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Inside Look


Global Consciousness Measuring our Global Brain

Roswell Uncovered Top UFO Researcher Tells All

Queen Mary Myths & Oddities

holistic life meditation 101 reduce your stress

Publisher’s Note Humankind has always been on a quest for truth; it is our responsibility to find it. Inside Look Magazine is dedicated to helping our readers learn to “think outside the box” and expand their view of the world. This issue focuses on activity that is beyond the confines of normal experience: the paranormal. We must move beyond our limiting beliefs about the world and our universe. Each moment poses the opportunity for us to change our perception; take a chance and open up to the endless possibilities! Publishers Michael Williams, Jennifer Smith Executive Editor: Jennifer Smith Staff Editors: Cheryl Snyder, Jackie Aubrey Contributing Writers: Dr. Fred Bell, Thomas J. Carey, Judy Hevenly, Elizabeth Lombardo, Anthony D. Parnell, Catherine Sommerfeld, Jason Michaels Design: Scott Gregory Advertising: 310-909-6773

Inside Look Magazine, Volume 1, Issue 4, is published six times a year - January/February, March/April, May/June, July/August, September/October, November/December - by Creative Media Arts, PO BOX 1306, Pacific Palisades, CA 90272. Inside Look Magazine is $24.99 for six issues, or free at select locations throughout Southern California. © 2009 Creative Media Arts (CMA). All rights reserved. No part of Inside Look Magazine may be reproduced without specific written permission. Inside Look magazine, as a publication of CMA, assumes no responsibility for the opinions of our contributors and is not responsible for unsolicited manuscripts or photos, which must be accompanied by return postage. Publication of the name or photo of any person or organization in Inside Look Magazine should not be construed as an indication of that person’s expressed opinion. Advertisers and their agencies assume responsibility and liability for the content of their advertisement in Inside Look Magazine. Photographers whose work is published in any advertising or editorial content within Inside Look Magazine agrees to indemnify and save harmless the publishers from all liability, loss, and expense due to a photographer’s failure to gain a model release. Title pending at U.S. Patent Office, Washington D.C.


Southern California’s Conscious MAGAZINE VOLUME 1, ISSUE 4 July/August 2009

Contents 4 6 7 8

Inside Look On The Scene Events Global Consciousness Project Measuring Global Consciousness Anthony D. Parnell 5 Simple Steps for Reducing Stress

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Dr. Fred Bell Pausing in the Paranormal

10 Catherine Fatony Sommerfeld Pampering Your Pet Naturally

11 Quick Guide



Meditation 101


11 Judy Hevenly



12 Inside Look Interview

UFO Investigator, Thomas J. Carey

14 Elizabeth Lombardo

Queen Mary: Oddities & Myths

On the Cover BrainPaint Snapshot



Visit for these and more green, holistic, and spiritual articles: Richard Senate House on Appian Way BJ Wall Clearing Your House of Unwanted Spirits Photo Galleries Add to our ever growing photo galleries with your favorites!

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Inside Look Magazine July/August



Inside Look On The Scene Inside Look Magazine Proudly Presents

Mony Vital, Ph.D., author of Ageless Living “You can harness the profound power of energetic balancing. The Vital Balancing program is designed to enhance and raise your life-force and encourage energetic healing that will transform your life regardless of any other healing modalities you have engaged with. Unlike anything you’ve ever experienced before, this quantum mechanics technology is based on Homeopathic and Naturopathic principles.” The Wild Brunch Please join distinguished Honorary Committee members: Pamela Anderson, Chris Backus, Eloise and John Paul DeJoria, Amy Madigan, Michael Madsen, Bill Maher, Axl Rose, Mickey Rourke, Mira Sorvino, and a host of sponsors for CWC’s Ninth Annual Celebration: Sunday, August 16 at Gull’s Way estate, Malibu from Noon – 4 p.m.

Since 1998, California Wildlife Center (CWC), a nonprofit organization, has been dedicated to providing rescue and medical care for over 18,000 sick, injured or orphaned native animals.

Join us for Mony Vital’s free lecture and demonstration on longevity, health, and energy balancing on August 12, 2009 Time: 7:00 pm Where: Aldersgate Retreat & Cultural Center 925 Haverford Ave, Pacific Palisades, California This is a free event and seating is limited. RSVP : Please park on Temescal Cyn

Venice Eco-Fest Thanks to the Venice Eco-Fest for a fabulous event at the Venice Beach Ocean Front Walk in June! If you missed our booth at LA’s biggest free green festival, visit for photos. Highlights included the solar powered sound stage, with a full program of performers, dignitaries, celebrities and environmental speakers including Oscar winning actress Anjelica Huston and Councilman Bill Rosendahl. Bands and performers included The Super Broke Brass and Tin and String Marching Band, The Luminaries, The Backboners, Stefani Valadez Ensemble, Lisa Haley and Zydekats, The Vegan Vixons, Crystal Davis and the Family Love, the Bhajan Band, Ya Harissa Bellydance Theater and The California Dance Institute. Over 150 eco-conscious and educational exhibitors offered everything from original products and services provided by local Venice artists, craftspeople, and businesses to information about what you can do regarding such issues as global warming, habitat destruction, depletion of resources, and toxic pollution of our air, soil and water.

