At Novus we’ve dedicated ourselves to doing our part in getting you where you need to go, herever that road may lead.

Program Details:

• Offer valid until February 28, 2025. on new vehicle purchases
To redeem, present this coupon page at any of these listed dealer locations. No need to be a CARS Rally Club member to qualify, anyone with the coupon is eligible!
• Please scan the QR codes to visit each website for full details on this exclusive discount.

Coordinator: Bruce Leonard
Assistant Coordinator: Ian Wright
Clerk of the Course: Ross Wood
Sponsorship: Ian Wright
Admin Coordinator: Jane Leonard
Registrar: Christina Thomlinson
Supplementary Regulations: Bruce Leonard
Treasurer: Jane Leonard
Media Manager: Ian Wright
Media Registrar: Jane Leonard
Awards: Bruce Leonard
Webmaster: Ian Lalonde
Green Issues: Bruce Leonard
Graphic Design: Bruce Leonard
Announcers: Jim Kenzie and Adam Dowsett
Assistant Clerk of the Course: Dave Cotie
Routemaster: Ian Lalonde
Chief Safety Officer: Ian Lalonde
Chief Control Marshal: Doug Hollands
Chief Radio Marshal: Ross Wood
Scoring Manager: Bruce Leonard
Chief Scorer: J-George Marcotte
Assistant Scorer: Roger Sanderson
Competitor Relations Manager: Nancy Haywood
Chief Scrutineer: Warren Haywood
Rally Equipment Manager: Doug Edwards
Route Books Production: Ian Lalonde
Worker Registration: Doug Holland & Ross Wood
Worker Registration Manager: Jane Leonard
Worker Accommodations: Jane Leonard
Sweep: Jenn Murray & Kevin Heisterman
HQ/Service Setup Manager: Gary Tomlinson
Sponsorship: Ian Wright
Media Relations: Ian Wright
VIP Program Co-ordinator: Evan Munroe
Stage Notes: Warren Haywood & Kelly Matthew
Social Media: Kaley Court
MLRC President: Bruce Leonard
CARS President: Chris Kremer
CARS Office: Debbie Dyer
Senior Steward: Martin Loveridge
Asst. Stewards: Steve van Rees & Satyan Kochhar
RallySport Ontario: Martin Loveridge

Phone: (416) 962-7223 Email:
Mailing Address:
Editor: Greg MacPherson
Contributors: Bruce Leonard,,

Story by Bruce Leonard, Lincoln Electric Rally of the Tall Pines Coordinator
Onbehalf of Maple Leaf Rally Club and our sponsors, welcome to the 2024 Lincoln Electric Rally of the Tall Pines in Bancroft, Ontario. This is the 53rd edition of Tall Pines, and the 27th time that the rally has run based in Bancroft. We are very pleased that the Town of Bancroft is our host sponsor once again, and we always enjoy the friendly hospitality and wide range of services that Bancroft has to offer and encourage all our visitors to enjoy the facilities available in town, not only during the rally, but also during the many other events Bancroft hosts throughout the year. We very much appreciate the support and enthusiasm Bancroft provides to the rally; it is a major part of the success of the Rally of the Tall Pines.
In addition to the Town, Lincoln Electric returns as our title sponsor. Lincoln Electric is a leading global supplier of welding and cutting equipment, as well as welding consumables. Kawartha Metals Corporation and Arcdroid return as well, as have many of last year’s sponsors, to help support our volunteers.

