Devondale Brand Presentation

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Making Sense Devondale Branding

route one

We have produced a clean, modern brand with a professional look & feel. This option is entirely based around the strap line of “trusted by trade”. The typographic choice creates a strong and reassuring brand that you know you can trust, while we have carefully worked a ‘tick’ mark into the “v” of Devon to represent approval, reinforcing the trusted by trade concept. The tick mark also helps to create a dynamic feel to the logo giving us an opportunity to play with the diagonal lines within your visual communications. The results can be very eye catching & striking, aiding to Devondale’s modern & professional feel. Examples of this can be seen in the mock up of the Van livery on the following pages. We have also shown an example of how this brand would work in the context of the new website to help you visualise it in the real world.

Electrical Trusted By Trade

route two

Route two is a bold brand based around the concept safe, trustworthy connections. With this approach the strapline “trusted by trade� works as an independent entity to the logo, giving you the opportunity to use it in isolation or to play with the visual relationship between the brand & the strapline, this can be seen within the mock up of the van livery on the next page. We have introduced a secondary handwritten typeface to the brand toolbox that suggests a personal touch. Letting your customers will know they will be well looked after with Devondale Electrical.

devondale electrical

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route three

Everyone trusts that when they turn on their lights that the power will come on, that is why we have based this brand on the strapline “trusted by trade” we have worked the power symbol into the “o” to create a brand that instantly communicates your area of expertise and the industry you work in. The graphic provides plenty of scope for play as is suggested on the following pages with a mock up of how the branding could influence van liveries. We have also shown an example of how the branding could work in the context of your new website.

route four

This is the wild card idea. We have carefully crafted the shape of a light bulb into the negative space of the “o” creating an unique & clever brand idea that will stick in your consumers mind. This approach could work perfectly well with the original strap line, trusted by trade, however we came up with a new strap line specifically for this brand approach that hints towards the electric light bulb... “now there’s a bright idea!” Other the next few pages you’ll be able to see how the branding could would on your new website, as well as how you could potentially brand up your vans with the approach.

thank you

+44 (0)1271 344 265

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