Enjoy: Fine cuisine in our V-Taste of Malibu buffets; specialty bars including Lula Margaritas; refreshments in the Coca-Cola lounge; Wine-tasting from the finest vintners; Silent Auction with unique items in 10 categories; Complimentary Intuitive Readings; our roving Magician David Groves; live music by Wild DJ Ken and Brazilian Jazz duo Elettra Blu; Children’s area buffet and snacks, up-close encounters with educational animals, face painting and crafts; Maui Vacation Raffle (only 400 tickets will be sold); Live Auction with some “wild surprises;” Dessert Buffet and spectacular conclusion with the release of a rehabilitated animal. Ready to Join The Wild Brunch? Visit:

Judy Hevenly and Mike Williams

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Inside Look Magazine May/June Sacred Places



MEASURING GLOBAL CONSCIOUSNESS In 1998, while at Princeton University, Roger Nelson started the Global Consciousness Project, an international collaboration of scientists and engineers recording data from over 65 sites around the world, in an attempt to measure subtle correlations that reflect the presence and activity of consciousness in the world. Also called the EGG project, referring to its network of detectors, the GCP seems to have found data to support that there is evidence of interactive connections of mind on a world-spanning scale, and it “…clearly shows that the human mind is not isolated within the body. There is solid empirical evidence that we do interact directly with each other and the world in the domain of consciousness, despite physical barriers and separations. Repeated experiments show an effect on our instruments, not only of individual intentions, but also of group consciousness.”

The Experiment

At 65 sites around the world, people sit near a device that produces random numbers. Having no physical connection to it, they inadvertently “commune” or “resonate” with the machine (called a random event generator, or REG) changing its behavior to produce higher or lower scores than it should by chance. What seems to happen is that the “noisiness” of the random sequence is changed very slightly. Ten years of accumulated research shows a tiny but highly significant correlation indicating that consciousness can measurably affect the physical world.

The Results

The overall results show evidence that something remarkable happens when we all are drawn into a community of interest and emotion. Each of the hundreds of registered formal experiments recorded data that departs from expectation during special times such as the celebration of New Year’s, shocking events like the disaster on September 11, 2001, natural tragedies such as the great earthquakes in Turkey, the Asian Tsunami, and largescale meditation and prayer events like the Kumbha Mela in India.

The Conclusion

The research described here points to subtle indications that we do live in an interconnected, potentially conscious world, in which we surely play an important role. We have shown immense capacities for both destructive and creative impact, and this implies that the future is ours to mold. It will be a desirable future in proportion to our level of consciousness, individually and globally. Fortunately, there are intriguing signs of an emerging integration of purpose and perspective in the world, though it remains fragile and as delicate as a newborn. For this integration to mature, we need great patience, and what we think of as “good luck.”

What Global Consciousness Looks Like In 1975 a mathematician, Benoît Mandelbrot, coined the term “fractal” and defined a fractal as, “a rough or fragmented geometric shape that can be split into parts, each of which is (at least approximately) a reduced-size of the whole.” In other words, fractals are an ideal representation of complex systems. Other examples of complex systems include weather patterns, our brains, and the world we live in.


The fractal images on this page are a snapshot of the ever changing GCP data interpreted by BrainPaint. Bill Scott, CEO and co-founder of BrainPaint, has adapted his algorithm used for EEG biofeedback to the GCP data. When the data is input into BrainPaint’s neurofeedback algorithm, these are the results.


Simple Steps for Reducing Stress


merica, in the last year, has been confronted with enormous challenges resulting from the economic crisis. For millions of Americans, this has resulted in an emotional crisis as well. While the government has put forth tremendous effort to stabilize the U.S. economy, there still remains a significant amount of emotional residue resulting from the economic crisis. There are, however, several proactive measures that we can take as individuals to ensure that a sense of balance and well-being is maintained in our personal and professional lives as we attempt to cope with the lingering economic crisis.


Take One Day at a Time One’s first reaction to a statement such as this is likely to be that “taking one day at a time” is much easier said than done. When faced with major life challenges, such as the loss of your job, the loss of your home, or the rapid decline of many of your personal assets, it is natural for your survival instincts to kick in during times such as these. Because, in an effort to minimize the damage, we do whatever we feel is necessary. And, sometimes, that means making impulsive decisions. But, after you have made those first reactionary decisions, such as modifying your investment portfolio and revising your budget to limit personal, family, and business expenditures, it will become increasingly important to not look too far into the future. Instead, begin to focus on taking life one day at a time by shifting more of your time and energy on maintaining a sense of balance and well-being in your personal and professional life.

2 Be Honest with Yourself

about How You are Feeling The current economic crisis for many has and will continue to trigger feelings of helplessness, hopelessness, and a sense of inadequacy. The primary bread winners in families may find it particularly difficult to remain in touch with their feelings and to understand the significance of proactively releasing their emotions to prevent the buildup of negative energy and negative emotions. Yet, by reminding oneself that his or her value to the family extends far beyond the financial support he or she provides the family, one may be able to seek the emotional and possibly financial support needed to maintain a sense of balance in one’s efforts to survive and cope with the current crisis. Inside Look Magazine July/August

By Anthony D. Parnell, M.S.W. Holding in your emotions will only lead to negative consequences. Therefore, it is important for individuals to commit to identifying family members, friends, or even mental health professionals in whom you can confide and vent your emotions and frustrations on a consistent basis. Forming or joining a support group of people who are experiencing the same financial and emotional challenges is another viable option. Make a Conscious Effort to Focus on the Positive rather than the Negative “5 Minutes a Day of Writing and Self-Reflection” is a simple exercise that will help you to maintain a positive attitude on life and your current circumstances. Begin by writing on a piece of paper all the positive things that exist in your life and for which you are grateful. At minimum, this list may include: your health; your family and friends; your job; your home. The next step is to pick a quiet location that is tranquil and a time of day during which you will not be interrupted. Read the list aloud. Then, close your eyes to meditate on each item on the list. This should be followed by a deep breathing exercise in which you focus on all of the positive things in your life as you breathe in; then, focus on all of the negative things in your life (the things that are causing you stress) as you breathe out. In other words, concentrate on inhaling positive energy, thoughts, and emotions, and exhaling negative energy, thoughts, and emotions.