We continue to build on our strengths to bring you a great rally on great roads in a great location. We have worked extensively with RallySport Ontario, the Town of Bancroft, the five local municipalities, and the Ministry of Natural Resources and Forestry, to obtain access to the best roads in Ontario. As always in Ontario, the weather in November can be unpredictable, so tire choice will be a major contributor to success. For many years, “Winter roads, summer ditches” has been the go-to warning about Tall Pines.
Mention has to be made of the sponsors of the Ontario Performance Rally Championship Prize Fund, Novus Automotive, a group of 5 Oshawa area dealerships. Novus has provided $25,000 to the Ontario Performance Rally Championship series to support regional competitors. This group of dealers (Ontario Motor Sales, Durham Harley-Davidson, Clarington Kia, Marigold Ford, and Clarington Hyundai) has supported the two stand-alone OPRC rallies, Shannonville Stages Rally and Black Bear Rally, and the entire OPRC series. Tall Pines wraps up the OPRC series with this sponsor group providing prize funds distributed across the Overall and 2WD championships.
Conditions at Tall Pines have always been a challenge. It’s always been advised that a team needs to bring every tire they have to Pines. It could be icy in the morning, mild and sloppy in the afternoon, and freezing again for the night stages.
The tight schedule over this one-day rally will push all teams’ endurance to the limit. Expect to see great competition throughout the
field as teams battle for championships, points and bragging rights on these incredible roads. Tall Pines has been described as the toughest one-day rally in North America.
Be a part of the event with our Rally of the Tall Pines tees and hoodies, which will be on sale at Rally HQ at the Dungannon Recreation Centre and at the Iron Bridge spectator stage. Please stop by and take home a T-shirt, hoodie or some Tall Pines stickers.
We contribute to support the Bancroft Area Stewardship Council tree planting program, so there can be more ‘Tall Pines’ in the future, (250 white pines planted this year) and we use compostable products where possible and encourage our suppliers, competitors and spectators to do the same.
We are grateful to: the Town of Bancroft, the Townships of Wollaston, Limerick, Faraday, and Tudor & Cashel; the Municipality of Marmora & Lake; and the Ministry of Natural Resources and Forestry for granting us permission to use their roads.
And many thanks to the Watters and Tait families for allowing us to use a portion of their properties for viewing; please respect all the areas that you are spectating at. Thanks also to M&M Esso for allowing us the use of their facility for tech inspection. Of course, we couldn’t put on this event without our sponsors and the 200+ volunteers who make the Tall Pines the special event that it has become. Thanks to them, and to you, the spectators – welcome back! TP

Histoire de Bruce Leonard, Coordonnateur du Lincoln Electric Rally of the Tall Pines
Aunom du Maple Leaf Rally Club et de nos sponsors, bienvenue au Lincoln Electric Rally of the Tall Pines 2024 à Bancroft, en Ontario. Il s’agit de la 53e édition de Tall Pines et de la 27e fois que le rallye se déroule à Bancroft. Nous sommes très heureux que la Ville de Bancroft soit à nouveau notre sponsor hôte, et nous apprécions toujours l’hospitalité amicale et la large gamme de services que Bancroft a à offrir, et encourageons tous nos visiteurs à profiter des installations disponibles en ville, pas seulement pendant le rallye, mais aussi lors des nombreux autres événements organisés par Bancroft tout au long de l’année. Nous apprécions beaucoup le soutien et l’enthousiasme que Bancroft apporte au rassemblement ; c’est un élément majeur du succès du Rallye des Tall Pines.
En plus de la ville, Lincoln Electric revient en tant que sponsor principal. Lincoln Electric est l’un des principaux fournisseurs mondiaux d’équipements de soudage et de coupage, ainsi que de consommables de soudage. Kawartha Metals Corporation et Arcdroid reviennent également, tout comme de nombreux sponsors de l’année dernière, pour aider à soutenir nos bénévoles.
Nous continuons de bâtir sur nos atouts pour vous proposer un superbe rallye sur de superbes routes dans un emplacement idéal. Nous avons travaillé intensivement avec RallySport Ontario, la ville de Bancroft, les cinq municipalités locales et le ministère des Richesses naturelles et des Forêts pour obtenir l’accès aux meilleures routes de l’Ontario. Comme toujours en Ontario, la météo en novembre peut être imprévisible, le choix des pneus sera donc un facteur majeur de réussite. Depuis de nombreuses années, « Routes d’hiver, fossés d’été » est l’avertissement incontournable concernant Tall Pines.
Il faut mentionner les sponsors du Fonds de prix du Championnat de rallye de performance de l’Ontario, Novus Automotive, un groupe de cinq concessionnaires de la région d’Oshawa. Novus a fourni 25 000 $ à la série du Championnat de rallye de performance de l’Ontario afin de soutenir les concurrents régionaux. Ce groupe de concessionnaires (Ontario Motor Sales, Durham Harley-Davidson, Clarington Kia, Marigold Ford et Clarington Hyundai) a soutenu les deux rallyes OPRC autonomes, Shannonville Stages Rally et Black Bear Rally, ainsi que l’ensemble de la série OPRC. Tall Pines conclut la série OPRC avec ce groupe de sponsors fournissant des prix distribués dans les championnats général et 2WD.
Les conditions à Tall Pines ont toujours été un défi. Il a toujours été conseillé à une équipe d’apporter tous ses pneus à Pines. Le temps pourrait être glacial le matin, doux et mouillé l’après-midi, et encore glacial
pour les étapes de nuit.
Le calendrier serré de ce rallye d’une journée poussera l’endurance de toutes les équipes à ses limites. Attendez-vous à voir une grande compétition sur tout le terrain alors que les équipes se battent pour les championnats, les points et le droit de se vanter sur ces routes incroyables. Tall Pines a été décrit comme le rallye d’une journée le plus difficile en Amérique du Nord.
Faites partie de l’événement avec nos t-shirts et sweats à capuche Rally of the Tall Pines, qui seront en vente au QG du Rallye au Dungannon Recreation Centre et sur la scène des spectateurs d’Iron Bridge. N’hésitez pas à passer nous voir et à rapporter à la maison un T-shirt, un sweat à capuche ou des autocollants Tall Pines.
Nous contribuons à soutenir le programme de plantation d’arbres du Bancroft Area Stewardship Council, afin qu’il puisse y avoir plus de « Tall Pines» à l’avenir (250 pins blancs plantés cette année). Nous utilisons des produits compostables lorsque cela est possible et encourageons nos fournisseurs, concurrents et spectateurs à faire de même.
Nous sommes reconnaissants envers : la ville de Bancroft, les cantons de Wollaston, Limerick, Faraday et Tudor & Cashel ; la municipalité de Marmora & Lake; et le ministère des Richesses naturelles et des Forêts pour nous avoir accordé la permission d’utiliser leurs routes.
Et un grand merci aux familles Watters et Tait de nous avoir permis d’utiliser une partie de leurs propriétés à des fins de visite ; veuillez respecter toutes les zones que vous observez. Merci également à M&M Esso de nous avoir permis d’utiliser leurs installations pour l’inspection technique. Bien sûr, nous ne pourrions pas organiser cet événement sans nos sponsors et les plus de 200 bénévoles qui font de Tall Pines l’événement spécial qu’il est devenu. Merci à eux, et à vous, spectateurs – bon retour ! TP

