williams, Jennifer Smith 310-909-6773

Inside Look magazine, Volume 1, Issue 1, is published six times a year - January/February, March/April, May/June, July/August, September/October, November/December - by Creative Media Arts, PO BOX 1306, Pacific Palisades, CA 90272. Inside Look magazine is a free publication. © 2009 Creative Media Arts (CMA) . All rights reserved. No part of Inside Look magazine may be reproduced without specific written permission. Inside Look magazine, as a publication of CMA, assumes no responsibility for opinions of contributors and is not responsible for unsolicited manuscripts or photos, which must be accompanied by return postage. Publication of the name or photo of any person or organization in Inside Look Magazine should not be construed as an indication of that person’s expressed opinion. Advertisers and their agencies assume responsibility and liability for the content of their advertisement in Inside Look magazine. Photographers whose work is published in any advertising or editorial content within Inside Look Magazine agrees to indemnify and save harmless the publishers from all liability, loss and expense due to a photographer’s failure to gain a model release. Title pending at U.S. Patent Office, Washington D.C.

inspiration Happiness is Wanting Nothing More By Jeanne Roberts

At the start of my adult life, I had a choice to make. God gave me all the brains I would ever need to be successful. He also gave me an alcoholic mother who died before I graduated high school, and an early life spent in a series of relatives’ homes, the first tolerating me for the money my father sent, the second needing me to babysit my dying grandfather so she could continue working to pay off her house. I did not learn the value of caring from others. It sprang up inside me like a strange flower, a rose blooming in the desert, and shaped me for some purpose whose importance may never be revealed, at least to me. Call it an epiphany, or a miracle, but at the age of 17 I decided that the most important thing I could do with my Godgiven intelligence was to have children and raise them well. There are those who say we do not make choices, that our lives determine our paths as surely as the nature of physics determines an electron’s spin, and that this illusion (of choice) is simply a result of our nature as self-reflective beings. Others, more aligned with the quantum dualistic nature of the universe, understand that all is choice, even if the exact moment of “choosing” can never be determined. Looking back from the age of 62, in poor health and even poorer financial state, I still believe I made the right choice. I have four remarkable children. They are not financially successful, but that was not something I taught them to value. They are not doctors, because medicine in this era is more about money than healing. They are not stars of industry or corporate culture, nor would I wish them to be. 6

This country has taken all the real value in life and turned it into so bizarre sort of financial incentive for living. Houses are no longer homes, but wealth-builders. Possessions don’t make our lives richer, or easier, but allow us to play the unending game of one-upsmanship with our peers. Education, once designed to make us more cognizant of the world around us, is now focused on learning just enough to command higher salaries. My four children are intelligent, literate, compassionate, aware human beings, and the earth is better for their presence. When I die, I will be uplifted knowing they carry on my belief in the importance of every individual and every act. No man is an island, and nothing occurs without consequence. We are all part of some greater whole which is diminished by the loss of every single thing, from a broken old man to a species of butterfly. If I didn’t believe this, I would end it all today. There is a proverb which says, “Beware of asking for what you want. You may get it.” We tend to pray for objects or events whose consequences may not be what we wanted or even expected. This usually happens when we make hasty decisions or ask for things based on a need for personal gratification. We say, “If I had a job that paid more…”, or, “If only I could afford to get my hair professionally cut…” Your Maker already knows what you need; you don’t have to ask. I have been financially strapped a number of times in my life, but I’ve never gone without the necessities, and neither have my children. I am happy. I have arrived at wisdom through a long and sometimes arduous process of evaluation, including self-examination, and I know that a new car, a $500-dollar dress, or a weekend at a spa might give me momentary pleasure, but not lasting joy. When asked what I need, at Christmas or on my birthday, I always say, “I have everything I need.” And it is always true. ~

In Love Every Day By Dan Bauser

It’s not the usual sunny day in California, its foggy and I can’t even see the Hollywood sign as I stare out the window on the seventeenth floor of my dentist’s office. So I look at the cars below as they move to and fro, stopping at red lights and making turns; people on their way to wherever they need to go. There’s no anxiousness from up here, the cars are so quiet and look so peaceful and I sit and meditate on them. It reminds me of New York City and the skyscrapers. Actually the day itself reminds me of New York. I have a flood of memories today from my past. Specifically, my friends throwing me a ‘good luck in California party’ before I moved out here. They took me to the Guggenheim Museum and the Museum of Natural History. We looked at art and dinosaurs and laughed as we got hushed and glared at for being too loud. We have lunch in Central Park. It was cloudy and rainy, much like the day here in Los Angeles. We splash in the puddles and take the subway all over, trying to reach every part of the city to say goodbye. Dinner was at an Italian Restaurant in the East Village. We talk about the ‘old days’ and drink red wine and eat good pasta and canoles. We walked the streets of New York City knowing we’d never be this close again; at least I knew. So much has changed in my life since then. I think it’s all starting to sink in. The idea that my journey toward health and wellness has come to fruition and a new journey is beginning. I’m in a little bit of a shock that I’ve made the changes that I have and that they have had such a profound affect on my quality of life. I’m so grateful for my family and friends and what I’ve created for myself. I finally realize that I am at peace. All these years I’ve searched and clawed and scraped the bottom of the barrel hoping against hope that I could be at peace and here I sit on the seventeenth floor in a dentist chair knowing that I am. My mind drifts back to right after Grandpa died and the overwhelming loneliness that I felt in losing him and knowing that I didn’t fit in because I was gay. I can see the red brick elementary school as I sit in an empty playground crying my eyes out in self-pity. I swing on the swing and my feet brush up against the sandy ground. I cry for not having any friends. I cry for feeling ugly and worthless. I cry because I don’t feel loved then ride my bike the mile back home to another lonely place.

I can’t believe that was me. I stand here at a distance and cannot comprehend that was ever how I was. Self-pity has taken a back seat to worthiness. Ugly has taken a back seat to loveliness. Unloved has taken a back seat to the overwhelming knowledge that I am pure love. I fall in and out of a light sleep as the dentist fixes my chipped front tooth. I love me some lamb and cracked my tooth on a juicy medium rare chop lightly glazed with lemon pepper zest and mint jelly. YUM. He uses this laser-y thing that makes a weird whizzing sound that jolts me awake. Josh Groban is belting out some Christmas song on the radio and I fall into the memories of Christmas growing up as I slip back into a wispy sleep. Mom went all out for Christmas. Decorations were paraded all around the house. The Christmas tree was decorated to the nines. Stockings hung from the fireplace and lights draped from the roof outside. We were spoiled with way too many presents from our parents, Aunts, Uncles and Grandparents. I looked forward to that time of year the whole year. I know now why. I felt visible, even if it were for a moment. A moment when I saw my name on a present and the word Love. My name and the word Love together. Sad days they were, I was a sad young boy that grew into a sad young man. That sad young man grew into a sick young man. That sick young man grew into a man who searched for a different way of being. That man searched and searched and slowly became aware. That awareness led to observing which led to consciousness. That consciousness led to knowing that my name and the word love are the same thing. I am love, love is me. I can feel it pour out of me everyday. My tooth is fixed. It’s a bit longer than the other tooth but that’s okay. I feel a sense of well-being as I think about my life right now and what I’ve created in it. Just even the last three days. I played volleyball on Sunday morning with the gang, tennis last night with some good friends and tonight a dinner party at my friend Nicki’s new house. I am in love everyday. I’m a long ways away from those days growing up in New York and so much closer to the true authentic being that is love. How Awesome!!!! ~ Dan Bauser has a BS in Business Administration from Ithaca College. He is the NHL columnist for and is currently writing his first book entitled “Sweet, Gentle, Grace.”

Staying Positive in Today’s Economic Crisis by Michael Kostroff

It’s all over the news. You can’t miss it. It’s on TV, on the radio, in the papers, and all over the Internet: THE WORST ECONOMIC CRISIS SINCE THE GREAT DEPRESSION. If you’re not feeling the pinch personally, you know at least one person who is—probably lots of people. These days, many of us are scrambling for new ways to generate income, or live on less of it. But in times of such economic stress, staying afloat financially isn’t the only challenge. In fact, one of the biggest challenges isn’t a financial one at all, but rather a psychological one. It’s the challenge of fighting off despair and discouragement, staying positive and open, even when things look bleak. Perhaps this is a perfect time in history to resurrect the famous poem “IF” by Rudyard Kipling (18685-1936) (not quoted here in its entirety): “If you can keep your head when all about you Are losing theirs and blaming it on you; If you can trust yourself when all men doubt you, But make allowance for their doubting too; If you can dream - and not make dreams your master; If you can think - and not make thoughts your aim; If you can meet with triumph and disaster And treat those two imposters just the same; Yours is the Earth and everything that’s in it” Now, why should staying positive matter? Why not just indulge those feelings and have yourself a good long sulk fest, careening headlong into a bottomless pit of full-blown financial freak-out? Well, the answer is more practical than you might expect: wallowing in self-pity, as fun as that can be, closes you off, shuts you down, and keeps you from being your most productive, which can prevent you from accessing opportunities to ease the financial stress that depressed you in the first place. So, while going negative may feel like you’re “just being realistic” about your current situation, it actually contributes to the problem. In a very real sense, you can’t afford to be blue. So, let’s look at some ways to manage those feelings, and keep it together during this crisis. Facts and Spin Here’s a great philosophical truth: how we experience the circumstances of our lives has more to do with interpretation than facts. For example: You miss your exit on the freeway. That’s the fact. Now, you have choices in how you interpret that fact. You could think, a) “I’m such an idiot. How could I have missed my freeway exit?” b) “The city does this on purpose, because no one cares about us regular citizens,” or c) “Neat. I guess I’m on an adventure.” Same circumstance, three different interpretations, each of which affects your emotional experience. So, while it’s healthy to face your financial facts, be careful about how you interpret them. You might be making things worse by spinning your situation into a punishment, a sentence, a judgment, a curse or a character flaw, when it’s no more than a thin wallet. Current Reality vs. Premature Panic It’s hard to stay in the present when you feel like disaster is looming. But the present is the only thing that’s real. The past is past, and unless you’re psychic, the future is unknown. So you’re better off waiting and seeing what happens, rather than worrying in advance. Besides, if you’re making guesses about the future, why not guess that things are going to be fine? Remember, worrying does nothing to prepare you for the thing you fear. It only makes the period leading up to the anticipated disaster worse. Years ago I sat in a therapist’s office, explaining to her that I was in deep financial trouble. “What’s the current 8

reality?” she asked. “What do you mean? The current reality is that I don’t have a job and I’m about to run out of money.” “O.K. You say ‘about to’. Is your rent paid this month?” “Well, yes, but it’s just a matter of time—” “OK. So your rent is paid. That’s the current reality. How many meals have you missed?” “Well, none, but—” “OK. The current reality is that you’re eating. Is there gas in your car?” “Yes, but only enough for—” “Gas in the car. That’s the current reality. Let me ask you this: How long could you afford to live right now if you remain unemployed?” “I don’t know. Maybe a few months?” “That’s a long time. Would you be willing to wait until then before you panic?” Thus, I learned that current reality was all that mattered. Because (and I’ll bet you saw this coming) none of the destitution and homelessness I feared ever came to pass. Then there’s another important thing to remember: the amount of time we spend worrying about possible crises is disproportionate to the number of times that those crises actually become realities. Think back through all the things you’ve worried yourself sick over. How many of those things happened? It isn’t that there’s no chance of disaster. But there’s far more fear than there is disaster. Wait for an actual crisis…then freak out all you like! Confronting the Worst-Case Scenario One of the most common pitfalls at a time like this is allowing your fantasies of poverty to run wild. It’s easy to do. I have what I call my “pauper under the bridge” mentality, where I’m convinced that I’m inevitably doomed to starve and beg for money. I can easily slip into this way of thinking if I don’t consciously work hard to stay aligned with reality. One thing that helps is to sit down and think through your worst-case scenarios, just face them head-on. “OK. What is my actual fear? That I’ll lose my job? OK. What would I do then? What if I got sick? How would that play out?” Walk through those fears in detail in your head. Next, ask yourself, first of all, how likely it is that your worst-case scenario will come to pass. If it’s not that likely, could you maybe give yourself a break and stop worrying? But even if you’re convinced the worst is on the brink of happening, just calmly think through what you’ll do

