&CASHTREASURY MANAGEMENT 1 SEPTEMBER 2022 InsightFinance Sustainability financing – experiences one year down the road Proprietary data driven cash flow forecasting model How we integrated Nets Group Treasury in to Nexi Group treasury Experiences from a massive hacking attack A career within Novo Nordisk treasury Macroeconomic trends and predictions
2 SPEAKERS CASHLIST & TREASURY MANAGEMENT 1 SEPTEMBER 2022 Jørn Fredsgaard Sørensen Senior Director, Head of Country & Bank & Sector EKF EksportkreditDanmarks Linette CorporateNielsenVice President, Corporate Treasury Novo Nordisk Rasmus Rasmussen, VP, Enterprise Platforms, Infrastructure & Security Demant Christian Lintner Vice InternationalPresidentTreasury Nets Birgir Hákon Hafstein Treasury Director Össur Henrik ManagingImmelbornDirector, Head of Debt Solutions & Loans Denmark Nordea France Director,BourgouinGlobal Sustainability LEO Pharma Kristian Skovfoged Head of Treasury ISS (previously with Pandora) Ida Director,KrabekHead of Global Sustainability Ørsted Helge J. CheføkonomPedersen Nordea Eske HeadHansenofTreasury DSB Johan Trocmé Head of ThematicsNordea Pieter de Kiewit Business Owner Treasurer Search Benoît FinanceDirectorQuézédéCorporate Vestas
08.00 Registration & Networking
Receive your nametag and conference material. Enjoy a delicious breakfast buffet and start the day with coffee and networking.
• Are we on the verge of a new world order?
Nina Meyer, Senior Project Manager, Insight Events 08.35 Chairman’s opening words
Kristian Skovfoged, Head of Treasury, ISS (previously with Pandora)
• Who will be the winners and losers in such case – and how should international companies position themselves?
France Bourgouin, Director, Global Sustainability, LEO Pharma
Ida Krabek, Director, Head of Global Sustainability, Ørsted Eske Hansen, Head of Treasury, DSB
Helge J. Pedersen, Cheføkonom, Nordea
Integrating sustainability in financing is the standard. 2021 was the year when Danish companies kicked off ESG linked financing on a broad scale and today, most large, longdated corporate credit facilities contain a sustainability link. For this panel talk, we will return to some of the early adopters to discuss their experiences from living with an ESG linked facility and to share some practical experiences and useful suggestions. We have gathered a strong panel of Danish companies including Leo Pharma, Ørsted, DSB and Pandora.
09.25 Short break 09.35 Sustainability financing – experiences one year down the road
08.30 Opening of the conference
Henrik Immelborn, Managing Director, Head of Debt Solutions & Loans Denmark, Nordea 10.30 Networking and refreshments 11.00 A new world order?
Jørn Fredsgaard Sørensen, Senior Director, Head of Country & Bank & Sector, EKF Danmarks Eksportkredit
Shares experiences and learnings from their journey when obtaining a credit rating. What was behind the decision, how did they prepare, and what was the process like? Was Basel IV a consideration in the decision?
Pieter de Kiewit, Business Owner, Treasurer Search 08.45 Macroeconomic presentation
Benoît Quézédé, Director Corporate Finance, Vestas
11.40 Short break 11.50 Experiences and learnings from Vestas’ journey when obtaining a credit rating
Linette Nielsen, Corporate Vice President, Corporate Treasury, Novo Nordisk
17.00 Chairman’s thoughts on today’s learnings
13.30 How we integrated Nets Group Treasury in to Nexi Group treasury
16.10 Short break 16.20 A career within Novo Nordisk treasury
Rasmus is VP of Demant with responsibility for Enterprise Platforms, Infrastructure & Security, which supports all the different business units with services that run across the entire Demant Group. Rasmus has worked at Demant for the last almost 11 years. Before joining Demant, Rasmus worked at FLSmidth in much the same area. In this post, Rasmus will introduce us to Demant and how the business works. He will take the participants through the time when the actual hacker attack took place. How did Demant’s IT response handle the incident and what do Demant do to improve the area.
12.30 Lunch & networking
Basel IV: A dumbing down of how banks measure corporate credit risk
Birgir Hákon Hafstein, Treasury Director, Össur
Rasmus Rasmussen, VP - Enterprise Platforms, Infrastructure & Security, Demant 15.00 Networking and refreshments
17.10-19.00 Networking reception
Insight Finance invites you to stay and network, while enjoying wine and snacks.
14.10 Short break 14.20 Experiences from a massive hacking attack
Christian Lintner, Vice President International Treasury, Nets
In this keynote Linette will take us through her long journey with Novo Nordisk. The career choices, what it takes to make it, key projects, her view on treasury´s role and much more.
Basel IV will be implemented from 1 Jan 2025 and aims to harmonise how banks calculated risk-weighted assets (risk-adjusted lending). It will significantly increase capital requirements for lending to corporates, and particularly for large corporates which do not have a credit rating.
Johan Trocmé, Head of Nordea Thematics
15.30 The treasury journey in Össur
COVID-19 and participation All COVID-19 restrictions ended in Denmark in January 2022, and the disease is no longer labelled “a risk for society”.
We take reservations for misprints and changes in the program. For further information please contact Senior Project Manager Nina Meyer, Tel: (+45) 3055 3092 or e-mail: nm@insightevents.dk
The conference will be held 1 September 2022 at Hotel Price:SIGNDK-1050Kongensd’AngleterreNytorv34CopenhagenUPNOW6.000DKK – including network reception at d’Angleterre
To register for the conference the best and quickest way is to fill in the online registration form on insightevents.dk/cashandtreasury. We also accept bookings by post, Tel: (+45) 35 25 35 45 and e-mail: info@insightevents.dk. Once we have received your registration you will receive an invoice. Your registration is binding. All prices are in Danish Kroner and excl. VAT.
Insight Events ApS, Silkegade 17, st., Postbox 2023, DK-1012 Copenhagen K, Tel: (+45) 35 25 35 45, info@insightevents.dk, www.insightevents.dk, VAT registered No 24 24 03 7
All cancellations must be submitted in writing. If cancelled up to 14 days before the event, a fee of 10% will be withheld. Should cancellation be made less than 14 days prior to the event, 50% will be withheld and, if cancelled later than 2 days before the date of the event, full price will be paid. If you are prevented from participating, you also can transfer your participation to a colleague. All substitutions must be received in writing.