7:45am Dungannon Rec. Centre / Rally HQ
8:31am Dungannon Rec. Centre / Rally HQ
9:15am Iron Bridge Spectator Area
10:45am Iron Bridge Spectator Area
Parc Exposé
Check out the competition vehicles, up close and personal, while they are still shiny and ready for action! Walk among the cars and talk to the crews before they start the rally. A good autograph and photo opportunity!
Ceremonial Start of the Rally – First Car Away
All the competitors are introduced as they depart from the Start Ramp. Another great photo opportunity!
Stage A2 / Old Detlor North 1
Don’t miss the first pass of the cars (northbound) at this prominent spectator point. Great food is available at our food vendor!
Stage A4 / Old Detlor North 2
Catch the second pass of the cars at this spot. Going northbound again, the teams now have a better idea of the road condition.
Iron Bridge Spectator Area Great food is available at our food vendor, and don’t miss picking up some exclusive Tall Pines merchandise at our booth.
11:15am Dungannon Rec. Centre / Rally HQ
12:00pm Bancroft
Service #1
The competitors return to the Rec. Centre for their first Service opportunity. They will have 30 minutes to work on their cars.
Take a break.
Visit the charming town of Bancroft, just minutes away, and enjoy the hospitality and shopping! You might want to get snacks and a warm meal, before the evening stages.
2:30pm Dungannon Rec. Centre / Rally HQ Service #2
3:30pm Iron Bridge Spectator Area
3:30pm Tait Farm Spectator Area
3:40pm Detlor Crossing Spectator Area
5:00pm Dungannon Rec. Centre / Rally HQ
After doing stages to the south of town, the teams return for their second service What will they have to repair? Can they do it in 30 minutes?
Stage C8 Iron Bridge
The competitors head southbound past the spectator area.
Stage C8 Iron Bridge
Just a couple of minutes from the start of the stage, the teams make a sharp left turn to head east onto Landon.
Stage C8 Iron Bridge
Further down the stage is the Detlor Crossing – a left onto tarmac and through the community and a right up the hill.
Regional-only rally finish
For those competitors doing just the Regional portion of Tall Pines, this is the end and a chance to finally take a breather. The cars go into Parc Fermé while those teams to both National and Regional
6:00pm Bancroft Take a break.
Time to warm up and get a hot meal in town!! You might want to get more snacks and hot drinks, before the last evening stages
7:00pm Dungannon Rec. Centre / Rally HQ
7:20pm Lower Turriff Triangle Spectator Area
9:00pm Dungannon Rec. Centre / Rally HQ
9:30pm Dungannon Rec. Centre / Rally HQ
Service #3
The competitors will have 30 minutes to work on their cars for this LAST service stop.
Stage C13 & C15 Lower Turriff
This stage, which is run twice, is short and fast! See who is really pushing for the win! But you will need to get there early, before the road is closed!
Finish of the Rally
The cars start to roll into the Finish. Check out the amazing machines and crews that made it to the end!
Victory Podium
About half an hour after the last car reaches the Finish, the scoring team usually has enough information to decide on the top three competitors. Celebrate with the National and Regional winners… watch out for the champagne spray!
(1) This is the latest time you should arrive, in order to catch all the action. To get a good spot, you should arrive earlier, as these areas get very busy! Times may change as the rally progresses.
(2) See the Spectator Area maps and directions to find these locations.