if it comes to pass. You may be surprised to find yourself creating more solutions than you expected. Looking at the worst-case scenario calmly and methodically brings you back from the crazy realm and into reality again, where things are rarely as bad as you’ve imagined. Spend? There is a Zen adage that says, “You gather more flowers with an open hand, than a closed fist.” In another version, it’s sand. Many claim that holding tight to your money is a sure way to part with it, and that letting it flow out allows more to flow in. This counter-intuitive philosophical theory is a tricky one. Obviously, it’s foolish to spend recklessly in any economy, more so in a troubled one. Frugality is always a good practice. But since we’re just talking about mental health here and not financial practices, it does seem that there’s something about the gripping, fearful, penny-pinching state of mind that just doesn’t seem to serve us very well and a “flowing” attitude about money draws more income than being a tightwad. A famous Indian philosopher once asked, “Do you have a money consciousness or a poverty consciousness?” And it may be that some small, responsible expenditures help us feel that we’re OK, and that all is not lost. Subconsciously, we think, “If I have enough for this slice of pizza, I guess things could be worse.” Sometimes, spending a small amount on a little treat or two—a movie, a snack, a visit to a museum—opens us up and lifts our spirits. So the trick is to think expansively, but not expensively. Another theory on getting your finances flowing is to give to someone in even greater need. I know a Christian pastor who tells me, “Whenever my finances are tight, I give more money to charity.” He says that by doing that, he puts his focus on the needs of others, and that somehow, his financial needs get taken care of. “Money always comes from out of nowhere,” he says. Maybe there’s more truth to that old Zen adage than we realize. When in Need, Be of Service The idea of giving when you’re in need may be a cliché, but it works, and it works on many levels. But you don’t have to give money. Give your time: help someone with an errand or project. Give your heart: listen to someone who needs to talk. Be spiritually generous: send prayers, positive thoughts, happy voodoo, or what 9

a friend of mine calls “the whammy”—whatever you call it, send it—to someone in need. Give of yourself at exactly the time that it’s hardest to do so. It’s another universal paradox: This practice of giving to others actually feeds you, fills you up, and makes you feel richer and emotionally healthier. Think Big Picture Tough financial periods can be overwhelming. But this moment you’re in is a tiny moment, in a tiny spot, in a big universe. Think about all the time in eternity, think about the state you live in, the country, the world. Think “big picture.” Think about years from now, when this hardship is a distant memory. Doctor of Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine, Steven Jarsky, says: “It’s like when you’re trying to ride a bicycle for the first time. If you look down and focus on trying to balance, you usually fall off. But if you start riding and just look straight ahead and not think about the fact that you are riding, it’s much easier to stay on the bicycle. This is very similar to life. When you focus on where you are, you won’t move very far. But when you focus on where you want to go, before you know it, you will be there.” Feed Your Soul While it’s important to attend to the situation responsibly, no one can tolerate focusing on hardship twentyfour hours a day, seven days a week. You have to give yourself a break. But how can you escape on a budget? Here are a few suggestions: Remember that park nearby? Take yourself out for a walk and commit to enjoying Nature. If you’re near a beach, go stand on the shore and see how reliably the waves continue to come in. Maybe all is right with the universe after all. Smell the salt air. Get it in your lungs. Have a good long talk with a friend. Look up quotes from great philosophers on line. Visit a library or a museum. Visit an interesting neighborhood. If you can afford it, go see a movie. (If you’re unemployed, you can take advantage of the cheaper matinees.) Take a drive and listen to some soothing classical music on the radio. Read a book. Go window-shopping. When we’re stressed, we forget to do these things, or we think we can’t afford to take the time. But these things can sustain you on a soul level. There’s a reason why entertainment business thrives in times of economic hardship. We need the escape. Never underestimate the power of a little diversion.


Exercise We all know this, but we tend to neglect it when we’re stressed. Exercise lifts our moods. It releases endorphins, which make us happy. It clears our minds, so we can better search for creative solutions. Even a walk around the block helps. Move your body. Your mind will thank you. Sometimes the Universe Gives You What You Need, Not What You Think You Need OK, I’m going to be very candid with you. In October, I went from the cheapest rent in Los Angeles to paying my first mortgage. And I made that move in the midst of this nationwide mess. Then, work slowed down, my financial obligations went up, and I went through what I’m told is typical for first-time homebuyers: I panicked. For the first time in many years, I had real financial fear. I was terrified. I was very close to going under! So I started searching on line for more writing work. It was depressing. There was competition for jobs paying five dollars an article. After weeks of searching the only offers I’d gotten were opportunities to write articles for free. And that’s when I had a great laugh as I suddenly realized that this was what the universe was sending me. The first offer was to review a local Shakespeare production—free theatre tickets! Funnier still, the second offer was to write this article you’re reading now: “Staying Positive in Today’s Economic Crisis”! It was what I needed, much more than I needed money. Say yes to things. Keep the channels open and accept the gifts you’re given, even if they’re not what you think you need. They probably are. Laughing Matters Finally, for the sake of your sanity, look for the humor in things. Laughter doesn’t cost anything, and it’s good for you. Here’s hoping we can all keep our heads as we navigate these difficult times. As the great, simple, wise, saying goes, “This too shall pass.” ~ Michael Kostroff is a television and stage actor, best known for his work on HBO’s The Wire. He’s also the author of the popular book, Letters from Backstage (available at, a humorous behind-the-scenes chronicle of his time on the road with two Broadway tours, and a regular contributor to the actors’ newspaper, Backstage.


A HOLISTIC NEW YOU by Adeline Scout

A holistic life is about what not to have in your life as much as it is about what to have in your life. Bad habits, poor nutrition, and negative thoughts are heavy burdens to bear. In the spirit of the New Year and on the theme of renewal, take a look at what you can leave behind. Simply getting rid of unwanted thoughts or habits can lighten your proverbial load. It can make you feel enlightened, renewed.

Need some ideas about how to begin? Here are ten places in your emotional, physical, and spiritual life to look for excess. Relationships A social circle can be something you really enjoy or an obligatory sign of status. Consider whether the people in your life are genuine friends. Do they value you? What sort of influence do they exert – calming or complicating? While being generally friendly and kind is not a bad idea, think about the impact of the people with whom you spend your time have on you. Giving too much without some acknowledgement can leave one feeling drained and unappreciated. Alternately, not giving a worthwhile person enough attention can thwart the growth of a meaningful relationship. Glean out the true friends from your acquaintances and spend your time accordingly. Visions of the Future Not just the sugarplum variety. What scenes do you dread for your future? Take a moment while driving or spacing out on an elevator to examine a situation that worries you. Play it out in your head. Consider whether the outcome is horrible or survivable. Imagine yourself staying strong and weathering the event. Think about what possibilities there may be to minimize the pain. Is there help you can get? Is there a reward you can give yourself once it’s over? Try to turn dreading into dealing. Replace fear with accomplishment. Breathing Slowing your breathing is one of the most effective methods of calming your body and your mind. Notice your breathing. If you are experiencing some panic, take in air less frequently but more fully. If a situation escalates, like your children are trying your patience or you cannot get in touch with someone, regulate your breaths. Not only does it give you something to focus on, it may solve the problem. Get rid of those extra breaths. Time with Others Remove yourself from other people occasionally. Take some time to spend moments by yourself. The solitude puts you back in touch with your own thoughts and allows you to navigate the rushed moments with others more effectively. If you are always around other people, receiving their input, voices, and messages, you lose touch with your own senses. Every once in a while go somewhere quiet and escape from everyone else. Painful Memories Forgiveness is really about getting rid of anger and resentment. Forgiveness does not necessarily mean the person can re-enter your life. In fact, most times it means they can finally leave it. I struggle with this issue a lot but I always try to remember that everyone tries to do the best they can. Yes, this even means when they do something hurtful to you. They are trying their best with the means they have. See the person’s actions as a way of attempting to do what they think is best. Afterwards, notice how the obsessive thoughts of revenge and bitterness recede. Purge yourself of resentment. Decision Making Meditate. Think. Postulate. Be a thinker. One of the greatest joys of life is intellectualizing. The dilemmas faced by each one of us today are as complicated as the ones faced by the great Roman thinkers. What is truth? What is justice? Few things in life are urgent and most allow for some period of contemplation. Do away with the sense of urgency and immediate answers. 11

View of Ourselves If we do away with criticism and a bit of ego, there is a lot of room for laughter. Rarely do things go perfectly and the mistakes that are made make for great stories. I have baked lasagna for company and forgotten the cheese. I have rushed to get somewhere only to find out I have the wrong day. Share the story with a friend, embarrassing parts and all. Sometimes truth is funnier than fiction. Expunge perfectionism and laugh at your mistakes. Self Expression So you are not Picasso, Hemingway, or Maya Angelou. So what? Draw. Write. Speak. Learning how to express yourself is an important way for others to get to know you and for you to know yourself. We are not all good with words but find a way to express yourself. What you create can remain private; it does not need to be published or submitted to a gallery. Rid yourself of inhibitions and find a way to express your thoughts. What You Eat Eating well requires avoiding certain foods – processed foods, foods high on fat and sugar, too much of one thing. Try not to have unhealthy stuff around the house. I have avoided many a late night binge by simply having only healthy options available. Soon, when you

crave something sweet you will turn to the alternatives available. Instead of eating a piece of cake, you might grab a bowl of yogurt with honey. Clear your pantry and refrigerator of unhealthy choices. Exercise To exercise, a whole lot may have to be abandoned – excuses, television, guilt. There is no replacement for exercise – none. No pill. No diet. Exercise is beneficial even if weight is not a problem for you. Pick something you enjoy. Take a stroll on the beach or gossip with a friend while you both walk on the treadmill. Watch TV and ski on a Nordic Track. Get rid of the obstacles in the way of finding the time to get your heart rate up and your adrenalin pumping. The beginning of the year is a good time to take inventory. As you unearth yourself from presents, holiday memories, and the winter chill, evaluate what may best be left behind. What you dispose of can be as important as what you acquire. Start your year off with a lightened load. ~ Adeline Scout lives in Scituate, MA with her family where she tends bar at a local favorite restaurant, writes, and weathers New England's coastal storms.

The Six Keys to Spiritual Dating “Spiritual Dating” or “Conscious Dating” is an enlightened way of meeting and dating. There are no rules or expectations. It’s about being true to oneself and staying in the flow. Conscious dating is more fun than the traditional style of dating and it yields much better results! As we raise our vibrational frequencies and approach fifth dimensional living, it is very important to practice Spiritual Dating to meet a life partner since our thoughts and feelings are manifesting extremely fast. The Six Keys


Realize that every person is a Divine Aspect of the one Creator and that before incarnating we agreed to forget our Divinity. We chose to be here on Earth for this incredible time in history, so we should be joyful and grateful for waking up and being part of this planetary ascension. Loving ourselves unconditionally and letting ourselves express this tremendous joy that is our Divine Essence is the basis of spiritual dating. Allow this love of self and joy to radiate outward and attract the same. It’s much healthier and fulfilling when two souls come together in joy and bliss rather than in desperation and loneliness.


When you are truly present in the moment, you are open to meeting the love of your life because you are paying attention. Enjoy each encounter, even if that person is not a potential mate. When standing in line at the grocery store, bookstore, post office…anywhere, pass up reading the magazines or thinking about what you are going to make for dinner. Instead, be receptive and conscious of who might be coming into your space. Enjoy the moment you are experiencing now. Be bold and say hi to people, initiate conversations and SMILE!


Chemistry comes in all shapes and sizes. Realize that our “types” have most likely been created by mass media programming and therefore the collective consciousness. Break free of this illusion, the matrix, if you will, and feel someone’s SOUL, his “beingness”, his heart. One’s life partner may not look like the “type” we have been conditioned to see as attractive. He may be taller, shorter, thinner, or thicker, so let go of the attachment to how someone appears and look deeper. As we thoroughly enjoy and experience every person we encounter, we can appreciate his uniqueness and see his Divinity. Listen to your intuition. Know that you may be drawn to someone because he or she is your life partner, or perhaps he or she has some important insight or information for you. 13


Being real means letting one’s guard down and getting out of ego; being oneself without trying to impress or show off. When in a relationship, true selves and personalities are eventually revealed and observed by our partners, so it’s more efficient to be genuine from day one. By expressing our true selves, we send out that energy to the quantum field and magnetize a partner that is also being REAL!