Maintain a Healthy Diet and Routine of Extracurricular Activities It is important in a time of crisis to focus on the things that are within your control rather than on the things that are not within your control. You, for example, still have the ability to take care of your physical, mental, and emotional needs. It is vital that you continue to take time for yourself by participating in activities that you enjoy and that energize you. Simple activities such as walking, jogging, hiking, swimming, or weightlifting are excellent exercises for reducing stress.

These should be accompanied by adequate amounts of sleep, adequate water intake, and a balanced diet of fruits and vegetables. And, given that individuals react differently to stress by increasing or reducing the amount of food they eat, it is also important to identify and maintain the proper amount of food intake.


Surround Oneself with Positive, People, Places, and Things Adversity has the potential of producing tremendous amounts of emotional intensity and stress. Simultaneously, it also provides an opportunity for us to become closer to and form stronger relationships with our family and friends. Even more, navigating our way through difficult times often is much easier when we don’t have to endure our trials and tribulations alone. However, we first must make the commitment to utilize all of our available resources. This includes utilizing the support of family and friends to vent your emotions and frustrations and to spend quality time together. Even if your financial resources are limited, there are many inexpensive activities to engage in such as watching your favorite television show together, playing a game of cards, or playing board games. Spending time close to nature and other environments that produce positive thoughts and positive feelings are invaluable resources when attempting to cope with major life challenges. Simply by making the commitment to identify and utilize all of your available resources, you will discover an additional source of positive energy that will further strengthen your ability to minimize stress in your personal and professional life. Anthony D. Parnell, M.S.W., is the author of The 7 Laws of Stress Management: LifeChanging Strategies for Maintaining Balance in Your Personal and Professional Life, and Healing through Writing: A Journaling Guide to Emotional and Spiritual Growth ( He is also the C.E.O. of New Thought Management, Inc., (, a business consulting firm based in L.A. 7


By Dr. Fred Bell

llthough Webster’s defines paranormal as “not scientifically explainable,” I do believe when that description was coined the folks at Webster’s had not yet explored the science of quantum mechanics. Now that we are starting to accept the fact that we are all connected within the hologram of form and matter itself, science will very soon begin explaining some of the phenomenon behind haunting, automatic writing, telekinesis, psychokinesis, channeling, dowsing, ESP, telepathy, remote viewing, out of body experiences, reverse speech, and endless other groups of phenomena.

I really believe that I started to move a scientific eye into the paranormal world when I met Dr. Lawrence Kennedy, who along with his son Chris, was performing telekinesis demonstrations. Chris, not knowing how to direct his energy, caused a psychic explosion in their kitchen. Every knife, fork, spoon, and most of the pans were bent or destroyed so badly that a grenade could not have done much more damage. I watched both Lawrence and his son, like my acquaintance Uri Geller, hold a spoon at the very tip of the handle, and by mental energy alone, bend the spoon in half. There were times that the spoon wouldn’t just bend, but would break in two. Lawrence began to give “spoon bend8

As I kept studying the mechanisms within the human psyche and the relationship that it has with the physical body, certain patterns of energy became more apparent to me. I developed a device called a “Power Dome,” which is a titanium and precious metal pyramid that when worn on the head accelerates the brain into quantum entanglement focusing mode. In 1978, a Russian psychic named Joseph Amatree took a Power Dome to Russia and shared it with the Russian government who allowed him to spend several hours explaining it on Radio Moscow, the Russian government’s international radio broadcast service. Other governments also started to become very interested in paranormal phenomena. Remote viewing became a big thing with the CIA and the Army intelligence groups. I was able to provide other devices that further expanded the phenomena. In 1984, the Russians started using a device that I created called the “Starr Orb” which I had developed when working in Aspen, Colorado, to prevent beginning skiers from being apprehensive. The Russians used these devices to build confidence, especially with their ice skaters in Ukraine, who in the following 1984 Winter Olympics won five medals, followed by the United States with three. You may ask yourself how is all this possible? I would not be able to give a conclusive answer, but having worked in this field for over 40 years I have learned that nothing is impossible. Going into basic physics, wherein “energy cannot be created or destroyed,” the transmutation process is clearly an option. Going one step further with “energy follows thought,” the process

begins to clarify itself a little more and have an impact on our lives, much more so say then 100 years ago, when we were still discovering some very basic phenomenon, and “paranormal” was just coming out of witchcraft. In my studies of the structure of form occurring naturally in nature, not only did I recognize energy fields from the pyramid structure, which is inherent in critical elements of the body, such as the shape of hemoglobin and other structures located within the brain, but also I began to look at the order of things in nature, called the Fibonacci series. The Fibonacci series describes the number of cones on a pine cone, the order of petals on a rose, or the symmetry of a seashell. With that in mind, I developed and patented a few devices that work on a quantum level, wherein an entangling of photons and electrons takes place directed by the mind, allowing us to actually change the hologram of existence. This may sound like an extraordinary thing, but when we realize and accept that we are all complete beings in and of ourselves, we will have complete control of our own destiny. I have found that when working with these unexplained phenomena, it is always best to assume the position of student, and direct the results to the betterment of mankind. In closing, I hope that I have shed a little light on the paranormal subject, and that it will help you if you choose to get closer to what is inherent in us all. I do not believe that “phenomena” is a goal in life, but the experience of learning about it in all its’ mystique allows us to experience another aspect of universal growth, in which the big picture clearly is for the betterment of all. The more fear that is conquered by knowledge, the greater is the quality of life and light. For more information feel free to contact me at

