“Versatile Personas to Watch

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Art of Versatility “Jack of all trades or master of one,” this classic statement is most relevant in today’s world of business whether it's corporate companies or showbiz. Some might argue that expertise or being ‘master of one’ is rather essential and no doubt it is. However, in today’s business settings what thrives and attracts the limelight is versatility.

The zest to keep learning, openness to take on challenges on diverse platforms, and flexibility to adapt to the changes are the key to survive amidst daunting stress and fear of failure. Versatility is often connected with artists and the need and zeal of inculcating and performing diverse roles on different platforms.

American actor Rock Carroll perfectly phrases the need and zeal of an actor to show versatility. “Actors on stage, you can go from playing myriad roles, from Shakespeare to a Eugene O’Neil drama and it’s the norm. I came up in the world where you’re supposed to be able to do three things very well. Act, sing, dance, paint, do something. The emphasis was on versatility.”

However, versatility is not limited to the performances on stage or silver screen. It seeps through the corporate culture from the CEO to employees. Today, employers prefer their team to be flexible to adopt both opportunities as well as challenges. Businesses appreciate employees that stay with them for long while showing versatility and adaptability to the company’s ever-changing needs.

Mastering the art of versatility #1 Cross-platform performance Employers often introduce cross-training platforms to ensure employees have adequate knowledge about other operations and skillsets. So, when the need comes employees can fill in another’s place or give a helping hand to ensure smoother operations on the floor.

Step out of your job role when needed and take the initiative to do jobs outside your normal roles. This will help you develop and depict versatility at work.

#2 Going beyond the comfort zone No matter in which field you work there comes a time when some challenges at the workplace encourage you to leave your comfort zone. In today’s fast-paced environment,

the need to adopt new technology, techniques, and training to survive the stress and thrive in the competition becomes necessary and thus extending your comfort zone becomes essential.

#3 Adapting the change “Change is the only constant,” Greek philosopher Heraclitus had said. Whether it's to survive in the world or thrive in a career one has to be flexible in approach and adaptable towards change in time, technology, or turn to play a different role in your career.

If you desire to climb up the career ladder and you think you have what it takes, then it's time to show the world. Take time to learn and hon relevant skills every day. Work towards that role or promotion. Take the advantages of opportunities that come your way whether it is about learning new skills, gaining knowledge or experience, or taking on a new challenging role in your career that shows your versatility.

After all, it’s not about having versatility in your skillset but showing it through your actions. When you feel stuck or lose direction taking inspiration from individuals who have demonstrated versatility in work will show you the light.

In the latest edition of Insights Success “Versatile Personas to Watch” you will get to read about such personalities who with their passion, dedication, and versatility have turned their stories of struggles to write success sagas inspiring thousands of others to believe in their passion and do what it takes to achieve their dreams.


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