When on a date, practice ACTIVE LISTENING. Instead of planning out what we are going to say next, or worrying about how we look, active listening involves being present and focused on the other person while they are speaking. With an open heart, listen to and feel what the other person is saying. Be there for him 100%. When talking, speak from the heart and allow the conversation to flow naturally. Allow time for silence and just being together. Remember to breathe and relax.


Getting out of your head and following your heart, your feelings and the current energy is the essence of staying in the flow. When we are tapped into our Divinity, we know what to do, where to go, who to talk with etc. When in the flow, there is no ‘thinking things through’ for hours, days or weeks…it just happens. It’s part of being present and open. Being open to whatever is in our best interest for each moment and trusting that we are being perfectly guided by our higher selves (that part of us that always remembers its Divine connection), is the key to staying in the flow. Letting go of expectations and preconceived ideas about what something “should” look like, or how something “should” be is essential.

Spiritual dating creates a fun, enriching experience to be savored and thoroughly enjoyed. When these six keys are put into practice, results happen quickly, and it’s possible to be experiencing a blissful, devoted, loving relationship in no time, so ENJOY the process! ~ Jill Crosby is the owner/founder of the largest exclusively spiritual/conscious dating site on the Internet,, launched in 1999. She is a dynamic public speaker, workshop/retreat leader and hypnotherapist. She communicates with dolphins and whales and facilitates Wild Dolphin and Whale Swim Retreats for Singles.

health Exercise to Exorcise Your Depression By Sasha Faynor

According to the U.S. Center for Disease Control and Prevention, antidepressants have become the most prescribed medication in the U.S. Ads for antidepressants are everywhere. One recent ad promotes its product as the one to turn to when you need a second anti-depressant, when the first medication just isn’t enough! Depression has become a common term that is used interchangeably for mild, moderate, and disabling depression, and also for unhappiness. Ironically, depression is still an undertreated medical condition, perhaps because of the stigma of mental illness. Study after study promotes the anti-depressant benefits of exercise, yet most psychiatrists and medical doctors do not prescribe it. Although author, practicing psychiatrist, and clinical professor of psychiatry at Georgetown University Hospital’s Department of Psychiatry Robert J. Hedaya, M.D. ( is one of the world’s leading psychopharmacologists, he strongly promotes exercise, nutrition, and spiritual renewal as necessary tools for overcoming depression, “There is no question that medications are helpful for some people. They’re good tools. It’s just that they don’t go far enough, and are limited. It’s like trying to build a house with just a hammer.” When asked if he promotes exercise to all of his patients struggling with depression, Hedaya, who practices integrative psychiatry, answered, “I say to everyone they should exercise, except if somebody has, for example, hypothyroid, or their adrenals are low, then they can’t really exercise. It’s not a good idea to push exercise until those are treated. Or if a patient, for example, has a chronic infection like Lyme disease which is prevalent these days. If you exercise too much, it suppresses your immune system. But for depression, straight-forward depression; it holds true.”

Benefits of a Personal Trainer Hedaya says patients reap the most rewards from exercising three times a week, aerobics and strength training an additional two times a week. He highly recommends hiring a personal trainer, “I think it’s about creating the discipline. People who are depressed have trouble getting out of bed! You are fooling yourself into thinking that someone who is depressed and can’t even take a shower is going to get to the gym three times a week. A lot of times people who are depressed will at least accommodate the other person, the trainer. They will unusually show up...especially if it involves money!” Los Angeles-based personal trainer and fitness columnist Aaron Savvy ( helps to create discipline by having his clients commit to three workouts a week and buying packages of 12, 24 or 36 sessions, “It’s kind of an investment they are putting in themselves… a little bit more of a motivation incentive, because they have already paid. It’s like learning to ride a bicycle. At first you have training wheels. I’m like the training wheels, and then you take the training wheels off!” After the first month, Savvy notices that his clients, motivated by their results, often want additional workouts, and he designs workouts for them to do on their own. Savvy notes, “You don’t give anyone more then they can handle. After a period of time, they go four times a week, then five. If I say you need to train six times a week right away, clients would think I’m crazy and resist me.” Savvy usually learns whether his clients have been treated for depression, because he has them fill out a health history form, which requires them to list any medications they take or have recently taken. Savvy explains, “If I’m putting them on supplements, I need to know what medications they are taking, because of possible interactions.” Savvy, who trains his clients mainly out of Gold’s Gym, promotes nutrition along with weight lifting and cardio exercises. Most of Savvy’s clients do not take medication for depression. However, Savvy does observe that many of his clients seem to start off mildly depressed, but are in denial. “They don’t want to admit they are depressed…. Some of these people have very highpaying jobs. For whatever reason, they are not happy with part of their lives. 15

“Later they come out and tell me that through exercise and working out they’ve had a transformation. They’re transforming and changing through exercises I give them.”

activity (such as running, interval training with a jump rope, swimming, or using machines such as the StairMaster) for 35 to 45 minutes three times a week.

Savvy notices dramatic changes in his clients who become committed to exercising, “One thing I notice in almost every new client who comes in is the intimidation they initially feel. When someone’s new, he/she is always worried that somebody will be watching them.” After one to three months, Savvy notes that his clients tend to shed their self-consciousness, become more confident, experience less social anxiety, and have more energy. As far as maintaining their transformation, Savvy says it boils down to one critical factor, “If you have the mental aspect down, if you establish that one important element, understanding where you’re going, why you’re doing what you’re doing—that’s how you maintain.”

Comedian Richard W. also uses exercise to overcome manic depression, “I had a lot of anger. Exercise is a relief valve. It lessens my anxiety. I’m better able to deal with things.” Richard adds, “It always gives me some sort of lift. I feel relaxed afterward, a calming feeling. And I can sleep better. If I don’t work out now, I feel more tired at times, lackluster, and irritable.”

Using Exercise to Manage Manic Depression Bipolar disorder, manic depression, is a type of major depression that is characterized by extremes in mood such as mania and depression. Those experiencing acute mania or depression exhibit impaired judgment and are unable to properly care for themselves. Diagnosed with bipolar disorder as a teen and hospitalized seven times before doctors understood how to help me stay in remission, exercise has been a critical part of the equation that has enabled me to maintain my health. I try not to exercise for too long or late at night since this can affect one’s ability to sleep, and I find that not getting adequate sleep can trigger mania in me. I exercise intensely and regularly, but make sure not to overdo it. Currently, I lift weights twice a week, and do an aerobic 16

Richard started exercising four to five times a week three years ago around the same time he was diagnosed with manic depression. Within months of starting his exercise routine that was enhanced by substantial nutritional changes such as abstaining from alcohol and avoiding sugar and saturated fat, Richard shed 50 excess pounds off his 6’ 4” frame and traded his 42” waistband for a 34” waistband. Because of an injury, Richard can’t jog, but he lifts weights, does sit ups, and varies his time working out inside the gym with five to seven mile scenic hikes up and down the mountains in Riverside. “I used to go two hours in the gym, but I was breaking my body down too much to achieve any results. Now I work out 40 minutes to one hour.” Richard, who became a comedian after getting in shape, believes that exercise benefits his comedy writing, “Creativity for writing is enhanced by exercise. I come up with premises and jokes while in the process of exercising. And after exercising I remember things better; my awareness is heightened.”

go to school, I work part-time, my marriage is good, and I have a support network.” Clifton plays tennis twice a week. His additional exercise activities vary and include cycling, rollerblading, running, surfing, and kite surfing. Saying Good-bye to Antidepressants Hedaya does see some patients get off of their antidepressants by substituting lifestyle changes such as exercise, but explains that is not the case for all patients, “Whether they’ll succeed at that or not, some of it depends on the severity of the depression, how long they have been on the medication, and the presence of depressogenic factors that are maintaining the depression in their life such as a bad marriage or that kind of thing.”

Exercise also helps graduate student and Orange County resident Clifton combat manic depression, “If I don’t stay on-track with my exercise program, I start a rapid cycle.” Rapid cycling is abruptly shifting from one mood to another. Although Clifton cautions others against going off medication and is open to resuming medication if necessary, after a number of years free of disabling episodes, to avoid side effects, Clifton currently treats his bipolar disorder with fish oil, exercise, and the occasional use of sleep aids. “There is no stress in my life right now. I exercise six times a week, I

Quoting from Hedaya’s book The Anti-depressant Survival Program, “If you’re like most of my patients, you probably haven’t made exercise a number-one priority in your life. Yet that’s exactly what exercise must be, because your future, and the kind of life you enjoy, depends on it. Whatever your reason for not exercising, you’re making a grave mistake, forgoing the very thing that will boost your energy and balance your daily ‘slumps.’” Sasha Faynor is a writer and stand-up comic who resides in Long Beach, CA. This former New Yorker sees her not-yet-published memoir Sex with Strangers: Memoir of Madness and Healing as a vehicle towards advocating for the integrative (body, mind, and spirit) treatment of mental illness. When not chasing jokes, she’s chasing her two children. Visit her humor at

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Antioxidants: Truth vs. Hype ©

and so forth, further improved longevity statistics despite the fact that public health—true public health—was steadily declining

By C.M. Curtis D.C., F.I.A.C.T., B.C.C.T.

Throughout the twentieth century degenerative diseases like cancer, diabetes, heart disease, autoimmune diseases and others increased at an alarming rate, particularly over the last thirty years, and we have now arrived at the unenviable point in which, statistically, most of us are not expected to live as long as our parents. As health declines, so does longevity.

We live in a perilous age. Despite the often astounding marvels of technology, we are arguably the sickest society that has ever existed on the planet. There are those who would point to statistics which show that people are living longer now than ever before, but when we hear statistics like these we should remember something Benjamin Disraeli said. He said there are three kinds of lies: Lies, damned lies, and statistics.

Pay no attention to that man behind the curtain. He wants you to believe that the current system is working, but before you believe him consider the following: 1. The cancer risk for a woman in the United States today has risen to one in three, and for men it is one in two. Baby boomers on the average are most definitely less healthy than their parents or grandparents were at the same age. 2. Diabetes, heart disease and cancer, diseases which were relatively rare a hundred years ago, are becoming increasingly common. The incidence of diabetes and cancer among children below the age of ten has risen and continues to rise at an alarming rate. 3. According to the American Medical Association, the average person over sixty-five today is taking seven prescription medications, only two of which are for the original health conditions (the other five are to treat the side effects of the original two), and some people take as many as thirty different prescription medications.

The truth of the matter is this: Longevity statistics are based on an average and a variety of factors can affect that average. In the twentieth century, we went from a technologically primitive health care system, to what we have today. In the early nineteen hundreds, as technology advanced, hospitals became more sophisticated, decreasing deaths from accidents and diseases, as well as infant mortality. This alone had a huge impact on the longevity average. Then came ambulance service, which dramatically reduced deaths from accidents and other crises such as heart attacks and strokes, ruptured appendices etc., by getting people to the hospitals quickly, rather than waiting for the doctor to come to the patient and do what little he could with what he could carry in his medical bag. Later innovations like med-evac helicopters, paramedics, 911, high tech intensive care units, neo-natal intensive care units, specialized geriatric care, So, you may be asking, what is 18

the point of all this information? Simply this: We have to take care of ourselves. We have to do it because nobody else will. Nobody else can! The doctors and hospitals will always be there for us in the event of a crisis. Crisis intervention is what they do best, but getting healthy and staying that way is an individual responsibility. One of the reasons we have become such an unhealthy society is that we are all malnourished. This does not mean we don’t get enough to eat. On the contrary; most people get too much, but we don’t get enough out of what we eat. Basically, in addition to all the chemicals in our foods, the fruits, vegetables and grains we produce contain less than ten percent (in some cases much less) of the micronutrients (vitamins, minerals, enzymes, antioxidants etc.) that they did just a hundred years ago. In other words, in order to get the nutrition your grandparents derived from one carrot, one apple, or one cucumber you would have to eat an impossible number of carrots, or apples or cucumbers. So what’s the answer? Well, eat right, or as right as you can, give up your vices, throw away the soda and all the other sweet drinks, quit the coffee, alcohol, tobacco and junk foods, eat organic, get plenty of exercise, and fight free radicals, those destructive little molecules that cause human disease, aging and death. Fight them with a vengeance. It’s a matter of life and death. You have to get them before they get you. These days, almost everyone knows that antioxidants are the body’s weapons against free radi-

cals, but few people know much more than that. Ignorance, the saying goes, is bliss. In this case however, ignorance is danger. And, if I may paraphrase another wear-worn cliché; what you don’t know will indeed hurt you. It may even kill you. And it will certainly accelerate the aging process. Everyone is jumping on the antioxidant bandwagon. It’s easy to do; just hire a scientist (they’re like politicians, there are lots of them for sale), tell him/her you want antioxidants to be discovered in your product, pay the money, get the results, do a press release, and watch people start lining up to buy your product. Some good examples of this type of hype are coffee and chocolate, two toxic substances that also happen to have some antioxidants in them. This is worse than misleading, it’s pure deception. The antioxidants in coffee are found in green coffee beans. But green coffee beans have to be roasted in order to make coffee, thereby destroying the bulk of the antioxidants. We have known for decades that coffee is a toxic, addictive substance. Now, with this latest ploy by the coffee industry, a lot of people are drinking it thinking they’re doing a good thing for their bodies. Tragically, there are even doctors who recommend coffee to their patients. USE YOUR BRAIN. Don’t be sucked in by slick marketing tricks. Chocolate: Like the coffee-antioxidant ploy, this is another baitand-switch con. The antioxidant levels reported for chocolate are based on minimally processed cacao which is so bitter a goat wouldn’t eat it. It makes a very unromantic Valentine’s Day gift.