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With Files From
Rally tests competitors to the limits of their abilities. Day, night, rain, shine or blizzard, teams face a wide range of conditions while racing on challenging roads, with a route book as their road map. The competitive portions of rallies are “special stages” run on closed forest roads, which competitors must complete as quickly as possible.
Stages are linked by transit sections, where all regular rules of the road are applied. Service breaks allow time for rest, repairs and meals. Rally teams consist primarily of a driver and a co-driver. The driver has the obvious task – to drive fast.
The co-driver keeps the team on time and on route, in addition to reading the notes during the stages to inform the driver of what lies ahead. The service crew also plays an important role by performing repairs and routine maintenance. Rally cars start out as regular road cars, but have extensive modifications to ensure they are safe, reliable and fast.
Roll cages, safety harnesses, helmets and flame-retardant suits provide protection. Beefy suspensions soak up the bumps and jumps. Special tires offer greater traction on gravel and icy roads. Performance-enhancing modifications vary depending on the car’s class.
There are numerous classes that accommodate a range of cars and budgets. Rally cars are grouped into categories that separate them during competition. The Production category restricts teams to very few modifications, which allows competitive, low cost competition, while the Open category allows any car with virtually no re-
striction. Open is where most of the flame-spitting, high horsepower monsters compete. Production and Open class cars are then placed into Two-Wheel-Drive or Four-Wheel-Drive categories depending on their drivetrain.
You can volunteer. Organizers are usually looking for people to act as marshals and control workers. No experience is necessary and veteran rally marshals provide training. Volunteering at a rally is a great way to learn the inner workings of the sport. Or you can join a club. There are rally clubs in most Canadian and US cities that organize events for all skill levels and racing budgets. Often, experienced club members are happy to share advice with newcomers to the rally community.
Since performance rallies normally take place on forest roads in wilderness areas, persons attending the Rally of the Tall Pines do so entirely at their own risk. That being said, viewing the sport of rallying can become an interesting adventure in itself. We suggest that you prepare as if you were going for a walk in the woods. Take warm clothing and footwear, a camera, a watch, food and a flashlight. By observing the noted precautions, your day at the Rally of the Tall Pines should be both memorable and enjoyable.
Competitors will be travelling over a wide geographical area throughout the day. The high-speed, timed stages are held on closed, forest access roads. Organizers have set up specific spectator viewing areas along the rally route. Our spectator areas are among some

of the best in North America and are the prime places to catch all of the action. Please remember that the spectator areas are on private property so please listen to the marshals, do not start campfires or litter, and help us to respect the landowners so that we may return in future years. Food vendors will be on-site at the spectator areas and will be providing hot food and beverages. Rally merchandise will also be on sale at the spectator areas. If you wish to purchase anything, please bring cash, as debit and credit are typically not accepted. Keep in mind that all local authorities and the Ontario Provincial Police are very familiar with the route of the rally. Play it safe, stick to the posted speeds and drive safely! Also note that no fires or camping are permitted at any of the spectator areas.
The liability insurance policy for the Lincoln Electric Rally of the Tall Pines does not include coverage for the use of drones. Use of such devices and all other unmanned aircraft of any kind is strictly prohibited along any of the routes or any of the facilities used by the rally, unless previously authorized in writing by the organizers of the rally.

