Issue 1.2 - St. Kitts & Nevis

Page 1


FEB 2021





“I sing everything!” “Before I did Soca, I used to do Reggae, Dancehall, R&B.”



Culture I Fashion I Food I Health I Music

Editor’s Letter

relevant is higher than before. Expect new ideas on our socials, more videos, live events, more artistes, more content.

This first issue takes us to St Kitts & Nevis’s historical country, where we analyzed the backbone of their culture and enjoy the strides Hello Insiders. made by Sugar Mas. We sampled their mouthelcome to our first edition for 2021. watering main dish and spent some time with Although we are in March, allow me the proud Soca talent – Nicha B. to extend well wishes to you, our readers, for 2021. As we briefly look over our After discovering so much from these two shoulders, we admire the view from the heights beautiful islands, St Kitts and Nevis are we’ve attained. We remember the support and definitely on our to-go list. encouragement we received as we prepare for SPECIAL THANKS the journey ahead. The Inside Soca team would like to express a The year 2020 was a definite challenge and a SPECIAL THANK YOU to the following revelation of all our creativity, determination persons who played an integral part in our first and spirit. We successfully published six issues issue for 2021. of unique content despite not being able to be physically present at any events, socializing and Michelle Mahony ( Angel of Fitness) – Fitness enjoying our culture. We could not have chosen video a more challenging year to launch, but that did Burnell Mckenna – Artist not prevent us from pushing through, heeding Reecie – Junior Artist MIXGOD – Cocktails the call for content while stuck at home. Last year we featured Carnivals from Trinidad Nicha B – Artiste and Tobago/Dominica/Jamaica/Berlin/ Nkese P – Artiste Grenada, and Notting Hill, all overflowing Garcelle Wilson – Video with energy and excitement but displayed their Soca Funhouse - Music unique style. We’ve made a lot of friends along Cliff O’Neill - Food the way and continue to build and cherish those CREATIVE DESIGNS – Hair products Dr Ava Brown (@themangogirl2) relationships. Kadian Pow (@BBNaturalsUK) 2021 brings new hope, new dreams and Tashan (@earth_elixir.haircare) enhanced ambition. We have partnered with Aaron Wallace (@byaaronwallace) several platforms worldwide to continue VP Royals (@vproyal) providing exciting content while discovering Paula Francis (@superfoodlx) and showcasing emerging talent. Although so Murielle (@fychaircare) far this year, we continue to socially distance and remaining at home whilst most Carnivals may again be cancelled, our determination to Kerlon Winchester keep the culture moving and individual talents Editor
















Table of Contents 7


DESIGNERS Creative Designs A platform to showcase the creative work of some talented Designers

HEALTH Health and Fitness


POLLS PeopleMeter An opinion poll, where you the followers have your say.



Nicha B Interview with St Kitts and Nevis Rising Star



Inside the Closet Monochrome Magic

Nkese P Trinidad and Tobago’s latest breakout artiste


CULTURE Main feature St Kitts and Nevis A historical look at St Kitts and Nevis and the origin of St Kitts and Nevis’ Sugar Mas.




MUSIC Ultimate Soca Chart


Burnell Mckenna and Reecie’s Artwork


FOOD Inside the Kitchen A feature of St Kitts and Nevis national dish.







Movement is the key to maintaining Health and Well Being Written by: Sheryl Moore BSc hons (DN) BSc (Nursing Studies) DipHE (RN)


he Christmas food fest is over, Valentines Day chocolates all eaten, lockdown in the United Kingdom (UK) continues, although the end maybe near. Now is the time if you haven’t thought about it to get moving and think about doing some form of light exercise. As gyms remain closed, home exercise is the way to go. Home exercises maybe ideal in the first instance if you are not very active or new to exercise, however, you must do it safely. Exercise can also help WWW.INSIDESOCA.COM

with improving your mobility. A healthy balanced diet alongside regular exercise is essential in maintaining physical/mental health and well being, preventing excess weight gain or maintaining weight loss. Nutrition is also an important factor for fitness. Eating a well balanced diet will help to get the calories and nutrients you need to fuel your daily activities (Sullivan-Kilroy 2019). Healthier lifestyles are also associated with improved sleep and mood. Physical activity actually improves brain-related 7


function and outcomes (Lorenzi et al 2013). The National Health Service (NHS UK) agrees and states that no matter how much you do, physical activity is good for your body and mind. Adults should aim to be active every day, some is good – more is better still (NHS UK). The aim here is to get active, loose weight and quit smoking (if you do). You can find details of where to find this information at the end of this article. Here at Inside Soca Magazine we want to ensure that our readers at least think about starting some simple exercises, at home to ‘get moving’ again. In doing so, we sat down with fitness instructor Michelle Mahoney aka Angel of Fitness, for a chat.

Michelle is a qualified Fitness Instructor and has started her own exercise and fitness brand ‘Angel of Fitness’. Michelle was inspired by Maria Vegas (Kick Box Aerobics) and Delvin Clarke (Vibe Cycle), these were her favourite classes at the gym and who encouraged Michelle to become a Fitness Instructor. Greg Francis (Fit2Fite) also encouraged Michelle to start her brand. In our interview, Michelle shares why she became a Fitness Instructor, her motivation during the coronavirus lockdown, her life and plans for the future. Michelle has also created her own merchandise including baseball hats and t-shirts and towels. T-shirts available are male/female are available in various colours and sizes.


Towels and Flannels

You can find Michelle on: Instagram: @angel0ffitness Facebook: angel0fittness Email: Twitter: @angeloffitness.

Michelle Mahoney - ‘Angel of Fitness’ WWW.INSIDESOCA.COM



Interview with Michelle Mahoney Michelle will be doing a short work out video to get us all started. If you have any underlying medical illnesses, please seek medical advice before you exercise.

Michelle’s short workout video

Sources: Lorenzi et al. Physical activity and the brain: A review of this dynamic bi-directional relationship. Brain Research. 2013: 95-104 Sullivan Kilroy, D. (2019) Eating the Right Foods for Exercise. health/fitness-exercise-eating-healthy P1-26 WWW.INSIDESOCA.COM








PEOPLE METER Where our very own Instagram followers, #Insiders have their say! On the 22nd of February, the UK’s Prime Minister, Mr Boris Johnson, unveiled the plan to end England restrictions by June 21st. On June 21st, it is hoped that all legal limitis on social contact will be removed, with businesses such as nightclubs reopening. With this news, we asked our followers if they’d be taking advantage of this June date for their first fete and do they feel like waiting a little bit longer to be apart of bigger crowds. See their response below: Surprisingly, it was a straight 50/50 split.