After it’s processed and filled with sugar and other chemicals, not only is it not a good source of antioxidants, it’s a bad thing to inflict on the human body.

Dr. C.M. Curtis has been practicing alternative medicine for almost 25 years. During that time he has owned and managed two integrative medical clinics. He is a tireless promoter of natural health and has been a health and nutrition talk radio host since 1984.

The point is clear: The mere presence of antioxidants in a substance does not necessarily mean the substance is healthy. It would not be surprising to learn that tobacco and cocaine contain antioxidants, but that doesn’t mean you should start smoking or snorting any time soon. Antioxidants are being used in too many cases as a marketing ploy to convince a trusting public to purchase products that simply don’t deliver, and in some cases By Wendy Burt-Thomas are even harmful to the body. Scientists now know that many Of course this doesn’t mean that factors can play a role in the deone should simply give up and velopment of Attention Deficit not worry about getting enough Disorder (ADD) and Attention antioxidants. On the contrary; like everything else, there is a Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder right way and a wrong way to go (ADHD) in children (and some about it. There are antioxidant adults). From food dyes and secsupplements—some good, some ond-hand smoke to toxic chemibad—and there are some foods cals and genetics, both internal that, unlike coffee and chocolate, truly deliver. Obviously we should and external influences may affect do as much as we can to get our the severity of symptoms. Regardnutrients, including antioxidants, less of the cause, there are a variety from natural foods: Fruits, veg- of treatments to help decrease the etables and whole grains, keeping effects of ADD/ADHD in your in mind that the organic products have been proven to contain much child’s life. Here are just a few to higher amounts of micronutri- consider: ents, including antioxidants, and much lower levels of chemicals. Food dyes On June 3, 2008, the Center for Good health always seems to come back to the same old basics: Science in the Public Interest Proper nutrition, proper exercise, (CSPI) petitioned the U.S. Food proper rest, and overall balance and Drug Administration, urging between our physical, emotional it to ban eight artificial food dyes. and spiritual selves. And this bal- According to CSPI, the following ance doesn’t come from a prescription pad. We have to do it for eight dyes are believed to increase hyperactivity and other behaviorourselves. ~ al problems in children: 19


cializes in nutritional balancing and hair mineral analysis. They should be able to provide you with products to help detoxify your child’s body and supplement with important vitamins and minerals that may be too low. If your child is still being exposed to secondhand smoke, you may need to set new rules in your home or extended environment.

• Yellow 5 and 6 • Red 3 and 40 • Blue 1, 2 and 3 • Orange B It’s not a new theory. Since the 1970s, numerous studies from around the world proved that some children’s behavior ‘worsened’ with the consumption of the dyes. In fact, the British government is already pressuring food companies to use safer colorings – thanks to the latest studies. But dyes aren’t the only consideration when worrying about outside causes of ADD and ADHD. Two recent British studies found that the preservative sodium benzoate may be to blame. Test: Omit food products with artificial food dyes from your child’s diet. Look for organic products or those that list only naturally colored ingredients (such as cereal colored with beet or carrot coloring). Whole, non-processed foods are generally a better choice

for anyone. Solution: If your child seems more focused, less hyperactive or generally less anxious, talk to a Registered Dietician about better food options. When in doubt, look for foods that are labeled as organic or made with no preservatives. Heavy metal toxicity High levels of toxic chemicals – like lead, copper and aluminum – can be found in many ADHD children. Though the cause can’t always be traced, some theorize that possible avenues could include tainted water, drinking from aluminum cans, and food prepared in aluminum cookware. Increased cadmium intake – as found in children who are regularly exposed to second-hand smoke, may increase ADHD symptoms. Test: A hair analysis can screen for toxic metals. Solution: Consult with a holistic doctor or nutritionist who spe-

Genetics If you or a close relative have ADD or ADHD, chances are your child has it too. In fact, children whose fathers had the disorder have a 30 percent chance of having it. Test: While PET brain scans can measure the size of the brain (People with ADD/ADHD have 3 – 4 percent smaller brains than the rest of the general population.) and for low activity in the front-subcortical system (People with ADD/ADHD actually have less activity in this region because it controls impulses and attention), they can be costly and generally aren’t covered by insurance for ADD/ADHD consultations. A less expensive (sometimes free) and more accurate assessment can be done with a professional cognitive skills assessment. The tests measure the strength and weaknesses of underlying cognitive skills, including things like auditory and visual processing, memory, processing speed, comprehension, attention, logic, and reasoning. Solution: If a professional cog-

nitive skills assessment reveals weak brain skills in one or more areas, you may want to consider cognitive skills training. While some parents choose to put their children on Ritalin, medication should only be used as a last resort. “Over 50 percent of our ADHD students will discontinue medication while in training,” explains Tanya Mitchell, Director of Training for LearningRx, a national brain training franchise. “A child with ADD/ADHD will almost always have weak attention skills, but it often goes hand in hand with other weak skills. In most cases, cognitive skills training can strengthen weak cognitive skills drastically – as much as three to five age levels.” Although many scientists theorize that there’s an ADD/ADHD gene, no proof has been found. Until then, look for solutions to decrease the symptoms of ADD/ADHD in your child’s daily life. Even small modifications can make a big difference. ~ Wendy Burt-Thomas is a full-time freelance writer in Colorado Springs. Her third book, “The Writer’s Digest Guide to Query Letters; Landing articles, agents and book deals” is now available for pre-order.

Laughter: Nature’s Greatest Drug By Elsha McGill

In today’s world where the cost of living is continually increasing and the stress of every day existence seems to be at an all time high, it is important to maintain a well balanced lifestyle. We all try our best to eat well, exercise regularly and find new ways to amuse ourselves, however we can all agree that the burdens of living (or sometimes just sheer laziness) get in the way of our ideal lifestyles. Yet it seems that above all, there is one age old remedy for maintaining health, relaxation and happiness, and best of all, it is free.

The expression laughter is the best medicine may seem a cliché, but this theory just might hold the key to our answers for better living. The physical, therapeutic and emotional benefits of laughter are endless, although it seems that we have become such a serious society that we find ourselves having a good chuckle less and less frequently. In the 1950’s, income and living standards were dramatically lower than today, yet people laughed for an average of 18 minutes per day, compared to modern times where the average adult laughs for a mere 6 minutes per day. Children being joyous by nature laugh on average 300-400 times a day, and we cynical oldies laugh only 15 times a day (and that’s not including those days where our cars break down, we have a fight with a family member or we run out of coffee just when we need it the most). Laughter is the audible expression of happiness or amusement as a reflection of an internal feeling of joy or pleasure. There are many scientific theories as to why humans laugh; one of the most popular concepts by Francis Hutcheson being that laughter is a natural human response to the perception of absurdity. Laughter, like crying, can be a coping mechanism when we are angry or upset, as it is a release of tension and does not necessarily have to occur as a response to a humorous event. The health benefits of a good old belly laugh are almost too vast to mention. Researchers have stated that laughing 100 times is as beneficial to your body as 10 minutes on a rowing machine or 15 minutes on an exercise bike, making it by far the most fun way to work out. When we laugh we are using our diaphragm, abdominal, facial, back, leg and respiratory muscles; that is better than any single piece of expensive, high-tech gym equipment can claim. During a fit of laughter the brain releases endorphins and dramatically reduces stress-related hormones and anxiety levels, while at the same time enhancing creativity and a sense of well-being. Laughter has been studied globally for hundreds of years and many great scientific researchers have proven that the act of laughing has the following benefits (to name a few!): 21

Reduces depression and anxiety. Strengthens the immune system by lowering blood pressure and raising antibody levels, which also encourages the body’s capacity to heal. Relaxes muscles and reduces pain, stress and tension. Promotes healthy sleeping patterns. Stimulates metabolism and the digestive system. Helps to protect the heart by strengthening the protective lining of blood vessels. Lowers blood sugar levels, making it good for people with diabetes. Improves respiration and circulation levels. Increases healthy blood flow. Provides a meditative, euphoric release whic can provide the gateway to a splendid feeing of inner peace.

porates breathing, stretching and yoga techniques along with structured laughter exercises and lasts for an average period of 30 to 45 minutes. Performed in groups, these clubs operate under the belief that laughter is contagious, whether it is forced or not and participants are urged to laugh out loud as much as possible. More information about laughter clubs can be found at

With the benefits of laughter being greatly emphasized by modern research, it is no wonder that health professionals are jumping on board to spread the good word. Over the past few years doctors, psychiatrists and other mental health professionals have begun using humor to help patients cope with a various range of mental, physical and spiritual problems.

The same way that we all make a conscious effort to drink more water or eat less salty foods, we need to make a conscious effort to designate time for laughter each day. Whether it be watching re-runs of Seinfeld, playing with your grandchildren, or hanging around the skate park waiting to watch someone take a good hard fall (hey, whatever floats your boat!), there is no argument that we all need to let our guards down and laugh a little more.

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

-Laughter Therapy is a one on one method in which a psychologist works with his/her patient to identify what triggers the patient to laugh, whether it is a particular comedian, a childhood memory, etc. The doctor uses this information to create a personalized humor profile for the patient to assist in stimulating laughter.

-Humor Therapy/Therapeutic Humor is a form of group therapy where the facilitator (usually a psychologist) uses humorous materials like movLaughter acts as a universal language and breaks ies, books or stories to encourage discussion of the down social, racial and age barriers. We don’t need groups’ personal humorous experiences and proto speak the same language as a person to know mote laughter and social skills. when something is funny or not and to join in on a whopping round of laughter. As an added bene- It is said by medical researchers that the only act fit, we can all agree that a happy, beaming person is more physically and psychologically beneficial to more appealing than a miserable, pouting one, and the human body and mind than laughter is sex. Not therefore laughter makes people more physically ap- surprisingly, these two acts share many of the same health benefits. pealing and more desirable to be around.

-Laughter Meditation is practiced similarly to traditional meditation and uses 3 steps of stretching, I believe Nicolas Chamfort said it best when he said, laughing and meditative silence to promote a feel- “The most wasted day of all is that on which we have ing of relaxation and wellbeing. This is generally not laughed.” practiced on an individual basis. -Laughter Clubs/Laughter Yoga is a movement that is becoming increasingly popular around the world. Similar to traditional yoga, laughter yoga incor22

Elsha McGill is a freelance writer from South Australia. She is at the edge of completing an Advanced Diploma of Professional Writing and enjoys contributing to various publications. She has strong interests in music, current affairs, fiction and poetry.

2009 Accomplishments

Be very specific in what you write.