• Do not camp or start a fire at any of the spectator areas.
• Spectator areas are monitored by the OPP.
• Do not stand too close to any of the roads.
• Do not block escape routes. Rally cars may need the runoff room and emergency vehicles need to have fast access to the road in case of an emergency.
• Never stand on the outside of corners.
• Never stand in areas marked with red prohibited area tape.
• Stay behind all yellow caution tape and safety fences. They’re there for a reason.
• Never cross the stage road.
• Try to keep behind something solid, such as a large tree, and leave room to move quickly.
• Keep children under close supervision and dogs on a leash.
• Please listen to the marshals’ instructions.
• November weather in the Bancroft area can change very quickly. Be prepared for sun, rain, snow and cold.
• Bring chairs and sun block depending on the weather. TP

Bramalea City Centre G. McCallum Medwell/Manson Datsun 1972 Orillia Canadian Legion G. McCallum Vanier/Vanier Datsun
1973 Orillia Sundial Resort G. McCallum Vanier/Vanier Datsun
1974 Orillia Sundial Resort J. Carr Perusse/Bellefleur Fiat 1975 Orillia Sundial Resort. F. Baker Buffum/Vicki Porsche 1976 Orillia Sundial Resort F. Baker Heinonen/Burgess Renault 1977 Peterb. Rockhaven F. Baker Heinonen/Burgess Toyota 1978 Peterb. Rockhaven F. Baker Perusse/Bellefleur Fiat 1979 Peterb. Rockhaven C. Castledine Heinonen/Burgess Toyota 1980 Peterb. Rockhaven D. Samoyloff Millen/Franchi Datsun 1981 Bancroft Byer’s Motors R. Wood Heinonen/Burgess Toyota 1982 Bancroft Byer’s Motors R. Wood Black/Burgess Datsun 1983 Peterb. Branscombe R. Wood Anderson/Jackson Toyota 1984 Peterb. Branscombe R. Wood Bendle/Amershi Toyota 1985 Peterb. Branscombe D. Castledine Bendle/Amershi Toyota
1986 Peterb. Rockhaven R. Wood Luttenberger/MacDonald Nissan
1987 Peterb. Holiday Inn R. Wood Buffum/Grimshaw Audi
1988 Peterb. Holiday Inn R. Wood O’Neil/Headland VW 1989 Peterb. Holiday Inn
Inn K. Thompson Sprongl/Sprongl Audi
Inn D. Paisley Sprongl/Sprongl Audi 1995 Peterb. Holiday Inn F. Baker Sprongl/Latreille Audi
Sprongl/Sprongl Audi 2000 Bancroft Legion
McGeer/Williams Subaru

Message from Paul Jenkins, Mayor, Town of Bancroft
Onbehalf of the Town of Bancroft, it is my honour to once again welcome you to the Rally of the Tall Pines — a rally that stands unparalleled in North America. Our sincere appreciation goes out to all participants, volunteers and organizers of the Lincoln Electric Rally of the Tall Pines.
It is your unwavering dedication that ensures the success of this event year after year. We are truly thrilled to once again host and sponsor such a remarkable occasion. Please enjoy your time here, stay safe, and take in the best that Bancroft has to offer!
Bancroft is a community that continually inspires. Nestled in an area of breathtaking vistas and rich outdoor opportunities, it is a place steeped in geological and mineral history.
Since 1997, the Rally of the Tall Pines has called Bancroft home, with over 200 km of rally stages set amidst the remnants of the ancient Grenville mountain range.
Beneath our feet lies a wealth of treasures — from fossils and metamorphic specimens to semi-precious gems and even gold, the very gold that sparked Ontario’s historic gold rush in the 1860s.
North Hastings offers something for everyone. With the highest water-to-land ratio in Ontario, our region boasts an abundance of lakes, rivers, and streams perfect for recreational activities.
The Madawaska and York Rivers offer miles of uninterrupted waterways for paddlers and white-water rafters, with calmer routes for beginners. Our waters are filled with diverse species of waterfowl, fish and wildlife.
In addition to our natural wonders, the area is home to charming restaurants, boutiques, artist studios and galleries. The Bancroft Village Playhouse, once our town hall, remains a local treasure. The Old Railway Station, which has been meticulously restored, now houses a remarkable mineral museum.
During the winter months, Bancroft and the region that surrounds us offer an array of activities, from downhill skiing and snowboarding to natural luge hills, sled dog racing and cross-country skiing.
Our trails cater to hikers, ATV riders, and snowmobilers alike, with thousands of kilometres of
mapped and groomed routes. And for those with a sense of adventure, our 500 km driving routes take you through scenic roads, ghost towns and historic sites, with detailed guides to waterfalls, beaches and more.
Next summer, don’t miss our Canada Day celebrations in Riverside Park, or the Bancroft Farmers’ Market, open every Saturday from June to October.
Be sure to pack a picnic, or enjoy a meal at one of our local eateries, then head to Eagles Nest Park. This seasonal public park offers a blend of groomed and natural trails, including an accessible route to the hawk-watch lookout, providing stunning views of Bancroft and the winding York River.
If you prefer a different experience, join us for Canada’s largest gem and mineral show, the Bancroft Rockhound Gemboree, held annually over the Civic Holiday weekend in August. This exciting event features a variety of activities, including gold panning and hands-on workshops, making it an ideal opportunity to discover unique gems and minerals.
For cycling enthusiasts, we also welcome hundreds of participants for the Hilly Hundred Bike Races, an event that’s quickly become a highlight of our community’s calendar.
Bancroft is a place of discovery, where every corner holds something new. We invite you to explore, to wander and to uncover the countless experiences available here. Coming to Bancroft, whether for a day or a lifetime, will leave you with lasting memories. TP