Inside the Closet - WomenBy: R. Okonfo




Inside the Closet - WomenBy: R. Okonfo






St. Kitts and Nevis: A Historical Look

Written by: Starrlett Roberts


he Federation of St. Kitts and Nevis “The Gibraltar of the West Indies”, serves as one twin island country, separated by “The Narrows” (a 2-mile/3kilometer channel) bordered by the Caribbean Sea and Atlantic Ocean. St. Kitts, the larger of the two islands is a mere 68 sq. mi, while Nevis is almost half the size at 36 sq. mi with a combined population of approximately 53,200 residents.

of the first islands Christopher Columbus set his eyes on in 1492, naming both islands. St. Christopher, named in his own honor and Nevis, Spanish for Nuestra Señora de las Nieves which means Our Lady of the Snows because of what appeared to be snow on Nevis Peak. At least two other groups of indigenous people inhabited St. Kitts and Nevis, including the Arawak’s and the Kalinago people or ‘Island Caribs’ prior to the arrival of the Spanish. They named St. Kitts, “Liamuiga” meaning “fertile island”, which was very fitting; you can grow almost anything in St. Kitts. Unlike neighboring Dominica, the native people of both islands did not survive the savagery of each group of colonizers that arrived on the twin islands. Sadly there is very little left of their archeological footprint. St. Kitts’ first sustained visitors were the British and then the French in the mid-1600; almost 130 years after Columbus claimed the island for the Queen of Spain, and they subsequently united to massacre the existing natives including the Kalinago people. After killing off their unwanted ‘guests’, both A Map of St Kitts and Nevis the British and French briefly shared areas independently. The tug-of–war that ensued This Eastern Currency destination was one lasted 100’s of years with St. Kitts changing WWW.INSIDESOCA.COM



hands multiple times, after battles, new treaties and short-lived co-inhabitation. The capital of St. Kitts has a French name, Basseterre and my mother’s birthplace, is a small reminder of their tumultuous past. St. Kitts was the very first island to become a British Colony, a very heavy price to pay for its future unwilling inhabitants for 100’s of years to come. I am feeding you food for thought, chew slowly. I feed you the knowledge to understand why we may be different from other Caribbean islands, we are undoubtedly unique and equally-yoked with other destinations, but must own our place in history as the birthplace of horrendous indigenous genocide, 200 plus years of forced agricultural labour, multiple violent battles for territorial control and its latent impact on the current inhabitants. Due to the importation of African slaves, St. Kitts thrived, however, Nevis was not as successful agriculturally consistently due to natural disasters and repeated battles for European ownership. Nevis became the richest British Colony by 1652 with only 50 years of sugarcane mass produced by slaves. Saint Kitts became the richest British Colony, per capita in the Caribbean at the same time the United States was being formed in 1776. How’s your meal thus far? I assure you the fun part is coming. (This is personal to me. It is a right-of passage to be able to write about my foundation. My grandmother was a Nevisian, my mother and four of my seven siblings Kittians). If we may return to the previous paragraph please. It is hard to imagine what my ancestors were enduring to secure wealth and riches for the same individuals that had been met with a WWW.INSIDESOCA.COM

fierce fight for independence in the Americas simultaneously. Understanding from whence we cometh is essential, at least theoretically to ones trajectory. Needless to say, slavery and all that comes with being classified as property or perhaps as good as livestock, coupled with a life expectancy of approximately 8 to 12 years upon arrival to toil was harsh, unbearable and inhumane. In the 1700’s Africans outnumbered Whites 2:1, yet voyages from the Middle Passage continued for another 180 years to the lush twin island federation. The tale of St. Kitts and Nevis from the 1700’s to the 1800’s is one that is similar to most islands; the desire to garner power and build wealth outweighed regard for humanity for centuries without rescue. No Nanny, no Harriet or Sojourner to lead the captives through the night to safety, freedom and independence; the twin island remained heavily reliant on the production of sugar for 365 years, ending in 2005. St. Kitts and Nevis has weathered their share of storms while remaining tucked neatly under the wing of the Queen of England. Yuh nuh full yet? The 14 parishes of the Twin Island Federation dance to their own beat at times, each holding strong to their political affiliations and allegiances and adjusting to the shift from production to seduction as in attracting tourists. Nevis which is more tourist friendly having more sites of interests such as the birthplace of Alexander Hamilton, Bath Spring and the Bath Hotel which dates back to 1778 was the first resort in the Caribbean. The hotel is now defunct, however you may still indulge in the volcanic springs, especially after your carnival vacation to St. Kitts to experience Sugar Mas!! On St. Kitts, proper sugar production is a thing of the past, with a literacy rate of 97% overall, many residents have administrative careers 15


attached to not only tourism, government careers, but also in one of the many institutions of higher learning. US, International and Interregional students flock to St. Kitts as a choice and alternate option when unable to secure a seat in a stateside medical school. Windsor University School of Medicine, Ross University of Veterinary Medicine and the Clarence Fitzroy Bryant College accept students into their halls of higher learning graciously.

borders have been open since October 2020. Unfortunately Sugar Mas 49 was purely virtual for 2021, but visitors are more than welcome to come down and lime with our very friendly residents and the of course the monkeys!

The monkeys come out after 5pm looking for food and interacting with the tourist. This is Shipwreck Beach Bar and Grill on St. Kitts. Photo by Island Vibes

The Hamilton House, Charlestown, Nevis. Basseterre is home to Port Zante and based The current structure was rebuilt from the on the current cruise ship schedule, Kittians ruins of the house where it was thought that and Nevisians are eagerly awaiting your arrival Alexander Hamilton was born and lived as a on either Royal Caribbean, Celebrity, Princess, Windstar or Norwegian Cruise lines. If you young child. Photo by Daniel Farrell want to experience Nevis, hop on a Seabourn, Star Clippers or Silverseas ship for an awesome laid back vacation in the sun less than 3 miles away. The forced indefinite servitude experienced centuries ago still harvests a great deal of longstanding emotional, racial, social and economic costs directly and indirectly to all, however their descendants’ remain resilient, Bath Hotel and Spring House Built in 1778, the Bath Hotel was once a savvy, smart and resourceful and skillful at playground for the rich and famous who came remaining relevant; remaining quietly dormant to Nevis to take in the therapeutic, hot spring like there resident volcanoes and equally hot baths. Photo by like lava. Cheers to perseverance, pride and purpose; as Kittians and Nevisian like to say: One last bite. We born “Trong” (minus the S of course, because that would surely make us soft!). The future of St. Kitts and Nevis is stable, but due to the current Covid -19 pandemic there has been a slight decline in tourism, however, their WWW.INSIDESOCA.COM





Sugar Mas HOW SWEET IT IS Written by: Starrlett Roberts

You Can’t Make Sugar without Sugar Cane: The Cultivation of Carnival


ach time I write a piece about any Caribbean Carnival, I always reference Trinidad as the initial cultural influencer in the development of most, if not all of the carnivals in the Caribbean diaspora. St. Kitts and Nevis’s National Carnival is no different. African captives brought with them their cultural rituals, customs and ingenuity which heavily shaped the origins of self-expression under harsh conditions. By the 1920’s, “Christmas Sports” (what they playfully called the activities that included performing and dressing in character in celebration of their rich folklore) happened during you guessed it, the Christmas Season. During this short one week reprieve; one and all would take to the streets! Beginning Christmas Eve straight to New Year’s day participating in performance folklore including; Niega/Neaga Business, Clowns, David and Goliath, Cakewalk, The Bull, The Mummies, Actors, Masqueraders, Cowboys and Indians.