By Eduardo Vier

You can write it as a thank you note for all the wonderful things that you’ve accomplished. The My Coach recently shared with me this practice that idea is to write from the end result rather than the she has been doing for years with very good results. I beginning. It has a lot more power and you’ll have a decided to do it and also to share it with you. greater chance at achieving your desired results. You know how every year in January most people Take a moment now, and go to December of 2009 create a Resolution List of the things that they want and look back at the year and “see” all the wonderful to accomplish? situations and scenarios that you manifested in your life during the year. Well, I didn’t grow up with Resolution Lists. And maybe that’s the reason that I never liked Resolu- What did you accomplish? tion Lists. To me they sound like wish lists. There is What did you carry out? no Energy in such lists and most of the time nothing What did you finish? gets accomplished by having one. Most people for- What did you get done? get about them a few days after writing them. For What did you achieve? the most part, the list just makes us feel bad about What did you realize? not accomplishing anything. What did you learn? How did you grow? There is a better way for you to accomplish things How did you change? in this New Year, a more empowering way, where ~ you can bring about all the changes that you want Eduardo Vier, PCC, is a Mentor, Business and Life Coach. He can be in your life. It’s an approach by which you send the reached through: , message to the Universe and to Yourself from the end result rather than the beginning. NATURAL REMEDIES FOR THE FLU By Cristina Ramirez, D.C. This is how it works: Rachel is eight months pregnant and has a nasty case of the flu. Fever. Body aches. Cough. She also is mothering her two year old, working part-time, running the house, sleep-deprived, and exhausted. She opted out of the flu shot, which she has done every time it has been offered to her. As she suffers through each day she asks herself, “Did I make the right choice? What could I have done differently to Now, from that place write down all of the things have helped prevent this?” that you want to happen. And write them in the past tense, like you have already done them, as if you Rachel has always chosen to decline the flu shot are writing from the memories that you have about and felt secure in her decision to refuse it while the year 2009. pregnant. But here she is, suffering from the flu and questioning her choice. What else could she have For example: done to prepare her body to fight off the influenza virus? What steps could she have taken that would “I bought my first house by the beach in Hawaii and be both safe for her unborn baby and effective for celebrated my birthday in it with all my friends and her? As we are in the heart of flu season these are family.” First, imagine yourself at the end of 2009 looking back at the year and seeing all the things that you accomplished. Visualize all the wonderful scenarios and circumstances that you’ve been through that year. Allow yourself to create the year that you want.


the same questions that many of us are asking of ourselves and our healthcare providers. More and more people are looking towards natural ways of boosting the immune system and dealing with illness. Chiropractic, acupuncture, and herbal remedies are some commonly used alternative methods. Chiropractors often take a whole body approach when answering these questions for patients. In addition to the chiropractic adjustment, chiropractors often educate their patients on the importance of things such as stress reduction, optimal diet, supplementation, and sleep to help optimize the function of the body as a whole. A chiropractic adjustment affects the nervous system by correcting misalignments in the spine, thereby allowing the nervous system to function at its best. The benefits of chiropractic with the flu were first noted during the flu epidemic of 1917 and 1918. It was found that patients receiving chiropractic care had a much lower death rate (about 2.5% versus 5% in patients not receiving chiropractic care). These numbers reflect what chiropractors understand about the connection of the nervous system and the immune system. Research has shown that chiropractic has valuable effects on white blood cells and other immune system processes. A strong immune system is better able to help protect us from the flu and will help us to recover more quickly when we do become ill. Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine also offer effective ways of boosting the immune system and managing the flu. When the sterile acupuncture needles are used to pierce the skin the body triggers an immune response as a protective measure. According to Loran Dowling, a licensed acupuncturist at Bayview Acupuncture in Milwaukee, Wisconsin, “Recent research shows that acupuncture may help regulate the human immune system and promote the activities of humoral and cellular immunity as well as NK (Natural Killer) cell activity.” He notes, “There are specific acupuncture treatments for influenza; however, the last thing most people want when they are sick is someone sticking needles in their arms and legs. Therefore, several herbal for24

mulas are available that effectively reduce influenza symptoms, or if taken early enough, can stop symptoms all together.” Many people are already familiar with the use of echinacea to help support the immune system. Rebecca Scott, a certified nutritional consultant and owner of Innate Healing Center, advises to use echinacea along with goldenseal at the first sign of illness. She instructs her patients to put a dropper full worth of echinacea and goldenseal extract in their mouth and hold it there for five to ten minutes, repeating once an hour for three to four hours. When her patients are already suffering from symptoms she recommends that they support the body’s innate healing ability by not suppressing the fever with medication. She states, “A fever is the body’s way of heating it to kill the virus. When you take synthetic remedies to suppress the body’s functions, you prolong the life of the virus. Instead of reaching for the fever reducers, take steps to accelerate what the body is doing. Instead, take a hot bath with the following herbs: ginger, dried mustard, yarrow (available in capsules that you will have to pull part and sprinkle out the contents). Soak in the bath for 15 – 20 minutes.” As for Rachel, after educating her about her options for dealing with the flu she has scheduled an appointment with her chiropractor and an acupuncturist. She is planning to speak with her midwife at her next prenatal appointment to determine what herbs are safe for her and her baby. To find alternative healthcare providers in your area visit the following websites: Chiropractors: (American Chiropractic Association), (International Chiropractic Pediatrics Association), Acupuncturists: (American Association of Acupuncture & Oriental Medicine). ~ Cristina Ramirez is a chiropractor who practices in Milwaukee, Wisconsin. She graduated from the University of MinnesotaTwin Cities with a Bachelor of Science degree in kinesiology and received her doctor of chiropractic degree from Northwestern Health Sciences University. She enjoys treating patients of all ages, especially pregnant women, babies, and children. She lives in Milwaukee with her husband and two sons.

green living

Live Green and Save By H. Lovelyn Bettison With the economy in a downturn people are looking for ways to save money. Tightening your belt doesn’t require you to sacrifice living green. In fact, living a green lifestyle could save you money. Here are some simple tips on how to live green and save. Unplug it If you’re not using it, unplug it. That little green light next to the power button on your television is using energy. If your cell phone charger is still plugged in when not in use, it’s sucking up electricity. Unplugging unused appliances will decrease the size of your carbon footprint and save you about $100 a year in electricity costs. Try plugging your television and DVD player into power strips that are easily accessible. When you’re done using them just flip the switch to cut off the power. Replace it As your incandescent light bulbs burn out replace them with compact fluorescent light bulbs (CFL’s). CFL’s cost more than incandescent bulbs upfront, but they last longer and use less electricity. One CFL can save you an average of $30 in its lifetime. Remember to recycle your CFL bulbs when they finally do burn out. Wrap it up Your hot water heater works hard to supply you with all the hot water you need. Help it out by wrapping it in an insulated hot water heater blanket. You can buy one for about $10. It’ll be worth the money because it’ll save 9% off your annual water heating costs. Buy it in bulk Buying in bulk cuts down on the amount of packaging you throw away and saves you money. If you’re single, get a group

of friends who are willing to buy in bulk together. Split the groceries and the costs. Bottle it yourself Most plastic bottles used for bottled water never make it to the recycling bin. Cut down on the use of plastics and save money by buying a water filter and a reusable water bottle. Fill up before you leave home, and you’re good to go. No more paying $1 every time you need a drink. Fix it The leaky faucet in the bathroom that keeps you up at night could be wasting up to 74 gallons of water a day. That toilet that won’t stop running uses up to 200 gallons a day. Most times you can fix these things yourself. Doing so will not just stop the wasting of a precious resource, but will save you money on your water bill. Make it yourself Making your own cleaning supplies is cheap, good for the environment, and good for your health. You only need a few simple ingredients--white vinegar, lemon juice, baking soda, castile soap and essential oils. There are simple recipes all over the web. You’ll be shocked by how well they work. Adjust it Adjusting your thermostat a few degrees lower in the winter and a few degrees higher in the summer won’t make a big difference in your comfort level but will make a difference in your energy costs. If you have a thermostat with a timer, adjust it to turn off your climate control system when no one is home. Borrow it When’s the last time you went to your local public library? Borrowing books from the library is free and cuts down on paper production. Check out your local library, you might be surprised at how much they have to offer. Bike it or Hike it Ride your bike or walk when you have to run short errands. It’ll save money on gas and make you healthier. Taking public transportation or carpooling also helps you cut costs. ~ 25


In 1993, I signed up for a financial stress reduction workshop. Our group of ten met with the facilitator weekly, covering topics such as: the need to change our money habits, studying our personal financial history, and examining budgets and cash flow. Other subjects were: managing time and money, creating goals, and using affirmations. I realized that most of this information, other than affirmations, was standard left brain thinking. And although it had proven valid for many people, I wanted to improve my financial situation in a more creative way. The one thing that was different was the need for affirmations to achieve goals. In 1997, a close friend confided the need to increase her income. Within a week, another friend told me the same thing. We decided to form a Master Mind group using the principals of author Napoleon Hill. He believed that group energy was much stronger than individual energy. The three of us working on prosperity issues would increase the energy many more times than three. At our first meeting we chose a mission statement, “Our goal is to increase our abundance so that we can meet our needs and help others.” We agreed to hold meetings lasting two hours in length. Each of us would have twenty minutes to explain the problems preventing achievement of our individual goals. We’d examine the root causes of the problem together and develop a vision of the future we hoped to create. Each of us was to talk without interruption for twenty minutes, while the other two made notes of the first things that entered into their minds. After the first hour, when all three of us had spoken, we shared our comments with each other and created goals for each person to work on during the upcoming week. 26

One woman was very intuitive, almost psychic. She had been working in an all-male environment engineering and designing the inside of jet cockpits. Her intuition was buried in the mundane, left brain world. She felt burned out and wanted a change. The second woman hoped to quit her job and find something less stressful. But most important, she wanted a place to live in the Los Angeles area more in keeping with her peaceful spirit. I was trying to find a way to leave the apartment management business and start writing, although I had no idea what to write. As the weeks passed, we refined the process. We added an opening prayer to ask for divine guidance. We created personal affirmations to use and committed to using them 60 times a day. We also came up with visualizations, imagining what it would be like when we had created our individual goals. After a month, we started our meetings with “old business,” sharing with the group the success of our affirmations and visualizations. Most of us found it difficult to fit in 60 affirmations a day and had to work on being consistent with this. Then we moved to “new business,” reviewing problems that still prevented us from achieving abundance. One woman’s goal was achieved almost instantly. She’d been looking all over Los Angeles for housing but couldn’t find anything she liked or could afford. She agreed to take the assignment we gave her of creating a list of all the specific things she wanted in a home and to read the list each morning and night, visualizing herself in this home, surrounded by those items. The next week in class she read us the list. “I’d like to live in a guest house,” she said, “located in nature, surrounded with trees and flowers, in a quiet and private environment. I’d like hardwood floors, a high-beam ceiling, and a kitchen looking out into a garden. I see one bedroom and one bath. And I want to pay only ___ dollars.” (The sum was minimal.) We suggested that she add even more specific items. “Is there anything else you want?” I asked. “Yes,” she replied. “I’d like to have a little fireplace.” She added the words “little fireplace” to her list. Within a week she called us, brimming with enthusiasm. “You won’t believe what happened,” she said. “I found a living space with everything on my list, in exactly my price range. I’ll be moving in a

month, but the place is vacant and I’ve got the key. When can you both come see it?” My friend and I drove past downtown to the beautiful Mt. Washington hills and onto a residential street that ended in a wooded area. We parked in front of a lovely rustic home and followed the instructions to walk around to the back guesthouse. I noticed how quiet it was. The guesthouse was of Spanish design. Facing a rose garden and trees, the house felt cool and tranquil. Inside my friend greeted us, her list in hand. “Look,” she said. “It’s all here. Hardwood floors, check. Beams in the living room ceiling, check. One bedroom and one bath, and a view of the garden from the kitchen, check.” She pointed to the wall behind her. “And check this out. Over there,” she gestured. “A little fireplace!” Situated in the center of the wall, about eye-level, the fireplace was approximately 16 inches wide and 12 inches deep. This little fireplace had perhaps been a barbeque on a freestanding wall. The house owners had apparently built the guesthouse around that unique feature. “Wow, that couldn’t be much smaller,” my friend commented. Then we all started to laugh. “You wrote down that you wanted a ‘little fireplace,’” I said. “You were specific and that’s exactly what you got.” Within two months, the other woman in the prosperity group became seriously ill. We spent 18 months focused solely on her healing. I put the writing project on the back burner for the time being. In 2002 I formed another prosperity group, making the commitment to meet once a week and follow the procedures outlined in the original group. We all chose affirmations with a date in them. It started out, “By this time (date), I will have __________.” I began attending writing classes at UCLA and found my life shifting dramatically. Suddenly my apartment-managing job ended after 22 years and money appeared from an unexpected source. I was able to focus full-time on a book project, and finally, after nearly five years, my memoir of my singing career in the Sixties, Vinyl Highway, was released in 2007.