Message de Paul Jenkins, maire de Bancroft
Aunom de la Ville de Bancroft, j’ai l’honneur de vous accueillir une fois de plus au Rally of the Tall Pines, un rallye sans précédent en Amérique du Nord.
Notre sincère gratitude va à tous les participants, bénévoles et organisateurs du Lincoln Electric Rally of the Tall Pines. C’est votre dévouement sans faille qui assure le succès de cet événement année après année. Nous sommes vraiment ravis d’accueillir et de parrainer à nouveau une occasion aussi remarquable. Profitez de votre temps ici, restez en sécurité et profitez du meilleur de Bancroft !
Bancroft est une communauté qui inspire continuellement. Niché dans une région offrant des vues à couper le souffle et de riches opportunités de plein air, c’est un lieu chargé d’histoire géologique et minérale.
Depuis 1997, le Rally of the Tall Pines a élu domicile à Bancroft, avec près de 200 km d’étapes de rallye situées au milieu des vestiges de l’ancienne chaîne de montagnes de Grenville. Sous nos pieds se trouve une multitude de trésors – des fossiles et des spécimens métamorphiques aux pierres semi-précieuses et même à l’or, cet or qui a déclenché la ruée vers l’or historique de l’Ontario dans les années 1860.
North Hastings offre quelque chose pour tout le monde. Avec le rapport eau/terre le plus élevé en Ontario, notre région regorge de lacs, de rivières et de ruisseaux parfaits pour les activités récréatives. Les rivières Madawaska et York offrent des kilomètres de voies navigables ininterrompues pour les pagayeurs et les rafteurs en eaux vives, avec des itinéraires plus calmes pour les débutants. Nos eaux regorgent de diverses espèces de sauvagine, de poissons et d’animaux sauvages.
En plus de nos merveilles naturelles, la région abrite de charmants restaurants, boutiques, ateliers d’artistes et galeries. Le Bancroft Village Playhouse, autrefois notre hôtel de ville, demeure un trésor local. L’Ancienne Gare, minutieusement restaurée, abrite aujourd’hui un remarquable musée des minéraux.
Pendant les mois d’hiver, Bancroft et la région qui nous entoure
offrent une gamme d’activités, du ski alpin et du snowboard aux pistes de luge naturelle, en passant par les courses de chiens de traîneau et le ski de fond. Nos sentiers s’adressent aussi bien aux randonneurs, aux conducteurs de VTT et aux motoneigistes, avec des milliers de kilomètres d’itinéraires cartographiés et entretenus. Et pour ceux qui ont le sens de l’aventure, nos itinéraires routiers de 500 km vous font traverser des routes panoramiques, des villes fantômes et des sites historiques, avec des guides détaillés sur les cascades, les plages et bien plus encore.

