Courtesy of the Capri Theater
Speak Low When You Speak of Love A Va Vale l nttin lent ine’s e’s Da e’ D y mu musi sica ical co conv nver ersa sati tion ion abo bout b ut lov ove, ove ee, fea eatur tu urriing ingg TheoCapri Theater’s series offers a musical conversation ffoour uttsttan a di ing ng Twi win“Legends” Citi ities es per erfo form rmer ers: s: San anfo ford rd Moo oore re,, De Denn nniss Twin performers: Speaabout Sp Spe rs,, Juulove, rs liius featuring Col olli olli lins ns four and outstanding Den enni niss Og Ogle lesb sby. y.Cities Cap apri ri The heat ater err,pianist 2027 20 2277 Sanford and (pictured Dennis Broadw Br Bro way ay,, Mi MMoore n ea nn eapo poli po lis,, vocalists lis, MN. N. Sat atur urda day, y, Feb eb.left . 11to&right) Sun unda day, y, andOglesby, Feb b. 12, Dennis and The10concerts are Tiicket T Tic cket ts ar a e $2 $Spears 5 (aannd d $20 2Julius 0 for Collins. gro roup upss of or mor ore) e) aat nd7 cp.m. an n bSaturday, e or o dereed Feb. 11, Sunday, 12, 2012. thec eca apri apri ap rith th hea e 2012, ter. te r or org, gand , or 3ca calp.m. ll Ova ati tion onTi TixxFebruary at 8666-8 -811 8111 1-4 -411 1111
INSIGHT NEWS January 23 - January 29, 2012 • MN Metro Vol. 38 No. 4 • The Journal For Community News, Business & The Arts •
Remembering King is under withering attack: The Voting Rights Act and the rights it protects – for all Americans to be able to participate in free and fair This year, on the day our elections. South Carolina has nation celebrated Dr. Martin become ground zero in this Luther King, Jr., I proudly battle. On one stood alongside side, civil NAACP State rights activists Conference and the U.S. presidents on Department the steps of the of Justice capitol building are fighting in Columbia, on behalf of South Carolina thousands upon for the annual thousands of King Day at the voters who Dome March would be and Rally. The disenfranchised event has grown by laws that into a massive introduce commemoration the first new over the years, Dr. Martin Luther financial and but this year it King, Jr. literacy-based took on a new obstacles to significance as Attorney General Eric Holder voting since we eliminated joined the commemoration, the poll tax and voting honoring Dr. King and tests. Fighting on behalf of pledging to carry forward his Americans like the students at South Carolina’s Benedict mission in the years ahead. whose student Looking out over the College, crowd of thousands, I reflected identification cards have been on how Dr. King risked deemed insufficient for use as everything to advance civil voter ID. And we are fighting and human rights in America. on behalf of senior citizens How, despite repeated threats born in South Carolina in a against his life, he spread the time when blacks often were message of non-violent civil not issued birth certificates. disobedience against unjust Now, for the first time in their laws throughout the Jim lives, they will need to pay Crow South and our nation as upwards of $150 to obtain the documents required by South a whole. Dr. King’s leadership has Carolina’s voter suppression inspired Americans to win law. On the other side, big victories that have moved like South our nation closer to the long- governors Nikki Haley expressed, but yet-unrealized Carolina’s ideal that our school children are suing to gut the Voting repeat every day: we are Rights Act after the Justice “one nation, under God, Department blocked the indivisible, with liberty and state’s discriminatory voter ID law. justice for all.” It was an honor to stand Yet today, one of the greatest victories Dr. King VOTE TURN TO 6 helped win during his lifetime
By Benjamin Todd Jealous President & CEO, NAACP
Naomi Tuti delivering her message of Ubuntu at the Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Holiday Breakfast
Suluki Fardan
Tutu: Act for justice By Harry Colbert, Jr. Contributing Writer
Remembering Michael Collins By Ivan B. Phifer Staff Writer
Nearly two-thousand Minnesotans turned out for last Monday’s annual Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Holiday Breakfast and to hear the message of keynote speaker, Naomi Tutu. Tutu’s message was one based on the South African concept of Ubuntu, meaning shared humanity. “A spiritual advisor told me ‘how you do anything speaks to how you do everything,’” said Tutu, daughter of famed Nobel Peace
Prize recipient, Archbishop Desmond Tutu. “We need to take that concept outside these doors and act for justice.” Tutu said the ideals of the famous “I Have a Dream” speech delivered by the Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. have yet to be fully realized. “We live in a world where our children don’t have access to education and the money we spend on ice cream could insure that every citizen of the world could have access to
clean water,” Tutu said. She continued, “We live in a world where a 3-year-old boy, Terrell Mayes, was shot in his own home. As long as our children are not safe, we are far from the Promised Land.” Mayes was killed by a stray bullet in December while in his North Minneapolis home. Tutu also said some socalled activist have become lazy in the struggle. “If a person
The African American community has lost another giant in the world of education. At the age of 74, Brother Michael Collins died Sunday January 8 after a long fight with lung cancer. “Minneapolis lost a great role model this week. Brother Collins was not only a talented educator, but a champion of the less fortunate and a dear friend to those who knew him,” said Congressman Keith Ellison.
Red Tails
Pete Souza
President Barack Obama and First Lady Michelle Obama greet Tuskegee Airmen prior to a movie screening of Red Tails in the Family Theater of the White House, Jan. 13, 2012.
Michael Collins
Education Bryn Mawr students’ paralympic experience
Martha Reeves
Distracted? Help yourself stay on task
Full Circle
Is she wife material?