The subconscious brain is like a huge computer. It believes anything and everything the conscious brain tells it and is incapable of reasoning. We are constantly programming the subconscious brain by our thoughts and beliefs, and the subconscious brain acts on those thoughts by remembering the repeated thoughts as habits. When habits get programmed in the subconscious by constant repetition, they become logged there and start repeating themselves automatically. To change our thoughts so that we program the brain in more positive, efficient ways, we have to be aware of what we are thinking and whether it is positive or negative. The problem with negative thoughts is that negative thinking immediately blocks off the flow of abundance and prosperity. To remove money worries, we can say, “The universe is limitless and abundant. It sends prosperity to all who think and visualize in positive ways. I give thanks for everything I have, and know I will soon receive what I am creating now.” We are creating our futures every moment of the day by our positive or negative thoughts. There is no “someone else” out there to blame for our problems. The only way to change our lives is to change our thinking. I read where it takes at least a month of constant reconditioning through affirmations and visualizations for the brain to create new “grooves”. The groove grows deeper with each thought repetition. The subconscious remembers emotions that accompany the repetition. If you are affirming a wonderful event you want to take place in your life, imagine you have already received it. Visualize what that would feel like and let the happy emotions accompany the picture you are creating. There is one final thing we have to do and that is TAKE ACTION. We have to work towards our goals in a conscious way each day. We may not know exactly what to do next, but if we just do something to achieve our immediate goals, it will move us forward towards creating our dreams. Dee Dee Phelps is currently performing with the singing duo Dick and Dee Dee and is the author of Vinyl Highway, Singing as Dick and Dee Dee. You can read an excerpt of the book on the author’s website,


Boost Energy To Help Sell Your Home By Rhonda Halfon

Have you ever walked into a room and felt uplifted? Or uneasy? Tuning into these so-called good or bad vibrations can serve as important tools in the sale or purchase of a home. According to practitioners of Feng Shui (pronounced "fung shway"), our response to our physical environment illustrates our innate attunement to the flow of invisible energy known as “chi”. Because we are each distinctly different human beings comprised of unique molecular compositions, some people will naturally be attuned to this more quickly than others. In today’s competitive real estate market, it is highly recommended for sellers to maximize the impact of their home by creating a great first and lasting impression. Over the years, the professional practices of Feng Shui and Home Staging have emerged as viable tools of the real estate trade. The focus of these practices, as applied to real estate, is to build a strategy to improve the flow of positive “chi” within your home and maximize its potential for sale. And the results are hardly hot air. Employing these practices attracts buyers willing to pay a higher price and shortens the length of time a house is on the market. The ancient art of Feng Shui (literally, “wind-water”) originated in China some 3,000-3,500 years ago. More than just an art, feng shui is indeed a serious science rooted in astronomy and geography and is designed to help

improve one’s life by realigning chi, or energy, to bring harmony and balance to an environment. This carefully crafted practice begins with the study of a home’s five natural primary elements: Water, Fire, Wood, Metal, Earth and its relationship to all things within a given environment, including its occupants. Each of the feng shui areas, or directions, has corresponding feng shui elements, feng shui colors, and life areas associated with it such as career, health, family, spiritual growth, etc. Getting a bit fuzzy yet? Considering that sellers are focused on selling their homes, not making it the perfect living quarters for future buyers, this in depth ancient study would not necessarily be the first choice for the basic goal of selling a home. Western Feng Shui practitioners as well as many Home Stagers have adapted Feng Shui to simply mean the art of placement to promote harmony within and outside the home. This practice deals with the rearranging of objects such as furniture, lighting and accessories relative to colors, textures, shapes, etc., in order to produce a positive energy flow and harmonious balance. The techniques are then applied to the goal of selling a home. No science degrees are required. The role of the staging company is literally to “set the stage” for the home to sell quickly. This is done by enhancing its best features and downplaying its less desirable ones through the strategic placement of furniture, accessories, paint and other color accents, and depersonalizing and de-cluttering the space. Professional stagers brilliantly transform empty, bland or cluttered homes into inviting, attractive products for sale in which buyers can see themselves living. While some are more attuned to feng shui techniques than others, the ultimate commitment of the stager is to make the home as inviting as possible to potential buyers. Here are a few basic tips used by both Feng Shui Consultants and Professional Stagers alike: 1. Examine the Function of the rooms. Check for harmony or confusion between the function of the space and the outcome. The function of the room should be clear and not overpowered by frivolous accessories, etc. Stick to the reliable design adage, “form follows function”.


2. Enhance Front Entrance. Make sure there is a clear inviting path to and from your front entrance. The front door is the feng shui mouth of “chi” - the entrance of energy. So a great entry leads to great energy. You are welcoming someone significant into your future. Add a prominent welcome mat and, if possible, place plants on either side of the entry door. 3. Create space. Depersonalize. De-clutter. Apply this to the entire home. Remove photos, awards, bills, papers, magazines, etc. to create space and allow positive energy to flow freely. Remove artwork with negative themes. Avoid displaying anything that may serve as a distraction to a buyer. The buyers must be able to immediately envision themselves and their belongings in a space that they can conceive as their home. It is best not to get in the way. 4. Relocate Furniture from direct paths of entrances/ exits of a room. Blocked entrances/exits will block energy. 5. Create a Room of “Impression”. This is the room that makes the greatest and lasting impression on the buyer. Be clear on what it is and then develop it. Remember, lasting impressions create interested buyers. 6. Engage the Senses. This could be a combination of warm colors, fragrant essential oils for the bathroom, Zen-like trickling water elements, soft accent lights, etc. Nothing harsh – continue to aim for balance throughout. 7. Close Bathroom Doors by Entry Way... If the bathroom is close to the front door, close the bathroom door and the lid on the toilet. Toilets and drains cause energy to go down the drain. 8. Soften Sharp Edges. Soften sharp corners on walls that jut out by draping plants or apply lighting to fill in corners. As home buyers have become more savvy about what they want, implementing proven techniques to sell a home is increasingly important. When you take the time to build a welcoming environment, it is most likely to find a lasting place in the heart of a new homebuyer. ~ Rhonda Halfon is a professional Realtor® affiliated with Keller Williams Realty/Westside Los Angeles.;

Beyond the Healing Grid By Alice Landry

Reiki. Crystals. Angel Guidance. Meditation. Space clearing. Chakra balancing. Power animals. All of these modalities and more have one thing in common: they base healing on mental, emotional, physical, and spiritual involvement. Holistic therapies have meandered their way into the common vernacular as well as mainstream healthcare systems. Those who are on a path to wellness or a journey of the soul have experimented with the grab-bag of mind/body/spirit therapies out there and are patiently asking, “What next?” Even traditional therapies, such as psychotherapy or counseling, have strongly emphasized the need to explore your roots and the past to ascertain how you’ve grown into the person you are today. Personal habits and ingrained familial patterns have influenced your thoughts, feelings, actions, and ability to evolve. Healing alternative therapies do offer an “outside of the box” perspective to make it easier to work on life areas that may not always be inviting. These techniques can shift subtle energies to help you release the past and start fresh with a renewed sense of control and connection. By discovering triggers from your past and learning how to replace self-destructive responses with conscious, healthy choices, you get a taste of empowerment and actual growth and development can occur. But what happens when integrative therapies have reached their threshold, and your sense of purpose has lapsed? You’ve spent hundreds of dollars on Reiki sessions, have crystals hanging in every corner of your house, and have a medicine cabinet full of aromatherapy vials. Yet, you’re still not at your ideal weight, you curse the guy who cuts you off driving, and your financial situation is spiraling out of control. Who’s going to save you now? You know the answer. The power is within YOU and always has been. You are your own connection to Source. You create the world around you. You are responsible for your actions and reactions. No matter where you are in life or what situation you are in, there is always room for improvement. Traditional and alternative therapies are helpful indeed as they assist you in identifying and releasing negative emotions. However, dwelling on the past and how awful it was will not help you attract healthier and more deserving situations.

Ruminating from a “victim consciousness” will only attract scenarios where you feel weakened and powerless. You cannot draw into your life higher frequency experiences from a lower energy consciousness. The solution and real progress occur when your raise your vibration and choose to live your life consciously. Being aware moment by moment of the thoughts you’re thinking, the feelings you’re feeling, and the actions you’re taking will keep you in the here and now and force you to examine the cascade of choices that ultimately create your reality. Here are some tips to help you get started on your personal development journey: • To start living consciously, live with a conscience. Do the right thing and feel good about yourself that you’re living in alignment with truth, honesty, and integrity. • Rewrite your soul’s contract. Create a list of intentions that reflects what now serves your purpose and release anything that you no longer wish to put energy towards. Connect with the power that’s already inside to consciously work your magic. • Love yourself enough to command respect and reinforce boundaries as needed. I’ve always said it can be a full-time job just taking care of yourself. Do what is necessary to build up your strength and independence from a place of love and spread that love out to the world. • Continue to evolve. Learn something new every day and teach something of value to others. We’re here to learn and grow in this universe/university. Honor your emotions and experiences and find the ones that resonate with your mind, body, heart, and soul. Conscious and insightful living takes time and effort, but with a readiness and willingness for personal development, baby steps can mean big changes. Little insights every day can have so much meaning and help you re-discover your purpose. Stop waiting for the universe to deliver that fulfilling career or the mate that stirs your soul. Start working on the one thing that you can control— you. ~ Alice Landry is a registered nurse with certifications in Reiki energy healing, Angel Therapy(R), Transformation Meditation(R) and medical intuition. Currently a stay-at-home mom, she combines her background in holistic nursing with her thirst for conscious evolution to educate others and assist them on their journeys to personal growth and development.


travel The Road to Badrinath By Todd Williams

15 years ago I thought I’d go to India. I was in the middle of dancing a season at the New York City Ballet when I broke my wrist executing a foolhardy move in an impromptu rehearsal. With some time off I began to dream of travel and fulfilling a desire to see the land of Yogis, Saints, and Masters. But fate would have it otherwise and I was not to go to India until the Summer of 2008. It was the fulfillment of a long-held desire to walk in the footsteps of the Great Ones and to behold this ancient land with my own eyes. My first destination in India was Dwarahat in the Himalayan foothills, where I stayed in an ashram associated with my spiritual tradition. I spent nearly a week in silence and personal retreat. It was wonderful. While there, the monk in charge sug-

gested I go to Badrinath as part of my pilgrimage. Badrinath is the most important of the four sites in India’s Char Dham pilgrimage and was established by Adi Shankara in the ninth century. It is a place of awesome beauty high in the Himalayan mountain range. I intuitively felt that I must visit this place and decided to go at once. Setting out from the Ashram I felt like a little bird leaving the safety of the nest for the first time, but also felt the Divine Presence would guide my every step. I left early and hopeful at 4:30 AM from the Ashram gates walking briskly to the center of town. The joyful sound of early morning chanting from a nearby temple was already in progress. I hoped to catch an early bus that would take me all the way to Badrinath non-stop. Eager to make the journey, I arrived at the center of town and asked a man standing nearby if he was also waiting for the 5 o’clock bus to Badrinath. He said, “Yes, must be delayed, but I am going to Dehradun.” Still unsure of myself I continued to wait. An hour and a half later I began to think of other options. After noticing several people getting into jeeps that abruptly

