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Annual Meeting Program
The Annual Meeting Program is distributed to every attendee and carried throughout the entire meeting. Corporate Members and exhibitors receive a 10% discount on upgraded program advertising. Corporate Membership packages that include Annual Meeting exhibit booth and program advertising are also available. The 2023 Annual Meeting Program and advertisements will be printed in full color. Deadline: Full payment and artwork must be received by August 31, 2023.
There are three cover options: inside front cover, inside back cover, and back cover.
This is an opportunity to insert a flyer* into every attendee tote bag. We anticipate distributing approximately 500 tote bags onsite. Cost: $300 | deadline: October 13, 2023. Size: 8.5”w. × 11.00” h or smaller, one insert/brochure. *All materials for tote bags must be shipped directly to the Galt House Hotel.