Tiny Tots: Orchestra Adventure Learning Resources

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Learning Resources

Sound Scavenger Hunt

Find a HIGH pitch

Find a LOW pitch

Find a QUIET sound

Find a LOUD sound

Find something you can can SHAKE to make a sound

Find something you can RUB to make a sound

Find something made of METAL you can tap to make a sound

Find something made of WOOD you can tap to make a sound

Find a sound made by PEOPLE (walking, talking, etc)

Find a MECHANICAL sound (car, furnace, computer, etc.)

For pre-readers, go around your class or home as a group. Readers can work in groups, pairs, or individually. Write what you find in this column.

What was your FAVORITE sound?

Simon Says: Music Edition

This is SIMON SAYS as you know and love it, but with one twist: let's add music!

Choose words and themes that you learned from your Orchestra Adventure!

Here are some examples:

Play the violin

Play the trumpet

Play a percussion instrument

Make a high sound

Make a low sound


Conduct an orchestra playing music with three beats per measure

Stomp/clap fast

Stomp/clap slowly

Young learner(s), draw a picture of their favorite Simon Says prompt above.

High and Low

Circle the instrument that can play the higher notes and then color them in! (Hint: usually the bigger instrument is lower!)

Tuba Flute or Violin or or Bassoon Double Bass Trumpet

Learn to Conduct!

Practice conducting along with this playlist containing music with 2, 3, and 4 beats per measure.

Check out a full activity and lesson plan to practice conducting with your young learners at home or at school.


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