Participants in the Christmas Sport c1920 WWW.INSIDESOCA.COM

“Indians” 1957

Long before the commercialization of Sugar Mas, St. Kitts and Nevis Nationals assembled in groups or joined “troupes” to partake in the festivities of Christmas Sports in an organized well-thought out manner. This annual artistic depiction of their latent talents’, personal sentiments, social agenda and/or political climate at that present time. Neaga Business troupes notoriously aired out the “dirty laundry” of the day with their skits during Christmas Sports. Surely, the majority populous of indentured laborers’ overall feeling of “All toil and no play 357 days of the year” could never be understated; they were gravely disadvantaged and eagerly awaited their opportunity to be empowered. Middle Class black Intelligentsia were on the rise in St. Kitts and did not necessarily champion this form of representation by the black working class in the presence of the white business and plantation owners an viewed it as a threat. “For the plantation workers, who were always regimented on the estates this was a time to “Leh go”. It was a time when they could make fun of the social sins of the planters and the overseers and the white population



in general. The often vulgar behavior of the performers became a subject of resentment among the emerging black intelligentsia. They feared that their blackness and their Creole origins would put them on a par with the performers in the eyes of the white administration and that this would diminish their potential to gain status in a white dominated society.” (O’ Flaherty, 2018). Needless to say Christmas Sports participation and performance declined significantly due to the internal opposition, inter-island and international immigration to neighboring islands and to England in the 1950’s. My mother who was born in the 1940’s expressed a great deal of mixed-feelings when speaking of her native island of birth. I recall her describing a very one-sided approach to most things; if you were on the “wrong side”, it appears your perspective would be disregarded. The powerless workingclass fled for better economic/educational opportunities and tucked in their luggage was a great deal of the early culture of St. Kitts and Nevis. Yuh Can’t Plant Corn…. With no true investment nor commitment to the Federations’ first cultural art form from the government; normal citizens assigned themselves the role of “cultural ambassadors’ of Christmas Sports and the beginning of Carnival as we know it today in St. Kitts and Nevis. Against all odds, men like Donald L. Matheson (supported the continuation of Christmas Sports), Selwyn MacDonald “Lalaps” Liddle (legendary Clown Masquerader and Musician), and Basil Henderson (Steel Pan Pioneer) kept the old cultural staples alive even under scrutiny from the powers that be, overwhelming criticism and enormous personal sacrifice.


Masqueraders 1950’s Carnival finally started to take shape with the addition of Steel Pan and Calypso as further forms of artistic expression thanks to Mr. Henderson. He traveled to, yes you guessed it Trinidad, and upon his return he intended to plant a great deal of musical and inspirational seeds for future harvest: “Basil Henderson, a community organizer had also assessed that Christmas was “losing its flavor,” the state of street folklore becoming worse each year. So at a meeting at Warner Park on 3rd September, 1957 he solicited help from the Basseterre community to form a Carnival committee in the hope that a Carnival would “encourage strangers and enhance trade.” On Dec 18th, 1957 after resounding support from the community and local business owners the first St. Kitts and Nevis National Carnival was successfully launched in Warner Park inclusive of old and new cultural traditions that remain 64 years later. Take a peek at the inaugural week of carnival festivities in 1957: December 18th Official opening of Carnival season December 19th Fancy Dress Football Match at Warner Park December 20th Christmas tree lighting at Pall Mall Square 19


December 21st Calypso contest at Warner Park December 23rd Steel Band recital at Pall Mall Square December 28th Choosing and crowning of Carnival Queen December 30th Procession of troupes, floats from Buckley’s to Warner Park January 1st 1958 Carnival Dance from 12:01am to 6.00am

Amazingly there was little or no interest in incorporating traditions of the past until St. Kitts and Nevis gained there independence in 1983, then a sense of pride started to develop and thus renewed interest in all that they had rejected for close to 30 years It is amazing that the elder Kittian cultural ambassadors, regardless of their agendas at the time, had the national/ racial pride, conviction and foresight to continue to fight for much needed respect, inclusion, and ultimately acceptance into the annual carnival celebrations of St. Kitts and Nevis. Reader, I assure you there is a proverbial silver lining to this journey; Kittians and Nevisians have worked hard over the years to develop their national carnival since it’s official 1971 inception, exceeding everyone’s expectations.’ By the time you are done reading you will be booking your next carnival destination to St. Kitts as an overdue Christmas gift for you and your best fete friends!

Harvest Time: Patience, Purpose, Pride Sugar Mas: The Alpha and Omega of the and Perseverance Caribbean Carnival Season The initial inception of carnival was not without resistance and disappointments; the inclusion of the traditional Christmas Sports in the carnival celebration caused some raised eyebrows from the plantation owners who were not thrilled at the idea of being chastised and mimicked as a form of entertainment. However, three was a great financial opportunity to be seized in investing in the idea of a national carnival and attract much needed visitors annually. Finally in 1971, the National Carnival Committee was formed and much like in the 1950’s and 60’s there was little interest in the formal adaptation of Christmas Sports in any of the carnival festivities. There was much fuss to ensure that their Queen Show Pageants and Calypso Shows were well orchestrated in addition to increasing bands for the road. WWW.INSIDESOCA.COM

St. Kitts Carnival kicks off in November of the previous year and ends in early January of the new year Symbolically, if you return annually, they are the Alpha and Omega of the Caribbean Carnival season! Essentially you end the year and start the New Year in St. Kitts. Why come to St. Kitts for Carnival you ask? Why not? I say. They are authentically original having had a rich history of their own, albeit well over a century after Trinidad’s inclusive inaugural carnival inception in 1834; St. Kitts and Nevis’ National Carnival are in a class by themselves. You have a whole year to prepare for your joyous and eventful voyage. Come see the beautiful lush island and meet their equally beautiful people. A typical in-person visit (funny how we must be very literal these days due to virtual capabilities and access) could



span the entire month of December, however (2019) so you could experience Bacchanal Flag many visitors arrive two weeks before Last Lap and Wet Fete , however you should not miss . the opening of Sugar Mas Village nor ASAP’s Glow Parade which was on December 16th, 2019.

