Insight News ::: 7.4.11

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Bedlam Theatre and Mixed Blood Theatre presents


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INSIGHT NEWS July 4 - July 10, 2011 • MN Metro Vol. 37 No. 27 • The Journal For Community News, Business & The Arts •

The messengers

MillerCoors honors the nation’s Black press in 21st Annual Journalism Competition MillerCoors and the National Newspapers Publishers Association (NNPA) recently announced the winners of the 21st annual MillerCoors A. Philip Randolph Messenger Awards. This year’s Awards, hosted June 23rd in Chicago at the Drake Hotel, honored the men and women of the nation’s Black press and the important

role they play in serving as the “messengers of the AfricanAmerican community.” The award is named in honor of the late A. Philip Randolph, who inspired social consciousness. His mission lives on through these committed members of the Fourth Estate. This year’s competition acknowledged

exemplary journalism in categories including Breaking News, Commentary, Economic Empowerment, Feature and Sustainability. The 2011 award winners were: Kathy Chaney, The Chicago Defender; David L. Horne, Our Weekly; Christian Morrow, The New Pittsburgh Courier; David

for MillerCoors; (middle, from left) Jennifer FrenchParker, Crossroads News; Kathy Chaney, The Chicago Defender; Al Thomas, The Philadelphia Tribune; Rod Doss, The New Pittsburgh Courier; (front row) Larry Waters, vice president of multicultural relations for MillerCoors, Bobbie

Stokes, The Atlanta Inquirer and Wendell Hutson, The Chicago Defender. Pictured above (second row, from left) are; Natalie Cole, Our Weekly; Wendell Hutson, The Chicago Defender; David Miller, Our Weekly, Moses Brewer, director of multicultural relations, African-American segment

Dorefoster, The Skanner; Clyde Jiles, The Houston Defender; Irv Randolph, The Philadelphia Tribune; and John B. Smith, The Atlanta Inquirer. The MillerCoors APR Messenger Awards bestowed this year’s honorees trophies, and a top monetary award of $5,000 each for a total prize pool of $25,000.


Summit Academy targets women for green construction trades By Lydia Schwartz Contributing Writer Summit Academy OIC (SAOIC) is working to change the face of the construction industry. Typically seen as a maledominated field, more women are showing an interest in participating in Minnesota’s construction industry as it shifts towards an environmental focus. Programs that educate individuals from disadvantaged communities serve to improve neighborhoods through economic and environmental development. SAOIC, a non-profit education and vocational training center, helps individuals and families from the most economic disparate communities to enter the economic mainstream. The school prepares and empowers adults residing in the most economically depressed neighborhoods in developing their ability to become educated, employed, and contributing members of their community. They support the development of self-sufficiency in every person, regardless of background, economic status, or level of ability.

The cutting-edge carpentry and weatherization training program prepares its students for the emerging green-collar job market in the fields of renewable and sustainable energy. When members of low-income communities earn a living wage, they can eventually stop receiving government financial assistance. Families are able to pay local taxes and spend more money in their neighborhoods. SAOIC boasts graduates who are skilled and motivated workers and are able to care for their families, stabilize, and revitalize their communities. These types of programs strengthen the community by preparing individuals to assume their roles as workers, parents, and citizens. It allows individuals, who aspire to provide a better life for themselves, to have pride and stability in what we all want for our families, our environment, and Minnesota’s economy. The largest opportunity for women and minorities to participate in Minnesota’s thriving construction industry yet, lies in road and bridge reconstruction.


Commentary Giving boys a strong start


I am worthy: Art inspires abuse awareness feelings to describe the inner and outer pain associated with abuse; books, poems, and films have been dedicated to building awareness of these struggles. Gretchen Dreisbach, a Minneapolis-based visual artist, has dedicated her works to this movement. Her work reflects her own experiences of abuse and have the intent to educate and inspire all. Dreisbach will present one of her biggest shows yet, “I am Worthy: Art Inspires Abuse Awareness,” July 14-24, at the Calhoun Building on 711 Lake Street in Minneapolis, MN. The

By Alaina L. Lewis Contributing Writer Abuse can be many things: physical, verbal, sexual, or even self-inflicted. Through each struggle between the powerful and the powerless, comes the will to overcome such atrocities. There are many words and Courtesy of the artist

Painting by Gretchen Dreisbach titled ‘My Entity Luciano’, size: 7’ x 5’-6”, materials: acrylic paint on canvas, made in: 2004.

traveling exhibit was created to encourage the public to not only appreciate her artwork and her story, but to also assist in ending all forms of abuse everywhere. Dreisbach utilizes her creativity to transform the innocence of a whitewashed canvas into a journey of colorful strokes and hidden meaning. Having spent 32 years daring her spiritual consciousness to connect with her paintbrush, she has sent her artwork on a journey through various channels,


What if? Contemplating the shutdown Gateway to excellence By Scott Gray MUL President/CEO As I was penning these words, I was reflecting on the fact that at this very moment-as a community, and moreover as a state-we are all filled with trepidation, wondering

Northside relief effort

NEON grant supports Northside business growth


what will happen in just 48 hours. We contemplate the keen uncertainty, as we watch Governor Mark Dayton and the Minnesota Legislature jockey to approve a 2011-12 state budget. July 1 is the start of the new fiscal year, but will it commence? Governor Dayton wants to raise $1.8 in new taxes, spending $35.8 over the next two years, while the legislature wants to only spend the $34 billion the state is projected to collect. Will a compromise be made? Hopefully, as you read this

today in print, if a government shutdown has occurred, it has already been resolved, and better yet, it never came to pass at all. Even considering a best case scenario, one has to ask the questions what if a government shutdown were to last 30 days, who is impacted most severely, and how do government shutdowns contribute to pushing those already living in peril on the fringes, practically over the edge. A Political Financial Storm The state’s $5 billion budget deficit has been festering


Emerson and Windom students spend week in Puerto Rico


since November 2010. The Governor wants to tax the wealthy, and the legislature aims to cut spending but not increase taxes. Can they compromise for the greater good? Can they work together for the benefit of this state over the next two years, and will the issues faced by those most in need be entered into the financial equation? The sad fact is that those who rely upon the human and health services, the social programs,



Congressman Ellison participates in National HIV Testing Day


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