Photo: Pleiades, courtesy NASA

In my own life, I joined the Rosicrucian order when I was nine years old and began studying spells and ancient Egyptian magical phenomena. I had my first paranormal experience when I was about five years old. A small gray being appeared in the corner of my bedroom and introduced himself as “Gawkti Lawkti.” He then demonstrated a form of teleportation by opening up the west wall of my bedroom and allowing me to view the late night traffic on a nearby street. Later on when I began to become familiar with extraterrestrial groups, I realized that I had experienced a contact with a being known as a “gray.” When I went back to the house 30 years later and stood outside to have my photograph taken, a small cross appeared over my head in the photo.

ing” classes, and soon relocated to Lake Tahoe, California. Meanwhile back at UCLA, psychologist Thelma Moss began the study of paranormal phenomena, which later I found out was funded by the CIA. Some of the things that were demonstrated were yogis stopping their hearts for extended periods of time, fire walking, and being placed in airtight chambers and submerged with no additional oxygen for periods of time often exceeding 15 hours.

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Pampering Your Pet


By Catherine Fatony Sommerfeld


ntil recently, our three cats ate diet food prescribed by the vet and used clumping kitty litter that we seemed to go through by the ton. We have three boys: two twentypound behemoths and one average-sized Siamese mix who just loves the taste of diet food, despite our valiant attempts to feed him regular food. The three of them would likely still be eating diet food today, if we hadn’t adopted Hope. We had really planned to stop at three cats. Granted, before we rescued Lando from behind a dumpster, we had planned to stop at two. My vet had recommended a playmate for Lando a year and a half ago when I mentioned his abundance of youthful energy, which the older boys did not share, and I had laughed hysterically at the notion. Then we walked into a pet store to buy kitty litter and met Hope, a three-legged kitten with the biggest eyes we had ever seen. For a week after we first saw her, we couldn’t get her off our minds. By the next weekend, we had arranged to take her home. When we did, we were given a number of different medications to help her heal from the recent amputation of her leg, and a lesson in holistic foods and natural pine litter from the woman who had been acting as her foster mother. We hadn’t even considered holistic foods before Hope. Quite frankly, I didn’t even know that such a thing existed. I thought that if my vet put my cats on a prescription diet that was the best option for them. Once Hope joined the family, we didn’t have a choice but to buy her natural foods. She turned her nose up at anything else. And when we started to compare the ingredients, it made sense. Fresh fruits and vegetables, real meat – why would we expect them to eat anything that we wouldn’t? The same went for the litter. Why have them stomping around in a bunch of chemicals and scents


(and scattering tiny pieces of it throughout the house) when pine litter naturally absorbed the odors and didn’t get all over the place? Truly natural pet foods contain high quality ingredients that make them easily digestible and good sources of protein. They don’t contain by-products, corn, artificial flavors, colors or preservatives, and many are grainfree. In fact, the food that we had just started using turns out to have the highest protein of any cat food, and professes to contain the most meat possible in a dry food while still controlling fat and mineral levels. Initially, I didn’t understand why a cat would need a high protein diet. Then my vet mentioned that our largest boy, Leo, would benefit from a high protein diet since his weight, combined with the medication he takes for asthma, predisposes him to diabetes, and a diet high in grains would only exacerbate the problem. Unwittingly, we’d been doing exactly the right thing. We’ve seen a lot of benefits to our boys since switching to natural foods. Leo and his brother Linus have both suffered from dandruff for as long as we’ve had them. In the last few weeks, while they’re still a little flaky, there’s been substantial improvement. Again, I looked to the ingredients and discovered that there is flaxseed oil in the food, exactly the supplement that the vet had recommended for them. They’re also eating less, which hopefully will lead to weight loss. I was initially concerned (though I probably should have been delighted) that there was food left in the bowls when I arrived home each night, since the cats have historically been members of the clean bowl club. But after doing some research, I discovered that it wasn’t unusual. Since natural foods contain better quality ingredients and lack the fillers and by-products of other foods, the cats are getting their nutrients faster and therefore don’t need to eat as much.

We’ve been as happy with the pine litter as we are with the new food. In an apartment with four cats, the litter has done a phenomenal job of controlling odor. It was perfect when Hope was still sutured – we didn’t have to worry about little granules getting into her incision, which had been a concern when Lando had surgery. It also disintegrates naturally so it doesn’t leave messy clumps, it lasts a long time, and it’s dust free, which helps with Leo’s asthma. This has been a new experience for us, but obviously it’s been a good one. Of course, there are skeptics who don’t understand why I would spend additional money on natural foods for what they consider to be “just animals.” But I’ve made a commitment to take care of them, and to us, they’re far more than “just animals” – they’re family members. While the food does cost a bit more than the prescription diet, and certainly more than the average cat food, the difference is not enough to break the bank. And in the long run, the health and happiness of our cats are the most important factors. Based on the numbers, other pet owners agree with us. According to petfoodindustry. com, natural pet food sales grew by 50% in 2007, and account for 6% of total pet food sales, coming in at $1 billion dollars. Sales of these products are expected to continue to grow, especially as more mainstream manufacturers branch into natural products.

As for Hope, the kitten who started the ball rolling, life couldn’t be better. Our youngest boy Lando, who the vet had suggested we get a friend for, loves his sister, and the feeling is very mutual. Her incision is completely healed, she’s growing and getting stronger, and she keeps us endlessly entertained. We hope that the natural lifestyle we were introduced to with her adoption will leave us with many happy, healthy years for all four of our furry friends. Catherine Fatony Sommerfeld is a freelance writer who resides in Northern New Jersey with her husband and four cats.

