INSIGHT NEWS June 20 - June 26, 2011 • MN Metro Vol. 37 No. 25 • The Journal For Community News, Business & The Arts •
Leaders and achievers L-R: Charisse Lillie, Vice President of Community Investment for Comcast Corporation and Executive Vice President of the Comcast Foundation, Aly Xiong of St. Paul, April Quioh of Brooklyn Park, and Bill Wright, senior vice president for Comcast’s Twin Cities Region
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Corporation and Executive Vice President of the Comcast Foundation, and Bill Wright, senior vice president for Comcast’s Twin Cities Region. The Comcast Leaders and Achievers Scholarship program provides one-time $1,000 scholarships to high school seniors who strive to achieve their potential, who are catalysts for positive change in their communities, who are involved in their schools and who serve as models for their fellow students.
April Quioh of Brooklyn Park and Aly Xiong of St. Paul this week each received a $5,000 Ralph Roberts Founder Scholarship, named in honor of Comcast founder Ralph Roberts. The awards were presented in a ceremony that recognized thirty-eight Twin Cities high school graduates as part of Comcast’s annual Leaders and Achievers Scholarship program. The special awards reception was held Wednesday, June 15, at the Saint Paul Hotel in downtown Saint Paul, hosted by Charisse Lillie, Vice President of Community Investment for Comcast
Comcast recognized 38 graduating high school seniors through the company’s Leaders and Achievers Scholarship Awards program at a special reception.
Resilient & rising Gone to
By Dr. BraVada GarrettAkinsanya, Ph.D., LP
When I was a little girl growing up in a small farm town in West Texas I remember we had storms. Bad storms...Tornados would wipe out barns, houses and ruin entire crops. Consequently, although basements were not popular, most rural homes had storm cellars...places underground to run. I remember one particular storm during which my brother, Clifton was home. He had just survived the war in Vietnam, with shrapnel scars on his back to prove it. Our family ran to the cellar as my brother Clifton held the door open against violent winds. Suddenly, the clouds were dark, the entire world became silent, and then we heard what
Dr. BraVada Garrett-Akinsanya sounded like a train coming. I can still see a door flying in the sky as we made our final steps into the cellar. We all sat there in silence. My brother Clifton broke the silence by saying: “I made it through Vietnam, I’ll be damned if I let a tornado take me out!”
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Strangely, we all laughed. According to one of my mentors, Joseph White, Black folks have a “gallows sense of humor.” We have sayings like “what won’t kill you will make you stronger,” and “Sometimes you have to laugh to keep from
crying.” Gallows humor is the type of humor that “still manages to be funny in the face of, and in response to, a perfectly hopeless situation” according to Webster’s dictionary. It arises from stressful, traumatic, or life-threatening situations and often seems to be associated with conditions during which doom or demise is impending and unavoidable. As a psychologist, I see this action as one of the many psychological defense mechanisms that help us reframe our reality to create a livable existence. This characteristic of being able to laugh in spite of our circumstances has long been among our greatest assets as we have historically experienced the American Holocaust called Slavery,
Rebuilding neighborhoods By Lydia Schwartz Contributing Writer Founded in 2007, the Minnesota Foreclosure Partners Council (MFPC) says it has collectively assisted over 4,000 Minnesota families and prevented 25,000 foreclosures by working with local governments and with families in need. The nonprofit is a coalition of housing
organizations that serve as a network of information and legal services to homeowners, renters, and elected community leaders. As federal and state funds to city and county governments continue to shrink, Minnesotans are given a challenge, and an opportunity, to ensure family and community stability across the state. Local leaders are finding it increasingly difficult to execute critical
Sunday’s Best now open in Frogtown Square
services. The May 22nd tornado in North Minneapolis has left neighborhoods with the financial burden to reconstruct from catastrophic storm damage, foreclosed and boarded properties, and manage an overwhelming amount of displaced families and children. Warren Hanson, President and CEO of The Greater Minnesota Housing Fund—a member of MFPC—is
Rising concert brings hope and inspiration
optimistic that we can turn the natural disaster in North Minneapolis into an opportunity to rebuild communities in the area. The Greater Minnesota Housing Fund addresses the urgent need for decent, affordable housing. “This is the time for neighborhood revitalization and investment in quality, affordable housing.
By Cordie Aziz This real-time column tells the story of a young girl who decides to relocate to Ghana after losing her job. Dirty 30 The day after I turned 30, I found myself unemployed, unhappy and unfulfilled. I must admit, it definitely wasn’t how I pictured myself during the peak of my 20s. You see, deep down inside I always felt like I was destined to do great things, and I was convinced that by the time I was 30 I would have conquered half the world and been on one of Forbes’ numerous lists. So imagine my disappointment, when I realized that my plan for life wasn’t quite working out as I anticipated. In fact, let me be honest, I didn’t even know what the plan was anymore. It’s funny when I think about it, because those who know me would say that I am such a dedicated, driven individual, who has life all planned out. I mean, after all, I did go to college on a full scholarship, finished within
Mission: Smoke free homes
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Cordie Aziz
the four years allotted and then graduated near the top of my class. Not to mention, I’ve had numerous jobs with fancy titles, which makes it seem like I have steadily excelled throughout the years. But the truth of the matter was, at 30, I didn’t which direction my life was going. Someone once told me, “People spend an unusual amount of time trying to leave one situation to go to another that they perceive is better, only to end up in the same situation.”
Testimony: Surviving the odds