pulled into the town square, I made some inquiries and was told to get in a jeep that would take me to the next town where I could catch a different bus. In I jumped and at least 20 other people followed! And no sooner did we pull out than I saw a big bus lumbering into town on the opposite side of the road - the bus I had waited for. Oh well. There was no way to get out of the jeep and turn back - I was committed. “Hello! What are you doing here?” a friendly Indian man asked me from the back of the jeep. I told him I was going to Badrinath and he said, “Oh, you are a very blessed person. You can reach it easily.” With a few encouraging words I felt my hope renewed. Along the way the jeep stopped every quarter mile to let villagers drop off vegetables, mail and other necessities. The “share jeep” seemed both a lifeline and trade route for the local population. At the next stop I was told our bus would arrive at 8:30. Another hour and a half to practice patience! Some local men invited me to sit down and drink chai. We talked of the famous Valley of the Flowers and other exotic locations in the Himalayas. I was moved by the sincerity and genuine interest in my travels and me. They seemed happy to hear of my efforts to visit the holy places in India revered by Hindus. I felt honored when they generously paid for my chai even when I insisted otherwise. The bus arrived and inside were two young Hindu girls who looked at me with curiosity. I sat down, waiting for the bus to drive off. The girls asked, “Do you speak Hindi? Are you with a tour group or other people? We are going to Badrinath too.” They seemed surprised I was traveling alone and made it their mission to look out for me for the rest of the journey. The bus took off and slowly wound its way around the mountain passages from one village to the next. Up and up we climbed to the next peak and then descended into the valley below, each valley more green and beautiful than the last. Amazed to see the trees change from one region to the next, and the mysterious peaks more shrouded in mist, I was equally terrified to see how close the bus came to the edge of the cliff! Miraculously, the rickety old bus rounded the precarious roads with ease. The bus driver would turn on the radio from time to time playing music that sounded as if someone was cranking Indian vocals from an old Victrola. It was both amusing and exhilarating as it gave the passing scenes a soundtrack of authenticity. After eight hours of bumpy, winding, twisting roads, another bus change, and a meal of extremely spicy Indian food, I reached the town of Joshimath. I was close to my goal but needed to slow down and rest for the evening. I stayed the night enjoying the scenic beauty and setting my body free from all the jolts and jitters of the journey. Feeling refreshed the next morning I hired a local taxi to take me the remaining two hours to Badrinath. I couldn’t imagine more majestic scenery, nor was I prepared for dangerous road conditions. Landslides were always a potential, as well as falling rocks and flooding, but magically the way remained clear. There was one spot where a landslide had occurred hours earlier and had just been cleared when we passed. I felt the Divine hand smoothing and guiding the way.

Arriving high in the hills of holy Badrinath, the Temple suddenly loomed into view. Its fantastic colors were overwhelming. Hundreds of Hindu pilgrims thronged the entrance. I bought some Tulsi leaves and rock candy—traditional offerings symbolizing devotion to God—and joined their numbers. Fortunately, the temple was just opening when I arrived. Standing amongst the crowd, we pushed our way through the narrow doors as the temple bells rang out. Excited by the shouting of praise to God and the chaotic movements of the crowd, I made my way to the altar to make my offering. I had but a moment to see the idol before one of the temple priests pushed me out! They keep the crowds moving and allow only a glimpse of the inner sanctum. Dazed but exhilarated I walked around the temple grounds and watched the pilgrims taking dips in the holy river below the temple. Strangely, I felt purified being in this beautiful, mysterious place. On a deeper level, I intuitively felt the blessings of visiting here where so many devotees of God have come. Though my preference is for quiet places of serene beauty, I was also able to appreciate the focused intensity of the pilgrimage end point. The heightened energy of the crowd uplifted me and made me feel more connected to humanity. Travel can be a great teacher, opening opportunities for growth. India itself taught me calmness in the face of uncertainty, and opened a deeper relationship with the Divine. The ease and friendliness of the people showed me how material prosperity has little to do with happiness. The devotional intensity inspired me to go deeper in my own spiritual pursuit. I realized anew how the Divine Presence could guide and give an underlying security in all experiences, and this inner calm has pervaded all my travels since. I know this calmness will stay with me and that India will continue to inspire me in the years to come. Todd Williams is a dancer, choreographer, teacher and body-worker who travels worldwide for his work in Dance and the Healing Arts. He currently resides in Salzburg, Austria.


food Pick Your Fruit Color, Choose Your Health Benefit By: Andrea Crisp

We all know eating fruit is a good idea. They’re a crucial part of a well-balanced diet, and come in a cornucopia of tastes, textures and colors. When it comes to their fruit of choice, most people leave everything up to their taste buds. However, studies have found that color plays a large role in the health advantages you can reap. From cancer fighting agents to younger looking skin, choosing your health benefit can be as easy as picking your fruit color. Red for Younger Looking Skin: Red fruit contains phytochemicals that fight the damage caused by free radicals. A phytochemical called Lycopene, commonly found in red fruit, reduces the effects of sun damage on the skin. Good choices: Guava, Cranberries, Watermelon, Pink Grapefruit, Cherries, Apples, Strawberries. Orange for Your Eyes: Orange fruit is a great source of Vitamin A, sometimes referred to as the “vision vitamin.” Eating orange fruit can help defend against eye macular degeneration, which comes with age. Good choices: Oranges, Apricots, Cantaloupe, Squash, Nectarines. Blue/Purple for Your Heart: Blue and purple colored fruit are a great source of the antioxidant anthocyanin. Anthocyanins help

support heart health and blood pressure. They may also help reduce the risk of heart disease by preventing blood clots. Good choices: Blackberries, Plums, Prunes, Pomegranates, Blueberries. Green for Reducing Cancer Risk: Many fruits provide a good shield against cancer risk, but it’s the greenhued kind that delivers a powerpacked nutrient cocktail of chlorophyll, fiber, lutein, folate, vitamin C and calcium. Chlorophyll, the plant pigment responsible for giving green fruit their color, stimulates enzymes in the liver that assist the body in removing carcinogenic compounds. Good choices: Green Pears, Green Apples, Green Grapes, Kiwis, Honeydew. No Color for Your Immune System: Yes, fruit does come in white! This variety contains beta-glucans, SDG, EGCG, and lignans, all nutrients that boost the immune system. Good choices: Bananas, Brown Pears, White Nectarines, White Peaches, Dates. So the next time you’re in the produce aisle, instead of grabbing the usual bunch of bananas or pound of grapes, you may want to fill your bag with a fruitful variety. They’ll add color to your plate and extra points for your health! Andrea Crisp lives and writes out of her Aurora, Illinois home. Her work has been featured in such publications as Animal Wellness Magazine and You Grow Girl Magazine.

Consciousness: The Ultimate Digestive Aid By Vaishali

Deepak Chopra said it best when he stated that the body is constantly eavesdropping in on what we think about it, and what we are giving our attention to. This only makes sense, since our awareness existed long before we inherited this physical packaging from our parents, and it will exist long after we have outgrown a need for it. Our bodies are inherently neutral. The charge that our consciousness holds, that direction of intention and perspective, will ultimately determine how our bodies respond to every stimulus we encounter, both internally and externally. All of the internal organs of the body are designed to digest the emotional food of our lives, in the same way that they digest the physical food of our lives. The liver is neutral to traffic, taxes, in-laws and cellulite; but our mind and our thought process, however, are not. Once we focus our awareness on the caustic and abrasive nature of what we label mildly irritating to downright uncontrollably offensive, the emotions of anger, frustration, and rage will move through the nervous system and through the digestive tract. Once this particular emotional food reaches the liver, the liver’s job is to break it down, pull from it what we need, and move the rest out for the identifiable waste that it is. This is ac-

complished much in the same way that the liver produces bile, stored in the gall bladder, for release in breaking down and digesting lipids and fats. How does the liver know we have swallowed a mouthful of anger? It knows, because like the rest of our body, it is listening to our consciousness. It is following the charge created in the mind. There is no separation between consciousness and the emotional and physical processes of our lives. With this in mind, a science was developed to successfully balance the execution of our everyday lives. It is called Ayurveda, which literally translates to “the science of everyday life.� And this is why Ayurveda emphasizes establishing routine in our everyday life: to carry out healthy habits with a focus of attention that is most serving to us, without distraction from what keeps us balanced, happy and self-realizing. In the thousands of years the wisdom of Ayurveda has been on the planet, the distractions may have changed, but the message remains the same. Training the focus of our awareness and flow of consciousness is the entire purpose behind meditation. However the support of this attention discipline should not be limited to our quiet time practice. The benefit of the Ayurvedic routine is that it transforms our everyday life flow into a training ground of refining the movement of consciousness and intention setting. Due to the pervasive nature of our thoughts, Ayurveda suggests a routine of focusing on how grateful we are for our food and how we give our bodies permission to be deeply nourished, strengthened and healed by what we consume.


That mindset, the intention that the body is eavesdropping in on, is sustained in every step of that relationship: from the trip to the store where you first see and touch your food, through the preparation process of cleaning, chopping and cooking the food. According to Ayurveda the first step of digestion happens not in the mouth, but when you first see and touch your food, even if it is just looking at a picture of it in a menu or visualizing it. That is why Homer Simpson salivates the minute he thinks about donuts…ummm donuts. In our modern culinary world of freezer to microwave cuisine, we frequently skip this step of pre-programming the body to our highest intention. For most of us the thought of even remotely considering gratitude comes in a flash, just before we devour our food, and is usually distracted by our fixation on the food itself. No wonder we feel no emotional or physiological satisfaction from what we eat. We have not routinely trained the body to expect and to receive that “quality” of food. Listening to music that inspires and lifts our Spirit while we prepare our meal is a nice routine helper. It supports us in maintaining awareness that whatever we give our attention to while organizing and eating our meal is what we will energetically be consuming with our meal. Avoid watching 24-hour news channels or other related programs that focus on fear-based messages and distract you from feeling safe and nurtured in the present moment. Raising our digestive fire before eating can be very important and essential in giving our body the boost it needs to extract what is 38

most life sustaining from our food. Ayurveda suggests lighting a candle when you are preparing and enjoying your food. When our attention goes out to lighting and watching the fire on the candle, that action triggers the enhancement of our inner digestive fire or agni. Once again, what we are doing with our attention is the magic and power in our lives. Lighting a candle is a simple and lovely way to bring your focus back to the present moment and the action at hand. It is illuminating and warming. Fire is naturally hypnotic as well. That is why we easily find ourselves gazing into a fire whether it is on our stovetop or in the living room fireplace. Consciousness is eternal. We bring it with us when we come to the Earth, and as a parting gift from Prime Source, we take it with us when we leave. The purpose of life in a body on the Earth is to practice and realize right relationship with consciousness. It is a practice that never goes out of style. It is a relationship that we never outgrow. And, there is no time like the present to make your mind your friend. Your physical and emotional bodies will thank you for it. 7 Simple Tips to Improving Digestion Our digestive system is the cornerstone of all the body’s health and strength - emotional, mental, as well as physical. These are simple Ayurvedic tips to optimize your digestive system.