MEDITATION 101 POSITION/POSTURE Sit in a straight-backed chair in a quiet, dimly lit room. Place your hands on your thighs at the juncture between your hips and upper torso with your palms face up. Sit with a straight spine, back away from the chair, feet on the floor. RELAX THE BODY Tighten all your muscles as you breathe in, tensing vigorously for a couple of seconds, and then relax as you breathe out. Repeat a few times. Feel the energy tingling in your body. PERFECT 10 BREATHING Breathe in for ten seconds (or stop when your lungs are comfortably filled). Hold for the same time period. Exhale for the same time period. Repeat ten times as you feel yourself breathing in peace, letting it expand, and exhaling tension. SPIRITUAL ENERGY CENTERS Be aware of the two most potent spiritual centers: the heart and the spiritual eye (“kutastha”, “single eye”, or “third eye” found between the eyebrows). Feel all the energy in your body withdrawing from the outward senses, and returning inward, flowing from the base of your spine up to your heart and then your spiritual eye. Keep your attention/focus/consciousness here. It is good to keep the eyes slightly lifted toward this point, but don’t strain too hard or do anything painful. If you feel the heart center more strongly, focus there. THE MIND/BREATH CONNECTION Let your breath flow naturally now, and focus on the increasing peace. If thoughts enter your mind, it’s okay to be aware of them, but let them go. Don’t let nesting thoughts infest your peace. Acknowledge and release them, keeping your focus on the spiritual eye. Allow the space between your thoughts to grow. When thoughts cease, real meditation begins. This is why mantras are used in some cultures. They keep the mind focused. Be aware that this is not mindlessness, but calm concentration on the space between the thoughts. This is where peace is. VISUALIZE EXPANDING CONSCIOUSNESS Focus on one thought, whether it’s peace, love, or light. Feel it expanding from your little body to the entire room, to the whole house, beyond the town you live in. Feel your consciousness expanding with the peace. You are peace. You are all that you can conceive. Feel yourself expanding beyond your city to your state, country, and the entire globe. Feel the expansive galaxy, the universe, and all creation. You are one with everything… all matter, all thought, all spirit. JUST BE Relax and don’t “do” anything. Surrender to the divine peace, love, and wisdom growing within. Sit in stillness and let it take over. CLOSING YOUR MEDITATION This is a good time to be thankful for what you have and pray for yourself and others. Keep the peace by collecting it in your heart and spiritual eye. Note: Adjust anything to suit your specific needs… everyone is different. - IL Inside Look Magazine July/August

CANCER June 21 – July 22 In July, explore new prospects for your finances and analyze your options. A sideline venture reaps big dividends. Energy is at an all time high in August, with new friendships formed through social networking. Despite lunar eclipses on August 5th and 20th, you’re headed into a positive new era. LEO July 23 – August 22 This July is about promoting your most cherished plans. Late autumn will reveal the direction that your new pursuits are headed. The new moon on August 20th gives you all the charm and charisma needed to act with confidence. Strut your stuff at the seaside, and get all those hearts fluttering! VIRGO August 23 – September 22 You kiss and make up with your on-again offagain mate, as partners are ready to level with you and clear the air. The sun in Cancer on the 9th sees you at a crossroads in your career, but come August your confidence soars as you make a major breakthrough and things settle down. Your star will shine with those that count. LIBRA September 23 – October 22 A change of scenery makes you see things differently, and July is your best career month yet. With warm summer days ahead, your love life is at its peak. Next month is for summer outings and get-togethers. Use your sixth sense the last week of August to separate fact from fiction. SCORPIO October 23 – November 21 At work you are in demand, and your willingness to speak up pays big dividends at the end of the month. For single Scorpios there could be a whirlwind romance. August is for being in sync with your partner and your family, and also a time to discuss matters important to you all. SAGITTARIUS November 22 – December 21 Diplomacy, not aggressiveness, will get you everywhere in your career, and with Mars in your relationship area, an agreement could be reached in your favor. Be prepared for financial hurdles in late August; remember to stick to your values and hang onto your money. A connection with a neighbor could alter your destiny. Judy Hevenly, Psychic/Astrologer Tel: 310 820 7280 E-mail: Website:

CAPRICORN December 22 – January 19 Focus on business relationships this month as they are tied in with strong profit potential. In July it is best to say little, let things go, and allow someone else be in charge. Cross your fingers for new opportunities financially in August as you plan for a mini-vacation out of town. Be prepared to sacrifice a little of your spare time to entertain family and friends. AQUARIUS January 20 – February 18 It’s all happening for you this month as you handle pressure and attract the attention of higher-ups in your career. It’s all work and no play, but August sees you pampering yourself more and doing what you please. The new moon in Leo on the 20th is ideal for couples in love and those of you who decide to become engaged. PISCES February 19 – March 20 It’s time to lighten up this month, be more of a social butterfly, and accept some of the invitations coming your way. Self-induced stress is all you have to worry about, but by month’s end your recently troubled love life enters a magical phase. In August, an e-mail has you curious. Your work life fills you with fresh energy, so don’t feel discouraged, your efforts are appreciated. ARIES March 21 – April 19 Keep personal information to yourself this month, and listen far more than you talk. July sees you on the same wavelength as others, and honest communications strengthen ties. Do not be susceptible in August to fasttalking career friends or children trying to mislead you. Be wise. Be alert and ask questions; you will know the truth. Showcase your talents at work. TAURUS April 20 – May 20 Loose lips sink ships, so be careful of anything written or said in August that could trip you up. Keep your opinions to yourself; you will be glad you did, for at the end of the month you will know why. Travel may be subject to last minute changes, and spending time outdoors energizes you. July sees single Taureans connecting with soul mates, and married Taureans enjoying quality time together. GEMINI May 21 – June 20 Do not give your credit cards a hardy work out, wait until month’s end for July is going to end on a happy note with news of unexpected income on the horizon. There is more to your love life in August than you think. Quiet meditative times bring more clarity to a perplexing situation at work, which will turn a negative into a plus. 11


