Making Sense Gaia Branding
route one
A smile has amazing powers - with a smile you can calm fear, insecurity, hurt and anxiety. This option uses the ‘G’ to create a smile - using warm yellows and oranges to create an optimistic, positive logo. The logo mark has a subtle painted texture which represents artwork as your lead product on the site. This texture has also been used across the stationery and can be used on the website. The font used is very expressive and friendly - which makes it very easy for your audience to relate to and feel comfortable with.
design heal living
design for healthy living
Primary logo with strapline
Single colour logos (positive and negative)
route two
Everything is better with optimism. Nothing can present optimism as powerfully as art, that is why we have created a graphic mark that is inspired by the products you sell. The logo mark is carefully crafted to represent a carefully selected piece of hanging artwork. The perfect landscape shop ready to brighten up any environment. The typeface used was carefully selected to strike the right balance of trustworthy without becoming to corporate and cold. The end result is a brand that feels approachable and dependable.
Alternative versions of the logo can be used depending on the application,
route tnree
This logo aims to be a ray of sunshine to carers that are overworked and overtired. It has a sense of confidence and positivity which brings a burst of colour to the page. Yellow shines with optimism, enlightenment, and happiness. It stands out from surrounding colours (across the web and amongst brochures), it instils optimism and energy as well as sparking creative thoughts. The bold type is very strong and confident - letting customers know that this a company with character, understanding and strength.
GAIA design for
GAIA design for
Design for healthy living Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut sed ipsum vel magna convallis luctus. Integer blandit dui quis magna molestie sodales. Pellentesque feugiat mattis dolor, ut feugiat nisl faucibus quis. Praesent congue egestas nunc, at commodo dolor ornare et. Nulla nec sapien nisi, nec blandit velit. Pellentesque neque felis, volutpat sit amet tincidunt non, rutrum ut mauris. Praesent sed libero vel magna tincidunt volutpat. Morbi a dolor ante, quis pharetra sapien. Ut at aliquet orci. Donec facilisis diam ultricies orci molestie nec placerat dolor tristique. Morbi odio turpis, lobortis ut venenatis vel, consectetur sed ligula. Duis ultrices neque quis lectus pretium ut condimentum est bibendum. Praesent sed eros ac tortor vehicula cursus non sed felis. Donec arcu justo, congue in commodo ac, pellentesque quis nisi. Sed arcu mauris, ornare non tincidunt et, imperdiet eu mauris. Vivamus non odio sit amet quam consequat pharetra eu porta tortor. In fermentum laoreet tellus, ut imperdiet purus elementum eu. Fusce dignissim lectus posuere dolor blandit sagittis iaculis nibh volutpat.Morbi viverra nulla vel lacus pharetra id lobortis orci tincidunt. Morbi congue fringilla arcu ac tempor. Ut id arcu ut est vestibulum euismod sit amet sit amet ligula. Vivamus felis sapien, placerat sed dictum id, faucibus sed erat. Praesent quis justo eu augue iaculis auctor ac vel sem. Vestibulum convallis porta nunc, et blandit eros porttitor id. Duis tincidunt tortor eu dolor mollis hendrerit. Suspendisse quis massa quis quam mattis blandit ut ac massa.
Yours Faithfully Kjell Brynildsen
Gaia Helseinnovasjon AS, Eldorlia 7, 1430 Ă…s, Norge Telefon; 948 39 332 Mail:
GAIA design for
GAIA design for
Kjell Brynildsen Gaia Helseinnovasjon AS, Eldorlia 7, 1430 Ă…s, Norge Telefon; 948 39 332 Mail: Post@sana. no
GAIA design for Gaia Helseinnovasjon AS, Eldorlia 7, 1430 Ă…s, Norge
route four
A frame is used to display and protect beautiful pieces of inspiration art. It is strong and dependable and these are values that we want to convey within your brand. That is why we have used it as a jumping off point for this brand option. The frame graphic can be used to enclose and protect everything and anything within the Gaia brand, including your products and services. It is also encouraged that the frame mark can be used in creative and unique ways to bring intrigue to how the brand is applied. Examples of this can be seen on the brand application on the following pages.
route five
A clean, clear and precise alternative to route two. The geometric shape, sharp lines and careful precision are a visual representation of the care you would put into selecting new products. The end result is a brand that feels clean and corporate and very dependable. An additional brand element that incorporates the brand name “Gaia� within the frame and can be used as a supporting element. Examples of this can be seen on the example stationary page, on the business card and envelope.
Alternative versions of the logo can be used depending on the application,
thank you
+44 (0)1271 344 265