Do not eat if you do no feel hungry. Feeling hungry is your body’s way of letting you know that the digestive system is primed and ready to work. Eating when you are not

hungry, out of boredom or habit, stresses the 6 Do not consume cold food or beveragdigestive system to start working before it is es. Your stomach is like a pot on the stove. You ready to do so. want it to be hot so it can cook and properly 2 Your digestive fire is similar to any kind break down the food. Consuming something of fire. Kindling and stoking it brings the cold stresses the digestive system to energetiflame higher. The higher the flame the more cally bring up the heat. efficient the process. Have a glass of wine with 7 The digestive system loves soups and your meal. Alcohol is extremely fire proving, stews. When you mix foods and cook them it is like pouring gas on the fire. Another together on your stovetop, it allows the foods way is to cut raw ginger root into thin slices, to work out their chi or energy differences. squeeze some lime juice and dust lightly with It is better to work out that energy battle on sea salt. Eat this 10 to 15 minutes before the your stovetop than in your body. meal. ~ 3 Cup your two hands together. That unit of measure correlates to the size of your stomach, and how much you should be ingesting at any meal. Optimally we should be filling the stomach as follows: one third n is food, one third is liquid and the othdo ar & Join VAISHALI e h h 5 Day Retreats er third is space. This gives the stomach As ‘Oprriaendos’. i F d ra How To Make Your room for mixing and churning. Mind Your Friend: “The Fine Art Of Creating 4 Wait two and one-half hours beA Life Worth Living” tween meals and snacking. Your digestive Mellen-Thomas Benedict June 7-12th 2009 tract needs about two and one-half hours The Kripalu Institute to complete a digestive cycle after eating. August 30th-4th 2009 The Omega Institute Consuming foods faster than that stresses You Are What You Love® the digestive system to begin another cycle before it is ready. VAISHALI Radio 5 Poor food combining causes toxins Fridays to build up in the digestive tract. For exContact Radio 1PM PST/4PM EST Wisdom Rising by Vaishali ample, fruits are mostly water and should Vaishali’s brilliant articles and short not be mixed with dairy, grains, meat or trademark Sundays stories. Whether Vaishali “out of the 11AM PST/2PM EST is talking about the vegetables. Fruits like strawberries and box” sense Nature of God or simply KTLK live in the greater of humor Los Angeles Area poking fun at our own and wild cultural insecurities and melons are “eat it alone or leave it alone” woman streaming.html hypocrisies, her wisdom perspective runs rampant is serviced up like M&M fruits. There are more rules for healthy Vaishali’s throughout the book in candies, in small pieces Listening Lounge a delightful, sweet and that you can savor, enjoy food combining too numerous to list satisfying collection of and hold in your hand. here. for more information: for her

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review BOOK REVIEW By Sasha Faynor

A New Earth: Awakening to Your Life’s Purpose By Eckhart Tolle

If you’ve ever asked yourself, “Who am I?” or “Why am I unhappy?” author and spiritual teacher Eckhart Tolle’s A New Earth: Awakening to Your Life’s Purpose will answer those questions. Tolle’s The Power of Now was an international best seller, and A New Earth is an Oprah Book Club selection. Realizing that you are neither your mind (the voice in your head that compulsively thinks) nor your ego is the first step in letting go of your attachment to your ego and your unhappiness, Tolle proclaims. He defines awakening and joy as shifting from thinking to awareness, from doing to being. According to Tolle, our egos are our undoing. He defines ego as identification with form,

mainly thoughts. He explains that ego keeps humans dysfunctional and destructive because it prevents humans from connecting with their spirits, each other, nature, and “the Source of all life out of which it came.” “Pain-body,” is the term Tolle uses to describe the accumulation of emotional pain that humans carry around and end up recreating, because “pain-bodies” strengthen their respective egos. Ego craves identity via the familiarity of past experience and clings to their “pain bodies.” Ego also identifies with possessions, images, and concepts such as status. Ego always needs more to satisfy it. However, it is never satisfied for very long, because it relies on thought and emotion to define it, and this causes unhappiness as thoughts and emotions are fleeting. Therefore, ego constantly fights for its own survival and constantly needs to strengthen itself by complaining, resenting, reacting, needing to be right, needing others to be wrong, needing to feel superior, and fighting. According to A New Earth, letting go of ego releases one’s spirit, and the book tells you how to let go. Nonreaction is one tool. Not taking things personally, recognizing that others’ actions arise from their own egos, not their true selves, (their spirits), allows you to break free of your own ego. Another tool is shifting your focus from your outer body to your inner body. Focusing on one body part at a time and becoming aware of the life beneath the surface of your own body helps you become aware of your own energy by allowing you to dis-identify from your mind. Tolle teaches that becoming aware of your breathing is one of the simplest ways to engage in the present moment, let go of ego, and stop identifying with incessant thinking. Becoming completely engaged in the present moment, becoming “present,” is Tolle’s antidote to becoming free of your “pain body,” ending your suffering, and awakening your spirit. Once you have awakened, consciousness flows through you, unhappiness disappears, and you are able to experience one of three states: acceptance, enthusiasm, or enjoyment. Having said all that, concise this book is not. It does offer tremendous insight into how we humans, by living in our heads, have been able to disconnect from our spirits and perpetuate destruction and misery. It also offers simple tools such as breathing, becoming fully engaged in each moment, and body awareness, to become more present and more conscious. But had the tools been written up as step-by-step exercises, the concepts in this book would be more accessible. ~ 41


Photo: Scenographia systematis mvndani Ptolemaici From Andreas Cellarius Harmonia Macrocosmica, 1660/61. Chart showing signs of the zodiac and the solar system with world at centre.

December 22 - January 19 You have succeeded in everything you have taken on in the past. 2009 sees your income increase. Opportunities come into your life like never before. Doors that were closed are now open to you. Your love life takes on a new hue! AQUARIUS January 20 - February 18 You are the luckiest of all the Zodiac signs this year; it’s your time to shine. Your selfconfidence is high. Go after your dreams! Long walks out in the fresh air give added confidence and renew your energy. Cupid’s arrow strikes this Valentine’s Day. PISCES February 19 - March 20 You have been very patient up to now. This is the time to set some goals and work towards them. Although many have questioned your plans, you will find support from unexpected places.

ARIES March 21 - April 19 Your attitude toward responsibility improves and you connect with those who can advance your career. New ideas and inspiration are yours. There is a lot of expansion and growth in your personal life. TAURUS April 20 - May 20 How much do you want to take on this year? Weigh choices carefully before making up your mind. Don’t sacrifice your personal life for a career goal. Remember to keep your health resolutions and exercise regularly to keep fit. GEMINI May 21 - June20 Education and travel are high on your list this year. Your powers of magnetism heat up. A sudden business decision you take proves to be lucky and February heats up your allure in love. CANCER June 21 - July 22 The New Year offers you a chance to pay down debt and create more income from unusual sources. Turn inward to receive guidance. Stars align in a fantastic duo that brings Lady Luck right to your doorstep.



July 23 - August 22

October 23 - November 21

A whole new cycle starts this year, the happiest in many years, in the area of love and romance. Both business and personal partnerships are favored. You crave an image change which puts a new spin on socializing with a younger crowd.

Don’t make any financial moves because you will lose. Control expenses and avoid losses. In your love life, don’t hold back, listen to your heart and take that leap forward. Stick to your day to day routine at work and pay attention to your hunches. A message from the past has you smiling!

VIRGO August 23 - September 22 Complete projects that have dragged on too long as your life moves forward towards a new cycle of research and creativity. Love partners are passionate and receptive, and lucky peopleenter your life, giving new meaning to being in the right place at the right time. LIBRA

SAGITTARIUS November 22 - December 21 This is a great time for you. Many new friends come into your life. Your communication skills are strong and people want to hear what you have to say. Soon you will have a clear picture where your career is headed. A foreigner is lucky for you.

September 23 - October 22 What happens early this year sets the trend for what you can expect for the rest of 2009. Notice people and places. Partnerships, prosperity and mini getaways are highlighted. Pay attention to the written word and don’t let relatives interfere in a family matter. Judy Hevenly, Psychic Astrologer Web site: Tel: 310 820 7280.


When you see late-night talk show hosts sitting behind a desk entertaining an audience, certain words come to mind, like fame, money, and popularity; but “farm” probably isn’t one of them. Yet David Letterman is just one of several celebrities who own or operate farms or ranches in their spare time in their private lives, and also have a deep appreciation for land and nature. Indiana-born David Letterman has owned a 2700-acre ranch in Montana near Choteau and the border of The Rocky Mountain Front since 1999. It’s a location noted for its almost perfect wilderness. “I was persuaded to take a look and I just fell in love with it immediately,” Letterman said in an interview with KRTV weatherman, Fred Pfeiffer. The man who persuaded him to consider Montana as his ranch away from studio was none other than former NBC Nightly News anchor, Tom Brokaw. Letterman made a conscious choice to have his ranch far away from the limelight of other celebrity ranches. One story about ranch life that Letterman has relayed on Late Show with David Letterman involves the 2003 incident where a bear broke into his home while he was asleep. Letterman woke up to find a 300-pound black bear trashing his kitchen while drenched in corn syrup. It actually fell asleep inside the home and stayed there until the talk-show host ran it off with firecrackers. That was only one of three visits to his home by a bear. When he isn’t chasing bears away, he takes his young son Harry on fishing trips to beaver ponds, where they catch grasshoppers and use them for bait. He regrets that he wasn’t raised in a place like his ranch, but says he is grateful that his son is fortunate enough to experience it, even if it is only part-time. His primary home is in New York. Letterman has high praise for the small ranching and farming community of Choteau, in Montana, and says he feels like he is a big part of the people and they are a big part of him. After 911, he told his viewing audience that this small town of 1600 people, who were already suffering from financial hardship brought on by recent droughts, had the heart and selflessness to hold a rally in their high school gym and raise money for New York City.

He isn’t the only celebrity to set up housekeeping in Montana, or “The Last Best Place”, as it’s nicknamed. Media mogul Ted Turner has a ranch there, and so does former anchorman Tom Brokaw, who is one of several partners, including Batman Return’s Michael Keaton, who bought a 640-acre dude ranch in Montana and cultivated it into a private fishing and hunting reserve. Keaton explained the purchase on Letterman’s show: “So we bought it, just really to save it. It’s a really pristine section of the river, and a beautiful section. We just all went together to buy it. It’s really beautiful.” “Every time I come over Wolf Point (in Montana),” Brokaw said in an interview with Outside Magazine, “leading down to our ranch, my heart skips a beat. When you get out there, into the wilderness, you see all around you the long course of time. It puts you in your place, and that’s very useful.”

Other celebrities who have staked a claim in Montana: Jeff Bridges Meg Ryan and Dennis Quaid, before they split Whoopi Goldberg Mel Gibson Kiefer Sutherland Emilio Estevez Joe Montana Christopher Lloyd Huey Lewis

If you head east, you will find Paul Newman living on a farm in Connecticut, and he reportedly takes a quick swim in his lake every morning before going to the studio to work. When he isn’t acting, he drives racecars, makes Newman’s Own salad dressings, and organizes charity camps for children living with cancer. (Ed. Note: Paul Newman passed away on September 26, 2008) Four-time Oscar-nominated actress Marsha Mason, perhaps best known for her role in The Goodbye Girl, has a working, certified organic herb and flower farm in Abiquiu, New Mexico, where she grows and then sells a complete line of Resting in the River herbal medicinal Wellness Sprays, along with body and bath products. NBA star Scottie Pippen owns a farm in Arkansas, his home state, and receives government subsidies, along with criticism from the public and the media. As mentioned earlier, media mogul Ted Turner has land in Montana, and spends from 80 to 100 days a year there, but he also owns rural property in Kansas, Nebraska, South Dakota, South Carolina, New Mexico, and Florida, totaling over 3000 miles, 1.91 million acres, and over $750,000,000 in all, and holds more privately-owned land than anyone in America.

Andie MacDowell

What does one of the richest celebrity farmers in the world do with his ranches? He grows pasture for bison, opens lodges, hosts fishing and hunting expeditions, strives to preserve all of his land in its natural condition, and tries to preserve endangered species like Mexican gray wolves, black-footed ferrets, and certain types of woodpeckers. He is into tourism and timber, and you can’t do either of those without a lot of land. “I don’t want to own every ranch,” he told “I just want to own the ranch next door.” Even former President George W. Bush has a ranch, the Prairie Chapel Ranch, in Crawford, Texas, where he goes to unwind, host international political figures, work out in his gym, and hold meetings. He has an 11-acre fishing pond that he stocks with bass and baitfish. Some of his ranching activities include chopping wood and clearing brush. Of all the “celebrity farmers”, he just may be the most authentic and hands-on of them all. About how he spends time on his ranch, he reports on the White House website,, “Laura


and I have got a tradition of -- we go for a sunrise walk on the first day of the year…and what Laura is doing around the house is trying to restore the country to the native prairie grasses…I’ve got 200 mother cows. And six bulls. That’s a cow camp operation, kind of like a little nursery is the best way to put it… my typical day is I will work from about 7:00 a.m. until 10:00 a.m., and then will come out and we’ll cut cedar or fool around, you know, repair something…And then we’ll eat lunch about 12:30 p.m. And generally make phone calls then or answer mail or do whatever, and then get back out about 4:00 p.m. and fish. I love to fish…it’s part of the fun to be outside working. I really enjoy it. There’s the great outdoors, and you’re supposed to be in it.” As you can see, celebrities often wear many hats. From actors to athletes, most are wealthy enough to afford to buy anything they desire, and find themselves drawn to the land and what it has to offer, tangible and intangible. Some people farm to put food on the table, and others farm for romantic reasons, but one thing is true for both groups: When land calls, it’s hard to resist. Tammy Ruggles is a freelance writer based in Kentucky. Her first book, Peace, was published in 2005.

Photo: © Roger Smith

parting message “ One doesn’t discover new lands without consenting to lose sight of the shore for a very long time.” ~

Andre Gide

Photograph: Zion Narrows, courtesy


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