Revelers; Bacchanal Flag and Wet Fete

In 2019 Sugar Mas 48 was well-received and based on this event schedule below, there’s literally something for everyone to do:

Revelers; ASAP Glow Parade

A great time to have travelled to the twin island federation would be from December 20th WWW.INSIDESOCA.COM

Bank Street, Downtown Basseterre St. Kitts 21


Quiet Bank Street A.K.A “Tek Dat Avenue” transforms during carnival with plenty rum, music, food and fun this is the spot for many in between events or as an exciting night out with your friends. Colonial Bank (now Barclays Bank) was setup by the Royal Charter in 1836 to trade with the West Indies and has been in this vicinity for over 200 years. It is very fitting that the descendants of slaves who unwilling facilitated the generation of enormous wealth subsequently brought to this very location, can now jump up and wuk up freely in front of it. What a great way to say TEK DAT!! Check out Sugar Band on Tek Dat Avenue

The spirit of carnival is an all-inclusive vibe not matter where you are, but in St. Kitts you just pay a little less! Some of the best fetes of the Sugar Mas 48 Season were: Top Off Brunch, Inception, Soca Seas, Carambola NYE, Real Right Boat Ride, Rotary Club of Liamuiga Charity Ball and Cane Juice Cooler Fete. There’s plenty to do typically each night has at least three events to choice from each day or night. Just in case you were wondering yes other artist come to support carnival, artists like Problem Child, Destra Garcia, Motto, Little Natty and Thunda, David Rudder and Famous DJ’s like DJ Puffy and Dr. Haze Make sure you pour a nice tall alcoholic drink and put on you track shoes as you get a glimpse of over two hours of “de real ting”; Sugar Mas 48 was a fun- filled, excitingly vibrant day. Next year be sure to pick your Carnival NO SOCIAL DISTANCING REQUIRED Band early!! Here are three that are sure to give you an awesome New Year’s Day experience: Ultra Carnival, Majesty Carnival and Luxe “People’s Sugar”: “6 lbs. of sugar/ enh enough lbs. of Carnival Bands their lovely ladies looked sugar/cause de people just can’t get enough /cause it absolutely fabulous and all bands have male SWEET!! selections for you male feter’s. The Nu Vybes International Band claim in their 2001 Road March winning s o n g : h t t p s : / / w w w. y o u t u b e . c o m / watch?v=pw6YWnRFDQw

Sugar Mas 48:

You must listen to the undeniable anthem of Sugar Mas in general, 20 years later People’s Sugar is always played on the road during J’ouvert and on the Grand Parade day just to keep the crowd bouncing. What you will surely find is that Kittians and Nevisians don’t wine- they WUK UP, CHIP and CHANT! You will see all the young men jumping in a circular motion when a hot tune is cranked out of the huge truck speakers. Our music is DIFFERENT, FASTER AND FULL OF INSTRUCTIONS!! WWW.INSIDESOCA.COM


Ultra Carnival


During your down time make sure you put on your tourist hat and “darkers” (what the natives call sun shades) and explore St. Kitts and its beauty.

Sugar Mas 49: We’re In This Together!!

Majesty Carnival

“Come rain or shine/ we know that we’ll be fine/ knowing that/we’re in this together!” –2021 National Calypso Monarch Winner Queeny G Queeny G “We’re In This Together” Senior Calypso Finals December 29th, 2020 Sugar Mas 49- See how the Queen kept her crown! h t t p s : / / w w w. y o u t u b e . c o m / watch?v=W4UrfCqwQxI Unfortunately, after all the excitement you just read, viewed and although St. Kitts and Nevis boarders have been wide open for tourists, Sugar Mas 49 was virtual, with limited in –person audiences. Nonetheless, it was pretty damn good!! I am so proud of the production efforts made to ensure a safe and very streamlined experience via facebook. One thing for sure, all of the participants, artists, performers and technical directors nailed IT! Yet another first for the Twin Island Federation: First Ever Virtual Caribbean Carnival. Yes I know, nothing can beat the real thing, God-willing the 50th anniversary of Sugar Mas will be up close, in-person and back on the road. I hope to see all of you in December 2021, in the meantime remember to remain safe and “we can still stand tall/ knowing that/ we’re in this together!

















Burnell Mckenna

The Artist About the Painting: Original Watercolour Painting Cherry Plum (Prunus Cerasifera) Dimensions: 56 x 76 com/30 x 22 inches Medium: Watercolour on Hahnemuehle cold press watercolour paper Dublin Ireland January 2020 Bursting with rich colour, the juicy cherry plums are dark red and sophisticated looking fruits, They are ready to harvest in late July and early August which is when I spotted the tree’s novel reddish purpley leaves and finely serrated margins. I am a forager of wild fruit and berries and the lush, alluring fruit drew me in on one of my walks in my neighbourhood where the tree hung encouragingly over roadside as if seeking attention. I wanted to create a botanical portrait of the leaves and fruit immediately and upon my return preserved the beauty of a broken branch for a few days while I took the greatest pleasure in putting paint to paper. The painting of the leaves was a bit of a pleasant challenge, I really wanted to capture the mix of blue-green into red-purple of the leave and recreate the richness of the fruit. As a botanical artist I enjoy leaning into the details and found it really enjoyable as the details started coming true to life several watercolour layers later. This painting as many of my paintings do, taps into my deep appreciation of nature and the reason I am always captivated by its beauty and inspiration. This piece features on my website and was entered as one of my pieces in 2020 Sunday Times Watercolour 2020 competition; as well as Association of British Botanical Artists Purely Botanical 2020 Exhibition. I am immensely proud of having been about to capture this wonderful piece of nature. Instagram: @thatwatercolorlife








Artwork by Reecie A young girl showing off one of her trendy outfits at home during the lockdown. A green crop top with a black skirt, complemented by hooped gold earrings.









INSIDE THE KITCHEN Featuring the National Dish of St. Kitts and Nevis - Stewed salt-fish, spicy plantains, seasoned breadfruit, and coconut dumplings by Cliff O’Neill.








