Sound Scavenger Hunt
Find a HIGH pitch
Find a LOW pitch
Find a QUIET sound
Find a LOUD sound
Find something you can can SHAKE to make a sound
Find something you can RUB to make a sound
Find something made of METAL you can tap to make a sound
Find something made of WOOD you can tap to make a sound
Find a sound made by PEOPLE (walking, talking, etc)
Find a MECHANICAL sound (car, furnace, computer, etc.)
For pre-readers, go around your class or home as a group. Readers can work in groups, pairs, or individually. Write what you find in this column.
What was your FAVORITE sound?
Simon Says: Music Edition
This is SIMON SAYS as you know and love it, but with one twist: let's add music!
Choose words and themes that you learned from your Orchestra Adventure!
Here are some examples:
Play the violin
Play the trumpet
Play a percussion instrument
Make a high sound
Make a low sound
Conduct an orchestra playing music with three beats per measure
Stomp/clap fast
Stomp/clap slowly
High and Low
Circle the instrument that can play the higher notes and then color them in! (Hint: usually the bigger instrument is lower!)
Tuba Flute or Violin or or Bassoon Double Bass TrumpetLearn to Conduct!
Practice conducting along with this playlist containing music with 2, 3, and 4 beats per measure.
Check out a full activity and lesson plan to practice conducting with your young learners at home or at school.