Interview with UFO Researcher Thomas J. Carey


homas J. Carey, a native Philadelphian, holds degrees from Temple University (B.S.) and California State University, Sacramento (M.A.), and also attended the University of Toronto in its Ph.D. Program in Anthropology. An Air Force veteran who held a Top Secret/Crypto clearance, Tom is now a retired Philadelphia area businessman. He has also been a Mutual UFO Network (MUFON) State Section Director for Southeastern Pennsylvania from 1986 to 2002, a Special Investigator for the J. Allen Hynek Center for UFO Studies from 1991 to 2001, and a member of the CUFOS board of directors from 1997 to 2001. Tom began investigating aspects of the Roswell Incident in 1991 for the Roswell investigative team of Kevin Randle and Don Schmitt, and since 1998 has teamed exclusively with Don Schmitt to continue a proactive investigation of the case. Tom has authored or coauthored more than 30 published articles about the Roswell events of 1947, and has contributed to a number of books on the subject as well. He has appeared as a guest on many radio and TV shows throughout the country, including Coast to Coast AM, Fox and Friends, CN8 Friends Saturday, and Larry King Live!, and he has contributed to a number of Roswellrelated documentaries, both on-screen and behind the scenes. Most recently, Tom was a consultant and interviewee (with Don Schmitt) on the highly acclaimed and rated SciFi Channel documentary, The Roswell Crash: Startling New Evidence, the History Channel’s Conspiracy Theory—Roswell, the Travel Channel’s Weird Travels—Roswell, the SciFi Channel’s SciFi Investigates—Roswell and the History Channel’s UFO Hunters — The Real Roswell. Tom and his wife Doreen have two grown children and live in Huntingdon Valley, PA.

with them to their graves. Whether out of a sense of patriotism, national security, reaction to threats against their person or family, or fear of ridicule—they kept quiet to the end. And of those that finally did talk, it wasn’t like they were coming forward and waving at us to come and interview them. We had to first identify them and then locate them, pry them loose and try to get them to talk. Of the military witnesses, those who retired after twenty or thirty years on military pensions have not talked out of fear they might lose their pensions. Even the knowledge of the “Roswell Amnesty” promulgated by Secretary of the Air Force Sheila Widnall in 1994 to allow military veterans to speak about Roswell will not budge them. With a few notable exceptions—Maj. Jesse Marcel, Lt. Walter Haut, and retired Gen. Arthur Exxon—officers have not talked. Most of the military personnel who have talked to us have been non-career, enlisted men not living on government pensions [Marcel and Haut were non-career officers]. The other big challenge presented to us is the fact that the World War II generation of Roswell is passing away before our eyes at an increasingly rapid rate [about 1500 per day, according to VA statistics]. We lost three witnesses we knew in the past year. Ninety percent of the Roswell witnesses are gone, and their knowledge of those events with them. Of the remaining ten percent, half of these are suffering from the ravages and diseases of old age and cannot be interviewed. That leaves no more than five percent of those with knowledge of those long ago events still available to us. We find ourselves increasingly talking to the surviving children and grandchildren of the original Roswell participants, and even some of those are starting to pass away. IL: What are the newest and most compelling facts to support the Roswell encounter today for those who are unfamiliar with the story?

INSIDE LOOK MAGAZINE: You have investigated the ultimate cold case, and found so much evidence to support that we actually did meet ETs in Roswell. What were the biggest challenges in getting people to talk about what our government scared them into hiding for so long? THOMAS J. CAREY: Make no mistake. Most of those involved and/or who knew what happened at Roswell in 1947 took it 12

Career Press/New Page Books

course. That said, let me say that we now have over 600 first, second, and third-hand witnesses in our witness pool who have told us that Roswell involved the crash of a UFO and its crew back in 1947, and that it was subsequently recovered and covered-up by the U.S. Army Air Force, a cover-up which lasted for 30 years. The Air Force has zero witnesses to a balloon event in Mack Brazel’s sheep pasture. And their claim that the reports of little alien bodies being recovered from the ship were really dime-store mannequins used in parachute drops in the 1950’s is an absolute joke and insult to our intelligence. Yet the Air Force clings to this charade like grim death in the face of mounting evidence against these “explanations.” We have a number of “deathbed” confessions from people who were there and saw the ship and the bodies, and there is mounting evidence that one was alive and survived the crash. Our 2007 book, Witness to Roswell: Unmasking the 60-Year Cover-Up, featured the sealed statement of Walter Haut. In 1947, Haut was a 1st Lieutenant and the Public Information Officer at Roswell Army Air Field who put out the press release announcing that the Air Force had come into possession of a downed UFO [flying saucer in those days] from a ranch near the town. He put together a notarized sealed statement in 2002 to be opened posthumously after his death. Haut died in 2005, and his statement—after years of refusing to talk about what he knew—is featured in our book. Hint: it wasn’t a balloon! We also document—and name names—the extent to which our government went to silence civilians who knew what happened at Roswell, especially those who had seen the alien bodies. We would call them civil rights violations today, but back in 1947 our military felt it could get away with anything because it had just won World War II. We have new information about the mysterious nurse who was present at the aborted alien autopsy, then disappeared, and we now know the who, when, and where the vacuuming of the paper trail began. Our 2009 book, Witness to Roswell: Unmasking the Government’s Biggest Cover-Up [Revised, Expanded and Updated], contains many new witnesses including new “deathbeds” and features startling new information regarding physical evidence, i.e., so-called “memory metal.” I could go on and on, but you don’t have enough space.

TJC: Well, for those unfamiliar with the story, everything IL: How are your books different than othwill be “new,” of ers on Roswell?