450g saltfish 1 green bell pepper diced 1 red bell pepper diced 1 yellow bell pepper diced 450g tomatoes chopped 5 cloves garlic chopped 4 tbsp vegetable oil 2 tbsp butter 6 spring onions finely chopped 1 small onion Salt Black pepper

-Chop, dice or grate the ingredients -Soak the saltfish overnight. -Boil the fish in fresh water until tender, for about 20 minutes. -Drain it before removing bones, scales and flakes. -Heat oil in a large pan. Add peppers, spring onions, onion

and garlic. Cover and cook over low heat for 5 minutes, stirring occasionally. -Add the tomatoes and simmer over medium heat for 2 to 3 minutes. -Add saltfish, butter, salt and pepper. Cover the stew and simmer over low heat for 5 Minutes.




500g breadfruit unsalted and chopped into 2 ½ cm pieces. Roughly 3 cups 2 tbsp vegetable oil 1 tbsp butter ⅓ red bell pepper diced ⅓ green bell pepper diced ⅓ yellow bell pepper diced 1 onion chopped 4 garlic cloves crushed 125ml chicken broth ¼ tsp salt ¼ tsp black pepper

-Serve with dumplings, salt-Melt butter in a heavy pan fish and spicy plantains. over medium heat, then add oil. Add onions and cook 5 to 8 minutes until golden, stir often. -Add garlic, thyme and chopped peppers, sauté for 30 seconds. -Remove from heat and add breadfruit with chicken broth or other prepared liquid. -Toss gently to blend and heat through. Season to taste with salt and pepper.







75g coconut flakes around ½ cup 220g wheat flour around 1½ cups ¼ tsp salt 1 tbsp vegetable oil 1 tbsp butter 125ml water

-Place flour, coconut, salt, butter and oil in a bowl. Gradually stir in water to make a stiff dough. -Turn onto a lightly floured board and knead for about 2 minutes. -Make dumplings in desired shape.

SPICY PLAINTAINS Ingredients 3 plantains cut into halves 2 tbsp grated ginger 1 small onion grated ¼ tsp salt ¼ tsp chili pepper finely chopped Vegetable oil

-Slide dumplings into boiling water. Cover and cook for about 10 to 15 minutes.

Instructions -Combine all ingredients in a bowl. Toss until mixed. Fry in batches until golden brown and cooked. -Remove and drain on paper towels.


A Global Cooking Adventure as I cook the food of St. Kitts & Nevis! Tonight’s Kittian and Nevian menu: Stewed Saltfish, Spicy Plantains, Coconut Dumplings and Seasoned Breadfruit by CLiff O’Neill @cliffieland WWW.INSIDESOCA.COM




By: Ruth

Sugar Cakes INGREDIENTS 4 cups of Granulated sugar 1 cup of water 4 cups of shredded unsweetended coconut ½ teaspoon of almond extract Cream of tartar Food colouring (optional)


METHOD -Boil sugar and water to make a light syrup -When bubbles the size of small pearls appear, add the grated coconut and cream of tartar -When the mixture leaves the sides of the pan easily remove from the heat and beat with a wooden spoon for 3 -5 minutes -Add the almond extract and food colouring of your choice (optional) -Place dough like mixture into small cupcake moulds -Place in the fridge to chill for 20 minutes










by M Ï X G Ø D

COCKTAIL NAME : Breakfast Margarita INGREDIENTS * 50ml Don Julio blanco * 25ml lemon juice * 25ml orange liqueur * 1tsp Orange marmalade *1 tsp apricot marmalade * 1 baby drops of honey

How to prepare Breakfast Margarita * Add all ingredient into a mixing glass * Shake vigorously with solid ice * Double strain into a chilled coupe glass * Garnished with orange peel




Breakfast Margarita









CREATIVE DESIGNS Black Owned Hair Products Afro hair is finally getting the top grade quality products it deserves. In this section, we have searched assiduously for premium products owned by us, for our hair. Let us introduce you to some of our superior hair products sold in the UK.





Mango Girl. By Dr. Ava Eagle Brown HOW IT STARTED Dr. Eagle Brown wanted products for her skin and hair but hated the chemicals and numerous ingredients that existed. After a nasty divorce, she started making body butter as therapy because she found it calmed her down. Life took a toll on her, and she moved to Northern Ireland from London, needing to be restored and where she started her new venture. WHAT IS MANGO GIRL The Mango Girl is a handmade, organic, cruelty free hair and skin care products company that uses all natural and ethical ingredients in our products. It’s owned by a Jamaican girl who loves to use her hands to make things. Mama would say “tun yuh hand and mek fashion” – Turn your hand and make things. Our brand has been positively reviewed on Trustpilot and is used globally.

OUR MISSION With a notable mission to empower women to live their best lives through training and writing, with every product you buy, Mango Girl™ donates 10p to transform communities in Northern Ireland & Jamaica through The Mango Girl CIC. PURPOSE Our main purpose is to nourish your family “head to toe”, and that is what we excel at. CONTACTS Website: Email: Phone: +44 7808 866870 Instagram: @themangogirl2 Facebook: The Mango Girl Twitter: @TheMangoGirl2

MANGO GIRL GOAL The goal at Mango Girl is to create products with few ingredients inspired by nature that achieve beautiful results and are gentle for the entire family’s hair and skin. We want to be your “head to toe” go to product that is a great quality yet affordably priced. We do so by carefully hand selecting every ingredient that goes into each product, thus ensuring quality is never compromised.




Be carried away to the Caribbean by the scents of our Mango Butter. Handmade of a shea butter base and infused with mango essential oil to create one seriously luscious, all-natural whipped body butter. And our Mango Butter isn’t just for skin – let it get to work on your hair, encouraging growth and producing sebum, which moisturises the scalp.





eautiful OURN


By Kadian Pow HOW IT STARTED Chapped, dry skin on my body. Oily, sensitive, acne-prone, eczematous skin on my face. Dry, easily tangled, curly-coily hair on my head. Addressing those conditions is what, in part, motivated Kadian to start researching and formulating hand-crafted products. Kadian wanted results, not marketing promises on a label. For two years Kadian experimented and tested formulas on herself, friends and family. Soon a few of them began to request specific items, some of which evolved into items you can find on her website (e.g. Hair Too Balm, Oat Rich Lotion, Curl, Please! Curling Custard). Eventually paying for the pleasure! ABOUT Bourn Beautiful Naturals is a black-owned company, named after a brook in the West Midlands, UK. The ethos of Bourn Beautiful Naturals is all about maintaining hair and skin optimal moisture balance in formulas that are both effective and feel luxurious. They achieve that mainly through vegan and vegetarian ingredients. Kadian puts her love into each product she makes and packages. They use only the ingredients that are going to work for you, not just for their labels. CONTACT Website: Email: Twitter/IG/FB: @BBNaturalsUK




Coconut Cream Hair Mask

Packed with pure coconut milk, rich in vitamins C, E, B1, B3, B5 and B6, this deep conditioner will nourish hair with the proteins from its rich fatty acid profile. Shea butter, coconut oil, avocado oil, maracuja oil and hydrolised pea protein leave hair super soft and luxurious.





