Inside Medicine Issue 18

Page 20

To hear that lesson it requires taking the time to see him as a person of value and not an obligation. This is not just about older people though. Everyone, including young children, needs to feel they have value. Listening and engaging with them in a meaningful (not distracted) manner helps them understand their feelings, hopes, and dreams, and helps us to learn from them. During this time of national stress, many people are feeling isolated and alone. They do not need a national platform; they just need an engaged you and me. Maybe the best present you can bring to someone is your time and your attention. Really listen to what they have to say. Plan events to create memories--a camping trip, game night, or create a memory book by asking someone about their past.



Inside Medicine |

Vo l u m e 3 I s s u e 1 8

Perhaps it will be what a creative or clever child you have. Maybe the story you expected to hear for the 20th time, may be a new anecdote revealing how your family was a part of history. Rather than avoiding that time of mourning with a friend embrace it as you embrace them, and you will find the times of joy to be even sweeter. You may even hear a nice word about yourself during these moments. For you see, the gift of attentiveness is one which blesses not only the recipient but the giver as well. Plan time to just sit and talk. It does not have to be time consuming. Have a meal with no phones. Put down social media, fix a cup of tea and spend 15 minutes of real engagement with someone who is special to you or who needs a lift. This is a gift we can give anyone. Then see what wonderful things you learn.

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