TJC: All other Roswell books of which I am aware contain information that was current up to the year 1997, the 50th Anniversary of the Roswell Incident. Anything published since then has simply been a re-hash of what was previously known. Our 2007 and 2009 Witness to Roswell books are mostly about the new information that our investigation has produced since Don Schmitt and I teamed-up in 1998 to continue a proactive investigation of the Roswell case. By that, I mean we are not just sitting back waiting for someone or something pertaining to Roswell to appear in our “in-basket” for us to check out. Conversely, we are actively “shaking the tree” every day seeking information and/or new witnesses to the case. Experience has told us that, if you are sitting back waiting for something to happen, it never does. You have to be out there stirring the pot. Readers of our first book have written to tell us that they were stunned at the amount of new information in the 2007 book. They had no idea there was so much more to learn, and many said that they couldn’t put the book down. They were also appalled at the death threats to civilians that our government employed to silence them.

during WW II. Upon his discharge after the war, Kaufmann remained in Roswell working at the Roswell base in a civilian capacity as a personnel clerk. Solidifying his bona fides, Kaufmann’s picture appears in the 1947 Roswell base yearbook as a civilian receiving the World War II Victory Medal from the base deputy commander, Lt. Col. Payne Jennings. Kaufmann, a “mover and a shaker” from Brooklyn, later became a member of the Roswell Chamber of Commerce for thirty years [this last item should have been a “red flag” to us]. Kaufmann represented himself to Randle & Schmitt as a former member of a Top Secret inside organization that was responsible for the Roswell UFO retrieval in 1947. He claimed to have been present at all of the important goings on during the recovery operation. Parts of his story sounded plausible, while other parts sounded wild. But we had nothing to contradict him at the time. So Kaufmann’s account unfortunately became the backbone of Randle & Schmitt’s

IL: It must have been a challenge to filter out credible and non-credible sources and witnesses. Were you given disinformation while investigating? TJC: At this point in our investigation it’s actually pretty easy for us to tell fact from fiction, or when a “witness” is telling the truth, confabulating, or lying. We know so much more about the case than we did ten, fifteen, or twenty years ago, and our interviewing skills have improved accordingly. And to answer your question—yes, we know that we have been fed a dose of disinformation during the course of our investigation. The most difficult witness for us to “scope” [to tell if he or she is lying or not] is a person who was present in the time and place of the events and who, therefore, knows the landscape in such detail that they sound credible, even if their story is fiction. They have simply inserted themselves into the known story line like a new character in a novel because their story “sounds right” due to their knowledge of the landscape of the time. But at some point, they usually overreach with their stories. The only way to expose them is by interviewing other credible witnesses who either knew the disinformer or whose accounts were different but credible. That’s how we were able to expose Roswell’s biggest purveyor of disinformation, Frank Kaufmann. First interviewed in the early 1990’s by Kevin Randle and Don Schmitt, he had been Air Corps sergeant and personnel clerk stationed at Roswell Army Air Field Inside Look Magazine July/August

Frank Kaufmann receiving the WWII Victory Medal in 1947 from Lt. Col. Peter Payne Jennings. USAF Photo

1994 book, The Truth about the UFO Crash at Roswell. By the time of Kaufmann’s death in 2001 we had developed enough information on him to question major parts of his story. In the last few months of his life, we confronted him with our findings concerning his deceptions. While never telling us why he did it, he confirmed his fabrications as something that just, “ out of hand.” After his passing, we gained access to his home/office where we found the “cut and paste” documents and the old manual Remington typewriter he used to type up 1947period documents. Believing that he was involved in disinformation rather than just ordinary lying, Kaufmann told us at the end with respect to Roswell, “The game continues. They are just running out the clock on you.” IL: What is it like to uncover a truth that has been a mystery for so long? TJC: After 18 years of investigating this case, I still get a chill down my spine whenever we uncover new information or find a new witness. It happened again last week

when we found the ambulance driver who drove the alien bodies from the crash site just north of Roswell back to the air base in 1947. My spine was “chilling” up, down, and sideways during the entire interview. We had been searching for him for years. His story, of course, will be in our next book. IL: How can the disclosure you are bringing to light help the world? Do you hope this will spark an interest in others to seek the truth and investigate other cover ups? What is your advice to them? TJC: Don and I were on the Montel Williams show recently, and Williams asked us the rhetorical question, “If this [Roswell] turns out to be true, who cares? I mean, how will it change anything?” My answer is several-fold. First, it will end the debate of whether our government has been lying to us about UFOs for over 60 years once and for all—a prima facie victory for our side if it has. This will then trigger the question, “What else has our government been lying to us about?” The JFK assassination in 1963 and the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor in 1941 come immediately to mind as examples of on-going cover-ups. So, yes, I would hope that such a revelation would provide the energy for new investigations into many of the unanswered questions of our time. But, the biggest benefit, in my opinion, would be knowledge for knowledge’s sake—finally knowing that we are not alone in the universe. We suspect that we are not alone, but actually knowing it for a fact would be a giant leap and would end the uncertainty. Ever since our species looked up at the night sky and contemplated our place in the vast universe, we have wondered... IL: What’s next for you? TJC: We are on the Roswell case until one of the following occurs [in descending order of probability]. 1. All of the witnesses have passed away. 2. We find a piece of incontrovertible physical evidence from the crash [e.g., “memory metal”]. 3. Our government “comes clean” about Roswell. 4. We join those Roswell witnesses and friends who have passed away. We are currently promoting our new book, Witness to Roswell: Unmasking the Government’s Biggest Cover-Up. In July, Don and I will be featured speakers at the UFO Museum in Roswell during the city’s annual UFO festival. Beyond that, we will continue our investigation and expect to have another book out in about two years. We have already developed startling new evidence since the publication of our current book. ~ IL 13