By Tayshan

After suffering with hair loss, dry & damaged hair, shedding, psoriasis, traction alopecia and severe reactions to products on the market, we then decided to take matters into our own hands! Earth Elixir Haircare was born out of our love for Ayurveda and the need for completely natural, vegan, eco-friendly products that we could trust and use for us AND our children. We wanted to create products that were solely plant derived yet still had results. Products that could be used from birth on all hair types.

CONTACTS Website: Email: Instagram: @earth_elixir.haircare Facebook: earthelixirhaircare




Our Ayurvedic Hair Growth Oil has a multitude of benefits for reach optimum hair and scalp health: •Hydration •Preventing breakage •Reducing shedding •Locking in moisture •Promoting growth •Increase shine, manageability and softness A blend of 6 oils infused with 10 Ayurvedic herbs and an essential oil mix added. This oil can be used as a pre poo, scalp oil, sealant and hot oil treatment.




Aaron Wallace


aron Wallace is the UK’s First Black Owned Grooming Brand For Black Men. Founded by an expert South London Barber, the company is dedicated towards inspiring black men to be the best they can be with natural hair and beard care products that contain only the best toxicfree ingredients. Aaron Wallace is specifically formulated with specially sourced ingredients to meet the grooming needs of Black men. Black Seed Oil and Mango Butter are rich in much needed nutrients and can be found in all our products.




The Aaron Wallace: 3-Step Hair care System is our simple yet powerful selection of products formulated to produce and maintain healthy Afro hair. Our simple set is comprised of our Hydrating Hair & Beard Shampoo, Conditioner and Moisturiser, all infused with the key nutrients needed for healthy hair, as well as our signature blend of Black Seed Oil & Mango Butter. Our completely natural formulations gently cleanse, strengthen and moisturise to combat early receding hair and patches in the beard. We focus on maximum hydration and nutrition to penetrate thick hair and nourish down to the follicle. Creating healthier, more supple head and beard hair.

CONTACT Website: Phone: 0208 659 5314 Email: Instagram: @byaaronwallace Facdbook: byaaronwallace




Vp Royals

The Royal Bundle is a hom chemicals. This organic ran


VP Royals embarked on a journey to do further research on understanding natural hair and ingredients that contributed towards healthy growth and sealed in moisture on our hair. The more knowledge they obtained, the more it inspired them to create something of their own, something that they knew was authentic, organic and contained no mineral oils or chemicals. Their mission is to incorporate raw organic ingredients into all their products to promote growth and healthy hair for all hair types with particular emphasis on curly, coiled and kinky hair textures such as 3a-4c. They understand the biggest challenge they face when wearing their hair natural is dryness and breakage, which stops the hair from growing to its full potential. Therefore by replacing chemicals with organic oils and butters it adds moisture into the hair allowing the hair to grow to its full potential.

CONTACTS Website: Instagram: vproyals Facebook: VPRoyals




memade natural organic collection, free from sulphates, parabens, perfume and other harsh nge will promote healthy hair growth, definition and will leave your hair nourished, moisturised, soft and shiny from root to tip.





By Co-Founder Paula Francis PREMIUM HAIR WELLNESS


uperFoodLx is a premium vegan hair wellness brand started by a London based NHS Nurse and Nutritionist mother and daughter team. SuperFoodLx was started when Co Founder Paula Francis lost a lot of hair due to a combination of severe stress and bad haircare and her mother Cherry helped for it to grow back. They now specialise in the use of superfood based hair wellness products to help women get their hair back to how it should be. ‘Hair wellness’ is different from typical haircare, in that it includes a range of supplements to tackle hair growth from the inside out. Hair wellness acknowledges that stress, diet and hormones need to be addressed as being part of the optimum hair growth process. The mission of the business is to introduce the ‘hair wellness’ concept to the UK beauty landscape with their high efficacy plant based formulas. Mood Architect is a unique blend of high performance nutrients to help ‘design’ your emotions naturally. Paula Francis, co-founder of SuperFoodLx says; ‘many of our customers were saying that they knew that their hair loss was due to stress, so we addressed that concern by introducing stress relieving products’. Science supports that emotional states can impact our hair growth rate. A 2017 review in the International Journal of Molecular Sciences found that low vitamin D levels have been linked to: •Telogen effluvium, or excess hair shedding •Alopecia areata, an autoimmune disorder where hair falls out in clumps •Female pattern hair loss 4 common risk factors for vitamin D deficiency •Having dark skin. •Being overweight or obese.

•Living and working where there is little sun. •Always staying indoors. 5 signs of vitamin D deficiency 1.Getting sick or infected often 2.Frequent fatigue and tiredness 3.Bone and back pain 4.Depression 5.Hair Loss WWW.INSIDESOCA.COM

CONTACTS Website: Email: Instagram: @superfoodlx Facebook: SuperFoodLx



Mood Architect is a unique blend of high performance nutrients to help ‘design’ your emotions naturally. It contains two active ingredients; vitamin D3 which is sustainably sourced from the plant organism-lichen to provide your daily micro infusion of plant based sunshine and 5HTP is from the griffonia seed cultivated in the sun soaked lands of Ghana, Africa.





Fix Your Crown exists to help you embrace your natural hair with natural hair care products, made for people like you, by people like you. Because your hair doesn’t need to be tamed, it isn’t unprofessional, it isn’t less beautiful. Because your hair is your crowning glory. Fix Your Crown is a hair care brand that uses only natural ingredients, inspired by Ayurveda and ancient African hair recipes. Our products focus on stimulating growth, retaining length and bringing out that natural beauty in your hair - so you can rock your crown with pride!

CONTACTS Website: Email: Instagram: fychaircare




The Royal Family Get the whole royal family. Everything you need to treat your hair like the treasure it is: our Ayurvedic Whipped Shea Cream, Ayurvedic Hair Growth Oil, Rose & Vanilla Infused Shine Elixir and Juices & Berries Leave-In Conditioner.