L’été prochain, ne manquez pas nos célébrations de la fête du Canada au parc Riverside ou au marché fermier de Bancroft, ouvert tous les samedis de juin à octobre. Assurez-vous d’emporter un pique-nique ou de savourer un repas dans l’un de nos restaurants locaux, puis dirigez-vous vers Eagles Nest Park. Ce parc public saisonnier offre un mélange de sentiers entretenus et naturels, y compris un itinéraire accessible vers le belvédère d’observation des faucons, offrant une vue imprenable sur Bancroft et la sinueuse rivière York.
Si vous préférez une expérience différente, rejoignez-nous pour le plus grand salon de pierres précieuses et de minéraux au Canada, le Bancroft Rockhound Gemboree, qui a lieu chaque année pendant le week-end du congé civique en août. Cet événement passionnant propose une variété d’activités, notamment de l’orpaillage et des ateliers pratiques, ce qui en fait une occasion idéale pour découvrir des pierres précieuses et des minéraux uniques.
Pour les amateurs de cyclisme, nous accueillons également des centaines de participants aux Hilly Hundred Bike Races, un événement qui est rapidement devenu un moment fort du calendrier de notre communauté.
Bancroft est un lieu de découverte, où chaque recoin recèle quelque chose de nouveau. Nous vous invitons à explorer, à flâner et à découvrir les innombrables expériences disponibles ici. Venir à Bancroft, que ce soit pour une journée ou pour toute une vie, vous laissera des souvenirs impérissables. TP



Rally of the Tall Pines

Spectator Area
Parking Area
Stage Road

November 9, 2024

Check out the “Map to Spectator Areas” in this guide, to get a general idea where each of area is located, with respect to Rally Headquarters and the Town of Bancroft.
• Allow at least 15-20 minutes to travel to the IRON BRIDGE Spectator Area.
• From Rally HQ (GPS Co-ordinates: 45.01431, -77.78634), turn right onto Hwy #62 Northbound.
• Travel 7.4 km north until you meet Hwy #28 in Bancroft.
• At this junction of Hwy #28 and Hwy #62, tee right to follow Hwy #28 Eastbound.
• Travel straight ahead through the traffic signals and continue east out of town, along Hwy #28 approximately 6.4 km then turn right (south) onto Bronson Road.
• Travel approximately 1.3 km until you come to the junction with Watters Dr.
• Keep right turning onto Watters Dr. and follow the directions of the parking marshals.
• GPS co-ordinates: 45.05442 -77.78912
• Parking is $5.00 per car at the Iron Bridge spectator area. Monies raised will be used to support local causes on behalf of the landowners, the Watters Family.
• The Watters Family have generously allowed us to use their property for parking. Please respect the landowner’s property. Do not litter, damage or camp on their property, and do not set fires.
• See the IRON BRIDGE Spectator Area detail map for safe spectating areas, and follow all the marshal’s instructions.
• Please respect the local landowner’s property. Do not litter or damage any property, and do not set fires.
• See the DETLOR CROSSING Spectator Area detail map for safe spectating areas, and follow all the marshal’s instructions.
• Allow at least 10-15 minutes to travel to the DETLOR CROSSING Spectator Area.
• From Rally HQ (GPS Co-ordinates: 45.01431, -77.78634), turn left onto Hwy #62 Southbound.
• Travel 0.4 km and turn left (east) onto Detlor Rd.
• Travel 4.9 km along Detlor Rd. where the spectator area will be at the junction with Landon Rd. You likely will need to park along the side of the road before you can get to this intersection and then walk. Follow the directions of the parking marshals.
• GPS co-ordinates: 45.033633, -77.736450

• Allow at least 10-15 minutes to travel to the TAIT FARM Spectator Area.
• From Rally HQ (GPS Co-ordinates: 45.01431, -77.78634), turn right onto Hwy #62 Northbound.
• Travel just 200 metres north, then turn right/east onto Old L’Amable Road.
• Travel 1.8 km along Old L’Amable Rd. to the intersection with Bronson Rd. (Residential area – please be respectful).
• Turn right onto Bronson Rd. and continue east for about 1.5 km where you will need to park along the side of the road. Follow the directions of the parking marshals. Landon Rd. is another 500 metres, which is the spectator area.
• GPS co-ordinates: 45.03925 -77.79235
• Please respect the private property in the area. Do not litter or damage any property, and do not set fires.
• See the TAIT FARM Spectator Area detail map for safe spectating areas, and follow all the marshal’s instructions.
• After the third run of the stage, you may leave the area by going south on either Bronson Rd. to get to Hwy 62 or Landon Rd. to get to Detlor Rd.
• NOTE: This spectating location is in the middle of a stage, with no outside access. If you choose to spectate here, you will need to get to this location before the road is closed. You will not be able to leave until the competitors have run the stage and the road re-opens. Be sure you will be able to stay that long before you enter!
• From Rally HQ (GPS Co-ordinates: 45.01431, -77.78634), turn left onto Hwy #62 Southbound.
• Travel 5.0 km and turn left (east) onto Lower Turriff Rd.
• Travel 2.1 km where you may encounter marshals controlling the road. You should advise them that you are just going to the Triangle to spectate and they will let you through, if the road is not yet closed.
• Travel 2.3 km to where the spectator area will be, at the junction with Colbourne Rd. on the right. There will be parking along Colbourne Rd. and then you will need to walk back to this intersection. Follow the directions of the parking marshals.
• GPS co-ordinates: 44.99270 -77.71242
• Please respect the local landowners’ properties. Do not litter or damage any property, and do not set fires.
• See the LOWER TURRIFF TRIANGLE Spectator Area detail map for safe spectating areas, and follow all the marshal’s instructions. TP