Queen Mary: Oddities & Myths 1126 Queens Hwy, Long Beach


Nicknamed the “Grey Ghost,” due to its monochromatic paint job during WWII, the Queen chillingly lives up to her mystique. Since establishing her final resting place in Long Beach Harbor in 1967, numerous accounts of paranormal activities and visual sightings have been reported. Perhaps most notoriously: The Ghost of Door 13. In 1966, John Pedder, an 18 year old firefighter, was crushed by the engine room’s watertight door during a drill. Soon after his death, reports began of a ghost in overalls wandering around the engine room near door 13. His ghost is still seen to this day. Skeptical of any paranormal tales myself, I headed down towards the engine room, full speed ahead. Experiencing the full effect of eerie emptiness, I hesitantly walked through the metal room of navigational latches and heavy machinery with the trepidation of weighted feet. Making this exploration solo, I fully embraced the paranoia and illogical angst I felt with a bit of self-defensive humor

First Class Swimming Pool 14

For the not so faint of heart, daily ghost tours and paranormal investigation tours are available to the public. The ghost tour highlights legendary “hot spots” of paranormal activity aboard the Queen Mary. Commencing with the first class swimming pool, a special effects fog machine mists smoke throughout the air as the lights violently shudder on and off. Prior to entering this area, we have been warned of the sightings of a little girl and her wet footprints splattered on the tile floor (the pool has been drained for over fifty plus years). The little girl is said to be “Jackie,” a passenger who drowned in the pool years ago. It is said that her laughter echoes throughout the ship and that she sometimes sings to the passengers. People have also reported hearing splashing sounds in the drained pool and seeing women in vintage bathing suits visiting for a swim. Of course the fantastical spectacular of haunted effects add to the already restless presence of spirits allegedly on board the ship. The isolation ward is a self-explanatory experience in its own right. Walking down a flight of narrow iron stairs held together with rusting rickets, I at once shivered in the cold musty air. The ward is entirely separated from the rest of the ship in the undergrounds of the stern. Small circular windows provide the only outlook in the room letting in the occasional light breeze. Everything is completely white with hints of faded lime green, feeling utterly vacated and sterile. Once utilized to house patients with contagious diseases, as well as the rampantly growing number of stowaways, numerous lives have been lost in this room. On display are the antique embalming kits and medical instruments used on aging passengers, sick patients, and wounded soldiers aboard the Queen Mary. Although the isolation ward is brightly lit from floor to ceiling, a distinct darkness is vehemently present. Perhaps the most horrific experience was gathering into an elevator with twenty other people in our tour group. The paranormal expert informed us we would be traveling down 65 fathoms, or 390 feet below sea level. Fair warning to those even mildly claustrophobic, an intensified panic surged through my veins as the elevator doors clamped shut. While my heart dropped to the depths of my stomach, we arrived at the boiler room. An indefinite odor of decrepit decomposition oozed from

By Elizabeth Lombardo the pipes dripping water down below. Seemingly so damp and bare, it’s hard to imagine the men working in 100 plus degree temperatures, struggling to keep the vessel equipped with fuel. Inadvertent leaks and gas explosions within the depths of the boiler room contributed vastly to the amount of deaths aboard the Grey Ghost. Regardless of how you feel concerning ghosts and mystical otherworld activity, the Queen Mary is a must-see. In addition to being a haunted tourist site, the Queen’s hotel and museum are a phenomenal experience in their own right. A typically unknown historical past and cultural richness exist within this solid, war-era vessel. The Queen Mary features one of the largest public displays of original Art Deco. Modern décor is featured throughout the various decks, characterized by steel chrome fixtures and sleek cherry wood designs. An aweinspiring view is captured at the top of the Observation Bar. Deriving from its original function and design as the First Class Lounge, the bar boasts jaw-dropping panoramic views and scenic 360 degree lookouts. Its exquisite architectural design, epitomizing all that is art deco, and ghastly paranormal undertone make the Queen a spine-tingling experience to remember! The trials and triumph, loss and achievement, destruction and renovation the Queen Mary has endured further fuel its present-day mystique. Liz Lombardo graduated from UC Davis in 2008 with a double major in English and Sociology and is currently a freelance writer.

Photos courtesy Queen Mary

pon entering this historical vessel a subtle feeling of uneasiness lingers in the air. Heading into the open door, I am at once twisted around, unsure which corridor I am standing in. There is an ambiguity in the enormity of the RMS Queen Mary and its seemingly endless stretch of passageways. I eventually decide to turn around and look for signs, realizing that the self-guided tour starts at the opposite end of the ship. The historical exhibit room initiates the self-guided audio tour. Various artifacts including first-class party dresses and a plethora of World War II bunks are showcased. Transitioning into the WWII exhibit and slide show documentary, the room is dimly lit stretching into an abyss of darkness. The twelve year-old boy wandering in front of me with his father repetitively inquires, “This is kinda creepy isn’t it?” I’m walking a fair distance behind them nonchalantly picking up my pace. I too am becoming increasingly unnerved.

and delight. Although I did not experience an actual run-in with any ghosts, I worked up my own psyche into an unsettling state of fear. An undeniable undertone of solemnity and isolation is felt in such a large vessel stacked with old age machinery.

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Eric Pearl and The Reconnection, LLC, in connection with The ReconnectionŽ and Reconnective HealingŽ, including but not limited to seminars, teachings, any information or people, including but not limited to practitioners, instructors, assistants, representatives, associates, employees, agents and assignees related thereto, make no promises, guarantees, representations and or warranties regarding medical diagnosis and or medical treatment, and are neither diagnosing nor treating specific health challenges. You are solely responsible for your own medical care. Š 2009 The Reconnection, LLC

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