St. Kitts Rising Star




During the final monarch show, a winner is Written By: Starrlett Roberts chosen, “crowned” nationally (from your island of origin) landing your eligibility to eventually compete in Trinidad’s International Soca Monarch, the benchmark for Soca Artists/ It’s hard to pin down a busy man, but we Calypsonians. finally caught up with St. Kitt’s very own Nicha B, who is now a member of Blaxx “During 2011 through 2016 we had the best National and D’Allstars, for an exclusive interview. Calypso Monarch Competition’s ever and then everything just went down the drain.”, you can hear icha B (Neecha B) is one of the the frustration in his voice as he explains; “It most versatile performers out of the became so bad that they ended up having it for free, so I twin-island of St. Kitts and Nevis. just started to do my own thing.” Calypso/Soca serve Nicha B is not one to be “boxed” in, which as a form of expression musically and vocally; is why we wanted to capture him while we it is the eye and ears of the people in many can! Nicha B, a former Secondary History regards. As we continued to speak, it was hard and Electrical Studies School Teacher in St. to contain the eagerness of Nicha B to be his Kitts, has stage performance in his blood. people’s eyes and ears and his disappointment His father, also named Nicha B, was a singer, when he felt he could no longer do so without drummer and songwriter for the “Coca Cola increased national support of his artform. Band” on international cruise ships, as recalled by his son. His mother, Sandra D, was a local Leaving St. Kitts to go to Trinidad was a must Calypsonian/Emcee for Performance Shows for Nicha B, here he explains why: in St. Kitts. Being on a stage is just a part of “I went to Trinidad to further my music.” his DNA! “We don’t have journalists that will publish your stuff or reach out to you like in Jamaica; everything is about When asked about the future of Soca in St. money; the more I grow, the more the journalists will Kitts, he passionately described a time when he grow. We just don’t have that marketing scheme in felt there was a great deal of growth, marking St. Kitts.” “In Trinidad, it is less about money; they the promising alpha in 2011 and the untimely promote their Artistes through marketing in all forms omega in 2016. Nicha B has travelled to many so they can grow and get more exposure”. He further parts of the Caribbean performing and still a speaks about the limited longevity an Artiste bight rising star outside of the 68 square miles has in St. Kitts; “You will be their Artiste for the of St. Kitts, Nicha B is adamant that there time being because if you don’t have a hit song in SK, was a shift in the local appeal for the National they’ll just put you on the shelf. It’s not supposed to be Calypso Monarch competition in St. Kitts over like that.” “They go with what’s trending; they don’t the past five years. seem to respect people who have put in work, and they do not like to pay Artistes’ accordingly.” For the younger readers who have no idea what a Calypso Monarch Show is I will gladly In 2015 after winning the St. Kitts “Groovy bring you up to speed. After months of smaller Soca Monarch” with his signature tune “Can’t performance showcases, individual Soca/ Wait”; Nicha B challenged himself to go south Calypso Artistes are judged and eliminated of the Caribbean Sea to Trinidad for a fresh until the final group perform at the final show. start. Riding the wave of the very happy and





groovy “Can’t Wait”, he decided to remix really compete with anybody. He has inspired me in a it with Trinidadian Artiste Benjai with great lot of ways to see that you can do what you love to do acclaim! and make money!” Nicha B prides himself as an artist with individuality; indicating that people have a choice to tune into the artistes they like and suit their style. “I don’t really class myself with other Artistes, we all have a different message. Some people may judge them, but they are speaking on what they have lived and learned.” When it comes to Soca/Calypso; Blaxx, Mr. Mention from Nu Vybes International Sugar Band, Machel Montano, Bungi Garlin and David Rudder, the latter of which mostly hail from Trinidad respectively, have inspired Nicha B greatly. I had to inquire if he was sparked by Soca Artistes from any other part of the region; Nicha B clarified that he has forged many friendships with other performers such Motto, Linky First, Voice and Olatunji from various parts of Caribbean whom he considers to be like his brothers, but his inspiration comes from the elders mentioned. Check out exactly how these artistes have influenced him with this tune: “Soca Gumtion” Nicha B was crowned the 2015/16 The Cable from 2019, Groovy Soca Monarch watch?v=kqFHR9_aCDg Nicha B subsequently earned the #10 spot of the 59 competitors at the 2016 International Soca Monarch Semi-finals, becoming the first Kittian National to achieve this goal. Interestingly enough, he did not start as a Soca Artiste; he labels himself as “A Versatile Entertainer” exclaiming proudly, “I sing everything!” “Before I did Soca, I used to do Reggae, Dancehall, R & B.” “I do love songs, conscious music… my first break was from dancehall music actually.” I quickly interjected. “Which dancehall artiste inspires Nicha B?” “Popcaan, because of his work ethic; I like the way that he works, I like the way that he pushes himself as an Artiste, and I like his creativity.” “He blocks out everybody and just does his own thing; like he’s in his own race, he doesn’t WWW.INSIDESOCA.COM

The interview continues... If you knew back in 2019 what you know now, what would you do differently? I would have saved more!! I would have produced more music; 2020 slowed my momentum after a good year in 2019. 2020 was my year to start touring, it has been really hard for me. How has this impacted your creativity? Has your drive changed in any way? I just continued to do music honestly; I am in the process of doing videos for some of my songs like “Good On Meh” (2020) and “Humble” (2020). I will be doing other videos 58


What Band do you jump with in St. Kitts on J’ouvert Morning Can we expect an album from Nicha B, or Of course, with Mention and Nu Vybes! are these just singles? Mention is like my brother! I will be putting out an EP this year with the songs that I have been anticipating to release Of all the animals in the Animal Kingdom, but never got the chance with a few videos to what animal are you like most? push the EP. A goat, it’s a stubborn animal and no matter what, it doesn’t give up! I keep climbing up Tell me a little more about your move to each hill like a goat, full of pride. If a goat is Trinidad; how did they receive you as an on hill at 90 degrees, it will find a way to hold artist from another island? How do you like on and eat upward. I manage my entire life living in Trinidad, were they welcoming? feeling like this; no matter my circumstances, I They were very welcoming to me actually. I have will come out on top. been at a lot of radio stations; I was on OJO World TT (Watch Nicha B Live in the studio When all the borders open up, what carnival on “Midday Scandal with Taquille and Clyde will Nicha B hit first? Tha Outlaw”: St. Kitts Sugar Mas of course! watch?v=4rXtwwPHfkA&t=537s (2019). I’ve done much more shows in Trinidad. This What do you want everyone to know about experience is way different to St .Kitts, in St. you personally? Kitts we do shows mostly weekend time. In I’m a nice person! (laughing), I have two Trinidad I was doing shows almost every night children, a boy and a girl. I am between 27-32 or every other night, especially during carnival years old. I am a controversial artist in St. Kitts; time last year. We perform up to eight shows a after I won Kings of Kings, I feel like there has night during the season! In Trinidad I am busier been some resentment towards me on a local I always have something to look forward too, level, but I don’t have any bad feeling toward a breakfast show, a radio interview and event. anyone. It is unfortunate that my own people In Trinidad, I am a more “interactive artiste”, haven’t supported me like I feel they should. I which keeps me in check to always be on have more productive relationships with Artists point. St. Kitts is more laid-back and relaxed, overseas than here in St. Kitts. I am going to less opportunity to market my talents. While change the world with my music, by will or by in Trinidad there is always something that is force. related to music everyday. Former Calypso Monarch King Sweeney lamented in SKN Vibes: “Calypso has served Who do you want to collaborate with? as a vehicle for change, progress and national Blaxx, Beres Hammond, Destra, Popcaan, development, a medium for education, a source Voice, Machel Montano my list is long. of entertainment, a voice for nationhood and a catalyst to promote the advancement of our Where can your new fans hear your music rich cultural heritage.” If Nicha B remains and find you on social media? Humble, Driven, Dynamic, Focused and Fresh, I am on Facebook: Nicha B Music, Instagram: his talents can finally put St Kitts on Soca Map @OfficialNichaB, on YouTube: Nicha B for the years to come we CAN’T WAIT!! Channel accordingly while this year unfolds.