TheLincoln Electric Rally of the Tall Pines is a part of four Rally Championships: the Canadian National Rally Championship, the North American Rally Championship, the Ontario Regional Rally Championship and the Eastern Canadian Rally Championship.
Within the championships are the divisions of Overall Driver and Codriver, Two-Wheel-Drive Driver and Codriver, Novice Driver, and the classes of Production 4WD and Production 2WD.
With one event to go in the Canadian Rally Championship after Tall Pines, just 9 points separate the top three drivers in the Overall Driver championship. Antoine L’Estage is just 5 points up on Jerome Mailloux who is ahead of Jean-Sébastien Besner by 4 points.
Mailloux is looking to take his third consecutive win here at Pines, and fend off L’Estage and Besner for the National title
With 22 points awarded for a win, any of these drivers could emerge at the top of the standings after this rally. Anything can happen in a rally, and usually does.
In the National Two-Wheel-Drive championship, Chris Greenhouse is looking to repeat as champion, having 68 points in his Dodge Neon SRT4. Very close behind is André Leblanc in his Ford Fiesta with 61 points.

The National Novice Driver race has the young Vincent Lalande leading with 20 points and Frederic Gagne with 13.
Lalande is coming off an impressive 2nd place at Rallye de Charlevoix; at 16 years old, his rally career is off to a very impressive start. Trevor Pougnet has the National Production 4WD title sewn up tight, while the National Production 2WD has three drivers with 9 points each. Who will show up at Tall Pines to take the title?
In the Ontario Performance Rally Championship, Olivier David has clinched the Overall title ahead of Jonathan Drake, while Mark Toufanov has a slight points lead over Mathieu Royer in Two-Wheel Drive. Olivier David has also taken the OPRC Novice Driver win as well. TP
LeLincoln Electric Rally of the Tall Pines fait partie de quatre championnats de rallye : le Championnat national des rallyes du Canada, le Championnat nord-américain des rallyes, le Championnat régional des rallyes de l’Ontario et le Championnat des rallyes de l’Est du Canada.
Au sein des championnats se trouvent les divisions Pilote et copilote général, Pilote et copilote à deux roues motrices, Pilote novice et les classes de Production 4WD et Production 2WD.
Avec une épreuve à disputer au Championnat canadien des rallyes après Tall Pines, seulement 9 points séparent les trois premiers pilotes du championnat général des pilotes. Antoine L’Estage n’a que 5 points d’avance sur Jérôme Mailloux qui devance Jean-Sébastien Besner de 4 points. Mailloux vise à remporter sa troisième victoire consécutive ici à Pines et à repousser L’Estage et Besner pour le titre national.
Avec 22 points attribués pour une victoire, n’importe lequel de ces pilotes pourrait émerger en tête du classement à l’issue de ce rallye. Tout peut arriver lors d’un rallye, et c’est généralement le cas.
Dans le championnat national à deux roues motrices, Chris Greenhouse cherche à répéter son titre de champion, avec 68 points dans sa Dodge Neon SRT4. Tout juste derrière, on retrouve André Leblanc sur sa Ford Fiesta avec 61 points.
Dans la course Nationale Pilotes Novice, le jeune Vincent Lalande mène avec 20 points et Frédéric Gagné avec 13. Lalande vient de décrocher une impressionnante 2e place au Rallye de Charlevoix; à 16 ans, sa carrière en rallye démarre de manière très impressionnante.
Trevor Pougnet détient le titre National Production 4WD, tandis que la National Production 2WD compte trois pilotes avec 9 points chacun. Qui se présentera à Tall Pines pour remporter le titre ?
Au Championnat des rallyes de performance de l’Ontario, Olivier David a décroché le titre du classement général devant Jonathan Drake, tandis que Mark Toufanov possède un léger avantage de points sur Mathieu Royer en deux roues motrices. Olivier David a également remporté la victoire OPRC Novice Driver. TP