Joe Sample & The Jazz Crusaders October 17-18
The Crusaders are one of the most successful bands in the history of jazz. Founding members Joe Sample, Wayne Henderson and Wilton Felder hit on a brilliant idea in the mid-1960s: Blending inventive jazz and get-down rhythm-and-blues. Tickets: 612/332-5299, The Dakota | 1010 Nicollet | Downtown Minneapolis
INSIGHT NEWS October 17 - October 23, 2011 • MN Metro Vol. 37 No. 42 • The Journal For Community News, Business & The Arts •
Family Preservation Dunnings seek to adopt grandchildren By Al McFarlane Editor-in-Chief Dorothy Dunning is begging for help. She wants somebody, anybody to step up and help her gain custody of her biological granddaughters, Princess Knox, 2, and Dorothy Faith Knox, 1. Right now, the infants are in foster care at the direction of Hennepin County Court. Dunning has contested the efforts of Steven and Liv Grosser to adopt Princess and Dorothy Faith. The Grossers are foster care providers and have custody of the girls. Hennepin County’s Fourth Judicial District Juvenile Court Division last month denied Dunnings petition to adopt her grandchildren, in favor of a petition to adopt by the Grossers.
Dunning said she was devastated by the email from her attorney, Don M. Lattimore, containing the court’s decision, a document entitled Contested Adoption Trial Findings and Order, Phase Two. He wrote:” Attached is the Court Order on the Adoption. Unfortunately, the Court found in favor of the foster parents….” Dunning, who lives in Gautier, Mississippi, says she is bewildered and frustrated that the Court has ignored her request for legal custody of her own grandchildren, despite recommendations of Hennepin County Human Services and Public Health staff, and of Hennepin County Attorney staff that the children should be adopted by the family member. Insight reached out to the Hennepin County officials seeking the Court’s side of the
story. The judge in the case is Judge Kathryn Quaintance. Insight’s effort to speak with her was rerouted to Angela Willms in the County Attorney’s office, who said neither the Judge nor other officers of the court could discuss the case because policy forbids discussion of adoption matters. Asked where could the family or interested public persons could get information about the process that resulted in the children not being placed with blood relatives, Willms cited Minnesota Statute 260C.212 as the basis for any actions by the court. What jumps off the page in even a cursory read of the statue is the following: (6) documentation of steps to finalize the adoption or legal guardianship of the child if the court has issued an order terminating the rights of both
Courtesy of Aubrey Knox
Lawrence Dunning, Princess Knox II, Dorothy Faith Knox I, and Dorothy Dunning parents of the child or of the only known, living parent of the child. At a minimum, the documentation must include child-specific recruitment efforts such as relative search and the
use of state, regional, and national adoption exchanges to facilitate orderly and timely placements in and outside of the state. A copy of this documentation shall be provided to the court in the review
required under section 260C.317, subdivision 3, paragraph (b); The law goes on to say:
Marcus Garvey House hosts Amiri Baraka Tru Ruts’ Freestyle Theatre presented an evening of provocative Spoken Word, Jazz and Dance Saturday, October 15th at the Southern Theater in Minneapolis. They even presented E.G. Bailey’s adaption of Amiri Baraka’s Wise Why’s Y’s, an epic journey through the history of Africans in America, and a perfect blend of avant-garde poetry with the griot consciousness. Paying homage to Langston’s Ask Your Mama, William Carlos William’s Patterson, and Melvin B. Tolson’s Liberia alike, the production articulated the history of people and places through questions and answers about broad themes of history and cultural identity. Photos: Suluki Fardan
Above: Rapper M.anifest and Baraka. Bottom: Blues Guitarist Paul Metsa and Wain McFarlane improvise.
Amiri Baraka
Radicals, fiscal conservatives say Federal Reserve must go By Lydia Schwartz Contributing Writer October 7, 2011—The Occupy Minnesota Movement (OccupyMN) has established a permanent, peaceful encampment at the Hennepin County Government Plaza on South 6th Street in downtown Minneapolis, now dubbed The People’s Plaza. Sparked by solidarity with Wall Street occupiers in New York City, OccupyMN consists of local activists from across the political spectrum, radical to traditional, who desire a space for all voices to celebrate America’s democratic process together. Organizers say they have had several meetings with the Hennepin County Sheriff’s Office, The Minneapolis Police Department, and with Minneapolis Mayor R.T. Rybak’s Office, who all assure that occupiers will be allowed to
Suluki Fardan
Gathering at the Hennepin County Government Plaza in Downtown Minneapolis
ThreeSixty Journalism awards Matthew Little
Footloose: Fighting for what you believe
sleep in the plaza without fear of arrest. Daily general assemblies are held at 1:00pm and 7:00pm. All Minnesotans are welcome to speak out against a system designed to make the wealthy richer and the poor more desolate. OccupyMN, part of the larger ‘We are the 99 Percent Movement,’ is trying to create an open forum and democratic process for the people to recreate America’s economy. LaDonna Redmond, a co-organizer of OccupyMN, says that she stands in solidarity with peaceful occupiers on Wall Street in hopes of resolving the severe economic disparities both domestically and around the world. She asserts that general assemblies are a process from which the actual voice of the people emerges because they promote participation in a horizontally-organized public force that can function within, and against, the economic crisis.
Marcus Hill teams up with youth to fight childhood obesity
“If you are struggling;” Redmond says, “if have lost your job, or your home; if you have seen your child unjustly incarcerated; if you are homeless, living without healthcare, or drowning in debt; if you work full-time but are still unable to afford food to feed your family; if you feel that no one is listening to you; if you are fed up with the direction this country is going in—then you are one of the 99%!” Supporters of United States Representative Ron Paul (Republican-Texas) are also showing a strong presence at The People’s Plaza to discuss The Federal Reserve Board Abolition Act. Rep. Paul, Chairman of the House Financial Services Subcommittee on Domestic Monetary Policy and Technology, is sponsoring the bill (House Resolution 1094), which
Occupy Wall Street is a rebellion, not a protest