Nicha B - Good On Meh “2020 Soca”

Nicha B - Humble “2020 Soca”





















STOP Violence Against Women #WakeUp #StandUp #SpeakOut Campaign

Written by: Kerlon winchester


he campaign #Wake Up #Stand Up #Speak Out was engineered by Garcelle Wilson with the help of Inside Soca Magazine.

she needs to speak up and be heard. The perpetrator is the sole reason for assault and must bear the responsibility alone. Call out victim-blaming and counter the idea that it’s on women to avoid situations that might be seen Garcelle Wilson, aged 19, from Trinidad and as “dangerous” by traditional standards. Tobago, had her heart shattered, alongside her family, when her cousin Ashanti Riley’s life Call for responses and services fit for was taken in November 2020. Ashanti left her purpose home one afternoon to visit her Grandmother but sadly never made it there or returned home. Shelters, hotlines, counselling and all support Ashanti struggled with her abductors, who, for survivors of gender-based violence need to after failing to strangle her, brutally stabbed be available for those in need. her to death. Like Ashanti and all the other young ladies whose lives were taken before, Learn the signs of abuse and how you Andrea Bharatt, 22, was the latest victim of the can help increased kidnappings and senseless killings. Gender-based violence is one of the most widespread and chronic human rights violations in our world today. It remains unreported mainly due to the impunity, stigma and shame surrounding it. Although we are fighting a Covid 19 pandemic, the pandemic of gender-based violence has existed too long without any attention to it. Here are some strategies that can be used to help curb the gender-based violence problem.

There are many forms of abuse, and all of them can have severe physical and emotional effects. If you’re concerned about a friend who may be experiencing violence or feels unsafe around someone, review these signs and learn about how to help them find safety and support.

Teach the next generation and learn from them

The examples we set for the younger generation shape how they think about gender, respect and human rights. Start conversations Listen to and believe survivors about gender roles early on, and challenge the traditional features and characteristics assigned When a woman shares her story of violence, to men and women. Point out the stereotypes she takes the first step to breaking the abuse that children regularly encounter, whether in cycle. It’s on all of us to give her the safe space the media, on the street or at the school, and WWW.INSIDESOCA.COM



let them know that it’s OK to be different. Encourage a culture of acceptance. Talk about consent, bodily autonomy and accountability to boys and girls, and also listen to what they have to say about their experience of the world. By empowering young advocates with information and educating them about women’s rights, we can build a better future for all.

and sexualities.

Hold each other accountable

Violence can take many forms, including sexual harassment in the workplace and public spaces. Take a stand by calling it out when you see it: catcalling, inappropriate sexual comments and sexist jokes are never OK. Create a safer environment for everyone by challenging Stand against rape culture your peers to reflect on their behaviour and speaking up when someone crosses the line, or Rape culture is the social environment that allows by enlisting the help of others if you don’t feel sexual violence to be normalized and justified, safe. fueled by the persistent gender inequalities and attitudes about gender and sexuality. Naming it From the attitudes we have about gender is the first step to dismantling rape culture. identities to the policies we support in our communities, we can all take action to stand against rape culture. Fund women’s organizations Ending violence against women is everyone’s Donate to local organizations that empower business. women, amplify their voices, support survivors, and promote acceptance of all gender identities

#WakeUp #StandUp #SpeakOut Campaign WWW.INSIDESOCA.COM




Ultimate Soca chart Welcome to the Ultimate Soca chart, a new platform developed by our friends at Soca Funhouse (@socafunhouse on Instagram), ranking the top ten Soca tracks every month. Hopefully, you are doing your part for Soca by living, buying and supporting SOCA. United, we can truly make it Global.

Here’s the Chart for January 2021 10: Voice - By any means.

5: Lyrical - Happy place.


Machel Montano - High Life.


Nadia Batson - Sugar Daddy.


Machel Montano - Private Party.


Voice -Dancing away.


Voice - Woman.


Farmer Nappy - Backyard Jam.


Nadia Batson featuring Don Iko - Counting my blessings.


Patrice Roberts - Tender.

Instagram - @Djlokdwn








Inside Soca Local UK Classifieds SMISLES Professional cosmetic teeth whitening Dagenham, Essex

Instagram: @smiisles CARNIVAL ACCESSORIES Providing accessories for carnival and cultural events

JUICE BAR 91 LTD Providing fast, healthy and highly nutritious juices and smoothies Instagram: @carnival.accessoriesuk KESE CUSHIONS Unique handmade cushions adding a colourful touch of Africa to your decor Instagram: @kese_cushions

Instagram: @no91_juicebar

#supportblackbusiness 76




#supportblackbusiness #supportblackbusiness




Inside Soca International Classifieds JAMAICA FRONT RUNNER SPORTS MANAGEMENT “Always in front with the winning edge”

Instagram: @frsportsmgmt Facebook: frsmgmt TEL: 1(876) 329-6830 EMAIL: PINKSQUE DEVELPOMENT Architectural design, Construction executed & complete Interior Design specializing in Deco paint

LIADOR SERVICES AND JOINERY We build, rebuild and repair fine furniture Instagram: @liadorservicesandjoiner EMAIL: TEL: 1(876) 286-2090

MOUNT PLEASANTFARM CHOCOLATIERS Chocolate making company using Blue Mountain Cocoa Beans. Facebook: MountpleasantfarmchocolatiersJamaica TEL: 1(876) 874-7401

T’SBYSHER Apparel and Clothing Instagram: @shirtsbysher EMAIL: TEL: 1(876) 819-1749


TEL: 1(876) 887-9893 TEL: 1(876) 345-9906

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DRIPP RAGS Sells and delivers designer and silk durags Instagram: @dripprags TEL: 1(876) 542-6336 EMAIL:



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@insidesoca Inside soca magazine @insidesocamagz

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